#anyways sorry for the rant – thought I'd better keep it in the tags
yoshihashismattebum · 11 months
Loving the intro posts for the G1! I wanted to add a note about Gabe Kidd for people to be aware. Now I am no expert on mental health so apologies if I’m not explaining this correctly. He has been open about a lot of his mental health issues. Last year? I think it was he called out several people on Twitter to the point that Ospreay asked people not to engage with him and that it was a serious matter
However, I bring this up because a female wrestler called out one of her trainers of emotional abuse as part of Speaking Out and the person she accused Sid Scala was suing her for tweeting about it. And Gabe during all of this accused her of lying as Sid was his friend. Now I’m not here to say whether it’s right or wrong or justified or anything like that. Just wanted to bring that for people’s attention
Thanks for this extra info. Yes, I saw some of Gabe's posts on Twitter during his mental health crisis. I didn't include anything about it in my guide as it seemed like it was a pretty complex personal situation, and one where I didn't feel we had enough information to really know what was going on.
I'd missed his particular comments about the Scala accusation though. I've just looked them up. Yikes. I'd like to be able to put it down to him being in the middle of a mental health crisis at the time (since I believe it did occur around the same time), but also, he hasn't apologised for his comments since his return to wrestling, as far as I can see. And I know how tempting it is to give people a free pass when I'm a fan of theirs, which I'm determined not to do here.
As you say, important information for everyone to know, so thanks for bringing it to my attention.
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inchidentally · 6 months
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(sorry for editing to keep things out of tags) (also preface that I ship pretty much anyone with anyone but that car lando, land oscar and char los are by far my favorites)
ok first and foremost I have to laugh so hard at them choosing Lando and Oscar?? as "pure PR" when
car|ando is quite LITERALLY used as Formula 1 PR ?? the official accounts of Ferr/ari, Mc|aren, Carlos' personal socials, Quad|rant,LN 4, F1, TV networks, Netflix and DTS,the whole of the Vegas race and every. single. sponsor. use car|ando to boost visibility. that's not a commentary on the validity of their friendship at all but it is quite literally a PR bromance that rakes in views and engagement
let's all be honest here the Mc|aren media folks are still hardcore car|ando people and can only bring themselves to remember the land|oscar ship name once in a blue moon (I have mixed feelings about that but I'm also not a fan of containment breaches so ig I'm relieved one of my ships isn't used as social media corporate currency??)
people's biggest complaint/compliment (depending on who's speaking) for Oscar is that he doesn't play up for cameras the way Carlos and Daniel do and struggles at PR !! literally he was only a little bit better at this in Prema and only because he'd known most of those boys for 5+ years already and their audience was tiny!
every single comment from a non fandom F1 fan on land|oscar content is how unusually shy Lando is around Oscar or how Oscar needs to "come out of his shell" and "not make Lando work so hard"
and Daniel "Mr. F1 PR Department" Ricc|ardo????? are they seriously saying Lando and Oscar (who are still trying to figure out how much they can even casually touch each other) are PR when Daniel and dan|do ticks every single bromance box????
like who the hell but a twitter user who ships rpf like it's a government conspiracy would pick land|oscar out of all Lando ships for a fake or publicity friendship when they literally don't do any of the pretend gay stuff or the horseplay or the memes etc. that is literally the wildest take I've heard in yeARS
anyway as usual I thought creepily deeply into this and decided to spend my time unable to sleep typing an essay weeeeeeeeee
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see I was mostly lurking part time during the dando era so I wasn't sure but fr why isn't there this "competition" between dando and carlando like there is with carlando landoscar?? dando was MAJOR gay fandom service by comparison and they've consistently spent more time together outside of racing weekends and hobbies than Lando and Carlos since Carlos has always spent most of his travel and downtime during the season with Isa and now Rebecca. Daniel and Lando go on little excursions together even now and he was with Lando much longer as a teammate than Carlos.
so for people who've left reality to the point of thinking these men are in a genuine secret gay romance competition for Lando… surely Daniel/dando should be the ultimate enemy number one?? especially when evidence immediately surfaced that Carlos' thirst posts on Lando's bday were his side of the thirst posts Rebecca did the same day from their holiday right after the Brazilian GP, whereas Daniel took Lando with him in a small group of close friends to the desert after Vegas. if I were someone who thought that all F1 girlfriends are "PR escorts" - or whatever bullshit is the latest sexist woman-hating theory of choice - then I'd be so mad at Carlos for "ditching" Lando for Rebecca and then Daniel posting not one but two beautiful, moody pics of traveling with him. forget that Lando only reposted Oscar's birthday post, surely Daniel posting on the account he only made because of Lando with a camera he only bought because of Lando pictures OF LANDO is the biggest source of betrayal !!
I just. cannot imagine wanting rpf to be this exhausting and enraging when you can just ship all of them and also not create conspiracy theories about girlfriends that keep getting disproved at every turn.
but yeah as anon #2 said it's not even like carlando are super close friends outside of F1 (as Lando himself said) the way George and Alex are but I don't see anyone in rages about galex or their irl relationships or saying they can't be shipped with any other driver?? maybe I just don't see it on my feeds but it's definitely not as big a deal as the carlando exclusivity stuff that's been bubbling up everywhere.
and exactly! as sweet as it is that Lando and Carlos pair up in the few moments the drivers are all doing media duties etc together it's also what every. other. driver. is doing with their buddies. sometimes they stand in larger groups but those moments are when they get to catch up with guys outside their own team. Oscar and Logan find each other every single time and a lot of that time they spend away from the other drivers. Max and Charles, Yuki and Pierre, Esteban and Lance etc etc. much as I would love it if this implied that all of these driver friends are suckin and fuckin their bros on the DL it's tragically not the case.
I feel like maybe?? carlando as a ship developed into part of the fans going larries level of problematic is because the Lando they watched with Carlos was so young and literally formed a lot of his F1 persona around Carlos. that version of Lando is basically a handy self-insert for fans worshiping Carlos.
as we know Carlos does NOT view himself as the number 2 driver even when he in every technical sense is. so it speaks to just how much of a little uncooked chicken nugget Lando was during their season together that Carlos has never once viewed Lando as competition and even now sees him as a lil cub kind of like Max V does with Lando. they're happy Lando succeeds but he's not classed in with the guys they really get pissed off with or perceive as threatening.
Lando talked here about how he spent a lot of that first season in F1 anxious about his performance compared to Carlos and his own future in F1 and that he largely had to work to put on a smiley face for the cameras. I actually think that entire first half of the clip is a great example of how the carlando chemistry came from Carlos being someone who loves being silly and laughing a lot in his time off the track and how convenient that was for Lando to help hide how much he was going through privately. when the media decided that Lando is meant to be adorable and silly all the time, someone as easy to get along with as Carlos was perfect timing. did nothing for Lando's actual personal struggle behind the scenes but it kept up a solid boundary between Lando and the media. I can't find it now but there's that old interview of Carlos being dismayed at Lando one day being sullen and quiet even when Carlos tried to joke with him - he was half kidding but Lando looked a bit uncomfortable and said "yeah I don't know why I'm like that sometimes". then it just got joked off as Lando being a moody teenager (which Lando visibly didn't really like).
so like, this is what their relationship has always been! Carlos represents a place Lando can go to and not have his demons or his problems follow him. and for someone who has always been used to physical affection, Carlos' lack of boundaries has always been extremely welcome as an endorphins boost.
but let's be honest here that's exactly the same super physically comfortable chemistry Carlos had even with Max and now has with Charles. I know the charlos of it all is probably a whole other hornets nest but fact is that to Carlos, Charles is equally a grown man to him and they can do the whole european buddies jokey flirting thing without it being weird. not the same as with Lando…
I've got to point out that when you look at comments not from fangirls, carlando as a "ship" is seen by F1 fans as big brother and baby brother or even dad and son relationship. this video was recently posted again from the stream where Carlos very firmly shut down people asking him to kiss Lando. whereas he'll jokingly ask Charles for a kiss and call him "darling" while being pretend domestic together. it's pretty damn clear that Carlos will joke about the bromance with Lando to an extent but Lando is The Baby and a little brother. Carlos wants to take care of Lando and he does not view him as a contemporary the way he does with Charles.
and considering Lando still suffers from the same anxieties and getting stuck in his own head, I've said before how I love that hanging with Carlos can still clear those cobwebs away. they can golf or just chat about any old bullshit and Lando can escape whatever is hanging over him for a while.
I truly do not know why people find that very real relationship insufficiently sweet and amazing and think that imagining them to be secret boyfriends is so much better ?? I mean absolutely rpf it the way I do for fun! but how bad does someone's gaydar have to be to think Carlos would have a single clue what to do with a penis that's not his own lfhajhfsa. American fans need to spend some time watching European friend groups and realize the insecure nohomo thing does NOT exist outside the US.
idk how many girlfriends have to get harassed or how far the media will push it before Lando or Carlos actually get sick of the whole ship thing but I think I speak for all rational carlando fans when I say that it's well past time to throw this whole conspiracy theory away. folks need to enjoy their friendship and ship them how you want for fun but don't push this thing to the point of even more discomfort. or worse make them change their behavior to get the focus off of them.
especially when you come to the landoscar of it all and deciding that it's a battle of the rpf ships. we've all seen those delusions in other fandoms result in baffling amount of hate that cross over into real life and how ugly it gets. carlando comments are already pretty out of control on Lando content that doesn't even remotely involve Carlos and it's bleeding onto McLaren content that involves Oscar.
