#anyway. throws fake dollars at the dash for someone to write her
noxianwilled · 1 year
what if drann did leave the black rose. what if she, not unlike cassiopeia, was inducted by a mother or other family members that were hemomancers. what if something did happen to make her reconsider and she ran away (and the two of them, without anyone else who'dlook after them, banded together as a result? what if kat helped keep her safe only to later learn drann was plenty dangerous on her own too?).
what if she didn't, and was supposed to spy on kat, but ended up genuinely changing her mind. what if eventually she did betray the black rose and left the hemomancers. what if it was in no small part due to her bond with katsrina.
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btsfaris · 4 years
thick like honey
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summary: you can’t get over how thick byeongkwan’s thighs are, but maybe you don’t have to? length: 6,227 pairing: byeongkwan x reader genre: smut, angst, a dash of fluff
You hated to admit it but Kim Byeongkwan was utterly, and incredibly hot.
Yes, he is a fuckboy. No doubt about that, he has slept with more than half the girls here. You've heard all the stories. The girls on campus whispering not so quietly amongst their friends about their wild nights with the one and only Byeongkwan. How he is a sex god in bed and how he made their toes curl or how many times he made them cum, even before they had sex. So there was no denying that he was a playboy, but he is by far the finest guy in your college. His clothes are always accentuating his toned physique. His shiny hair, dyed a nice platinum blonde. His eyes are big and round with a hazel tone in them. His skin is porcelain with no flaws in them whatsoever.. But what really gets you are his thighs.
Yes, his thighs.
But that's not the point here.
The point was that he was driving you absolutely crazy.
Of course you have never talked to the guy, so part of it is your fault. He never did anything to you. Never once been rude or impolite to you. Nothing. It was the plain fact that Byeongkwan made you horny, nearly all the time. But how can he not when he always looks so good? You shake your head at the thought and try to focus on getting out your materials.
Currently, you are in class. It's 9am on a Thursday morning and you can barely keep your eyes open. Students are coming in, half of them barely awake and others look like they are practically sleep-walking. You're in your English-Literature class, one of your least favorites. Not the class but that fact that it's so early and you wish you were still curled up in bed. Everyone probably thinks the same because most take the seats in the back to continue their naps, while you, take a seat near the front. You hear the door open but you keep looking down at your phone, patiently waiting for your professor to arrive. You don't notice the stranger in front of you until they speak up.
"Is this seat occupied?" A male voice asks, causing you to look up and nearly drop your phone. You look at Byeongkwan surprised and open your mouth but no words come up, "is that a no?"
"Yes- I mean no," you manage to stupidly blurt. "I mean- you can sit here."
"Thanks," he smiles, taking the seat next to you and you feel your palms get sweaty, "sorry it's just that all the other seats are taken up."
"That's okay.." you awkwardly smile back and the professor walks in. He drops his briefcase loudly on his stand, causing everyone to wake up and class begins
You have no idea how you managed to survived that class next to Byeongkwan. The second the class was over, you had barely managed to escape that class without making a fool of yourself. Not to mention that every minute you were next to him, you'd catch yourself glancing at him and at his thick thighs. He sported a black, graphic t-shirt with ripped jeans that made his legs look so good. He looked so good. Your mind would drift off to different places, bad places that made your own thighs rub together to ease your heat.
You certainly didn't pay much attention to the professor this time around. Much too distracted by the living greek-god that was sitting next to you. Which sucks because now you have to use your textbooks and write down the notes you missed. You sigh, walking back to your dorm to take a small nap before your next seminar. You needed one to calm your nerves and try to get rid of any thoughts of byeongkwan.
"Hey, wait!"
You turn to the voice and see Byeongkwan jogging up to you. You can feel your heart begin to race and you wonder how you've managed to attract him to you twice. "Uh, yes?" You ask meekly. He smiles and holds out a notebook towards you. Not any notebook, your notebook.
"You left this back in class," he hands it to you and you take it. Looking at your notebook and back at him, "you left in such a rush that you forgot it."
"Oh.." You say shyly, nodding your head, “sorry for making you come all this way."
"No need to, I'm heading up this way anyways but I saw you and thought it'd be better to give it to you now than our next class," Byeongkwan shrugs, and you can't help but mentally moan at the sound of his smooth voice.
"Thank you," you blush, holding the notebook against your chest now.
"Mind if I ask why you were in such a rush?" He questions, an eyebrow raised and you almost gulp when someone interrupts your conversation.
"Kwan-oppa!" A girl comes up to Byeongkwan and engulfs him in a hug. He stumbles back a bit but pats her back. She pulls back and gives him a peck in the cheek. He smiles awkwardly and you look away, contemplating whether to leave or not.
"Hi, Minhee," he says and she smiles.
"How are you oppa?" She asks cutely, grabbing onto his arm and you want to throw up at the use of her aegyo, "are you going to Junhee-oppa's party on Saturday?"
"Of course, how can I not? He's my best friend." He jokes and she giggles at his reaction. You slowly start to back away when Byeongkwan notices you again.
"Are you going Y/N?"
"Y/N?" Minhee asks confused before she sees you and raises an eyebrow, “who is she?"
"Ah Minhee, meet Y/N," Byeongkwan introduces you two. You're completely surprised that he knows your name, "she's in my E-LIT class."
"Nice to meet you," you say, but she eyes you before glancing at Byeongkwan. She returns her gaze to you and a fake smile plasters on her face. "Nice to meet you too. Wow, you are so pretty!"
"Thanks?" You say, unsure. He smiles before asking you again, "you're going to Junhee's party right?"
"Ah, no.. I don't really know him."
"Aw well that's too bad, isn't it oppa?" She fakes a pout and you mentally glare at her.
"Yeah," he actually frowns but then a smile plasters on his face, “you should come, I'll personally invite you."
"O-Oh, you don't have to-"
"Please, be my guest," Byeongkwan insists nicely and you can't help but melt inside. "Okay.."
"Great!" He grins, turning to Minhee, "right? Everything works out!"
"Yep," She smiles painfully but then she wraps her arm around his causing you to clench the notebook in your hands.
"So I'll see you Saturday?" He asks and you can't help but nod, "good! Bye Y/N!"
"Bye-" Before you can finish, Minhee drags your crush out of there and you're left speechless.
