#and now she has these friends she has imogen to look at it all in its entirety to fight for her and her life
a-rivederlestelle · 2 years
kinda feeling like i'll never be over all of the parallels in imogen and laudna relationship and in their arcs, all of the coincidences?? and episode 37 just brought so much of it together even more???
imogen and laudna, both farmgirls who grew up so lonely. ostracized for inherent powers they didn't understand and had no resources to learn about. both then haunted by external powers they don't understand, but cannot escape. (spoilers under the cut)
imogen, isolated because she hears everything from the people around her, knowing they're often not what they claim.
laudna, isolated because everyone is scared of her because she is undead, never caring to know who she really is.
but then, across decades and continents, they meet. imogen, who can hear laudna's kindness and believes in her heart. laudna, who had dealt with stranger, more malicious magics and knows what a voice in her head with ill-intent is actually like.
imogen's nightmares plague her openly, laudna buries hers deep inside.
laudna offers to enter imogen's nightmares, her trauma, with her. "no one should have to walk into the storm alone."
but then laudna dies. and imogen believes it is her fault. and she admits, of her own powers and marks, "as soon as i realized i could defend, like when i defended laudna when she came to town, it was proof that i was stronger than i thought i was. but now, it just feels like evidence."
laudna dies. and to save her, imogen travels with their friends across cities and continents and planes of existence to find her, to fight for her.
imogen walks through laudna's nightmares, her trauma, without her. calling to her, the only one able to hear these fragments of her. "we're gonna get you home, okay? we're here now. we'll help."
imogen asks if laudna can get free of the tree and laudna says, "i think that'll depend on you, darling."
imogen, narrowly being missed by what absolutely would have been the last hit against her, raises her hands and her eyes flash white and she uses this power that is both her strength and her burden, this power that put laudna in this danger in the first place, this power that she has time and time again used to defend laudna, to protect her, and she deals the final blow to the tree, to delilah, and frees laudna's soul.
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redeemingvillains · 2 months
cold comfort - mattheo riddle
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summary: mattheo has one rule: any girl can share his bed (and there's been plenty) but none can stay the night. when the unexpected happens, and you're begging to be the first, you find out why he had the rule in the first place.
word count: 4k
soundtrack: between the sheets - imogen heap
a/n: wait this is kind of a saga! it just kept flowing and flowing, but i'm obsessed with it! hope you enjoy!! ♡♡
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When Matteo heard that a first year in Charms cast a spell that backfired so badly it rendered Hogwarts unable to regulate the temperature in the castle, he'd nearly spit out his firewhiskey. The mental image of Flitwick, McGonagall and all of his other professors frantically trying to fix it to no avail gave him sick pleasure as he thought about all the times they'd looked down on him because of his last name. Fuck 'em he thought. Serves them right.
He'd enjoyed his twisted happiness for several days until an unexpected early spring snowstorm rolled off the mountains, leaving the castle a veritable chamber of cold. For two days now it had nearly been cold enough for him to see the white puff of his breath inside. As others scrambled for a place in front of the fireplaces, his mood darkened, making him even more sullen than usual as talk of canceling classes and sending everyone home began to circulate; home wasn't really a place he was looking to go back to.
So now he was sat in the Great Hall in a large sweatshirt with his hood drawn up around his face, the standard dress code long since forgotten, one hand wound tightly around his second cup of black tea in an effort to warm himself while the other rubbed his tired face as he listened to the incessant chatter of his friends.
He was quietly zoned out until he caught a glimpse of you walking through the large entryway. Everyone in the castle looked in disarray: mismatched sweaters, hats and gloves in haphazard layers to stay warm, but not you, you looked like a perfect snowbunny. You were wearing tight black leggings, fur-lined boots, a thick sweater and a headband to keep your ears warm that complimented your hair. Anyone looking closely enough would see the imperceptible tug of his lips into what could almost be called a smile as you made your way to the Slytherin table and slid onto the bench next to him.
It wasn't lost on him that his best friend was beautiful. He was well and painfully aware of the fact and had been for as long as he'd known you. But, despite the thoughts that ran rampant through his mind at the sight of you, he was determined to keep you at an arm's length. Simply put, you were too good for him, too pure. You had a smile that radiated a warmth that he could feel even now, you were caring and compassionate, smart and sweet, quick with a hug and a kind word. You were everything that he wasn't. He told himself, constantly, on repeat, that it was better to have you in his life at all than to fuck it up trying for anything more.
He subtly traced your face through the corner of his eye: your long lashes, the curve of your smile, and your warm, rosy cheeks, and just like no one but you could see his smile, no one but him noticed the tiredness in your eyes. He nudged his shoulder into yours.
"Alright?" he mumbled.
You glanced up at him, his groggy morning voice and the way his curls stuck out from his hood making you feel like you'd swallowed a pixie. You felt yourself flush, your exhaustion wearing down the mask you normally kept up around him, determined to never let him know how you really felt.
"Just tired s'all" you smiled kindly, nudging him back, coaxing what could almost be another smile out of him as you met each other's eyes. "I can't sleep for shit. No matter what I do, I can't get warm, even under a pile of blankets, in my fuzziest pajamas and a jumper" you shivered.
"Skin to skin is really the only solution" Pansy chimed in with a smirk as she sank further into Draco's arms and you rolled your eyes at the two of them. She had snuck out of your room the last few nights, leaving you not only cold, but alone too.
"Couldn't agree more" Theo said, smirking, before lifting an eyebrow at you "ready, able and at your service, babe" he said, opening his arms to you as you swatted him away, laughing at his attempt to flirt with you. He smiled widely and laughed back before glancing over your shoulder at Matteo whose eyes were narrowed in his direction.
"What, mate, it's not like you're any help, what with your strict 'no sleepover policy'" Theo chirped at him, referring to the fact that regardless of how many girls came in and out of Mattheo's bed, (which was a sizable number) not one had ever stayed the night, always kicked out in the end, despite the fact that they hoped to be the one to break his streak.
You turned to see Mattheo shooting daggers at Theo.
"S'my bed" he muttered, "more than happy to have someone in it for awhile, but a lad's got to get his rest, yeah?" he laughed and the guys laughed back.
You faked a bitter smile, returning your attention to your breakfast in front of you. You weren't naive but that didn't mean you had to sit here and listen to this, you nibbled a piece of dry toast, the mental image of Mattheo with other girls making you nauseous.
Matteo's smile fell from his face as he watched your reaction, and wished for the thousandth time that he could tell you that he made that rule because of you. Because if he couldn't have you, then he wasn't going to waste time getting closer than necessary with anyone else. The nights he spent alone his bed his punishment for who he was, the fact that he'd never be good enough for you.
You stood abruptly and shot him a small smile as you moved to leave. He said your name quietly and reached for your hand, but you were gone before you realized it.
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That night you crawled into cold sheets that felt almost damp with a chill. Despite the pile of blankets and your thick pajamas, you couldn't get warm or comfortable, tossing and turning as small shivers ran through your body and Pansy's words echoed in your head. You were desperate for warmth at this point, desperate for a good night's sleep, but there was only one bed you wanted to crawl into, and it was with the only person who refused to share it.
Surely he would break his rule for you, for his best friend? you thought; things were different between you two. But were you willing to try, to embarrass yourself if he said no? You rolled around for another hour before climbing out of bed.
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Mattheo was in a fitful sleep, which was not unusual for him; his nights were frequented by nightmares, leaving him constantly groggy and grumpy, but when he heard your voice, he was sure he was dreaming, a good dream, a great dream at that.
"Mattheo" you were whispering.
He turned to see you standing at the other side of his bed and was incredibly confused, until you moved to get in... and then he panicked. He panicked because he had thoughtfully planned every way to avoid this exact situation from the moment he met you, knowing that at this proximity he wouldn't be able to control himself. And he was right. You were close, too close. He could smell your shampoo, like warm vanilla, and his hands moved on autopilot towards you, his fingers twitching to bring you closer to him before he stopped himself, inches short.
"Whatareyoudoing?!" he whisper-mumbled in frustration, the words coming out angrier than he'd intended at the range of emotions he was feeling.
You froze, your heart shattering. He was angry. He didn't want you here, he didn't want anyone here. He was going to kick you out and you'd be mortified, your friendship would never be the same, you'd taken things too far. You felt a scratch in your throat as tears threatened to spring forward.
Even in the thick darkness, Mattheo could see that he'd upset you, able to read your expressions better than his own. He could see the wobble of your bottom lip as your wide eyes looked at him and he hated himself and the situation all the more for it.
"Please Matty, m'just so cold, I can't sleep" you whispered, using the nickname that was strictly forbidden for anyone but you that made him melt.
He rubbed a hand over his face and sighed deeply, trying in his sleepy state to figure out a solution as he felt his strength waning; the figment of his every daydream was literally begging to be in his bed and he was certain he couldn't trust himself, certain that this only ended one way.
You took in his rigid form and his frustration and began to backpedal, moving to leave.
"M'sorry, it's okay, I'll go, maybe Theo—"
And you didn't even get a chance to finish your thought before you felt his large, warm hands wrap around your middle and tug you across the bed and into his chest, quickly but gently.
"C'mere" he mumbled as he settled you against him, chest to chest, your head tucked under his.
Your arms wound around him naturally, your legs intertwining, the two of you fitting together effortlessly, perfectly, like puzzle pieces. You let out a small giggle as you nuzzled into him, making yourself comfortable.
He could feel your warm breath as you let out a contented sigh, the innocent sound somehow sinful to his ears as he willed his mind to stop wandering in every direction it wanted to as he felt every dip and curve of your body against his own despite the layers of clothing between you. He kept his hands at your back, unmoving, for a moment unsure if he was even doing this right, unable to remember the last time he'd cuddled with anyone.
"Thank you" you whispered, your voice already sounding relaxed and sleepy to him as your fingers traced patterns on his back, a lavish feeling that released every ounce of tension he had been holding.
You could feel the steady rise and fall of his chest as his arms hugged you to him firmly and you felt a sensation like melted honey spreading through every inch of you, as he rubbed your back, warming you from your heart to the tips of your toes for the first time in days as you fell into a hazy sleep.
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The first thought Mattheo had was that he felt heavy, his limbs felt weighted and his mind felt calm. Rested he realized after a moment. His brain was slowly turning back on, piecing together the dream he'd had, it was a dream, right? You, in his bed, in his arms, pressed against him, nuzzling into him, contented and happy. It felt so real, real enough that he could still smell you, the intoxicating scent of your shampoo, could still feel you in his arms, could still ghost his fingers down your back. You hummed in response and his eyes fluttered open only to realize it was definitely not a dream.
