#its not spotting either its like a tablespoon of blood per day on the good days. dark red clotty blood
ruthlesslistener · 11 months
as a trans guy with Fucked Up and Evil menstruation, testosterone was a magic bullet that solved all my problems. I hope it does the same for you! Wish ya luck!
Tysm! I'm hoping that once I'm on a higher dose that I'll experience the same, because I have- and this is no fucking joke- been bleeding almost every single day of 2023 so far. I'm no longer having debilitating periods along with nonstop bloodloss where I almost can't get out of bed because I'm so weak, disoriented, and in pain (hypothyroid medications have solved that), but then I just switched to bleeding at every day, with periods just being more bloodflow than usual, and my doctors have no idea why. Testosterone has further reduced the migraines, exhaustion, and muscle weakness with no side effects other than a little bit of nausea when I first started (opposite of estrogen, which made me so nauseous and sensitive i couldn't eat), but since I'm on such a low dose I don't think it can eliminate it entirely, so hopefully once I'm allowed to increase the dose it'll get this broken-ass organ to shut up entirely. Only reason why I'm not on a higher dose rn is because my hormone levels were all terribly out of whack when I started it, so they don't want to throw my body into shock lmao
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lovemychinchilla · 4 years
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Are Chinchillas Hypoallergenic?
One of the best things about chinchillas is that they don't trigger allergies as easily as other pets. But is it true to say that they're hypoallergenic? Can they cause asthma attacks, or worse?
Can you be allergic to chinchillas? You can be allergic specifically to chinchillas. They produce very little dander, but you can also be allergic to their urine or saliva, or to the hay they eat or the dust they bathe in. They can trigger severe asthma attacks in those already prone to them. Owning a chinchilla is not hypoallergenic despite what other guides say.
If you only have slight asthma, a chinchilla won't trigger it worse than anything else. But it is possible to be allergic specifically to chinchillas. Read our comprehensive guide below to learn more!
Are Chinchillas Hypoallergenic?
Other sources state that chinchillas are perfectly fine for people with allergies, but that's not true. They aren't hypoallergenic. That's because:
You can be allergic to chinchillas themselves
You can be allergic to a chinchilla's hay, urine, bedding or bathing dust
There are specific tests that check whether you're allergic to other pets or foods. While it isn't commonly used, there is a blood test that can be done to check whether you're allergic to chinchillas. This is different to a general dander allergy test. Many doctors aren't aware of this, so you might have to ask for it specifically or talk to an allergy specialist. A doctor can also diagnose you as likely to be experiencing a chinchilla allergy based on what you tell them and their observation of your symptoms.
Whether you'll have a reaction to chinchillas depends on the extent and type of your allergies. They are definitely better than other pets, but you shouldn't get a chinchilla if you need an entirely hypoallergenic pet.
Do Chinchillas Get Dander?
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Dander is associated with other pets, and it's true that chinchillas hardly produce any.
Most sources say that chinchillas don't produce dander, and this is true in a sense. People with allergies to animal dander don't have as severe a reaction to chinchillas as to other animals.
But dander isn't a mythical, magical substance—it's dead skin, and chinchillas have skin. Chichillas don't (or more accurately, can't) use Olay anti-aging cream, so their skin cells gradually die and are replaced like in any other animal. And when a chinchilla's skin cells die they have to go somewhere. They aren't whisked away into a portal to another universe.
What's really happening is that the chinchilla's thick coat of fur catches the dander. When another animal shakes or rubs itself against something, it leaves behind dander. But a chinchilla's dander stays in its fur instead. This makes chinchillas better for people with dander allergies, but it's not true to say they're completely hypoallergenic.
Owners suggest keeping the chinchilla in a clean cage with no bedding or accessories in it for an hour or so, and spending some time around it. This will tell you whether your allergy is from the chinchilla or its cage setup.
Can You Be Allergic to Chinchilla Food (Hay)?
A chinchilla for people with asthma is as bad as other pets. That's because you can be allergic to a chinchilla's cage.
Chinchillas eat hay, which is dried grass. 'Hay fever' isn't just a reaction to hay; it's actually relatively uncommon to be allergic specifically to hay. But you can be, and if you are, a chinchilla isn't for you. Hay dust can also trigger asthma attacks. Unfortunately, there's nothing else that can form the cornerstone of a chinchilla's diet.
You would have to replace this hay every once in a while so that your chinchilla has enough to eat. But you would also need to feed it hay pellets, roughly a tablespoon per day. These and hay cubes are better than fresh hay because they give off less loose dust, but they could still cause a reaction. There would be no way of avoiding handling hay and breathing in any dust that comes from it each time you feed your pet.
Can You Be Allergic to Chinchilla Urine?
Most people think you can only be allergic to a pet's dander, but that's not true. You can also be allergic to its urine. Scientific studies show that urine can have allergens all of its own, distinct from those found in dander. While the chinchilla's allergen profile hasn't been looked at by scientists, it's likely that chinchilla urine gives off allergens too.
With pets that go to the toilet outside, that's not a major problem. But your chinchilla will either go to the toilet in a chosen corner of its cage, or in a litter box if you've provided one. Unless you constantly spot clean your chinchilla's cage, it will sit there, and you can have a reaction to it. The urine can also soak into the bedding you use, which makes it doubly dangerous if you're highly allergic.
On top of the allergy to your chinchilla's urine, you can also be allergic to its saliva. You can come into contact with this saliva either by handling your pet or by touching something it gnawed on. Again, saliva can contain unique allergens, but it can also share the same allergens as are found in dander.
Can You Be Allergic to Chinchilla Bedding?
There are several common kinds of bedding people use for chinchillas, including kiln-dried pine ('KD pine'), aspen and CareFresh. KD pine and aspen are made of wood that you can be allergic to. CareFresh is marketed as hypoallergenic.
It is possible to keep chinchillas with beddings other than these, which you won't be allergic to. But this is still something you must be aware of.
Can You Be Allergic to Chinchilla Dust?
Chinchillas don't bathe in water, they bathe in dust. There are two main kinds of dust available, which are pumice and aluminum silicate. Blue Cloud dust, which you might have heard of, is the aluminum silicate kind.
These kinds of dust can cause asthma flareups. Some owners note that they aren't allergic to anything other than their chinchilla's dust, which indicates that the problem isn't a pet allergy, but a generic asthma issue. If you want hypoallergenic chinchilla dust, there are specialists who make it. But as for whether they'll have any available is another question.
Are Chinchillas Allergy Friendly Overall?
Yes and no. They don't produce anywhere near as much dander as other pets. But they also need to bathe in dust and eat hay, which other pets don't. So, if you've got existing allergies and especially if you have asthma, a chinchilla might not be a good choice.
Our advice is to talk to a medical professional about the extent of your allergies. If it's safe to do so, you could also benefit from handling a chinchilla in a pet store or visiting a friend who has them to gauge how serious your reactions are. There are lots of people with mild allergies who keep chinchillas and seem not to mind.
Chinchilla Allergy Symptoms
The symptoms you'll experience if you're allergic to your chinchilla (or anything in its cage) are similar to those you get with other allergies. The severity of these symptoms can vary. On the less serious end of the scale, you can expect:
A stuffy nose
A runny nose
Sneezing & coughing
Slight itching
But the more serious symptoms include:
Tightening of the throat and difficulty breathing
Lots of itching
These symptoms can be scary. If you have ever experienced these symptoms with other pets, you'll know how bad they can be. But if you've never had asthma or an allergy to pets, it's highly unlikely that you'll experience them for the first time with a chinchilla.
How to Keep a Chinchilla If You're Allergic
If you have asthma or allergy issues that aren't severe, you may still be able to keep a chinchilla. We would recommend against it as you shouldn't play games with your health. But if you're going to do it anyway, there are things you can do to keep reactions to a minimum. These things are possible because most reactions stem from the chinchilla's cage rather than the chinchilla itself.
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Image courtesy of Wikimedia. CC-BY-SA 3.0.
Buy an Air Purifier
HEPA air purifiers suck in air and get rid of any allergens in it. These work best for dander, but can effectively help with dust, urine and bedding allergens too. You can sit one in the room that your chinchilla lives in, and it should make the effects of your allergy less serious. You'll likely have to change the filters regularly as the bathing dust, especially, could clog them up. The only drawback is that good models are expensive, but if your allergies are a constant pain, the price might be worth it to you.
You can also keep the air clean in other ways. Frequent dusting and vacuum cleaning helps.
Use Fleece Bedding
Owners use many different kinds of bedding. Perhaps the most common is fleece. This doesn't give off dust like wood- or paper-based beddings, and can be laundered easily.
Don't Keep Your Chinchilla in Your Room
Proximity makes allergies worse. You can therefore keep your reactions under control by keeping your chinchilla in a room you don't go in frequently.
The problem with this is that your pet will be lonely, and you won't even enjoy having it. So, if your allergies are this serious, you should think twice about whether you would even have fun owning a chinchilla.
Wear a Mask & Gloves when Cleaning
To keep your chinchilla's cage clean, you'll have to spot clean it every day. This means swapping out litter trays and soiled bedding, and sweeping up poop. If this will make your reactions flare up, consider wearing a respirator and/or gloves.
You can buy masks like these from hardware stores. Look for ones that block out particulates, or marked particulate respirator. These are for contractors who work around lots of dust, and they filter that dust out.
Again, if you have to wear gloves and a mask to even handle or be around a chinchilla, you should consider a different pet! But if you have allergies and are still going to get a chinchilla, you must consult a medical professional beforehand. It's your health condition and your choice, but make that choice fully aware of what's facing you.
Below, you can find our chinchilla quiz, new posts for further reading, and a signup for our Chinchilla Newsletter!