I guess if I really make a few leaps in lofic then I can maaaaybe kind of see ? where that insecurity is coming from with those shippers. I do not understand it but if I had to guess it's possibly that we're seeing a totally different side of Lando than usual since he's been teammates with Oscar. and that for once, Lando's growth isn't dictated or based on his teammate being a big PR personality.
professionally he has said many times he's been pushed by Oscar into his own best F1 season yet. he's also matured a huge amount when it comes to his own failures and we've never heard him be so grown up and balanced as when he talks about how happy he is for Oscar and McLaren that Oscar got the sprint win before he did. that the "hurt" he feels over it is entirely because he is angry at himself for making mistakes. him doing the season farewell video and being able to ruefully joke but be genuinely proud of Oscar is so different from little Lando slumped and barely clapping during Carlos' departing speech or Lando looking out of it and a bit annoyed when Daniel would still try to do jokes after a particularly brutal result. Lando is behaving on his own terms in his own team now. he's The Guy.
Lando's grown UP. we're seeing a very finished article in him. and it's not because he's reacting to who Oscar is it's because Oscar's just letting him be. he's seen Oscar choose not to fake it or play up for the media and realized 'oh! I can be upset or depressed if I feel like it and not dance like a puppet when people want me to be fun and silly!'. he saw Oscar's urgency to prove himself after finally getting a seat and Lando realized that Oscar was just assuming that Lando would default be the superior! he saw Oscar backing away or leaving room for Lando to be the fan favorite and Lando's natural instinct was actually to let himself be quieter and take up only as much space as he wanted to! he's spent the whole season being asked to be an F1 global representative all on his own with no bromance attached and Oscar is there back at the garage or the McLaren motor home smiling and congratulating him like always!
in short, Lando suddenly has room and space to be whatever he chooses and Oscar has been open to any and all of it. they became immediate competition for each other without needing to hastily construct a friendship or bromance to negotiate it. Oscar shrugs off his own disappointments and doesn't gloat or overdo his achievements and oh! isn't it nice that he isn't expecting anything from Lando except respect! Lando doesn't have to navigate anyone else!
that's why I refer to them as sort of I guess a plantonic crush? I did this equally huge and weird post about this here. Oscar has admired Lando for a long time and Lando has absolutely loved having a teammate who doesn't view him as a baby or a kid brother. Lando is so intrigued by how calm and solid and strong Oscar is and Oscar still cannot quite believe Lando is right there in his life and as his teammate. the little cautious dance they're doing is absolutely precious but also because it's so intensely earnest. they both have such big long term plans for themselves and they are so happy to be working on those together that they aren't doing the whole let's find a schtick or do a bromance thing. if it takes them a long time to settle what their relationship is then so what!
and I guess for people who want to think that Carlos and Lando's friendship is 'superior' to every other relationship in their lives (as if Max F will ever be dethroned in Lando's life) it's got to take the already unstable mindset and upset it even more to see Lando personally growing into someone they don't really recognize and at least in some part because of Oscar.
because the carlando shipping that I see from these more extreme people (and I fully acknowledge they're a loud minority) basically eradicates Lando's agency and identity outside of finding Carlos hilarious or hot. they misinterpret Carlos being the authoritative role into Carlos being fully in control of carlando and Lando basically dancing to his tune and reacting to him. they never post the serious, slightly darker side of Lando because it's typically not associated with Carlos. unless it's Lando missing Carlos or upset that Carlos isn't around lol.
so I can only imagine that Oscar's arrival coinciding with a more mature and focused Lando who allows himself to want to be taken seriously and no longer spends all of his on-camera time screeching with laughter or flailing around is ummm not to the taste of those people. Lando still has screeching fits sometimes but he's overall a much calmer person and it's nice to know that when he laughs with Oscar it's always genuine since Oscar has no idea how to play up for laughs. it's probably why Those Fans are now aggressively posting Lando and Carlos doing the driver's parade together (again, among all the other paired off drivers lol) with "ALWAYS TOGETHER" AND "ALWAYS COMING BACK TO EACH OTHER" as if fate is trying to stop carlando from being the only thing that matters. because I guess in their minds, Lando can't just be believed when he says that Carlos is an F1 buddy the way other guys have F1 buddies and Lando can't grow up and have a personal best year without Singapore being solely about carlando and how Carlos took care of him (fuck off???? Lando would've gotten P2 or P3 anyway bc he had an excellent race??) and Lando won't be heard when he says actually Silverstone was his favorite race not Singapore because Carlos Carlos Carlos.
of course Lando can't have found a new kind of friend and teammate in a guy like Oscar who is wholly unlike Carlos in every single way imaginable because that would mean there are parts of Lando that don't suit Carlos and carlando. it would also imply that Oscar is a better teammate for Lando than Carlos was (which is true) and that oh no if Lando is no longer pining for Carlos to be his teammate again (he isn't and he said so) then that means Lando exists outside of carlando and that means they're gonna have to pile extra hard onto proving every single instance where carlando is still one of the most important things in Lando's life (it isn't and that wouldn't be healthy). it would also imply that purely platonic friendship between Carlos and Lando is basically pointless no no they've got to be fucking and in romantic love that's what makes them special not just the fact that they love being in each other's company and have full and happy lives outside each other.
I just.
reaalllly hope it all calms down soon and they leave Oscar out of this mess.
and thank FUCK Oscar's gf Lily has been fully accepted by landoscar fans from the start because the amount of vile hate and petty exclusion Rebecca is receiving makes it honestly a little bit hard for me to be ra ra carlando even just for fun right now.
will it stop me being carlando trash in the tags? no. but my conscience is cringing a bit.
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strugglingyetvibing · 2 months
hey so it's 4am for me and my mom's coming to visit later today (tomorrow? idk, idc) so i'm going to bed
before i do! just a few quick things.
one: that was a really fun race! i had a great time, and i'm glad it wasn't a total runaway the whole time. sorry for daniel, alex, zhou, and logan, though. hopefully next race goes better for all of them!
two (and this is what i really want to talk about): scrolling through the main f1 tag here, i'm seeing a lot of people talking about charles. if you're upset about him finishing p4, i get it! that can be very frustrating when your driver finishes just outside of the points, and it seems like ferrari weren't really consistent with the team orders radios to both charles and carlos. but! what we will not fucking do is bring jules bianchi in to that conversation. yes, this was an emotional race for charles on that front. but the strategy of the race is a direct 180 from the emotion of the race, and that trauma that a real human person has had to deal with (and is likely working through this weekend with the anniversary weighing on his head both figuratively and literally) has nothing to do with how a car race played out. it's totally fine to talk about what the ten year anniversary of the accident means on an emotional level, but i don't want to see anyone use it as a goddamn excuse to shit on ferrari strategists for how this race played out. keep those conversations separate out of respect for the drivers you claim to love.
anyway, little mini rant over. feel free to message me or send me an ask (anons are open!) about anything! i'd love to hear what you all thought of the race!!
as always, i had fun with you all! let me know if there's something you'd like me to tweak for my little attempts at live-blogging the races, i'd be happy to try something different next time :)
love you all!! <3
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trilies · 7 months
Hi, other enjoyer of Bog content here. I'm just...disappointed at this point. I know no one's perfect but like I just want a content creator that I enjoy to not have a glaring aspect that saps enjoyment of their content whenever I know/remember it.
While I don't have a "defined" opinion on the Discourse (I mean, from what I've read of both points I guess I'd fall under proshipper? Like some ships I simply Do Not Enjoy Knowing About for various reasons but also I don't think we should give anyone widescale content moderation power for any reason), his behavior is frankly becoming a genuine turnaway. It's clear he has his stance, you have yours, and I'd rather him make peace with that and refrain from haunting blogs like yours.
Sorry for the rant, just wanted to get this off my chest because these last couple days have dealt psychic damage to me as a follower.
Hey anon, no worries. I understand the frustration. I try to keep parasocial shit to a minimum, but there's still that desire for, like.... "can we have just ONE case that's not a raging trashfire?" lmao
If you're into horror LPs, I can at least rec you a LPer that I've had good luck with, but I understand that's a hugely different area of entertainment
Anyway, I'm honestly in the same boat as you - hell, I used to be way more distant from it all and thought it was niche fandom bullshit. And it probably still is! But it keep getting everywhere and it has the kind of people who say "you disagreed with me, so you're lying about being a CSA survivor" (things that have happened to me MULTIPLE timese now, one time because I said an anime woman's mid boobs didn't mean she was minor-coded), so now I guess it's just my problem!
But the solution to that is always going to be better education (both on a proper level, like sex ed classes, and then in fandom to teach stuff like proper tagging/blocking etc).
Thinking getting rid of all the icky fiction would have a noticeable affect against abusers is.... naive at best.