You were here, with him, in his bed, had been all night, your body still wound perfectly in his, neither of you having let go of one another or moved an inch; if anything, it was like you melded together even further. Fuck this is nice he thought as he looked down at you curled into his chest. This was everything, everything he'd hoped it would be. He wanted to stay like this for as long as physically possible, the looming fear of it having to come to an end already upon him.
Suddenly, a pillow came flying onto the bed, askewing the thick curtains that draped around his four-poster.
"Oi wake up, will you, Riddle? Shit, it's almost noon and we've got practice in an hour" came a shout as a cacophony of voices followed behind it into the room.
You stirred in Mattheo's arms just as a hand reached through his curtains to pull them aside.
"Oh. My. Fucking. Days" Blaise drawled, annunciating every word as the others gathered around him.
"I knew it, I fucking knew it"
"Let's gooooooo!!"
"Mattttyyyy!!!" each of them shouted as the jumped up and down in excitement at the sight of you in his bed.
"Fuck off" he said, grasping the pillow they'd thrown at him and hucking it back at them, causing them to disperse as they fell apart with laughter and more cheers.
He felt you shift next to him and looked back to see that you had pulled the covers over your head, just the tips of your fingers and the top of your head visible. He yanked his curtain closed before leaning back towards you and gently grasping the blanket near your hands to pull it back.
While not the wakeup you had hoped for nor expected, Mattheo pulling back the blankets with a soft sleep-ridden smile on his face and his rumpled curls to see you was a mental image that you were sure you would think about every day for the rest of your life. You were swimming in a sea of him, engulfed in his smell, like pine and amber, and you were delightfully warm; he was going to have to pry you out of here.
"Hi" he said quietly in his morning voice.
"Hi" you whispered back.
You looked perfect. He may have thought about waking up to you, with significantly less clothing on and significantly fewer onlookers, but he'd never considered how beautiful you would look, your eyes not all the way open yet, your hair spread like a blanket of its own and fuck if he didn't want to kiss you. His eyes drifted lazily to your lips and back again and he swore he saw a flash of something in your expression in response, curiosity, or perhaps confusion.
"I should—" he started, shaking his head clear.
"—Yeah, of course! Sorry, I didn't realize the time—"
"No problem, take your time—" he said as he rolled out of bed to more cheers and shouts as he shepherded his friends out the door to give you some privacy.
You pulled the sheets back over your heard, burying yourself further into his blankets, reveling in the warmth his body had left before squealing with excitement at the way your day had started.
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You were afraid that things would be awkward, but surprisingly they weren't, you were in your easy, unbothered rhythm together. Besides the giggles and teasing from your friends, nothing had changed... including the temperature. As the day went on the warmth you had woken up in faded and you felt progressively more cold settling into your bones, already dreading the cold night ahead of you.
Spending the night with Mattheo was a nice reprieve, but not something you intended to make a habit of, certain you didn't want to live through more teasing nor get your hopes up trying to read into how intimate it had felt.
You were leaving dinner, arms wound around yourself at the chill in the air when you heard a voice calling for you. You turned to see Mattheo jogging after you.
"Hey!" he called.
"Hey" you smiled back, glancing up at him as he fell into step with you.
He smiled readily back at you; he'd seemed peppier today, letting the ceaseless taunting roll of his back with a shrug of his shoulders, the unwillingness to turn everything into an argument or fistfight very uncharacteristic of him.
"Yeah, so—" he started to say, as he looked around for a moment and carded his hand through his hair. He took in how cold you looked and all he could think was how badly he wanted to fix it. "—About last night or whatever...I know it's still fucking frigid, if you wanted to come by or sleep with, er, stay with — in my — yeah, you could do it again if you wanted?"
You couldn't hide the smile the spread widely across your face, nor the way your eyes sparkled mischievously as you stopped walking to face him.
"Mattheo Riddle, are you asking me to sleep with you?" you said flirtatiously, leaning towards him.
He stopped breathing. Your proximity and the words coming out of your mouth snatched every last breath and every last thought he'd had.
"Don't fuck around with me" he said through smirked lips, his voice low and measured, holding a hint of playfulness, but also a warning.
You laughed softly back but didn't back down.
"I'll see you tonight" you said as you continued your path back to the common room, leaving him gazing after you.
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Your new outfit that night wasn't lost on him. You were wearing a form-fitting pair of soft pants and a matching top that hung slightly off your shoulder, revealing the lace of a bralette. You crawled into bed beside him, smiling contentedly and curling into his arms like you were married, like this was the most normal, easy, simple thing in the world, and yet it still took him a minute to really comprehend the situation, to relax.
He barely had a minute to catch his breath before Blaise shouted across the room, "Goodnight Theo!"
"Night, Blaise!" Theo shouted back.
"Night, Enz!" Blaise said again.
"G'night!" Enzo replied.
Mattheo rubbed a hand over his face at the antic.
"I swear they don't do this every—" he started.
"—Night, Draco!" Blaise shouted.
"And Pans!" Theo chimed in.
"Full fuckin' house in here" Enzo said.
"Goodnight!" she giggled back.
"Goodnight Mattheo..." Blaise said slowly, drawling out his name.
Mattheo didn't reply.
"GOODNIGHT YN" they each shouted.
You laughed, "Goodnight!" you said back and they cheered as Mattheo turned and buried his head into your shoulder in embarrassment, letting his body weight fall on you in exasperation.
You laughed at his reaction, instinctively bringing a hand to tangle in his curls and hold him to you before you could stop yourself. It was decidedly more intimate than anything that had happened between you before, but it had just felt right, something about pulling him into you, comforting him. You paused after a moment, catching yourself... running your hands through his hair should not make you feel this way; suddenly, you were very very warm.
As if he could sense your reaction, he lifted his head just slightly to meet your eyes, his face inches from yours.
He had to feel your heart hammering in your chest at this proximity, right? As he searched your face, it felt like a veil had come down between the two of you after a night spent together on top of years spent dancing around one another like you didn't know exactly what this could be. On cue, the room around you fell deeply silent as the others settled into sleep.
Your hand slowly dropped to trace his cheek.
"YN" he said in a low voice, cautious, guarded, his tone roughly translating to "Don't".
"What?" you whispered.
"I can't" he said.
"Can't what, Matty?"
The nickname made his heart beat double-time, an impossible feat based on the way it was already drumming loudly in his ears.
"You know what" he said sternly.
"Why?" you asked, innocently, the tips of your fingers moving to trace his jaw, nearing his lips before his hand grasped yours firmly, stopping you, making you jump slightly.
His body was rigid and taught, his expression was serious, maybe even threatening to anyone but you, but all you could see was the look in his eyes that were burning with something else, something much more passionate than anger.
His words were strained, like it was a physical effort to form them.
"I. Can't. Alright? Just let it go" he said as his eyes continued to beg otherwise.
Your next words were so soft, he almost didn't hear them, might have missed them if his entire being wasn't fine tuned to hear the exact phrase.
"Kiss me" you said, somewhere between a plea and a demand.
He caught your eye and his breath caught in his throat at the way you were looking at him: your eyes wide, soft and focused on him, your chest visibly rising and falling underneath him, your body pressing against him as you wiggled your hand out of his grasp to trace his cheek. Surely he couldn't have heard you right?
"I'm not—I can't— that's not a good idea. I can't just kiss you" he said, stumbling over his words uncharacteristically.
"Why?" you asked quietly, sadly.
"No—not—fuck—" he started and stopped, trying not to upset you again.
He paused, trying to collect himself.
"Why do you think no other girl has slept in this bed?" he said seriously.
You pulled your hand back at the mention of other girls at a moment like this, but he responded by reaching to cup your cheek, to force you to look at him.
You were shaking your head.
"Because if I couldn't have you, then I didn't want anyone else. You're fucking it for me, always have been, but girls like you don't end up with guys like me and it's best I don't waste your fucking time and ruin our friendship in the process, alright?" he said resolutely, with finality.
"Matty—" you started
"—Please stop calling me that, please" he said, slamming his eyes closed, "I'm trying to maintain a semblance of self control here."
"Stop holding back!" you whisper-yelled, which caught his attention, causing his eyes to flutter open. "That's what I'm trying to tell you. I want you. I've always wanted you, ask any of our thickheaded friends, they've all known for a long time."
He blinked slowly like each individual word had to register in his head. You could see him swallow, could see the sentence process in his brain as the pad of his thumb traced your cheek and you leaned into him, pressing further against him.
"Kiss me, Matty" you said.
And the last thread of his self control snapped. He leaned in, hovering close enough that you could feel the faintest touch of his lips as they ghosted against yours, teasing you.
"If I kiss you, that's it then, you're mine" he said, like it was a threat, an ultimatum, and not the best thing that's ever happened to you.
A smile spread across your lips and you nodded against his.
"All yours" you whispered back and he caught the last of your words with his mouth, his lips taking yours as both of his hands came to grasp your face firmly but gently, pulling you into him.
You could barely suppress the hum of pleasure that left you at the sensation, the relief of the feeling of his lips pillowed against yours, the tenderness and softness so opposite of everything that he was, the duality of it all had your body tingling. One of your hands grasped at his sweatshirt while the other wound around his neck, attempting to pull him impossibly closer to you as he moaned into your mouth. His tongue tangled with yours and you swore there wasn't anything in the world but this moment, this feeling with him as you tasted the lingering flavor of cigarettes and peppermint that you would come to associate with him.
It was all grabbing, desperate hands and crashed lips at first, trying in moments to catch up on years of wanting, until it was tantalizingly slow, languid, purely achingly perfect and intimate. You were certain you would kiss him like this every single day, given the chance.
It could have been minutes or hours that you were lost in each other before he pulled back, and the whine that left your lips at the loss of contact nearly had him throwing you over his shoulder and marching you to the first broom closet he could find.
"I've spent just about every day for the last 5 years thinking about this, and I cannot believe I'm about to fuckin' say this, but I'm not gonna rush it. At the very least, I'm not gonna hook up with you in a room full of people" he said, before tilting his head, "Well, at least not the first time... after that, no promises."
You laughed quietly and swatted at his shoulder.
"C'mere" he said, pulling you into him.
You curled into his arms, head nuzzling into his neck, your head resting on his chest as he held you tightly, brushing soft kisses to your temple as you fell asleep.