What did you just get yourself into?
"He really invited you?" Your best friend Seulgi, exclaimed. You nodded sheepishly and she squealed in delight, “and you're going, right?"
"Ah, I don't know Seulgi.."
"What?" She frowns, confused now, “your living wet dream just invited you to a party where you just might get some action and you're going to turn it down?" You quickly cover her mouth and hush her, embarrassed at the dirty but truthful words.
"I just don't think I should go," you simply shrug, "I won't know anyone there or have anyone to talk to."
"Hey, I'll be there." She protests and you roll your eyes at her, “you'll also be making out with Donghun by the end of the night." She blushes at your retaliation. Donghun and her are currently a thing. Not sure what kind, whether they're talking, friends with benefits or anything.. But you don't question her because it's really none of your business.
"Please Y/N," Seulgi whines and tugs at your arm. You shrug her off but she wraps her arms around you and attempts to use her aegyo on you.
"Okay! Okay!" You scrunch up your nose, pulling her off of you, “anything to stop that wretched noise."
She laughs, smacking you on the shoulder slightly. "Besides," she smirks, "if byeongkwan is there, I'm sure you won't be doing any talking." She wiggles her eyebrows which makes you gasp in embarrassment and throw a pillow at her.
It's friday afternoon now, you're in the campus library trying to write down the notes you missed in class. You're trying your best to make sense of the notes but your mind keeps drifting off to byeongkwan. His delicious body, his sweet lips, his strong arms and legs-
You groan a bit too loudly and a bunch of students shush you. You shrink in your chair and mumble an apology. You shake your head and try avoid those thoughts. Maybe you needed a break. You'd been here for almost an hour and you hadn't even had dinner yet. Getting up quietly, you saunter outside the library to find a vending machine to ease your growling stomach. You see one at the end of the hall and immediately jog to it.
Pressing the button for an energy bar, it comes as a total of one dollar. In hopes of having money, you try to fish out a dollar from your bag. You bite your lip and mentally groan when you realize you left your wallet at your dorm. A hand places a bill inside the vending machine, making you look up at the person.
"Byeongkwan," your eyes widen, "h-hi."
"Hi Y/N," he sweetly smiles, leaning down and picking up the energy bar before handing it to you, “in need of a snack?"
"Oh yeah.. Thank you, you didn't have to do that though," you blush.
"Don't mention it," he chuckles, shaking his hair lightly into place and you wish you could run your hands through it, “what are you up to?"
"Studying," you say and glance at his attire quickly. He looks good, per usual. This time sporting a long sleeve and a pair of basketball shorts that give you a look of his muscular legs, "for E-LIT.. Missed some notes."
Okay good, you're finally acting normal.
"Oh really?" He asks. “Well, if you want you can borrow my notes."
"Really?" You raise your eyebrows. "I mean.. I wouldn't want to be a bother." He chuckles at your reaction before shaking his head. "Nonsense, you can ask for them whenever. I'll bring them to you the next time I see you, okay?"
"Okay.." You smile.
"Do you think I could get your number?" He asks, scratching the back of his neck and a tint of pink scattered across his cheeks, “so I can find you and lend you my notebook of course."
"O-Oh sure,” you stutter, pulling out your phone and handing it to him. He puts his number in and calls his phone. His phone starts to ring and he hangs up, handing back your phone.
"Well, I'll see you tomorrow,” Byeongkwan grins but his statement throws you off.
"The party,” he suddenly winks, walking backwards. Finally remembering, you nod. He waves goodbye and you shyly do the same. When he finally is out of your sight, a sigh escapes you. Why, oh why is he so hot?
"I am so not wearing this," you screech, walking out of the bathroom, “not in a million years."
"Oh come Y/N! You look hot!" Seulgi whines. She thought it would be a good idea to pick your outfits. She chose to wear a grey, short and tight fitting dress that made her body look even better than it is. Meanwhile she chose to make you wear a white cropped v-neck shirt and a leather mini skirt that made you feel like a hooker.
"Yeah and I also look like I work at hooters," you cringe as you look at your outfit, "maybe this means I shouldn't go."
"L/N Y/N, you are going to that party even if I have to drag you there myself!” She threatens, slipping on her leather jacket over her dress.
"It's not like Byeongkwan will notice me anyways," you quietly mumble, playing with the end of your skirt, "he has so many girls pining after him, why would he want me?"
It was true. Every girl wanted to be with him, whether it meant a one night stand, a relationship or even a casual fuck. Why would he choose you when he could have someone as gorgeous and sexy as Minhee?
"You're beautiful Y/N, you are the most amazing and hottest girl on campus," Seulgi frowns at your words, "anyone would be lucky to be with you.. even byeongkwan."
Her words cause you to smile and you shove her away playfully. "Fine, you cheesy person.” She cheers but you cut her off, "only if I choose what to wear." Seulgi pouts but nods her head and you head back into your closet to pick your outfit.
Settling for a graphic tee and high waisted jean shorts with some high heeled boots, you apply a bit more make-up than usual and Seulgi curls your hair the way you liked. You smile at the results and you feel a bit more relaxed.
You both decide to leave an hour later. The house the party is at is huge, possibly hundreds of people scattered all across the house and more entering the front door. The place is booming with loud music inside and hollering from the already drunk people. Your mind starts to drift to him and you begin to really think about running away now. Far, far away from here when suddenly, you feel a buzz in your pocket.
Pulling out your phone, your eyes widen at the text.
unknown: hey it's byeongkwan.. here yet?
You bite your lip, quickly typing up a response.
you: just got here.
"Let's go have some fun!" Seulgi exclaims and drags you inside the party. The scent of booze, humidity and peer-pressure hits you all at once when you enter the place. You look around, noticing everyone's attire and instantly regret changing into other clothes. Every girl here is dressed to impress in their sexiest clothes while you're rather casual. Most of them look at you strangely but you focus your attention back at Seulgi and how she immediately heads to the refreshments table in the kitchen.
"Want a shot? Tequila or vodka?" She asks, serving herself a drink.
"I think I'll just start off with a beer," you shake your head and she boos at your choice but hands you a cup anyways. You take a sip of your cup, pulling out your phone to see if you have any more messages.
bk: where are you right now?