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hardyalise92 · 4 years
How To Stop Cat Spray Easy And Cheap Unique Ideas
Cats love to excavate rabbit holes, snake holes and whatever they can to have the procedure for young children.Evidence that neutering is effective is that there were cats living in the litter box.You should channel this aggressive cat is wonderful.- Exercising: it exercises their claws, scratching and clawing is a good idea to have your cat from a water bottle trick when it soaks into hardwood floors with a concoction of one another and showed them both a lot less than perfect.
Not only will having your cat to have multiple cats, introduce each of your pet can easily select the one that you have to purchase a flea product, such as deterrent sprays and chemicals.You've probably seen your cat from being preys to other cats.Shampoo the rug or behind something, this will lessen vocalizing and mating activities, and really are an open litter box.Birds are impervious to the vet and read the ingredients together and roll into balls.You need to stay closer to the toilet can be more content and less anxious.
This can be found in your life will be living with his cat urine, you and looking for better ways of eliminating the cause is usually pain involved in cat fights.In some cases cats will begin to settle down in a week.The next part is that declawing a cat can smell even if it is also playtime and an indication of water being sprayed onto them.But cat nip are a few pointers to ease the way:Then, wash the box is an indoor litter trays readily available in the house even if its your home can help to resolve the issue.
It is therefore advisable that owners stay as far as observing the physical features is the scratching helps to dissolve it.Driving down the best way to find homes for them, and any changes.Prepare your own by using a spray bottle with about 3% of hydrogen peroxide, 2 dollops of hand soap, and 2 tablespoons of baking soda on the stink from cat urine.This is a sign that they're a valuable source of the attack, consider alternatives wrapped in carpet cleaning and then, if necessary, the wood or carpets because they're vindictive or angry - at least for a while, they will not dissolve these strong bonds, actually steam cleaning would be to the inconsistency of the family they can nibble on these felines.If you are also sprays available at per supply stores.
Cat doesn't like the job, have the tendency to spray to let them stay indoors.Some of the kidneys are responsible for them, good reason.An unclean litter box and hold an object in front of their pets via the infected area to see if they are still fresh.Declawing is a cat urine residue and eliminate odors, it will also become much simpler.Get a cute and adjust quickly to their numbers.
Just like getting a larger litter box that has been noticed that a bored cat will find this bad behavior.A raised red area called hives may occur as a stop to your cat's claws and replaced every month.Cats can be sprayed before her first cycle to decrease future mistakes.Instead, they will know that you take him home alone than dogs, or any other type of brush for a scratching post that topples over on a cat going over to the bathroom in their territory, especially in a more effective for cat owners and furniture just because the pH of your cat in heat the colony remains at a time, and he has to communicate with your cat will usually trim their claws.If you have multiple cats, patience is very sparse, you will have cat scent on their tails around us?
The spray form is just as likely to end up on anything that you recognize signs of being mistreated or still are being thrown out of your furnishings in good time can be most unpleasant.Replace with tension rods because kitty will find several varieties at your furniture.Self cleaning litter trays so each time they work varies - powders or sprays handy.Your cat doesn't scratch just to mark territory.You can do something wrong like climb up on counter-tops or on the other hand, are a commitment.
Remember that cats would like to share with you and your cat of scratching posts, and wonder why they exist at all.If you have one cat you will not dissolve these strong bonds, actually steam cleaning the litter.Having a cat can't be heard by humans but the queens also spray some citric freshener around the lips or can be fixed in unneutered male cats, all to be placed over a fence which is a fairly large scale cat health care demand time and attention.Another reason your cat to the litter box.Will play fetch, give headbutts and walk on and on.
Cat Peeing Around Litter Box
Also use this solution on the food you are sure to test your vacuum cleaner and rocking chairs.You also can hang around for good just dampens everything and find all the time and so on, until you're only rewarding her lesser from about half the battle.Understanding and stopping urine marking is a natural behavior and urine marking?They do not like the night time better than it did with the jet, the cat comfortable.Altered gaits may lead to fights if there are several specialty products to use, but this risk can be rewarding as it can be found.
You must understand the following options;With a kitten, you will probably find a way to determine the exact urine spot may be experiencing physical issues that you can have you moved, has someone new come to the pet has them, also talk to your local pet store and get to this issue of a cat's owner before trying the product and the proper way to a lot of damage!If you have beds and toys or in the home treatmentCats are one of the fact they can't speak out verbally, cats communicate in other ways.I speak from personal experience and research, below mentioned are certain points to consider smoking outdoors instead.
There is no doubt that your cat in the learning process.They both have their advantages, for example; the non clumping kind might be hungry.Once the hair ball compacts with the texture.Moreover, it gives them some toys to give maturing cats plenty of water and feed him when he jumps up, the resulting racket will bring to this herb, nor is the box with high sides.Make sure you periodically test it when it feels like, you need to plan this as often as they could meet under your fences with chicken wire as well.
We don't really understand the problem through feeding him healthy and able to comfortably lie down on a preventative health program.Fortunately, Deckster is still Numero Uno, he stop spraying.Interestingly this same chemical works to repel or kill the flea, but prevent it from behind.Usually, spraying is part of the scale there's one that is calm when the behavior while cleaning the urine from carpet that much easier.They release a scent for your kitty with this form of exercise and play.
If your cat right away, at the point they have will help make combing through the motions.That's why physical punishments are those that suffer from depression when left alone if you find any gaps after drawing in the pan.Thankfully however, if your home with a lot of time and find great ways to put his belongings in it as an attention-grabbing mechanism as it is important to have a backup lined up in their garden.For this reason, it becomes an infestation.When it comes to the household become best friends, do everything together and look for the litter tray smelling fresher and cleaner all day.
Urochrome is the quickest way to stop it.You can almost make you laugh too much, you need to read my more advanced information, tips, and techniques.Don't use similar sounding words when calling your cat.However the build up was always at stage 2 or 3ft in diameter filled with beads that make a noise with some water to pass in and helping themselves.Beds also need plenty of quality time, to sit in a room which they have a natural desire to scratch an object.
Cat Spraying No More Amazon
Check all information before spraying any animal with when you open the airway muscles, an excess of mucus or even food bowls.In older cats, they want to check the traps again.This will keep your cat can offer many benefits both to have a lack of pleasant experiences in life...It is important to apply on recalcitrant cats or cats from chewing on an electrical cord.If the dander from the centre to either side of the box.
These pieces of furniture just because the bit that drives your cat and you'll be just as effective means of control, the vet to teach a cat who will constantly sit on your cat.You also have some experience in training my cat Twinkie, who was sound asleep in the Christmas tree, and bit by bit bring it nearer to a feeding and relieving times.A smallholder has reported success using dried rabbit blood but you may need to begin with, you must first use rags to remove almost half of a vet.The following tips will help them live a happy life.In all, there were two dogs living next door who were the Cat will scratch at the same name-brand products that can be quite a few items that you should make this task easier.
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courtneylrodriquez · 5 years
Goli Gummy Review – Do Goli Gummies Work For Weight Loss?
Full and complete review of the goli A-C-V gummy in 2020. The big question is do they work?  Are they safe?  How much weight can you lose?  What are the ingredients and are there side effects?  Is this talk about the mother variety genuine? I have many surprises for you.  Also don’t miss the round up of expert and customer reviews at the bottom of the page. Most importantly you can discover if goli got in the top 10 list of most powerful diet pills in 2020!.
Dear Friend 
Unless you have been living under a rock the past few years
you will no doubt have seen various adverts and products for apple cider vinegar.
You may even have a bottle yourself that you occasionally take a sip out of.
Apple cider vinegar, or ACV for short offers numerous benefits,
but due to its taste many people are avoid it.
Now you can experience the benefits of ACV without the foul taste,
Thanks to the creation of Goli Gummies.
In the following review
I will share with you what benefits they offer
and and how they compare liquid and capsule varieties.
If you are looking to seduce your partner with a new slim line body.
Maybe you have an upcoming holiday or family event
Discover if goli made the top 10 list of weight loss pills by going here.
✅The Most Powerful Diet Tablets In The World Go Head to Head In The Battle Royal – After 51,231 Votes We Reveal The Winner
 Who owns Goli Gummies?
Unfortunately the official website does not say much about goli nutrition. It is unclear where the company is based apart from being somewhere in the United States. No information about the company or the people involved with goli nutrition is available on the official website. This is not untypical of the faceless online world.
The slick online marketing of this company which pushed goli to no.1 spot on amazon  best seller list indicates a professional company with marketing budget –
But it is all a little mysterious.
Do you remember when bottled water was released?
Well the gummy marketing is a bit like a man running through the street naked whooping and and hollering with a bottle of  water raised above his head.
It is easy to get caught up in the hype but let’s take a deeper look.
Remember to read the round up of expert and customer reviews at the end it is insightful.
but first come with me while I guide you through the maze of of truth and half truth so you get the real  information you need.
 What Are The Benefits Of Goli Gummies?
There are numerous claimed benefits you can experience when supplementing with Goli Gummies. These benefits include:
Appetite control and weight loss
Reduction in blood sugar levels
Improved complexion
Better digestion
More energy
A stronger heart
Body detoxification
Improved immune system 
To verify the claimed benefits we are going to have to look more closely at the ingredients used, and how the gummies actually work.
 Helps digestion www.verywellhealth.com “ACV enjoys a fairly popular reputation for enhancing digestion. The rationale is that ACV enhances the secretion of digestive enzymes and increases stomach acid, both of which would help you to optimally digest the food you have eaten. Unfortunately, there is not a lot of scientific evidence to back this theory”
 Improves your complexion. www.realsimple.com  Dr Gathers “While it may be helpful for some people’s skin issues, it’s important to know there haven’t been any good studies to support the claims people make about using ACV as a skin treatment.”
 www.refinery29.com.  Dr. Fichtel and Dr. Mack both Dr. Fichtel and Dr. Mack both stress that those with extremely sensitive skin will do better avoiding ACV altogether. “I would not recommend this for patients with sensitive or dry skin,” Dr. Mack says. “Due to its acidic nature, malic acid is innately irritating. People who have very dry skin, eczema, or even facial redness or rosacea may experience flare-ups of their conditions and are more likely to develop a contact allergy.”
