moonysfavoritetoast · 2 months
after i get the t-shirts chat i’m fucking getting fnv dlcs >:(
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strange-doll-child · 2 years
Why must I torture myself in these ways/hj
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hartrathaway · 4 months
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some tarzas and gales... durgegale is important to me. also a bonus carys llywd and carrie vandree incoming
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dungeonmeshifancast · 2 years
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pararororurun · 6 months
haruka with an overly touch-starved and affectionate reader?? i want to squeeze him
Sakurai Haruka x Reader
Note : hey guys! I nearly wrote down kiritani instead of Sakurai because I can be a little bit of a dumb dumb lolll^_^ but anywhi please enjoy this prompt! Sorry if it doesn't sound right!
As you clung onto Haruka he tries to Pat your head, worried that you might have a fever or something. "Are you okay?.... Do you need me to grab medicine?"
You shook your head and told him that you were fine, even though you were clinging onto him like he was the last person on earth. He trusted your words, but was still worried about your well-being.
You continued to reassure him that nothing was wrong with you and that you are okay! 100%! Sure you were starting to caress his head and humming lullabies but it's all good!
Now Haruka doesn't really mind the affection. He was a bit thrown off at first because he was always shown affection in a different aspect, but you've changed his perspective.
Thanks to you, he's having an easier time on guessing whether or not the person is being kind or just sarcastic. Sometimes he misses those hints but you're always there to point it out for him.
He's thankful to have you with him, and he'll mean every word of it. Even if he doesn't admit it sometimes because he still has this idea where anything affectionate that comes out of his mouth is forbidden.
But if you were ever doubtful or his love, he'll definitely tell you how he loves you multiple times. Just please don't take advantage of him okay?
Note : WHAT'S UP GUYS IT'S ME RARO sorry. Also I'm so sorry if I made the reaader toooooo clingy because I'm not that clingy or affectionate so I'm only writing based off of the way my friends act so yeah! Sorry if it's inaccurate !!
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rocknroll7575 · 4 months
Yo this is the factions in the dusty west side of Lumière
Children of Salem : a cult that worships the Queen of Grimm.
The jackals : a mad max style bandit gang and slavers who preys on caravans that travels on dusty roads from Lumière to Vacou, they often keep survivors as slaves to sell to the legion of sand.
The Legion of Wolves: a faction that has a deep hatred on Lumière and Desert Rangers (their based on ceasar's legion) they often buy slaves from the jackals.
Anywhy here's some some cool fanart from X
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Not bad and the fanart looks really awesome! Honestly, I think that a Cult of Salem is very possible, and it's kind of strange that RWBY has never mentioned a cult of Grimm worshipers
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darkchocoswife · 7 months
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ooh ooh temu ooh ooh temu anywhy twacher era
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pandoraarti-fnaf-blog · 9 months
Fnaf au Sprite colors.
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Uuurghhhhhhhh idk why I compelled myself to do this but here we are.
Pretty self-explanatory, just colors for the Sprite forms. ( the circles are for eye colors even though I normally don't give Sprite characters their eye colors)
Anywhy there's actually a lot to talk about.
1 . I decided to call this AU the bloodline AU. ( to which now I have to go back to every post to edit them with the new tag...ugh T_T;)
2 . There's a lot more Aftons in this Au and they now all have names, day of births and day of deaths, and even Heights..( although I will admit not all of them are here but the ones missing aren't really that important to the story and more for period normalcy)
3 . Other names! Eunice's brother now has a full name! ( Devlin Boyle!) And so too Mrs Afton and Mrs Emily! ( Joan & Carol!) ( I didn't want to name her Clara since 1. I don't like it and 2. I already used the 'just use what the rest of the fandom uses' card for The Crying child with Evan.)
4 . The reason Michael and William have two colors for their sprite forms are for drawing them in different points of time ( Michael Being pre scoop<post scoop, William before the murders< after the murders< the assembly arc with the mimic< the off color arc)
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minusgangtime · 7 months
Anywhy,wets go! Weeeee!~
(And she flew off-)
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"Kiddo, wait for us!"
