#anyways my aunt visited yesterday and was telling me this wild story about her house being haunted
lovebirdgames · 1 year
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Rebecca’s story doesn’t take center stage in Band Camp Boyfriend. Her presence is small, but her influence is large. Did you know you can hear Rebecca’s voice on the phone? Were you able to spot the family’s gravesite? And can you name the two moments her thoughts came through in the voice of another? 
Or did her presence go completely over your head? Heheh.
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teamhook · 5 years
A Chapter a Day... Savage Heart CS AU
This story will be finished by the end of the month. :)
A love story between a pirate and his savior. An innocent, beautiful, selfless woman meets a man with no manners, no formal education and not even a last name. Will Emma fall in love with Killian once she discovers that beneath his tough exterior lies a heart-wild, but a heart of gold? This is a Captain Swan AU
Beta-ed by the awesome @ilovemesomekillianjones​​​​
Cover by the amazing @xhookswenchx​
|AO3| |FFN| previous chapter
|AO3| |FFN| current chapter
Chapter 10: Sapling
As August is getting prepared to visit with Archie, Milah is waiting for a chance to escape for an impromptu meeting with Killian.
Cora walks into the office and watches her son intently. August smiles, looking up from the chaos of papers littering his desk and says, "Good morning mother, I see you are up quite early today. You look better." Something in his mother's expression causes him to quickly add, "Before you start, I don't have time to argue with you. I have a lot of work to do. I have to get some things in order before I go to meet with Mr. Hopper. I don't want to overwhelm Killian when he takes over."
"I had hoped that conversation was a nightmare. You have inherited all the horrible traits from your father. You are as stubborn as a mule, and you share the same need to help that lowlife. Too bad you haven't changed your mind on the matter. I hope you know what you're doing, because mark my words son, you will live to regret it," Cora says and storms out of the room.
August stares at the door and sighs. Milah walks in right after Cora storms out.
"Good morning. Your mother is as pleasant as ever," Milah says as she kisses his cheek and adds, "she is never going to accept me."
"I love you, darling, and that is all that matters," August says, making his wife smile. "Milah, I'm hoping I will be hiring my childhood friend to take over my duties at the estate and we can finally go away and be able to take that honeymoon trip we were unable to take when we first married," August says as he reaches for Milah's hand.
"Oh, how long will we be gone and when will we leave?" Milah asks, trying to display excitement at her husband's news.
"I want to finally take an extended honeymoon trip with my beautiful bride, and to answer the second part of the question; we will leave by the end of the week if everything goes as planned. If it is possible to leave sooner we will do so," August answers.
"I prefer not to leave my aunt alone for too long. Please just remember that Emma is in the convent."
"I understand, sweetheart. You have such a loving heart. How about a month? I would love to spoil you for longer but I understand your reasons for not wanting to stay away for too long. So it is settled, we will make it a month long trip."
Milah smiles and just gently nods in agreement as she loses herself in thought. The thought of a nice lavish vacation sounds amazing but she has a feeling Killian is not going to be very happy with the news. She knows it will be hard to convince him it's for the best. She needs for August to be completely in love with her and trusting so he doesn't see the treachery coming. She must ensure he is oblivious to the fact that she is not in love with him. She can fake it as long as it takes, he's nice enough, but he isn't the man to satisfy her needs, at least not intimately. Financially he is very well equipped to satiate her desires and so far he is doing an amazing job.
"I was wondering if it is satisfactory for me to take a trip to my uncle's house today. I want to ensure everything is okay. Before you say anything I know I went out there yesterday but since we are now expecting to leave soon I need to make sure everything is in order. My Aunt Snow is still not in shape to go over there her and I need to help her in any way I can. I know I'm not as capable as Emma but I need to do my part." Milah hopes this reasoning is sufficient enough to sneak away to see Killian and let him know of her husband's plan.
"Could that possibly wait until tomorrow? On second thought, I can go to the house in your place and do whatever needs to be done. I think your presence here is needed. You need to keep your aunt company especially since we will be leaving her here alone with my mother for a month," August says in a firm voice.
Milah blinks away her frustration. She needs to get away and meet with Killian to let him know about her husband's plan for a honeymoon trip. August isn't making things easy for her and she can't afford to make him suspicious of her actions.
"Ok, I will let you take care of everything," Milah relents.
