#aph Nordic Capitals
nordic-capitals-inc · 2 years
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Helsinki: P E R S E !
Stockholm: What in the world are you yelling about?
Helsinki: The blog!!! I forgot about the blog!!
All: WHAT?
Stockholm: It was your turn to look after it Virva!
Copenhagen: H-How could you forget about it!?
Helsinki: I don't know! I just forgot!
Reykjavik: This is why I should be in charge, it
Is my phone.
Helsinki: Rey. I do not need your sass right now.
Oslo: Herregud-
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simple-persica · 2 years
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A sketch dump of Helsinki from my recent toktok
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cass-yes · 3 years
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i drew @simple-persica’s oslo oc! i love her design and she radiates amazing vibes ✨
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cynnied-writes · 5 years
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Astrid Väinämöinen aka Helsinki 🇫🇮
“What do you mean it’s ‘too early’ for Christmas?”
“It’s July.”
“Your point?”
Nordic Capitals
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I chose the Hetalia oc, meet Oslo. She's Norway's capital.
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snark-sniper · 3 years
Snarker’s tag list
I’ve had this blog since 2014 and I may have finally figured out my tag system, so here it is in one convenient post so you can see what I’m all about. (More likely, it’s so I can browse my own blog without typing out URLs every time.)
Happy tags
Reblogging for how hard I laughed at this
Love it
I snorted
Humanity - all the things that make humans connected and awesome
Cute stuff
Holy shit
Cool story
Time travel
Humans and aliens (former tag: humans as the alpha alien)
Ferret - I had some as pets, so they get an automatic reblog from me
Informative tags
I love linguistics
I love languages - referring to languages themselves, not necessarily the science behind them
I love English
Social justice
Feminism / Badass women
Racism / BLM
Disabilities / Ableism
Body positivity / Fatphobia
Islamophobia and antisemitism
Labor rights
Stuff we should have covered in school
Sex ed
Human evolution
Mental health
Relationships - romance, friendship, family, parenting, etc.
Therapy - things actual therapists have said, or at least things that sound therapeutic to me
Neurodivergence - my catch-all tag for autism, Aspergers, ADHD, and so on
Current events
US politics
UK politics
Current events that are actually good
Global cultures / World cultures (I’ll combine these eventually) / US culture
Job hunting / Work / Work life (everyday life at work)
Relatable tags
Mental illness - no advice, just memes and the like
University life
The “facts” tag
Fanfiction facts - referring to the experience of reading or writing fic
Fandom facts
Reading facts - referring to books and non-fandom
Writing facts - generally not fic-specific
Tumblr facts
Greek mythology
Norse mythology
Fairy tales
Writing tips
Fanfiction - referring to actual fic I read or plan to read
Fic rec
Quotes - like smart ones from real people, not incorrect quotes from fandom
My fandoms
Hetalia, a.k.a. what this blog originally was for
Hetalia fandom facts
Dennor, which is apparently my top tag
My precious nordics, a tag I’ve been using longer than “aph nordics”
All other ships are tagged by their pairing name only (”fruk”, “rusame”, “sufin”, etc.). I don’t tag the individual characters within the ship
All other characters are tagged “aph [country name]” except for very old posts
Star Wars, including The Mandalorian and all three trilogies
Star Trek, including the original series, The Next Generation, DS9, Discovery, the reboot, and all of the above
Marvel, including the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Harry Potter
Disney, including Pixar and the Disney princesses
Musicals, including Les Mis, Hadestown, Phantom of the Opera, and a full-on Newsies sideblog
Stranger Things
Stephen King’s (and Andy Muschietti’s) It movies
Multiple reblogs and my reasons for doing so
I think about this a lot
I don’t care if I’ve reblogged this before
It got better
It got worse
It’s illustrated
Snarker-specific tags
Snarker speaks - every time I make or add to a post
Snarker writes fic
Me in a relationship
Stuff I want to buy (or be bought for me)
Tagging thing, like when I have to say something (my opinion, a quiz result, etc.) in the tags
Mesmerizing, a.k.a. stuff I stared at for a good while
My aesthetic
My bisexual role models
Reminder to myself - discontinued because I could never remember whether it was for cheering myself up or actual reminders
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whimpering-hearts · 5 years
Coffee Break : aph crack drabble
Coffee Break
Featuring: Norway, Finland, England (ft. Denmark)
Words: 1,786
Genre: comedy, action,
A/N: I had a burst of inspiration to write this at 1am. I was inspired by how dependent on coffee I became during Finals week lol. I have no idea if this story makes sense, but it was great fun to write, and I hope that people find it enjoyable! :)
It was painful for some people to accept it, but sometimes sacrifices must be made for the sake of the greater good. That went for health, too. As much as some people enjoyed the taste of cookie crumbs and bubbling soda on their tongues, in the end, all sugar caused was trouble. It was known for causing bad diseases, making people obese, and a series of other unhealthy habits.