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flunkster-p-flunkster · 10 months
The world is a minefield, full of holes and bumps, waiting to be cracked like an egg, do you not agree?
COULD YOU NOT GO ACTING ALL [[Jesse Jester]] IN MY [[1-story Bossbot building]], THAT"S MY [[Signature Attack]] AND ANYWHY, YOURE CREEPING ME OUT!!!
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icharchivist · 2 years
dam, i had no idea there was so much plural stuff in your game. we keep winning lmao. i gotta pay better attention to your liveblogs! anywhi i hope you're enjoying your event stuff :] are ya winnin, son?
o7 always glad to share more of those!!!
tbh gbf has really a bit of everything so you can always find a bit of happiness here and there ;D
Aside from Ayer i really didn't look into the story of, i have read most of the stories the characters i mentioned were part of and intend on reading them still so they might come back in my liveblogs eventually! ;D so that'd be nice!
And thank you for the good wishes! as to how this current event is going it's
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it's fine. it's fine.
The pitch of the event is that a being, Orologia, who can see any possible futures, is running simulations to try to figure out how to change our life and tragic backstory and the tragic backstory of many of our friends in order to make our journey easier for us. (because the all mighty god of this world, Bahamut, has apparently chosen us to become "The Singularity", and no one really knows what that means except that our destiny will either save or destroy the world).
It starts out with Orologia running thousands of simulations in which they (bc they're genderfluid, they change gender every few frames and depending on MC's gender) join us in childhood to be a parental figure for us, ending up seeing us as their baby, and ending up realizing that by being a good parent to the protagonist, they're basically dooming them to die.
So now Orologia is running simulations to not be in our life, but to figure out if they can make our life easier, for us and for our friends, and so the last part of the story was just seeing every possible ways our friends could have been heavily screwed over (there were a few situations of having to watch our friends kill each other), with the implication that currently, we're in the better timeline because Orologia put us on this path after seeing all our suffering.
The current event is 3 part long and the 3rd one is going to be released soonish, and Orologia has pushed themselves to their limits to give us the best possible future, and now feels like they're going to die. In our actual world, we never met them, but for them, they ran hundred of thousands simulations just to be sure we have the gentlest future possible, because to them, we're their baby and they'll do anything for us.
So we're currently all crushed because we just had to go from 1) we have the best parent ever, 2) any bit of happiness we could have had had to be withheld from us else we would die and trigger an apocalypse, 3) we watched all of our friends's "bad ends" in which they had to watch the ones they love die and turn into monsters themselves, 4) realize that our current timeline full of tragedy is "the best path" to make sure we're alive, 5) and the person who made all of this possible out of pure parental love for us is dying before we could even meet them.
All while the alt timeline taught us that some of our friends have fucked up secrets that they're just hiding from us because the world is a "nicer place" right now but now we're just "???????" at the reveals.
So. this is fun. We're fine. We're normal. Part 3 is going to kill us. This is fine.
o7 so. is this winning. We won a parent. We're about to lose them. This is fine? sobbing.
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bigmansbigbigblog · 2 years
HELLOUGH AGAIN HCAT. dream brouhhh me ahealing potion and played animalcrossing with me whcih was nice. he’shelping me feel better. he told me it’ll be Finebecause we might haveto do Bad Things but itll help everyonein the lonj run including Vikksstar. And he just got upset because I didn’t understand. soi should have listened better I think. but idtill don’t think it’s okay Vikk is innocent. i offered todo the experiments myself andhe said once he was 10000000% sure he was safe. and then he gave me a ton of bells. i didn’t want to take them because i likr working for my island but dream gotupset so I took it anywHy haha
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strange-doll-child · 1 year
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Heehee hoohoo, funni D&D character go brrr
Anywhi yea, finished that one sketch I posted last time, plus them being a menace
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malscare · 2 years
by @lovthievs :3
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pararororurun · 6 months
sigh,,,imsick,,,,need,,,,es content,,,,
okay ehat if es x reader who is super nice 2 them. like physically and with words nd stuff okay byebye again
Es x Reader
Summary : finally someone your age.
