#anyways if I one day stop posting it’s because I melted somewhere in korea and my username came true
so-you-melted-22 · 11 months
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slytherinbarnes · 3 years
Seasons Change [2]
ii. spring will wash what’s left of the taste (of you)
pairing: Steve Rogers x reader
word count: 2.8k
warnings: discussions of death, smut, language.
summary: a chance meeting in japan gives you the opportunity to take advantage of your arrangement with steve.
a/n: a little earlier in the day than normal bc today is a busy day! i hope you guys enjoy!!! the taglist for this series is open!
previous part // series masterlist // full masterlist
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March 19, Kumamoto, Japan.
You walk along the street in Kumamoto, and smile as the wind blows a flurry of cherry blossom petals towards you. You shake them free from your hair and watch as they flutter to the ground around you like pretty pink snow. Spring in Japan is beautiful, and it’s a welcome change to the New York snow.
Your phone dings in your pocket and you reach for it, eyes scanning the message on the screen. You’re pulled back into reality when you crash into someone, sending both of you falling. The man hits the ground with an angry cry, and his suitcase hits the ground beside him, scattering the contents inside. You jump up and scramble towards him, picking up fallen papers and folders as you go. “I’m so sorry, that was completely my mistake!”
He seems unimpressed, but nods in thanks when you hand him the papers, and you help him to his feet with a flurry of apologies, in both Japanese and English. He seems to accept your apologies before walking away, leaving you alone on the street. You look down at the phone in your left hand, smiling at the unfamiliar device, before leaning down and grabbing your fallen phone. You stuff your phone into your back pocket and pull a small SD card from your pocket, quickly inserting it into the man’s phone. You slide his phone into your pocket and look around for him, watching as he veers off the sidewalk and into a small cafe. You follow the same path, checking the phone periodically to ensure the download is going smoothly. When you see the progress bar reach 100%, you pull the card from his phone and put it beside your phone in your other pocket, before following the man into the cafe and stepping into line behind him. He moves forward to order, and when the cashier announces his total, you step up beside him. “Let me pay for it.”
You dig around in your pockets for the right amount of money, but the man shakes his head, trying to stop him. You pull the money out anyways, turning to the man with a smile. “Please, I insist. As an apology.”
Finally, he relents, and as you step forward and hand the money to the cashier, you use your other hand to carefully slide his phone into his pocket. You step back and he thanks you, and you give him a nod. “It’s the least I could do.”
He moves away to the end of the bar to pick up his drink, leaving you to order. “A small matcha tea please.”
The barista gives you the total and you pass her the money, and out of the corner of your eye, you see the man grab his drink and leave. With a satisfied smile you pull out your phone and text the only number saved. 
Got your drink. Meet at the usual?
Your drink is placed at the end of the bar, and you thank the barista as you grab it and turn to leave. Your phone dings as you head to the door, and you glance at the screen as you step outside into the bright afternoon sun. 
See you there.
You leave the cafe and head to the Suizenji Jojuen Garden, so you can meet the agent for the drop. The walk is nice, and you enjoy the fresh air and scenery immensely, hoping you get to spend a little more time in Japan before you have to head to your next location. When you reach the garden, you move to the bridge that overlooks the water and find a spot to get comfortable in. It’s usually a few minutes before the agent shows, so you spend the time admiring the view and watching the cherry blossoms fall from the trees. He shows up a few minutes later, and stands next to you, asking. “Enjoying the view?”
The familiar voice pulls you from your thoughts and you turn your head towards him quickly. “Steve?”
His blue eyes lock with yours and his brows lift in surprise. “What are you doing here?”
You scoff, “I’m collecting intel, as agents do. What are you doing here? Avengers don’t normally do drops.”
He turns and looks out at the water, “I was on my way back from South Korea and Tony asked if I’d stop by to get some intel from an agent in Kumamoto. I didn’t know it’d be you.”
You snort, “Try not to sound so disappointed.”
“Oh, I didn’t mean-”
You hold up a hand to stop him, “Relax.” You pass him the now empty matcha cup with the SD card secured inside. “Here’s your tea.”
You both stand silently, staring out at the water, before speaking at the same time. 
