#anyways what did yiu guys have for lunch?
unbeleevable · 11 months
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yaomomvs · 3 years
# another guy giving u flowers
how the haikyuu guys react to seeing you getting a bouquet of flowers from another man
→ ft. osamu miya, oikawa tooru
a/n: so a random friend confessed to me today and gave me a whole bouquet of flowers wtf?? i rejected him politely but anyways i thought this was a very funny prompt so here we go!
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oikawa tooru !
the day was pretty normal, you were just arriving to the lunch area in school to meet up with ur bf and eat like you usually do
oikawa was specially exited to meet up with you today since he had big news about the team and his daily life honestly
but all of the sudden he just feels like everyone is watching him expectantly, like he is used to this but this time there were definitely a lot of eyes on him
he is confused so he looks around and realize that in fact everyone was looking at him like expecting him to realize something
so when he finally spotted you across the room, your boyfriend’s stomach literally drops
so there you were, eyes wide open when this other guy he recognized as one of ur friends/classmates was bowing to you and handing you out a pretty bouquet of red roses
tooru genuinely did not know what to do, like poor boy was panicking he absolutely had never experienced this weird feeling in his stomach, his blood boiling like all at the same time, he stands up and literally looks everywhere panicking
it’s pretty funny seeing someone as confident suddenly becoming an adorable moron that genuinely doesn’t know what to do
he is like: 👁-👁
he would never doubt you, but that doesn’t mean he was thrilled seeing his s/o receiving a whole ass bouquet in the middle of a crowd
on the other hand you also were naturally shocked, you could be oblivious but you were definitely not expecting this
“i’m flattered but you know i’m with someone right?” you asked in the most polite way you could not wanting to hurt this guys feelings.
“absolutely! d-don’t misunderstand this, i know you are with oikawa-san, and would never try to get between you two! i just- uh, for some people is better to confront the problem to solve it y’know? so i figured out that would help me, i hope you don’t mind” he explains while lowering his head and your heart crashed.
usually, men felt like they had the right to have their confession accepted by you, but meeting this guy absolutely squashed your chicken heart and felt so grateful
you gave him the warmest of smiles “thank you for being so respectful, i appreciate your flowers there’s definitely a pal it there for someone so pretty like you!” and istg his face blushed at a 200% seeing you so happy that he immediately forgot he was trying to move on
yep that was it, tooru perceived this spellbound guy and i’m sorry he couldn’t stop his jealousy this time.
he calls your name and you couldn’t even respond bc he now has you in his shoulder glaring at the guy who lowkey felt intimidated but relieved as you waved goodbye
“is the great king jealous?” he has the most adorable pout
“fir simiine is pritty liki yiu” he mocks “DAMMIT OF COURSE I AM LOVE”
the volleyball team swears they heard your laugh all across the cafeteria lol
osamu miya !
you were chillin’ w the vb team in the lunch area
honestly you thought osamu was going to be a laid back boyfriend, no, so wrong, he is so clingy that it was almost as seeing a puppy w separation anxiety
so u got used to being around him, his brother, suna, etc.
“so what if we don’t call them UFOS, but...” “atsumu, shut up” suna said making u laugh. osamu looked at you with heart eyes, he really enjoyed watching u get along with what he considered to be his family.
in between jokes you asked your boyfriend if he could get you something to drink, knowing he would never let you do thing like this, osamu was a gentleman and you loved him for that.
while he was away you stayed chatting with suna, as the twins were buying your stuff, when you felt a little tap on your shoulder.
there was this adorable guy with a bouquet of flowers and cheeks blushing. your first impression was that he looked just so cute, like a a cute little kitten asking to be carried. 
“hi, y/n. god i’m so sorry about this, i feel stupid, sorry, i am really...” he was just stuttering and you smiled to reassure him. not to be a narcissist but you had received. couple of confession before, however not so many since you started a relationship with osamu so you were knew to handle this situation.
with your smile and little scoff, and while stopping suna to get in between the confession, you asked him to proceed.
this was huge thing for the guy so he continued more confident “you are so beautiful, and i just wanted to make sure you know that, i see you in classes and just so you know you are really something, like you light up the room.” those words were so nice that you almost felt the necessity to thank him, however you did want to put a limit but before you could say you were not available, two things happened, first you spotted a gray haired guy at the entrance looking at you, he raised his brow and just sighed as he gave you a smile.  
that’s what you loved about him, you felt curiosity to know if osamu was jealous, however, he is just caring like that. he would never do something to make you insecure about his love and the nod he just gave you proved you that.
and the second thing: “i know you are with someone, he really is lucky and i would never disrespect you like that. just wanted to let you know how i feel, i guess an act of kindness is important to everyone, so please accept the flowers. and have a good day” 
the girls in the lunch area went crazy and you knew that when he left he would have tons of admirers, you two kept on chatting for a bit until...