Arthur Kirkland hadn’t minded when the World Counsel of Health had decided to ban it in large dose and raise the price so people would buy less. To be fair, Arthur’s food was awful and he had no taste for what sugar had to offer to some of the finest pastries and desserts in Europe. His food was borderline inedible.
So when the World Counsel of Health had decided that caffeine was harmful to the growth of the human body and assisted sleep deprivation and mood swings, Arthur hadn’t cared much. He’d always been more of a tea drinker – it was so much more proper than coffee, at least in his mind. Arthur was still caught up in his glory days. Caffeine was turned into a prescription drug that one could only buy if a doctor approved it beforehand, and even then it was ridiculously expensive. That also meant that coffee was internationally taken off the shelves.
But while Arthur hadn’t minded the take away of coffee and caffeine, other’s definitely did. People around him were in tears; some were sobbing in the streets for days, and a certain Nordic was so outraged that he nearly set his capital on fire. Wasn’t there a time Arthur had been surrounded by people crying in the past? Yes, when was that? Oh wait, it was his Alfred’s Revolution and he’d been the one who was crying with the rest of the British Army. Oh well, there’s a first time for everything.
It was a day like any spring day, however the English weather had decided to give Arthur a break and show some sun. Arthur felt like it had been ages since he’d last seen the sun without any clouds. It was the perfect day to get outside and walk around the city; he’d be a tourist in his own city for a day. The blond visited all the popular sights, Trafalgar Square, the London Eye, Buckingham Palace – these were all sights he’d seen countless times over the years. 
Finally, at some point in the afternoon, he decided to stop by a drugstore to pick up a much needed new comb and some first aid supplies. You just never knew what was going to happened these days. Kids were crazy and it seemed that their parents had failed to implement proper manners. However, Arthur wasn’t a first-rate caretaker either, as Alfred had declared independence as soon as he understood the concept, and then everyone followed in suit.
Arthur had just rounded a corner into another aisle when Arthur got a bad feeling in his stomach. No, not his stomach, his gut. After living centuries, Arthur had learned to trust his gut, and was telling him that something wasn’t right. 
As if to answer his question, suddenly there was the sound of warning gun shots shooting up into the roof and then shouting. Arthur threw himself to the ground, backed himself up against the shelf and peered out towards the door. There stood two men, completely dressed in back with ski masks on.
The man on the left fired his gun into the air, blasting holes int he ceiling. Some gasps came from around the store, and by this point everyone was on the floor, holding their heads and trying to stay as low as possible. Arthur watched carefully as the two men walked around, holding their guns, but to Arthur for some reason they didn’t seem that intimidating.
“This is a robbery!” one of the men shouted. “If everyone remains where they are then we won’t have to take you hostage.”
Some more gasps and cries came from the people in the store at the possibility of being taken hostage. A mother gripped her child closer.
“Wait, what,” one of the robbers whispered under his breath to the guy who had announced everything. “I said I wasn’t comfortable with that stuff,” he whispered.
“Tino, be quiet,” the other man bit back under his breath. “I’m just trying to scare them. We’re not hurting anyone. Now stop talking.”
The man – Tino – continued to point his gun at people as he and his partner made their way deeper into the store. As they moved, everyone huddled close to the floor and ducked their heads in fear of making eye contact with the madmen. The two men walked up to prescription desk, which a woman was crouched behind, shaking in fear of what might happen to her.
“You,” the more aggressive man pointed at her, and she trembled even more. “You’re going to load all this store’s caffeine tablets and coffee bags into this duffle bag–” the man threw a grey duffle bag onto the counter as he spoke, “– and don’t lie to me,” he continued with a cold tone as he pointed the gun. “Just because you don’t have them out on the shelves doesn’t mean you don’t have them. I know they’re in the back. You’d better bring all of them to me.”
The woman stuttered and started to speak, but she quickly figured that it was best not to argue with these men and just do what they wanted. Tears caused by worry ran down her face as she picked herself up, nodded and quickly began to load the packages of caffeine into the grey duffle bag. Arthur must have spotted at least over a hundred pills of caffeine get dumped into the bag. 
When the woman finished, she put her hands in the air and mumbled, “I need to go to the back room to get the coffee packets. I promise I won’t run.” Her visible trembles could be seen from half way across the store. She was terrified to death. Arthur actually pitied her, and he could relate. He wasn’t afraid anymore, as this wasn’t his first time in this type of situation. However, that didn’t mean he was going to play the role of the hero.
“Ja, you’re not going to run away,” the more dominant of the robbers stated confidently. He gestured to the man next to him with his hand. “Go with her and make sure she doesn’t run.”
Tino seemed uncertain. “Oh, okay. Wait, what are you going to do?” He questioned.
“Stay here and make sure nobody runs or calls the cops.”
Tino asked no more questions and disappeared into the back room with the woman. At least he seemed a bit more sympathetic than the other guy. Who were these people? Were they actually at a a pharmacy to steal coffee and caffeine? Why not the money? Who would be this desperate to steal caffeine and coffee? These two people apparently. So many questions that Arthur wasn’t sure which were the most important to answer. One thing he knew though was that he’d been in worse situations, but this was one of the…strangest. Of course, there had been weirder situations, given the things Arthur used to get into with Vladimir and Lukas. 
