#anyway. aroace emo hours
telling my stories to a friend and having them immediately notice and point out that it’s all love everywhere… it’s true all I write is love
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kpmatthewskidd · 1 year
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[ e.r. fightmaster, nonbinary, they/them ] - was that K.P. MATTHEWS-KIDD i saw by the lighthouse today? i heard that the TWENTY-EIGHT year old who has been in nightrest for THEIR WHOLE LIFE and works as A TATTOO ARTIST AT PERMANENT RECORD has a reputation of being HELPFUL, but also SARCASTIC. they reside in LOW POINT & people in town usually associate them with THE SMELL OF DRIED INK, COLOR-STAINED FINGERTIPS, and THE STARS THAT FILL THE GALAXY. let’s hope the killer doesn’t go after them next. [ penned by sen, 18+, they/them, cst / gmt-6 ] [graphics template by eternal summer]
BASICS: FULL NAME: K.P. (Kip) Matthews-Kidd NICKNAMES: K.P. (no one calls them Kip) DATE OF BIRTH: 1995.12.14 AGE: 28 HOMETOWN: Nightrest, MA ORIENTATION: Aroace GENDER: Nonbinary, they/them ETHNICITY: American OCCUPATION: Tattoo artist at Permanent Record
PHYSICAL: FACECLAIM: E.R. Fightmaster HEIGHT: 6'1" BUILD: Tall, thin SKIN: Tan(ish) HAIR: Light brown EYES: Light blue EXTRAS: Tattooed right sleeve
PERSONALITY: + traits: x - traits: x
They first picked up a tattoo needle when they were seventeen and have been teaching themselves ever since. Eventually, they picked up the job at Permanent Record just so they could keep doing it—and earn money for what they already enjoyed doing. Their favorite thing to tattoo is stars.
They have a younger sibling—their mom had a child before she met their father—who was very much a goody-two-shoes, so they were always known more as the bad kid. Smoking, alcohol, you name it—the only thing they never touched is drugs. Can’t stand the stuff.
Their childhood was boringly average. Their grades were on the lower end, and they were regularly outshone by their younger sibling. They felt like they were never enough for their parents, and so they decided to ignore them altogether.
K.P. didn’t realize they were despised until they came into contact with their half-brother. They weren’t even aware they had a half-brother until they were about eighteen, but it certainly explained why their father hadn’t been around for the first few years of their life.
They know a vague amount about their father’s drunken past, but honestly don't care enough to look into it. It’s not like he was ever rough with them, anyway. 
They very quickly learned that their half-brother did not like them, and have decided to be an equal bitch in return. They’re not outright rude to him, but they can certainly give as good as they get.
They aren't very close to either of their siblings, half- or otherwise. They're pretty much a lone wolf, in general: not known for settling down.
They’re a hardass, no two ways about it. Sarcastic, blunt, slightly uncouth, just wild. Rough around the edges, for sure.
Pretty easy-going, but their whole demeanor changes the minute you talk about art. They did, in fact, get an art degree when they got their tattoo license, and they would be more than 100% willing to sit and talk philosophy and art symbolism for hours with you. It’s the easiest way to distract them: start talking about the meaning behind still lifes or art history and they will talk for hours. HOURS.
They’re also very serious about their craft. They take it seriously: ink is permanent, they know that more than anyone, hence the reason they always wear crew socks—there may or may not be a couple of embarrassing tattoos on their ankles from when they were practicing. They will sit with you and sketch out that design forever. You’re sure that’s what you want? Let’s go then. NOT the artist to go to for silly, drunk tattoos. Take their apprentice up on that one.
They have a motorcycle: she’s their baby, and her name is Louise. They love her very much. <3
The K.P. of their name actually just stands for their name: Kip. It’s not fancy. They just prefer K.P.
Definitely had an emo-rock phase. Probably never left it, to be honest. Still listens to rock, for sure. The emo’s negotiable.
Can be found wandering the streets at night or sitting on a curb with a cigarette, watching the stars. Will likely complain about light pollution to you if you attempt to engage in conversation.
Aroace. Because I say so. So there.
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thatfriendlyecho · 5 years
List of Male OCs: D&D Styled OCs
What, something of substance? On this blog?? Excuse me what????
To give context, these are my D&D Babies™️, at least all of the male ones. I have definitely have not played as all of them, but I would love to incorporate them into a campaign or a story one day.
Quick Warning, I have a lot of monks,,,and I mean a lot.
aNYways, let's get it
Charoseth "Pip" Filburn. Kalashtar monk, lawful neutral.
Doesn't know his first name, so he calls himself Pip bc it's easy for him to remember.
Red hair
Heterochromia (one red eye and one green eye)
His appearance is loosely based on my little brother, who has dreadlocks, similar brown eyes and caramel colored skin
One of my many cinnamon rolls
Kinda gay,,,just a little
A whole baby
Charo, the name of the spirit that shares his body, can't stand Pip because he's kinda dumb, so it always saves his ass from danger by scaring him
Felix. Albino tiefling bard, neutral good.
