#anywayss enjoy or cry or something!!
littlechillis · 9 months
sing a new song, KT
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footiehoemcfc · 9 months
Bad day means pottery date
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Hi guys :) I have not written a fic in a while because I'm always busy or I just can't get myself to do it. Howeverrr, SOMEONE, and by someone I mean Soph (@masonmount07) encouraged me to write again. She has been sharing teasers for her fics which are AMAZING and you should deff read the ones she has posted!! That being said I won't commit myself to dates or requests because I don't know how often I will be writing fics. At the moment I have different ideas I want to write but it takes time so bare with me. Anywayss I hope you enjoy it! :) TW: none, 3.9k words, Fluffy
These were the types of days you hated. Feeling like shit, feeling tired, feeling like you could be doing something better with your life. Work had been awful, you were feeling very insecure about yourself for multiple reasons, you had burnout and you were just tired of it. Projects for work kept piling up every single day and it made you want to rip your hair out. You didn’t particularly love your job, but you needed it otherwise…well you would have absolutely no money. 
Your insecurities have always haunted you, however the last couple of years you had worked through them and started accepting your body and everything about yourself because you figured you only have one body, might as well take good care of it and be happy. The problem starts when you start comparing yourself to other women. 
Last weekend Mason had invited you to go see a game of his. You were not dating, but he had asked you out on dates, 4 times by that point. On those dates he got to know you loved football, so he thought it would be great to have you there so you could enjoy the atmosphere and support him. You gladly accepted, you really liked Mason and you loved going to stadiums. You and Mason had never kissed or anything further than that. You had exchange loving glances, kisses on the cheek and held hands during dinner but not much more than that. He never really attempted to as well which made you feel like maybe he just wasn’t that into you. That kind of started your insecurities. However when you went to the game, it hit you. Why the hell would he be into you? Look at these girls in his box. They look absolutely perfect. They were basically Instagram models of course they looked perfect. You felt very out of place. 
Ever since that game you felt mehh about yourself. Mason said hi to you after the game, however you didn’t have a chance to talk to him that much since all of his friends were there and wanted to talk to him. You had been texting for a week now and had planned getting dinner tonight, but in all honestly you were not really feeling it. 
Once you stepped into your apartment, you felt relief. You were home, you could relax and you could have peace of mind. That did not last long though. Not even 5 minutes in, your boss had texted you to come in earlier tomorrow since some of the staff had quit unexpectedly today and they needed backup. That was your last straw. You stared at the message and your vision started getting blurry. Your tears started falling and they didn’t stop. You wanted a break from it and from everything. You threw your phone into the living room sofa, went upstairs and just threw yourself to bed. All the emotions you had came out. You felt dumb for crying so much over a job and over yourself, but you needed it. The crying gave you a headache which resulted in you falling asleep. 
You woke up to the sound of your phone ringing downstairs. You got up from your bed and quickly went downstairs to answer. 
Without glancing at the name you answered, “Hello?”. “Hey you! I’ve been texting you since this morning.” You froze. It was Mason. You looked at yourself in the mirror behind the sofa, your eyes puffy, your hair all over the place. “Oh yea sorry I was really busy at work today I didn’t even get a chance to check my phone.” “That’s alright love, what time should I pick you up?” Shit. The dinner. Do you lie and tell him in an hour, try to get yourself ready and look at least presentable with a stuffy nose and try and get through the whole dinner without crying, or do you just tell him the truth and cancel on him? “Oh yea um listen…” Fuck. Think. “I just had a really bad day, I feel awful doing this to you but I just don’t think I can today.” You closed your eyes hoping for the best. “Oh no, what happened?” His voice was filled with concern which made you feel butterflies in your stomach. “Nothing for you to worry about I promise, just a bunch of workload and um…” your voice cracked. You couldn’t even tell him about your shitty day without crying how were you meant to get through a whole dinner with him. “Yea it’s just a bunch of stuff” you covered your mouth and closed your eyes to stop yourself from crying. “Aw babe, are you okay? I feel awful for you.” He did feel bad for you. You had mentioned to him before how your job was not the best but he didn’t think it was this bad. “Yea” you sniffed and paused for a second to compose yourself, “yea I’m okay don’t worry” you sniffed again and just wanted to hang up because you knew if he started talking to you and try to make you feel better you would just crumble. “I’m really sorry you're having a bad day today, I wish I could help you somehow”, “It’s okay Mase don’t worry, I’m really sorry for canceling so last minute”. You did really feel bad, you were never the type of person to cancel on someone no matter what was going on but today had been just a little too much. “No love, don’t worry. We can see each other another day. Get some rest yea? If you need anything you know I’m here, always” You smiled. These types of comments he made can make  you feel so giddy, but then you remember you haven’t even kissed each other and it just goes away. “Thanks Mase. I’ll text you.” “Of course, goodnight love.” “Night Mase.” And with that you hung up. 
After that call you ordered take out, watched a movie, took a bath and went straight to bed. Your body was exhausted and you had to get in early tomorrow to cover for other people. You were not looking forward to it at all. You wanted to stay in the whole day and not do anything. 