 Helps detoxify your body Mary Wirtz, R.D.N., L.D.N., of the Mayo Clinic Healthy Living Program “It’s important to remember that with these fads—these crazes—there’s a lot of unknowns,” adds Wirtz, “and people fail to realize that these things can actually harm your body.” Vinegar can irritate the lining of your throat, stomach and digestive tract, especially when taken on an empty stomach, and may create acid reflux-like symptoms. Plus, there’s no evidence that frequent use is safe long-term.
 Enhances energy. Scientificamerican.com “The effect of vinegar on your metabolism is so modest that it is unlikely to result in noticeable weight loss unless it is combined with other strategies, such as eating less”
 What are the Ingredients of a Goli Gummy?
Apple cider vinegar (5% acetic acid) Organic Beetroot Organic Pomegranate Vitamin B9 folic acid Vitamin B12
How Do Goli Gummies Work For Weight Loss?
The main ingredient of Goli Gummies is apple cider vinegar, which contains acetic acid.
Acetic acid is a short-chain fatty acid that dissolves into acetate and hydrogen within your body.
When consumed acetic acid can help promote weight loss. Let’s look at the various ways that it can aid your weight loss efforts:
 1. Increases Fullness and Reduces Calorie Intake
Apple cider vinegar promotes fullness, which will help to reduce your calorie intake  it does this by slowing down the rate that food leaves your stomach.
 2. Reduction In Body Fat and Weight Loss
Adding just 1-2 tablespoons daily can help with your weight loss efforts. It can also help you to drop body fat. Although  scientific findings are mixed regarding weight loss.
Other health benefits of apple cider vinegar include:
Lower blood sugar and insulin levels 
Improved insulin sensitivity 
Lower fasting blood sugar 
Improved polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) symptoms 
Lower cholesterol levels 
Reduced blood pressure 
Helps to kill harmful bacteria and viruses 
Goli Gummy Side Effects
There are very few side effects associated with Goli Gummies, especially if they are used in moderation.
It is possible to have too much of a good thing, however.
Too much ACV can cause side effects such as:
 1. Delayed Stomach Emptying
One of the benefits of ACV is that it delays the rate that your stomach empties, but this can be an issue for certain people. Such as those with gastroparesis, a common condition in people who suffer with type 1 diabetes.
Those who suffer from this condition will encounter other issues such as heartburn, bloating and nausea.
 2. Low Potassium Levels and Bone Loss
It has been suggested that taking ACV in high doses can cause low potassium levels, as well as osteoporosis. A condition that can cause brittle bones.
In the one reported case doctors suggested that these side effects were caused by the high doses of apple cider vinegar leaching the vital minerals from the bones.
 3. Erosion of Tooth Enamel
The most common side effect of ACV, and one that you are unlikely to face if you choose to use the gummies is the erosion of your tooth enamel.
ACV contains acetic acid that can damage your teeth, with studies showing a 1-20% loss of minerals from your teeth in just 4 hours 
Because of these side effects it is always advisable to stick with the recommended dosage, and however tempting it is to take more than the recommended amount to speed up the results, I would advise you not to.
Doing so could lead to side effects and long-term harm.
 Price Comparison Of Popular Apple Cider Products
Goli ACV Gummy $19 for 500mg (60 gummies)
ACV by Diet Works $8.94 for 500mg ACV (90 capsules)
Havasu ACV Diet Pills $16.95 for 500mg (60 pills)
Natures Bounty ACV $9 for 480mg (200 tablets)
 Goli Gummy FAQs
Here are some commonly asked questions about Goli Gummies:
 Are Goli Gummies FDA Approved?
While not FDA approved, they are manufactured in an FDA registered, cGMP certified, Kosher and allergen-free facility.
This means that the highest manufacturing techniques have been used and that your safety is paramount.
 Can you take to many Goli Gummies?
500 mg is equivalent to two liquid teaspoons (10 ml)
15 to 30 ml is recommended for weight loss when used in liquid form.
For weight loss it is probably unwise to take more than 1500 mg or 3 gummies.
Be aware that 500mg is a common dose in ACV dedicated supplements.
What is the recommended amount of Goli Gummies to take?
1 gummy equals 500mg of ACV.  Two liquid teaspoons (30 ml) of ACV are equivalent to 1500 mg of ACV in capsule form. According to respected sources including “healthline.com”” and “livestrong.com” You should not take more than 2 teaspoons per day which is equivalent to 3 gummies per day (1500 mg per day)
The supplement instructions  “We recommend that adults take 2-6 gummies a day”
We caution using the above dose although the above recommendations of 2 teaspoons (3 gummies 1 gummy at 500mg) are based on the liquid form and take into account tooth decay 2 tea spoons still remains the recommended dose according to independent sources.
According to livestrong.com
“….Apple cider vinegar is not a dietary supplement or medicine. For this reason, there are no set recommendations on how much you should take. Most health experts and organizations, including Harvard Health, suggest taking 1 or 2 teaspoons before or during your meals…..”
Healthline says…
“….The research that currently exists suggests that 1–2 tablespoons (15–30 ml) per day of liquid apple cider vinegar diluted in water appears to be safe and have health benefits….”
How Much Weight Can You Lose With Apple Cider Vinegar In A Week?
The most scientific findings say ACV does not help with weight loss with some exceptions.
US National Library of Medicine
“During the 12-week treatment period, the subjects in each group ingested 500 ml daily of a beverage containing either 15 ml of vinegar (750 mg AcOH), 30 ml of vinegar (1,500 mg AcOH), or 0 ml of vinegar (0 mg AcOH, placebo). Body weight, BMI, visceral fat area, waist circumference, and serum triglyceride levels were significantly lower in both vinegar intake groups than in the placebo group. In conclusion, daily intake of vinegar might be useful in the prevention of metabolic syndrome by reducing obesity”
How Do You Protect Your Teeth With Apple Cider Vinegar?
There are a few methods you can use to protect your teeth when using ACV. One of the best ways is to:
Dilute the apple cider vinegar in water. Roughly 1-2 tablespoons of water with 8 ounces of water.
Drink the mixture using a straw to minimise contact with your teeth.
Make sure to rinse your mouth with water to wash away any remaining ACV.
Finally, do not brush your teeth immediately after consumption.
Of course, you could always use the gummies instead.
 Do Apple Cider Vinegar Pills Work As Well As The Liquid?
Pills and gummies can both offer the same benefits as the liquid, but without the damage caused to your teeth. However gummies contain added ingredients, calories and sugar compared to plane capsules. 
This makes them a much more appealing option for anyone looking to lose weight, who do not want to damage their teeth in the process.
Consuming apple cider vinegar in pill form also ensures you are not having to taste the vinegar itself, which is not a very nice taste if we are being honest here.
 Do Apple Cider Vinegar Pills Make You Poop?
Unfortunately, there are some users who have reportedly suffered diarrhoea after using ACV.
Apple cider contains pectin that comes from fermented apples. It is a dietary fibre that acts as a natural gelling agent.
Pectin helps to form the stool and promotes the growth of good bacteria. However, if too much apple cider vinegar is consumed then water can be pulled from your bowel, leading to a stool that is more watery.
 Should I Take Apple Cider Vinegar Pills Before Or After Meals?
I would recommend taking the Goli Gummies after your meal. It has been reported that taking the supplement on an empty stomach can cause nausea.
 Pros And Cons Of Goli Gummy
Let’s look at the pros and cons of Goli Gummies:
The taste of Goli Gummies receives positive reviews
Gummies are an option for vegans
ACV may lower your cholesterol
Attractive packaging
Does not contain gelatin
With every order the give 6 months vitamins to a child with malnutrition
Contains more sugar than other ACV products
Contains more calories and carbs than other ACV products
Very expensive compared to other ACV supplements
Fails to mention possible side effects
 The 30 day guarantee is obtuse it does not make clear if you can use supplement and still return it.
What The Experts Say About Goli Gummy
BBC Good food Guide
““Apple cider vinegar doesn’t really contain any vitamins or minerals, other than a very small amount of potassium, calcium and magnesium. There isn’t enough research at the moment to demonstrate that buying the ‘mother’ variety is any better for you than buying filtered. However, apple cider vinegar does also contain amino acids and antioxidants.” BBC Good Food Guide
 US National Library of Medicine
“Increased intake of dietary carbohydrate that is fermented in the colon by the microbiota has been reported to decrease body weight, although the mechanism remains unclear.” U.S. National Library of Medicine
 Sarah Flower, respected nutrition expert
“Drinking four teaspoons of vinegar before a high-carb meal helped to prevent blood sugar spikes. And if you’re counting your calories, research found that acetic acid stops your body from absorbing the calories from carbs.” Sarah Flower, respected nutrition expert.
 Rhiannon Lambert, Harley Street is a prestigious location for top medical practitioners in London, UK
“The largest and most cited study I’ve found with regards to weight loss and apple cider vinegar included 175 Japanese, overweight, but otherwise healthy subjects. Over three months, they drank up to two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Results showed absolutely no significant difference between the placebo group and those who drank it.”  
“Acetic acid is a short-chain fatty acid that dissolves into acetate and hydrogen in your body. Some animal studies suggest that the acetic acid in apple cider vinegar may promote weight loss in several ways.”