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de4dlyniightshade · 3 months
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click here for!: "I just imagine that like Spencer HATES being vocal but the boys so sensitive he can't help but moan like a whore"
click here for!: "I read the vocal Spencer hcs and I saw u wrote Abt him being the Prince of overstimulation, you got any more hcs revolving that? (And/or aftercaree🙏)"
click here for!: "Y'all think Reid would make himself one of your Christmas presents? Like, he'd either ruin you or let you ruin him."
click here for!: "just thinking about dom!spencer taking our virginity 😔😔😔 i want him"
click here for!: "Y'all ever think Abt how pretty Spencer would be in lingerie? Like both Baby Reid AND Later szns Reid. LIKE BABY BLUE PANTIES ONG??"
click here for!: "Spencer is such a sub u know he kneels at his partners feet and does whatever they tell him too"
click here for!: "i loveeee your headcannons for spencer!! can we get some for service-softdom!spencer?"
click here for!: "I wonder how Spencer would react to being denied orgasming🤨"
click here for!: "ok this kinda contradicts your latest post, but what about hcs about reader faking orgasm for whatever reason and when spencer finds out he makes it up to her 😻😻 idk just an idea"
click here for!: "ilysm and ur writing omg mamas (u have no idea who I am #parasocialrelationshipcore) BUT im like A SUPER FAN ☝️😫 anyway, ma'am, i had a sudden deep and absolutely CARNAL need inside of me- and how better to solve that emptiness with your headcanons?? 😍 OKAY, so the vision was like basically how spencer would act if you like praised something about him a lot like you emphasize it sm, YK? like say u said his lips were pretty or like his style is *chef's kiss* LIKE HOW WOULD HE REACT TO THIS INFORMATION?!! DOES HE THINK ABT IT OR IS HE COCKY OR WHAT? i need this man on a scary level omfg I'm so down baddddd THE D IS FIRE! also UGH i love your headcanons like they're literally my thoughts except like they're BETTER. que yummi (sorry for allat btw I'm a yapper if u couldn't alr tell)"
click here for!: "I imagine sub Spencer would be literally rock hard by just being allowed to touch you, like he LOVES when you let him touch or kiss you anywhere he wants"
click here for!: "I need sweetheart Spencer headcannons. I gotta hear about this guys sweet little habits and his love language frfr"
click here for!: "may i request some hair pulling hcs for our bbyboy bc i have a feral need to knot my fingers in his pretty hair regardless of the era and pull until there are tears in his eyes"
click here for!: "Post!prison Reid being an absolute sweetheart headcannons PLEASEEEE🤞"
click here for!: "Giving Spencer head hcs please mama🙇"
click here for!: "Headcanons request: Spencer’s dream partner. What do you think is important to him? Do you think he has a “type”? And since you mentioned him and I JUST got the movie to watch - any fun headcanons for Chip??"
click here for!: "Right, this is the weirdest thought i’ve ever had but how would Spencer (any era you prefer) react to reader buying him boxers with her face on😭 We all know that this man wears the weirdest shit under those sweater vests. I apologise 😭"
click here for!: "Do you think Spencer would let you eat their ass? Rim jobs and all that? Headcanon request 🫣"
click here for!: "I need the most back-arching, kitty clenching, slick tip hcs you have for Spencer. Him in lingere, him buried 7.5 inches deep inside you, him cumming so hard he can't think, everything."
click here for!: "Just sending in a headcanon request for anything you want to rant about. Spencer, Lana, Spencer and Lana. You know, everything important. -🐈‍⬛"
click here for!: "thoughts on spencer and the reader coming out to each other as bisexual? thanks <3 btw i love your writing 🫶🏼"
click here for!: "i beg for ur thoughts on! spence with a touchstarved s/o? also possibly a touch averse s/o? (i am both and it's so fucking confusing like hug me but also if u touch my shoulder i will Cry)"
click here for!: "Do you think Spencer likes just normal prostate massages and toys or that he has to be pegged? HCs for that whole subject. Like if you buy him a vibrating toy and bend him over, what does he do? Pleaseeee"
click here for!: "Idk if you've done anything like this (i just followed you recently) but what do you think Spencer would be like when he's see you naked for the first time? Personally i think he'd just stare in awe and his eyes would slowly go over every little curve and edge as he takes it all in and might even pull you into his arms in a loving embrace as he just needs to feel your warm bare skin :(("
click here for!: "ok but would spencer ever be ashamed/shy about any kinks he has... like i feel like he'd be totally over-analysing everything and just burying himself into a hole until he finally blurts out his concerns and his s/o says 'why would i ever judge u bby???', and he's like :0 ps i love your hcs & ur fics 🫶"
click here for!: "have you ever seen that tiktok/reel of that guy talking abt how it's rly hot that when girls sit down their thighs 'double' in size, and all the girls in the cmmts r like 'wait rly I'm super insecure abt that 😭?!?!" and I was 🤔 if you could do smth w that for spencer! ty so much, if not feel free to ignore this! 🫶🫶"
click here for!: "Just imagine,, Spencer getting back from a long case (maybe two or three week long) and all he wants to do is melt into you. Like, he wants his mommy, but he's too scared to ask for anything so he's a bit whiny😩"
click here for!: "at this point i have a passive 'slutty spencer' train of thought just so i can send u asks about him anyway could u bless us with some needy spence trying not to wake u up but failing dismally bc he wasn't trying that hard anyway bc he wants ur attention so bad"
click here for!: "Was doing my psych hw last night thinking about how professor!Spencer would 10000% help u with your psychology work for his class … and maybe dick warm with u for a little motivation 🥹🥹"
click here for!: "I don’t think I’ve seen you do this headcanon, and since I stalk your page and reread everything like a weirdo (you’re such a good writer), but like…. Headcanons for Spencer Reid as a dad? Doesn’t have to be married, or he can be if you want. Just like…. Little early seasons Reid having a kid(s) vs later seasons Reid. Would he care if they inherited his intelligence? (Also like, breeding kink? Pregnancy kink? Lactation kink? Im sure there are more kinks related to this??) I need all your thoughts for real 😂😭"
click here for!: "hi can you do post prison spencer reid finds out that reader is a virgin"
click here for!: "Hiiii <3 big fan, love your work. Any thoughts on Spencer letting his submission show? not in a nsfw way, but still a bit scandalous. If you've seen The Secretary (i cannot recommend that movie enOUGH) you'll know what i mean lol"
click here for!: "i just wanna fucking play wrestle with spencer so bad 😣 i need that scrawny nerd to tackle my chubby ass and then i wanna pin him down and forget why we were doing this in the first place and messily make out with him. i guess i do have a nerdy man at my disposal anytime (my boyfriend) but he’s no fun. makes me have to imagine a fictional man 👎👎👎"
click here for!: "Do you think Spencer has a ‘type’?"
click here for!: "Mommy kink Spencer Reid. I just need all your thoughts because on one hand hello momma issues and on the other he has a psych degree and he is hyper aware of himself, and internalizes everythinggggg (You’re the HC OverLord/Lady/Pronoun of your choice and we all serve you)"
click here for!: "Thoughts on pervy reid? Like baby reid-season 12 is probably a hugeeee perv and then post-prison reid, the perviest perv of all of the pervy’s. But not like a creepy perv, like a perv with his s/o. I just said perv so many times that it doesn’t even sound real anymore"
click here for!: "IMAGINE GIVING SUB!SPENCER HEAD.. Like just IMAGINEEE?? Baby Reid, Glasses Reid, Post Prison Reid. Baby Reid, never had head before, would moan LOUDLY. like the slut he is. Thrusting up into your mouth and shit, each time you flatten your tounge over the head of his pretty cock he'd fucking CRYYYY from the sensations. Glasses Reid, would be fogging up those cute little fucking glasses from how much he pants. Would either guide your head just how he likes or would give your hair small tugs. But Post Prison Reid? God, He'd be so starved he'd whine and whimper through the whole thing, gently rubbing your jaw as you suck him off."
click here for!: "how long do you think spencer lasts in bed and how big is he"
click here for!: "Thoughts on touch starved spencer with a touchy gf?"
click here for!: "do you think spencer reid jerks off"
click here for!: "could i please have some hcs for how spence would react if his autistic s/o kept getting cut off when they were talking about a special interest? ty bestie i love ur writing sm"
click here for!: "Thoughts on Spencer being a horny little guy that just wants to cum? Hand, thigh, ass, leg, you got it and he's probably humping it🤷‍♀️"
click here for!: "more thoughts on spencer with a smart reader? i’m such a slut for him id learn anything just to have a conversation with him"
click here for!: "Thoughts on autistic Spencer? I know it’s ‘technically’ canon but I want to know what you think"
click here for!: "just thinking about sitting behind sub spence and helping him get off...maybe his hands are tied behind him and he's just sitting there squirming and sobbing cause you keep edging him, the poor thing. he'll start twitching madly almost at his high only for you to stop stroking and he's back to crying, begging to cum"
click here for!: "hcs of reid x reader recovering from wisdom tooth surgery? I got all 4 of mine out yesterday and it's so painful"
click here for!: "wait.. vhs collector spencer?? thoughts? (or any vintage/old technology thing really) - 💐"
click here for!: "Personal HC bc i’m a little crafty girl but I think Spencer would LOVE making pompoms and shit like that. We already know that he loves to knit and i think he’s just a little crafter"
click here for!: "Hello, amazing writer and human being!!! Headcanons for what pegging Reid would be like? Like is he embarrassed to ask, does he bring it up or do you? Is it only when he wants to be completely dominated or the norm? Just all the thoughts because Spencer is both a certified munch and someone who deserves to be pegged til he can’t think!!"
