#anyways I love you my characters. Goop characters. I will reblog on the others in tags what they are like
hillywooddestiel · 5 years
Stranger Things Have Happened- Chapter Thirteen
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Chapter 13: The Battle at Byers
Characters: Y/N Winchester, Nancy, Jonathan, Steve, Sam, Dean
Warnings: angst, language
Word count: 1.9k
Series description: Hawkins, Indiana, November 1983. The Winchesters got out of hunting and decided to settle down in a small town. The youngest of the three, Y/N, just wants to get on with her somewhat normal life and go to a good college. But that’s a little tricky when disappearances start occurring, including her friend Barbara Holland, and there’s reports of a mysterious new girl in town. Can she balance boyfriends, teen drama and monster hunting?
A/N: Hello again! This series has been picking up a lot and its been lovely watching people go through chapter by chapter in my notes (thanks for all the reblogs) I’ve nearly finished writing this and that actually makes me a little sad. I’ve loved coming up with this series and tying Supernatural and Stranger Things together in this way. And my brain may or may not have been prodding me with ideas for a sequel. I don’t know if I can commit to starting it until things are a bit more organised around here. Anyways enjoy xx Series Masterlist  Masterlist
“It's here, it's coming.”
“Where is it?”
“Wait, what's here?! What's here- whoa easy with that!” Jonathan and Nancy rotate themselves back to back around the room while Steve panics over the lights, the gun, the bat full of nails- he's just in full panic mode over everything going on right now. Nancy has the gun close to her chest while Jonathan has his homemade bat thing up like he's prepared to hit a home run. Steve finches away when he swings it around and rightly so; that thing looks lethal! Man, I want one. 
“I don't see it!” Nancy frets, still spinning in their little formation. Meanwhile, I'm just stood next to Steve trying to listen out for the damn thing which is a little tricky with all of this noise.
“Where is what?! Hello? Will someone please explain to me what the hell is going-” a huge smash from the ceiling cuts Steve off. Plaster and wood fall to the floor as an enormous slimy creature falls through the roof. It stands tall, much taller than any of our squad, opening its mouth hole/ face (if you can call it that) and screams at us at a shrill volume. Nancy fires 3 shots at it that barely do anything. I just stand on the spot staring at the thing in half horror, trying to remember all of my lore to work out what the hell it could be. I have nothing.
“Go, go! Run, go!” Jonathan turns around to myself and Steve, ushering us in the direction of safety, “Get out of here! Jump!” He warns us just in time to vault the fucking bear trap he has nailed to the floor. What the hell Jonathan?!
“Oh my god oh my god oh my god!” Steve panics aloud, looking at all of us with eyes the size of golf balls, “Jesus Jesus, what the hell was that?!”
“Shut up!” Both Nancy and Jonathan shout in unison. I agree; he was getting really annoying. I had enough of worriers back in the hunting days. With all of the screaming done with, we listen out for the creature outside the door making it's strange, alien, purr-like sound. There's a yellow yo-yo with a happy smile on it strung over the back of a chair by the door, presumably linked up to some Scooby Doo style trap- the bear trap! My respect for these guys just went up by a lot. 
“What's it doing?” Nancy asks, keeping her eyes and gun on the door.
“I don't know.” Jonathan glances to all of us. The lights stop flickering, going back to normal and the strange noise coming from outside stops. It can't be gone, surely? For a creature that came through the ceiling like it was made of Lego, it gave up very quickly on killing us.
“Do you hear anything?”
Taking tentative steps, Nancy and Jonathan lead the pack into the living room again. Steve brings up the rear, muttering incoherently like a crazy person.
“This is crazy. This is crazy.” He runs his hands through his signature big hair, trembling as he spirals out of control, “This is crazy. This is crazy! This is CRAZY!” He grabs the phone from the wall and jabs 9-1-1 into the keypad. Nancy snatches it away from him and ends the call before anyone picks up. “What are you do- what are you doing? Are you insane?!” 