6 am, and your alarm rang causing you to jump from your deep sleep. How did you sleep 8 hours yet you felt like you only slept 1? The thought of going to work made you nauseous. You knew this was not normal. After much thought, you decided to say fuck it and call in sick. Your brain felt like it was fried and your body felt like it was giving up on life. 
After texting your boss you were sick, you didn’t even wait for a response, you went back to bed. You had no energy to give explanations. After sleeping for 3 more hours, you woke up at 9:30 am. You wanted to relax but you also felt like you needed to at least go out for a walk and get fresh air. As tired as you were, you wanted to get some movement going. Lately looking at yourself in the mirror made you feel uneasy. You had bag under your eyes, you felt like your body felt like jelly since you have no time to work out or even take walks. You were not feeling yourself at all. Seeing all those girls in the stadium box made you look hard enough in the mirror to find more stupid insecurities you didn’t even know you had. So, to try and feel a bit productive, you took a shower, put on some yoga pants, a hoodie and decided to take a walk around the neighborhood. Did it make you feel better? Nope, but it did help a little. 
You spent the day reading, talking to your only friend in the office and cooking yourself breakfast, lunch and a snack. Your friend was concerned about you so she suggested you file a complaint to HR for the overload of work you had to do. It wasn’t a bad idea at all and you did it. The whole day Mason hadn’t texted you which felt weird. You would text him when he was free from training but no message came in. Maybe it was because you canceled on him? Maybe he finally realized he is wasting his time with you? Who knows but overthinking made you feel upset. You liked him a lot. Did he like you a lot too, as a friend? As a potential girlfriend? You didn’t know but you still wanted to find out. 
It was 5 pm and no text from him came through.  You were debating whether to bite the bullet or not and just text him yourself but you didn’t want to seem desperate. You started typing on his chat, “Hi Mase” adding a little heart. Press send you idiot, you thought to yourself. “Sent.” You put your phone down and walked away from it like it was a bomb that was going to explode. You idiot, you idiot, you thought. You decided to start cutting up some veggies to start dinner to try and distract yourself. Nerves started settling in. Maybe you should delete the text message if he hasn’t seen it.
You got a little lost in cutting up the veggies that when your phone rang it made you jump. “Jesus Christ” you muttered to yourself. The caller ID “Mase” appeared on your screen. You got nerves all over again. How can a man make you this nervous. “Hi Mase” you answered, trying not to sound terrified. “Hi love, how are you?” he sounded really chirpy which settled your nerves. “I’m better than yesterday, what about you?” “Oh great I’m glad you feel better because I’m picking you up in 30 minutes.” What? Picking you up? You don’t remember agreeing to seeing him yesterday before hanging up. “Umm what?” he laughed at your confused state. “I felt awful about not being able to help you out yesterday so I thought we could do something fun today instead of dressing up fancy and get a fancy dinner. Are you up for it?” You were smiling from ear to ear. He went out of his way to make you feel better and here you were debating or not if you were an idiot for just texting Hi to him. “Really?” you knew he could tell you were smiling and excited. “Yes really” he said chuckling. “So, wear something you don’t mind getting dirty, and I’ll be there in about 30 minutes yea?” “Okay, um but wait what are we doing exactly?” “It’s a surprise.” “A surprise?” “Yes a surprise, so get ready, don’t ask anymore questions and we’ll have fun.” You laughed at his comment. “Okay then I’ll be ready”. 
Wear something you don’t mind getting dirty. What the hell were you doing with him today? Maybe a painting class? A cooking class? Will you go to those rage rooms to break stuff? Honestly you had no idea but it was exciting. You dressed up in some old but cute jeans you didn’t mind getting dirty and a tank top with just a simple jacket. You put on a little bit of makeup and you were ready to go. Mason arrived exactly 30 minutes after to pick you up. Once he pulled up, he rolled down his window and watched you close and lock your door. “Fucking hell you still look beautiful with old clothes” he said making you blush and roll your eyes. “Listen, I still tried to look good.” You opened the door and got in his car. He leaned in and kissed your cheek, “You always look good love.” You blushed yet again at his comment. “Stop it.” You said laughing, and soon enough he started driving you to your surprise date. 
“Are you still not giving me any clues Sir?” you asked once you stopped in a red light. He turned to you, “No Ma'am, no clues, I told you it’s a surprise.” You smiled at his comment and leaned in to kiss his cheek. “Thank you Mason.” You were grateful he was doing all of this to try and make you feel better. “No problem.” You kept looking into each other’s eyes and were leaning in to kiss. You wanted to kiss him more than anything and you felt you were about to, until the car behind you honked to indicate to you the light was green. You both lightly jumped and laughed. 
Once he parked the car you were still confused. The place did not look familiar and there was no sign of what the pace could possible be. “Okay then, follow me.” He took your hand and tangled his fingers with yours, leading you to a blue door. He opened the door for you and once inside you realized were you were. “Oh my god, are we doing pottery?” he laughed at your excitement. “Yes, we are doing pottery.” “Oh my god Mason! I’ve always wanted to try and do it!” “I know you did, you told me on our first date” he said smiling at you. Your heart melted completely at the fact that he remembered. You couldn’t help it and just hugged him,  burying your face in his neck. “Thank you so much” you said, so only he could hear since your whole face was smushed in his neck from how tight you were both holding each other. “You're welcome my love.” Again, melting your heart. 
