#anyways poltergeist!wednesday laser focused on finishing her last viper novel
kybee1497 · 10 months
Wyclair “and they were roommates” au
A Hyde, a werewolf, and a poltergeist walk into a house
I just really vibe with enid and Tyler somehow ending up as college roommates. They both register for housing late and as juniors don’t want to live in the dorms so they get stuck in the last house available. Surprise it’s only available because it’s hella haunted and the last 3 students moved out in a hurry.
Wednesday doesn’t give a flying fuck if she technically died decades ago, she has a novel to finish and it doesn’t matter how compelling her new houseguests are, if that werewolf’s incessantly loud noise she deigns to call music interrupts her writing time one. more. time. she’s going to put it through the wall. If the boy who’s aura flickers from the palest blue to streaked through with a bloody crimson doesn’t keep his damned eyes to himself and his culinary experiments to a decent hour, Wednesday will have no choice but to go full Bloody Mary.
Anything for some peace and quiet and finally uncovering what happened to Viper De La Muerte
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