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You had been so caught up in the events of the evening, you hadn't really stopped to consider what happens next, namely, how would you tell your friends? Just make an announcement at breakfast? Put on enough PDA that they drew their own conclusion? Take off the scarf you were wearing that was covering the innumerable hickies on your neck? Your mind was in a heady fog about it all as the group of you wandered towards the Great Hall.
You were glued to Mattheo's side, but that wasn't really unusual; his fingers brushed against your own as he shot you a look out of the corner of his eye, a mischievous smile on his face.
"YN!" a voice shouted behind you.
You turned to see Cedric Diggory jogging towards you and you slowed your pace, as did everyone around you. Boys had to be either brave, stupid or naive to approach you when you were with your guy friends, and you weren't sure which category to put Cedric in as his eyes met their unwelcome stares but addressed you anyway.
"Sorry— yeah, I was just wondering if maybe you'd like to—" he started.
Oh no you thought.
"—Cedric, really, that's so kind—" you interrupted, trying to prevent a scene from breaking out as you felt Mattheo tense beside you.
"—You didn't even hear what I was going to say?" he said with a laugh, somewhere between offended, annoyed and amused.
"Well, think that makes the message pretty clear then, mate" Mattheo said, the anger palpable in his tone.
"Excuse me?" Cedric replied. "I was talking to—"
Oh no you thought again.
And you weren't quick enough to intervene before Mattheo had Cedric pinned against the stone wall of the hallway, his forearm at Cedric's chest, nearly lifting him off the ground as his feet dangled for purchase.
"I don't fucking care who you were talking to. From now on, you don't talk to her at all, alright?"
"What are you, her bodyguard?" Cedric sputtered as he gasped for breath.
"No" ... a pause... "I'm her boyfriend" Mattheo growled.
You tried and failed to hide the huge smile on your face behind your manicured fingers as your friends shouted behind you.
Well, that's one way to do it you thought. ♡
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overnighttosunflowers · 2 months
I made a post about Laudna and Orym’s interaction in ep102 yesterday as it relates to Orym’s broader arc, but I wanted to follow it up with one more purely about Orym and Laudna’s relationship.
I think that on a fundamental level, Orym simply doesn’t understand Laudna. I don’t know if he’s aware of this. I do think he loves her. But I think that he also can’t stop seeing her as a symbol.
Orym has spent his whole life hearing about history by proxy. He’s one of the only party members with a history proficiency. He knows Keyleth, and he knows about the Sun Tree bodies. So when he learns about Laudna’s “worst thing that ever happened to her,” he sees her double: as his friend who suffered tremendously, and as the effigy of Vex that Delilah constructed.
And that weighs on him. We know it still does. When he spoke at Laudna’s res ritual in episode 38, he told her that she deserved to be more than a footnote in Delilah’s story. This was then echoed almost 60 full episodes later in episode 96 after swordgate, when he told her that she deserved her place in history as much or more. He continues to position her in relation to Delilah in a way that shows some part of his mind is always remembering that she was meant to be an NPC in someone else’s story: the way she died, the tool she was.
And that’s the other thing: that Orym has been the person most visibly uncomfortable with Laudna’s undead nature. It freaked him out long before he knew about the Sun Tree, and though he’s gotten used to it, he’s still hyperaware—we see this in his interaction with his sister in episode 66.
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He defends Laudna sincerely, but he also seems self-conscious in a way that the transcript doesn’t fully capture. He knows Laudna is weird and he loves her despite it, not because of it. He still looks at her and sees a dead lady who happens to be Laudna, not Laudna who happens to be a dead lady.
There are other complicated elements to their relationship as well, of course. Swordgate, for instance, is indicative mostly of Orym’s (very human) tendency to act from his own trauma first before thinking about how it affects his friends, rather than anything specific to Laudna. But it did affect Laudna most of all. When he realized just how badly his taking up Otohan’s sword hurt Laudna, he vehemently threw it away—but not before he’d spent quite a while defending his right to bear it. Things had to really go south for him to stop and consider her experience. He loves Laudna, but he does not intuitively get her, and—even in better circumstances—he’s not always very good at stepping outside himself to try.
I thought it was interesting that Laudna wanted Orym specifically to be the one to kill her should the need arise. Obviously, this is most directly attributable to his status as the party member who “always does what’s right,” and on a secondary level it represents a meaningful shift in her relationship with Imogen: in episode 77, she’d asked Imogen to be the one to “make the right choice” if need be, but I think she now understands how impossible and torturous a request that is. Orym, though—Orym would be able to do it.
And he would. Not because he’s the infallible pillar of morality that the party thinks he is (which after all implies that killing Laudna to kill Delilah is the definitive “right” choice—something far more debatable than Laudna believes). Not just because he’s a soldier who follows orders even if they tear him apart inside. But because he’s able to see her as something other than herself. She’s his friend, but on some level, she’s still also the worst thing that ever happened to her. We even see this in the Delaudna battle itself—when he entreats Laudna to hear him and resurface, it’s by telling her that she’s suffered enough.
And for Laudna, being the worst thing that’s ever happened to her doesn’t mean being a symbol of someone else’s collateral damage. It means dying, and it means waking up with Delilah in her head. She thinks of herself as a person carrying around a monster, or on her worst days as inextricable from that monster or even as a monster herself. So if she senses that Orym can see her as something other than herself, surely he’s capable of seeing that, right?
Whether or not that’s true is debatable, and probably the subject of its own post. What’s important here is that Laudna knows Orym loves her but stands at a distance from her. That he’s able to see her as something other than a person in a way that Imogen never could. And whether that thing is a monster or a symbol of pain, that he sees her as something that has suffered enough to, if not kill out of righteousness, at least mercy kill.
So she lands on this. Surely he’ll do the right thing. He won’t want to. It might keep him up at night. But he will.
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kerosene-in-a-blender · 5 months
Imogen and Dorian have a really interesting parallel going on where they're both playing with the themes of reluctant leadership (Imogen is struggling with being pushed into leadership of Bells Hells by Orym, and Robbie stated on the first 4 sided dive episode that he specifically built Dorian to play in that narrative space) and are often indecisive as a result, but the specifics of how exactly they're indecisive are slightly different. Dorian tends to resist making decisions at all until his hand is forced, while Imogen often makes big decisions that she rapidly walks back.
Imogen has, multiple times now, chosen to walk into the storm/connect with Predathos in her Ruidusborn nightmares only to become spooked by what she encounters and go to back to running from the storm/Predathos the next time she dreams, and as such, she's spent much of the narrative waffling about if or how much she should embrace the storm and the powers it gives her. Another example is her removing the Circlet of the Hidden Eye after Ashton's disastrous attempt to absorb the shard of Rau'shan. She stated she did this because she felt that if she'd been able to know what Ashton was planning she could have stopped them, as "one of [her] strengths is knowing". But this never came into play, she never used her abilities to try and know what the rest of the party was doing to try and prevent them from making bad choices, and she ended up putting back on and reattuning the circlet on Ruidus after the party narrowly avoided Otohan Thull to try and prevent her from tracking them. It should be noted that avoiding being tracked by the Vanguard is the reason she bought the circlet in the first place, and so it was a benefit she knowingly discarded by taking it off.
Dorian, in contrast, often puts off making decisions until he is absolutely forced to by the circumstances, but will stick to them once he's made them. Back in the very early days of the campaign, after Cyrus had revealed himself to be in Jrusar with a massive bounty on his head, Dorian spent a lot of time mentally struggling with whether to stay with the Hells or to try and help Cyrus somehow. Robbie noted during the party's encounter with Artana Voe in the back of the Soot and Swill that Dorian wanted to coerce information about Cyrus' situation out of her after the party had gotten the information they needed on Gurge, but he ultimately chose to follow his friends, albeit very worried about Cyrus. But when Cyrus was being arrested by the Green Seekers at the ball Dorian instinctively intervened, and forced them both to have to flee the continent, he showed no regret about this despite being saddened to part with the Hells. During the recent Crownkeeper's interlude, while Dorian's lack of effectiveness in the combat with Opal was driven by Robbie just not rolling well that whole fight, he flavoured it as Dorian being overwhelmed by the situation and not sure what the the right course of action was and so not really doing anything even as the rest of the group were all making hard choices. But after he was forced to leave by Opal's Mass Suggestion and Cyrus was killed, Dorian committed himself to going to find Orym and participate in whatever fight he'd gotten himself into, to the point that when he asks Keyleth if the Hells are ready to go to Aeor (as they're sorting through a truly staggering number of random body parts), he very specifically asks about THEM; he already knows he's committed to this.
Both of these characters second guess their own choices a lot, Dorian before and Imogen after making them, and I'm fascinated to see where this goes for the both of them since they're both in a place at this point where taking a leadership role is something they will have to do at some point. Imogen has been solidly presented as the leader of the group to the Volition, who are looking to be a major allied force for the Hells going forward, and with Cyrus dead, Dorian's first in line to the throne of the Silken Squall. Despite their doubts they both going to have make the kind of choices they have historically avoided or walked back.
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korecrimson · 1 year
I'm still just blown away by how that scene played out, you guys. Like. Laura motherfucking Bailey.
She just managed to distill all these elements that have come together so perfectly. Imogen can shut out other people's thoughts now, and that should be so amazing! She should be so happy! And Laudna is so genuinely happy for her, because in spite of her own trauma, that's just who Laudna is! She wants only good things for her very dear (*cough*) friend!
But suddenly it's actually a point of insecurity because now Imogen can't hear Laudna's thoughts. And that's not something she's had to reckon with yet. And just that little bit of uncertainty? That question? Can I kiss you, because I don't know if it's alright anymore?
Like, that's such a brilliant acting choice. She absolutely crystallized the vulnerability there, put it on display, but risked asking anyway. Any time before this, it almost would have been too cheap, because she can cheat. She can see inside Laudna's head if she wants, she can know exactly how she'd feel about it. Probably she hasn't actually looked before, because Jesus that's scary. But now she can't know for sure, even though Laudna's right there saying "literally everything is open to you if you ask."
So she fucking asks.
That was such a perfect choice for that character in that moment, and you know Laura has to have been planning *something*, but she got that much meaning out of a scene she couldn't have fully planned in advance. Like, Marisha fully set her up for it, but really clearly didn't know she was going there.
I think I have to go lie on the floor for a while.