You both got seated in your places, the machine in front of you and a bucket of water beside you. Once your instructor showed you how it was done and gave you tips, both you and Mason got to work. “Okay so what if we do mugs and we keep each other’s mugs” Mason suggested. “Oooh okay that is a good idea, make it pretty please I’ll be drinking tea out of it every day.” Mason laughed at your comment and both of you started getting the clay ready. 
It got way messier than you thought it would. While trying to get the shape of the mug right, and talking to each other at the same time, Mason’s spinning machine started going way too fast causing the clay to almost fly out and causing both of you to laugh so hard your belly started to hurt. It was becoming the most fun date you have ever been to and your favorite. You loved how easy it was to have fun with him and to see him let his guard down with you. Mason on the other hand, loved seeing you happy, feeling better and making you laugh. 
Since it was the first time attempting to make a mug out of clay, they didn’t turn out great. “Look at your mug!” Mason said pointing at your deformed mug and laughing really hard causing you to laugh as well. “Oh my God you are so rude, look at YOUR mug.” His mug was worse, it was wonky and it was barely standing. Both of you red on the face from laughing so much. “We are not going to be able to drink from this, look at them.” Mason said, causing you to laugh again. You looked over at the shelves and saw different mugs, cartoons, plants and much more already made just missing color. “Okay how about, we grab one of those mugs, paint them for each other, it’s way easier.” You suggested, making Mason agree. “Yea okay, that’s a better idea.” 
Both of you grabbed two identical looking mugs, and the staff gave you different brushes and colors to paint the mugs. Both of you got concentrated in painting the mug, once you were done you didn’t even realize you had been at the place for 3 hours already. 
“Okay I’m done.” Mason said, showing you his mug. It was blue and red with spider webs. “Of course it’s a spiderman mug” you said, chuckling and rolling your eyes. “Don’t judge me, I’m a kid at heart, let me see yours.” You grabbed your mug by the handle trying not to get paint on your hand. “Tadaa '' you said, lifting up the mug. It was light blue and light green. “Oh wow, it looks really cool.” Mason said admiring it. “Well thank you, it’s for you.” Mason smiled and grabbed the mug. In exchange he gave you his mug, you laughed once you realized you were going to be drinking tea everyday out of a spiderman mug.  
Once the paint was dry, the staff packed your mugs into a box and handed it to both of you. You said your thank yous to everyone and went outside. “Okay before we go anywhere else, I had something for you so close your eyes.” You were surprised,  but obeyed and closed your eyes. You heard Mason open his car door and the close it. “Okay open up.” You opened your eyes and saw the most beautiful bouquet of roses. You gasped and looked at Mason who was already blushing and smiling at you. “Oh my God! Mase these are so beautiful! Thank you so much!” You said grabbing the roses. “You're very welcome.” Mason was still smiling at your reaction. “Mase seriously this are so pretty you didn’t have too.” You pulled him in for a hug. He wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his face into your neck. “I know, but I wanted to. I wanted you to have a great day.” You were about to tear up but you didn’t want him to see you cry. You swallowed the lump in your throat and pulled away to look at him. Both of you looked into each other's eyes and had the urge to kiss each other. You have wanted nothing more than to kiss him since the first date. He didn’t hesitate this time and kissed you lovingly. It was the best kiss you’ve ever experience in your life. This made your feelings for Mason much more stronger and hoped he felt exactly the same way for you. He brushed his tongue over your lip and kept kissing you. You didn’t want it to end but both of you had to breathe. Once you stopped kissing, you rested your forehead against his and just smiled. “This was the best date Mase.” You whispered. “I’m glad you liked it love.” He gave you one last peck and opened the door for you to get in the car. He started driving again, this time his hand on your thighs. “Where are we going now?” you asked breaking the comfortable silence. “Well, I don’t want fancy food in a fancy restaurant and I know you don’t either,” he said making you giggle, “so how about some five guys?” “Sound perfect then.”
You ordered Five Guys and started eating in the car. Mason had parked in front of a nice park with a nice view. The meal was really good, it consisted on reliving the mess both of you made with the pottery class and just talking about everything and anything.
“So,” Mason said, wiping his mouth with a napkin “I wanted to ask you what had made you so sad yesterday…I mean if you want to talk about it.” “Oh well” You were debating whether or not to tell him. How do you explain to him that you felt insecure because of all the girls he is friends with and that you hate your job without sounding pathetic. “Um my job has been a pain in the ass. I get projects every day it feels like and a lot of the staff quit unexpectedly so I have to cover for them which means even more work.” You said almost laughing at how ridiculous that sounds. No person should be dealing with the amount of work and burnout you were dealing with. “Oh shit, can’t you talk to your boss or someone like a manager?” “Yea, I mean I called in sick today because I just could not do it. I also filed a complaint to HR which I don’t really know if it will help but you know it’s at least something.” Mason was looking at you and listening attentively. “Okay good, maybe they can help, you shouldn't be feeling discouraged and tired in any job.” “Yea I know, it’s really just my job and I don’t know I’ve been feeling a little self conscious lately which is no big deal but it just throws me off some days you know?” Mason’s concern was evident in his face again. “Why’s that love?” You gulped, dreading to tell him you have felt this way ever since you went to his game. “Well, I don’t know. I just feel like sometimes I think about you and you know you are you and I am me. I feel out of place sometimes, especially last weekend with your friends and those girls. They are gorgeous and live like a different reality than me, but it's not that big of a deal I promise.” You really didn’t want to make it seem you were fishing for compliments or you wanted pitty from him but you didn’t want to lie to him.