"Good, I will stop at the house on my way home from Mr. Hopper's office." August smiles and leans in to give her a kiss before taking his leave.
As August walks away Milah feels her anger rise. Now how will she be able to find time to talk to Killian?
"Emma," Mother Superior starts as she motions for Emma to sit, "I was thinking you should go see your mother to tell her about the letter Mr. Hopper delivered, and to check on her of course. I still think you could have asked to stay longer."
"I didn't want to take advantage, but I would love to go show my mother my father's letter. I think it will brighten her day." A smile lights Emma's face as she thinks about the contents of the letter.
"Emma, I have an ulterior motive. Your trial period is almost over and I want to suggest something a bit out of the ordinary. You will go show your mother the letter and stay at the Booth estate for the remainder of the trial. I think it would be good for you to confront your feelings for August. Remember that taking vows is going to be a lifelong commitment. During your extended stay, you can decide if you still want to become a nun or if it's possible you can find love in another. Oh, and before I forget, you don't need to wear the habit while you're away."
Emma stares at Mother Superior. She is about to counteroffer but thinks better of it. She could keep an eye on Milah and make sure she stays away from that pirate, at least for as long as she can.
"I will gladly take the letter and I look forward to spending some time with my mother before I take my vows, but that will not change my thoughts. I accept your generous proposal," Emma agrees with Mother Superior.
"Emma, before you leave to go see your mother I want to make something very clear to you. I want you to know I'm doing this because I like you and in all honesty, I don't want you to make a life-altering decision if there is any doubt in your heart. I want you to make sure there are no residual feelings for August. You just came back from the estate; did you feel anything for him?"
"No, I didn't," Emma answers and looks down at her hands.
"Your family has always been very generous with the convent, but that is not the reason I'm going out of my way to make certain you are not making a mistake. I need you to be sure of your commitment before you take your vows. I also know that right now you might feel like you've lost your happy ending with the marriage of August and Milah, but I want you to take my following words to heart; sometimes happy endings aren't what you think they should be. Now go get ready to depart."
As she gets up, Emma smiles softly at the wise-sounding woman. Maybe she's right, Emma thinks.
"Emma, is everything okay?" Tink asks. "I overheard the nuns talking about Mother Superior wanting to speak to you."
"Yes, everything is fine. I'm to go stay for the rest of my trial period with my mother at my cousin's husband's estate. I was really looking forward to getting to know you better, maybe one day soon," Emma says as she gently pats Tink's hand.
"It's fine, I'm hoping I won't be here too long anyway. You should steal him back. Your cousin is horrible for what she did, it would be well deserved."
That morning as the two women had gone about their chores, they had talked and had quickly shared with each other their troubles. Emma had listened intently to Tink talk about her friendship with Killian. She knows that Tink has no idea of his relationship with Milah. She had initially thought of enlightening her but didn't want to break her new friend's heart. One broken-hearted woman was enough. Emma finishes packing and is soon out the doors of the Convent.
"Hello, young Sir. Am I in the presence of young August Booth? How are you? It has been far too long," Archie rambles as he holds the door open. He had thought he was going to need to seek August out, and now the man is at his door.
"Mr. Hopper, it is so nice to finally be able to come visit you. I'm sorry I was unable to get away sooner, but I'm sure you still remember my mother. She barely lets me out of her sight," August laughs.
"Oh, I remember your mother quite well. To what do I owe the honor?" Archie asks.
"Do you remember that boy my father brought to the estate when I was young? I was hoping to offer him a job. My father's dying wish was for me to help him."
"Quite interesting," Archie murmurs. "I was going to pay you a visit at the Booth estate for that same matter. To be honest, I'm happy I didn't have to set foot there. Your mother and I did not part on good terms," Archie confesses.
"Imagine my surprise to hear that my mother left a bad impression. Regarding Killian, what did you have in mind? I want to offer him the steward position. I just hope that if he accepts he can deal with my mother. She will most likely antagonize him. She doesn't have the best opinion of him."
"That is a wonderful idea and I know he will accept gladly. I have confidence that Killian can handle your mother. To be honest, if I was in your place I would be more concerned for your mother. Killian can be quite a gentleman, but if he is pushed he will not bite his tongue. Killian will not be intimidated by her. I hope that is not a problem?"
"That will be a refreshing sight. I don't think anyone other than my father has ever been able to handle her. So then, it is settled. I hope he can start soon. I want to leave town this weekend and finally go on my honeymoon. It would be amazing if we could leave sooner."