click here for!: "HOLD ON YOU WRITE FOR CHIP TAYLOR?? GOD, 68KILL IS MY FAVORITE MOVIE RN I LOVE CHIP. I absolutely NEED submissive hcs for him if you would be so kind as to shareeee🙏"
click here for!: "bestie could u spare a thought about spencer utterly worshipping u and being adorably determined to make u feel better when ur sad(bc i've been crying for like 3 hours on and off and i'm so tired)"
click here for!: "I absolutely NEED Spencer hcs for when you and him have sweet sex. Like, GOD, the way he'd whine for you, squirming and absolutely writhing as you just slowly stroke him while playing with his hair."
click here for!: "all I think about is Spencer x autistic reader, or just nuerodivergent reader and the bond that they would share. Ps ily💞"
click here for!: "I feel like Post-Prison Spencer would be a bit scared to do anything with you at first after got out but when he does let you touch him oh LAWD He'd whine and whimper through EVERYTHING. Bro would be CRYING, Tears streaming down his cheeks and a nearly pathetic sob slipping from those insanely beautiful lips each time you clench around him or brush over his tip with your thumb"
click here for!: "even though it is SO ooc, my little goblin brain has been stuck on stoner spencer. obsessed even. dying. 🧍‍♀️🤸‍♀️"
click here for!: "Spencer with his pregnant wife. She’s near her due date and he basically has to help her with **everything**"
click here for!: "Istg Spencer probably LOVES bathing with you or like showering together. Little domestic shit(but I also feel like he'd probably enjoy shower sex, seeing ur body wet from the water🙌)"
click here for!: "Spencer being a sensitive little whore that gets hard at the bounce of a boob got me thinkinh I bet this man needs to rub one out at work from time to time, but at home I swear this man probably couldn't keep his hands off his cock or you"
click here for!: "Spencer would be such a little horny man istg. Like he'd wake up from a wet dream and be hard as a ROCK in his pants."
click here for!: "I’d really just like to request your most feral Spencer Reid headcanons. SFW, NSFW, raunchy, tame - whatever. Just your like “I will fight anyone who disagrees, they are fact” type headcanons.(Because I reread all your headcanons and love every single one)"
click here for!: "Slutty Chip headcanons?? (Slutty Chip sounds like his name haaa)"
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Silence is Deadly - Chapter Four
Alright, things are happening. I'm going to put some characters through pain, but it'll be worth it in the end.
Tagging @elven-aeterna because they're ninety percent of my motivation.
Also, if you don't like blood, avoid part II of this. We have some blood.
Am I going to ignore the fact it took me FOREVER to write this chapter? Yes. But I have Ao3 now and will be cross-posting on there so I can finally find some motivation. Hopefully.
All characters belong to Cassandra Clare.
Part I - Family
Jace is going to be okay, Brother Zachariah said. Jace was passed out on the bed, Alec still gripping onto his hand. He just needs to be left alone.
I don't want to leave him, Alec replied. Even if him and Jace weren't connected with the parabatai bond, Alec still felt attached to him.
Just step out of the room for a few minutes and then your can check on him again, Zachariah explained.
Okay. If he could have, Alec would have sighed. Instead, he got up, slowly letting go of Jace's hand.
Walking out of the room, Alec saw Izzy waiting outside. She gasped and flung her arms around Alec. He slowly hugged her back.
"Are you okay?" Izzy asked him.
I'm close enough, Alec replied.
"I feel so sorry for you," she whispered, crying a little. Alec missed that part of his humanity, the way you could let out a little of your emotions.
You know I'm going to be fine. I always endure.
"Alec, you can't carry the burden of the entire family on your back. It's going to break you one day."
He hadn't thought of that. The way he always tried to take the burden off his family, the people he loved, and carried it on his own.
Footsteps were coming down the hallway. Izzy quickly let go of Alec, stepping back. Alec turned around, and faced his parents.
The last time Alec had seen his parents, Robert and Maryse were walking him to the City of Bones, practically dragging him to be a Silent Brother. They had ignored his pain, and changed his life forever.
"Alexander," Robert said.
It's Bother Nehemiah now, he corrected.
"Fine," Robert replied. "You're here."
Jace was in trouble. Brother Zachariah brought me along. I didn't have choice. Same as when I became a Silent Brother.
"What were we supposed to do with you?" Maryse asked. "You are not a part of this family. If anyone in Idris found out-"
Alec waved a hand. For some reason being in love is worse than forcing your son to be a Silent Brother. Why is our society so screwed up when we're supposed to be fighting for good? At least half of the Downworld is better than you.
Maryse just stared forward. This was out of character for Alec, but he didn't care. He was angry.
You took away part of my humanity, Alec said. Remember that next time you see me.
Part II - Signing
"So now what?" Magnus asked, not sure what to happen after Malcolm delivered the perfect cliffhanger line.
"Give me your hand," Malcom said. Magnus reached his hand out and pulled out a small knife.
"Hey, what-" Magnus asked. Malcolm, before we could finish his sentence, slashed his palm with the knife.
"Ow!" Malcolm took Magnus's hand and dribbled a small bit of his blood onto a piece of paper.
"There you go," he responded. "Just a small bit of blood to tie you to the oath. Come back here in a week and I'll tell you what to do."
"That was a little anticlimactic," Magnus admitted. He clutched his bleeding hand to his chest, trying to heal the cut with magic.
"Well we got the job done."
Magnus sighed and got up. He tried to stay composed but it was very hard for him.
"I don't want to wait," Magnus whispered.
"I've waited a hundred years," Malcolm replied. "You can wait a few more days."
Part III - Waiting
When Magnus finally got back to his apartment Tessa was standing in the doorway, hands on her hips.
"Where were you?" she asked, glaring at Magnus.
"Trying to find a way to get Alec back," Magnus replied honestly. He pushed past Tessa and walked into his own home.
"Don't tell me you were breaking into the Silent City!" Tessa yelled.
"No just making a deal with Malcolm Fade."
Silence fell between them. Magnus turned around and made slight eye contact with Tessa. She looked scared.
"I already have had too much happen because of that man," Tessa said. "I almost lost my Lucie to him. Magnus, know the kind of company you keep."
"It's the only way," Magnus whispered. "If I need to I'll get Ragnor on my side." Magnus plopped down on his sofa, putting his feet up on the coffee table. "I can convince him."
"I don't think you can," Tessa replied, sitting down next to Magnus.
"He's coming over anyway because he's been cat-sitting," he shot back. "He has no clue who Malcolm is, except that he took his place. Ragnor would be willing to support me."
"Ragnor doesn't particularly like you with Alec. He hates your rants at 3 AM about him."
Magnus sighed, throwing his head back. "Well what choice do I have? Tess, if you could get Jem back, free and unscathed, to love him like you wanted to back in the day, would you?"
"I'd do anything for him," Tessa whispered back.
"And now you understand how I feel."
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stateofgrace1303 · 5 years
My chronic illness, how it started.
*Can you guys please reblog and/or tag Taylor?? I really want her to read
this. I want this to get to her and I'll take any help I can get. I rarely ask this but it'd mean to world to me. I wanna get my story
out there (even if this is only a part of the entire story. The rest I
might post sometime if you guys want me too. I think I did include
everything I wanted to for now though). Just thank you all so much!!! I
love you all ❤*
(Im really sorry about how long this is. Its like a little novel. Plus I'm
OCD and tend to talk/rant until it feels just right... I just wanted to
share it with all of you, since its something I would've shared on TSL,
even though it'd probably be too long for there... But I wanted to share it
here because most of those swifties can be found on tumblr, and I want you
all to hear this... Maybe it'll even get to Taylor too. But please read if
you can. It'd mean a lot to me. Also I tried writing this but then it got
deleted when I tried posting it, so hopefully this one posts (I ended up trying to post this ALL DAY. I'm so glad it's finally up).)
Hey Swifties! So, I thought I would post this because its something I'd
post on TSL if it was still around, as I shared pretty much my whole life
on there, and I always found swifties very easy to talk to (plus you're all
just the nicest people)! So, I wanted to share this on here since most
swifties can be found on tumblr. I'm sure i talked a little bit about this
on tsl (my user was stateofgrace1303, same as on here and ig) but I wanted
to tell you guys more, especially because its getting so much more intense
now and like I said I've always found swifties very easy to talk to you.
Basically, when I was 12, my dad took me to see the RED tour at Gillette
Stadium. We had gone to see the Speak Now tour there and I had been
completely wonderstruck (no pun intended) by Taylor that night. I was 10 at
the speak now tour and had idolized Taylor since I was 6 and she put out
TOMG (and I was known as the Taylor Swift girl by now at my school). So
even though I was 10 I asked my dad, if I save up the money will you take
me to see her when she comes again? And he said yes. About 2 weeks before
the show, I had saved up enough. He didn't think i could do it, but I did.