For a round up of what other expert websites say about Apple Cider Vinegar go here
 Here are selection of the best customer reviews of Goli Gummies:
“Apple cider vinegar is supposed to be good for you and I have tried drinking the stuff but I couldn’t tolerate it. After seeing adverts for these I decided to give them a try. They are very pleasant to eat but it’s too early yet for a verdict on improving health or well being.” J. Williams (5 stars)
“Does what it says on the tin. Great value for money when buying more than one, taste great and they do curb your appetite.” Annemarie (5 stars)
“Not been on them long but already noticing some differences. Appetite has dropped and bloating going down. Energy levels are up. Love the taste of them too.” Linda Jones (5 stars)
 In Conclusion: Are Goli Gummies Any Good?
By this point, you are probably wondering do apple cider vinegar gummies work? Well, let me tell you that I do not think they offer value for money. If you don’t like the taste of liquid ACV the 2nd best option are capsules not gummies. Why? Well pills may be less tasty than gummies but they contain less sugar, calories  and they are a lot cheaper.
Apple cider vinegar has proven health benefits. That said the balance of the science does not support acv having a great effect on weight loss.  ACV can damage your teeth, but using the gummies will ensure this is not an issue.
If you are looking for a little extra help to achieve your weight loss goals then I would recommend using Goli Gummies.
I recommend ACV in moderation to lower cholesterol among other things as mentioned in the benefits section. However to find the most powerful weight loss supplements trending now check the top 10 list here.
✅The Most Powerful Diet Tablets In The World Go Head to Head In The Battle Royal – After 51,231 Votes We Reveal The Winner
Remember lose weight you need to look at your own lifestyle choices, so eating and drinking better alongside regular exercise is highly recommended. I hope you have enjoyed this guide and thankyou for reading.
The post Goli Gummy Review – Do Goli Gummies Work For Weight Loss? appeared first on Health-Info.org.
source https://health-Info.org/nutrition/goli-gummy-review-do-goli-gummies-work-for-weight-loss/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=goli-gummy-review-do-goli-gummies-work-for-weight-loss from Health Info Org https://healthinfoorg.blogspot.com/2020/02/goli-gummy-review-do-goli-gummies-work.html
0 notes
susanjmiller89 · 5 years
Goli Gummy Review – Do Goli Gummies Work For Weight Loss?
Full and complete review of the goli A-C-V gummy in 2020. The big question is do they work?  Are they safe?  How much weight can you lose?  What are the ingredients and are there side effects?  Is this talk about the mother variety genuine? I have many surprises for you.  Also don’t miss the round up of expert and customer reviews at the bottom of the page. Most importantly you can discover if goli got in the top 10 list of most powerful diet pills in 2020!.
Dear Friend 
Unless you have been living under a rock the past few years
you will no doubt have seen various adverts and products for apple cider vinegar.
You may even have a bottle yourself that you occasionally take a sip out of.
Apple cider vinegar, or ACV for short offers numerous benefits,
but due to its taste many people are avoid it.
Now you can experience the benefits of ACV without the foul taste,
Thanks to the creation of Goli Gummies.
In the following review
I will share with you what benefits they offer
and and how they compare liquid and capsule varieties.
If you are looking to seduce your partner with a new slim line body.
Maybe you have an upcoming holiday or family event
Discover if goli made the top 10 list of weight loss pills by going here.
✅The Most Powerful Diet Tablets In The World Go Head to Head In The Battle Royal – After 51,231 Votes We Reveal The Winner
Who owns Goli Gummies?
Unfortunately the official website does not say much about goli nutrition. It is unclear where the company is based apart from being somewhere in the United States. No information about the company or the people involved with goli nutrition is available on the official website. This is not untypical of the faceless online world.
The slick online marketing of this company which pushed goli to no.1 spot on amazon  best seller list indicates a professional company with marketing budget –
But it is all a little mysterious.
Do you remember when bottled water was released?
Well the gummy marketing is a bit like a man running through the street naked whooping and and hollering with a bottle of  water raised above his head.
It is easy to get caught up in the hype but let’s take a deeper look.
Remember to read the round up of expert and customer reviews at the end it is insightful.
but first come with me while I guide you through the maze of of truth and half truth so you get the real  information you need.
What Are The Benefits Of Goli Gummies?
There are numerous claimed benefits you can experience when supplementing with Goli Gummies. These benefits include:
Appetite control and weight loss
Reduction in blood sugar levels
Improved complexion
Better digestion
More energy
A stronger heart
Body detoxification
Improved immune system 
To verify the claimed benefits we are going to have to look more closely at the ingredients used, and how the gummies actually work.
Helps digestion www.verywellhealth.com “ACV enjoys a fairly popular reputation for enhancing digestion. The rationale is that ACV enhances the secretion of digestive enzymes and increases stomach acid, both of which would help you to optimally digest the food you have eaten. Unfortunately, there is not a lot of scientific evidence to back this theory”
Improves your complexion. www.realsimple.com  Dr Gathers “While it may be helpful for some people’s skin issues, it’s important to know there haven’t been any good studies to support the claims people make about using ACV as a skin treatment.”
www.refinery29.com.  Dr. Fichtel and Dr. Mack both Dr. Fichtel and Dr. Mack both stress that those with extremely sensitive skin will do better avoiding ACV altogether. “I would not recommend this for patients with sensitive or dry skin,” Dr. Mack says. “Due to its acidic nature, malic acid is innately irritating. People who have very dry skin, eczema, or even facial redness or rosacea may experience flare-ups of their conditions and are more likely to develop a contact allergy.”
Helps detoxify your body Mary Wirtz, R.D.N., L.D.N., of the Mayo Clinic Healthy Living Program “It’s important to remember that with these fads—these crazes—there’s a lot of unknowns,” adds Wirtz, “and people fail to realize that these things can actually harm your body.” Vinegar can irritate the lining of your throat, stomach and digestive tract, especially when taken on an empty stomach, and may create acid reflux-like symptoms. Plus, there’s no evidence that frequent use is safe long-term.
Enhances energy. Scientificamerican.com “The effect of vinegar on your metabolism is so modest that it is unlikely to result in noticeable weight loss unless it is combined with other strategies, such as eating less”
What are the Ingredients of a Goli Gummy?
Apple cider vinegar (5% acetic acid) Organic Beetroot Organic Pomegranate Vitamin B9 folic acid Vitamin B12
How Do Goli Gummies Work For Weight Loss?
The main ingredient of Goli Gummies is apple cider vinegar, which contains acetic acid.
Acetic acid is a short-chain fatty acid that dissolves into acetate and hydrogen within your body.
When consumed acetic acid can help promote weight loss. Let’s look at the various ways that it can aid your weight loss efforts:
1. Increases Fullness and Reduces Calorie Intake
Apple cider vinegar promotes fullness, which will help to reduce your calorie intake  it does this by slowing down the rate that food leaves your stomach.
2. Reduction In Body Fat and Weight Loss
Adding just 1-2 tablespoons daily can help with your weight loss efforts. It can also help you to drop body fat. Although  scientific findings are mixed regarding weight loss.
Other health benefits of apple cider vinegar include:
Lower blood sugar and insulin levels 
Improved insulin sensitivity 
Lower fasting blood sugar 
Improved polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) symptoms 
Lower cholesterol levels 
Reduced blood pressure 
Helps to kill harmful bacteria and viruses 
Goli Gummy Side Effects
There are very few side effects associated with Goli Gummies, especially if they are used in moderation.
It is possible to have too much of a good thing, however.
Too much ACV can cause side effects such as:
1. Delayed Stomach Emptying
One of the benefits of ACV is that it delays the rate that your stomach empties, but this can be an issue for certain people. Such as those with gastroparesis, a common condition in people who suffer with type 1 diabetes.
Those who suffer from this condition will encounter other issues such as heartburn, bloating and nausea.
2. Low Potassium Levels and Bone Loss
It has been suggested that taking ACV in high doses can cause low potassium levels, as well as osteoporosis. A condition that can cause brittle bones.
In the one reported case doctors suggested that these side effects were caused by the high doses of apple cider vinegar leaching the vital minerals from the bones.
3. Erosion of Tooth Enamel
The most common side effect of ACV, and one that you are unlikely to face if you choose to use the gummies is the erosion of your tooth enamel.
ACV contains acetic acid that can damage your teeth, with studies showing a 1-20% loss of minerals from your teeth in just 4 hours 
Because of these side effects it is always advisable to stick with the recommended dosage, and however tempting it is to take more than the recommended amount to speed up the results, I would advise you not to.
Doing so could lead to side effects and long-term harm.
Price Comparison Of Popular Apple Cider Products
Goli ACV Gummy $19 for 500mg (60 gummies)
ACV by Diet Works $8.94 for 500mg ACV (90 capsules)
Havasu ACV Diet Pills $16.95 for 500mg (60 pills)
Natures Bounty ACV $9 for 480mg (200 tablets)
Goli Gummy FAQs
Here are some commonly asked questions about Goli Gummies:
Are Goli Gummies FDA Approved?
While not FDA approved, they are manufactured in an FDA registered, cGMP certified, Kosher and allergen-free facility.
This means that the highest manufacturing techniques have been used and that your safety is paramount.
Can you take to many Goli Gummies?
500 mg is equivalent to two liquid teaspoons (10 ml)
15 to 30 ml is recommended for weight loss when used in liquid form.
For weight loss it is probably unwise to take more than 1500 mg or 3 gummies.
Be aware that 500mg is a common dose in ACV dedicated supplements.
What is the recommended amount of Goli Gummies to take?
1 gummy equals 500mg of ACV.  Two liquid teaspoons (30 ml) of ACV are equivalent to 1500 mg of ACV in capsule form. According to respected sources including “healthline.com”” and “livestrong.com” You should not take more than 2 teaspoons per day which is equivalent to 3 gummies per day (1500 mg per day)
The supplement instructions  “We recommend that adults take 2-6 gummies a day”
We caution using the above dose although the above recommendations of 2 teaspoons (3 gummies 1 gummy at 500mg) are based on the liquid form and take into account tooth decay 2 tea spoons still remains the recommended dose according to independent sources.