"I believe he will be happy to hear the news. Although he is not an educated man, he is smart, and if it is okay with you I will guide him as best as I can," Archie offers.
"That sounds wonderful," August says with a smile.
"Do you think it will bother him greatly if we don't actually meet until my return? I'm just so eager to leave and have my bride all to myself," August tells Archie.
"I'm happy to say that if it pleases you, you can leave sooner. Do you have anything in particular that you would want me to review with him?" Archie asks as he looks over all the estate papers he was handed.
"Those papers are similar to a power of attorney, I'm giving him the same authority I have, in case my mother decides to make things difficult for him," August says.
Archie looks at the papers knowing that this could be the closest Killian will be to his birthright.
"If you don't mind I still have another stop after this and since you have said it will not be a problem for me to leave sooner, I will take you up on that offer. It is still early, I will check on the Nolan house then go home and prepare to leave tonight," August says excitedly.
"Oh, then don't let me hold you up any longer. Go on and take care of your business."
Even in death, Brennan tried to help Killian.
August arrives shortly at the Nolan house and everything is as it should be. He quickly leaves and is back home telling Milah to get everything ready. They will be leaving sooner, in the early morning the following day. By the time August arrives, Emma is already there and is soon helping Milah prepare for the trip at August's request. Emma has a small smile on her lovely face because she knows that for now, Milah will not be able to do anything inappropriate.
Milah exudes frustration, knowing she is out of time. She will not be able to warn Killian.
The following morning, not long after August and Milah leave on their honeymoon, there is a hard knock on the front door. Emma heads to the door and opens it. Facing her is one Killian Jones, dressed as a gentleman should, with a nice pair of trousers, vest, and coat that bring out his eyes.
Killian just stands there staring at her. Emma stands tall, looking every bit the angel she is. She is not wearing her habit, and he notices that fact.
"Mr. Jones, how may I be of assistance?" Emma asks.
Killian blinks and responds, "Good morning lass, I'm here to see August."
The color drains from Emma's face.
Before she says anything Killian assures her, "I'm not here to cause any trouble. He is an old friend and has generously offered me a job."
"You are the old friend?" Emma asks in disbelief.
"Aye, I met him when I was a young lad. I have decided to become an honorable man and he has chosen to see past my long list of bad actions." Killian looks at her intently as he speaks.
"Oh, you just missed them, they will not be back for a month," Emma informs Killian.
Killian's jaw clenches "I thought they were set to leave upon the weekend."
"Well, it seems that he trusts you enough to leave without meeting with you. He did mention an old friend would be stopping by and to make sure that he was welcomed. To be honest, I'm very surprised to find that the old friend he mentioned is you."
"I see." Killian ponders this information, trying to quell the frustration he's feeling.
"Would you like some tea?"
"Is Saint Emma actually going to be cordial?" he asks teasingly.
Emma smiles and just starts walking to the dining room. She stops and turns to see if he is following her. "Well?"
Killian cannot help the smile that escapes him. She seems different. "I accept, lovely Emma."
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@hookedonapirate​​ @kmomof4​​ @searchingwardrobes​​ @seriouslyhooked​​ @profdanglaisstuff​​ @let-it-raines​​ @revanmeetra87​​ @snowbellewells​​ @hollyethecurious​​ @kymbersmith-90​​ @branlovestowrite​​ @thejollyroger-writer​​ @shireness-says​​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​​  @thisonesatellite​​ @thesschesthair​​ @winterbythesea​​ @stahlop​​ @resident-of-storybrooke​​  @superchocovian​​  @lfh1226-linda​​ @artistic-writer​​ @thislassishooked​​ @shardminds​​ @winterbaby89​​ @xhookswenchx​​ @ultraluckycatnd​​ @gingerchangeling​​ @laschatzi​​ @wellhellotragic​​ @xemmaloveskillianx​​ @courtorderedcake​​ @pirateherokillian​​ @optomisticgirl​​ @darkcolinodonorgasm​​ @sherlockianwhovian​​ @andiirivera​​ @djlbg​​ @nikkiemms​​ @jennjenn615​​ @scientificapricot​​ @officerrogers​​​ @imlaxdris71​​​ @therealstartraveller776​​​
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TFBM "Lioness" (Source: Flickr/ exodus-travels)
Photo by Gramps, Nov ‘68, 4th birthday, Knott’s Berry Farm... Knott’s first every visit for little cars, farm animals, horse rides.