“well yeah that enough, let’s go my love” you huge boyfriend came to your side as he pushed the flower guy in a ‘friendly’ manner.
you laughed and just asked with you eyes.
“what it’s not like i’m mad or jealous” “so should i go have lunch with him?” “absolutely not”
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sunarindior · 3 years
Take Her to the Moon || S. Rintarou
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v. in a month
Y/N and Akaashi’s friendly date
Third POV
“Where should we go?” Akaashi asked Y/N while driving away from Y/N’s house
“How about the mall? And let’s go to the cafe near the school, you would love it there” Y/N replied as she looked out the window
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“So where do we go first?” Y/N asked
“Don’t ask me, I’m not familiar with the shops here”
“Oh yeah right. Uhm how about the anime shop I was talking about?”
“Let’s go, might buy my own manga”
I grabbed Akaashi’s arm while I walk to the anime store.
“I think you’ll like it here Akaashi” I said while walking in the shop
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“ ‘Kaashi why did yiu pay for the items I chose?” I asked while walking to Akaashi’s car
“It’s nothing, plus your Mom won’t be happy if she knew you wasted your money on anime merch again”
“Well, true. But it doesn’t mean she’ll be happy if she knew you were the one who bought them”
“Just say its a gift from me if ever she asked, now let’s go to the cafe you’re talking about”
“Yeah yeah. Let’s goo! I bet you’ll love their nanohana no karashiae.”
“Eh? I thought it’s a cafe?”
“Yes it is! It’s just that they give it out as a side dish when you order their lunch or dinner meals.”
“Oh, but can you buy it as separate?”
“I don’t know.. We could ask”
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“You could park there” I said while pointing at the parking area near the cafe
I noticed the car beside us, it looks like Suna’s car
“Hey ‘Kaashi, is this Suna’s car?”
“Huh? Oh I don’t know, I’m not familiar with his plate number”
“Oh.. Maybe its not his, let’s go?” I asked Akaashi while walking backwards, my back towards the cafe
“Uh.. Y/N I think we shouldn’t-”
“Huh? Why?-” I asked and looked at the cafe
“Let’s go to mcdonalds instead?” Akaashi asked while he walks up the car and opened the passenger’s door.
“Y-yeah sure”
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“By the way, Akaashi” I suddenly said while eating fries
“Mom said I need to go home at 6 pm” I said while looking at the clock on my phone 4:57 pm
“Do you want to go near the park before I drive you home? or should I drive you home already?”
“Let’s go to the park first” I replied while cleaning my fingers from the salt.
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“I wonder what’s the reason why Mom wanted me to go home earlier” I said while making the swing im sitting on move
“Maybe its something important? Since 6 is kinda early since normally your Mom would let you stay outside until 8:30.”
“Should we head back?” Akaashi suddenly said and standing up
“Let’s go, since its close to 6 already”
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“See you soo Y/N” Akaashi waved while I walk to the door
“You should get in your car already Akaashi” I said while I look at him
“I’ll go once you go inside”
“Okay okay, See you again soon!” I said as I open the door and wave to Akaashi
I get inside and see him get inside and drive away.
“Mom? I’m home!” I shout from the door while taking of my shoes
“In the kitchen dear!”
“Mom, Dad, what was the important thing you were going to say?”
“Shower first, then go back here and let’s talk about it during dinner okay?” Dad said while reading the newspaper he was holding
“Okay, By the way Dad?” I suddenly called him, while slowly walking out the kitchen
“Yes?” He replied while looking up from the newspaper
“Who still reads newspaper this days?” I then immediately bolted up the stairs while laughing
“Yah! Did you hear what your daughter said?” I heard dad said in disbelief
“What she said was true, no one really reads newspaper this days” I hear Mom reply
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“Mom? Dad? I’m already done showering” I say as I enter the room while drying my hair with my towel.
“Yah, I told you to dry your hair properly!” Mom said while walking to me and taking my towel.
After a while Mom was done drying my hair “properly”
“Let’s eat dinner shall we?” Dad said while putting down the newspaper.
