#aph copenhagen
nordic-capitals-inc · 2 years
On a scale of nope to 10 how squishy/cuddly are they?
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DC: You can trust my opinion, I am a professional
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jalshristovski · 6 months
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I think this is funny enough to post here
I was in Copenhagen in December and saw this comically tall bench and decided it’s there for Sweden and his comically long legs
I like to think Denmark would’ve put it there as a joke and gotten his shit rocked (before Sve started actually using it in visits)
Genuinely wishing I had taken a better picture of it since I knew I wanted to draw this lol
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ifindus · 2 years
Loved your post on universities! It reminded me of something I once read in a history book where the author cited a Danish student’s recollection of his time at Copenhagen University sometime in the late 1700s–early 1800s, and it was just this poor dude complaining about getting bullied by a group of overachieving Norwegian students who only socialised among themselves, always hogged the best seats in the auditorium and called the Danes “jyder” (derogatory). If I remember correctly there was also some throwing of paper wads involved. Just wanted to share cuz the original text was so funny, I’ve been trying to find it again but no luck yet 😭
Thank you!!
Norwegian students in Copenhagen were definitely something else 😅 I think that culture that grew around those students def helped in promoting a Norwegian identity as something to be proud of in Denmark-Norway. And we still have some of the traditions they made up in use in Norwegian universities today! Like bullying Danes
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simple-persica · 3 years
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Hehehe the power of red markers and a good liner
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ask-hetaaca-denmark · 3 years
What's it like being surrounded by birds?
“I wouldn’t say I’m surrounded by birds, but there’s definitely a bunch of ‘em on the island!”
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“We’ve got Mikkel, another nurse at the school! De were brought on to lessen Aggie’s workload, from what I was told.”
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“Then there’s Goose, who isn’t actually a bird, but she has the nickname and can grow wings sometimes, so she TECHNICALLY counts in my mind!
Actually, quick side tangent, I know I’ve been inactive for a while, but that’s because a LOT has been happenin’! For one, one of my uncles showed up on the island a couple months ago, and-”
[ Mat stops talking momentarily to stifle his laughter. ]
“I don’t entirely know what happened, but Goose apparently went full goose on him.. I guess he pissed her off, and I don’t think I’ve EVER heard Onkel scream like that! It was an experience, for sure!
Would he count as a bird? He’s got the hair for it- whatever, MORE BIRDS!”
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“There’s Hanni and Monika, who I’m sure you guys knew about already! If not, Hannibal’s my younger brother, and Monika is a student in the Management Department! They’ve got their own blogs, so if you’ve got questions, you can go check ‘em out here and here!”
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“Then there’s Krákur, who’s my fiiiirst cousin, I think? Family trees are hard to remember. BUT hen's a relative on my dad’s side! Hen and hens parents came to the island.. a month or two ago, I think. It’s been really fun getting to meet the other half of the family! I’ve only ever known my mom’s side, I didn’t even know my dad still talked to his family! Someone will have to remind me to get photos with tante Abí, onkel? Rúnar and onkte Fahren too..”
[ He trails off, bringing a noticeably not-fleshy hand up to scratch his face and kind of staring off into the middle distance for a moment. After a minute or two, he shakes his head. ]
“I’ll have to ask again what Rúnar uses pronoun-wise, and what title they want me to use. But that can wait until later, let’s get back on track!”
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“Eir’s not technically a bird either, but she’s got the wings! She can’t really use them, though, they’re more for appearance than flight from what she’s told me!
I don’t have any recent photos of her on hand, but Mathilde’s technically a bird! She’s got the eyes and some bird-like dietary restrictions, and the four shoulder blades, just no actual wings! She’s a ‘lesbian penguin’, in her own words!”