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angstywaifu · 4 months
He's Watching You Again - Bodhi Durran x Reader
Request: You’ve been catching Bodhi staring at you for weeks. Each time he quickly looks away and is too shy to actually speak to you. Until one day when you’re trying to carry too many books or weapons or something and you drop them all. Bodhi rushes over to help you pick them up and offered to help carry them which causes you to strike up a conversation, and suddenly shy little baby Bodhi becomes YOUR little baby Bodhi A/N: I am such a sucker for some cute Bodhi fluff. I hope you guys enjoy. Requests are open if you guys want to send anything in! Masterlist
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It had started a few weeks ago. At least I had started noticing it a few weeks ago. Every now and then I would catch his eye before he quickly looked away, his cheeks flushed. I couldn’t help but admit it was cute, even peaked my curiosity about him. But every time I approached him or got close to him, he would bolt in the opposite direction like I was the plague. Often earning confused and worried glances from his friends at his sudden disappearance.
”He’s watching you again.” Imogen teases as we grab our packs and head out of battle brief.
I roll my eyes at her and shove her shoulder as I push past her, leading our way over to the Scribes Quadrant where we had been instructed to pick up some books for training later with some of the first year cadets by Xaden.
”Don’t know what you’re talking about.” I mutter as she catches up to me.
”Oh come on Y/N, we��ve all seen him starting at you. Or my personal favourite, when he runs away from you like you’re the plague. Never seen that boy run so fast in my life.” She muses as we push through the crowd trying to get to lunch.
”You’re looking too much into it.” I try to tell her confidently as we finally break through the crowd of cadets.
She cocks an eyebrow at me as she bites into an apple she must have snuck into her pack at breakfast. A smug look on her face.
”Something tells me his stares have caught your attention.” She teases, her turn to shove into my shoulder.
There was no hiding it from Imogen. We’d practically been attached to each other since day one here in the quadrant. We had never known each other prior to the rebellion or starting here, but we we’re one of the few marked ones in our year and in the same squad. So it was only natural we had gravitated towards each other. But despite that, it had not granted me friendship with Bodhi who she knew quite well.
”Look, I won’t deny it’s caught my attention.” I tell her as we stop in front of the doors to the archives, waiting for a scribe to come and help us. “But thats it. He wants nothing to do with me Imogen.”
”Are you sure about that?” She asks.
”He runs away anytime I am near him or go near him. Trust me, he either wants nothing to do with me or he’s scared of me or something.” I state as I hand the list of books to the scribe that has approached us.
Imogen’s laugh echoes off the walls, a few scribes in the archives glaring at the sudden outburst. “Girl he hangs out with Xaden and Garrick. Trust me, he ain’t scared of you.”
”Then he wants nothing to do with me. Simple as that.” I tell her bluntly.
”You keep telling yourself that.” She muses as the scribe returns with trolley laden with way more books than I was expecting.
We aren’t allowed to take the trolley, but the scribe is at least nice enough to help us stack the books into our arms before sending us on our way with strict instructions to have them back within the week. The walk back to the riders quadrant is slower than our trip over as we can barely see around the stack of books in our arms. Imogen and I tactfully using each other to help navigate our way back. Which so far had been a success. Right up until my boot catches on a small lip in the stone floor in the courtyard, books flying everywhere as my hands dart out to catch my self. I barely register the sound of rushed footsteps approaching till someone is kneeling in front of me.
”Are you ok?” The slightly unfamiliar voice asks.
I look up to see Bodhi kneeling in front of me, hands stretching out to see if I’m ok. As our eyes meet, his eyes go wide as if realising who he has rushed over to help. I can’t help but get lost in his dark brown eyes. They’re almost dark enough to pass as black, but up close I can see the dark chocolate hue to them.
”Yeah I’m ok. Just couldn’t see where I was going is all.” I tell him softly with a smile, hoping it might ease his nerves and not have him running away from me.
Bodhi breathes a sigh of relief and nods before looking at the books strewn across the ground. They we’re everywhere. I turn to find Imogen, but all I find is her retreating back as she leaves Bodhi and I alone in the empty courtyard. Bitch.
”I can help you carry them if you like. But it’s ok if you don’t want me to. And I’m not saying you can’t carry them, you’re definitely more than capable of carrying them yourself. Definitely don’t need my help. But I can if you want and-” Bodhi rambles before I reach out and place a hand on his arm, his body going rigid as he looks up at me in shock.
I stand up and offer him my hand, pulling him up as he takes it. Gods he was tall. My neck craning to keep eye contact with him as he stands to his full height.
”I’d love for you to help me.” I say with a smile.
Bodhi smiles so wide it takes up most of his face before he rushes to pick up the scattered books, dropping a few in the process. He rushes back over to me with a far smaller pile than I had before. Clearly wanting to make sure I had a clear view of my path after my incident a few moments prior.
”Can’t have you falling in front of me again can we?” He jokes as he starts walking off in the direction Imogen had gone in with a pile of books placed firmly in his arms.
But little did Bodhi know, I was. I was falling. But instead of falling towards the floor at an alarming rate, I was falling head over heels for the shy and bumbling boy in front of me.
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marvelsmylife · 5 months
Pairing: Xaden Riorson x reader
Request: How about a Xaden Riorson x reader, where the reader beats Xaden or Garrick in a spar, and Xaden gets heart eyes. Maybe with a little bit of teasing from Sgaeyl.
a/m I'm sorry its so short but I hope you guys like it.
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Everyone knows Xaden Riorson prefers his women to be tough and hold their own in a fight. He especially hated when he knew they could protect themselves but played off being weak just so he could swoop in and help them. That’s why he felt his heart skip a beat as he watched you take down Garrick easily. 
Garrick was the tallest and buffest out of all of the guys, so watching you, a woman half his height take him down without breaking a sweat caused Xaden to stop in his tracks and gawk at you. “The bigger they are, the harder they fall,” you teased before extending your hand to Garrick to help him up.
To his credit, Garrick didn’t make a scene at you beating him like other guys have done in the past. He congratulated you because not many people have been able to take him down. “It’s nice to have a worthy opponent to spar with. Same time tomorrow?” Garrick replied with a smile on his face.
Xaden, in the meantime, was growing jealous of your interaction with his best friend. Careful Xaden. People around you will know you have a crush on y/n Sgaeyl teased.
Imogen noticed Xaden’s expression at your and Garrick’s sparring match and decided to call him out in front of everyone. “Damn Riorson. I didn’t think you could show emotion besides anger,” Imogen teased and earned a glare from Xaden.
Looking over at Xaden, you noticed a red tint on his cheeks at Imogen’s words and decided to tease him as well, “Am I hallucinating, or is Xaden blushing? I didn’t know that was possible.”
Xaden wanted to be mad at you for your comment, but seeing you smiling and even winking at him only caused him to blush harder. That only encouraged Sgaeyl to continue teasing her rider for his obvious crush on you. Don’t worry y/n’s dragon has stated she feels the same way about you.
Knowing this, Xaden straightened up and walked over to you, “There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me. Now, how about we go head-to-head? Garrick might be the biggest, but I’m more skilled than him,” Xaden quickly looked over at his best friend and noticed him rolling his eyes.
“Is that so?” You narrowed your eyes and got into your fighting position, “Bring it, Xaden.”
Everyone in the room watched in shock as you kept up and even beat Xaden a few rounds. They only left when they realized this was some sort of foreplay between you and Xaden.
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blackmosscupcakes · 4 months
While I'm on the subject of Bells Hells' reactions to the events of last episode, I'm extremely interested in what's going to happen with Ashton. After all, only DAYS ago in-game, Ashton had their own mishap that resulted in the whole party being furious with them to varying degrees. And C3E78, their apology tour for that event, came with plenty of statements and promises on their part that have an awful lot of relevance to current events.
Ashton has always shown a high degree of awareness that this is a group teetering on the edge of darkness at any given time. His apologies in episode 78 tend to be loaded with assurances that he will forgive the others when it's their turn to make mistakes just as he hopes they will forgive him. Here's what he said to Chetney:
TALIESIN: Well, I'm glad you stopped. And I don't know, I'm processing a lot right now, but if I do stay, if you let me stay, the day something happens and it goes bad for you and you hurt a lot of people because, for any reason somebody gets in your head, something bad happens, something pushes you over the edge, something just fucking stupid. Stay or go, I promise that I will stick around, help clean it up. You will get no shit from me. None.
And here's what they said specifically to Laudna when she confronted them:
TALIESIN: I will, no matter what we do, no matter what mistakes we make, no matter what we have, I will stay and I will be there and I will not-- I will not walk away. I don't know what love is, but I'm going with this.
And they seem to be sticking to that promise! At the end of last episode they were very strongly by her side. He clearly sees (understandably, given his past) the act of sticking with someone no matter what to be one of the highest expressions of love. But sticking by someone doesn't mean signing off on all of their behaviour unchallenged, either. I also think it's relevant to look at what was in his mind when Imogen tried to read it:
TALIESIN: I think I've seen a pattern in my life and I've-- I'm going to just describe it instead of-- Just the realization of hubris and temptation and blame and this sudden realization of this epiphany of violent levels of projecting responsibility. Just this very wide thought of so many moments in life of not being responsible for what happened and suddenly going through that one by one of just, it took one week of vaguely knowing where I came from, and the only thing I really knew about these people was that they fucked up in this very particular way and it took me one week to do the exact fucking same thing. Because I was so desperate to have it and so desperate to have something that I lost so that I could be mad at someone for taking it.
They immediately took a step back and saw their responsibility for the way in which they hurt their friends, and so they expressed regret and apologies for that. He also saw how his actions were a way of reflecting his hurt back out into the world in the same way he was hurt. His father failed him, and his pain and trauma led him down the path of making a very similar mistake. I suspect all of this was on his mind in that moment where he took Laudna by the shoulder and whispered to her that she should start with an apology. They were hoping she would respond to it with that same introspection, but unfortunately a few things--not the least of which being Delilah--are in the way of that.
The question is what does he do next? He made a promise to walk beside, but (as I said above) that isn't necessarily a promise to unilaterally co-sign all of someone's actions, and I'd like to see a step forward in which Ashton uses their experience with the shard and what happened after to perhaps try and further encourage Laudna to make amends and communicate and come into the fold of the group instead of isolating herself. But I wonder if perhaps they do not feel that they have the right to say anything negative to her at all only days after the shard incident. But how does one reconcile that with a group member who risks becoming genuinely dangerous to your other loved ones if she continues down the path she's on?
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jakethemailman · 1 year
Some imodna content from the CR panel today at Rose City Comic-Con, I got a vid but the hotel Wi-Fi is trash and I can’t post lol
Christian asked if anything has changed on how Laura and Marisha play their characters now that they are in a relationship.
Marisha and Laura said that they don’t know if anything changed. Marisha added that Laudna was already so protective of Imogen and maybe doubled down on it even more. Laura agreed about imogen also being protective of Laudna.