You hold back a smile and respond back.
you: kitchen.
"God Y/N, leave your phone alone for one second and enjoy the party!" She groans, pulling your attention away from your device and pulls you into the living room. You're greeted by none other than Donghun and another tall guy with white, shaggy hair. Seulgi immediately blushes and smiles at them, but more towards her lover.
"Hi guys," Donghun grins, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, "when you'd get here?"
"About 5 minutes ago,” she smiles flirtatiously.
"Only five minutes in and already drinking? Wow, you sure haven't changed Seulgi,” the stranger jokes, causing Seulgi to gasp and push his shoulder lightly.
"Oh shut up Junhee!” So this was the Junhee.
"Anyways this is Y/N, my friend,” Seulgi introduces you to him and he smiles, waving a hand at you.
"Nice to meet you," Junhee grins, "BK invited you right?"
"Uh, yeah.." you say shyly.
"He made it pretty clear he did," he chuckles, "you guys close?"
"No, not really.. Why?"
"No reason, he just kept talking about you these past few days,” he smirks. Seulgi gives you a knowing look and you lightly elbow her.
"Must be because we have class together.."
"We have class together too.." Donghun grins, pulling Seulgi closer, “don’t we Seulgi?"
"I bet she still doesn't pay attention though," Junhee mocks, causing her to curse at him, “she used to make me help her in math, like all the time."
The conversation keeps going but rather than listening, you quietly check your phone.
bk: where are you now? seems like i'm on a scavenger hunt.
You giggle at his remark and type away.
you: living room.
You look up again and continue to listen to their conversation but get bored quickly. You simply look around and watch as different people dance, drink, make-out with others and just conversate. You take a sip of your drink and notice that you ran out.
"I'm going to get another drink,” you say to Seulgi and she nods, averting her gaze back to Donghun. You roll your eyes and head back to kitchen. After serving yourself another cup of the booze, you check your phone but you're disappointed to see that Byeongkwan hadn't replied. Frowning, you take a another sip and shrug, making your way back to Seulgi. You look around for her but she isn't anywhere in sight.
"Great," you mumble, all alone now, "why am I not surprised."
You wonder if maybe you should leave. Seulgi is off with her boy toy while Byeongkwan seems to be busy. Plus you knew nobody here. So what was the point? You sigh, deciding that if you're going to be here, might as well explore the place. You walk past the crowd of teens on the dance floor and into a semi-empty hallway. This place was most definitely huge. Is this a fraternity house? You notice a plaque on the wall that say Kappa Phi Stigma.
You continue to walk until you reach a staircase and decide to climb it. Looking at all the different medals and certificates on the walls distracts you that you nearly bump into a couple making out. You spurt out an apology and quickly run up the stairs in embarrassment when you feel to need to pee.
"Oh great,” you say, looking at all the different doors and trying to open a few but sadly, they're all locked. You go for the door at the end of the hall and mentally cheer as the knob turns all the way. You practically burst in but stop in place when you see Byeongkwan sitting on the toilet seat and Minhee on his lap. They both stare at you, a look of annoyance on Minhee's face while Byeongkwan looks surprised with a hint of guilt. You stand there for a few seconds, shocked before you snap out of it.
"S-Sorry,” you apologize quickly, trying to get away as fast as possible.
"Wait Y/N!" Byeongkwan calls but you slam the door shut.
You run to the first door you can and luckily it's unlocked. Closing the door behind you, you lock it and lean against the door quietly. You hear the bathroom door open and Minhee calls out Byeongkwan’s name before the door slams shut once again. You hear loud footsteps pass your door and you hold your breath. When the footsteps fade away and you assume that he's gone, you slide down the door and let a few angry tears fall.
You were right. Of course he wouldn't want to be with someone like you. Someone as boring looking as you were no match to the extravagant Minhee, or any other girl here. You were simply Y/N to him, the boring girl from his English class and that's all you'd ever be. You sniff and wipe away your tears but more fall down.
You don't know how long you sit in the room. Possibly an hour has passed and you still sit in the same spot. You can hear the music booming from downstairs but your head feels numb and all you want to do is leave. You get up from your spot on the floor, taking a big gulp from your neglected cup and wipe under your eyes. You check yourself in the nearby mirror of the college boy who sleeps here and make sure you look decent enough.
Opening the door quietly, you look out to make sure no one is there and walk out the room. You head downstairs, in hopes of finding Seulgi and getting the hell out of there. You sneak past a bunch of people, avoiding all the couples and try to find Seulgi. You look around, seeing unfamiliar faces when you catch Byeongkwan’s gaze across the living room and your eyes widen. "Y/N!" You turn around and try to make a run for it. But suddenly, you're blocked by all the dancing lunatics and curse yourself for coming here in the first place.
You see an opening in between a group and you try to make your way through when a hand grabs your arm. Spinning you around, you make eye-contact with Byeongkwan. Your eyes are wide while his are frantic. Despite the situation, he still look so dämn attractive. He has on a graphic tshirt, with a backwards dad-hat and a pair of black jeans.
"Can I talk to you?" Byeongkwan pleads, “privately?"
You're not sure why but you feel yourself nodding and he visibly sighs in relief. Rather than letting you go, he holds on your hand instead, pulls you out of the living room and back upstairs. You're climbing up the stairs and it's like you're living a dream, despite the circumstances. He heads into a room, not the one you were pathetically crying in earlier luckily, and closes the door behind him.
You stand there awkwardly, looking around and notice that this is his room. His room is rather nice for a college boy. A clean, well made bed with a few pieces of furniture and posters around. A picture frame on his nightstand of himself and his fraternity brothers. You divert you gaze back at him and notice his distressed state.
"Look, I know what you saw out there but it wasn't what it looked like. I wasn't hooking up with Minhee. We were just talking but she suddenly came onto me and I had no idea what to do," he explains, and you're surprised as to why he's doing this, “then you came in and ran away before I could explain myself."
"Oh," you utter quietly, biting your lip, "why are you telling me this though?"
"Because you didn't let me tell you before-"
"I know that," you interrupt, “but you don't need to explain yourself.. We're not dating or anything."
"Well yeah," he frowns at the floor and you don't know if you should have said that, “but I-I just.."
He looks hurt at your words and suddenly, it seems to all click. All the helping, the talking, the texts, it all pops up into your head.
