#anyway. good fucking cover. i've been listening to it on repeat all weekend
atlas-of-galaxies · 4 months
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heat abnormal
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this is my first attempt at fanfiction so don't judge me too hard
SIRIUS: *bored on a Saturday afternoon* Moooooony! What are you doing?
REMUS: *looks up from book* Uh, what does it look like I'm doing, Padfoot? Studying, of course.
SIRIUS: Entertain me, Moony.
REMUS: *blinking rapidly* Sirius, I really suggest you get a studying for this fin-
SERIUS: Oh, come on, Moony! It's Saturday afternoon! Don't you think we should do something a little more exciting?
REMUS: Sirius, how do you expect to pass your OWLS if you don't study?
SIRIUS: Why, I'll copy off of my super-duper sexy and intelligent werewolf friend, of course!
REMUS: Hey! Keep that quiet!
SIRIUS: Keep what quiet?
REMUS: You know what!
SIRIUS: You mean, your fury little problem?
SIRIUS: Oh, come on. No one is around. It's just me and you in the commonroom. And you know why that is, Moony?
REMUS: Enlighten me, Padfoot.
SIRIUS: Because everyone else is out having fun at Hogsmeade!
REMUS: You could have gone, but you agreed to stay back here in the castle and study with me.
SIRIUS: Yeah, well, when I agreed to spend the weekend studying with you, I didn't think that we'd actually spend anytime studying.
REMUS: You agreed to study with me, Sirius. What else could that have meant? See the prefect badge? I do not want to be associated with one of your and James' pranks.
SIRIUS: No, no, Remus! I don't want to spend today pulling a silly prank!
REMUS: Then what else could you possibly want to do?
REMUS: ...
REMUS: *pushing Sirius away* What the hell do you think you're do-
SIRIUS: What does it look like I'm doing, Remus? Snogging you, of course.
REMUS: ...
REMUS: *pushing Sirius away and standing up* Well, just stop, alright? I can't believe you're so bored that you've resorted to snogging me. *starts to walk upstairs*
SIRIUS: I'm not snogging you cuz I'm bored, Moony.
REMUS: *turns back to sirius* You're not?
REMUS: Then why did you snog me?
SIRIUS: Because I want to.
REMUS: *sweating* What? Why would you want to snog me?
SIRIUS: Moony, why wouldn't I want to snog you?
REMUS: B- b- because you're straight?! We're both straight!
SIRIUS: Well, I think this will correct that statement.
REMUS: ...
REMUS: ...
SIRIUS: Remus, are you trying to tell me that you don't like this?
REMUS: *through tears* Sirius, stop! Please! Just stop!
REMUS: *runs up to their dormitory*
SIRIUS: *follows him up*
REMUS: *from behind his curtains* Go away, Sirius!
SIRIUS: Go away? Remus, you can't actually be telling me that you want me to go away?
REMUS: *gives Sirius the silent treatment*
SIRIUS: *pulls back curtain* Moony, come on!
SIRIUS: *goes in for a kiss*
REMUS: *turns his face away*
SIRIUS: *backs off* Sorry, Remus, I didn't realize that you... well, I don't know.
REMUS: You didn't realize what?
SIRIUS: Well, I thought that when you asked me to study this weekend...
REMUS: What did you think, Sirius?
SIRIUS: Well, now I'm going to sound barking mad!
SIRIUS: I thought that... I just thought that... maybe you asked me to stay back and study with you because you-
REMUS: Because I'm lonely?! I may be single, Sirius, but I don't need you stay here with me out of pity. Go to Hogsmeade if you'd rather. I can study on my own.
SIRIUS: What? You think I stayed with you out of pity?
REMUS: I obviously can't get a date to visit Hogsmeade with me like you and James and even Peter can. Just leave it alone, alright?
SIRIUS: Remus, I-
REMUS: I know you've turned down all the girls who have asked you but that doesn't mean you don't have options!