“Do you want to come back to-”
“Well, I guess I’d better get-”
You both stop at the same time, before you motion for Steve to speak first. “I should get back to the Quinjet. What were you saying?”
Your brows lift in surprise, and you let the invitation back to your room die in your throat. “Oh, yeah, same.”
“It was good to see you.”
“Yeah, you too.”
You give him a small wave and turn to leave, moving quickly to put distance between you and Steve, you and this garden, you and this awkward situation. You start to think your question in December really upset him, because you haven’t heard from him since. And yeah, you’ve been working a lot, but if things were okay, the meeting in the park wouldn’t have been that...weird. You shake the thoughts from your head, trying to delete the interaction from your memory, thankful when you reach the hotel quickly, distracted by the thoughts in your head. You head to your room with a sigh of relief, locking the door before kicking your shoes off. As you do, your phone rings from your pocket, and you check the caller ID, answering quickly when you recognize the number. “This is Shield’s best agent speaking.”
Maria Hill’s laugh crackles through the phone, “Try worst agent. You didn’t even check if the line was secure before announcing who you work for.”
You smile, “I knew I didn’t have to because you already did.”
You can’t see her, but you know she’s rolling her eyes, because you’re right. Hill knows what she’s doing, and she does all the technical stuff for you, making your job a hell of a lot easier. “How was the drop?”
You cringe, reminded of the awkward interaction. “It was fine. Coulda told me that Jeff wasn’t doing the drop anymore.”
“Sorry, last minute change.” A pause, and then, “Wait, why? Did something happen with Steve?”
You shake your head, temporarily forgetting she can’t see you. “No, no, no, it was fine. Everything was good.”
“Okay...” She draws the word out, and you know she’s unconvinced. Still, she doesn’t pry. “Well, that gives you two extra days in Kumamoto, work free. Enjoy them. I’ll see you back in D.C. in a few days.”
“See you then.”
You drop your phone to the bed before moving into the bathroom and starting a bath. As the tub fills, you head to the hotel phone and call a nearby delivery service, placing an order for a few different meals, deciding to treat yourself now that you have a couple of days off. Minutes later, your food is ordered and you’re chin deep in lavender scented water, the warm water starting to melt your worries away. You clean up slowly, taking your time to relax in the bath until the water turns cool. As you’re leaning forward to pull the drain, you hear a knock at the door, and assuming it’s your food you quickly wrap a towel around your body and head out of the bathroom. On the way to the door you grab your gun, just in case, before moving to check the peephole. But instead of finding the delivery driver you expected, you instead see Steve Rogers standing at your door, holding your food. 
You put your gun on the chair near the door before unlocking it and pulling it open. He eyes you up and down, and you look back at him in confusion. “What are you-”
Before you can finish the sentence, he steps towards you and pulls you in for a kiss. Your lips crash together, hard, but there is none of the awkward tension from before. He guides you into the room and kicks the door closed, dropping the food bag unceremoniously near the door, forgotten in the haze of lust. He guides you back towards the bed in the room, both of you in a hurry, evident by the clothes he drops on his way across the room. Your towel joins his discarded clothes somewhere along in the journey, and when you reach the bed, it doesn’t take long until you’re writhing and moaning beneath him, calling his name as he takes you over the edge.
When your high dissipates, the two of you lay in silence like you normally do, until you decide to finish your post bath routine. You roll out of the bed, leaving Steve sprawled across the sheets watching you, and you scoop his shirt up on the way to the bathroom, pulling it over your head. You pull on a pair of underwear and grab some lotion, moving to stand in the doorway as you apply it, giving you a good view of Steve. “How’d you know where I was?”
You swear you see his cheeks heat up when he answers, “Hill.”
You smile and shake your head, “Should’ve known.”
He watches you moisturize, silent, and you’re the first one to break the silence again. “I thought you forgot.” He quirks a brow, and you clarify, “About the arrangement.”
“Oh. No, I just wasn’t sure if that’s what you still wanted. You never reached out after the party.”
“Honestly, I haven’t really had the chance. I haven’t been home since the party. After my week in D.C. next week, I finally get to go back. I was gonna call you then.”
“Looks like I beat you to the punch.”
You smirk at him, “Looks like it.”