"Do you like me Byeongkwan?" His head looks up and he seems shocked.
"How'd you know?"
"Do you?" You ask again, walking towards him. He nods shyly, his cheeks starting to blush and you smile.
"I like you too." You confess, and his eyes widen. "You do..?" You nod and now you're in front of him.
"I actually like you a lot,” you whisper, looking up at him. He looks down at your lips and back at your eyes. He seems to be battling with himself internally so you decide to take initiative and press your lips against his. His lips are smooth and plush against your own. Your mouth moves slowly against his and you wrap your arms around his neck. You feel his hands snake around your waist and he pulls you into him. Licking his bottom lip, you are granted with access as he tries to dominate your mouth with his tongue causing you to moan.
He kisses you skillfully and you feel like you're flying. He slips his hands under you shirt and grips your bare waist before moving them behind your thighs, picking you up with ease. You wrap your legs around his waist and he leans you both against a wall. You continue to kiss each other for a few more moments when he pulls away and begins to kiss down your neck.
He nips at the flesh and it makes you moan softly. "Kwannie," you sigh and he hums against your neck, adding a few lovebites on it. He continues to kiss down your neck to your collarbones and back up before meeting your lips again. You kiss back with passion and bite his lower lip which makes the most delicious sound come from him.
He finally moves back and takes you to his bed, dropping you carefully on it. You kiss without stopping as he leans over you. You pull him as close as possible, accidentally tip the hat off his head and run your fingers through his soft locks. You feel his fingers dance up your thighs and instinctively, you grind against the now forming bulge in his pants. He moans in your mouth and you love the sound so much that you do it again. You move your hips upwards and he groans some more. He begins to grind his bulge against your clothed heat and it flicks against your clit deliciously.
"Fuck Y/N," byeongkwan pulls away and you take the moment to push him onto the bed and straddle him. You start to grind against him again, loving every single noise that slips from him and how it stimulates your heat. His head tips back and he grabs your hips, guiding you back and forth. You moan as the zipper of his jeans rubs against your heat and bite your lip.
He tugs at the hem of your shirt and you pull it over your head, your lace bra in display. You lean back down and go back to kissing his sweet lips. His mouth moves against yours perfectly and he suddenly sits up. He pulls away briefly, pulling on the collar of his shirt before tugging up and removing it in one go. His pale, hard abs come into view and you practically drool. "God, you're so hot,” you mumble out and he grabs your chin before attacking your mouth. You tangle your hands in his hair once again and he unbuttons your jean shorts. Before he can unzip, you pull away and take his hands off of you.
"Something wrong?" He asks, worried. His lips are red and plump, hair all messed up and there's a hint of sheen on his body. He looks absolutely ravishing and you can't help but lick your lips.
"No," you shake your head, "I just want to suck your dick first."
"Fuck," he mutters and quickly unbuckles his belt. You help him out by unbuttoning and unzipping his pants. He pulls down his pants, kicking them off and you see the bulge in his boxers. You lean down, mouthing at his clothed manhood and Byeongkwan moans out. You continue to lick and suck at it before looking up at him, who looks already out of breath. You pull away and finally stick your fingers underneath the band. Pulling down all the way, his dick smacks against his stomach and you can't wait to have it in your mouth.
He's long and hard, with a nice red tip. His girth is so thick that you wonder what isn't thick about this man. You move down his thighs before wrapping your fingers around the base of his cock. You lick at the tip, making sure to keep eye-contact with him. He softly moans out as you lick up a long stripe from his balls to his tip. You carefully suck at the tip, running your tongue around it. His thighs clench at the stimulation and you feel yourself get wetter and wetter. Slowly, you move down and take him in bit by bit. You bob your head up and down, making sure to see his reactions. You suck harder which makes him moan.
"Jesus you suck my cock so good,” he moans out, his eyes squeezed shut and you hum a thank you. His fingers tangle in your hair, “taking my dick so well baby."
His words go straight to your heat, dampening your already wet panties some more. You continue to suck him, running your tongue all around him and deep-throating him whenever you could. You bring one hand down to his balls and massage them which makes him grip your hair.
"Yes baby, fuck,” Byeongkwan groans, his other hand clutching the sheets, “you’re going to make me cum if you keep doing that."
You pull away at that and Byeongkwan tries to catch his breath. You wipe at your mouth and he instantly kisses you. His hands go behind your back to your bra and he skillfully unclips it. You pull the material off your chest and his lips latch on one of your perky nipples.
"Byeongkwan,” you moan out, tugging at his blonde strands. He licks and nibbles on one before moving to the other. He uses a hand to massage your other brëast so it doesn't feel neglected and you let out breathy moans. He smiles at your reaction and pulls away. He pecks your lips softly before turning you over and laying you down.
Pulling down your shorts, he drags your ruined panties with them and licks at two of his fingers. He instantly rubs your clit softly with them, causing you to moan loudly. You whimper at his touch and try to close your legs from the stimulation but he pries your legs apart. He dips a finger inside and you moan out as he pumps it in and out of you.
"Oh god,” you moan out, clutching the sheets underneath you. He slips another finger in and picks up speed. Your curls start to curl at the pleasure and he smirks. He pulls out suddenly which you're about to protest at but then he puts his fingers in his mouth. He closes his eyes and moans at the taste. It is the hottest thing you have ever seen and it makes you heat ache even more.
"You taste absolutely delicious,” he winks at you. You would ask to have more foreplay with any other partner but you can't help but want him already. You dreamt of this for the longest that if you don't have him now, you just might die.
"Fuck me,” you whisper and his eyes darken.
"That's what my baby wants?" He questions, his voice dropping down an octave or two. You nod and he tsks, "I need to hear you beg."
"Please fuck me kwan,” you whimper, “I need you so bad. I need your dick inside of me."
He growls at your words and leans over to kiss you. You moan against his mouth and run your hand down to massage his length. He tugs down his boxers all the way and leans over to find a condom inside his drawer. You grab his hand and shake your head.
"I'm on the pill.." he nods and pecks your lips before getting into position.
He sits on the back of his thick thighs and grabs himself from the base leading his length to your entrance. He teases you slightly by rubbing his tip against your clit and you whine. He bites his lip as he begins to push in and you whimper at the fullness you begin to feel. Byeongkwan moans out as you wrap around him tightly and you've never felt so full in your life.