“Hey look at me.” He said placing one hand against your cheek for you to look at him. “You can talk to me about this okay? I never want you to feel out of place, specially with me. You are the most gorgeous girl. I’ve really wanted to be with you ever since I met you. I know sometimes my lifestyle is very different from yours but that doesn’t mean I don’t want you. Since our first date I've been beating myself up for not even attempting to kiss you.” He said chuckling and making you smile. “I just really wanted to do this the right way you know? Like go on dates, get to know you first, not rush it. That being said, I’ve been really dying to kiss you though, and I’m glad I finally did.” You smiled at him and leaned in to kiss him one more time. It was not a heated kiss, it had a lot of passion. “I really like you Mase, I also want to do this the right way. Sometimes I just overthink too much and get like awkward I don’t know.” You said making yourself and him giggle. “I like you too. So much. You don’t need to hide your personality from me, you don’t need to always look “perfect” for me. I loved seeing you smiling, laughing, clay all over your face today.” You both laughed remembering how the clay went all over the place. He leaned in again and kissed you one more time. “Thank you for today, really. I've never had anyone go out of their way to do something like this for me.” You said kissing his cheek. “You're welcome. We are doing this again it was way too much fun.” He kissed your nose and you agreed. 
Once you threw the food wrappers in a trash can near by, he drove off to go drop you off. While saying goodbye, he gave you a few more kisses and waited for you to get safely into your apartment. Once you got inside, you couldn't help but feel giddy and giggle to yourself. You heard a ping from your phone. “Cooking classes next date? X” You smiled to yourself as you read Mason’s message. “Perfect.” You replied. The butterflies in your tummy never went away that night.
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pararororurun · 5 months
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TBHK x reader
Summary : how'd they react to reader being similar to mitsuri.
Note : SOME (most) ARE PROBABLY OOC. SO. I'M SORH SORRY GUYS. Also I forgot to write some character oopsies that's my fault lolll but I'll do them some other time hopefully. ANYWAYSS PLEASE ENJOY AND BAIIII^_^!!!
• Hanako
> You're pretty fun to tease! (lol)
> but whenever he sees you fight in any
scenario he finds it interesting. Someone
who's usually all cheery and happy could
actually be this strong? Someone grab him a
notebook and a pen he needs to figure some
things out about you.
> as much as he treats you like a little kid he's
actually kiiinda deeply afraid of you!
Especially when you're a bit angry.
> tries to help you with your work as much as
he can! But unfortunately fails due to still
having the intelligence of a 13 year old.
• Nene
> honestly would love you with all her heart
and tries to protect you as best as she can.
> when she sees you in action she stares at
you in awe, flustered at how cool you looked.
Then after you finish she'll immediately run
up to you and hug you tightly.
> once she invited you to help her clean the
bathroom and she couldn't stop staring at
you. Talk about lovestruck..
> THE POINT IS. She love you with all her
heart and would do anything for you.
• Kou
> you are his inspiration. (After Teru)
> everything you do will make him interested
and he'll keep on praising at how cool you
were, and how you're always so kind and
smart, and
> head over heels. Oh it's not even subtle
anymore it's SOOOO OBVIOUS it's crazy.
Even tiara notices something off about him.
> tries to protect you. Everytime you're in
danger he gets in front of you and tries to
help you get away from the danger.
> please trust him, he wants to (always) be by
your side.
• Mitsuba
> would start by hanging around you first,
then dent that he was following you.
> everytime you mention someone else he
would always try to mention how he's a lot
more cuter.
> easily jealous, doesn't show it but it's
> would try to take some of the flowers from
the garden, then gives it to you. Saying
how it's just a show of gratitude and
nothing more.
> gets all giddy after.
• Teru
> at first he didn't trust you too much, he has
a little suspicion on you.
> would sometime let his guard down when
he's around you, but then remembers you
aren't quite human? So he keeps on
reminding himself.
> even if you weren't somehow human, he
would still try to help you when you get
> wishes you were human.
• Akane
> worst crisis ever.
> oh he likes Aoi but he also like you?!?!??!??
> walks around the council room in stress as
Teru stares him down, teasing him about
this new 'crush' of his.
> he tries to hit Teru with a bat.
> everytime he sees you he would go the
other way and try to avoid you. He's
> he would feel a little bit of joy but also
bitter whenever he talks to you.
• Aoi
> who knew letting out your feelings on
someone you trust dearly could be so
helpful? Huh?
> whenever you compliment her on
something she would go quiet and not say
anything else, then puts on a sour/pouty
> is actually really embarrassed by your
compliments. She would immediately go
red whenever you compliment her too
much, then she would ask you to stop.