You step back into the bathroom, finishing up your routine quickly, and when you’re halfway through brushing your hair, you call out, “Do you want to stay for dinner?”
You finish brushing your hair before stepping back into the room, and you repeat, “Do you want to stay for dinner? Since you did bring it up to the room.”
A strange look passes over his face, and for a second, you’re sure he’s going to say no and bolt, giving you the cold shoulder like he did in December, but he surprises you by smiling and nodding. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
You smile in return and grab the bag from the door, setting the food up on the low coffee table in the room, sitting on the floor beside it. Steve pulls his pants on before he joins you, both of you sitting across from each other on the floor, and for a while you enjoy a comfortable silence, pushing dishes across the table to share, quietly enjoying your meals. You’re in the middle of shoving a large bite of noodles into your mouth when Steve suddenly says, “Paper cranes.”
You look up at him with absolute bewilderment, quickly chewing the noodles in your mouth to ask, “What?”
“Last time you asked me what my thing is. It’s paper cranes.”
“Oh.” You say nothing else, too afraid it’ll break the moment, that he’ll change his mind and close up again, but he doesn’t. As you put your fork down, a faraway look passes over his face and he mutters, “My mom died when I was 18. Tuberculosis. But before that, when she was sick and still alive, I used to visit her. All the nurses that used to help her were friends of hers, because she was a nurse too. And one day, one of them told me about 1000 origami cranes. According to Japanese legend, anyone that folds 1000 paper cranes will be granted a wish by the gods. The nurse told me that maybe if I folded 1000 paper cranes and wished for her to live, she’d be okay.”
Steve pauses for a minute, and you watch him closely, too afraid to say anything. “I was desperate to save her life, so I spent weeks folding cranes out of any paper I could find. Scraps, old artwork, it didn't matter. If it could save my mom’s life, I wanted to do it.”
He takes a deep breath before his eyes lock on yours, heavy with sadness. “She died before I finished.”
You feel your heart break for Steve, tiny 18 year old Steve left alone in the world without his parents, his mom dying before he could finish trying to save her. You reach out across the table and take his hand, and despite the intimacy of it, he lets you, smiling at your intertwined fingers before he adds, “When I knew Peggy was nearing the end, I folded cranes for her too. This time, I knew they couldn’t save her, but I wished that she wouldn’t suffer the way my ma did.”
“Did it work?”
“She died peacefully in her sleep, so I like to think it did.”
You smile a little and squeeze his hand, and he whispers, “Now, I make them when I need to remember. Because sometimes, you just need to remember.”
“I know what that’s like.”
He looks at you with surprise, “You do?”
You nod, dropping his hand to head to your suitcase, pulling the leatherbound notebook from between the neatly stacked layers of clothes. When you sit down across from Steve again, you push the book towards him, despite your promise to yourself to never show it to anyone. “Remember the cinnamon rolls I told you about?”
He nods, reaching for the book though he never pulls it open. “I keep track of every cinnamon roll I’ve ever eaten since my brother died, and I write about it in this journal. I rank them and talk about it as if I was telling it to him. I know he’s dead and he’ll never read this, but I like to remember what it was like to talk to him, share food with him. To be his little sister.”
This time Steve reaches out to take your hand, lifting it to press a kiss to your knuckles. “Do you want to talk about him?”
Your brows lift in surprise, always shocked that Steve just seems to know. “I haven’t really talked about him in years. My parents found it easier to pretend he never existed. I would beg and beg for them to acknowledge it, for them to talk about him and his death, but they never would. Eventually I gave up, agreed to the silent family decision of erasing him from my memory.”
You shake your head, tears pricking your eyes. “Of course I never did though. How do you erase someone who’s a part of you? How do you live your life knowing you got more time than they did? Maybe it was easier for my parents because they didn’t have to stop pretending to be parents. They still had me. But how do you stop being a sister? You can’t. He may be gone, but I don’t want to pretend like he didn’t exist. Not anymore.”
Steve is watching you closely, making you feel seen, though not in an uncomfortable way. And as if he knows exactly what to say, he asks, “What’s the earliest memory you have of him?”