Marisha jokingly said it’s just like marriage, Sam asked how so and marisha said that nothing really changes you’re just backed by the law lol. Laura the said that when you marry your best friend that relationship just stays strong.
Liam then asked “wedding on the moon when?” And everyone cheered lol. Laura looked excited and said “we can make it happen”. Marisha asked Liam if Orym would officiate and Liam said yes
Christian then asked at what point did Laudna and Imogen’s romantic feelings start to pop up, since Laura and Marisha agreed to no romance.
Marisha said that it started clicking when she became jealous of Imogen becoming close to others like F.R.I.D.A and Orym, that she became irritated and realized it’s probably a sign.
Laura agreed and said she was jealous before the party separation but really became jealous when Laudna got close to the other party. Laura was like “oh she’s moved on? Cool, all I did was think about her the whole time”
Liam went on to talk about how both marisha and Laura agreed to no romance behind closed doors, and for 40 episodes everyone at the table was going “are you sure?”
Later on when Ashley was asked about Fearne and the Skeletal Captain of the ship cuddling, Laura said “it’s nice isn’t it?”
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codeopod · 5 months
The Hells dispersed into their tent and began dropping all their gear near respective beds and taking shots from the bottles Ashton managed to scavenge. Weariness and heartbreak had begun to give way to a delirious happiness at seeing their old friend return.
“Dorian! There’s someone else you have to meet!” Laudna flourished excitedly, “Oh Pâté!” She called.
Just over her shoulder a creature popped into existence, wobbling and flapping the bat-like wings that barely kept it aloft. “Yes mum watcha’ need?”
Dorian was taken aback. “Oh my god! He’s alive? He’s real? That’s a real-thing?!”
“Oh ‘ello Dory! ’s been a while.” The bird skull turned to address him.
“Dorian. It certainly has, wow, did you get…bigger?”
“He’s a bit bigger, yeah.” Imogen added, dropping her head over Laudnas shoulder.
“Oh an’ these two!” Pâté flapped out to turn and gesture at them. “They finally forked the meat pie-if you know what I mean-“
“Pâté! You crude little pest.”
“-‘ey lock me in ma’ house at night now, gets awful scary with the noises ‘ey-“
Laudna brought her hands together like she was swatting a bug midair and Pâté yelped as his form squisheed and burst into black goo. “That’s quite enough of that.”
“Oh, well-I, congratulations you two, if I am understanding his…way with words…correctly?”
“We’re datin’ yeah.” Imogen couldn’t help but laugh.
“That’s wonderful! Honestly I thought you’d been secretly together this whole time.”
“You’re not the first to say that, actually.”
“I also have a wolf in my chest! Would you like to meet him?” Laudna bounced excitedly towards Dorian, who scrambled backwards.
“A what?! I-um sure?”
Dorian watched helplessly as a massive wolf literally burst out of Laudna’s chest. He held his bladder but took several steps back to keep his shoes free of ichor. “Oh, wow-you weren’t kidding, that is a very large dog.”
The thing was half rotten and only really had fur along its head and spine. Ghostly glowing mist drifted around it and seeped from the gapping wounds in its side. It gnashed its teeth as it turned to look at him. It’s eyes glowed a sickly green that was almost hypnotizing, only breaking away when Imogen whistled and it bounded happily over to sit at her heel.
“That’s a good boy.” She cooed and rubbed at his ears.
Laudna echoed his praises. “His name is Caviar, isn’t he gorgeous?”
“He certainly…suits your style!”
Orym joined them then, watching Dorians expressions carefully. “Guys, maybe let’s save some excitement for the morning?”
“Rest does sound nice, though I may not sleep.” Dorian admitted his face darkening, “…not after seeing that!” He tried to spin it as a joke but Orym’s frown deepened.
“You can bunk with me -and Fearne- if you want?”
“…I will admit, I have missed our cuddle piles.” Dorian smiled softly. The two men stared at eachother for an extended moment while Imogen and Laudna looked between them.
Laudna snickered but Imogen’s eyes sparkled with mischief as she pressed into Laudna’s side. “Well then, are you ready for bed, baby?” She purred just loud enough to be overheard. “We can leave the boys to their…cuddlin’.”
Dorian choked out a cough, his cheeks darkening. Laudna melted, twirling her hair around a finger and smiling a dopey grin. “We can have our own cuddle pile.”
“Of course.” Imogen grinned before rocking up on her toes and pulling Laudna into a soft kiss. The hound at their side jumped to his feet and did an excited twirl, tail wagging as his master sighed happily.
“I-uh- we should just-“ Dorian sputtered. Orym resisted an eye roll but smiled fondly at the pair. “Yeah, let’s go find Fearne.”
“I heard we’re kissing?” Fearne popped up behind them with a wine bottle in her hand. “It’s about time!”
Orym groaned into his hands, face heating.
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 7 months
I wish you'd write a fic where reader is xadens younger sister and dating Garrick. But they date in secret (obviously xaden wouldnt be super thrilled at first when finding out) for like 2 years or so before they leave to go to Basgiath . Maybe when reader goes to cross the parapet Xaden notices garricks extra instruction. Maybe a slight brush on the back of the end before stepping on. And then Garrick and reader are caught by xaden and then his mad at first but relaxes off after watching Garrick protect her through out the year
Xaden felt like an idiot. One big absolute idiot. He couldn’t believe that he was able to lead the rebellion but was quite literally fooled by the people closest to him. How did he miss the signs? Why didn’t his consciousness wave red flags back and forth. And he didn’t even figure it out on his own. No, no, fucking Imogen spelled it out for him.
“What are you smiling about all day?”, he had asked her as they counted up the weapons. Getting ready to distribute them overnight. Imogen shook her head as her smirk deepened, “Just Garrick”, she breathed. Xaden frowned, “Why are you smiling over Garrick? You don’t smile over a man”. Imogen rolled her eyes, “it has nothing to do with me, you idiot”, she snorted.
“Out with it, I don’t have time to play”, Xaden grumbled. Imogen placed down the dagger in her hands before looking up at her friend. “Didn’t you notice that he’s been different?”, she questioned. “Is he sick?”, Xaden smacked a question of his right back at her. “You are unbelievable”, she shook her head, “Do you seriously don’t see it?” Xaden blinked a couple of times. Nothing seemed off about his oldest friend. He was fine. Better than ever actually. “Xaden, Garrick looks at your sister as if she hung the moon up in the sky”, Imogen muttered, “He greeted me with a smile today”, her hands met Xaden’s shoulders as she shook him slowly, “A smile. S. M. I. L. E. Do you understand? That man hasn’t smiled ever since I met him”. But Xaden’s mind had clung to the first part of her words. Garrick liked his sister. No, this had to be a joke. Just Imogen didn’t look as if she was joking.
Ever since had made it his task to keep an eye out. Following you both. Sorting out through memories of you both. You had barely crossed the parapet six months ago. And yes Garrick had pulled you from the line when you came up. “Show me your shoes”, he had ordered, bending down to check them himself. Xaden hadn’t thought anything of it then. Had simply muttered, “Fuck you, I got her the shoes myself”, but he was so frightened to lose you that day that nothing else counted. Not the way Garrick had gripped the side of your face right before you stepped on. Not even the fact that Garrick had broken the board the names were scribbled on. Or how they had embraced each other when you were safely on the other side.
“Stop piling food on my plate”, you chuckled lightly, as Garrick spooned more veggie bake from his owl plate onto yours. “You need to eat more”, he stated, “You did well in training today”. Your eyes sparkled as you looked up at him. “You probably just went easy on me”, you shrugged. “I never go easy on anyone, love”, he reached out, brushing strands of your hair behind your ear, “Especially not when I want to impress you”. You hit his chest lightly, as your cheeks went pink, “You’re such a flirt”, “Only for you baby, only for you”, he traced the corner of your lips before picking up a for once again.
Xaden brooded in the knowledge of seeing it with his own two eyes. And then it’s as if someone had ripped the blindfold from his eyes. It was everywhere. Xaden saw it everywhere and it was so obvious. Garrick who was always first to leave the meeting now stood there, waiting for everyone to leave. Every time he walked past the girls he always made sure to brush his fingers along your back. Find contact with you no matter what. In a sea of cadets, his eyes were always on you.
“When?”, Xaden asked, yanking the back of Garrick’s shirt as the male left one of the meeting halls. Garrick didn’t miss a beat at batting his long-time friend’s hands off him, “Shit man you nearly got me”. But Xaden only puffed his chest more, “When?”, he repeated. Garrick frowned because Xaden was tiptoeing on the edge and he never lost his cool. A fear ran down his spine. What if something happened? What if you got hurt? Taken?
“What the fuck is going on?”, Garrick barely managed to grunt as Xaden’s left fists collided with his jaw. “Answer the fucking question goddamn”, he growled, clearly getting more and more frustrated. Garrick shoved him back slightly, “What in burning dragon shit has gotten into you?”.
A bitter laugh slipped past his friend’s lips, “I should be asking you that”, Xaden’s eyes were burning with anger, “you’re the one screwing my sister behind my back”, his voice raised ever so slightly. Garrick’s face blanched for a heartbeat before a wave of frustration ripped within him as well, “Don’t you dare put it like that”, he pointed a warning finger at Xaden who leaped forward, “You didn’t deny it, shitface”.
He wasn’t so sure if he wanted to punch or choke his long-time friend until a voice split the growing. “Stop this right now”, you called out, reaching to move for them but Garrick moved his free hand up, “Step aside Yn”. Yet another huff echoed, “Don’t tell her what to do”, Xaden bit back and it’s as if something shifted in Garrick, “I will because you are insane and I ain’t taking chances with you”, there was that primal almost frustrations in him. One that Xaden recognized because he too got overtaken by it when anyone got involved with Violet.
Yet still, Xaden pushed through, making sure to back Garrick against the wall, “I will make sure you die a painful…”, “Don’t you finish that Riorson”, you hissed from behind him, as you pulled at your brother’s upper arm. “You are grounded”, Xaden yanked his arm out of your grip, turning his frustration back on you.
“Listen to yourself, you sound like a child”, you said through gritted teeth. “Why was I not informed about this”, Xaden pointed between you and Garrick, before shaking his head, “This can’t be happening”. Garrick let out a low chuckle, “It has been for the past year and then some”, “Garrick”, you huffed pinching the bridge of your nose as he shrugged.
“She’s my sister! My”, Xaden shouted right at his friend's face, “And my girlfriend get in the line of being important to her”, Garrick said with a smirk. “I will choke you in your sleep”, Xaden leaned to tower over Garrick but he didn’t miss the beat doing just the same, “You can try”.
