#anyways ive been dying to draw his roots showing you guys dont even know...
bugprinz · 1 year
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he's a phone charm fiend TO ME.
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warmau · 7 years
{BTS x Forest Fairy!AU} Hoseok
Keeper of Foliage & Flowers Jung Hoseok 
Find Keeper of Streams and Waterfalls Min Yoongi (here) Find Keeper of Rabbits and Deer Jeon Jungkook (here) Find Keeper of Trees and Roots Park Jimin (here) Find Keeper of Birds and Raptors Kim Taehyung (here) Find Keeper of Wolves Kim Seokjin (here)
the only keeper who actively enjoys human interaction 
all of the other keepers,,,especially seokjin and jungkook don’t understand,,,humans are hunters they come and destroy the forest and the creatures
but hoseok is always talking about those few who dont,,,the people who come and enjoy the flowers,,,,,lay in the meadows and draw or write,,,,and what about the young kids who have fun climbing trees or making daisy crowns
for hoseok,,,,there’s a good side to humans no matter how much the keepers insist that it’s better to keep away if anything
usually in the summer he walks around shirtless
and down his arms starting from the shoulders is a tattoo of ivy vines which when hoseok runs his fingers over the tattoo and chants an old spell the vines can grow out of the tattoo and he can extend them to help him get up trees or use as rope
another thing is that when he activates this ability his eyes glow green
a lot of the time he wears has seeds hanging off a small pouch on his waist and he’ll go around the forest planting new flowers
and he never picks flowers,,,,because that’d essentially be killing them,,,,but when some of the flowers fall to the forest floor he’ll collect them and either crush the petals to make paint,,,,use the leaves for tea,,,,or just decorate his hair with them
rumored to also have the ability to bring dying plants back to life with a touch of his hand 
keeper jimin once added that hoseok’s smile seemed to have a radiance of life too but hoseok laughed it off
bugs like him a lot!! it’s common for him to have a butterfly sit on his shoulder or fireflies to help guide him through the forest at night
but hoseok himself is kinda scared of them so when something with more than four legs  comes by he’s like,,,,,he’s like i gtg
even though he lives in a forest like bugs still make him shiver ,,,,, but also catch him lying in a fresh meadow comfortable in the grass like it’s ocean water,,,,he’s complex but i guess it is his job to take care of the plants
is showing up to keeper meetings with dirt on his hands and shirtless chest and jimin understands the struggle since he watches over the trees but namjoon is always like dudes,,,,go to yoongi’s waterfall and take a shower,,,,and yoongi is like HEY who said i wanted dirt in my water
hoseok always explains that FIRSTLY flowers live in “soil” not “dirt” 
thinks every kind of plant is pretty,,,not just big vibrant flowers,,,,the small blades of grass are nice too
you,,,,,find yourself in the forest one night,,,desperately running toward the forest
the only thing you have with you is a lantern and a bag of food you’d managed to steal from the market that afternoon
and when you finally push through the bushes and into an open meadow you collapse into the soft grass and close your eyes
because well,,,,,,,,,you’re a thief
and it’s not like you want to be,,,,you just don’t have a choice because you can’t find a job in the village and you’re far away from your home,,,,so the last couple of summer nights have consisted of you trying to grab bread or vegetables when no one would see
but finally,,,,,you’d gotten caught and so you only know one place where you’d be safe: the forest
thankfully,,,,it’s that time of the year where it’s not cold and so you’ve been ok with spending your nights here,,,,in the wilderness 
but also,,,,,every night the sound of wolves and birds,,,,,it,,,,it just made sleeping hard
and as you sit up,,,rummaging through your bag to pull out half a loaf of bread that when you bite into taste like nothing but paper
you hear a low growl from a bush nearby
and you freeze,,,,because,,,,,,what,,,,,,,is that,,,,
but the growl gets louder and and you stand up,,, body shaking in fear,,,,and right as the bush opens up u can see the eyes of,,,,some animal and the snarling mouth
but before it comes out so you can see it’s body,,,,,you see something appear
a man???? whose tall,,,,wearing what looks like far over his shoulders and he seems to say something that makes the animal retreat and then???? he’s gone to
and you almost pass out from shock but u just sit back into the grass and mumble “was,,,,was that a forest fairy-”
“you’re right, it was!”