You think for a moment, running through your memories of your brother, smiling when you land on one that you think is the earliest. “I had to be about 5 or 6, and…”
Later, after you spend hours telling Steve about your brother, you lay in bed beside him, both of you quiet for the first time in a while. His hand holds yours beneath the sheets, and as you both sit in the dark, waiting for sleep to take you, you whisper, “I’m glad you came to Japan.”
“Me too.”
And that’s the last thing he says before you both fall asleep.
The sun is high in the sky before you finally wake up and roll out of bed. You’re unsurprised to find that Steve is gone, but left in his place is a paper crane and a note on his pillow. You smile as you pick the crane up and admire it, folded on hotel stationery with expert fingers. You set it aside before lifting the note and reading,
 Call me when you get to New York.
See you soon. 
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munchyn · 4 years
: : Bangtan Reactions : :
Valentines Day
Topic: It's your first Valentines with your boyfriend and you can't wait.
I wonder what happens.
A/N: lol rewriting this until 2:00 a.m on the 15 of February because I accidentally deleted the original. Also, writing this on mobile rather than on laptop because I'm on a trip without my computer and I prefer my laptop when it CoMeS tO pOsTiNg.
pls forgive me, I had too much caffein when I wrote the authors note yesterday. Sorry the Valentines fic is so late.
He sent you a text telling you to dress up nicely and be ready in an hour
When he appeared at your door, he was holding a bouquet of roses in one hand and (I wanna say RJ) a tiny plushie in the other
Seokjin in a black suit
Hotness at its finest
Worldwide Handsome
He'd want to make it the best day ever for you. Especially when it's your first Valentines together, he wants to make it unforgettable.
He'd have planned a full night at a restaurant with all your favourite foods.
Then back at your house, he had all your favourite movies sorted out on the coffee table, ready for you to choose.
Honestly, how can you not expect cheese pick up lines
Making you feel loved with kisses and a little more something 😏
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A chill date at his place
He'd appear at your door, telling you to go with him
"I'm in my pyjamas?"
"Doesn't matter."
He drags you to his car and drives off to his place
He doesn't want the date to be too out there
So he makes a blanket fort with you
Cuddles together in the fort while watching a movie
He keeps commenting on it
You keep shushing him
The two of you end up falling asleep in the fort together
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Y'all are going to be exhausted by the end of the day
He meets up with you at your usual cafe
He'll take you somewhere after
"It's a surprise."
The surprise is a funfair
Running to every ride in sight
You ride the Ferris wheel
You have to hold Hobi's hand the whole way poor baby
Eating all the snacks (I accidentally wrote snakes lol)
Cotton candy, popcorn, you name it
It probably wasn't a good idea to eat a corndog before getting on the teacups
He wins you one of those giant plushies in those games
So loud on the way back home
And in the bedroom oop
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He'd try to be all romantic and stuff but something would go wrong
He got you chocolates but they got slightly melted in his hand
Some stems on the flowers snapped on the way to your house
You know... being the god of destruction and all
He'd be super sweet tho
Beach dates and holding hands as you walk along the shore
Cafe date
Either way, the two of you are going to be holding hands 90% percent of the time
Gives you presents with hidden meanings behind them
Like flowers, cause flowers always have some hidden meaning
He gets you roses (cause Valentine's duh) and some other flowers that he believes represents you and your relationship
Sweet baby
This sweet baby will make sure you can't walk for a week tho
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You wanted to go see that new movie soooooo
You go to the cinema and watch some romance or action movie
Or the latest Disney/Pixar movie
He got you seats at the very back for... reasons
He holds your hand the whole time
Sharing your HUGE box of popcorn and your drinks
"Jimin STOP! PABO! You're drinking all of it!"
*pouts* *pout turns into a smirk*
He eventually gets bored of the film
Do you know what that means?
Time to distract you
He starts placing kisses all over your face
Then your jaw
Then your neck
The kisses go even lower when you get home
His hand gets dangerously close to your centre
Haha pervy mochi
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Your first reaction to seeing him at your front door was to kneel in front of him to pet the fluffy dog at his feet
"It's so cute! How dare you hide this from me!"