“It's going to come back.” Nancy growls, “So you need to leave. Right. Now.”
“Do you two want to explain to me what the hell is going on?” I put on my best mom voice when the door slams behind Steve as he flees the house, “You left me at school to babysit because what? You two know what you're doing?”
“I'm sorry Y/N/N, but this is something I have to do. For Barb.” 
“And I don't want to do that? Nancy, I know it wasn't long but she was my friend too! Out of everyone here in this town, I am the only person who knows about this stuff. I hunt monsters, that's what I do. It's what I'm good at.”
“I know that. But just because you've done before, doesn't mean you have to now.”
“Yes it does! If something happened to any of you guys and I did nothing… I would not be able to live with myself.” I realize, as I speak, that I sound so much like Dean when we were deciding whether or not to really leave everything behind. He went on and on about the job and our duty and how, by quitting, every death caused by the supernatural would be on us for not stepping in. It all came from Dad really; he always instilled in us that hunting was in our blood. It was our destiny, almost. 
“Barb is not on you Y/N. None of this is on you.” Nancy hugs me tightly nearly sending me into tears. But when the lights begin to flicker once again, we quickly spring apart. Shit shit shit shit SHIT!
Cocking my gun, I opt not to join the others spinning around the room and instead train my gaze on the ceiling where the bear dropped from before.
“Where is it?”
“Come on! Come on you son of a bitch!” Jonathan riles himself up- subtlety is not his strong suit I see.
“You see it?” 
“No, you?” I answer Nancy, glancing briefly at the flashing fairy lights to see them turn off completely. We're plunged into almost complete darkness. I blink. The creature from earlier rises up behind Nancy and Jonathan making it's weird sound again, unbeknownst to them. “Guys…”
“Wha-” they barely get the chance to speak before the thing attacks Jonathan and pins him to the ground. Watching him get covered in goo from the creature is oddly reminiscent of Cujo. But now is not the time.
“Jonathan!” Nancy shouts, not phasing the Demogorgon at all, “Jonathan! Jona-”
“Don't just stand there, shoot it!” I cock my gun and fire the first shot, not really aiming for any part in particular since I know nothing about the damn thing. I fire twice more with no effect while Nancy fires five times. After the fifth bullet is fired, the Demogorgon turns and screams in our direction.
“Go to hell you son of a bitch!” Nancy fires again and again until she pulls on the trigger and all the gun does is click- she's out of bullets. They don't seem to be working anyway so things could be worse. Well, they are worse. The Demogorgon comes towards us, angered by our efforts to harm it. I take a step back and find my footing unsteady, falling quickly to the floor and hitting my head on something solid. 
“Ah fuck!” I wince, a sharp pain so spreading through my skull and dancing behind my closed eyes. That's going to leave one hell of a bruise. 
“Y/N/N, you okay?!” Nancy helps pull me back up.
“I will be… what about…” the ringing in my ears subsides and I can hear what sounds like Steve screaming. It is Steve screaming. He has the bat full of nails and is in the middle of an assault on the monster, pushing it towards the bear trap. It snaps around it's ankle causing a shrill scream to come from the weird hole in it's face.
“He's in the trap! He's stuck!” Steve declares.
“Jonathan, now!” Nancy urges. Jonathan flicks the lighter on and chucks it onto the trail of gasoline. It ignites and travels swiftly to the trap, sending the creature up into flames. The inferno continues to grow to an unsafe size for which Jonathan luckily has a fire extinguisher at hand. Plumes of smoke fill the house, clouding my vision and entering my lungs making breathing rather difficult. Combine with my head injury, I really don't feel good right now.
“Where did it go?” Nancy sputters, staring down at the bubbling goop left behind on the trap. 
“No, it has to be dead… it has to be.”