So, I got tickets and we went to the tour. But when I was walking towards
the stadium (we had parked in a lot right down the street), my vision
became weird, almost like tunnel vision although nothing was turning black
around the edges of my vision. My feet looked very far away from me.
Suddenly, a rush of dizziness came over me and instinctively i grabbed onto
my dads arm to keep from falling down. He asked if I was okay and I could
barely get out words for some reason. I was starting to sweat and we
thought maybe i was dehydrated, so we got into the stadium as quickly as
possible. I was gripping onto everything around me to keep from falling,
but eventually we got into the stadium and I got some water. We had seats
on the field, so that's where I was, drinking some water when suddenly I
was pretty sure I was going to throw up. It was starting to get super
uncomfortable so my dad brought my to the first aid, which was actually
right at the enterance on the field. So when we went in there my dad told
them what was going on and they all looked at me weird and said "people
never get sick. We usually treat bee stings and allergic reactions. We
almost never have people get sick" which actually surprised me. But, they
took me back and laid me down. Almost immediately I started puking. The
nurse I had actually had just had a baby and had some anti nausea
medication on her. So, she gave me that but it didn't work. And I just got
worse. My dad went to find me something to eat so I'd have something in my
stomach. He came back with some chips and iced/frozen lemonade but I threw
up every time. I was so dizzy at this point I was gripping onto the bed
they had me on and puking my guts out, as well as sweating a lot. After a
while, as it only got worse, they actually thought I might have had food
posioning and asked what I ate. But there they noticed something. I was
completely white. Like white as a ghost. Except for my lips, which were
turning blue. And I was struggling to breathe. They wanted to take me to
Boston Childrens and my dad asked if I wanted to, but it was Taylor. I
couldn't miss it. So I said no for that reason. But actually, everyone at
the stadium was trying to get me tickets for the show the next night as she
was playing two nights. Security guards, the nurses, my dads girlfriend...
But nobody could get tickets in the end which was okay. But later my dad
went and for a list of everybody's set times. I had been in first aid for
about an hour at this point. He came back with the list and said "I promise
I will not let you miss them" he said and pointed to Ed Sheerans name, then
Taylor, since I was a huge Ed fan as well. He knew I probably wouldn't be
able to stay, but even seeing them for a minute would've been perfect to
me. Another hour had passed, and I was still there in the same condition.
It was terrifying, and they were really pushing me to go to the hospital
(they wanted to call an ambulance because they actually thought something
very bad might happen if they didn't). But I keep pushing that off because
I wanted to see Taylor and Ed so badly. But, 2 hours I had been there in
the same condition, puking up everything, completely white with blue lips,
struggling to breathe, so dizzy I couldn't even sit up. It was starting to
get painful honestly. So, I suddenly just burst out crying. I was just a 12
year old who wanted to see my idol, and I got this... This weird sickness,
and got stuck in first aid. In so much pain. I didn't even really
understand what was happening. I had always been a sick kid. Always getting
colds and infections. In fact, I almost died as a baby from a problem with
my kidneys, and had become septic. Its a miracle I lived. But I had never
experienced anything like this... And to experience it when I was just
trying to see my idol? When it was only my second concert ever? It crushed
me tbh. My dad asked what was wrong and I finally said the words I had been
avoiding all night... "I wanna go home" (which was actually his
girlfriend's house who lived in Boston... I'm from Maine). And he said
"okay". That was all he needed and he left, walking back towards where we
left the car. However, around 7:30ish the traffic in this area is really
weird I cant even explain it. But traffic can only go one way, instead of
both ways like normal.. So he couldn't get a ride back to the car and had
to walk, and then drive the car in traffic all the way to the stadium to
pick me up. So i had to wait a while, and while I did I heard clapping and
then a British voice say "hello Boston" and he started playing give me
love. I listened to him play and i only cried more because I was so
frustrated I couldn't go out there to see him. About half way through the
set, my dad showed up. They let him park in a no parking zone to come and
get me so he was right next to the enterance to the field. They were going
to put me in a wheelchair, but instead my dad came and helped me up. He was
holding me up straight and almost dragged me out of the first aid station,
into the stadium. I remember this part so well. The air hit me, I heard
Ed's voice clearly and saw him on stage, and suddenly, I let go of my dad,
and I was able to stand on my own... And I was fine. It was like a miracle.
I yelled to my dad over the music "is it too late to stay?" And he screamed
back "what??? After all that you wanna stay???" And I said yes, so, we
stayed. He went to go move the car (the girl was so nice who did the
parking, he told her the story, and he just needs to park the car and het
back in the stadium, how much would it cost. And the girl said park
wherever you want no charge. I thought that was seriously the sweetest
thing.) Sooo he did that, and since I was only 12 in a huge stadium, one of
the cops that was patroling the place stayed with me and asked me all kinds
of questions about Ed Sheeran, especially about the A-Team, when he played
it. He said "this isn't his song right?? Is this a cover?? I know this
song." And I told him it wad and told him all about it. It was the ideal
conversation for 12 year old me 😂 Anyway, my dad came back, we got to our
seats, and I actually met Andrea for a very brief moment! And before I knew
it, Taylor was playing. And I had made it through the entire show. I woke
up the next morning, still feeling a little sick but actually felt better
after eating, so I thought the worst was over. But, I was wrong... I didn't
know that one night would become my life... And god I wish I had gone to
the hospital... Maybe I would be okay now if I had... But anyway... A month
later (in August), it happened at my friends end of summer party. Then a
month later (in September), while I was at school... Each time worse than
the time before. Everyone had been informed I was having issues, but nobody
had seen anything happen yet. I seemed like myself. Then one day, I was on
my way to lunch with my friends, and I collapsed in the hallway... Same
thing happening. All my friends freaked out and 2 stayed with me while the
rest went to get the nurse. She actually thought I was dying, and honestly
I could've. She called my mom and said she wasn't sure if she should call
my mom or an ambulance. Then my mom came and got me and immedaitly took me
to my doctor (because she said next time it happens to come in so they
could monitor me). I was monitored and fell asleep, then 4 hours later i
woke up like nothing happened. After that i was pulled out of school and
constantly at the doctor. And I just got sicker and sicker... Which was
later diagnosed as... "Anxiety". By an unqualified doctor. He was a thyroid
doctor and diagnosed me with that?? As time went on, I got incredibly sick
to the point I can't even move. I have become completely disabled and lose
control of my body a lot. It's like my brain is disconnected from my body.
And I get this weird feeling im falling off a cliff and I cant feel my arms
and when that happens, I cant move at all. I cant even express how bad it
can get, how scary and painful it is. I'm a lot sicker than most people
think I am... I spend most days in bed, actually unable to move. I find
ways to keep my spirits up, luckily. Mostly its listening to Taylor and
watching friends but yeah 😂 I have days where I can't even sit up I'm so
dizzy and weak and it hurts so much. Its also terrifying when you don't
have full control over your own body. Absoultely terrifying. Although I
have okay days where I can stand up and function for a little bit, most
days lately have been like this... Bad and living from my bed due to
weakness and dizziness (extreme dizziness honestly). I have days where its
even a struggle to breathe, the most simple thing in the world. It gets
depressing at times... When you spend all ur time in bed or a wheelchair it
really can vet discouraging... But I'm still fighting. And I'm so happy I
am. And like I said, Taylor always lifts me up. Even on my worst, most
disabled and bed ridden days. Oh, that reminds me... I also have seizures
now, sadly. But I hadn't had what happened that night at the RED tour in a
while though... Until one night last year... While I was seeing Ed Sheeran
in Gillette Stadium 😂 Maybe its him?? I dont know 😂 Anyway, I spend most
days in bed, and I do online schooling now. I've seen Taylor twice since
then. For 1989 and for reputation. With 1989 I needed a lot of help but I
got through it. Reputation, it had gotten so bad I needed a wheelchair and
I still do whenever I go out, really. I dont have full control over my body
and I'm too weak and just very sick. I'm really hoping to go to lover fest
but if i do will need a wheelchair and even then I'll probably still feel
sick... But Taylors worth it ❤ Hopefully can get ada seating like with rep.
Wanted to keep this last part short but I think I failed 😂 Mainly wanted
to focus on the red tour. My health story is so incredibly long, I couldn't
say it all (maybe I will later). However, for now, I will tell you this, I
was diagnosed with a thyroid disease, migraines, and seizures. Then it was
discovered that all of this... Was advanced Lyme Disease... And it created
something called Dysautonomia (basically a disfunction of the autonomic
nervous system, which most people don't even realize they have, or how
important it is, until it makes you sick and either nearly kills or
cripples you... Depending on the kind though.) Also known as POTS, or
Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (there are actually 15 kids of
dysautonomia, that being one of them, I might possibly have more than one
kinda, were not sure yet. But its basically half cardiology half
neurology). And there's no cure... I could be this way, this disabled and
sick for a while... But there are treatments that might work luckily!!!