According to livestrong.com
“….Apple cider vinegar is not a dietary supplement or medicine. For this reason, there are no set recommendations on how much you should take. Most health experts and organizations, including Harvard Health, suggest taking 1 or 2 teaspoons before or during your meals…..”
Healthline says…
“….The research that currently exists suggests that 1–2 tablespoons (15–30 ml) per day of liquid apple cider vinegar diluted in water appears to be safe and have health benefits….”
How Much Weight Can You Lose With Apple Cider Vinegar In A Week?
The most scientific findings say ACV does not help with weight loss with some exceptions.
US National Library of Medicine
“During the 12-week treatment period, the subjects in each group ingested 500 ml daily of a beverage containing either 15 ml of vinegar (750 mg AcOH), 30 ml of vinegar (1,500 mg AcOH), or 0 ml of vinegar (0 mg AcOH, placebo). Body weight, BMI, visceral fat area, waist circumference, and serum triglyceride levels were significantly lower in both vinegar intake groups than in the placebo group. In conclusion, daily intake of vinegar might be useful in the prevention of metabolic syndrome by reducing obesity”
How Do You Protect Your Teeth With Apple Cider Vinegar?
There are a few methods you can use to protect your teeth when using ACV. One of the best ways is to:
Dilute the apple cider vinegar in water. Roughly 1-2 tablespoons of water with 8 ounces of water.
Drink the mixture using a straw to minimise contact with your teeth.
Make sure to rinse your mouth with water to wash away any remaining ACV.
Finally, do not brush your teeth immediately after consumption.
Of course, you could always use the gummies instead.
Do Apple Cider Vinegar Pills Work As Well As The Liquid?
Pills and gummies can both offer the same benefits as the liquid, but without the damage caused to your teeth. However gummies contain added ingredients, calories and sugar compared to plane capsules. 
This makes them a much more appealing option for anyone looking to lose weight, who do not want to damage their teeth in the process.
Consuming apple cider vinegar in pill form also ensures you are not having to taste the vinegar itself, which is not a very nice taste if we are being honest here.
Do Apple Cider Vinegar Pills Make You Poop?
Unfortunately, there are some users who have reportedly suffered diarrhoea after using ACV.
Apple cider contains pectin that comes from fermented apples. It is a dietary fibre that acts as a natural gelling agent.
Pectin helps to form the stool and promotes the growth of good bacteria. However, if too much apple cider vinegar is consumed then water can be pulled from your bowel, leading to a stool that is more watery.
Should I Take Apple Cider Vinegar Pills Before Or After Meals?
I would recommend taking the Goli Gummies after your meal. It has been reported that taking the supplement on an empty stomach can cause nausea.
Pros And Cons Of Goli Gummy
Let’s look at the pros and cons of Goli Gummies:
The taste of Goli Gummies receives positive reviews
Gummies are an option for vegans
ACV may lower your cholesterol
Attractive packaging
Does not contain gelatin
With every order the give 6 months vitamins to a child with malnutrition
Contains more sugar than other ACV products
Contains more calories and carbs than other ACV products
Very expensive compared to other ACV supplements
Fails to mention possible side effects
 The 30 day guarantee is obtuse it does not make clear if you can use supplement and still return it.
What The Experts Say About Goli Gummy
BBC Good food Guide
““Apple cider vinegar doesn’t really contain any vitamins or minerals, other than a very small amount of potassium, calcium and magnesium. There isn’t enough research at the moment to demonstrate that buying the ‘mother’ variety is any better for you than buying filtered. However, apple cider vinegar does also contain amino acids and antioxidants.” BBC Good Food Guide
US National Library of Medicine
“Increased intake of dietary carbohydrate that is fermented in the colon by the microbiota has been reported to decrease body weight, although the mechanism remains unclear.” U.S. National Library of Medicine
Sarah Flower, respected nutrition expert
“Drinking four teaspoons of vinegar before a high-carb meal helped to prevent blood sugar spikes. And if you’re counting your calories, research found that acetic acid stops your body from absorbing the calories from carbs.” Sarah Flower, respected nutrition expert.
Rhiannon Lambert, Harley Street is a prestigious location for top medical practitioners in London, UK
“The largest and most cited study I’ve found with regards to weight loss and apple cider vinegar included 175 Japanese, overweight, but otherwise healthy subjects. Over three months, they drank up to two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Results showed absolutely no significant difference between the placebo group and those who drank it.”  
“Acetic acid is a short-chain fatty acid that dissolves into acetate and hydrogen in your body. Some animal studies suggest that the acetic acid in apple cider vinegar may promote weight loss in several ways.”
For a round up of what other expert websites say about Apple Cider Vinegar go here
Here are selection of the best customer reviews of Goli Gummies:
“Apple cider vinegar is supposed to be good for you and I have tried drinking the stuff but I couldn’t tolerate it. After seeing adverts for these I decided to give them a try. They are very pleasant to eat but it’s too early yet for a verdict on improving health or well being.” J. Williams (5 stars)
“Does what it says on the tin. Great value for money when buying more than one, taste great and they do curb your appetite.” Annemarie (5 stars)
“Not been on them long but already noticing some differences. Appetite has dropped and bloating going down. Energy levels are up. Love the taste of them too.” Linda Jones (5 stars)
In Conclusion: Are Goli Gummies Any Good?
By this point, you are probably wondering do apple cider vinegar gummies work? Well, let me tell you that I do not think they offer value for money. If you don’t like the taste of liquid ACV the 2nd best option are capsules not gummies. Why? Well pills may be less tasty than gummies but they contain less sugar, calories  and they are a lot cheaper.
Apple cider vinegar has proven health benefits. That said the balance of the science does not support acv having a great effect on weight loss.  ACV can damage your teeth, but using the gummies will ensure this is not an issue.
If you are looking for a little extra help to achieve your weight loss goals then I would recommend using Goli Gummies.
I recommend ACV in moderation to lower cholesterol among other things as mentioned in the benefits section. However to find the most powerful weight loss supplements trending now check the top 10 list here.
✅The Most Powerful Diet Tablets In The World Go Head to Head In The Battle Royal – After 51,231 Votes We Reveal The Winner
Remember lose weight you need to look at your own lifestyle choices, so eating and drinking better alongside regular exercise is highly recommended. I hope you have enjoyed this guide and thankyou for reading.
The post Goli Gummy Review – Do Goli Gummies Work For Weight Loss? appeared first on Health-Info.org.
from Health-Info.org https://health-Info.org/nutrition/goli-gummy-review-do-goli-gummies-work-for-weight-loss/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=goli-gummy-review-do-goli-gummies-work-for-weight-loss from Health Info Org https://healthinfoorg.tumblr.com/post/610966156378079232
0 notes
healthinfoorg · 5 years
Goli Gummy Review – Do Goli Gummies Work For Weight Loss?
Full and complete review of the goli A-C-V gummy in 2020. The big question is do they work?  Are they safe?  How much weight can you lose?  What are the ingredients and are there side effects?  Is this talk about the mother variety genuine? I have many surprises for you.  Also don’t miss the round up of expert and customer reviews at the bottom of the page. Most importantly you can discover if goli got in the top 10 list of most powerful diet pills in 2020!.
Dear Friend 
Unless you have been living under a rock the past few years
you will no doubt have seen various adverts and products for apple cider vinegar.
You may even have a bottle yourself that you occasionally take a sip out of.
Apple cider vinegar, or ACV for short offers numerous benefits,
but due to its taste many people are avoid it.
Now you can experience the benefits of ACV without the foul taste,
Thanks to the creation of Goli Gummies.
In the following review
I will share with you what benefits they offer
and and how they compare liquid and capsule varieties.
If you are looking to seduce your partner with a new slim line body.
Maybe you have an upcoming holiday or family event
Discover if goli made the top 10 list of weight loss pills by going here.
✅The Most Powerful Diet Tablets In The World Go Head to Head In The Battle Royal – After 51,231 Votes We Reveal The Winner
  Who owns Goli Gummies?
Unfortunately the official website does not say much about goli nutrition. It is unclear where the company is based apart from being somewhere in the United States. No information about the company or the people involved with goli nutrition is available on the official website. This is not untypical of the faceless online world.
The slick online marketing of this company which pushed goli to no.1 spot on amazon  best seller list indicates a professional company with marketing budget –
But it is all a little mysterious.
Do you remember when bottled water was released?
Well the gummy marketing is a bit like a man running through the street naked whooping and and hollering with a bottle of  water raised above his head.
It is easy to get caught up in the hype but let’s take a deeper look.
Remember to read the round up of expert and customer reviews at the end it is insightful.
but first come with me while I guide you through the maze of of truth and half truth so you get the real  information you need.
  What Are The Benefits Of Goli Gummies?
There are numerous claimed benefits you can experience when supplementing with Goli Gummies. These benefits include:
Appetite control and weight loss
Reduction in blood sugar levels
Improved complexion
Better digestion
More energy
A stronger heart
Body detoxification
Improved immune system 
To verify the claimed benefits we are going to have to look more closely at the ingredients used, and how the gummies actually work.
  Helps digestion www.verywellhealth.com “ACV enjoys a fairly popular reputation for enhancing digestion. The rationale is that ACV enhances the secretion of digestive enzymes and increases stomach acid, both of which would help you to optimally digest the food you have eaten. Unfortunately, there is not a lot of scientific evidence to back this theory”
  Improves your complexion. www.realsimple.com  Dr Gathers “While it may be helpful for some people’s skin issues, it’s important to know there haven’t been any good studies to support the claims people make about using ACV as a skin treatment.”
  www.refinery29.com.  Dr. Fichtel and Dr. Mack both Dr. Fichtel and Dr. Mack both stress that those with extremely sensitive skin will do better avoiding ACV altogether. “I would not recommend this for patients with sensitive or dry skin,” Dr. Mack says. “Due to its acidic nature, malic acid is innately irritating. People who have very dry skin, eczema, or even facial redness or rosacea may experience flare-ups of their conditions and are more likely to develop a contact allergy.”