“Umm… hate to be the one to break it to you Jonathan but we don't know for sure. Bullets weren't working, who's to say fire does?”
“If you are saying you think it could survive that, you're crazy.” Steve buts in (I was forgetting he doesn't know everything). 
“That's exactly what I'm saying. Other creatures have done it.”
“You mean like roaches?”
“I mean like shapeshifters and skinwalkers.”
“Skin what? What are you talking-”
“Hey look!”
We all look up to what Nancy is pointing at. One of the string lights is lit up. And then another one. And then two more. We follow them along the corridor to the front door, mesmerised by the colourful little bulbs as random ones come to life to form a trail. 
“Mom…” Jonathan focuses on them, whispering under his breath so quietly I barely hear him. “Mom, is that you?” He receives no reply. Whatever is causing the light display continues to travel, taking us outside to the front porch. In the near distance, the street lamp light flickers gently. It's the last sign of something in the alternate dimension before the track goes cold.
“Where's it going?” Nancy asks, watching down the dark road as though he'll see something any second now.
“I don't think that's the monster…” Jonathan says rather ominously.
“Yeah, it probably would have come back already.” My comment gets the stink eye from all three of them, “What? It's true.”
“Is anyone going to explain to me what the hell is going on?” Ah yes, Steve. Prepare for a shitstorm of a story my friend.
I repeat a shortened version of the tale I told everyone back before we went to the school and I also fill him in on the whole situation with Will. Nancy and Jonathan but in with extra details where needed, making it very clear to Steve that nothing was going on between them. Smooth guys. 
“So… you did this for a living?” 
“Not exactly- we didn't get paid. There was a lot of credit card fraud.” 
“Cool.” Steve remarks, his face changing to a frown when he catches Nancy's glare. 
“It was only small amounts, we never took more than we needed. And it was always with the shady banks.” I clarify. 
“This is insane! You guys could have told me, I could've helped you Nancy.” 
“We didn't want to just go telling everyone. And… I didn't want you to get hurt.” Nancy takes Steve's hands as reassurance. Jonathan swallows hard and tries to look away, fiddling with the cuff of his jacket. Methinks there are some feelings there. And unfortunately they are one sided.
“Right, well we should probably get back to the-” BANG! The front door flies open startling us all. Steve grabs his bat while Nancy and myself grab our guns leaning Jonathan to take a lamp as a weapon. I relax when the two blundering giants come in with their guns raised.
“Guys, it's okay. It's just my brothers.” I gesture for everyone to put their weapons down. Dean flares his nostrils, glaring at me- here we go!
“You have got a lot of explaining to do Y/N.”
@marslovesme @bluedefundead  @elenavaldez09@mysanityisgone27 @adridedong @princess-of-erebor1992 @coffeeandwinchesters
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marshmallowgoop · 5 years
man, i dunno why so many anons gotta be such massive jackasses, you don't deserve it. hell, i don't even ship ryuketsu (I lean towards a more queerplatonic partnership interpretation, and im generally allergic to romantic shipping anyways) and i still deeply appreciate the thought and research and care you put into your meta.
@eldritchgentleman reblogged your photo and added:
Fuck the opinions of others and enjoy what you love! They don’t own you, listening to them doesn’t make you happy so screw them with a pineapple.
@simon-newman​​ reblogged your photo and added:
Also Ryuko and Senketsu is a valid ship.
@eric-coldfire reblogged your photo and added:
Absolute valid ship, op. Ignore the haters and keep being you.
@kuribo4indahouse​​ reblogged your post and added:
Just laugh at these Goop.
@badgerjaw​​ replied to your post “goops, you’re starting to stoop to the level of those that are bugging…”
I don’t think this anon knows what patronizing means, nor can they tell the difference between getting a big head and acknowledging the amount you do in this fandom. To each their own, nonny, cheers
@badgerjaw replied to your post “You realize some of us don’t have Tumblr accounts, we’re coming over…”
At least the shirt in question can consent; wonder if these nonnies are gonna get on the people who abuse their non-sentient socks?