Since there are no Dysautonomia clinics in Maine, I either have to go to
New York, Baltimore, Cleveland, or Minneapolis. So looks like im taking a
trip! Sadly to a hospital, but still 😊 I honestly don't know how we'll pay
for it, but I need it, or I will spend my life like this. So I'm sure we'll
find a way... Like I always seem to do in life, no matter what 😊❤ Oh, and
funny thing is, I have something called PANS as well... So I have Pots and
Pans 😂😂😂 Anyway, I just wanted to share this with you guys because like
I said you guys are always so great and Taylor is my favorite artist so I
wanted to share it with the people who understand my love for her. I've
been a huge fan of her for 13 years (I'm 18, 19 next month, now). Theres
something about her... She's always helped me but especially now. She makes
me so happy and feel so safe during this time... Im fact, the only time i
smile like i did when I was younger,before all of this, is when I listen to
Taylor. I even have a Long Live tattoo on my wrist because I felt it
represented my love for her the most, and what we've made as a fandom, the
magic we've created. Plus, it reminds me that I'm fighting my battle (this
"dragon") with Taylor and her music on my side, as well as all of you. And
it makes me smile. I can't wait to get more Taylor tattoos... Honestly,
after all of this and the other health issues I faced as a baby and a
child, I can't believe I'm still here, that I'm still living... Especially
because since I've always been so sick with so many different illnesses and
health issues to the point I'm disabled, my immune system is so weak. I
truly cannot believe I'm still here. But... I guess my body just isn't
ready to give up. It hasn't yet at least!!! And it doesn't want to. It
won't. I'm strong. Me, and my body, want to fight until the very end. And
I'm grateful for that. So grateful that I am still alive, and still
fighting every day of my life. It might be hard, and I can't function or do
really anything but lay in bed and watch tv most days, but I'm just so
thankful that I'm still alive, that it's okay I have to be at the doctors
so much and have to take all these meds (I do anything at this point that
can help me even the slighest). And no matter what life throws at my
health, my body always fights it and gets right back up. I fall down 10
times, I stand up 11. And I could not have the courage and strength to do
this if it wasn't for my idol, Taylor Swift. I've been a fan of Taylor for
13 years (I'm 18 now, 19 next month) so her and her music have helped me
through every problem I have ever faced, and this is no different. She has
a song for everything, so I can always find something to listen to that
makes me feel like she understands and she's telling me it'll be okay...
And ever since LOVER came out, I've been listening to soon you'll get
better on days its really bad, and my girlfriend sends me that song on bad
days too... It makes me feel safe. And like I can fight this. Thank you,
Taylor. I will never be able to repay you. I may struggle with this every
single day im here on earth, but with your music and the support I feel
from the swiftie fam, I know I'll get through it. Anyway... I guess I
should end this here. Again, sorry this is so long but if you read this
thank you so much for taking the time to!! If you made it to this point,
I'm proud 😂❤ And it means the world to me, you have no idea. Im hoping
this will get to Taylor and maybe even Ed one day. I love you all so much
and once again, thank you for reading!! ❤❤❤
@taylorswift @taylornation 🌈❤ @taylornotices 💜
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(Pic is from when I was in First Aid at Ed Sheeran. It was so bad there
they had to give me an IV. I was in the first aid station, wrapped up in my
nightmare before Christmas blanket, on a stretcher with an IV in my hand
pretty much the entire night. It was so painful. When I arrived to first
aid I was actually unresponsive. Like I knew what was happening but I
couldn't talk or open my eyes. All I could do was make very small
movements. It felt like my body was shutting down. I was having bad heart issues as well and they wanted to give me a medicine fot my nausea but since I had lyme disease it could make my heart issues worse so they had to give me an EKG... Right there at the concert 😂 Interesting... But, I got through it.
Like always 😊 So yeah thats where the
picture is from ❤)
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kaz3313 · 5 years
Meeting with the Opposition
Chapter Two; Chapter One is below (previous link wasn't working) Chapter 3 is in the makings
@artthingymabob is who inspired me!
@dystopianinterstellar @azirafuck (also ask if youd like to be on the tag list!)
I honestly thought this would be a one off thing but oopsie daisy I got inspiration big time! Hope everyone enjoys 😊 Reblogs super appreciated
  Azriphale doesn't mean to be late yet here he is running through a crowded sidewalk people giving him nasty sideways glances. He isn't technically late but he isn't early; everyone in Heaven is slightly early as the term "fashionably late" was made by a demon and no angel wants to be associated with one of those. Well besides two; one of which is dubbed a traitor and the other is desperately weaving through crowds and could be considered a hypocrite if anyone is to find out why.
  The reason he is running late is because of Heaven; an angel gone off the deep end. They created quite a ruckus- shouting threats at everyone, causing damage to walls, and pulling up several plants from a garden. It was a fit not tolerated in Heaven and so it ended with them being locked in a room until further notice. He being the one to find an unoccupied room as well as having to catch them. Aziraphale is almost positive they'd have to put them through a trial (and he'd have to organize it) but when is still in the unforeseeable future. Even if he does calm down in that time period they is no possible way of getting out of a punishment.
   The angel arrives just on time but his face falls at the sight of the demon, Crowely, has already nabbed a table. An odd feeling, that isn't embarrassing, arises in him at the thought of the demon sitting at the table, awaiting his arrival. An odd tingly half familiar feeling he shoves down while approaching the demon in wait.
   "I would usually apologize for being late but l, since you are a demon and I don't dare say sorry to your kind, I won't," Azriphale states sitting down not daring to make eye contact with the other.
   "You aren't late, really you're perfectly on time. But our kind don't take well to apologies anyhow; anyone who tries we throw into the hell hound pit and bet on how long they will last," Crowely says and Azriphale looks up; the most horrific look plastered on his face. "I'm joking! I'm joking! Thought a being from Heaven could take a joke!" He lets out a hearty chuckle and Azriphale gives a forced smile in return.
  Crowely is only half-way being truthful in this, as he is with most things, as demons tend to throw each other in hell hound cages all the time. The difference being from what he said is that apologies don't cause such a reaction; it really is just a sporadic action done whenever something mildly inconvenient but thoroughly irritating happens. He doesn't explain the logistics though as he can clearly see the angel is troubled.
   Why he cares is a completely different story that Crowley will rather not want to think about. If he did try to explain though the conversation that followed would contain lots of half truths, hissing, stuttering, made up words (which if you mention that they are made up he will snarkily reply with "well all languages are made up) and end with someone getting stabbed in a major artery. So it's best to leave him be with his unusual consideration.
  "I suppose we should get right on to business since the jokes have ceased?" 'And proven to be unfunny' but Azriphale only adds that on in silence. He doesn't want to push any buttons he doesn't have to today.
  "Thinking 'bout ordering drinks first; Hell has been a bitch like usual and I've needed something to take my mind off it. So drinks first, work talk after," 
  "Drinks don't sound half bad," He momentarily massages his temples before picking up the drink menu "With no war I'm assuming Hell's been rowdy?"
  "Rowdy is a group of bratty teens whose equally bratty parents are going out for a month. Hell is a barnyard that has no food,drink, or cages and several exotic animals. Everyone is ravenous. Demons are thirsting for bloodshed so much we've had to bust several groups trying to form secret strikes to Heaven that would not only fail miserably but be embarrassing to see play out. One guy thought he could do a solo mission- and I have little respect for your army but I'm also not stupid and would send a single low ranking demon against God's army," Crowley rants and if not for the waitress' arrival he would've gone on a tangent. He orders the drinks flatly and expects Azriphale to follow suit immediately.
  The angel however is smiling at him which led to a flick of rage ignite. What had he to smile about? That hell was hellish and chaotic? He should know that just because everything is a shit-show they were not to be reckoned with. 
  "Same wine as his, dear," Azriphale addresses to the waitress and she smiles politely before heading back to the kitchen. "I find it amusing; the angels above are getting antsy themselves. Today actually one of them was found flinging a sword around wildly yelling about how they would deliver "divine justice" to anyone in their path. Of course angels aren't as cruel as demons but...the war not happening has thrown everyone off course. Even the most mild mannered".
  That's why he was smiling- a light weight lifts off Crowley's shoulders. "This is exactly why the two traitors need to be dealt with soon- I feel it would bring ease to everyone. Including, the eventual, second Armageddon," The waitress returns a smile of ignorance on her face. She didn't understand how weeks ago she should've perished nor does she know what these "fine" gentlemen are discussing. All she knows is what wine and food they order and all she hopes is that they give her a significant tip.
  "No doubt; those trouble makers will be given proper justice," Azriphale says picking up his glass of Chardonnay.
  "And no mercy," Crowely adds on, raising his own glass "Toast for the second Armageddon that-is-hopefully-soon-to-come, Angel?"
   "To a successful second apocalypse!" The two clink glasses both wearing uncharacteristic smiles and having found a new sense of determination.
  "Ssso you're ssaying?" Crowely slurs out, its blurred whether alcohol or his snake side were responsible for his long s'. Many drinks are shared between the two and many more were to come. Business is attempting to be addressed but as neither has the gull, or maybe the relaxation is a tad addictive, to sober up halfway thought up plans were being discovered.