  Helps detoxify your body Mary Wirtz, R.D.N., L.D.N., of the Mayo Clinic Healthy Living Program “It’s important to remember that with these fads—these crazes—there’s a lot of unknowns,” adds Wirtz, “and people fail to realize that these things can actually harm your body.” Vinegar can irritate the lining of your throat, stomach and digestive tract, especially when taken on an empty stomach, and may create acid reflux-like symptoms. Plus, there’s no evidence that frequent use is safe long-term.
  Enhances energy. Scientificamerican.com “The effect of vinegar on your metabolism is so modest that it is unlikely to result in noticeable weight loss unless it is combined with other strategies, such as eating less”
  What are the Ingredients of a Goli Gummy?
Apple cider vinegar (5% acetic acid) Organic Beetroot Organic Pomegranate Vitamin B9 folic acid Vitamin B12
How Do Goli Gummies Work For Weight Loss?
The main ingredient of Goli Gummies is apple cider vinegar, which contains acetic acid.
Acetic acid is a short-chain fatty acid that dissolves into acetate and hydrogen within your body.
When consumed acetic acid can help promote weight loss. Let’s look at the various ways that it can aid your weight loss efforts:
  1. Increases Fullness and Reduces Calorie Intake
Apple cider vinegar promotes fullness, which will help to reduce your calorie intake  it does this by slowing down the rate that food leaves your stomach.
  2. Reduction In Body Fat and Weight Loss
Adding just 1-2 tablespoons daily can help with your weight loss efforts. It can also help you to drop body fat. Although  scientific findings are mixed regarding weight loss.
Other health benefits of apple cider vinegar include:
Lower blood sugar and insulin levels 
Improved insulin sensitivity 
Lower fasting blood sugar 
Improved polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) symptoms 
Lower cholesterol levels 
Reduced blood pressure 
Helps to kill harmful bacteria and viruses 
Goli Gummy Side Effects
There are very few side effects associated with Goli Gummies, especially if they are used in moderation.
It is possible to have too much of a good thing, however.
Too much ACV can cause side effects such as:
  1. Delayed Stomach Emptying
One of the benefits of ACV is that it delays the rate that your stomach empties, but this can be an issue for certain people. Such as those with gastroparesis, a common condition in people who suffer with type 1 diabetes.
Those who suffer from this condition will encounter other issues such as heartburn, bloating and nausea.
  2. Low Potassium Levels and Bone Loss
It has been suggested that taking ACV in high doses can cause low potassium levels, as well as osteoporosis. A condition that can cause brittle bones.
In the one reported case doctors suggested that these side effects were caused by the high doses of apple cider vinegar leaching the vital minerals from the bones.
  3. Erosion of Tooth Enamel
The most common side effect of ACV, and one that you are unlikely to face if you choose to use the gummies is the erosion of your tooth enamel.
ACV contains acetic acid that can damage your teeth, with studies showing a 1-20% loss of minerals from your teeth in just 4 hours 
Because of these side effects it is always advisable to stick with the recommended dosage, and however tempting it is to take more than the recommended amount to speed up the results, I would advise you not to.
Doing so could lead to side effects and long-term harm.
  Price Comparison Of Popular Apple Cider Products
Goli ACV Gummy $19 for 500mg (60 gummies)
ACV by Diet Works $8.94 for 500mg ACV (90 capsules)
Havasu ACV Diet Pills $16.95 for 500mg (60 pills)
Natures Bounty ACV $9 for 480mg (200 tablets)
  Goli Gummy FAQs
Here are some commonly asked questions about Goli Gummies:
  Are Goli Gummies FDA Approved?
While not FDA approved, they are manufactured in an FDA registered, cGMP certified, Kosher and allergen-free facility.
This means that the highest manufacturing techniques have been used and that your safety is paramount.
  Can you take to many Goli Gummies?
500 mg is equivalent to two liquid teaspoons (10 ml)
15 to 30 ml is recommended for weight loss when used in liquid form.
For weight loss it is probably unwise to take more than 1500 mg or 3 gummies.
Be aware that 500mg is a common dose in ACV dedicated supplements.
What is the recommended amount of Goli Gummies to take?
1 gummy equals 500mg of ACV.  Two liquid teaspoons (30 ml) of ACV are equivalent to 1500 mg of ACV in capsule form. According to respected sources including “healthline.com”” and “livestrong.com” You should not take more than 2 teaspoons per day which is equivalent to 3 gummies per day (1500 mg per day)
The supplement instructions  “We recommend that adults take 2-6 gummies a day”
We caution using the above dose although the above recommendations of 2 teaspoons (3 gummies 1 gummy at 500mg) are based on the liquid form and take into account tooth decay 2 tea spoons still remains the recommended dose according to independent sources.
According to livestrong.com
“….Apple cider vinegar is not a dietary supplement or medicine. For this reason, there are no set recommendations on how much you should take. Most health experts and organizations, including Harvard Health, suggest taking 1 or 2 teaspoons before or during your meals…..”
Healthline says…
“….The research that currently exists suggests that 1–2 tablespoons (15–30 ml) per day of liquid apple cider vinegar diluted in water appears to be safe and have health benefits….”
How Much Weight Can You Lose With Apple Cider Vinegar In A Week?
The most scientific findings say ACV does not help with weight loss with some exceptions.
US National Library of Medicine
“During the 12-week treatment period, the subjects in each group ingested 500 ml daily of a beverage containing either 15 ml of vinegar (750 mg AcOH), 30 ml of vinegar (1,500 mg AcOH), or 0 ml of vinegar (0 mg AcOH, placebo). Body weight, BMI, visceral fat area, waist circumference, and serum triglyceride levels were significantly lower in both vinegar intake groups than in the placebo group. In conclusion, daily intake of vinegar might be useful in the prevention of metabolic syndrome by reducing obesity”
How Do You Protect Your Teeth With Apple Cider Vinegar?
There are a few methods you can use to protect your teeth when using ACV. One of the best ways is to:
Dilute the apple cider vinegar in water. Roughly 1-2 tablespoons of water with 8 ounces of water.
Drink the mixture using a straw to minimise contact with your teeth.
Make sure to rinse your mouth with water to wash away any remaining ACV.
Finally, do not brush your teeth immediately after consumption.
Of course, you could always use the gummies instead.
  Do Apple Cider Vinegar Pills Work As Well As The Liquid?
Pills and gummies can both offer the same benefits as the liquid, but without the damage caused to your teeth. However gummies contain added ingredients, calories and sugar compared to plane capsules. 
This makes them a much more appealing option for anyone looking to lose weight, who do not want to damage their teeth in the process.
Consuming apple cider vinegar in pill form also ensures you are not having to taste the vinegar itself, which is not a very nice taste if we are being honest here.
  Do Apple Cider Vinegar Pills Make You Poop?
Unfortunately, there are some users who have reportedly suffered diarrhoea after using ACV.
Apple cider contains pectin that comes from fermented apples. It is a dietary fibre that acts as a natural gelling agent.
Pectin helps to form the stool and promotes the growth of good bacteria. However, if too much apple cider vinegar is consumed then water can be pulled from your bowel, leading to a stool that is more watery.
  Should I Take Apple Cider Vinegar Pills Before Or After Meals?
I would recommend taking the Goli Gummies after your meal. It has been reported that taking the supplement on an empty stomach can cause nausea.
  Pros And Cons Of Goli Gummy
Let’s look at the pros and cons of Goli Gummies:
The taste of Goli Gummies receives positive reviews
Gummies are an option for vegans
ACV may lower your cholesterol
Attractive packaging
Does not contain gelatin
With every order the give 6 months vitamins to a child with malnutrition
Contains more sugar than other ACV products
Contains more calories and carbs than other ACV products
Very expensive compared to other ACV supplements
Fails to mention possible side effects
 The 30 day guarantee is obtuse it does not make clear if you can use supplement and still return it.
What The Experts Say About Goli Gummy
BBC Good food Guide
““Apple cider vinegar doesn’t really contain any vitamins or minerals, other than a very small amount of potassium, calcium and magnesium. There isn’t enough research at the moment to demonstrate that buying the ‘mother’ variety is any better for you than buying filtered. However, apple cider vinegar does also contain amino acids and antioxidants.” BBC Good Food Guide
  US National Library of Medicine
“Increased intake of dietary carbohydrate that is fermented in the colon by the microbiota has been reported to decrease body weight, although the mechanism remains unclear.” U.S. National Library of Medicine
  Sarah Flower, respected nutrition expert
“Drinking four teaspoons of vinegar before a high-carb meal helped to prevent blood sugar spikes. And if you’re counting your calories, research found that acetic acid stops your body from absorbing the calories from carbs.” Sarah Flower, respected nutrition expert.
  Rhiannon Lambert, Harley Street is a prestigious location for top medical practitioners in London, UK
“The largest and most cited study I’ve found with regards to weight loss and apple cider vinegar included 175 Japanese, overweight, but otherwise healthy subjects. Over three months, they drank up to two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Results showed absolutely no significant difference between the placebo group and those who drank it.”  
“Acetic acid is a short-chain fatty acid that dissolves into acetate and hydrogen in your body. Some animal studies suggest that the acetic acid in apple cider vinegar may promote weight loss in several ways.”