When he's finally all the way in, he leans back over you and slowly begins to move his hips. You look into each other's eyes and he looks absolutely breathtaking.
"You're so fucking tight," he groans, slowly but surely picking up speed. You clutch at his back, whimpers escaping your lips, “so fucking good."
"Byeongkwan," you gasp out, wrapping your legs around his waist, "faster, please."
He kisses your lips, pumping into you much faster now. The bed begins to creak and you can feel the way his thick cock moves inside of you. You're moaning loudly now but you could care less about anyone hearing you. All you care about is how good he is fucking you.
"Oh god Y/N," he groans out, thrusting hard. "your pussy was made for me, goddamn."
You moan out as he pounds into you, his balls smacking against your ass with each thrust. He slows down his pace all of a sudden and grinds into you in slow circles that have you seeing stars. Now you know why all these girls talk about him so much, because he really was a sex god in bed. He pumps back hard into before returning to the grinding and you feel overwhelming pleasure. He is doing you so good that you don't know if you've ever felt this good.
"Yes kwannie, oh fuck,” you manage to gasp out. "ngh-"
He continues to fuck into you, grabbing your breasts and kneading them. He places kisses all over your neck and it all feels so good that you could cry. The pleasure builds up and you can feel yourself climbing up the ladder to your climax. As if sensing this, he licks his thumb and begins to rub your clit. You hiss at the contact as he nearly brings you there.
"You wanna cum babe?" Byeongkwan asks, thrusting into you with every word, "cum for me Y/N, cum all over my cock."
You're so close that you can taste it and as he starts to apply more pressure onto your heat, you're put over the edge. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, fuck-" you whimper, your eyes squeezing shut and your back arches from the bed as your orgasm hits you. Your legs shake from how hard you come and you feel it in waves. Byeongkwan moves slowly to help out your high before he stops and lets you catch your breath.
He pulls out suddenly, and quickly turns you over, on your hands and knees. He gets into position behind you before pushing back into you. He moves slowly, then returns to his usual pounding that makes you whine from the oversensitivity but there is a tinge of pleasure in it. You can no longer feel your arms or legs, your body way too overwhelmed from all the pleasure. His thrusts become erratic and you know he's close by how loudly he's moaning.
You take all the energy you have left to prop yourself up until your back meets his chest and you wrap your left arm around his neck. He kisses your lips passionately before moving down your neck. He fumbles with your breast, trying to chase after his high. You moan out to him and nibbles on your shoulder.
"Cum for me ‘kwan,” you purr in his ear, "cum inside of me baby."
"F-Fuck, I'm so close," Byeongkwan stammers, his thick thighs smacking against your ass.
"Come on baby," you coo. "fill me up."
He pounds into you faster than ever before he reaches his end and he comes in a long, loud moan. He holds onto you strongly, his hips pushed against your ass hard. His eyes are squeezed shut and you have never seen someone so beautiful. He pumps into you slowly, riding out his high and comes to a halt. He slumps against your shoulder and you both try to catch your breath.
Sweat covers the both of you and you feel exhausted. He kisses your shoulder after a few moments and you take that as a cue to lay down in the bed. He stands up, grabbing a small towel from his closet and wipes his release away that now runs down your thighs. After disposing of it, he crashes next to you and for some reason, you feel at peace. Byeongkwan pulls you towards him and you rest your head on his chest, looking up at him.
"You were amazing,” he tiredly smiles, petting your tangled hair.
"You weren't so bad yourself,” you joke, looking down and running your finger in circles on his chest. He watches your movements before he grabs onto your hand and intertwines your fingers together. You look as he raises them and kisses the back of your hand.
"I hope you know this means you're my girl," byeongkwan grins, and you blush, "that is, if you want to be?"
"I'd love to,” you smile back and he pecks your lips softly. He suddenly smacks your butt playfully and wraps his arms around you.
"Rest up champ,“ he smirks, "we're going to need all the energy we can for round two tomorrow."
a/n: I made this on wattpad like 3 years ago and ive clearly updated it to his current name but if you see jason lol sorry im fucking blind
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sunflowerstrays · 6 years
sixteen candles // seo changbin // au
anon requested:
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hey lovely! sixteen candles is actually one of my favourite movies as well, it’s like my go to movie if i need a good laugh. so i thought this was absolutely wonderful and really loved writing this! tank you for such a wonderful, creative idea. it will be a four part mini-series hopefully so there should be lots more to come!
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seo changbin x reader.
words: 2.3k.
genre: ???? nothing inappropriate.
summary: see anon post.
“I seriously can’t believe it, Seungmin,” you sigh, leaning against your locker whilst your best friend busies himself with the mess he calls his locker. Seungmin pokes his head around the locker and raises an eyebrow. “They forgot it.”
“What, your birthday?” Seungmin asks, a frown crossing his face as he glances at you. You nod slowly, explaining what had happened in your somewhat chaotic morning.
Somehow, in the midst of your sister’s crazy wedding that is tomorrow, your whole family had forgotten your sixteenth birthday. No balloons, no candles, not even a happy birthday from your dad as he had walked out of the door. Even when you had blatantly asked your mother whether there was anything special about the day, she had just shrugged, kissed your forehead and sent you on your way to school.
All your life you dreamed you’d wake up on your sixteenth birthday with a nice car on the driveway with your name on it, a lavish birthday cake on the table and your stupid high school crush waiting for you at school with open arms and a will to fulfil your dreams. Yet so far, your parents had forgotten, the driveway was as sad and empty as ever and Changbin had been spotted still very much in love with his year long girlfriend. You couldn’t be angrier.
“At least I remembered,” Seungmin says with an attempt to cheer you up, but it just made you feel deflated. Seungmin had in fact screamed at you as you had walked across the car-park, ran to meet you from the bus stop then kissed both of your cheeks in the elaborate way he always does, before handing you your present. It had been a beautiful bracelet that you had wanted for ever, and you hugged Seungmin so hard that he confessed to nearly bursting.