   "I say that- well I think anyway. Why not just, we'll just watch the two! Eventually they'll bl-blab out something of importance! How they- how they gone- they gone to go be naive,"
 "Native, you ssstupid Angel,"
   "Oh, same difference! It doesn't matter exact terminology. All that matters is...well is the- the plan," Azriphale waves his hands around before returning to his empty glass. Instead of flagging down the waitress, they had the poor girl running back and forth like mad, he flicks his fingers and both glasses fill up. Crowley opens his mouth to say something but thinks better of it and sips the wine. "Whether its the Great Plan or Ineffable Plan or might as well be Plan B, I really don't care. We just need a plan,"
   "We have our plan," Crowley says with a slight huff.
   "Our plan?" The words our, referring to him and Crowely feel so foreign, scandalous even, but fit on his tongue like a well tailored outfit.
  "Yeah- Watch Gabriel and Beelzebub until they fuck up again. Y'know feel too safe let some information slip. Maybe we'll learn a weakness or two-whatever. And once we know all the right sstuff we crush them!" Crowley slams his fist on the table to reiterate his point.
  "Our plan," Azriphale still echoes quietly as if it is a secret to keep. Which in a way it is; if the other Archangels knew what he's up too, even under the sake of serving retribution, he could get in big trouble. Consorting with Demons led to well... he looks up at Crowley whom he's had two meetings with so far and more to come...apparently it led to professionals getting involved to track you down to find your weaknesses.
  Sure maybe the other Angels wouldn't understand and take what he's doing a completely wrong way but he is doing what is good! Surely if he wasn't God would punish him, right?
  "I'd say let's get dessssert before we head out our separate ways, eh?" Crowely says bringing the fretting Angel out of his worries (or at least creating a temporary distraction from them).
  "Dessert sounds lovely. I heard the creme brulee is to die for,".
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janiedean · 6 years
Hi Lavinia! Can I ask for your opinion about Jaime and his relationship with his stump? I mean, everyone knows he hates it, but is there a possibility that Brienne can change his mind? I belive he hates it most of all because his sister hated it, but it can be changed even a little if he finds someone that does not care. Plus: do you think Brienne can "love" his stump and act tenderly towards it? Like kisses and caresses? I know it's weird but I'd love to care for it to make him feel better!
a) first: man it’s not weird I mean guys I’m gonna tag it so I’m not gonna get into the specific but let’s just say that there are reasons why frankenstein was one of my five formative books and let’s leave it there
b) second: well I put it in every damned fic I do where they have sex so the short reply is yes, but the long reply would be...
c) now, why is it yes and going into your specifics:
he hates it but more than cersei I think the issue is that to him it’s basically a perpetual reminder in his face that a) he lost his right hand (which was what made him the best swordsman around) which in turn means that b) he’s lost one of the things that (in his conception at least) defined him ie ‘if I don’t have that what am I worth’ (which he thinks more than once in that asos chapter when he wants to let himself die) and most of all:
"The lack of my hand is troubling me." The mornings were the hardest. In his dreams Jaime was a whole man, and each dawn he would lie half-awake and feel his fingers move. It was a nightmare, some part of him would whisper, refusing to believe even now, only a nightmare. But then he would open his eyes.
“The wench would have told him he had to eat before he slept, to keep his strength up, but he was more tired than hungry. He closed his eyes, and hoped to dream of Cersei. The fever dreams were all so vivid . . . Naked and alone he stood, surrounded by enemies, with stone walls all around him pressing close. The Rock, he knew. He could feel the immense weight of it above his head. He was home. He was home and whole. He held his right hand up and flexed his fingers to feel the strength in them. It felt as good as sex. As good as swordplay. Four fingers and a thumb. He had dreamed that he was maimed, but it wasn't so. Relief made him dizzy. My hand, my good hand. Nothing could hurt him so long as he was whole.”
now, counting that the whole spiel cersei (and him) have going is that they’re not whole without each other, the point is: he’s not feeling whole without the right hand because it’s what makes him good at sword fighting which in turn gives him worth. now, if you look at the whole procession of thoughts in the dream above, you have the following (which is necessary to get into your question): he feels alone and surrounded by enemies and he had dreamed he was maimed (which is what happened irl) which in turn equates his lack of a hand with inability to protect himself/the others around him/makes him feel vulnerable. BUT, he has the right hand in the dream, and right hand = swords = swordplay = sex, like the four things are all put on the same level (mind it: who is the last person he fought before losing it? right, brienne) and having it back puts him back in a supposedly favorable position because nothing can hurt him as long as he’s whole (ie: he has the hand and cersei) and he supposedly can do the job himself;
too bad that he doesn’t have it anymore;
so like to him the fact that he doesn’t have the hand is a reminder that, again, he can’t do his job, and if he can’t do his job he isn’t whole, and if he isn’t whole he can’t fight (which is basically half of what he loves, the other half being cersei + tyrion + what other relatives he has that he does but it’s not many) and he can’t have cersei either and he can be hurt;
now, I once ranted about the romantic connotations of jaime’s weirwood dream vs brienne’s dreams in affc and I’m linking to it so I don’t have to go again over that, but another thing that’s fundamental about the weirdwood dream is that after it tells us what he fears most ie a) being hurt, b) the people he loves leaving him behind, c) his guilt over his supposed responsibilities in elia’s death and her children’s (which technically is not on him but nvm, d) cersei leaving him behind and after all of that happens... ah, right, BRIENNE shows up, asks him for a sword to protect him after he frees her from her chains and she gets it and she does it until hers is the only bright light in the entire cave, and after that dream he goes back for her and saves her life in the bear pit doing one of the two 100% truly heroic deeds that have happened until now (the other being theon saving jeyne hahaha). which he does... without having the hand;
now, back to the beginning: cersei hates it because a) it’s not aesthetically pleasing, b) he sets jaime apart from her because NOT MIRRORS ANYMORE, c) it cuts down his *usefulness* by a lot since he can’t fight as well as before, d) she cares about the fact that if he’s her male counterpart then she can be with herself just male, she doesn’t care about him or his needs or anything else of the kind, which anyway ties with the fact that by losing the hand he also loses something that was intimately tied to his old life (in the bath he tells brienne he lost the hand he killed aerys with/pushed bran down the tower with/made love to cersei with), so.... by losing it he also has to narratively lose cersei and put himself on the track he wanted to be on when he was fifteen and believed in being arthur dayne if you catch my drift, and the thing is that he can do that without it as well - and we saw it when he saved brienne WITHOUT IT;
as far as brienne is concerned though, the entire thing with losing the hand is actually tied to her in a positive light. meaning: while cersei hasn’t wanted anything to do with it (the stump/his lack of hand) and has been disgusted openly/called him a useless cripple because of it when she’s supposed to love him no matter what, brienne has actually helped him live through that loss even when she was supposed to hate him. like, a lot of people brush over what brienne does for him just after he loses it (or think she could never love him because she did that, lmao as if) but guys let’s be real here, post-hand loss he was pretty much 100% helpless there and she spent the rest of the road trip a) giving him pep talks when he felt like giving up, b) materially cleaning him up, c) telling him that losing the hand didn’t mean his life was over, never mind that after that they have the harrenhaal bath where without going into the whole cleansing symbolism of having him unload why he killed aerys for the first time in his life to her while taking a bath during which they’re both naked and... when he about faints she catches him and she’s gentler than cersei (and later cersei is Really Not Gentle with him at any point ops) and again, she never gives two fucks about his lack of hand or not.
also I realized this meta is overall 3k+ and the next part is choke-full of quotes so I’m gonna cut, more under the cut. sorry I FEEL STRONGLY ABOUT THIS SPECIFIC TOPIC.
moreover, never mind that after he saves her backside and she comes to see him when he gives her oathkeeper she’s all like ‘OH THE WHITE CLOAK BECOMES YOU’ (one day I’ll break apart that scene line by line is2g), what happens in her first affc chapter?
Brienne remembered her fight with Jaime Lannister in the woods. It had been all that she could do to keep his blade at bay. He was weak from his imprisonment, and chained at the wrists. No knight in the Seven Kingdoms could have stood against him at his full strength, with no chains to hamper him. Jaime had done many wicked things, but the man could fight! His maiming had been monstrously cruel. It was one thing to slay a lion, another to hack his paw off and leave him broken and bewildered.Suddenly the common room was too loud to endure a moment longer. She muttered her good-nights and took herself up to bed.
now, compare that to these gems from cersei’s affc chapters:
Her own twin interrupted her musings. "Would Your Grace honor her white knight with a dance?"She gave him a withering look. "And have you fumbling at me with that stump? No. I will let you fill my wine cup for me, though. If you think you can manage it without spilling.""A cripple like me? Not likely." He moved away and made another circuit of the hall. She had to fill her own cup.
"And our valiant Lord Commander?""Ser Jaime is at his armorer's being fitted for a hand. I know we were all tired of that ugly stump. And I daresay he would find these proceedings as tiresome as Tommen." Aurane Waters chuckled at that. Good, Cersei thought, the more they laugh, the less he is a threat. Let them laugh. "Do we have wine?"