Has white skin and red, pupilless eyes
Kind of blind
Okay very blind, he can't aim to save his life
Wears a cloak constantly bc the sun is a deadly laser
Was a dancer in a travelling circus
Flirts with everyone, no one is safe
Painfully sarcastic
Insecure about his appearance
Plays the flute and viol
His human mother gave birth to him in a circus tent, but then died after freezing to death three hours later. She was a prostitute living in secrecy so that his father, a tiefling war general, didn't find and kill her.
He gets his albinism from his mother
Silas Ellescar. Elf (Eladrin) monk, chaotic good.
I think most of my male OCs are gay oops-
Loves the stars and sky
In the game he's in currently, he stole a motorcycle and named it Sheva.
In game he has almost died three times bc elves are kinda hated all over the continent he lives in
His character appearance was loosely based on Prince Zuko, minus the scar and excessive angst
He's actually really young, and maturity wise is the youngest character I have (in human years he is 16)
Scarily independent, and he's the most reckless in his party
Loves rocks, his sister, and the sound of "mean people" in pain
Might be a sadist,,,maybe
Teekl Heiresi. Changeling rogue, neutral good.
Another cinnamon roll
It's actually unsure of the actual gender of Teekl, but he uses a more masculine appearance.
Selective mute
Has an "emo fringe", but he just doesn't want to creep people out with the fact that he has one eye so he covers it
He can be the squishiest party wise, but he's really, really good at being sneaky so he hasn't died yet
My first ace character
Questions everything about everything
When he does speak he has the thickest Australian accent
Turns into a mouse when he's scared, it's an instinct that he developed after living in slums
Adonis Lolth. High elf warlock, true neutral.
This is my gayest character
Has no reason to buy, sell, or give a fuck
He made a pact with a demon for revenge, and it has since then fucked with his moral compass
The irresponsible wine mom friend
Talks to himself very often
"Curiouser and curiouser..."
Wears big round glasses
When he smiles it either means "end-my-suffering" or "they'll-never-find-your-body". There's no in between.
His husband was executed after accidentally killing a woman, so Adonis has a personal grudge against women
Phynwen Astreas. Aasimar barbarian, chaotic good.
Brain the size of a walnut
Actually stupid
Stronk but s o f t
Loves butterflies and collects their wings
Chaotic. Very chaotic.
Undyingly loyal
Often called the party's "danger doggo"
Has a personal vendetta against chickens and religion
Speaks Giant for backstory reasons
Is 7'1" but still tries to hide behind people like a little kid
Confused constantly
Never, I repeat NEVER get him drunk.
Lived in a forest after being kicked out of his village
Unnecessarily violent and loud
Zenrir Redfable. Tiefling warlock, neutral good.
No one: H- Zenrir: "Peasant."
Thinks being noble is a personality trait
He absolutely despises it when Teekl speaks because he has no idea what he's saying
He kinda reminds me of Monoma from MHA-
He's literally just an asshole, there's nothing else
Fascinated by poor people
Always angry at literally everyone
Loves children but should never be left alone with one. Ever.
Agni. Fire genasi wizard, lawful neutral.
Curses, like, a lot.
Sparky sparky boom boi
Reads like no one's business
Has a laugh that can cure diseases
Scares kids because he's way too excitable
"That's kinda gay."
Hisses before he speaks
Afraid of water because, well, obvious reasons. He was also a pirate once, and almost drowned after walking the plank.
Kai. Water genasi monk, lawful good.
Why do I have so many monks
No, he doesn't know what you just said.
Spacey as hell
Gay Disaster™️. Don't flirt with him, his response will be either fainting or screaming. Or both, but that hasn't happened yet.
Smart enough and caring enough to be the mom friend, but he's too spacey
Hugs people for fun
Agni is his brother from another mother, literally. He stayed in their village while Agni rebelled and almost got himself killed with a group of pirates. They reunited twenty years later.
Syrlok Godelyth. A drow rogue/bard, true neutral.
Tried to kill Pip for money, but he got his ass kicked. Pip spared him bc he felt bad.
Pip fell asleep on his shoulder once and it still fucks him up to this day.
The only reason that he has that dumb name is so I can make him say dumb shit and the response will be "No shit Syrlok"
Also angsty
So much emotional baggage
Someone give him a hug
But like...
I have a backstory for him but it's just very, very angsty. Like grotesquely angsty.
Anjel Nailo. Drow cleric (knowledge domain), lawful neutral.
Forgets that he's a cleric almost all the time
Has a serious staring problem
Has only been seen blinking five times in his entire being with his party
Hates armor with a passion
For some reason he has a charisma of 14 and all he does is stare at people and smile awkwardly
Head over heels for Kai
Related to Melancholia Nailo (one of my female OCs)
That's all of them (for now). If for some reason you read them all then, thank you for reading. I apologize if I started giving less details as I continued, I started at 7:30 and ended four hours later.