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TFBM 2016 “Happy Birthday, Dad! I love and miss you! (I sang Happy Birthday, too) First birthday since...” ❤️
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TFBM 2013 (Three months after my grandpa died, his dad) “Today is my Dad's birthday. I called him and he's really sick again, and sounds so depressed. He says he's getting old and he's so tired of being in pain and stuck in a wheelchair and in a nursing home. He doesn't want me to visit him today, but said maybe tomorrow. As usual, he let me go quickly, said he needed his pain shot and then said, I love you, through tears, almost sobs and hung up. It's so hard and I don't know what else I can do for him. I just needed to say something, think out loud.”
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TFBM 2014 (Bill Eppridge—LIFE Picture Collection) “In late 1968, not long after famously capturing Robert Kennedy's assassination, Bill Eppridge spent two healing months among wild horses in the fabled landscape of the American West.”
This share is not about the main lyrics...
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Sent to me shortly before he died, ‘So you won’t forget me’ I never could. I will remember you throughout eternity! ❤️
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A couple of my Grandpa’s late years ‘wild horses’ paintings  *card size prints in an album
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Tonight! Tuesday Tuck In
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One tradition passed down from my grandparents & dad💕 My baby at Knott’s riding horses there like me when little. And, just like me, didn’t want to get off when time was up.
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Currently watching...
I’m hoping to find photos showing how different Knott’s was when I was little. I’d like to point out my favorite memories. The farm animals area had a mascot dog, Queenie, who was always a tail-wagging greeter. She was the first one I wanted to go see and hug and get face-licks from. Just like Lassie, they were brilliant in naming each same breed dog Queenie over the years, when one would pass. Later, Knott’s Scary Farm and Knott’s Merry Farm came into existence. T likes to go to the Halloween Haunt every year. I used to go all the time, too. Since my birthday is just two days after Halloween it’s usually celebrated in some Halloween combination. I remember when I went to Knott’s Scary Farm with my friends for my 16th birthday and I couldn’t wait to visit the farm. “Farm?” Yeah, it’s still here although not a main attraction now. I went home with a Red Satin bunny. I named her Pumpkin. 
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An oil painting by my grandpa. A couple of detail shots... 
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I couldn’t avoid the lighting on it in my room... 
I have a small oil painting of cats, given to me when I was a little girl, and three of his pen etchings; a fox, a rabbit, and my favorite of a tree. I also have two paintings of flowers I asked for. All used to be up on the walls in my homes. T has a few of them in my stored belongings at their place, as well as my piano. I hope they don’t get damaged at any point. There’s a sad story about a lot of my grandfather’s work, and who has them, who avoided me after the funeral. My family out there say they will try to figure out a way to get them back, but I know they won’t, or can’t. This woman is wealthy and thinks she’s entitled. Anyway, it’s not important. My family who have paintings of his offered them to me, to take them down off of their walls (of course I couldn’t take them)... this woman avoided me at all costs, with several excuses, until I had to leave. I don’t know why they’re so important to her! Anyway, this painting was one that my dad loved. He had it hanging in his homes for years. When he became paralyzed, he pleaded with the doctors to let him go home again. Once he pushed through physical therapy and proved he was strong enough to do it, they released him. But, sadly, his roommate came home one day to a tipped over wheelchair, blood (and more) all over the walls and floor, and my dad missing. Thankfully, a neighbor heard him cry out and called an ambulance. We had no idea which hospital he was taken to. By the time I found him, walking into the ER room sectionals, the nurse across the way told the others, his DR says he’s DNR. I looked over and saw that it was my dad... too many details to tell it all, but I said, “No he’s not! Resuscitate him right now!” Who are you? - His daughter. What doctor said that? He’s fired. And I had her call my dad’s Internal Medicine doctor, who agreed to become his primary doctor. Too many details, but even after all that happened, they didn’t insert the tube correctly, and I pointed that out, because they were saying it was useless that he was going to die. So, they rushed him to x-ray and found out I was right, and corrected it. Everything was a nightmare. There’s so much more. He had a raging staph infection. His skin was discolored throughout his entire body, looking leopard-like. They said he wouldn’t recover from it... just like when they wanted me to pull the plug and he fully recovered. It goes on and on... too much to think about, really. But, that’s when the doctor did the dirty work for me and told him that he had to go back to a nursing home. Anyway, this painting, and some of my dad’s other belongings (when I moved him out of that house with his roommate), was kept in the warehouse where I worked. When I finally got my piano and the other stuff out of there only a few years ago, I planned to bring this painting to my dad and hang it in his room at the home. He was looking forward to it, but then his health took a turn, and he died before I could bring it to him. So, it’s been sitting in my room since... painting side against the wall, to protect it, braced by other things. If I could get my own place, I would hang them all again. I think at this point, we’re stuck here until spring, losing more money to rent, medical, meds and all in the meantime. I just hope that nothing changes by spring and we can still make this happen before I won’t be able to contribute anything or do for myself in that way. We’ll see 🙏🏻
Oh! I almost forgot! Look what I came across yesterday: baby...
