#anyways obviously id love to see a therapist but the last three i went to i literally had to explain what being transgender was🤣
skull-mulch · 2 years
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lovesbitca8 · 4 years
Reactions to the Final Chapter of The Auction (2/?)
Anonymous said: I’m just gonna say it. Shrapley can get it. He came through for us in the clutch. We owe him so much.
Anonymous said: I kind of ship narcissa and shrapley. I mean I absolutely love love love lucissa but now that he's dead I think she definitely could date him. I definitely imagine shrapley playing mind games with draco just like lucius👀👀
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junogriffith said: Thank you so much for the torture that was The Auction. I don't typically do dark fics but since it was you writing it, I went for it. It was beautiful and I loved reading it ♥ Now, I'm going to pretend like it never happened and it was just a horcrux induced nightmare that Hermione had and keep TRTTD as the absolute truth. Excuse me while I reread it so I can see Hermione and Draco be happy together, as is the truth.
Anonymous said: Forgive me but f*k pov draco. I want the story from Lucius eyes. Lucius you created is my fav even compare canon. By the way I wondered if you write anything for theatre?
I do write for theatre. Nothing that has been professional produced yet. 
Anonymous said: i recently came across your writing and I ABSOLUTELY FELL IN LOVE WITH IT! I was sooo thrilled when I discovered your rights and wrong series and how you wrote aus of your aus! I’ve love them all! The Auction was fantastic and I think the ending was great! You’re a fantastic writer and I love how you write dramione! ❤️
Anonymous said: oh jules, i have to tell you i was so very much enjoying all the lawyery stuff happening in this chapter and i was totally picturing this american lawyer as like an oj lawyer type guy and laughing through it all but i was also anxiously looking at my scroll bar like there isn’t enough time! how are they going to wrap this and let us see draco with hermione for real again how! (i do this thing where i think if i scroll slower when it nears the end it will somehow make the chapter longer lol) and then the outcomes happen and i felt emotions (i’m keeping this spoiler free as much as i can) and then she went to that place and i was like, oh my god and then she said “i’m sorry we’re just closed” and i immediately cried jules, i had to put the ipad down and walk away because i was hyperventilating and then i came back and finished it and i sobbed and i promise you jules i’ve never cried at a fic before not even the ones that really got me ya know? but i’m still cying now like as in i’m sorry if there are mistakes here my screen is all blurry crying. i just i really encourage eveyone who hadn’t read the other two works in the series to read them it makes the end ache so much deeper like i feel so many emotions because of how it all tied together. hope, pain, joy, and i don’t even know what else cause i’m bad at naming emotions, it’s why i’m in therapy, but it’s a lot of things. and it’s like of course we people love fluffy clear hea wrapups and we have all your other works to know they are gonna be just fine but ending the way you did, very “ok what next” like was just so perfect for the tone of this story. anyway i’m done now i must process things but congratulations jules, cat, and mar at least in my opinion you definitely stuck the landing. ps loved the little dress with pockets easter egg i’m gonna go read that now to try and stop crying and then i’m gonna read all three of these fics back to back and probably cry all over again. xoxo and happy holidays you deserve your break
Anonymous said: I know that this is just one minor opinion in the sea of praise that you absolutely deserve, but I wanted you to know that I’ve never read anything as amazingly mind-blowing as the Rights and Wrongs Series. You’ve created masterpieces. Not only did you end TA with the perfect blend of justice and HEA, but you’ve poetically concluded Hermione’s story. I hope you can ignore the mean trolls, and know that you have a beautiful talent making art out of words. Thank you, for everything that you do!
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Anonymous said: Will there be any post-Auction drabbles written for All Right or is that only for TRTTD/ATWT?
Currently, it is only for TRTTD/ATWT. I have no intention of writing post-Auction drabbles. 
21stcenturyrapunzel said: Okay 1) The Auction is finished 2) I cried a lot reading it 3) thank you for creating that awesome story 4) if you’re still driven to create it Id love a post-port key Draco perspective to see where he was and to see the moment he read the paper where Hermione says she loves him still. Okay, back to crying ❤️
Anonymous said: The description of Charlotte and how she died hit me harder than I expected. The fact that she was enslaved but was also free to a degree because she was able to fight back and help the True Order but she ultimately died under imperius and died for the people who did this to her breaks my heart. Obviously people die in war and she's a fictional character but fuck if it didn't make me wanna cryMy therapist will DEFINITELY hear about this lol
letssingintherain said: i was studying for my math final and i suddenly remembered that theo died in the auction. so now i'm sad af
letssingintherain said: ok i'm rereading the last chapter of TA and tears are just streaming down my face HOW ARE YOU SO TALENTED
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adkinemi06 · 5 years
Blog Post #25-Trust the Path
Current Mood: Anxious
Currently listening to: The birds chirping outside my window
Current verse of choice: “Yet you, Lord, are our Father.  We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.” Isaiah 64:8
It is about 5:45AM, the house is quiet, and my room is dimly lit; I am diffusing peppermint oil; my window is open, the birds are chirping, and the air smells crisp.  This scene is so peaceful, and these are some of my favorite moments with myself.  As humans, we don’t allow ourselves to be alone enough-especially not with God.  There is always work, appointments, meetings, commitments, social events, stresses, need for sleep, etc…and all of it takes up our time.  When I get to heaven, I am going to ask God 2 things: 1. Why are men and women SO different?  2. Why did he decide to only put 24 hours in one day? Why not 26?  As much as we wish there was more time in a day, we would just find something else to fill those extra hours.