SIRIUS: Remus, listen-
REMUS: But if you've only turned them down to stay back with me out of pity, there's no need. I would rather be alone anyway. You keep distracting me.
REMUS: Now, if you'll excuse me, I was reading something interesting.
REMUS: *stuffs his nose back into his book, trying to block out the sight of Sirius*
SIRIUS: *pulls book down and stares into Remus's eyes*
REMUS: *brings book back up so Sirius can't look at him*
SIRUS: *repeats the gesture, slightly more forcefully*
REMUS: *stuffs his nose so far into his book that it would be impossible to read*
SIRIUS: REMUS! *snatches book away from him and throws it across the room*
REMUS: Why do you keep bothering me? Just leave me a-
REMUS: ...
REMUS: *pushes Sirius off of him*
REMUS: Why do you keep doing that? Do you think I'm so pathetic that I need sympathy snogging on top of sympathy study sessions?
SIRIUS: Remus, I could never see you as pathetic.
REMUS: *frowns bitterly*
REMUS: *gets up to go pick up his thrown book*
SIRIUS: *grabs him by the shoulders to stop him* Remus, no, listen to me!
SIRIUS: I think you're wonderful. You're the most wonderful boy I've ever met.
REMUS: Well, that's just the problem, Sirius. I'm a boy.
SIRIUS: That is most definitely not a problem.
REMUS: Well, that's all good for you then! I can be your "super-duper intelligent friend" and when you want something from me, you can toss the word "sexy" in there and I'll deliver. And you know that I will because... because...
SIRIUS: Because?
REMUS: Nevermind!
SIRIUS: Moony, I'm not "tossing" the word sexy in there. I mean that when I say it.
SIRIUS: You're my Moony: intelligent, sexy AND kind.
REMUS: Oh, great, now you're throwing the word "kind" in there too!
SIRIUS: Remus, if you're not going to listen to me, I'm going to have to take more radical action.
REMUS: What?
REMUS: ...
SIRIUS: *slips a tongue in*
REMUS: *gasps* *blushing* Sirius, what are you doing?!
SIRIUS: What does it look like I'm doing? Snogging you, of course.
REMUS: Well, stop! Just stop! If you're going to use me to pass your OWLS, that's one thing. But please, please don't kiss me.
SIRIUS: Do you really not enjoy it? Those flushed cheeks indicate otherwise.
REMUS: Sirius, does it matter whether or not I enjoy it? You don't! I mean, you couldn't! You're straight. You're only snogging me because you think it's funny that I can't get a date.
SIRIUS: Remus, for someone so smart, you are so thick!
SIRIUS: I am NOT snogging you out of pity. I am snogging you because I fucking love you.
REMUS: As a brother, sure, but-
SIRIUS: Yuck! I would never snog my brother.
REMUS: Then why would you snog me?
SIRIUS: Because I love you.
REMUS: What?
SIRIUS: I love you.
REMUS: You love me?
SIRIUS: Yes, can't you see? I've been trying to tell you for ages! But every time I tell you, you push me away and claim I'm only doing it as a joke.
REMUS: *blushing wildly*
SIRIUS: Do you understand, Moony?
SIRIUS: *gestures to self*
SIRIUS: *creates a little heart with his hands*
SIRIUS: *gestures to Remus*
REMUS: B- b- b- but you're not queer!
SIRIUS: Oh, really? I'm not queer?
REMUS: All those girls-
SIRIUS: Are interested in me, but am I interested in them? I always turn them down.
REMUS: But isn't that because you don't want me to feel left out?
SIRIUS: *shaking his head* Moony, Moony, Moony! I've turned down every girl who has approached me because I'm fucking queer and in love with my beautiful and wonderful friend Remus.
REMUS: You can't be serious?
SIRIUS: Actions speak louder than words!
REMUS: ...
SIRUS: *continues to snog Remus as he wraps his arms around him*
REMUS: *pulls away from the kiss, but not the embrace*
REMUS: But wait, Sirius, why do you like me? Why not someone more handsome or-
SIRIUS: No boy is more handsome than my Moony.