I noticed my photos program created this video this August. It’s mostly of Aiden (T’s Make-A-Wish kitty) one of the last times when he was real sick, and I’m also trying to connect on Skype with T for him in the video, lol... It helped him a lot. We finally managed to get through to each other. They Skyped daily a few times... he was anticipating it in the one shot. It was awful how he died. Just like my dad. Neither should have gone through what they did. I can’t let that happen to Marozi. Everyone needs to brace themselves soon. Neither my aunt or T are ready to have him put down, and I talk about it all the time, but both keep saying he’s better in between... For what? Half a day? Anyway, dreading it, too. But I can’t experience more like that. I just can’t. It’s too much for me. I’ve seen and been through too much already. The flashbacks of both of them are hard. And, not just of them... of the children I watched die in the hospital, of all of the medical stuff I saw with my kid, my dad, Alex, others and my beloved animals, too. I just can’t. But, here’s the video... strange... the music doesn’t fit either. And, although Aiden looks awful in these photos, it’s not so bad that I wince and cringe and feel that deep emotional pain. Just sharing to get it out, I guess: 
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Currently watching, The Last Airbender, on our new 55″ TV. Not bad. Theater sound. Our old TV went out two days ago. Waiting to hear if T & Alexandria are coming over for AHS. I have the house to myself for a few hours. Relaxing now... Trying to get my symptoms to calm down. Hours late on meds. Still can’t go without them. I guess I need Prednisone this time. I don’t think life will ever be easy for me. Ever. Nothing new.  I have to accept that, and have, and will. (Wed. 1:45pm)
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(Art by willow-s-linda) - 9/26/19 2:18-2:42pm
Oh! You want to know what’s happening...
Well, T & Alexandria came over last night, but didn’t stay as late as usual. In part because my brother had to drive them home and needed to get up early today because he went to Universal Studios Halloween Horror Nights. It must be nice to receive disability and health insurance and spend most of your time watching TV or playing video games or constantly going to amusement parks... Bitter, who me? And, I wasn’t feeling well, with my head foggy, so I didn’t feel like talking about any plans or progress on their part and they didn’t bring it up either. But, today, feeling worse I wrote to T. No response yet, but classes and work, etc. I’ll just paste screenshots. I left one little part out that is a little too personal to disclose publicly. Even if no response really, just knowing someone cares and listens is comforting (and I might delete a few later, but leave one that gives the gist for reference remembrance). I have to fwd them to be able to add here. I need a few. OK, here we go:
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Maybe I said too much and it will just be skimmed again. But, I text, sent a detailed email before, and talk in person when I see them when I can and it doesn’t seem like I’m getting through to them. T tends to go into denial about the seriousness of a lot of things. I think it’s a coping mechanism. Like with Aiden and Marozi. Anyway, I noticed a few typos, too. Whatever. And, I typed loops instead of hoops (make you go through), but it feels more like loops, so it’s fitting, lol. I’m propped up in the living room chair with my support cushions and pillows, since my brother’s not here to take over the chair, and just made myself Double Spice Chai in my Stitch mug, and hope to find a movie to distract myself with for the time being. Hope your day is going smoothly! :)
Currently watching. Nothing else on...  Previously known in person, but I’ll take it as a refresher on these types.
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TFBM (Source: thinned-skin via -thefixisin)
New listing townhouse. I went ahead and sent the link, saying that if we could get a different lender and a little more offered (not much more) this would be ideal. Coupled with my subtle joke, the funny part was in the real estate wording, trying to make it sound like an automatic chair was a big selling point: “What a deal!’’ (I don’t think they thought it was funny.)