Jaime hugged her, his good hand pressing against the small of her back. He smelled of ash, but the morning sun was in his hair, giving it a golden glow. She wanted to draw his face to hers for a kiss. Later, she told herself, later he will come to me, for comfort. "We are his heirs, Jaime," she whispered. "It will be up to us to finish his work. You must take Father's place as Hand. You see that now, surely. Tommen will need you . . ."He pushed away from her and raised his arm, forcing his stump into her face. "A Hand without a hand? A bad jape, sister. Don't ask me to rule."
there was more tho I picked the first three, but if you compare them, cersei basically either mocks him or thinks the stump is ugly and doesn’t want it forced into her face (reminding her he’s-not-her-exact-mirror anymore), brienne’s only horrified that they did it to him in the first place and she considers it cruel, but she doesn’t give two fucks about his hand being ugly nor considers him lesser. actually:
"I will find the girl and keep her safe," Brienne had promised Ser Jaime, back at King's Landing. "For her lady mother's sake. And for yours." Noble words, but words were easy. Deeds were hard.
When she was small, her nurse had filled her ears with tales of valor, regaling her with the noble exploits of Ser Galladon of Morne, Florian the Fool, Prince Aemon the Dragonknight, and other champions. Each man bore a famous sword, and surely Oathkeeper belonged in their company, even if she herself did not. "You'll be defending Ned Stark's daughter with Ned Stark's own steel," Jaime had promised.
I know. It was on that very road that Ser Cleos Frey had died, and she and Ser Jaime had been taken by the Bloody Mummers. Jaime tried to kill me, she remembered, though he was gaunt and weak, and his wrists were chained. It had been a close thing, even so, but that was before Zollo hacked his hand off. Zollo and Rorge and Shagwell would have raped her half a hundred times if Ser Jaime had not told them she was worth her weight in sapphires.
She had learned the truth of that once she went into the world. Even Jaime Lannister had come at her that way, in the woods by Maidenpool. If the gods were good, the Mad Mouse would make the same mistake. He may be a seasoned knight, she thought, but he is no Jaime Lannister. She slid her sword out of its scabbard.
(that EVEN is already telling because it puts jaime above other men she ran into EXCEPT that even he underestimated her)
Perhaps she had made a mistake in abandoning Ser Creighton and Ser Illifer. They had seemed like honest men. Would that Jaime had come with me, she thought . . . but he was a knight of the Kingsguard, his rightful place was with his king. Besides, it was Renly that she wanted. I swore I would protect him, and I failed. Then I swore I would avenge him, and I failed at that as well. I ran off with Lady Catelyn instead, and failed her too. The wind had shifted, and the rain was running down her face.
I could slink back to King's Landing, confess my failure to Ser Jaime, give him back his sword, and find a ship to carry me home to Tarth, as the Elder Brother urged. The thought was a bitter one, yet there was part of her that yearned for Evenfall and her father, and another part that wondered if Jaime would comfort her should she weep upon his shoulder. That was what men wanted, wasn't it? Soft helpless women that they needed to protect?
now, I could rant at you for ten minutes about how in all of those quotes a) she looks up to him, b) never thinks of him as crippled or ugly or useless, c) at most has pity for him because he lost that hand, BUT a thing not many people bring up is that...
He was better than Pyg, but he had only a short throwing spear, and she had a Valyrian steel blade. Oathkeeper was alive in her hands. She had never been so quick. The blade became a grey blur. He wounded her in the shoulder as she came at him, but she slashed off his ear and half his cheek, hacked the head off his spear, and put a foot of rippled steel into his belly through the links of the chain mail byrnie he was wearing. Timeon was still trying to fight as she pulled her blade from him, its fullers running red with blood. He clawed at his belt and came up with a dagger, so Brienne cut his hand off. That one was for Jaime. "Mother have mercy," the Dornishman gasped, the blood bubbling from his mouth and spurting from his wrist. "Finish it. Send me back to Dorne, you bloody bitch."She did.
brienne literally kills one of the people in the brave companions after cutting his hand off saying *it’s for jaime* and after then she kills another (shagwell) after making him dig the graves for the others, AND:
"I have no spade.”"You have two hands." One more than you left Jaime."Why bother? Leave them for the crows."
that’s what she says before she stabs him to death and getting really worked up about it:
She knocked aside his arm and punched the steel into his bowels. "Laugh," she snarled at him. He moaned instead. "Laugh," she repeated, grabbing his throat with one hand and stabbing at his belly with the other. "Laugh!" She kept saying it, over and over, until her hand was red up to the wrist and the stink of the fool's dying was like to choke her. But Shagwell never laughed. The sobs that Brienne heard were all her own. When she realized that, she threw down her knife and shuddered.
like, tldr: we all focus (rightly) on jaime punching ronnet connington for disrespecting her (WITH THE FAKE HAND) but I don’t think as much on the fact that brienne killed two of the brave companions while thinking specifically of how they hurt him/maimed him and thinking that she’s doing it *for him*.
as in: to avenge the fact that he lost the hand because they took it from him.
now, this entire rant with probably too many quotes was to say that brienne cannot give a single fuck about whether jaime has the hand or not beyond thinking it was unfair and unjust to take it from him and leave him without rather than just kill him and she actually avenged it on what brave companions she ran into (which she couldn’t do when they were captured) and she’s into him to the point where (as stated above) she dreams about him all the time INCLUDING him putting a cloak on her and would rather die than bring stoneheart his head, and........ after all of this we really would assume that if they did the deed she wouldn’t not only not ignore that he has a maimed wrist but that she wouldn’t make sweet love to it? especially when according to her he’s omgamazinglybeautiful and she thinks she’s the ugly one that no one’s ever going to want? like, she doesn’t even think about the stump when she thinks about wanting to weep on the guy’s shoulder/when she wants him to come with her/when she thinks he looked like half a god/when she wants him to put a cloak on her or come back for her. she’ll take him exactly the way he is, stump or not, and since she’s seen worse than that - like fuck’s sake she spent time tied to him with the rotting hand in between them - I’m 100% sure that she would totally not shy away from loving all of him including the maimed wrist;
(mind that if you go back to what I was saying in the beginning ie that loss of the hand = loss of sense of security = loss of feeling safe but brienne is associated with a) keeping him safe, b) keeping him alive at both basic and not-so-basic-level, c) the rebirth imagery, d) literally caring for him regardless of her personal feelings......... if they actually become lovers the whole thing plays out because he doesn’t need the hand if he has her who is also framed as the knight to his damsel 98% of the time including in his head/when he dreams about her appearing and keeping him safe with oathkeeper just after he *frees* her ie lets her be the knight she’s meant to be, like literally the one time it doesn’t happen is the bear pit and she’s stuck with him through pretty much everything and has seen the best and worst of him and still didn’t leave [and he doesn’t know but she’s willing to get hanged for him], I mean can we get more obvious here?)
now, can she change his mind? well, if they have idk two years of uninterrupted marital bliss in which they have all the good kind of sex in the world and in which she does it first thing in the morning most likely yes, I mean, the moment he realizes he’s not his sword hand and that he has worth beyond it and that he doesn’t need it to be the person he always wanted to be (and he’s trying for that matter) then he’ll care a lot less about it/won’t hate it as much and if she shows him that she can’t care less it certainly will help, if one of them (or both) dies two months after they get together that might cause a problem X°D but in the best possible outcome (the first one ofc which is a prelude to THEY GROW OLD TOGETHER ON TARTH OR WHEREVER) sure thing he would get over it. tbh I think he should get over it within the end of the saga because that would be basically capping his arc if he lived while having become the person he always wanted to be without giving two fucks about the lack of hand or not but anyway that’s mvho;
tldr: yes he would change his mind. indeed. X°D
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hiro-gari · 3 years
Originally this was the note for my submission but it got too depressing so I wont included it on there:
At this point, tbh I don't know if my writing is good enough, or if it's worthy to read at all.
Sometimes I was wondering if my writings are kinda useless, like the thought of "what are you doing? nobody asked you to make it, nobody would care and noone wanted it anyways" always living in my mind rent free.
Maybe I just feel lonely that I don't have someone to talk more about Batarou ship nowadays. Like, I wanna talk but afraid if I was being too intruding, or getting in people's way who don't share the same interest 😢💦
On one side I feel like nobody would want my works anymore as I'm not qualified as a decent writer, but on the other side I wanted to keep this ship alive so I'd do my best to fill the tags and feed the remaining Batarou shippers who are still in the fandom. Eventhough my works have no good quality whatsoever I'm so sorry.. 😞
Sorry for the long rant, Idk who I should talk about this 🙇
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Real talk though, that shit in the quotes, if I find out anyone said anything like that to you I will effectively end them 😊
On the other hand if this is just your brain, I don’t know how to tell you this but you are extremely wrong!! I always look forward to seeing your writing!! like you’ve actually got me checking my email regularly, something no one has yet accomplished ok
For what it's worth, you can always talk to me about anything!! Batarou or otherwise, I love hearing from you 💗 Send me asks about whatever, whenever, for real.
And as far as keeping the ship alive, you are absolutely excelling 😚 Every now and then I come across some fanart or a fic and, behold, there you are and you’ve helped to inspire it in some way 💕 I don’t think people would do that if your writing didn’t motivate them!
Please never give up, never stop being you💖 I’m continuously amazed by the detail and creativity you put into your work, and it’s certainly a goal of mine to come up with anything near as imaginative as one of your ideas 😩 I’m 100% certain everyone would notice the massive void in the fandom if you weren’t in it *massively crushing hugs* 💖💗💕
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