“We shall!”
“Y/N-ah, the important thing that we were going to say to you is..” Dad stopped and looked at Mom
I placed down my chopsticks and looked at them both.
“Honey, in a month we’ll..”
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synopsis: In which, you and suna were each other’s significant other, well ex significant other, and you told him to promise you something, promise you that he’ll take his new girlfriend to the moon, and tell her I love you’s like he did when you were once together.
a/n: aaah sorry this narrative is so long :< but anyways another sorry for the cliffhanger. Ready your guys’ seat belts ‘cause we’re going in for a ride— jkjk. But n e ways I hope you guys liked this update, send me some asks if you guys have any guesses with what Y/N’s parents said ^^
taglist: [open!] @im-the-music-whore @daphnxy @satorinnie @rinsangel @renhold-nightspear @its-the-aerieljeane @putmeinyourdeathnote @sunavf
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callmebcby · 7 years
Ghost!AU | Lee Minhyuk
Summary: After getting kicked out of your dorm, you find a cheap and amazing apartment not too far. The catch: a ghost supposedly haunts the room. But ghosts aren’t scary, right?
Genre: fluff, slight angst Word Count: 1,843
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• sophomore year of college you get kicked out of the dorm you were living in along with 6 other people • no one ever really knew why: people assumed it was for freshman • that was when you decided you'd give no more money to the school and decided to live off campus • so, you start your mission on apartment hunting within the area • you stayed at your best friends dorm for the time being • with much help you decided on an apartment not to far away • it was like, maybe 2 minutes fast walking, 4 minutes normal walking • and it was cheap!¡ • the catch: all the other tenants reported that the place was haunted • you, being a college sophomore, weren't scared of minor ghost stories or so you thought   • you scheduled a walk though with the renter, asking to go the following week which she happily agreed to • skip to the walk though • the apartment complex alone was in a really nice area • now the room you had looked IMMACULATE • you didn't understand why a messily little ghost would make anyone leave • it looked well kept and very polished • "and this only costs $350 a month, right? furnished and everything?" • even after you signed the papers, moved in, and put everything you owned in it, you still couldn't believe what a score you got • two (2) months in and no signs of ghosts yet • it wasn't until the 4th month you started noticing things • it'd be as simple as a moved hair bush, or water left on • you'd thought you were just mistaken, you've always been a forgetful child • but when it kept happening for a month, you knew something was up • bigger things started to happen • pots on the stove that you didn't even pull out of packaging yet • blankets laid across the whole couch when you only sat in one spot, which became your spot • making your bed in the morning and coming home to it all messed up • but you pushed through • everything was fine and manageable until • you started hearing voices • more specifically, a boys voice • whenever you had music playing, which was quit a lot given you were a dancing major, you'd hear him it singing along • of course it freaked you out, how could there just be voices? • maybe the neighbors were singing along • nope. all your neighbors were either female or listened to completely different music • you did get info on the past people here • they reported the same things that happened to you, no one stayed for more than a year • "okay, you got this, maybe he just needs love, he's lonely" • nothing new happened for awhile • you surpassed a year!! • all was going good until you saw him • "OH MY GOD" • he tried to calm you done • when he pressed his hand to your mouth to stop the screaming, it did nothing • "YOU JUST WENT THROUGH ME, OH MY GOD THIS IS REAL" • in denial, even with him right there • you had questions, oh boy did you have questions • you left for a week, staying at your best friends dorm, gathering your thoughts • "okay, hi hello hey there, you're a freaking ghost" • he's bust out laughing, he was overjoyed you could see him • wait. you could see him. • no ones ever saw him • "YOU CAN SEE ME, AND HEAR ME. AAHHHHH" • boy was he a screamer • he never shut up • until you banged pots together, shutting him up quickly • "I need answers, I need background, I just need, of my god YOURE A GHOST, I'm talking to a dang ghost." • you still couldn't believe it • turns out he was just a small, 22 year old who died unexpectedly, named Lee Minhyuk • he used to own this apartment, hence why he "haunted" it • accepting this was your life, you decided to accept him • you two were quick to hit it off after getting through the whole ghost part • you honestly loved him being with you, it was like a personal friend always ready for you • he woke you up in time, helped you with homework, choreo, you name it • along the way, you guess you just sorta happened to maybe fall in love with the ghost boy • how could you not? it was like he was your boyfriend anyway • you guys did everything together • the