#anywya great record
mountainslesbian · 2 years
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everlasting-elegy · 1 year
AVERWAAWA I COME IN PEACE 😞😞😞 I'm here to tell a funky story
basically a few days ago we met a new friend on IDV and we call them Mua, they're Chinese but not too fluent since they're in another country, not China or anything but smth else (ion' wanna dox my precious) so I was like "awooga you are such a cutie" blindly accepting my love 😈😈 and Buma and I regularly play the game mode Tarot where there's two squires, the ones that protects the King, which is Buma. I play squire and I body block so GGG 💪💪 then the Knights are hunters going after the enemy set, same amount of players, 4v4. The enemy knight's objective is to chair the King three times, they can't chair the squires. Anywyas we had another friend thats a hunter main and they're really adept with most character hunters so we're all set basically. UNTIL WE MET ANOTHER SQUIRE, MUA they play seer, a male survivor who sends an owl as protection for like 10 hoots maybe, they decreased the time the owl stays there for, the owl flies away when the hunter hits the survivor the owl is protecting and the maxed amount they can save up is five owls but you need to stalk the hunter to gain another owl, similar to the survivor I play, Enchantress she needs to be in the vicinity only she doesn't need to stare into the hunters soul or smth. She gives out a short stun on the hunter lasting at least like 2 seconds if you're using a single stun, if you have 2+ stacks of the stun saved up, it prolongs the stun time. So I'm an absolute menace to these enemy knights 😈 especially when I play coordinator which her skill is a single flaregun, can only be used once every round on the hunter which stuns them for quite a while like you'd estimate it as 5 but there's a more exact time recorded somewhere. Point is, Mua played seer and when we first met them I was playing coordinator and Mua saw me shoot the enemy Knight three times and THEY BOUGHT ME ANOTHER GUN AND STOOD THERE WAITING FOR ME TO PICK IT UP 💔💔 I was swooning 😍😍 and screaming, they bought everything in the shop to give to Buma for assistance so they're really great. Today in our last round we were against a Ann, she launches two cats that if you walk into, Ann can control whether to lock your skills, preventing you from using whether item/skill you bought, or stop you from walking for like 5 long seconds and you can't avoid that unless she misses the aim for launching the cats or you run farther away from the cats, because they can jump on you. Unlike survivors, hunters can carry an additional skill such as Excitement which cancels out any stuns and prevent stuns from having any affect on you if someone shoots you whilst Excitement is active nothing will happen
Anyways in tarot there is a shop access for everyone, Buma focuses on buying out everything and to give me a gun when she can, it's the first thing I buy before anything else, but this time I'm playing Enchantress because it's safer with Ann, if Buma gets stunned I can possibly stun Ann with a prolonged stack, or Mua can use the owl before Ann hits Buma. Our Knight is really quick in killing off the enemy King so I usually start rushing to uhm torture the knights 😋 with flareguns, I shot them twice which is confusing because you won't see people giving out guns to others but yeah its obvious Buma and I are friends with the matching users but the whole team were friends and work really well unless we lag 👼🏻 THE ANN GOT REALLY FRUSTRATED WITH ME AND IM ON HALF HEALTH SO IF I GET HIT ONE MORE TIME I'd have to self heal on the floor like crawling, can't run and stuff, they hit me. And they START HITTING THE AIR— sign of being toxic 😈 they hit the air like at least six times before going over to MUA❓❓ LIKE MY PRECIOUS MUA 💔 Mua hit them with a pallet though so it was good until a second latrr lol because we shouldn't be using up too much pallets. Then to transitioned to finding Buma and the whole time she was like "wow she's so pissed she ain't even going after me anymore" anyways I got up and shot them again with Mua's gun 😋 then ALL OF A SUDDEN MUA GIVES ME AN OWL AND I WAs so touched because thr Ann used Excitement for that gun and it was so sudden I didnt expect Mua to even be prepared, I didnt even expect to get an owl like Mua is more and more awooga every time we play with them ♡♡ cheating on Buma like the way she cheated on me with Skillshare on 23rd January 2022, 3am in HK time, 10am in UK time 💔💔 oh but anywyas after the match was over, I waddled my winning ass over to the post match and asked
"do you like eating bullets"
"they're delicious"
then leaving right after because im a civil human being😘 best last match ever my teammates were like "goddamn that Ann was toxic"
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Meme is referencing to when Buma actually lags and clowns around then gets chaired, and Mua at the bottom of the staircase of Buma's lobby room because I realized they were just standing at the bottom of the staircase and I decided to join and leave my little corner where I always stand at next to a newspaper decor then the other two always followed me down LOL
purple color because less harsh on the eyes for a long period of time I tink
- 🎎/Ko
Not gonna lie I don't know much of the IDV terminology and a lot of the strategy is going over my head but I do understand the universal language of toxicity 😌 I wouldn't go out of my way to get someone tilted, but if the enemy gets annoyed at me I STILL CALL THAT A WIN. It seems you guys have all the strats and reflexes covered in that game, do you play much competitive or is it too toxic over there??
It ain't IDV but I've been watching some Dead by Daylight recently and it seems the game structure is pretty similar. Only DBD doesn't have the absolute banger aesthetic and vibes that IDV has 😩
Hmmm is this the sorta music you listen to?? The vibes are chill, I like~ we're not gonna talk about the title
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peachymess · 5 years
I just got through a 10hour long shift after only sleeping for two hours last night. Woke up just in time to put my clothes on in a hurry and run to the bus stop. It was... rough. Not terrible, just rough. It’s my own fault for having such a messed up sleeping schedule but it was still a rough day to get through.
I actually had a good day, over all. We were hosting a kid’s show in the morning so started out greeting and entertaining kids, which is nice because I love kids! And they were all so well behaved today, it went like a dream! I also got to prep candy bags that we’re selling tomorrow for the show, and it was truly a labor of love because I was just imagining how much happiness this pile of neatly bundled candy would spread. Then there’s the usual small interactions with good customers that just make your day, you know. If you can help them find something they’ve lost and they thank you, or they make a point out of telling you how good you are at your job, etc. Guys, it’s amazing how just little things like a sincere thank you and a smile can make such a difference for people who work with customers! Then my favorite coworker showed up for the last third of the shift and yeah.. too many things to list, honestly. There were just a bunch of small things that made my day great! ... It was just kinda rough because I was tired as fuck and my stomach was upset all day haha.
Anywyas. Pointless ramble I guess. I guess I’m just... grateful? Yeah, grateful. I’m having a depression spell lately, but at least life is actually taking a turn for the pleasant (depression and life situation isn’t linked, so things can go well and yet you feel like dying; that’s what’s going on for me rn)! Yesterday was so great; I think I truly made a new good IRL friend. I actually think she might become prominent in my life for the next chapter of my journey. After SNK.
... speaking of SNK. I did record the snk voice meme I was tagged in. I’m very on the fence about posting it, because.. I’m afab and my voice gives that away. That’s why I don’t like showing my face or voice online, because this is the only place I can be separate from my mismatching physical existence... Yet, the voice meme has been so much fun to follow these past few days, and I feel so much closer to everyone, hearing the people behind these blogs I’ve co-fanboyed with for years... So I’m really on the fence about posting it. I also realize I speak super slowly so it’s kinda boring. I just want you guys to be aware in advance, if I post, that my voice is feminine... I hope you guys will accept me for it.
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