“You are the only person that did,” you sulk, holding your wrist up to look at the bracelet. As Seungmin slammed his locker shut, the devil himself walked past in black trousers, a red checkered shirt and a smug grin on his face. Changbin had his hands in his pockets as he strolled past, the entire corridor parting for him like a wave. He was a whole year older than you, and paid no attention to anyone younger than him; least of all you, the quiet girl who just showed up to class, blended into the shadows and had her sixteenth birthday forgotten about by her parents.
“He gets prettier everytime I see him,” Seungmin whispers, probably loud enough for the silent corridor to hear him, however. “Like, wow.”
“This is so stupid,” you continue to grumble, feeling like a big heavy cloud filled with rain was following you around. “Why won’t it go away, Seungmin; why won’t he go away?” Seungmin just laughs as he loops arms with you, carrying you away down the corridor to your first class of being sixteen; Science, with Dr Kwon, meaning your day could not get any worse.
“Say, Chan, have you heard of Y/F/N?” Changbin asks as he kicks the football high into the sky, passing it to his friend and team captain, Chan. Football practise has taken up the whole of their lunch period to Changbin’s joy, meaning that he didn’t have to sit through another lunchtime with Jisoo and her fake friends, pretending to be happy in a relationship he didn’t feel the love in anymore.
“She’s the year below us, right? I think she’s really close with that Seungmin kid that is in our music class; you know, the really intelligent one that already skipped a year and now sits in our classes for music as well. Why’d you ask?” Chan replies, kicking the ball back harder than Changbin was anticipating and making the younger boy turn quickly to save the ball from hitting the ground.
“Yeah, I think so. Just wondering, I have seen her around school a few times and I don’t know, I was curious.”
“Don’t tell Jisoo that, she is already convinced you are seeing someone behind her back,” Chan jokes at the slightly obsessive nature of Changbin’s girlfriend. “I’m kidding man. But you see loads of people around school, why her?”
Changbin didn’t want to tell Chan that he had somehow admired you from a distance. Despite being in different years at school, you sat in his literary and art classes in school, too intelligent for your own classes anyway. He couldn’t help but admire the passion you had when you were working, sat alone in a room of strange, older kids, happily doing what you loved. For a while now he had been curious, but anytime he looked at you to approach and spark a conversation, you’d turn in the other direction and leave.
“She sits in a few of my classes. It’s not everyday you meet someone that intelligent,” Changbin just muses instead, kicking the ball back. “As for Jisoo-”
“You really ought to sort her out, Changbin,” Woojin says, pulling off his sweater and rolling his arms. “They are all freaking out over you stood here in shorts and a vest. She’s acting like she’s about thirteen years old and your biggest fan, and you are the lead singer in a band.”
Changbin looks at Chan, who nods slowly before saying that it was Woojin said it first when he spots how annoyed Changbin appears. Despite his annoyance at his two friends, Changbin can’t help but agree; Jisoo does seem to act far too young for her age, very immature and silly. It was fun at first, but he is slowly beginning to hate it now.
Football practice continues and sure enough, Changbin spots his obsessive fan of a girlfriend, grinning at him like mad from the stands. Sat in the back corner, soaking up the sun are two unfamiliar faces to the football fields; it’s Seungmin and Y/N. They are laughing together and sharing food, and there are birthday balloons bouncing around the two of them. Changbin feels a pang of jealousy, but at what he doesn’t know.
Sitting in the stands, you and Seungmin share the final slice of the tiny cake he had bribed one of the kitchen staff to give him. Somehow Seungmin had managed to gather some balloons - probably having skipped history earlier to do so - and had blown them all up for you outside. As your best friend he hadn’t wanted to see you so sad, so insisted on spoiling you at lunch, even if it was with the dollar store balloons, a tiny cake and the bag of crisps he had for your lunch.
“Besides, Changbin has football practice today, so that’s my next present to you,” Seungmin sings in his stunning melodic voice, before kicking his feet up and eating the last piece of cake whole. You laugh as you rest your arms on your knees and pick at the chocolate cake between your fingers. Sure enough, Changbin is on the field, kicking around his football with his teammates and having his girlfriend watch and cheer him on from the side lines. It confuses you that she is cheering quite so madly when it’s just a football practice, but it must feel nice for someone to love you so much that they will cheer for you like she does him.
“Say, are you going to the dance later?” Seungmin asks, going on to explain how the girl he had wanted to take dropped him last minute and now he’s going solo. “Because if you aren’t, I’m definitely dragging you.”
“Seungmin, please I’d rather just go to bed and sleep until the weekend. Then I will miss this dance and the stupid wedding-”
“First of all, you aren’t missing the dance, secondly the wedding isn’t that stupid-”
“I have to wear purple. I hate the colour purple!” You exclaim, handing the red haired boy the rest of your cake before sighing. “Besides, I have nothing to wear to the dance. Everyone has all these pretty dresses and I have jeans.”
“We’ll go shopping after school?” Seungmin asks, “Or you can borrow one of mine.”
“Why on earth do you own dresses?” You ask, laughing at the thought of Seungmin in a dress. When you finally catch your breath, you see Seungmin staring at you on the field. At first you feel a fluttering in your chest, but that passes when you realise he is probably watching Jisoo, and was just distracted by your overly loud laugh.
“I meant you can borrow one of my suits, if you wanted. But we could both just go in jeans and a nice shirt if that makes you feel more comfortable,” Seungmin rattles on, and you just nod, not entirely sure what you are agreeing to. But most of your thoughts are preoccupied with Changbin to your disappointment, and all you know is that you are grateful Seungmin chose this spot for lunch.
“I will be outside your house at six thirty for the dance!” Seungmin says as he runs off in the direction of his bus, blowing you a kiss before hopping on the wagon straight from hell. As you climb on to your bus and sigh deeply, struggling to find a free seat with all the screaming kids throwing themselves around, you spot Changbin getting into his expensive looking red car, Jisoo and her friends parting with a kisses just like Seungmin blew to you ironically. You aren’t sure whether it is the light of the lazy afternoon sun or you being delusional, but you could swear he was watching you from the seat of his car, his muscular arm lazily hung out the window and head tilted forward, hair falling in his face.
You hated the effect he had on your stomach and your feelings.
One of the kids near the front of the bus jump out of their seat and you dash forward to steal the seat, putting your bag on the seat beside you and watching Changbin from the window again. Now he’s smiling at Jisoo again, probably spilling his love for her into the space between them. She leans forward to kiss him before kicking her feet up and letting him drive away.