the voice comes from behind you and you get so startled that your first reaction is to turn and throw a punch but the boy behind you dodges easily and smiles
and ur like ??!?!?!? wh???? who????what???
and hoseok grins even wider and is like “that was a forest fairy. seokjin. not the most talkative,,,,but i told him to calm the wolves down for you,,,they won’t bother you tonight!”
shaking your head to see if ur not like??? imagining this boy up you ask “who-who are you?? a fairy??”
with a nod of his head he puts his hand out and is like “jung hoseok, keeper of the flowers at your service!”
and ur like keeper- flowers - jung- hoseok?? and he’s like mhmm!!! anyway why are u,,,,a human,,,,,sleeping in this meadow
and u kind of try to figure out what to say but u basically just go “i don’t have a home.” and hoseok points to the bread u dropped and is like “is that dinner?”
and u kind of get embarrassed but nod slowly and hoseok tilts his head and he’s like “when humans eat here,,,they’re always eating more than that,,,,,,,” and you’re like “because they have money,,,,,i stole that bread”
and hoseok pouts n is like “stealing isn’t good,,,but,,,,,i can see that u dont mean harm.”
and you wonder what he means,,,,but hoseok is basically referring to the fact that you don’t pick flowers,,,,,,you don’t steal flowers from the forest like other people,,,,,but he knows it’d be hard to explain to you so instead he offers u his hand again to help you up and goes “come with me,,i know where we can get something more for you to eat!!”
and ,,,,,,something feels awfully strange about following a random boy into the deeper parts of the woods
but you see the vines tattooed on his arms,,,,,the rugged messy hair,,,,,the way fireflies flock around you to light the path
and you,,,,,,believe wholeheartedly this guy isn’t human
and after winding through trees and bushes hoseok stops infront of a large oak and pressing his hand against it the bark moves to create a doorway and down into the earth you follow hoseok
into a small,,,cozy den where u assume he lives
and it’s lit by candles with pressed flowers hanging upside down over the walls and pots stacked on top of pots,,,,barrels full of seeds,,,,a makeshift door of leaves woven together 
and the furniture is all made of wood with carved designs and hoseok tells u to sit while he opens up some barrels and pulls out different fruit and vegetables
and you,,,,,feel you’re in a fairy tale,,,,,,,,,because,,,,,how is this real
and hoseok pulls a pail from a shelf and puts it on the table in front of you and is like ‘fresh rainwater!!!!” and ur like o,,,oh and he washes the fruits before giving them to you
and he’s like “hopefully they taste sweet,,,,i got the berries only a day ago and jungkook told me they’re quite fresh!!” and ur like whose jungkook but also as you take a bite,,,you can’t help but feel ur face light up because,,,,it’s been so long since you’ve eaten something so fresh
and hoseok grins because he sees ur expression change
and he offers that you can stay for the night or he can take you back to the meadow if that makes you feel uncomfortable
but,,,,,,you tell him you’d like somewhere inside to sleep for a night and hoseok says his beds all yours
and when he stands up you notice again the tattoos on his arms,,,,,(also the fact that his tan skin and gorgeous muscles are like right there. not the point) and u ask if all keepers have tattoos
and hoseok laughs and is like “would you like to see magic??” and ur like ,,,,i feel like ive seen a lot of magic already,,,,but hit me
and bring his left fingers over his right arm he traces up the tattoo and like,,,,,,,the vines grow upwards and extended toward you,,,,wrapping around your wrist
and u,,,,,,,,,are stuck between shock and fascination 
and hoseok pulls the vines back and they settle back into his skin and ur just like “,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,holy shit”
and he laughs and is like it’s not creepy??? and ur like NO omg that’s so cool 
and thats how ur first night ends and in the morning u leave to go back into the village and hoseok says that if anything,,,,u can come back to the meadow and he’ll find u and try to help
and a couple of days later,,,,that’s exactly where you find yourself
because ud tried to get a job at a local cafe but someone had claimed that ud stolen food again,,,and with ur history everyone had agreed u were still a thief
and once again u found urself,,,,,alone running back to the safest place,,,,the forest
and u don’t mean to cry,,,,but it happens because it feels like no matter what u do,,,,,,you fail,,,,,,you keep failing and getting worse
and you’ll never be able to live well again
so when you get to the meadow all you do is breakdown,,,,forgetting that hoseok said if u ever came back he’d be there for you
and ,,,, he is,,,,,,,,he appears in front of you
asking in worried tone if you’re ok and you just cry,,,,,stuttering out that you’re like a wilted flower,,,,,,,you can’t do anything to make your life better,,,,,,,,,
hoseok brings his hand out,,,,,finger thumbing at your cheek and the tear stains slowly start drying
and when you look up at him hoseok smiles and brings his other hand over to touch the grass and he’s like “look,,,,this one blade is brown and crippling but,,,,”
with one swipe of his palm over it,,,,the grass slowly becomes greener,,,,straightening up
and you look in wonder and hoseok is like “everyone can make their life better,,,,with help,,,,,,,so don’t give up.”
