#anyways laudna deserved someone to fight for her because she has been fighting for 30 odd years.
a-rivederlestelle · 2 years
kinda feeling like i'll never be over all of the parallels in imogen and laudna relationship and in their arcs, all of the coincidences?? and episode 37 just brought so much of it together even more???
imogen and laudna, both farmgirls who grew up so lonely. ostracized for inherent powers they didn't understand and had no resources to learn about. both then haunted by external powers they don't understand, but cannot escape. (spoilers under the cut)
imogen, isolated because she hears everything from the people around her, knowing they're often not what they claim.
laudna, isolated because everyone is scared of her because she is undead, never caring to know who she really is.
but then, across decades and continents, they meet. imogen, who can hear laudna's kindness and believes in her heart. laudna, who had dealt with stranger, more malicious magics and knows what a voice in her head with ill-intent is actually like.
imogen's nightmares plague her openly, laudna buries hers deep inside.
laudna offers to enter imogen's nightmares, her trauma, with her. "no one should have to walk into the storm alone."
but then laudna dies. and imogen believes it is her fault. and she admits, of her own powers and marks, "as soon as i realized i could defend, like when i defended laudna when she came to town, it was proof that i was stronger than i thought i was. but now, it just feels like evidence."
laudna dies. and to save her, imogen travels with their friends across cities and continents and planes of existence to find her, to fight for her.
imogen walks through laudna's nightmares, her trauma, without her. calling to her, the only one able to hear these fragments of her. "we're gonna get you home, okay? we're here now. we'll help."
imogen asks if laudna can get free of the tree and laudna says, "i think that'll depend on you, darling."
imogen, narrowly being missed by what absolutely would have been the last hit against her, raises her hands and her eyes flash white and she uses this power that is both her strength and her burden, this power that put laudna in this danger in the first place, this power that she has time and time again used to defend laudna, to protect her, and she deals the final blow to the tree, to delilah, and frees laudna's soul.
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