> you are very dear to her. She just doesn't
know how to show it.
Note : happy Friday guys. Yay? I don't rly have much to say sooo
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alsoitsjunie · 1 year
patrick hocksetter x female bully victim
ASKFJSKDJHSLA BLESS YOU FOR GIVING ME SOMETHING TO WRITE ILY (PSA) if you like any of my work, pls pls pls request something!! i love writing these!
okay i got this in the bag. im not gonna use a lot of descriptive terms for the girl in this because i didnt get a lot of input WHICH is not a problem but i dont wanna make this unfit for the requester (or anyone frls) anywayss basically the reader in this is has been targeted for quite a few years, starting in elementary with bowers and hocksetter, then in middle school with huggins and criss. i also wasnt sure if this was supposed to be a ship or romantic or not butt im making it a little bit. but not a lot. im gonna js start writing now i hope you enjoy!! also this might be a little long.
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little one
patrick hocksetter x female! bully victim
(first person)
tw! stalking - lowkey sexual harassment - mentions of suicide-
first day of 5th grade, stepper elementary school derry Maine. my mom had picked an outfit for my first day, a pair of overalls and a little striped short sleeve with my boots and some ponytails. thinking back, that was an adorable outfit. yet the way i remember feeling when they ruined it was not.
i had that class with dumb and dumber themselves, patrick hocksetter and henry bowers. i didn't know much about them at the time, considering that 5th grade was the first year i had a class with either of them. id heard rumors about henry and some boys he was friends with being huge bullies and to steer clear of them, so when i walked into that classroom on the first day and saw them sitting in the back corner, warning signs flashed in my peripherals.
id always been an anxious kid, hell my parents bothered me about it every chance they could get. anyways, i was already having stomach quivers about starting school, and now i was in the same class as them. of course, as i was trying to lay low, the teacher decided to put me at the table in front of them. i could just feel the terrible intent radiating off of the boys behind me, through the icebreaker games, through math, reading, science, and even recess. recess was where i met my best friend, Emma. she was in the other fifth grade class, with the other two boys, reggie and victor? i think that was his name. she told me all about the things people say about the group.
especially patrick. they say he killed his younger brother with a pillow when he was five. im still shocked to this day about that. but i remember going back to class after that and feeling oddly cold sitting down in front of that boy. throughout the rest of class, i was slowly preparing myself to ask the teacher to move my seat. so when the dismissal bell rang, i waited for the rest of the students to leave, including patrick and henry, to go to the teacher and tug on her sleeve to ask her to move my seat.
the next day, she sat me across the room, next to a boy named jonathan. i was feeling much better about that class, until about halfway through lunch. i was sitting with Emma and Jonathan, chatting about our highscores in dig dug. out of nowhere, it got extremely quiet in the lunchroom. i stopped talking and carefully looked around, before realizing everyone was looking at our table. my blood ran cold as i realized Emma was staring at something directly behind me, dead eyes and mouth agape.
slowly i turned around, only to be met eye to eye by patrick hocksetter. he had a sca smile on holding a balloon filled with something and a thumbtack. before i could even ask what he wanted, he stabbed the balloon directly above my head, letting bright blue liquid splash over my hair, and down my face and clothes. he erupted into laughter, followed by the rest of the boys, followed by scattered giggles across the lunchroom. i coughed in shock, blinking, before the burning sensation set into my eyes. i started crying, and my throat was closing at the smell and my coughing. through my blue blurred eyes, i stumbled up, shoved through the four boys and the rest of the laughing lunchroom and ran out to the bathroom. before i could even make it there, a hand grabbed the back of my shirt.
henry had pulled me out of the bathroom doorway, and now i was surrounded by the boys.
'hopefully that'll teach your stupid fucking girl brain not to snitch to the teacher about us." i heard a voice sneer at me. i rubbed my eyes and watched through blurry vision as they turned and started walking back to the lunchroom. "but we aren't done with you SNITCH" i heard henry yell as i carefully stumbled into the bathroom.
and they decided they weren't done with me. not for the rest of the year, not for the year of 6th grade, or 7th grade, or 8th, or oven freshman year. and each year they got more and more creative. it evolved from shoving me on the playground, to snipping off pieces of my hair when i wasn't paying attention, then when i hit puberty, showing off my bled-through gym shorts, catcalling me in the hallways, and snapping my bra straps. leaving threatening notes in my locker, as well as dead flies, yknow, the usual.
eventually, i got used to the humiliation, but i was extremely surprised that it all came from me just asking to move my seat in fifth grade.
now its sophomore year, and its gotten worse yet better. im only really targeted by patrick and henry, the other two are really just in for the ride. belch, as they call him, is actually kinda nice to me. we have social studies together. i let him borrow a pencil one time and give him homework answers and in return, he kinda started being nice to me. patrick on the other hand was treating me exactly the same. stalking me through the hallways, following me home, leaving me threatening notes, boring his eyes into the back of my head in class, carving his initials into my windowsill....
but it seems like hes become more obsessed than hateful. one time i found a list of my backpack contents inside my pocket. and half the time i dont even know how he finds out some things. its kinda scary. whos fucking kidding its terrifying. and im so fucking tired of it.