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“There’s Miss Michelle, who works as a hero and marine biologist on the island. I’ve only met her a handful of times, and that was mainly because she worked with my class during our first year! And she’s been a guest durin’ a few of our science classes too! She’s done lots of great work in her field, AND she has really pretty wings!!” (•̪ o •̪)
“But I thiiiink that’s it? Obviously, there’s bound to be more, there’s a LOT of people on the island after all! And there’s always new people showin’ up! It’s been really nice seein’ so many new faces, though. They’re all pretty nice, so I’d say I’m enjoyin' bein’ surrounded!”
ft. Mikkel (Copenhagen), Hannibal (2P!Denmark), and Krákur (Klaksvík) from @ask-hetaaca-scandinavia
ft. Monika (Nyo!Germany) from @ask-myhero-nyogermany
ft. Gisila (2P!Nyo!Prussia) from @ask-hetaaca-2pnyoprussia
and also featuring Eir (Reykjavik) and Michelle (Seychelles), a few of my other muses who haven’t made an official appearance yet. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
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hetaestoniahq · 3 years
Who allowed Denmark to be responsible over more than one child??
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|| AAA I couldn't stop myself, I just really wanted to draw little Reval (aka Tallinn) and @nordic-capitals-inc's Copenhagen
The historical accuracy likely isn't even close, I struggle with finding info on historical clothing especially for specific areas.
Though they likely didn't get to meet, just, shhh, let me imagine ok? I imagine Reval naturally really looked up to Copenhagen, like she did with Denmark.
Also god Reval looked so different back then
I hope the admin is okay with what I drew QwQ I just really wanted to draw Copenhagen aAAAaa ||
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cherries-are-valid · 3 years
Self care is when you add your oc(s) to your favorite fictional friend group.
That being said: Copenhagen is the official chaos controller™️ of the awesome trio
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kazooodles · 3 years
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Day 2 of Huevember! Slowly but surely I’m working on this, haha
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paranormalstopsign · 4 years
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As to not lose my art skills I simped and drew @simple-persica​s Copenhagen.
She stronk
Do not repost or use (unless you are persica)
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askthenordic2ps · 5 years
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iPad’s Gacha Life slots are full
Tómas/Valdís - the two Icelanders
Beck/Beatrix - the two Swedes
Mikkel/Hanne - the two Danes
Eirik/Ingrid - the two Norwegians
Leevi/Maija - the two Finns
Emma - Stockholm
Annebeth - Copenhagen
Alda - Reykjavik
Astra - Oslo (her and her counterparts came back with a tan, don’t @ me)
Taika - Helsinki
Berwald - 1P!Sweden
Eleonora - Faroe Islands
Heiká - Finnmark (Norwegian Sámi/Lapland)
Adriaan - Amsterdam
Ianto - my 3P!Wales
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nordic-capitals-inc · 2 years
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Helsinki: P E R S E !
Stockholm: What in the world are you yelling about?
Helsinki: The blog!!! I forgot about the blog!!
All: WHAT?
Stockholm: It was your turn to look after it Virva!
Copenhagen: H-How could you forget about it!?
Helsinki: I don't know! I just forgot!
Reykjavik: This is why I should be in charge, it
Is my phone.
Helsinki: Rey. I do not need your sass right now.
Oslo: Herregud-
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cynnied-writes · 5 years
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Erik Kohler aka Copenhagen 🇩🇰
“Nope, we can’t go there.”
“Why not?”
“I’m banned for life because I may or may not have gone fishing in that giant fountain in the center of the mall.”
Nordic Capitals
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ask-pottertalia · 4 years
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Four more
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simple-persica · 3 years
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sO when I tell y’all I’ve been trying to draw for days, I’ve been trying to draw for D A Y S
This is all I’ve produced this week and I’m sorry
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ask--2pdenmark · 4 years
Norways hair is soooo gorgeous!
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Christian: You've summoned him anon....
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jonesaf · 5 years
things get real Intense(TM) in the NedDen household whenever their national football teams play each other. and don’t even get them started on that one time copenhagen played ajax...
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