#anyways yeah this uterus and endocrine system broke. YEET.
ruthlesslistener · 11 months
as a trans guy with Fucked Up and Evil menstruation, testosterone was a magic bullet that solved all my problems. I hope it does the same for you! Wish ya luck!
Tysm! I'm hoping that once I'm on a higher dose that I'll experience the same, because I have- and this is no fucking joke- been bleeding almost every single day of 2023 so far. I'm no longer having debilitating periods along with nonstop bloodloss where I almost can't get out of bed because I'm so weak, disoriented, and in pain (hypothyroid medications have solved that), but then I just switched to bleeding at every day, with periods just being more bloodflow than usual, and my doctors have no idea why. Testosterone has further reduced the migraines, exhaustion, and muscle weakness with no side effects other than a little bit of nausea when I first started (opposite of estrogen, which made me so nauseous and sensitive i couldn't eat), but since I'm on such a low dose I don't think it can eliminate it entirely, so hopefully once I'm allowed to increase the dose it'll get this broken-ass organ to shut up entirely. Only reason why I'm not on a higher dose rn is because my hormone levels were all terribly out of whack when I started it, so they don't want to throw my body into shock lmao
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