he terrorizes me. i sprint home everyday so he cant catch up to me. sometimes they all take belchs car and i hear the engine rapidly approaching me. all these things build up over the days and weeks, and it makes me feel like im genuinely going insane. i have panic attacks on my way to school, i flinch at people trying to hug me, i just live under the freakishly tall shadow of patrick hocksetter. i wonder how he can be so messed up when we're only fifteen.
anyways, back to present day, biology class. which i coincidentally have with both bowers and patrick. lucky me. i sat two desks up and diagonal from both of them, each on either side. it was the second to last month of school, and we were finishing our human anatomy unit.
i was zoned out, listening to the droning, buzzing sound of our teacher's voice. at the feeling of a crumpled ball of paper hitting my shoe, i came back down to earth, glancing over my shoulder at patrick, who had a grin on his face. i slowly reached down and picked up the crumpled note, opening it and reading it.
'you n me behind the school, 3;30. if youre late, pray you're fast enough to get home before i do. which you wont be. thanks little one.'
i let out a shaky sigh when i finished reading the note. then crumpled it back up and shoved a half assed thumbs up under my arm at him so i didnt have to turn around and look at his face.
my hands got clammy as people started to pack up their backpacks, and i felt myself getting a headache as the bell rang and students filed out of the school. patrick and henry sauntered past me, and patrick let his fingers slideeee across the surface of my desk.. like a warning. jesus.
i took a deep breath, preparing myself for what i had in mind about putting a stop to this shit. i held my pen in my hand, in case i needed to use it as a shank.
as i rounded the corner to the back of the school, i saw patrick leaning against a tree, twirling a stick in his fingers. i cleared my throat and anxiously kept walking towards him. he watched me walk halfway towards him, then he pushed himself off the tree and walked to stand uncomfortably close to me.
'what do you want patrick.. '
he scoffed and started walking around me. 'what do i want? well theres a lot of things i want from you.. if youre offering-' he chuckled near my ear, and i could feel him twirling a piece of my hair in his fingers.
i think that was the moment he drove me crazy. i elbowed him in the ribs and spun around, backing away. i could tell i was gonna cry, either out of anger or fear, but there were tears pooling in my eyes.
'im fucking done. what do WANT from me?? I have done NOTHING to deserve this, and yet you still humiliate me, and terrorize me every day. is this really about fifth grade?? because i feel like thats been repaid for a good four years. what do you get from this? do you get off on making my life miserable like some weird perv?? GOD hocksetter im done! im fucking finished! ill have to kill myself before you'll let me live!' i cried, pacing and screaming at him.
i stopped to catch my breath. he looked shocked for a slight second, and then his face went back its natural smirk. he paced towards me, grabbing my face with his hand, squishing my face.
'you sweet little thing. it is repaid. its been repaid for a while. you just intrigue me so much.. i couldn't possibly stop humiliating you.. you're too infatuating.' he stared at every detail of my face, almost mapping it, before he shoved my face away from his hand. he went right back to circling me again.
'yknow.. it was never really about scaring you. i mean of course i enjoyed that part, you're absolutely hilarious to terrorize.'
i almost laughed in disbelief. ive been going through this all for his shits and giggles. what the fuck is wrong with him.
'it really started wayyyy before fifth grade. it was probably around third grade that i noticed you. i think it was when you were in the school concert... i realized how much you stuck out from all the other kids you were singing with.. and i just became infatuated. i think youre real. like me.'
what the fuck is he talking about?? real? of course im real.. what is going on?
he was walking towards me again, and i stumbled a few steps back until my back hit the hot brick wall and i felt suffocated when i realized.
im afraid of you.
'i dont want to be afraid of you anymore. please. patrick please stop doing this to me.' i pleaded, willing the tears back.
he leaned in closer, if possible, pressing me against the wall. i felt him inhale against my scalp, and for a minute, i felt the wind stop blowing and the birds stop chirping, and i could only feel my heartbeat in my ears and could only smell the sweat and bodyspray that came off of him.
then he backed up, pulled his hands off my shoulders, and stepped away. "go. im not done, but you're done being terrorized."
i shuddered. praying he wasn't lying. i slowly turned my back and started walking away, when i heard him call after me.
'hey. just so you know, youre mine. so youre safe for now. but youre still mine. some things are staying the same. go home.'
i turned around again and started walking home, going over what had just happened. on repeat again and again. what did he mean? im real? of course im real..
what the fuck just happened.
ok so i think that was good.. and im done now so thank you sunshine!
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psychedelic-ink · 2 years
sooo I decided to watch the Kingsman series because I remember enjoying them very much and now that I'm a fan of Pedro Pascal I wanted to watch the second one again-- I also thought it would be a nice refresher before watching the latest one since I didn't watch it yet.
loong needless rant about that movies under the cut <3
The first one enjoyable, laughed at it, didn't go to bed feeling bad about it. I only didn't really like the ending and how Lancelot was just sent to space when she was the actual agent that got in and not Eggsy but I digress, he is the main character so I guess that's normal
But the second one-- Jesus fucking christ I did not vibe with it. Also despite remembering the first one I didn't really remember the second one. The things I remembered consisted of: Agent Whisky dying and Harry betraying Eggsy. I didn't even remember the villain.