As he passes the bus he glances up at you again, but it is the briefest of looks that you wonder if it was ever there.
The bus ride home is a torturous as it always is, and considering you are one of the last stops, you have to wait the longest. Eventually it is just you, another girl in your classes that you’ve spoken to like twice, and a boy who you recognise from your geography class. And he is walking straight towards you.
“Afternoon, beautiful,” he says, looking you up and down before helping himself to the seat beside you.
“Sorry, this seat is taken,” you say, turning away from him and staring out of the window. Your stop is still about three stops away and the bus driver today is taking his sweet time to get you home. “The bus is empty enough. I’m sure you won’t struggle to find a seat.”
“But I want to sit beside you,” he sighs, grinning at you with a toothy smile. “I’m Minho, also your date for the dance tonight?”
“I’m not going,” you say, contemplating getting off of the bus now and walking the thirty extra minutes home. Knowing Minho, he’d probably follow you home.
“Why not? You’d be the star of the show; the queen of the night; the one-”
“Minho, I appreciate the flattery but I’ve had a really bad day and would much rather be left alone. I’m sure there will be plenty of the girls there tonight for you to dance with,” you interrupt with gritted teeth, pushing yourself as close to the window as possible. Minho pulls a sad face, running a hand through his hair and making you roll your eyes.
He stays sat next to you in silence for the remainder of the bus journey, when he tries to ask you why your day was bad you just grunt at him and hope that that says enough.
Finally your bus stop arrives, and you disappear off of the bus without another word. Minho watches you from the window, but you wait for the bus to disappear out of site before you turn to walk to you house. There is no way you are having him stalk you home.
When you arrive back home, your house is as chaotic this afternoon as it was this morning. Both sets of your grandparents have arrived for your sister’s wedding tomorrow, and as a result you had been demoted to your brother’s bedroom. However, upon entry into your brothers bombsite of a bedroom, there had been a very unfamiliar face, and the cute Australian stranger sat in what should be your bed for the next three days had given you the fright of your life.
When you had questioned your mother about it, she had just laughed gently, explained that he was Felix and would be spending a few days with us as he was an exchange student that one of your grandparents had offered to host for a few weeks. You’d attempted once more at whether she had remembered your birthday and that you’d actually have a sweet sixteen after all, but instead she dumped you with dinner and that was that.
A quick phone call to Seungmin had you certain that you’d be going to that dance, whether you wanted to or not. You would not be risking staying in this madhouse any longer than you had to; you hated it here. And you couldn’t wait to go to the school dance, and get crushed by all the cute couples around you, wishing that you had more with someone when that was clearly never going to happen. As you prepared for quite honestly, the worst evening of your life, you had a constant running commentary from your new friend Felix, who had somehow found a great deal of interest in the albums on your shelf.
If this didn’t honestly sum up how your sixteenth birthday had gone, you don’t know what will.
i hope you all enjoy! this was so much fun to write! much love <3
requests are still open <3
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wannawrite · 7 years
Surprise, Surprise
Wanna One’s Lai Guanlin X Reader 
• it’s your birthday
• boyfriend! Guanlin 
• ft. my wanna one sons 
Word count: 1750
oH MY GOD MY BIAS MY BIAS DKSIAHSDH LET’S GO i love guanlin so fcking much it hurts. and awww, you’re the sweetest, thanks for requesting this anon, hope you like it !! as much as Seonho loves Guanlin. Also I was kind of lost and this took me quite awhile to write so please be more specific next time + it’s shorter than i’d like it to be but I really couldn’t :( ( i’ll let it slide since it’s my baby boy ) 
also longevity buns and noodles = something i’ve eaten every birthday for as long as I’ve lived. I love them ❤️ 
can anyone relate?
Guanlin awoke extremely early this morning and he was never known to do be up at such an unholy hour but today was special. 
It was your birthday.
And he was determined to make it perfect… with the help of his hyungs of course! It had been the most challenging thing to keep his plans a secret from you and he even called your parents the night before to confirm it. Your parents were so taken in by how sweet and adorable Guanlin was your mother was set on marrying you off to him. She too, had a hard time keeping her mouth shut about today, nearly babbling all about it to you if it were not for your dad’s constant reminders. 
7.48 am. 
Guanlin, Jihoon, Jinyoung, Daehwi and Jisung pulled up outside of your driveway, your mother dashing out as soon as she spotted the headlights of the car.
Jisung didn’t care if he was blocking the entire street, there were barely any cars on the road anyways, all he focused on was getting the balloons safely out of the car. By safely, he meant not letting any pop. They were so precious, he stayed up all night scouring the internet for these metallic gold balloons only to find out that the shop nearby their dormitory sold the exact same ones. That was the moment when he turned around, walked about two blocks down back to the house and re-evaluated his life decisions.
Jihoon’s nimble frame clambered out of the car half asleep, he was monitoring the cake which at first, Guanlin and Sungwoon teamed up to make but it was ruined because they ‘forgot to add something’ in the batter half way so 'you can have it guys. Call Seonho over if you can’t finish’. Guanlin ended up using up his monthly allowance from the agency to order your birthday cake and he said he would sue the bakery if it wasn’t as good as they claimed it to be.
He eyed it carefully, ignoring Daehwi’s advances to 'help carry the precious cargo’, 'no offence Daehwi but I think you’ll drop it’. He wasn’t about to let Guanlin’s money go to waste, the maknae probably had to only drink water for the month. 
But when it came to you, he only gave you the best.
Guanlin’s hands shook uncontrollably and his heart was pounding madly in his chest. He squeezed his eyes shut and opened them again. He was more nervous now than when he auditioned for Cube. 
“Y/N is quite a light sleeper and early riser,” your mother had told him. “But I will try to delay her as much as possible.” Your mother rushed up the staircase just as car number two with the rest of the boys arrived outside your front door, that only shocked Guanlin more and he feared that things would not go to plan. 
The boys could pretty much taste the anxiety radiating off him. “Never fear dongsaeng, your hyungs are here." 
It was a real miracle that you hadn’t stirred the whole time Guanlin was busy filling up a heart pattern on the floor of your room with rose petals. 
How romantic. 