After a bit, Tino and the woman reappeared. Tino nodded to the man indicating that everything had been taken care of. The man, who’d remained in the room, took the bag from him and slung it over his shoulder. As he turned around, he scanned the room with his gun. More gasps and yelps of fear came from the crowd, but Arthur knew that these two weren’t going to shoot anyone. They probably didn’t even have the guts to shoot someone, but Arthur didn’t want to test that theory.
“Okay, we’re leaving now,” the unnamed man announced. “Nobody is allowed to call the police for three minutes. If I hear sirens before three minutes, I will blow this place up.”
Even more gasps came from the crowd. Arthur knew that it was probably a lie, but he wasn’t going to take his chances.
“That’s right. I’ve rigged this place with TNT, and if you don’t listen to me, I will blow all of you up,” he explained as he and his partner made their way to the entrance door. Over twenty pairs of eyes followed them as they did so, each counting down the seconds until they’d be safe, again.
“Okay, all of you’d better wait three minutes or I’ll know.”
With that both men ran out of the store, and everyone heaved a deep breath of relief.
The two men ran around to the back of the store, the sound of their breath and footsteps echoing in the dead air. They stopped behind the store, near some crates to catch their breath. The man carrying the bag dropped it on the ground and yanked off his ski mask, revealing a messy head of blond hair.
“What in the world was that, Lukas?” Tino asked as he tugged off his own mask. “You went off script.”
“I wanted my coffee,” Lukas responded, sounding as if there was nothing wrong with what he’d just done. “Where is Matthias? He’s suppose to be here.”
Tino just scoffed and took a few steps away from the Norwegian, who glanced over at him. Tino crossed his arms and gave another scoff of disbelief. “I can’t believe you just threatened to kill everyone in there. You terrified those innocent people half to death, you know?”
Lukas just shrugged his shoulders and continued looking around. “Desperate times call for desperate measures.” Where the heck was Matthias? How were they suppose to get away without their getaway driver?
At last, Lukas saw a car that resembled the one Matthias had dropped them off in pull up to the curb. Lukas had told him to wait there, not drive around the parking lot like a lost puppy. Lukas signaled for Tino to pick up the bag and put it in back with him; Lukas would take the front seat.
As Lukas opened the front door, he was greeted by Matthias’ smiling face. He looked so happy despite being a getaway driver.
“Your Uber driver is here,” Mathias greeted with a wide smile. Oh, he thought he was so funny, didn’t he. Tino quickly threw the duffle bag in the car and both men piled in.
“Hey, want to hear something special?” Lukas asked Matthias as he threw his seatbelt on and the car began to take off.
“You’re an idiot.”
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nordic-capitals-inc · 2 years
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nordic-capitals-inc · 2 years
On a scale of nope to 10 how squishy/cuddly are they?
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DC: You can trust my opinion, I am a professional
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nordic-capitals-inc · 2 years
You said that Oslo likes skating, can you please elaborate on that?
When did she start? Is it speed or figure skating? Any other details you'd like to share?
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O: And I am honestly not very good at figure skating or anything close, I just like to glide around and feel the coolness of the ice
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nordic-capitals-inc · 2 years
Do any of you enjoy ABBA ?
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O: Stockholm's a really big fan but, I think she's embarrassed about it.
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nordic-capitals-inc · 2 years
did any of y’all dress up for halloween?
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R: We all had to. DC invited us over to trick-or-treat and she said we had to wear a costume if we wanted candy
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nordic-capitals-inc · 2 years
How easy out of 10 would it be to glomp each of the capitals.
Because I want to and I wanted to know the scores so I.can figure out the amount of force needed for a successful glomp.
Good day to you
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((They haven't told Rey yet because they think her lack of internet slang is funny))
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nordic-capitals-inc · 3 years
What jobs would the capital's have it they had any?
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Copenhagen would be a soccer coach at a local elementary school who likes to box in secret (I know I wrote football but I swear it made sense at the time)
Ida would be a management consultant or something of the like, she'd be a very busy body
Stockholm would work at a furnishing store where she does basic things like staining, sanding, with the occasional custom paint job. She'd be taking online classes at the same time
Rey is very much a child, so she'd just be enjoying elementary school, reading about volcanos, and playing soccer after school with C
Helsinki would be a barista at a local coffee shop while also being in high school as a senior
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nordic-capitals-inc · 3 years
What did all look like when they were small?
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H: Wow, Osie had a lot of hair back then
R: Is that baby me????
S: Yes Rey. These are just that old, but it should be impossible to have these.
C: Yeah, I may not remember much but I do NOT remember Holms and I being followed around by a cameraman that day
O: How in the world did you get these Nor?
N: I have my ways
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nordic-capitals-inc · 3 years
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A long while ago I saw a comment wondering what DC and Rey’s friendship looks like, so here! They’re both very passionate about very specific things and they do presentation nights where they just talk about it at length.
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