Anywayss I turned sour as soon as they killed off Lancelot... which made me think why even have her there don't include her at all? But I guess emotional baggage for out main boy so fine. Then the argument with Eggsy and his girlfriend...why did we even have to have that as a plot? Or at least make the argument make sense... and the fact that she basically tries to force him into marriage lmaodfvdfvd
Now I'll skip to the ending because holy shit the Kingsman are terrible. Agent Whiskey, despite wanting to kill drug users (javier would be proud/ sarcam) did not deserved to get minced and I swear I'm not saying this just because I love Pedro Pascal lmaodvdf
Jesus, knock him unconscious or something did you really have to mince him? And Eggsy's supposedly bad ass line of "jell that prick" or something like that... Agent Whiskey should've been put in jail not...in a mincer. The fact that the Kingsman had no empathy there scared me ngl-- Especially since Eggsy legit wanted to kill the dude that hit his mom (he has every right to be pissed) and actually beats them up pretty bad at the end, really dude? You can't see Agent Whiskey's point there? Not even a little? Again, he's wrong but just put him in JAIL
Basically what I actually want to say is that the movie had the things I disliked the most: needless shock factor deaths, Merlin did not have to die at the end-- It's obvious you're trying to make us cry but it doesn't work when you start out the movie literally killing everyone. I'm still mourning Lancelot.
Of course that is not to say the second movie was horrible, I've watched worse. The action scenes are pretty fun to watch but again, the script just felt like it was missing. The second one just left a bad taste in my mouth.
I'm positive the king's man is gonna be good tho
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skiiyoomin · 3 years
Can I get a reaction of enhypen to you always being so chill and never get angry and then one day boom you're triggered and like you're so sassy :D?
of course!! thats a pretty interesting scenario, and tbh i relate too much, im like that too, but anywayss i hope you enjoy it!! ❤️❤️
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Content: gn!reader, swearing, fluff
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ღTheir s/o is chill but turns sassy when they're triggered
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some hoe at school as messing with you and suddenly boom y/n is no longer chill
he's so used to your chill side so you suddenly blowing up had him so shook
very proud that you taught that hoe a lesson tho 😌
now he knows you shouldn't be messed with :D
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ngl, he prolly found it hot 🧍‍♀️
don't get me wrong, he loves how relaxed you are
but suddenly blowing up and putting a hoe in their place is something he wouldn't mind seeing 😋
of course, as long as your sassy attitude isn't directed at him then he's good
if it was then he'd prolly go home and cry
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low-key scared of you
one of his favorite things about you is that you don't get angry
so this was very sudden
and he found it scary how you could go from angel to devil in a second
if you get angry at him he'll pass away 🧍‍♀️
if not, he's still gonna pass away 🤡
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kinda just stands there like 🧍‍♀️
he expected all sorts of things from you but this
rather than being scared or anything, he's just curious as to what got you so triggered 💀
if it was someone or something then he'd be ok like get it ig 😧
if your attitude was towards him he would have no clue what to do
kinda just accepts his fate 🤠
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it's given that he's hella sassy himself
you suddenly responding to his sass has him like 'wait wha- 😳'
rather than being hurt or getting scared to your sudden outburst, he was more shocked and speechless
tbh, he doesn't mind either, it'd make him look forward to your sass and what you have up your sleeve >:]
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more than anything he'd be concerned 😔
who tf are you 🤨
you ain't y/n you imposter 😧
he isn't hurt that you gave him attitude or anything
just amused, it's something he clearly isn't used to
i bet you he'll even tease you and pretend as if you're an imposter 💀
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ohohohoho what's this??? 👀
he's got plenty of sass up his sleeve
when you suddenly returned it he went like 😧😑🤩
he finds it so entertaining
now he y'all can go back and forth
the rest of the members are concerned
like pls chill 😰
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ethanramseyyy · 4 years
I’ve got a feeling that this one is going to be very long because this chapter had so much in it but it is not like I am complaining.
So this chapter begins straight after the cliffhanger in chapter 10. Ethan being on the other side of the door worried made me so emotional. He seemed so worried about MC. I chose the option to run into Ethan’s arms but obviously I wasn’t able to because my man had hold of the door handle to keep the virus from escaping. The connotations to the corona virus are uncanny. The way that MC knows Ethan that well that she knows when he is hiding something just from the look he is giving her is so sweet and shows how deep their connection is.
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One of my favourite things from the chapter is the way we got to experience the assassination attempt from different perspectives. The first perspective was Bryce. He was in the middle of Kyras surgery when he found out about the murder attempt. Eventhough I am not romancing Bryce his reaction was so cute, the genuine worry he showed for his friends was heartwarming. He is so sweet and I understand why a lot of people romance him. The mention of Naveen was so nice but unfortunately he didn’t make an appearance in this chapter, I am hoping that he will make an appearance soon because I love him. I also think that we deserve to see Ethan and Naveens relationship more. On a happier note, we got to see Ines for the first time in a while which was really nice. Hopefully we get to see the other doctors in the hospital a bit more. Moving on the Bryce, I really enjoyed the fact that he carried on the surgery because he knew that is what MC would have wanted. I thought it was a really cool concept to be able to see his reaction to such an intense situation. 