“Boys, please”, your voice was barely a whisper now, you could hear the sadness in it. Garrick’s head wiped in your direction instantly, “Don’t you dare get upset over this”, he hated it. Hated the sight of you sad. Of you upset. He could handle anything just not your tears. “Stop telling her what to do”, Xaden howled but this time Garrick was the one to shove him back before pointing a warning finger at him, “Riorson you are starting to get on my nerves”.
“Shut it, both of you”, you hissed, pushing your way between them and putting them at arm's length. “Garrick, I love you but please just stay quiet for a moment”, you glanced at your boyfriend, silently pleading with him, before your eyes turned to your brother.
“I’m sorry i should have told you”, you muttered. “Fuck yeah you should have”, he huffed. “But we had so little time. You both could have died, I could have died. We took a gamble just in case we survived and here we are”, you intertwined your fingers with Garrick’s and he instantly brought your joined hands up to his lips. Xaden inhaled sharply. “I’ve been really happy, Xaden”, you muttered quietly as your eyes glassed over with tears. Xaden reached out, pulling you closer to him, glaring at Garrick over your shoulder as he kissed the side of your head with a low whisper, “I know”.
You pulled back, hopeful eyes looking right into his soul. His little sister. The other half of his world. He only pushed through for you and Violet. A frown deepened between his brows before he managed to pull somewhat of a smile for you, kissing your forehead. “I will serve you your ass on the mats tomorrow”, Xaden shot a tight look Garrick’s way. He wasn’t ready to have a proper conversation with him yet. He will. He will put him from hell of his own. Just not now. “I’m looking forward to it”, Garrick nodded in agreement. Xaden turned to walk away before stopping. “A single hair breaks on her head and I am scattering you in ribbons”, he threatened, turning back to hold a warning stare with him. Garrick simply pulled you closer to his chest, wrapping his arms around you, “Believe me”, he breathed out, glancing down at you for a moment, “If a hair breaks I will go willingly”. And that was enough for Xaden. Because even if he was angry he knew that Garrick would fight till his last breath to make sure that you were okay and for that alone, he couldn’t bring himself to hate him.
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callsign-rogueone · 4 months
not alone - r.g.
Ridoc Gamlyn x reader part three of Ridoc and Sweetheart’s story. words: 1.8k 🏷: Iron Flame spoilers in a vague sense, reader experiencing the joys of RSC, implications of torture but it’s not shown, mild panic attack / anxiety spiral / self-deprecating thoughts, bring tissues maybe, “happy” ending, Ridoc (and Sawyer) to the rescue! I am so stuck on the first-date scene that I just skipped it for now but it will happen eventually, I promise!!
This has to be a dream. It feels like something out of an adventure novel — waking up in a literal dungeon, chained to the wall. 
You wait a few seconds, but she doesn’t respond. Oh, gods, what if she… no, she’s okay. She has to be okay, because you’re okay. Maybe she’s asleep or off hunting or something.
But she’s never not responded to you before. She’s always replied, always been there to assuage your worries and remind you that it’ll be okay, just breathe. 
Breathe. Deep breaths, think about the butterflies… You look up, seeing no trace of them, no flutter of blue wings in the dim mage light of the room that you can’t seem to brighten, either.
You try it again, picturing them more clearly, thinking about the patterns on their wings and the colors… Nothing.
Something is definitely wrong. 
Why can’t you make a simple illusion? Is your signet broken? Is that why you’re down here? Is this some kind of reconditioning? A punishment? Or are you here to be executed for being defective?
“Rhith?” you try again, still working to steady your breathing, but every second that passes without a response only tightens the knot around your heart.
There’s no use. She’s not going to respond, because she’s given up on you, finally realized she’d chosen poorly, that you aren’t fit to be a rider after all, and decided to do away with you before the next Threshing, where she could choose a better rider, one who doesn’t need constant reassurance and hand-holding like a child.
The door swings open, a uniformed infantry officer stepping inside, here to decide your fate. He’s fully armed, a short blade in his hand, ready to carve into your skin or to pierce your heart, put you out of your misery — to thin the herd, to separate the wheat from the chaff. 
“I’m sorry,” you plead, as if that will change her mind. “I’m so sorry, I promise I’ll try harder, I’ll prove to you that I can handle it, just please don’t give up on me, don’t leave me here to die, please…”
He scoffs at you. “Crying already? This is going to be easier than I thought.”
You can’t dry your tears with your hands tied behind your back, so you settle for blinking them away and willing them to stop — you need to be strong if you want to get out of this room alive and see your brother and sister and the rest of your family again.
Family. That’s it — to convince them you’re worth it, you need to be someone else, someone who is worth it, like your brothers. 
You’re going to get through this. You’re going to endure whatever they put you through like Garrick would, and do it all with a straight face like Xaden, and be brave like Liam and smart like Brennan, and then Rhith will take you back, and everything will be okay again; you just need to stay strong.
Ridoc can’t find you at breakfast— you aren’t sitting with Bodhi and Imogen and the other marked ones like you always do. Maybe you’re sleeping in, he decides. The thought is a small comfort to him, but he can’t shake the feeling that something is wrong.
He hadn’t seen you all weekend, but that much is normal — he’d spent Saturday afternoon with his friends at the tavern in town, and you aren’t the going-out type; you’d rather curl up with a book to distract yourself from the rest of the world and it’s cruelty.
You hadn’t answered your door when he’d come to extend you the invitation, but he’d just assumed you were elsewhere. And your relationship is new, anyway, new enough that the word relationship probably isn’t the best to describe what the two of you have — you’ve been on two dates. You aren’t going to be spending every hour of your spare time together. 
But you aren’t at morning formation either, and as he settles into his usual seat at Battle Brief, you’re still nowhere to be found. There’s no denying it now; this isn’t a series of coincidences, this is a pattern, and something is definitely wrong.
Second squad seems to all realize what’s happening at once.
“I’m sure she’s okay,” Sawyer tries, but Ridoc seems unconvinced, bouncing his leg under the table nervously. His eyes snap toward the door as it creaks open, one person walking through.
You make it up to the back of the lecture hall, settling into the open chair beside Ridoc, your usual spot these days.
Everyone’s eyes widen at the cuts and bruises across your arms and face, knowing there’s likely even more covered by your clothes.
“Are you okay?” Violet asks in a whisper, knowing it’s a stupid question, but wanting to say something anyway.
You nod, chewing your lip. “I’m fine, but I can’t feel Rhith. I don’t know what happened.”
You’ve been trying all morning, had tried all night when they’d finally left you to sleep… you haven’t heard anything from her in two full days, but the infantry officer had let you go free, so you must have passed whatever test they’d given you, decided you were worthy of being a rider after all.
Guilt flickers in Ridoc’s chest - he should have told you, given you some kind of warning. “They did the same thing to us last week. It was something in the water. It’ll wear off soon, I promise.” He holds a hand out, a small icicle forming in his palm that he wraps in a piece of soft fabric. “Here.”
You take it from him, holding it to the killer bruise forming on your jaw from where the officer’s fist had nearly broken it. “Thank you.”
You’re exhausted. You’d barely had enough time to shower before class started, and you’re pretty sure you’re concussed; it’s hard to think, and everything is too bright in here, too loud…
You turn your gaze back to the professor, but don’t take any notes, don’t make any move to take a pen and paper from your bag, letting your eyes fall shut as Devera continues her analysis. It goes in one ear, out the other, but you know none of it is true anyway, or if it is, it’s only half the story.
The ice is starting to melt against the warmth of your skin, dripping down your wrist. He takes it back, letting it disappear into thin air and pocketing the wet handkerchief silently, resting an arm on the back of your chair and pressing a soft kiss to your bruised temple.
You blink awake at the sound of everyone getting up to leave — you must have gotten almost an hour of sleep. It’s taken some of the edge off, but your entire body still aches as you rise from your seat.
“Aotrom says she’s on the flight field,” Ridoc says, shouldering your bag before you can protest. “Do you wanna go see her?”
You just nod in response, your jaw still aching too much to speak. You make the walk up in silence, your heart clenching when you see Rhith standing there, waiting for you.
The comforting voice is finally back in your head. “Hello, sweet one.”
“Hi,” you say aloud, voice wavering. 
She lowers her head to you, letting you stroke a hand over the dark green scales of her nose. “I would never want to replace you, sweet one. You are just as strong and just as valuable as your brothers, and I chose you for a reason.”
You realize that she’d heard it all, your desperate pleas for her to spare your life, the promises that you’d be better, thinking she’d abandoned you…
“I’m sorry for thinking that, I just… my signet stopped working, and I couldn’t hear you…” you’re going to cry just thinking about it. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” she soothes. “Try it again.” 
You take a breath and close your eyes, picturing a butterfly. When you open them, you can see one floating through the gentle afternoon breeze. You add another, just to be sure that it wasn’t a fluke, and another… three of them now, content to flutter around in front of you.
Ridoc is still watching you, silent. The look of relief on your face breaks his heart.
He realizes that by separating you from Rhith, they’d taken away your only friend in that room. He’d had Rhiannon and Violet and Sawyer by his side the whole time, but you’d been entirely alone; no marked ones, nobody from your squad — you’re the only second-year left. They’d taken your best coping mechanism as well, your ability to self-soothe with your gentle projections. 
Rhith looks up at Ridoc, who stands a respectful distance away, your bookbag slung over his shoulder. “She says thank you,” you relay for her, “for taking care of me.”
Ridoc smiles. “Always, sweetheart. Now let's get you to the healers, hm?”
He holds out a hand, and you hesitate a moment before you take it, intertwining your fingers loosely. His skin is warm against yours, soft, gentle, safe. When you make it down the hill and across the bridge to the infirmary, you almost don’t want to let go.
You stay as close to Ridoc as you can for the rest of the day. He treats you incredibly carefully, even after you’ve been mended back to normal, the cuts healed and bruises faded completely.
You’re grateful to wake up in your own bed the next morning, silently getting ready for the day and falling into your place at morning formation.
“Atken,” Dain calls, gesturing for you to come see him. “You’re being transferred.”
What? Why? Your heart races, but you follow him silently, stopping in front of a different squad, in Fourth Wing.
“I think you already know most of your squadmates,” he prompts.
You take a good look at them — nearly all of your friends; Imogen and Sloane and Violet, and now Ridoc and his friends too. You might cry. “Thank you,” you say quietly.