way looked at you made you swoon, you wanted to help him not be sad that he was trapped in a transparent form • although you wanted to help him, he also wanted to help you • he'd get so upset and frustrated at the fact that he couldn't touch anything and actually help • he felt incompetent and thought you deserved to go out and live instead of dealing with a loud ghost that couldn't do anything • so he lowkey got you to go out with the boy across the hall • he's sneakily put packages or pieces of jewelry in his room, making you talk to him • he was cute, you admitted • you later found out his name was kihyun and went to the same college as you • you started to eat lunch with him, given the fact you always ate alone and so did he • soon you went out on a date and you thought things were going well • that was until you took him home • "we can watch a movie, I have the best ones" you beamed • so, taking the date home, you let him go home to change his clothes • you changed as well and made popcorn • while you made popcorn you gushed to Minhyuk on how you scored with this apartment • three knocks at your door made you jump a little bit and head towards the door • just as you were going to open the door, you stopped, a thought in mind • "wait, minhyuk! will he be able to see you or am I special?" • "I think you're special. No, I know you're special," he giggled, wiggling his eyebrows, making you throw your slipper at him, watching it pass through him • throwing open the door, you were met with Kihyun in a lose tee and sweat pants • man did he look fine • letting him in, you pointed him to the direction of your couch, telling him to "make yourself at home" • gathering the popcorn and retrieving your slipper, you looked down the hall and into you bedroom • you saw Minhyuk laying face down on the bed • before you had the chance to call him a kid, Kihyun asked if you were okay • shaking your head, you walked into the living room with a smile saying you were fine • finally you sit down next to him, popcorn in hit lap, movie playing • halfway through the movie, Minhyuk walked through the hallway to the kitchen • repulsively you said hey, which made Kihyuj look at you confused • "Uh...Isn't it weird how the main character-" you made up some lame excuse • feeling your eyes grow tired, you laid your head on Kihyun's shoulder • soon after you put your head down, you heard all the flames ok your stove go off • you jumped off the couch and ran into the kitchen, Kihyuj in tow • switching all the switches off, you sighed, spotting Minhyuk • fists balled, gazed locked on Kihyun, a scowl on his face • you had to remind yourself Kihyun was here, and yiu couldn't just talk to the air • mouthing, "what's wrong?" to Minhyuk, he stormed off towards the bed • you felt your heart crack, like something in him just switched • turning your attention back to Kihyun, you saw him putting his shoes on • "I like you and all, but I've heard the rumors about ghosts here. I just can't live with ghosts, I don't know how you do. See you around." was all he said before dashing across the hall • snorting, you locked your door before preceding to clean up everything • you were hesitant to talk to Minhyuk, and not cause you were scared that'd he'd curse you, but scared to hurt him, somehow • slowly, you walked towards the shard bedroom before knocking • you heard no response so you decided to go in • peaking in, you saw Minhyuk's body laying down, turned away from you, lighting shaking • "Minhyuk~ What's wrong?" sitting next to him and rubbing his shoulder, her brushed you off • "Nothing. Go back to your lover boy." • you were taken aback you just had to stare at his back • "is someone...jealous?" you piped up, making Minhyuk whip around and sit up • "no ones jealous. leave," • "then what's wrong, Minhyuk just tell me," • "fine. yes, it pisses me off to see you snuggled up with him on the couch, in our spot. I know I'm the one who set you up with him, but if I knew it'd hurt like hell I wouldn't have." • "wait...YOU SET ME UP WITH KIHYUN," you basically screamed out, getting closer to him • inching back, he looked sorry and scared • "s-sorry, I just thought you should go out and live, not be inside with a little gh-" • you kissed him. • you finally did it and boy did it feel good • his lips were so soft and felt am- • WAIT • YOU COULD FEEL HIS LIPS • before you could pull back to scream, his hand wrapped itself to the back of your neck, pulling you closer • seeing as his eyes were closed, you decided to freak out later and go along with it • so, you wrapped your own arms behind his head, fingers playing with the bottom fringe of his hair • kissing back, you couldn't help but almost go weak • moving his arms down to your waist, he firmly held you in spot • it was him who pulled back first, leaning his forehead on yours • "Minhyuk-" • "Shh, I don't know either, just,  just live in the moment" • turns out Minhyuk was in the middle of a curse, a literal representation of begging in the wrong place at the wrong time • the curse made him a ghost until he found love • since many thought you couldn't find love while you were dead but boy they were wrong • and that's how you met your ghost boyfriend • end.
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