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Hard to see, but the stair chair is to the right, top of stairs.
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Peppermint tea and lights off, darkening blinds closed, diffusing a mix of Frankincense, Eucalyptus and Rosemary for the first hour. Next, I’ll add Peppermint and Lavender. The baby wants in with me so bad. He keeps rattling the doorknob and meowing in such a sorrowful way. He leaves and then comes back. It’s mid-afternoon. He can cat nap on the cat tree.
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Putin will try a few scare tactics, through his cronies, but will let it go, not really caring. He has other tactics to gain his end, but I don’t think he realizes just how outdated most are, lol. It’s kind of funny to watch. But, on the serious side, it’s scary. 
Frankincense, Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Peppermint and Lavender is an odd combination. I’m mostly smelling the Frankincense and Eucalyptus now. The others must have brought out those two to the forefront. Frankincense helps boost the immune system and reduces inflammation. Eucalyptus stimulates the immune system, relaxes sore muscles, helps with depression and fatigue, sinus and allergies, and mental exhaustion; per science.
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Chewbacca (Source: aleriydraws)
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And Saved
Just a gist :)
#FBF This goes with the Knott’s stuff (Camp Snoopy)
WAIT! Something’s happening behind the scenes, like... I hear whispers and see many faces and finger pointing... what is it? WHAT IS IT? This pinned tweet is a distraction, a place holder, something people will stay with mentally, his signal to the alt right? I can’t tell. It’s a signal but for what? To who? Something’s going on. I hope it’s not something devastating. Stay vigilant whoever you are. I need to tune in, focus to see. WTH Trump? (Fri 9/27 8:45 pm)
I’m using this song to help focus...
Yes, I can. You underestimate me. Give it to me. IT, explosion, something missing. OK, blocking with energy. 
I Am Lion
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+ Still no response from T even after I wrote again today...  I gave them a percentage of the original lender offer to deposit into their savings account to show we had at least that much for a down payment. Since it’s taking so long and doesn’t seem like it’s going to happen I’ve repeatedly told them both I need that money back to either use to afford moving/living expenses on my own, or medical if I’m without insurance much longer (part of the reason to move out of state), or to redeposit into the account it came from before the end of the year, if we move but not until spring, so I don’t get penalized for taking out too much this year without investment or proof of other mentioned.
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Lemongrass tx alone right now, might add a few others. 
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Cliff Burton has a few things to say in my last personal post. I’ll be adding them soon… lending his energy. Thanks for reminding me Faith No More. And, get well, James… I’ll be with you soon in energy. too. You’ve been through enough. And you’ve remained one of the nicest guys I know. Remember. (Yeah, I sound crazy. Who cares. I know what I’m doing.) Here’s this for now, live footage, from “Ride The Lightning” =
For Whom the Bell Tolls (9/28 4:24)
(5:23) Are you listening to the bass too?
The Call of Ktulu
The Four Horsemen
And, what do you know... I got a response, finally. It looks like I possibly can get insurance through them. Will be checking out the link sent to me soon. Fingers crossed.
Lemongrass tx, now with Teatree, Lavender & Cedarwood too.
OK, I’ll admit it, I’m slow because I haven’t been feeling well. We got part of it figured out... I used a “green” light, “green” in the Metallica song... money is “green”... Trump is suddenly receiving a lot of money, so they say... a golf course is “green”. IT, Intelligence Test, [What is an IT raid? IDK] (IT, Institute of Technology; IT, In Training...) Thank God for energy in the meantime... still need more.
Ohhh!!! IT, Income Tax [raid]. “Green” is money, and sudden donations, tax evasion… Trump! OK, we’ve gotten a little farther… oh, this is good. OK, golf resorts are “green”, too. Whispering on the “green”. Those who can do are you listening? Do the math… you’ve got this! There’s more. I’ll keep on, too.
I keep getting Moscow. Not Russia. Not Putin. Moscow. I don’t understand.
Even though T gave me info, and said they could give me the money back, nothing more was said. I told T to hang onto it for now and explained no rush, but by mid December at latest to redeposit if we don’t move before spring or if I need it sooner for medical expenses. Asked what they’re thinking at this point and an important question to be able to get the insurance too. I think they’re upset with me. But, come on... I’ve been more than fair and patient until now, when I have pressing matters. It’s sad and sucks. Everything.
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