“Don’t thank me, thank those two. They made quite the argument for transferring you.” He nods toward Ridoc and Sawyer — they both smile at you, Ridoc grinning from ear to ear, Sawyer looking rather bashful.
“So you won’t have to be alone anymore,” Ridoc answers before you can ask. 
You fall into the formation beside him, reaching over to hook your pinky around his in a tiny show of appreciation. “Thank you.”
He smiles at you, warm and bright, keeping your fingers interlocked through the morning roll and announcements.
Maybe your second year won’t be so bad anymore.
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stopper-my-heart · 3 months
Let's break down the sequence at the end of Heartstopper S1E2 and beginning of S1E3 -- in which Nick is working on coming to terms with the fact that he likes Charlie and Charlie is a boy -- focussing on Nick.
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The whole sequence masterfully sets up our understanding of Nick and his headspace via a series of contrasts.
Warning: This is a gif-filled long post with sadness ahead. (If you'd prefer a happier take related to this sequence, take a look at my other post about it.) CW: Short mention of some homophobic practises/issues in the world at the end (those shown in the show at the beginning of S1E3).
The sequence begins with Nick entering his room, but it's filmed through his bedroom window, i.e., from the outside looking in. We don't even clearly see his face. The next shot is of a photo on Instagram of Nick with his rugby friends. To me, this is drawing attention to the fact that Nick is on the outside of his friend group.
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The photo itself offers a stark contrast to this idea: Nick is in the centre of his friends, literally being carried and supported by them. His face suggests he's thinking about how the photo doesn't represent reality. Nick is not himself with his rugby friends, and/so they don't really know him. That's not really him, and that's concerning.
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There's then a brief flash of Imogen's Insta post, which is a photo of likely herself (the person's head is out of shot) and its caption is helpfully centred for us: "stay true to yourself 🥰🌸". (This deserves its own analysis tbh.) We see Nick slightly smiling at it, but we're physically very far away from him and only move incrementally closer.
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Next Nick comes across Charlie's photo from their "snow day". Nick isn't in the photo, but it is a photo that he took, so although it's a public post that in a way "can't" have the two of them together in it yet, he's not completely absent from it. Nick's face is immediately much more smiley.
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The comparison between Nick's reactions to the different photos hearkens back to the commentary from Nick's mum earlier in the episode (which she made, y'know, the day the photo Nick just saw was taken):
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All signs point to: Nick is not true to himself with his rugby friends, (maybe a little with Imogen,) but he is with Charlie.
Back to Nick-- Seeing Charlie's photo inspires Nick to switch to his camera roll which is already scrolled to his snow day photos implying that he's looked at them another time recently to look at more photos from their snow day, prompting even more smiling and a tiny laugh. Not to mention, now Nick can finally see his genuine self in the photos he's looking at.
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I've been focussing on the scenes with Nick so far, but this whole sequence goes back and forth between Nick and Charlie in their respective rooms and is set up as a contrast between them. Let's look at that comparison to understand the full picture with Nick before we continue on.
We see Charlie from a comfortable/typical-to-the-viewer angle, in contrast to our view of Nick which has been almost awkwardly straight on throughout this sequence, whether in front of or behind him.
Charlie is also relaxedly lying in his bed, directly engaging with his friend group to get their input on the situation with Nick (Charlie's on the inside), compared to Nick who is sitting on the edge of his bed, kind of hunched over his phone, scrolling through photos other people are posting (on the outside looking in, and still only looking in via photos that don't tell the full story).
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There are further contrasts between them, too, of course. Charlie is confident about his sexuality while Nick is questioning, so he's not confused or scared by liking Nick the way Nick is about liking Charlie.
Charlie is instead feeling hopeful at the prospect that Nick might also be interested, and we leave him for the episode with his cautious excitement about Elle's news that Tara at least isn't into Nick.
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Back to Nick-- In the past, Nick's typically experienced or thought about his feelings for Charlie when he's with Charlie or when there are other people around. But this time there's no Charlie to distract Nick from the scariness with his Charlie-ness (and the positive feelings of liking him), and there are no other people around to force Nick to abandon his thoughts or put a mask on.
So when Nick has his moment of fully acknowledging his romantic feelings for Charlie to himself and wondering if that might mean that he's gay (and if so, what does that mean for him?), the contrast with Charlie's fairly straightforward hopefulness and attentive support network highlights how alone Nick is, and with something more daunting.
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But Nick is strong and brave, and he's not going to let that stop him.
It's after this that we get the same shot as the first one, from behind Nick, except now the camera is inside the bedroom with Nick and getting ever closer. Nick then even turns toward the camera at the end. The question is: Who is Nick, really, on the inside?
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He's ready to find out, even if it's scary.
But because there are no people close to him that Nick could talk to about what's going on with him -- no friends Nick can reach out to about how he's feeling, he doesn't know how his mother would respond to this, Charlie is the one he's having feelings for so he can't really talk to him about it -- Nick uses what seems like the only option open to him: the internet.
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And then Nick is confronted with results about violent hate crimes, conversion therapy, opposition to equal rights, discrimination, not to mention some unhelpful quizzes...so much anti-LGBTQIA+ sentiment and the horrible things that that can lead to, all whilst he's having a complete identity crisis. Nick is so alone and afraid, feeling deeply confused and misunderstood -- including misunderstood by himself -- and his internet reading has not only not provided clarity or a sense of being seen, but it's even highlighted that Nick may have reasons to be afraid.
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And because Nick doesn't have a support network he feels he can talk to about this, he's stuck with these feelings for now.
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In conclusion: This sequence breaks my heart. (If your heart is also breaking, my related post may help heal it. Or I recommend watching Heartstopper. If your heart isn't breaking, I blame my post. Go watch the end of S1E2 and the beginning of S1E3 and then come tell me that your heart is still whole)
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bairdthereader · 3 months
It's Imogen's turn now.
[I'll preface this by saying that I usually hate when tv or film adaptations of books add new characters, and I'm immediately biased against them when they show up on screen (hi, I'm the problem, it's me). I'll admit I felt that way about Imogen at first. But Alice is such a genius, and they wrote Imogen into the storyline in such a way that she feels not just essential to the plot, but also to some of the other characters' development. And to top it off, this girl gets one heck of a character arc. For this post, I'll focus on just one aspect of her journey: her gradual movement from loneliness to connection.]
At the beginning of season 1, Imogen is one of the few girls who hangs out regularly in front of the boys' school. On the surface this could look like a typical way to attract a boyfriend within a known and relatively safe group. But, unusually, she's never seen interacting with anyone else in any meaningful way, the first clue that this group might be all she has. The other boys in the group seem to engage her minimally, and only mention her in terms of her attractiveness and as a potential match for Nick. Compared with their indifference, Imogen can clearly see that Nick is a good choice--attractiveness and rugby king status aside, he's a kind and attentive part of their friend group, and she's known him a long time, even if only superficially. Cue an awkwardly aggressive pursuit that includes:
A lack of respect for Nick's privacy;
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Nonconsensual touch;
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Inviting herself into his life in public where it's hard for him to say no, then broadcasting an inaccurate relationship status to their friends;
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And petty, self-protecting revenge for perceived rejection.
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None of these behaviors are particularly pleasing to watch happen, especially when we know everything Nick is struggling with internally, but they are very typical of someone who desperately wants connection but doesn't know how to achieve it in a non-superficial way. Imogen is genuinely fond of Nick, and even amid all of the obnoxious but socially acceptable ways she tries to hold his attention you can see glimpses of that fondness and care (letting him off the hook when he clearly doesn't want to say he likes her back at the dance comes to mind). The fact that she still pursues him the way she does doesn't make Imogen a bad person; it shows us she’s a lonely person, particularly vulnerable to the currents of peer pressure and expected societal norms, long before she admits in season 2 that she doesn’t actually have that many friends.
And then, we get the hugely important conversation in the park with Nick (and Nellie, the emotional support dog we all need). It must be said that Nick is choosing to share a really complex part of himself with Imogen here; he could easily have left it at “I don’t like you like that.” But instead, he takes this moment when Imogen isn’t distracted by posturing or fitting in or flirting to tell her what’s really going on in his mind. On some level, he trusts her with this truth—not the whole truth, obviously, but a big part of it—which tells us he recognizes that beneath her façade Imogen is a caring, trustworthy, and kind person. Naturally most of the focus in this scene is on Nick, but this talk also marks the beginning of Imogen's journey toward authenticity. It starts with the realization that she feels at least some of the same things Nick is feeling about being afraid to change and not fitting in, followed by a shift in her perspective on Nick himself.
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Once Nick is no longer a romantic prospect, there's room for her to consider him as a whole person and a true friend, not just someone she "hangs out with every morning." She can begin to see and value the things about him that are intrinsic parts of his nature, rather than the outward trappings of just a datable boy. Imogen can let down her guard with him because he let his down with her first. She can give more of her true self to this friendship because Nick has no expectations of her beyond that she be kind and be herself. There are no popularity points to earn, no hoops to jump through, no fear of rejection. So now, she protects him from the scorn he might have received from their friend group by saying the decision not to date was hers. She begins respecting his personal space. She cares for and observes him on a deep enough level to understand at least a bit of what is happening when Nick takes Charlie off the field at sports day. She’s learning what it is to both be and have a real, authentic friend, maybe for the first time. This helps her to view other people in her life through this more discerning and nuanced lens as well.
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Clearly Nick has grown to appreciate Imogen's friendship on a deeper level too, since she's the first person from his old friend group he really wants to come out to and tell about Charlie, so much so that he and Charlie make a fairly elaborate plan to create a safe space for him to do so. The sleepover at Charlie's house is another quiet watershed moment for Imogen, because Charlie's friend group welcomes her so unreservedly. They might be a little surprised to see Imogen there, Tara and Darcy may have not had the most positive feelings toward her before, and the rest of them might have some lingering reserve based on her attachment to the Harry cadre, but... They put all of that aside and draw her in with warmth and enthusiasm, partly because that is just the kind of lovely people they are, partly because Charlie and Nick are implicitly vouching for Imogen, and partly because when Imogen lets her guard down, when she's not trying to impress or flirt or maintain a certain image, she's quite lovely and fun herself.
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Nick has been making a parallel journey toward connection and true friendship, but in a slightly different way. While Nick actively seeks points of connection by using his emotional intelligence and intuition, Imogen journeys into deeper friendships by enjoying the genuine kindness of the people in Charlie's friend group enough to be herself around them. She realizes that there are people who do like her just the way she is--a novel experience for her.
