#anywho utahime deserves better
jgnico · 3 years
i read a comment on twitter i believe saying people who dislike gojohime but ship satosugu are hypocrites because geto betrayed gojo and gojo murdered geto. so no, i don't think they realise utahime dislikes gojo, the reach of that nor the damaging behaviour behind trying to make gojo x utahime a thing. i think they believe their fights are a sign of chemistry, as if utahime is a tsundere. they cannot comprehend that she's an adult and the implications of gojo's behaviour towards her. or even the impacts of his sole existence. it's quite weird because the whole point of jjk seems to jump over their head. gege introduced in jjk the topic of mysoginy, developed it quite a bit and talked about how women are treated in jjk society but they believe that's a sign of romance somehow. i don't understand how that makes sense tbh
Not even gonna touch disputes on shipping, --because that's always a headache to get into-- but Geto presents more as an equal to Gojo.
When they fight in that first chapter of the arc its because Gojo is calling out Geto's logic toward his duty as a sorcerer. Its a difference of opinions toward their jobs, but we know that they're both arguing from the same pedestal as Special Grades. Even with Geto's betrayal and death, they never stopped being equals.
With Utahime, it's just Gojo picking on someone weaker than him, both in terms of raw power and within Jujutsu society. I doubt that its intentionally malicious (because he's a teenager and he likes getting a rise out of people, that's his personality) but Gojo also benefits from the fact that he outranked her from the day he was born.
On top of that, Geto also gets called out (by Mei Mei iirc) for calling Utahime weak, because he may not have a rare clan technique that made him a Special Grade at birth, but he certainly was one by the time we see him in that chapter. So him and Gojo are in the same boat here.
Both of them benefit from being born extraordinarily powerful in a system that rewards strength, but they have the added benefit of being men in a society that will automatically place them above their female counterparts. (Makes you wonder why the only female special-grade is so focused on getting rid of Curses and by exstension, the need for that society to exist in the first place.)
So I can't see Utahime having any kind of affection for a man that has always been placed above her by the people around her despite her own capabilities as a Grade 1 (which is incredibly strong as far as Sorcerers are concerned) and who constantly reminds her of that fact. Even moving into their lives as adults, he still makes it hard for her to keep the respect that she worked hard for.
It's just wild to me that Gege can show us over and over again that Jujutsu society has a very real and prevalent problem with misogyny (including Momo blatantly laying it out for us during the exchange event) and it's just... swept under the rug for "what-ifs."
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