Moving on, work has been extremely interesting lately.  I always go through these periods of what I call “dry spells” at work.  My “dry spell” is when I just go in, work my butt off for 13 hours, have no real connection with anyone, nothing too exciting happens, and I go home. However, the last 2 weeks have been full of spiritual connections (that’s my favorite kind of connection).  
First story is about a woman that had a massive hemorrhagic stroke at work.  Her husband ended up finding her collapsed on the floor of her office….really terrible. By the time she got to the hospital, it was already too late-her entire cranial cavity was full of blood.  Her husband had to make the difficult decision to withdraw care on his wife, but his strength and his poise throughout the process was incredible-It was almost as if he was making sure that everyone else in his family was okay, and was even asking me if I was okay.  At one point I actually pulled him aside and I said, “I know none of this seems real right now, but it is okay to feel this. You are allowed to be sad, angry, devastated…”  He then proceeded to tell me that he used to be a head respiratory therapist in some sort of medical unit.  He explained that he has seen “this kind of thing” happen, and he has been the one to terminally extubate people on multiple occasions.  One thing he said stuck with me….he said, “Honestly, I am having a hard time being on the other side of things.  I am used to being on your side of things and taking care of people going through things like this.”  I then explained to him that I know exactly how he is feeling, and I shared a little bit about my mom and how that experience affected me as I developed into a nurse. I said to him, “Right now, it is my job to take care of your wife, you, and your family.  Your job is to be with them and cherish these moments you all have together.”  I really related to him during that time because I feel like I would be the same way if I were in his situation.  I am so used to dealing with my emotions “professionally”, and I think that is what he was dealing with too.
Another good connection I had was with a patient’s daughter (it wasn’t even my patient…I was just helping out, and we got to chatting).  Her mother had ended up needing brain surgery and was experiencing some pretty bad ICU delirium.  Anyway, we had the most wonderful conversation about spirituality, and humans, and the powers we have when we truly tap into our self-awareness. We first connected because she had asked me, “Did you always see yourself as a nurse, or did you imagine your life another way?”  First of all, this is an interesting question in general that no one has ever really asked me.  I told her that I had actually been choosing between nursing and music, and I always wonder what my life would be lie if I had chosen music.  She then goes on to explain that she majored in music, taught piano, and ended up going back to school….the conversation went on and on. The point is that we discussed music and how it helps us-how it allows us to express ourselves when we have complicated emotions, how it reflects what we are feeling, how it connects us to other people, how it triggers unique thoughts and creativity.  (Basically I became inspired to go back to school for music therapy, but I don’t think that’s actually going to happen…unfortunately). An interesting point I want to emphasize, though, is that we did not talk about religion…we talked about spirituality.  Granted, God and faith came up, and we obviously had different beliefs and views; however, we were still able to connect.  A common misconception in this world is that you have to believe the same thing as someone in order to truly understand them, but that is simply not true. Connection can happen multiple ways: religiously, spiritually, physically, and emotionally-and they are all important.
Something that I have been really trying to do with my life is stay calm and trust God’s path he has for me when things do not go as planned. For example, the Navy has honestly been a complete disaster. Every little task that would take minutes in the real world takes a month with the Navy….it is truly incredible how “un-efficient” it is, and it is impossible to get anything accomplished.  To put this into perspective-it took me 3 months to get my ID fully functioning….three months.  Can you imagine a workplace taking three months to get to your ID card? No.  It is just so discouraging and frustrating because I am so excited to see what this opportunity brings, but it is hard to constantly have to pray for God to give me peace to trust why he lead me to the Navy.  Something else I have really been struggling with is deciding what I want to do next with my life in terms of school.  I love being a nurse, but I know I do not want to be a bedside nurse forever. That being said, I am trying to decide whether I want to go the nurse practitioner route or the nurse anesthetist route.  They are extremely different and both have pros and cons.  I also really miss music and want to make that a priority in my life.  Obviously, I have a lot of thinking and praying to do, which is why I needed the reminder to trust the path of my life.  I love the image Isaiah 64:8 provides.  “…We are the clay, you are the potter…”  No matter how much anxiety I feel or how much doubt I have, God has a plan-my only job is to trust that plan and stay in tune with what He wants for my life as his disciple.  
Random thoughts: poor little Shelby got hit by a tornado…I am supposed to leave for boot camp this weekend, but also maybe not (it’s complicated)…it is supposed to be really nice out today and I am excited.
 Trust the path,
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