SIRIUS: *leans his head lovingly against Remus's*
REMUS: But I'm covered in these horribly ugly scars.
SIRIUS: Oh, Moony, don't talk about yourself like that!
SIRIUS: It's like I told you in first year. Your scars are wicked cool. And now that I'm older, I have to admit that I find them very, very sexy. And even if I did find them, as you say, "horribly ugly" - which I don't - is that a valid reason not to adore you and give you all of my love?
SIRIUS: *kisses the scar across Remus's face*
REMUS: *face turning as red as a tomato*
SIRIUS: You're wonderful, Remus - the boy of my dreams.
REMUS: I- I- I just didn't know you were queer. And even if I did, I didn't think you'd be into me.
SIRIUS: Well, you don't think highly enough of yourself.
SIRIUS: *continues to peck Remus all over the face*
REMUS: *cannot stop himself from grinning*
REMUS: How did you know I liked you?
SIRIUS: *pulls away and raises an eyebrow*
SIRIUS: Oh, come now, Remus. Everyone knows. James and Peter have been telling me that we should get together for months!
REMUS: What? They know?
SIRIUS: As I said, everyone does.
REMUS: I tried to hide it.
SIRIUS: I wish you hadn't.
SIRIUS: *kisses Remus's forward over and over again*
REMUS: If I had only known you felt the same way...
SIRIUS: That's the confusing thing. You're so damn smart, Moony, and yet, you're the only one who didn't know. To everyone else, it was obvious how much I loved you.
REMUS: Seriously?
SIRIUS: Seriously. Everyone's been begging me to ask you out, claiming we would be the best couple ever.
SIRIUS: Well, everyone except all the girls who like me.
REMUS: I can't blame them for fancying you though.
REMUS: *snuggles more comfortably into Sirius's embrace*
REMUS: ...
REMUS: ...
REMUS: *pulling away* But wait, what does all this mean?
SIRIUS: It means whatever you'd like it to, Moony.
SIRIUS: I'd be honoured to call myself your boyfriend.
REMUS: This is why why you agreed to study with me then? You were trying to get us together?
SIRIUS: The trillionth time is the charm, I guess.
SIRIUS: Or so I hope.
SIRIUS: What do you say, Moony? Will you be my boyfriend?
MOONY: *smiling and blushing uncontrollably* Padfoot, I could ask for nothing better.
REMUS: ...
REMUS: ...
SIRIUS: I love you so much, Moony.
REMUS: I love you too, Padfoot.
REMUS: We won't be studying this afternoon, will we?
SIRIUS: Let's see here. We've finally gotten together and we've got the dormitories all to ourselves.
SIRIUS: Absolutely not!
REMUS: Well, you can't say this isn't an exciting way to spend a Saturday afternoon!
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thatlibrarychick · 6 years
Somehow, tumblr has turned into my diary...
I guess screaming into the void helps sometimes. Heaven knows that the soccer moms on my wordpress blog don't need this mess. But yeah. I'm blogging from the bathtub right now because I felt stressed and a bath was all I could think of to help. I really miss having a big enough bathtub that i could sink down in it and be covered in water up to my ears and just be a fucking mermaid. Tbh, I'd love a glass of wine, but I'm too broke to buy alcohol for anything except special occasions.
This morning was good. I went to my workplace to fill out some paperwork, then spent the rest of the day at home with my family and doing korean language practice. But work called and want me to work on Saturday. It kinda angered me a bit because i was hoping i might be able to meet up with the guy I'm tutoring in english this weekend (he's only free on weekends). And tbh, I'm ticked at my job overall because I've been screwed out of a month of work due to how long the hiring process took. I'm only able to work for about 7 more weeks.
And I know that part of my attitude right now is hormones from shark week and lashing out from anxiety, but I'd really just like to quit my job and go back to school right now.
In other news, I'm listening to the album 'Her' by BTS on repeat rn, cause I swear its just what my soul is into recently. Anyway. Have a good night.
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