The Pomeranian loves you
You met Yeontan for the first time on Valentines day
Since then, if Tae gets too close to you Yeontan starts barking at him
First the two of you give Yeontan a walk in the park
Pictures every 5 seconds
Feeding bread to the ducks
Trying desperately to be normal
(Me losing inspiration at 2 a.m exActly)
Leaving Tannie at Tae's place and going back to yours
Doing weird stuff together
Binge watching YouTube
The devils tango lol if you watch Alex Meyers
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Whoever loses has to buy whatever the winner wants
He lets you win despite how much he hates losing
Seeing you so happy when you do win him makes it worth it
I guess it's his way of showing his love for you
He gets you your favourite sweets as a Valentines gift (apart from the winners gift)
You take pictures in a photo booth together
The first one is of him kissing your cheek
The second one is of the two of you forming a heart with your hands
The third one is of you kissing him on the lips
In the fourth one you used a filter (thats a thing in photo booths in Japan. I'm just hoping it's also a thing in Korea)
You chose the bunny filter
You know exactly why
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sorry I couldn’t find any jungkook gifs with a cutout heart
Tag list: @wystfulaster​
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indigo-ra · 6 years
1 Bad Dream
So. I almost didn’t want to post anything here, but I think it’s worth it to at least touch on the trend of dreams I have been having lately.  For a while I haven’t been remembering my dreams, and in my waking life I was concerned that because I haven’t been as diligent in recording them, that I might be losing my oneiric touch. It seems as soon as I thought this, I had earned  a little vacation time to play a little. My second job is mostly training and I never remember it after I wake up, because that’s just how it works. The past week has been parties. I have been surrounded by celebrities and familiar faces in all my dreams and having these incredible social gatherings. One time Sanaa Lathan was hosting, Chris Rock said my boobs were lopsided and I instantly threw my shirt off, and started asking “They are, right?! Is it really that bad?! Can you tell?” making EVERYBODY there pretty much shrink away in terror, embarrassment or laughter. I don’t actually remember ever putting the shirt back on... but the point is everybody had fun. Until last night.
I know I don’t much talk about my life in depth here, but my relationship with my mother is not good. My relationship with my entire family at this point is not good, and it’s not because of anything I’ve done.  If you can imagine someone falling on hard times financially and helping them out, you can somewhat identify. But the part that gets strange is that the family members that were all helping me became incredibly spiteful toward me for no visible reasons that I could ever pinpoint. There were no arguments about stuff like cleaning or money. It always became toxic because they wanted to use me or appropriate me in some demeaning way, and I always refused to be treated like a fucking slave. Even politely, this always landed me looking for another place to stay, because people only want to help you as much as they want you to help them, And I get that concept from strangers, but I naively thought my family would want to help just because they loved me. After all, that’s all they ever preach.
Anyway, after I finally got away from it all and moved to Korea, I have gained a sense of freedom, since I no longer feel like a burden to anyone. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve run into my fair share of trouble with strangers too, but I at least expect strangers to try and fuck me over. My mom took it upon herself to invite herself to come and visit me. At first I tried to nudge her away from the prospect. I never had a melt-down that resulted in “Fuck you, I hate you, I never want to see you again” speech... so I guess she just took it to mean that we’re cool. She called me at 1 am on a school night to ask for my address out of the clear blue sky. It didn’t even come up organically in the conversation and it was way suspicious.  I’m groggy af, and I really want her to just get the fuck off the phone, but she’s just lingering like its 3PM on a weekend asking me about school and shit of course AFTER sh’es demanded to know my address. SO I ask ”why do you need it?”
She and my aunt who put me out, had me pack all my belongings, move out and drive an hour away in a car with no brakes in which I nearly died by T-boning (all in the same day), want to come and visit me. They want to start planning it early. I’m a sweetheart so I try and just get her off the phone because its 1AM and I just think I should be able to opt out of this conversation until later. But my mother is incredibly aggressive in all aspects of life and she’s pressing me until I literally have to say it’s “1AM. I have school tomorrow.” I get off the phone and she proceeds to text me. “I thought you were gonna send your address?” I ignore this and send an emergency email asking advice from the Buddhist Monks from my Vihara in DC.  Not gonna lie, I was shook. I couldn’t fall back asleep, thinking about her “dropping in” on me just so she can try and subjugate me in her tyrannical, dominating way like a piece of trash on a leash. That she still has this kind of effect on me to the point of making me totally anxious almost had me on the verge of panicking. The part that I’m conflicted about is that I love her, so I don’t want to hurt her feelings, even though she never thinks that far in advance when it comes to sparing mine.
