#anyways as usual I don't hate them2
it sounds weird but going through your wanky tags is weirdly cathartic for me??? idk why, it's just nice to know that someone else is fed up as I am. both with the show and with j2. i am the kind of person who sometimes doesn't get excited for j2 panels at cons bc i know they're gonna say something mean about misha and i'm just tired. i don't doubt they are at least work friends but i wish they could consider how the fandom uses their 'jokes' at misha's expense.
Hi anon! I’m glad that my wanky tags work for you :)… and yes I’m fed up too, and I tried to be a little less wanky but I’m just done with the hypocrisy in this fandom, and I can’t with myself… I use the tags now, to not make loooooooooong posts about everything because that would be a thing to remember… there are things that I cannot share and I vent with some friends through messages for the more serious ones, and for the rest I use the tags a lot lately…
If them2 would do their thing, pandering to the haters as usual without mentioning Misha (although the trashing of their wives also bothers me, but it’s their life), I would be a very happy person because I wouldn’t hear about them, or see them (people send me videos or posts sometimes) and I could just forget that they exist while enjoying my fave and his awesomeness. But alas, cannot be. They have to trash Misha all the fucking time everywhere, and I’m not going to stay shut because fandom police doesn’t like it and treat them like gods that can’t be touched… I got into fandom because of Cas and Misha, and I stayed for them and for some of the amazing people I have met, but I’m not into cults, they are humans, not golden idols, so the “shhhh we should not talk about it” doesn’t work for me.
Besides if Misha ever does or says, half of the shit they say, the wank would be heard around the world…. As it is the man is trying to make the world a better place and gets hate like you have no idea (I SO want to make a post of some wankers out there with double face). But them2 make a joke about the border: “no big deal! It was a joke! You people have no humor smh!” Say that Misha only wants attention for winning a pca, when in fact he is trying to change things: “oh my god! they love each other can’t you see?” It was a joke!”…. I wonder what is the limit for them2 “jokes” that the fandom has… because it seems to be non-existent… 
Even if some people get mad about it, the next day they are posting cockles and theories about how they are all in a relationship that includes their wives… meanwhile jonson keeps trashing Misha but it’s because he looooooooooves him… lmao! Sure! Heart eyes motherfucker right? While he panders to the haters and takes pics with K… yeah, such a great relationship there!!
Or the other one, gagging, two cons in a row, about Misha being family, yeah I do that ALL the time with my friends too… while they talk about how much they love me and how much they appreciate me I gag and “joke” about them not being really family, in front of hundred of strangers… and sometimes even when they are not there… because you know LOVE! That’s how people love each other! By throwing them under the bus in front of lots of people, even haters that have threatened his life and his fans…. BUT THESE MEN ARE THE BEST FRIENDS IN THE WORLD!! As usual I seem to fail to understand the concept of “love” this fandom has.
Lmao anon, sorry, you started with the tags and I’m here venting and ranting like a mf… but if you’ve been following you know how it is with me and these things…
To close this on a positive note: Misha is loved by lots of people… And he is a wonderful human being that uses his voice and platform to change things… I hope he gets to make his movie, I hope his cookbook is successful, that he can see all the things that he achieved and smile, despite assholes trying to bring him down… 
Hugs anon!
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