He’d lie and say it was Daniel’s idea later though. 
A heart made solely out of rose petals adorned your floor, by it’s side was a single pink balloon which was attached to a scroll of paper. Guanlin hoped you liked your first gift of the day. 
He took a glance at you as you slept, he had been avoiding doing that while he decorated because it seemed creepy and stalker like but he couldn’t help it. Even in your sleep, you looked breathtakingly beautiful, like a princess out of a Disney film, to Guanlin, no one else could compare. He knew it would stay like that for eternity and if he got to wake up to you every morning, he’d never go anywhere else for the rest of his life. 
Your boyfriend’s thoughts were all over the place now. Resisting the urge to wake you up so he could kiss your tender lips, Guanlin quietly crept out of the room, he smiled to himself, thinking about how well the rest of the day was going to go. When he returned from upstairs, he saw that Sungwoon had everything under control and should there be a need for extra party supplies, he brought his Doraemon purse along. ( i hope someone understands this part ) Jisung and Minhyun ( parents )  was helping your parents to set up the dining table for breakfast which Jinyoung and Daehwi had come marching in with. Breakfast was waffles and pancakes from your favourite cafe and longevity buns your parents had made. 
He hoped you hadn’t minded all of the boys joining you for breakfast, all of you were close and he figured it’d be more fun. 
"Okay! We’re ready,” Minhyun whispered from kitchen. 
Jihoon gave a thumbs up as Woojin stepped away from a bunch of bunting, he pretended to wipe fake dirt off his hands and smiled. Daniel and Sungwoon inspected every single part of the decorated living room, and Seongwoo proceeded to rearrange the present pile. 
“It has to look perfect before I hit my slate! Okay, Jaewhan, start recording,” he instructed. 
Slate clap! 
Jaewhan turned the camera to focus on Guanlin and nodded encouragingly.
Shit, I swear I had a script for this, Guanlin thought. It’s just lost in my head now.
“Uh…hey guys. T-today is actually Y/N’s birthday so Wanna One is here to surprise her. All of us are very close to Y/N and we are very excited for what is about to happen. For now, we will wait for the princess to awake from her beauty sleep,” Guanlin said, he couldn’t hide his smile even when speaking. When Seongwoo pointed that out, he just laughed awkwardly and covered his face.
“We will update you when Y/N’s here, I don’t think she knows a thing. See you guys!” Sungwoon ended Jaewhan’s recording. When he opened his mouth to protest, Sungwoon shushed him. “I think we should go up to the second floor. Y/N’s mum is going to wake her up.” Guanlin felt like digging a hole and burying himself inside. 
Jaewhan, 'I’m the cameraman’, 'you need a slate every time’ Seongwoo and 'i’m today’s mcee’ Sungwoon camped outside your room door where you and your mother were inside. 
She was preparing you to be camera ready. And secretly filming your reaction.
Let’s go. 
Your eyes fluttered open and for once, you weren’t blinded by the bright sunlight as usual. You felt your mum shake you gently. “Y/N….it’s time to wake up,” she murmured. “It’s your birthday today. Happy birthday!" 
Though confused, you still sat up to hug her, your eyes still shut and unaware of the massive balloon and heart … and your mum’s camera recording the entire thing. When you finally saw the first thing Guanlin designated for you, your jaw fell open and you shrieked excitedly. "What! What? What is this?” You were wide awake now, all the sleepiness was erased and throwing off the covers, you dashed to it’s side.
Your mother laughed at your antics. 
Someone call Samuel over. 
The scroll unfolded, you immediately recognised your boyfriend’s handwriting and smiled.
My dearest Y/N, Happy birthday baby! I can’t believe this is our first time celebrating a birthday together. Cheers to many more! Speaking about cheers, go get ready. I still have things for you! Love, your boyfriend, Lai Guanlin.
You felt your face get hot and suddenly became too aware that your mum was holding her camera the entire time. "Mum! No! Oh my god!” You wailed, trying to hide your face - until you made it into your bathroom at least. You looked in the mirror and took a deep breath, fanning your reddening face. 
Okay, let’s not keep Guanlin waiting downstairs.
At the thought of your boyfriend, you grinned so wide it almost hurt.
“Jaewhan! Seongwoo! Sungwoon!” The scream tore out of your throat before you could stop it and you covered your mouth before launching into the arms of your close friends. Brothers, more like it. 
“Happy birthday!" 
"Today is going to be so fun!" 
Jaewhan focused the camera on you. "It’s our dear Y/N’s birthday! Here she is! We’re so proud and happy for her!" 
You attempted to cover up your awkwardness and embarrassment by playing it cool. You shot your best, million dollar smile into the lens. 
"Ahhh! Y/N, what do you expect from today?” Sungwoon asked, holding a hairbrush as a mic. 
“I definitely expect a lot of fun times and good memories from today! I know it’ll be enjoyable with all my oppas around,” you replied, brushing a stray strand of hair out off your way. 
“Of course! Now, let’s go downstairs and see what’s waiting for you, okay?”
Seongwoo had to hold onto you to prevent you from sliding down the entire staircase. You simply couldn’t contain your enthusiasm today. 
You nearly fell down the last step for dramatic effect. 
"Y/N! Happy birthday!” Jisung yelled, enveloping you into a tight embrace as soon as you were down the last step. “My yeodongsaeng is growing up!” He rubbed your back affectionately before stepping away to let the rest of the boys overwhelm you. 
Daniel was the next person to hug you closely, he got mildly emotional too. Minhyun was on the verge of tears but he got himself together anyways. 
Daehwi threw petals around you as Woojin balanced a flower crown on your head. You blushed, shy, but that didn’t stop you from squishing them into big brother hugs. “Aww, I’m almost as old as you guys,” you teased at which they both scoffed and rolled their eyes. 
You took your time to greet the rest of your friends, hugging them close like a family member would. 
When you saw Guanlin, holding out a bouquet of roses ( bcwhynot ), nearly burst into tears from sheer joy and gratitude. He leaned in a pecked you on the lips before pulling you in for a tight hug. 
Okay, it’s now or never. Guanlin thought, he did his best to shake off the nerves that seemed to be eating him alive. He held you close to him and then whispered into your ear. 
“Y/N, I love you. Happy birthday.”
That was probably the best surprise of today. 
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