for a second you don’t say anything,,,,but the warmth in his voice and his smile,,,,,you can’t help it
you throw yourself into his arms and hoseok teters backwards into the grass but closes his arms tightly around you
and you stay there,,,,,and hoseok doesn’t let you go,,,,,,,,
because unlike any other human he’s seen,,,,you’re hurting,,,,,but you’re not hurting over something wrong,,,,you genuinely are good and hoseok knows that he has to help you
so in the morning he asks jungkook for help who seems wary of you
but grows slightly more fond when the rabbits he looks after curiously hop over to sniff you and the deer don’t mind ur presence
and hoseok pulls you over,,,arm around your shoulder and he’s like “don’t worry,,,,this human is good!! look,,,how could such a pretty face be bad??”
and junkook is like that’s,,,,,and ur like ghodfljskd hoseok,,,,
plus being pulled into him makes u blush because,,,,shirtless,,,,what,,,
but basically jungkook agrees to help and leads you to the berry bushes deep in the woods and some other places where you can get fruits that you can bring back to the village and sell
and hoseok even manages to get taehyung to help by teaching you how to find feathers on the forest floor that you can also sell
and ,,,,somehow,,,,,hoseok convinces all the keepers that you’re special,,,,,you need their help
and a ever so reluctant seokjin even says that if anything,,,,he can give you some wolves teeth he’s collected over the years,,,,those usually make big money in villages
and everyone is being so nice and you don’t know why,,,,if it’s just because hoseok has vouched for you or something
but also when u return one afternoon,,,,running straight toward the meadow u see hoseok there,,,,holding a flower in his hands and he smiles when u greet him and u jump up and down and tell him u FINALLY made enough money to rent a small place in the village
and,,,,,,,,,u don’t know but hoseok’s smile falters
and u ask what the flower is for and hoseok gently puts it behind your ear and he says,,,,,now that you’ve done it,,,,you won’t need his help anymore-
but you just furrow ur eyebrows and ur like hoseok,,,,,don’t think that just because i have a home now that i wont came back
and hoseoks eyes slightly widen and he’s like,,,,,,,u,,,,u will??
and u laugh and ur like of COURSe,,,i love this place,,,,,,,i love all the keepers that are my friends now and most of all
hoseok doesn’t know why but it feels like the magic he usually uses to activate his vines is acitng up
but u look at him and ur like “most of all,,,i love you”
and,,,,,without even touching his arm the vines grow and wrap around you to pull you close into hoseok and ur like “oh!” but the moment of shock fades when hoseok leans his head to the side and presses his lips to yours
and the vines aren’t tight but hoseoks arms manage to pull you close and u wrap ur arms around his neck
and when you pull back you let out another gasp and hoseok is like ????
and ur like “your eyes,,,,,they’re green???”
and hoseok jolts a bit and is like “they,,,only do that when im using my magic,,,,” and ur like “is it because of the vines???”
and hoseok brings his hand over his chest and is like
“my magic comes from my heart,,,,,it cultivates my love,,,,,i don’t think it’s the vines this time, it’s you.” 
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