@korra-n-stuff​​ replied to your post “You realize some of us don’t have Tumblr accounts, we’re coming over…”
can these anons please go away? you’re wonderful goop, dont change. These people just has sticks in their asses
@fromtheriverbanks​​ replied to your post “Guys, come on. It’s a work of fiction. People are allowed to like…”
I love your analysis. I tend to agree with the stuff about Ryuko and Senketsu and think it’s a big part of what makes the show beautiful. If there were PhDs in Kill la Kill, you would deserve one.
Hey, thank you for the supportive comments.
I don’t approve of the behavior of the anons, but it’s totally fair to think that my ship isn’t valid, or my points are bad, or I’m embarrassing and hilarious, with my head up my butt, or whatever. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. And when it comes to my opinions on cartoons, I’m more than open to discussion. That’s why I write so many essays about this stuff in the first place. I want to know what people think. I want to consider other points of view.
The problem isn’t that the anons disagree with me; I don’t mind at all that they do! When it comes to Ryuketsu, I really, seriously, hardly focus on them romantically at all (at least, I think so). I just really enjoy their relationship and find it sweet. Not everyone will think it’s sweet, and that’s fine! You don’t have to follow me or my work. You could even block out all my “ramblings” and just look at my news posts (which I should really get back on…), reblogs, and translations of official material. 
I do a lot of work here, but nobody has to like it. No matter how hard I try, I know I’ll never be good enough for lots of people in this fandom. I won’t lie and say it doesn’t hurt—it does—but I can’t fault anyone for that. I won’t jive with everyone. That’s the way of things.
The problem is that these messages are personally insulting and discriminatory over my opinions on cartoon, and when I defend myself, I’m suddenly the one being cruel. To the anons being less than savory, I struggle a lot with my self-worth. My saying that I don’t think others would think highly of you for attacking me isn’t me being big-headed; it’s simply true. So many people have sent me supportive messages, with their names attached. Just look at this list. If I were to say that your attacking me didn’t matter to anyone else but me, then that would be a slap in the face to those who are going out of their way to speak in my defense. What you’re doing affects more than just me, and given that I still haven’t received any messages on Discord, I feel like you all understand very well that what you’ve been doing is wrong. 
I’m not sorry for being disappointed. I thought our community was better than this. I’m honestly heartbroken that it seems there’s just been this big mass of angry people who were waiting for the opportunity to spam my inbox with hate.
If anyone would like to discuss a problem they have with me, there are so many better ways than to fill my inbox with vitriol. It doesn’t feel good to get called out for doing something problematic, but I am always aiming to be better. If I could be a better person or content creator in some way, or if my readings on this show are really hurtful to you, I am willing to listen and discuss that with you. But I am not okay with being ragged on like this. Nobody should be okay with this kind of treatment over opinions about cartoons.
Oh, and the “shirtfucker” comment is completely uncalled for. Just because I like a character and think that he can be a romantically viable partner for someone doesn’t mean that I suddenly want to fuck him. Believe it or not, you can like someone without wanting to have sex with them or harboring some romantic interest for them.
It was probably inappropriate to write all this on a post meant for thanks. I thank all of you for taking the time to support me. I’ve felt so bad and hopeless, so it’s reassuring to know that I’m not alone, no matter how much I (and these anons) might try to convince me that I am.
In the end, I’m upset with the anons, but I want to know what they would like from me. I’m not asking them to change their opinions, so why should I have to change mine? I agree that what I like is problematic, but I don’t glorify those problematic elements and recognize that it’s totally fair for others to not like what I like because of them. If what I say is seen as so silly and stupid, why care so much to look at my words?
But regardless, I will keep being me. I have too much love in my heart for what I love. I’m very glad that there are others out there who want to love it with me (even if maybe not quite as much!)
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