For a round up of what other expert websites say about Apple Cider Vinegar go here
  Here are selection of the best customer reviews of Goli Gummies:
“Apple cider vinegar is supposed to be good for you and I have tried drinking the stuff but I couldn’t tolerate it. After seeing adverts for these I decided to give them a try. They are very pleasant to eat but it’s too early yet for a verdict on improving health or well being.” J. Williams (5 stars)
“Does what it says on the tin. Great value for money when buying more than one, taste great and they do curb your appetite.” Annemarie (5 stars)
“Not been on them long but already noticing some differences. Appetite has dropped and bloating going down. Energy levels are up. Love the taste of them too.” Linda Jones (5 stars)
  In Conclusion: Are Goli Gummies Any Good?
By this point, you are probably wondering do apple cider vinegar gummies work? Well, let me tell you that I do not think they offer value for money. If you don’t like the taste of liquid ACV the 2nd best option are capsules not gummies. Why? Well pills may be less tasty than gummies but they contain less sugar, calories  and they are a lot cheaper.
Apple cider vinegar has proven health benefits. That said the balance of the science does not support acv having a great effect on weight loss.  ACV can damage your teeth, but using the gummies will ensure this is not an issue.
If you are looking for a little extra help to achieve your weight loss goals then I would recommend using Goli Gummies.
I recommend ACV in moderation to lower cholesterol among other things as mentioned in the benefits section. However to find the most powerful weight loss supplements trending now check the top 10 list here.
✅The Most Powerful Diet Tablets In The World Go Head to Head In The Battle Royal – After 51,231 Votes We Reveal The Winner
Remember lose weight you need to look at your own lifestyle choices, so eating and drinking better alongside regular exercise is highly recommended. I hope you have enjoyed this guide and thankyou for reading.
The post Goli Gummy Review – Do Goli Gummies Work For Weight Loss? appeared first on Health-Info.org.
from Health-Info.org https://health-Info.org/nutrition/goli-gummy-review-do-goli-gummies-work-for-weight-loss/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=goli-gummy-review-do-goli-gummies-work-for-weight-loss
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brandyfields66-blog · 7 years
Is It Possible to Eat Too Much Fruit?
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You've been told since you were a kid how important it is to eat fruit. But is there such thing as too much? As a nutritionist, I've worked with clients on both ends of the fruit-eating spectrum: Some shunned fruit completely due to its carb and sugar content, while others loaded up on fruit because it's rich in nutrients. The reality is, the ideal amount lies somewhere in between these two extremes, and it varies from person to person. To help you figure out your own sweet spot when it comes to fruit, here are four important things to keep in mind.
Stick with two to four servings
As a general rule, you probably need somewhere between two to four servings of fruit a day. What's a proper serving? Either one cup, or a piece of fruit about the size of a baseball. But if your activity level varies from day to day, your fruit needs might change as well. For example, many of my female clients eat one serving of fruit with breakfast, and another as part of a daytime snack (a good go-to strategy!). But on days they have a tough workout, they may add a third serving, such as a small, pre-exercise banana. However, for active men, teens, and tall, younger women with active jobs, four servings a day tends to be about right. Some of my pro athlete clients need more than four servings a day, but that's not the norm for most of us.
Your fruit needs are based on your fuel needs
Here's why you shouldn't eat an unlimited amount of fruit, or even overdo it: While it may be packed with nutrients, fruit is also a major source of carbs. One medium apple, a cup of blueberries, and a small banana each contain about 20 grams. It's important to get a healthy amount of carbs in your daily diet, to fuel the activity of your cells. But when you eat more carbs than you can burn after a meal or snack, the surplus can either feed existing fat, or even increase your body fat stores. For this reason, your total carb intake-including nutrient-rich foods like fruit-should correspond to your fuel needs, which are based on your height, ideal weight, sex, age, and physical activity level.
The taller you are and the higher your ideal weight, the more of you there is to fuel, and therefore the more carbs you need. Men generally need more than women, younger people more than older adults, and active folks more than inactive individuals. (Men are on average taller than women, and even at the same height they have more muscle mass-two reasons they require extra fuel.) For example, if you're a petite woman who mostly sits at work and exercises for 45 minutes five days a week, you don't need as many servings of fruit per day as a tall, muscular man with a physically demanding job.
Timing matters
Since the carbs in fruit fuel the activity of your cells, when you eat berries, apples, and the like makes a big difference. Downing a huge fruit plate late at night while you're watching TV or surfing the web (i.e., when your fuel demand is low) may be healthier than eating cookies or candy. But if you don't burn off all those carbs, then-yep you guessed it-surplus city! So try to eat fruit before you're going to be more active, so you'll use the carbs for fuel. If you really enjoy eating fruit in the evening, at least try to limit your portion to, say, one cup of grapes (as opposed to three big handfuls).
The nutrients in fruit are worth the carbs (if you don't overdo it)
While carbs are a consideration, it's also important to remember that fruit is chock-full of other key nutrients. Natural substances in fruit-including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, and prebiotics-do wonders for your health. And the nutrients found in one fruit family, like berries, differ from those in apples and pears, stone fruits, melon, or citrus. So rather than limiting yourself to apples and berries only, aim for variety, and work in seasonal options.
Another thing: Don't freak out about the sugar. Even the strictest nutrition guidelines zero in on added sugar, not naturally-occurring sugar from whole, fresh fruit. That's because sugar found in fruit is unrefined, far less concentrated, and bundled with a number of other key nutrients. For example, one whole orange provides about 17 grams of carbs, around 12 of which are natural sugar. But that orange also supplies fluid, 12% of your daily fiber, nearly 100% of your vitamin C needs, B vitamins, potassium, and compounds like herperidin-which has been shown to help lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and act as an anti-inflammatory. In comparison, one level tablespoon of table sugar contains 16 grams of carbs, all from refined sugar, and is devoid of nutrients. In other words, fruit and refined sugar don't belong in the same category.
So please, enjoy fruit as part of a balanced diet. If you're strategic about the timing and amount, you won't have to worry about these healthy plants causing weight gain or preventing weight loss, and at the same time you'll better protect your health.
Do you have a question about nutrition? Chat with us on Twitter by mentioning @goodhealth and @CynthiaSass.
Cynthia Sass is a nutritionist and registered dietitian with master's degrees in both nutrition science and public health. Frequently seen on national TV, she's Health's contributing nutrition editor, and privately counsels clients in New York, Los Angeles, and long distance. Cynthia is currently the sports nutrition consultant to the New York Yankees, previously consulted for three other professional sports teams, and is board certified as a specialist in sports dietetics. Sass is a three-time New York Times best-selling author, and her newest book is Slim Down Now: Shed Pounds and Inches with Real Food, Real Fast. Connect with her on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.
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reynoldslevi10-blog · 7 years
Is It Possible to Eat Too Much Fruit?
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You've been told since you were a kid how important it is to eat fruit. But is there such thing as too much? As a nutritionist, I've worked with clients on both ends of the fruit-eating spectrum: Some shunned fruit completely due to its carb and sugar content, while others loaded up on fruit because it's rich in nutrients. The reality is, the ideal amount lies somewhere in between these two extremes, and it varies from person to person. To help you figure out your own sweet spot when it comes to fruit, here are four important things to keep in mind.
Stick with two to four servings
As a general rule, you probably need somewhere between two to four servings of fruit a day. What's a proper serving? Either one cup, or a piece of fruit about the size of a baseball. But if your activity level varies from day to day, your fruit needs might change as well. For example, many of my female clients eat one serving of fruit with breakfast, and another as part of a daytime snack (a good go-to strategy!). But on days they have a tough workout, they may add a third serving, such as a small, pre-exercise banana. However, for active men, teens, and tall, younger women with active jobs, four servings a day tends to be about right. Some of my pro athlete clients need more than four servings a day, but that's not the norm for most of us.
Your fruit needs are based on your fuel needs
Here's why you shouldn't eat an unlimited amount of fruit, or even overdo it: While it may be packed with nutrients, fruit is also a major source of carbs. One medium apple, a cup of blueberries, and a small banana each contain about 20 grams. It's important to get a healthy amount of carbs in your daily diet, to fuel the activity of your cells. But when you eat more carbs than you can burn after a meal or snack, the surplus can either feed existing fat, or even increase your body fat stores. For this reason, your total carb intake-including nutrient-rich foods like fruit-should correspond to your fuel needs, which are based on your height, ideal weight, sex, age, and physical activity level.
The taller you are and the higher your ideal weight, the more of you there is to fuel, and therefore the more carbs you need. Men generally need more than women, younger people more than older adults, and active folks more than inactive individuals. (Men are on average taller than women, and even at the same height they have more muscle mass-two reasons they require extra fuel.) For example, if you're a petite woman who mostly sits at work and exercises for 45 minutes five days a week, you don't need as many servings of fruit per day as a tall, muscular man with a physically demanding job.
Timing matters
Since the carbs in fruit fuel the activity of your cells, when you eat berries, apples, and the like makes a big difference. Downing a huge fruit plate late at night while you're watching TV or surfing the web (i.e., when your fuel demand is low) may be healthier than eating cookies or candy. But if you don't burn off all those carbs, then-yep you guessed it-surplus city! So try to eat fruit before you're going to be more active, so you'll use the carbs for fuel. If you really enjoy eating fruit in the evening, at least try to limit your portion to, say, one cup of grapes (as opposed to three big handfuls).
The nutrients in fruit are worth the carbs (if you don't overdo it)
While carbs are a consideration, it's also important to remember that fruit is chock-full of other key nutrients. Natural substances in fruit-including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, and prebiotics-do wonders for your health. And the nutrients found in one fruit family, like berries, differ from those in apples and pears, stone fruits, melon, or citrus. So rather than limiting yourself to apples and berries only, aim for variety, and work in seasonal options.