Of course, this is a gradual evolution for Imogen, so it doesn't all change overnight. She still spends the bulk of her time with her old friend group, who often leave her alone, and her ever-present desire to be liked and loved draws her into a relationship with Ben, who uses her in the worst way.
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When she begins to suspect that Ben cares less for her than he should, that perhaps he’s even using her to get at Nick and Charlie, she starts to pull away. She recognizes that her true wants and needs are speaking more loudly than the old desire to have a boyfriend or to be part of the more popular group. She’s listening to herself, finally.
She starts spending more time with Charlie’s friend group, with people who appreciate her sunshine personality, her quirks, her big smile, who listen to her problems and give her honest advice. People whose company she enjoys on a complex level.
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Once she has people in her life who accept her the way she is, Imogen can finally begin to accept herself, see herself, and value herself. Which leads us to this truly phenomenal moment, Imogen’s catharsis, her break for freedom from not only Ben's manipulations and toxicity, but the suffocating pressure of being someone she's not.
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This must have been simultaneously liberating and terrifying for Imogen, but now, when she has to be brave, she has true friends to bolster and support her. She's not alone anymore.
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And then, then, we get Imogen's final layer peeled away, the moment when she looks deeply enough into her true self to see this:
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Imogen's self-realization is so powerful and, I think, just beginning. We are ready for season 3 Imogen.
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angstywaifu · 2 months
Black Dahlia - 5. Not A Good Idea - Garrick
One tragic day changes Dahlia's life forever. Despised by her father and brother, she's spent her entire life trying to be the child and sister she use to be. But nothing she ever does is good enough. She joins the Rider's Quadrant to prove them wrong. Garrick now in his second year has proven he is more than the mark on his skin to his fellow riders, and taken leadership of his own Squad alongside Xaden. Little does he know the girl walking across the parapet is about to send him on a rollercoaster of a year.
Garrick Tavis x OC (Dahlia Aetos)
Black Dahlia Masterlist | Masterlist
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“I don’t think this is a good idea.” I tell him again as he sits in front of me, placing his plate on the table.
“I told you, it’s fine. Just trust me on this.” Xaden says sternly as Bodhi joins him on the other side.
“What’s not a good idea?” Bodhi asks, looking between the two of us confused.
“The Aetos girl. Your cousin here requested her on his squad for some stupid reason.” I say bitterly, shoving food in my mouth.
Luckily the hall is loud, drowning out anyone that could hear our conversation. Everyone getting to know their new squads or reunite with friends or family they hadn’t seen since being in the quadrant. It also helped that no one really sat near us. The perks of being a marked one I guess.
“And as I keep saying, just trust me. I don’t think she’ll be a problem.” Xaden tells me again. I was honestly starting to loose count of how much back and forth we’d had on this topic since she stepped off the Parapet this afternoon.
“And you saying you don’t think she’ll be a problem is the problem. She’s going to draw too much attention to us from that father and brother of hers. She could wreck everything we’ve worked for.”
Xaden goes rigid at my words. He knows I’d never speak openly about what we’re doing, but he still gets nervous at my hint. His eyes quickly assessing the few cadets around us. But all of them are too caught up in their conversations to hear us.
“In Xaden’s defence she doesn’t seem that bad. Though she really keeps to herself. Don’t think I’ve seen her utter a single work since she stood next to me in formation.” Bodhi chimes in, taking Xaden’s side as per usual. That boy would follow Xaden blindly no matter what.
I look down the table to where she sits with the rest of Xaden’s squad. Like us she’s sat a little away from the rest of the squad. Either by choice or because no one wants to sit next to her. Either way she doesn’t seem to mind. But honestly it’s hard to tell, her face showing no emotion. I thought Imogen had resting bitch face, but she takes it to another level. Thank the gods those two aren’t on the same squad.
“And that’s what concerns me. For all we know she could be putting on an act.” I add, turning back to the two of them.
“You act like I’m going to let her in on what we’re doing.” Xaden says bitterly, almost sounding hurt at my accusation.
“I know you won’t. But she might pick up on something. Hear something. And as soon as she does she’s running off to the Colonel.” I warn, trying to convey how stupid this was despite trusting him on that parapet. Why the hell had I listened and written her down for his squad.
“I don’t know if you noticed, but she didn’t exactly look to be on the best terms with her brother. Both of them looked ready to kill each other as soon as they stepped off the parapet.”
Xaden was right. They hadn’t looked pleased to see each other or even be near each other. But it could all be an act for what we knew. But there was something about the hatred in her eyes. Almost too hateful to be faked.
”I can confirm this. He went looking for her once we got to our beds. She’d already gone off somewhere, but he wasn’t too pleased when the girl next to her bed said she wasn’t here. Stormed off muttering something.” Bodhi adds.
Seems I was out numbered in this conversation for some unknown reason.
“Fine. But don’t get mad when I say I told you so.” I warn, turning my attention back to my food.
“Oh I won’t. You’ll be the one getting mad when I tell you that.” Xaden says smugly before turning to Bodhi and changing the conversation to what had happened in the last five years.
@imtoanonymousforyou @simplyme-fornow @omalmal @lalaluch @wolfbc97 @leptitlu @fullmoon-94
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marvelsmylife · 13 days
Bad Reputation
Pairing: Garrick Tavis x reader
Plot: Garrick has developed a reputation that’s preventing him from getting the girl of his dreams.
A/n I’m accepting request’s!
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It was no secret to anyone in Basgiath that Garrick got around. He loved the attention he got from women because he was a dragon rider. He knew that being in the rider's quadrant meant tomorrow was never promised so he took that as a sign to sleep around. When his friends would tease him for his promiscuity he would reply, “Why shouldn’t I have fun? I have no intention of settling down any time soon.” And he meant it; until you arrived and Garrick found himself gravitating towards you.
You were the first year who became fast friends with Violet. You both bonded over the fact you were both forced to become riders and looked out for each other. Like Violet, you discover your dragon was mated to Garrick's dragon. Garrick took full advantage of the fact to get close to you. He told you that since our dragons are mated, it was only fair that he got to protect you.
“Ok,” you agreed without hesitation and started spending all your free time with him.
Throughout that time Garrick would shamelessly flirt with you. He would also intentionally flex in front of you and remove his shirt to show off his buff figure. You were close to giving in and letting him take you on a date. That changed when you started hearing stories about how he’s fucked half of the rider's quadrant. You heard people whispering behind your back if Garrick had fucked you yet.
They were also placing bets on how long it was going to take for him to have sex with you before he moved on to the next girl. Garrick would reassure you that he wasn’t like that anymore and that you were different. Just as he felt he was making progress with you, it all came tumbling down one evening.
A spunky redhead walked towards the two of you during a night out and wrapped her arms around Garrick's neck. “Gare bear, I missed you! Why haven’t you written? You promised you would when we spent the night together six months ago,” the redhead asked.
You felt tears forming in your eyes at the girl's comment and quickly left. “Y/n, wait !” Garrick called out as he removed the woman who was clinging to him, “If you’ll excuse me, Tracy.”
“It’s Taylor ! ! !” Taylor whined as she watched Garrick run after you, “I’ll be here if you change your mind!”
You were able to avoid being alone with Garrick for three weeks before he cornered you in an empty hall. He begged you to listen to him, that the girl meant nothing to him, and that it happened before you started hanging out together. “You have to believe me,” Garrick pleaded as he tried to hold your hand but you pulled them away from him.
You were looking for someone to intervene and save you from this interaction. That’s when Imogen came up and saved you, “there you are y/n. I’ve been looking for you everywhere. Our training session was supposed to start ten minutes ago.” Garrick gave Imogen a confused look because, to his knowledge, you and Imogen had never interacted before.
“I’m sorry, I lost track of time,” slipped away from Garrick and made your way over to Imogen, who was glaring at her friend. “I-um, I’ll see you around Garrick,” you managed to say as you started to leave with Imogen following closely behind.
Once you knew you were far away you whispered, “Thank you for saving me back there.”
“It’s no problem,” Imogen replied, “it’s refreshing. I normally save Garrick from girls who won’t leave him alone, now I’m saving one from him.”
You were almost to your room when you turned to Imogen and asked, “Can I ask you something? How many girls has Garrick slept with and why is he so fixated on? I’m nothing special.”
Imogen gave you a sympathetic look at your last comment before replying, “Listen, I heard what happened between you, him, and Taylor and I don’t blame you for leaving. Garrick is a great guy but I can’t deny, he’s a whore. Or at least he was a whore before he met you. Ever since you came into his life he’s changed for the better. I’m not telling you to give him a chance, I’m just letting you know that what he’s currently feeling towards you is real.”
“Ok, thank you for your advice,” you gave Imogen a sad smile before disappearing into your room.
You managed to avoid Garrick for a few days as you tried to process your emotions. It didn’t help when you would get random girls to come up to you and tell you to leave Garrick alone. They would tell you that they were in love with him and your presence was getting in their way.
You ended up deciding to just ghost him and hoped he’d understand. Unfortunately for you, he didn’t understand and decided to call you out in front of your mutual friends about the situation. “Just give me one good reason why you don’t want to date me. We had a great thing going,” Garrick ran his hands through his hair.
“Because I don’t want to date a man-whore !” you blurted out and caused your friends to stare at you in disbelief. “I’m sorry but I’ve lost count of how many girls come up to me and told me to back off and to leave you alone because they called dibs on you first,” you added before leaving the dining hall when you noticed the hurt look on Garrick's face. You knew your words were harsh and couldn’t handle him staring at you like that.
To your surprise, Garrick followed you out and sat down in front of you. “I’m sorry for my harsh words back there,” you whispered as you tried to avoid eye contact.
Garrick winced at your apology, seeing as he felt like you didn’t have to, “I should be the one apologizing for putting you in the position to talk to me in that manner. You’re right, I am or was a man whore, but ever since you came into my life I’ve wanted to better myself. I want to be the man you deserve. I swear on my life I haven’t slept with anyone since we first met. I-” Garrick paused, contemplating if he should say what he was truly feeling, “I love you, I genuinely fucking love you y/n. I know I don’t deserve it but I hope you find it in your heart to give me a second chance. I promise to treat you the way you deserve, with love and respect.”
You found yourself tearing up at Garrick’s confession and lunged onto him and hugged him as tigh as you could. “Ok,” you whispered into his neck.
Garrick found himself relaxing as soon as you agreed to give him a chance. “I promise you won’t regret giving me a chance,” Garrick replied as he held you in his arms.
You knew that you and Garrick’s relationship started bumpy, but you were both determined to make it work.
@violent-little-thing @tincanhat @ladynyx91
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