Anyway, I'mma go now, bye~
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batuuan-artist · 6 years
Hey Guys!
If you’ve seen my last post you know that I’m riding home with an old middle school friend who I’m definitely not still close with and definitely doesn’t know about my gender for a 1.5-2.5 hour drive (dependent on traffic) 
We leave around 11 AM EST so if anyone wants to send me:
Drawing prompts/requests
Fic prompts/requests
Random messages in my DMs (please I want to talk to y’all dont be shy)
Headcanon prompts/requests
Also I’m going to put a quick synopsis of an idea thats 6 years in the making below the cut
It’s a Doctor Who AU that was literally some of the first world building my girlfriend (@somekindaspacecadet) and I ever did so I’ll explain some of the main characters below and don’t worry if you’re interested in learning about it and you haven’t watched the show a lot of it’s pretty different and I’m willing to explain (ie infodump) to anyone who has questions either about the AU itself or the characters specifically (please talk to me about these nerds i would die for every single one of them)
(side note) these are just some of the big players within the universe we’ve “taken” plenty of characters from the show and changed some aspects or just left them the way they were, and we have created dozens of characters that just don’t play as big of a role as these guys do
Theta: this is the main character of the show during his schooling years from about 8-100 (he’s an alien they don’t age the same as us!) he’s kinda goofy and not very academically driven, despite being in his school’s top 10 program, but he’s fiercely loyal to his friends and he’s moralistically driven. He’s also down for a good party with plenty of illegal substances
Kos: Theta’s best friend (also one of the shows reoccurring antagonists, but we dont have to talk about that now) more academically driven than Theta, also in the top 10 club (referred to as “the Deca”) , a little more on the anxious and depressed side (which is a big gen z/millennial mood) he has had 2 pet cats (the former named Carrot and the latter named Vincent), he tries to be an emo boy but he’s really just a big softy and he loves his friends and girlfriend so much its wild. He likes sweaters and can only cook hot coco
side note: Theta and Kos are sometimes romantically involved and they and their SO’s are a-OK with this situation and other than the 2 siblings of the group they work more as a polyamourous relationship than as individual ships!
Ali: Kos’s younger sister and Theta’s girlfriend. Pretty sassy and overall a good time, she’s a musician (yeah she was a self insert when i was 13 sue me) and she doesn’t take anyones crap 10/10 willing to fight at any given moment. Best friends with Katie (see below)
Katie: Kos’s girlfriend (or fiancee depending on the point in the timeline) and Ali’s best friend. She is one of the first people to basically change her status within schools to try and fulfill her dream of one day becoming the president of her people. She’s super ambitious but literally a perfect cinnamon roll too good too pure we love her so much we are all Katie stans here in this house
Note these characters are all 100% precanon the next set all more or less exist during the “canon timeline” and will be listed by relevance rather than appearance chronologically within the timeline
Ali: (So initially this Ali and the other Ali did not coexist in the same universe but things happened and all our headcanons merged so now they do and this Ali is named after the first Ali.) Ali is, more or less, the main character of the universe she is the child of the main character and another powerful character who depending on the timeline, is either a quiet, anxious child that has a lot of crap thrown at her when she’s little (none of it is like familial abuse she is very loved its all unfortuate situations given that the show is a sci-fi drama) or a wonderful teacher and mother as an adult
Lizzie: Ali’s younger sister (thought chronologically would appear first in some instances but time travel man) she has a different second parent than Ali but basically everyone gets along just fine because the main character is just Like That TM. Also there’s like long time gaps in between these relationships because of the long life span and time travel. Lizzie is our aroace queen and we are also all Lizzie stans. She’s very Scottish and takes no one’s shit. She is known for standing up for the kids at her school and beating up bullies, which gets her in some trouble but she keeps doing it anyway. She also plays soccer (football in canon as its based in the UK) her papa is more traditional (not in a bigoted way just likes some gender rolls, he’s trying his best hes from the past) and really isnt sure what to make of his very androgynous daughter but he loves her like so much you guys 
Alex: Ali’s husband also Kos’s son but like far into the future. So, with the whole you cant link posts thing right now I’ll just tell you guys when i was 13 I read this fic part of the series “Not the Last” by elisi on AO3 and we like, low key started incorporating this character into our stories so like oops. All thats basically the same are bits of his backstory and his name but I 100% recommend reading the fic because it’s really good! We just altered him to fit into our story so now hes drastically different from the original which is good. Alex is the world’s biggest nerd he loves all things comics and sci-fi, he has his action figures organized by order of appearance in the movies, and he works for space organizations despite being a literal alien (or is that because hes a literal alien who knows) he’s a big dork but we love him anyway
Leo: Ali and Alex’s son. He’s super smart and wants to be a doctor when he grows up. He’s also completely non-verbal and communicates either telepathically (alien tech) or with sign language. Despite the things that happen to make Kos a major antagonist, hes doing his best to reform and Leo is part of that process, he loves this kid (so do we), the two are very close and spend a lot of time together despite Alex’s initial protests 
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