#anyways some of these books have plundered for ideas by the new doctor who series.
dramatic-dolphin · 10 months
I heard you have pdfs?
oh DO I have pdfs.
i nabbed this link from someone else here on tumblr a longgg time ago; every single one of the eighth doctor spin-off books. all 73 of them. so many.
"wait, 73? that's a lot, are they any good?" some of them aren't <3 but some of them are the best things you will ever read. @johannesviii has a small rec list of some of the best books here, and also a pretty cool book-by-book liveblog that i like to sneak a look at before starting a book to check if it's worth it.
genuinely these books are full of so many incredibly cool concepts. they can be hit or miss just like the show, but when it's good it's SO good. everyone, go read vampire science now. or listen to it. you won't regret it, i promise.
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robotnik-mun · 3 years
This is something more Sonic the Comic-in general, but do you have any ideas on what Grimer Wormtongue (sketchy or not, I think it’s doable for a last name) is supposed to be species-wise as well as how “loyalist” the Doctor Robotnik Appreciation Tribe truly is?
I’m just asking for the sake of passing the time and giving any other followers of yours some interesting ideas.
Anyway, I know the creators said he was supposed to be a type of Mobian Lizard, but with a face like his, it feels more likely that Grimer may have been a scientific experimental cross between a Lizard and a Human, at least that’s what I want to depict him as in my own Sonic fan works. After all, if STC fans remember the Chiller, they would know that Robotnik isn’t the only Human “native” to Mobius.
As for D.R.A.T., although I did look up how some members were pretty weak-minded and worshipped Robotnik out of fear while others were apparently more genuinely worshipful of how evil he was, I can’t help but see some comparisons between that cult-like extremist faction and similar groups like the New Fishman Pirates from One Piece, the Second Imperium from Star Wars Legends, and perhaps other organizations throughout the fandoms who preached and may have even genuinely believed in certain causes, but later on showed some hypocrisy in their motives/intentions such as the Imperium using holographical recordings of the late Emperor Palpatine to gather support from others that would conquer the galaxy in his name when he was genuinely dead at the time.
In D.R.A.T.‘s case, while they claim to support Robotnik’s future return to power, he seemed to have only helped them out with their activities at least once and beyond that, they never once interacted with each other in a cooperative way, so it feels easy for me at least to consider the possibility that Grand Chief Whip was just using the Pro-Robotnik rhetoric to make his own grab for power. At least that’s what I think, otherwise, editorial decisions aside, we probably would’ve seen more in-universe appearances from Fleabyte (the Bounty Hunter who actually liked the Doctor ruling Mobius), Max Gamble (Casino Night Zone gangster and administrator who supported Robotnik), and all the jobless villains from Captain Christmas to Ultra-Duck who previously worked for Robotnik in the same faction as well.
As I said, I’m a fanfiction writer, so I do like to look at the possibilities for things to happen different every now and then. Granted, the team behind STC had their own plans for D.R.A.T. and all that, but it’s not necessarily wrong for a person who writes fanfiction to look at things in a broader way without the whole editorial direction thing, if you know what I mean.
I just thought I’d ask you since you had an interesting reinterpretation of Commander Brutus once.
Once again, my apologies for taking so long. Life is life, and buildups in favorites are my recurring weakness.
Grimer is indeed one of the big unsolved mysteries of the book- it doesn’t help that the one story that DOES elaborate a bit on him doesn’t really come up again ever again, namely that one that focused on his cousin. That at least indicates he does have a family on Mobius. One thing to keep in mind is that while Grimer DOES look awfully ‘human’ for a denizen of Mobius, in Fleetway there are more than a few who are somewhat ambiguous in the species department, most notably Captain Plunder.
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Big guy looks more like an orc than any kind of anthropomorphic animal, but he is evidently every bit the Mobian that anyone else is. True, you might infer that he’s a gorilla of some sort, but he’s still pretty human looking even with that caveat, and yet there is nothing to indicate there is anything unusual about him, or Grimer. I can accept that Grimer belongs to some form of reptile that, for whatever reason, looks more human than most other Mobians.
Granted, alternative theories are fun to run with- I myself sometimes liked to think that Grimer is in fact a Goblin of some sort from the nameless Zone (and that Plunder is likewise an Orc, though unaware of the fact) whose family for whatever reason lives on Mobius. Heck, I’ve even toyed with the idea that Grimer is another human, one whose life support system (those tubes on his back) leaves him Inexplicably Green.
The subject of ‘Native’ humans on Fleetway Mobius is, like many other things, pretty ill-explored. The Chiller is never really revisited, nor are those fashion designers from issue 21 ever seen again. The only other re-occuring humans we ever see are the Marxio Brothers, who hail from ‘Marxio World’, and Zorabel.
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She’s another Big Mystery since she at least looks like a completely normal (if very old and haggard) human, while her manservant Tom is… ambiguously alive. I like to think that Zorabel is a human who managed to inexplicably wind up Mobius the same way Ovi Kintobor did, decades before the fact.
Point of order though- I am willing to accept the given explanation for what Grimer is at face value, though I acknowledge that it feels more like an excuse for not having to really address WHAT he is or why he looks as human as he does.
As for D.R.A.T… the impression I got, at least from Whip and his particular chapter, was that a lot of DRAT’s membership supported Robotnik’s return because his time as ruler of Mobius was good for them personally. Whip himself and the other members all dressed pretty richly- it gave me the impression that they were factory owners and businessmen and other assorted individuals who had profited from his reign or had otherwise enjoyed positions of power while under his rule, and that their devotion towards him was done purely because the previous Status Quo was more to their liking.
As for Robotnik not lending them a lot of help… do keep in mind that D.R.A.T. is pretty incompetent just in general. He likely figured they were far more useful to him as an annoying distraction to use against Sonic and his friends than as a legitimate means of re-conquering the planet. That or the simplest explanation being that the writers simply didn’t consider all the angles, which is fair- it’s pretty clear that DRAT and its affiliates were meant as more of a series of speed-bumps than a truly legitimate threat in their own right.
And aye, that is one of the most liberating things about being a fanfic writer- that you can consider these things and look at them in ways that might not have worked in the comic itself, and to interpret and re-interpret things to your pleasing.
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