Note : HIII I HOPE YOU DON'T MIND THAT I PUT THIS IN SOME KIND OF FANTASY AU HAHAHAHAHAsorry! But I really liked the concept and wanted to do it but I think I executed it horribly,, anywhi please enjoy!
As you pondered around the ballroom, you spot someone that was around your age. They had grey hair and greyish blue eyes, and looked pretty short.
You walked up to them and briefly introduce yourself, startling them a bit. You apologized and asked how old they were, they looked at you weird before you reassured them that you were (maybe) the same age.
They looked at you weird (again) before sighing and telling you what age they were. Your guess was correct and they were around the same age as you!
You held both of their hand out of joy and also cried tears out of joy, while they looked at you with doubt in their mind. You invited them to walk around the garden, leaning closer than you should have.
They stepped back a bit and hesitated, before agreeing to your offer. You squeal in excimenet as they covered your mouth to lower down your voice.
You realized you haven't asked for their name. When asked, they were quiet for a but, before answering. ".. Es. Es is fine." That name sounded familiar to you but it didn't matter now.
You had a friend who was finally around the same age as you! How awesome is that! You smile and take their hand, leading them to the garden of flowers that you so adore.
Es was out of your perspective, but they were a little glad because of it. If you ever saw them smiling at you, you would've definitely teased them for it.
A few months have passed by and both you and Es have grown fond of each other. The two of you were nearly inseparable if anything! Sure there are ups and downs but you both always find a way to make up.
And somehow, Es is a lot more affectionate than you are! Which shocked you at first. Es would always hug you from behind or suddenly hold your hand out of nowhere.
Then they would randomly say "you're the best thing to ever happen to me." Then walk off and pretends it never happened. These kind of things always makes you a little flustered.
So imagine your surprise when you asked Es why they've become more affectionate these past few months, then get hugged by them.
"I don't know. It just felt right." They let go of the hug and held your hand.
"Come on. You said you wanted to check out the garden today." They smiled at you, before dragging you to the garden while laughing quietly.
Note : I just realized I use 'as you' for first paragraphs a LOT huh, sorry for that
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uptonogoodindiememes · 3 months
Grey's Anatomy Sentence Meme - Heart-Shaped Box
“Hey, I missed you this morning, is everything okay?”
“Go ahead, say it. Say I told you so,”
“You do get that this is supposed to be fun, right?”
“All dressed up and no place to go,”
“I’m not asking for your approval, I’m giving you a heads up,”
“Come on, tell me I’m paranoid or something,”
“I’m just trying to help you,”
“It’s such a treat, seeing you again,”
“I got married,”
“It’s so good to see you, uh, um, I know I haven’t called, and I meant to call so many times,”
“I’m sorry, I panicked,”
“Ohhhh I’m doing so well today,”
“It’s kind of soothing, like sitting in front of a fish tank,”
“You can’t rush the creative process,”
“You were amazing in there!”
“He’s been avoiding me. I mean suddenly he’s cold, and he’s distant,”
“You’re afraid you’re about to have your heart broken by him,”
“Listen, I’ve had this idea. I felt silly even considering it, like, really? You think that’s something you’re gonna do? Now, though, I’m thinking I really wanna do it. I want to go back to school.”
“I gotta try, right?”
“How are you feeling?”
“You have a baby?”
“That’s pretty damn arrogant, don’t you think?”
“Anywhy, my plane lands and ten so wait up, I’m gonna be drunk, and I’m gonna cry. Just warning you,”
“I’m sorry about today,”
“You need to talk to me,”
“No, it wasn’t you, it was me, I’ve been . . . I don’t want to screw things up,”
“Hey, that was our first real fight,”
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