Some time later, she calls me again and is up to no good.The way she keeps asking me the same questions that I’ve answered time and again, signifies that she either isn’t listening, doesn’t really care about my replies, or is masking her intent. In any case, it’s suspicious. After the egregious small talk she gets down to the nitty-gritty asking for my address again and I let her down gently. I  simply told her  that I’m not ready to host a reunion. She had said she was going to stay in a hotel, but it didn’t matter, I need my space and I wasn’t ready to see her or my aunt for that matter.  If I lived in the USA right now, I don’t think that reply would have stopped her. I think she would have shown up anyway. She seemed a little hurt by it and I felt bad, seeing her like that. I wanted to take it back, yet I didn’t. So, I knew it was the right thing to do. My mother is like Jessica Lange playing “The Supreme” in Season 3 of American Horror Story: Coven. Possibly worse. After a few days I began to feel calm again, and that, alone, validated my decision... Then, last night I got a reminder of who I’m dealing with. I brought my daughter home to America to meet my family (I’ve been debating this in real life). My mom wanted to take us somewhere and I tell her to set up the car seat. My daughter was sound asleep  and my mom dismissed me (like she is wont to do when I say ANYTHING that makes sense, but sounds too bossy) Like: “Girl I know how to drive! Just put the baby in the car, damn! Let’s go.”
So then I set heh sleeping baby down and I started setting up the baby car seat. My mom jumps in the car and starts it up all of a sudden. I hurry up and jump in the passengers side, ASAP, before she can take off without me. She is FLYING down the highway.
I’m like “Stop this fucking car and set up the car seat right now or I’m calling the cops!  Are you crazy!? This is not legal and you might kill my baby!!!!!” She’s accelerating faster by the second and so I get my phone out, heart in my throat, praying she don’t crash this fucking car being a psychopathic witch and as I’m about to dial 911, she drives directly into a huge snowbank on the curb of the highway that should have flipped the car. But the car didn’t flip. This is how I know I’m not *JUST* dreaming. She says: “I’ll flip this car over if you call the police!!!!” I look at her and say “YOU  JUST TRIED TO DO IT!!!!!!!! YOU WERE WILLING TO SACRIFICE YOUR LIFE, MY LIFE AND THE LIFE OF MY CHILD OVER NOTHING!”
She’s still speeding, mind you. I’m like, “YOU CAN’T THINK THIS WILL GO OVER WELL FOR YOU IN THE AFTERLIFE.” or something to that effect, to which she then sneered, looking like that might have gotten to her a bit. 
 We continue this heated argument back at the house, where she has shut down and is now ignoring me after she just attempted to kill me and my baby and I just look down at my daughter, who I laid down on the bed, watching her chest rise and fall to ensure she’s still breathing, thinking she shouldn’t have had to be exposed to this kinda of psychological dysfunction EVER, let alone at age 2. It’s making me emotional right now. I don’t even have a kid, but I know what mama bear feels like. AND, By the way, this incident or something close to it has actually occurred, with just the 2 of us in the car, so I don’t put this dream scenario past her for one second. WHY she behaves this way is anybody’s fucking guess, but it’s definitely something I could see her doing. I took it as a cautionary tale. I had seriously been considering whether or not, IF I got married, IF I would introduce my children to my family... This was my answer.
It hurts me, but I have this strange looming feeling that if I took my little newborn baby to meet my older sister, she’d “accidentally” find a way to chuck her down some stairs or worse. It sucks because I’ll have to deal with them all crying that it’s betrayal when I’ve gotten insight from dreams and just from the reality of noting their patterns of behavior.
I’d rather have my kids grow up healthy, not knowing anything about them, than end up dead or sitting in a court room, sending somebody away for murder and crying about my irreparably shattered dreams and future, just because I was naive enough to think my children could meet my family without them being violently possessed by a legion of demons. Silly me.
I’ll end it here. Because some of my work is classified.
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