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The next scene broke my heart. Bobby’s body being rolled out of the room. Like I said in my last post I LOVED his character even from the short time we got to see him. Hopefully, we get to seem some kind of send off for him because he truly deserves it. The thought of his covered up body being pulled away on a stretcher is honestly heartbreaking.
ANGRY ETHAN INCOMING. You can tell that he was ready to kill someone for MC and honestly I wouldn’t be mad about it. The way the 3 doctors entered in hazmat suits was iconic (if I do say so myself). A quick side note: Ethan’s cheekbones look so defined in the suit. That man looks good in everything, it’s unfair on the other males. 
I was not expecting the book to shift to Ethans perspective but I LOVED seeing it from his eyes. I liked that the whole hospital came together to help the people involved in the assassination attempt. The senators reaction to Baz and Ethan asking for help was so disrespectful. “Bad day for them”. Like excuse me sir people DIED whilst trying to save you from your crazy assistant, have some respect.
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This next scene was one of a few happy scenes in this chapter. It was so interesting to see Sienna and Ethan have a conversation just the 2 of them. I think that their friendship would be a very interesting one. Obviously, out of the 3 options which were: We’re friends; And that’s all I’ll say on the matter; I have feelings for her. I chose I have feelings for her because if I am given a chance to see Ethan open up then I will be taking it. But if any of you chose the other options let me know because I would love to see Siennas reactions. Then he explains that he decided that it would be better for MCs career to distance himself from us. Which is both annoying and adorable. And my poor baby got all emotional, the whole scene was just so cute.
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I’m not going to say much about this but thank god that bitch Travis died. 
Did anyone else find Rafael’s dishevelled hair kinda attractive or am I just really strange. Anywayss, to make the situation worse Sora shows up. Now listen I have no reason to hate this woman because I’m not romancing Raf however I felt soo angry when she turned up and stole Raf from all the Rafael stans. The disrespect. But what happens later in the chapter makes me very very happy.
All the little interactions between Ethan and MC make my heart melt. The fact he just reaches for our hand and squeezes it, it’s just too much for my little heart to handle. But then to ruin this sweet moment, Raf loses consciousness and at this point I am pretty sure we all thought he was dead. To make this moment even worse, we find out Danny died. When I tell you I cried. I mean I cried. Poor Danny, I still can’t believe it. And Sienna they didn’t even get the chance to be happy together because of her stupid ex. I just can not believe it is his funeral we will be attending. When that chapter comes out I am going to be an emotional wreck.
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On a slightly happier note, the Mass Kenmore doctors and the Edenbrook doctors work together to try and find a cure. I knew Tobias had a soft spot for MC. I should hate him but I just can’t maybe it’s the pretty face.
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Ethan Ramsey breaking my heart again. He spent the night sat in his hazmat suit just so he could look after us. Tell me this isn’t the most kind-hearted thing ever. “If this is my last night alive, I want to spend it with you”. I’m not even going to explain that quote because I’m pretty sure we all reacted the same way. His regrets. He actually regrets asking us to stay away, he regrets that he wasted so much time. HE WANTED TO HOLD US IN HIS ARMS. I’m tearing up even thinking about it. And forgive me if I am being dramatic but I’m 99% sure that he was about to tell us he loves us. This moment will be going into the Ethan x MC hall of fame. I can’t think about it for too long or I will start crying. Again.
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They found an antidote! I never doubted them for a second. I loved how June asked Ethan if he wanted to do the honors. She knows. And then the next morning, Ethan comes in and tells MC to get up. Without the hazmat suit may I add. “You feel a tear tracing down your jaw, but you don’t know which of you it belongs to”. I like to imagine that it was Ethans. Just because it makes me happy. The moment that MC and everyone shares in the elevator is so precious. You can just tell how close they all are and it’s so sweet.
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I’m glad that Aurora and MC got the chance to make up as we all know how much she deserves a decent friend. And then MC has the brilliant idea of potentially joining forces with Mass Kenmore to help with state budget cuts. If this ends up being some Seattle Grace Mercy West kinda thing, I’m down. ( Please tell me someone gets the reference). 
Sora turns up again but this time I am happy about it. THE BITCH BROKE UP WITH RAF. Anddd Rafael isn’t moving to Brazil. I am really hoping that means Rafael stans get their mans back. We are all rooting for you!!!
All together this chapter was incredible. It would be my favourite chapter but we lost Danny and Bobby in one chapter which breaks my heart. It has to be one of the best written chapters though and the content in just 1 chapter was phenomenal. Let me know your thoughts and opinions.
Thanks for the continued support, it means the world 💛
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The car ride back without you was really empty. I really enjoy you sitting next to me while I was driving and it was fine when I was going to the station to pick you up because I knew I was going to see you but then on my way back this adele song came on and I thought yes finally something I can sing along to but then I almost started crying because I missed you and you weren’t going to be there anymore when I got back. Anywayss I’ve never felt this way before and it was a little overwhelming but I guess it was another reminder that I really love you ♥
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