Another thing: Don't freak out about the sugar. Even the strictest nutrition guidelines zero in on added sugar, not naturally-occurring sugar from whole, fresh fruit. That's because sugar found in fruit is unrefined, far less concentrated, and bundled with a number of other key nutrients. For example, one whole orange provides about 17 grams of carbs, around 12 of which are natural sugar. But that orange also supplies fluid, 12% of your daily fiber, nearly 100% of your vitamin C needs, B vitamins, potassium, and compounds like herperidin-which has been shown to help lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and act as an anti-inflammatory. In comparison, one level tablespoon of table sugar contains 16 grams of carbs, all from refined sugar, and is devoid of nutrients. In other words, fruit and refined sugar don't belong in the same category.
So please, enjoy fruit as part of a balanced diet. If you're strategic about the timing and amount, you won't have to worry about these healthy plants causing weight gain or preventing weight loss, and at the same time you'll better protect your health.
Do you have a question about nutrition? Chat with us on Twitter by mentioning @goodhealth and @CynthiaSass.
Cynthia Sass is a nutritionist and registered dietitian with master's degrees in both nutrition science and public health. Frequently seen on national TV, she's Health's contributing nutrition editor, and privately counsels clients in New York, Los Angeles, and long distance. Cynthia is currently the sports nutrition consultant to the New York Yankees, previously consulted for three other professional sports teams, and is board certified as a specialist in sports dietetics. Sass is a three-time New York Times best-selling author, and her newest book is Slim Down Now: Shed Pounds and Inches with Real Food, Real Fast. Connect with her on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.
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lovemychinchilla · 4 years
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Are Chinchillas Hypoallergenic?
One of the best things about chinchillas is that they don't trigger allergies as easily as other pets. But is it true to say that they're hypoallergenic? Can they cause asthma attacks, or worse?
Can you be allergic to chinchillas? You can be allergic specifically to chinchillas. They produce very little dander, but you can also be allergic to their urine or saliva, or to the hay they eat or the dust they bathe in. They can trigger severe asthma attacks in those already prone to them. Owning a chinchilla is not hypoallergenic despite what other guides say.
If you only have slight asthma, a chinchilla won't trigger it worse than anything else. But it is possible to be allergic specifically to chinchillas. Read our comprehensive guide below to learn more!
Are Chinchillas Hypoallergenic?
Other sources state that chinchillas are perfectly fine for people with allergies, but that's not true. They aren't hypoallergenic. That's because:
You can be allergic to chinchillas themselves
You can be allergic to a chinchilla's hay, urine, bedding or bathing dust
There are specific tests that check whether you're allergic to other pets or foods. While it isn't commonly used, there is a blood test that can be done to check whether you're allergic to chinchillas. This is different to a general dander allergy test. Many doctors aren't aware of this, so you might have to ask for it specifically or talk to an allergy specialist. A doctor can also diagnose you as likely to be experiencing a chinchilla allergy based on what you tell them and their observation of your symptoms.
Whether you'll have a reaction to chinchillas depends on the extent and type of your allergies. They are definitely better than other pets, but you shouldn't get a chinchilla if you need an entirely hypoallergenic pet.
Do Chinchillas Get Dander?
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Dander is associated with other pets, and it's true that chinchillas hardly produce any.
Most sources say that chinchillas don't produce dander, and this is true in a sense. People with allergies to animal dander don't have as severe a reaction to chinchillas as to other animals.
But dander isn't a mythical, magical substance—it's dead skin, and chinchillas have skin. Chichillas don't (or more accurately, can't) use Olay anti-aging cream, so their skin cells gradually die and are replaced like in any other animal. And when a chinchilla's skin cells die they have to go somewhere. They aren't whisked away into a portal to another universe.
What's really happening is that the chinchilla's thick coat of fur catches the dander. When another animal shakes or rubs itself against something, it leaves behind dander. But a chinchilla's dander stays in its fur instead. This makes chinchillas better for people with dander allergies, but it's not true to say they're completely hypoallergenic.
Owners suggest keeping the chinchilla in a clean cage with no bedding or accessories in it for an hour or so, and spending some time around it. This will tell you whether your allergy is from the chinchilla or its cage setup.
Can You Be Allergic to Chinchilla Food (Hay)?
A chinchilla for people with asthma is as bad as other pets. That's because you can be allergic to a chinchilla's cage.
Chinchillas eat hay, which is dried grass. 'Hay fever' isn't just a reaction to hay; it's actually relatively uncommon to be allergic specifically to hay. But you can be, and if you are, a chinchilla isn't for you. Hay dust can also trigger asthma attacks. Unfortunately, there's nothing else that can form the cornerstone of a chinchilla's diet.
You would have to replace this hay every once in a while so that your chinchilla has enough to eat. But you would also need to feed it hay pellets, roughly a tablespoon per day. These and hay cubes are better than fresh hay because they give off less loose dust, but they could still cause a reaction. There would be no way of avoiding handling hay and breathing in any dust that comes from it each time you feed your pet.
Can You Be Allergic to Chinchilla Urine?
Most people think you can only be allergic to a pet's dander, but that's not true. You can also be allergic to its urine. Scientific studies show that urine can have allergens all of its own, distinct from those found in dander. While the chinchilla's allergen profile hasn't been looked at by scientists, it's likely that chinchilla urine gives off allergens too.
With pets that go to the toilet outside, that's not a major problem. But your chinchilla will either go to the toilet in a chosen corner of its cage, or in a litter box if you've provided one. Unless you constantly spot clean your chinchilla's cage, it will sit there, and you can have a reaction to it. The urine can also soak into the bedding you use, which makes it doubly dangerous if you're highly allergic.
On top of the allergy to your chinchilla's urine, you can also be allergic to its saliva. You can come into contact with this saliva either by handling your pet or by touching something it gnawed on. Again, saliva can contain unique allergens, but it can also share the same allergens as are found in dander.
Can You Be Allergic to Chinchilla Bedding?
There are several common kinds of bedding people use for chinchillas, including kiln-dried pine ('KD pine'), aspen and CareFresh. KD pine and aspen are made of wood that you can be allergic to. CareFresh is marketed as hypoallergenic.
It is possible to keep chinchillas with beddings other than these, which you won't be allergic to. But this is still something you must be aware of.
Can You Be Allergic to Chinchilla Dust?
Chinchillas don't bathe in water, they bathe in dust. There are two main kinds of dust available, which are pumice and aluminum silicate. Blue Cloud dust, which you might have heard of, is the aluminum silicate kind.
These kinds of dust can cause asthma flareups. Some owners note that they aren't allergic to anything other than their chinchilla's dust, which indicates that the problem isn't a pet allergy, but a generic asthma issue. If you want hypoallergenic chinchilla dust, there are specialists who make it. But as for whether they'll have any available is another question.
Are Chinchillas Allergy Friendly Overall?
Yes and no. They don't produce anywhere near as much dander as other pets. But they also need to bathe in dust and eat hay, which other pets don't. So, if you've got existing allergies and especially if you have asthma, a chinchilla might not be a good choice.
Our advice is to talk to a medical professional about the extent of your allergies. If it's safe to do so, you could also benefit from handling a chinchilla in a pet store or visiting a friend who has them to gauge how serious your reactions are. There are lots of people with mild allergies who keep chinchillas and seem not to mind.
Chinchilla Allergy Symptoms
The symptoms you'll experience if you're allergic to your chinchilla (or anything in its cage) are similar to those you get with other allergies. The severity of these symptoms can vary. On the less serious end of the scale, you can expect:
A stuffy nose
A runny nose
Sneezing & coughing
Slight itching
But the more serious symptoms include:
Tightening of the throat and difficulty breathing
Lots of itching
These symptoms can be scary. If you have ever experienced these symptoms with other pets, you'll know how bad they can be. But if you've never had asthma or an allergy to pets, it's highly unlikely that you'll experience them for the first time with a chinchilla.
How to Keep a Chinchilla If You're Allergic
If you have asthma or allergy issues that aren't severe, you may still be able to keep a chinchilla. We would recommend against it as you shouldn't play games with your health. But if you're going to do it anyway, there are things you can do to keep reactions to a minimum. These things are possible because most reactions stem from the chinchilla's cage rather than the chinchilla itself.
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Image courtesy of Wikimedia. CC-BY-SA 3.0.
Buy an Air Purifier
HEPA air purifiers suck in air and get rid of any allergens in it. These work best for dander, but can effectively help with dust, urine and bedding allergens too. You can sit one in the room that your chinchilla lives in, and it should make the effects of your allergy less serious. You'll likely have to change the filters regularly as the bathing dust, especially, could clog them up. The only drawback is that good models are expensive, but if your allergies are a constant pain, the price might be worth it to you.
You can also keep the air clean in other ways. Frequent dusting and vacuum cleaning helps.
Use Fleece Bedding
Owners use many different kinds of bedding. Perhaps the most common is fleece. This doesn't give off dust like wood- or paper-based beddings, and can be laundered easily.
Don't Keep Your Chinchilla in Your Room
Proximity makes allergies worse. You can therefore keep your reactions under control by keeping your chinchilla in a room you don't go in frequently.
The problem with this is that your pet will be lonely, and you won't even enjoy having it. So, if your allergies are this serious, you should think twice about whether you would even have fun owning a chinchilla.
Wear a Mask & Gloves when Cleaning
To keep your chinchilla's cage clean, you'll have to spot clean it every day. This means swapping out litter trays and soiled bedding, and sweeping up poop. If this will make your reactions flare up, consider wearing a respirator and/or gloves.
You can buy masks like these from hardware stores. Look for ones that block out particulates, or marked particulate respirator. These are for contractors who work around lots of dust, and they filter that dust out.
Again, if you have to wear gloves and a mask to even handle or be around a chinchilla, you should consider a different pet! But if you have allergies and are still going to get a chinchilla, you must consult a medical professional beforehand. It's your health condition and your choice, but make that choice fully aware of what's facing you.
Below, you can find our chinchilla quiz, new posts for further reading, and a signup for our Chinchilla Newsletter!
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