#aph australia x reader
hetaliaimaginesin2022 · 2 months
Heyo from your neighbourhood lurker I have but only a simple request, you see there are very few Australia content on this site and its saddened me so for my request I’d like cuddling hcs for Jett/Australia and I love your writing of other characters that I think you’ll nail his character
Thank you for reading my humble request
From your friendly neighbourhood lurker 
Thank you so much! Ask and you shall receive, my dear, I hope I did alright!
Cuddling Headcanons With Australia
Jett can be quite affectionate with you
He's pretty laid back, he'll go with whatever the day presents him, so if you'd like to spend the day at home, he has no problem dragging through the day at a snail's pace, spending the time with you in bed or on the couch
Cuddling on the bed will entail either your head on his chest, or spooning, with his arms loosely around you on both occasions
When you two are cuddling on the couch, more often than not, he's laying down, back against the couch, as you're completely laying on him, something idly playing on the TV for background noise
He likes cuddling before bed too, he thinks that spending the first hour or so after waking up with you in his arms is quite nice
Regarding PDA, he doesn't consider it as an issue
He'll do anything from hand holding to lip locking around others, so whatever you're comfortable with is the pace
Because he has a deep love for the outdoors that he'll no doubt share with you, he'll also be affectionate or cuddly during those kinds of outings
One late afternoon when he brought you along to go whale watching, the breeze that the sea carried cooled the air down and you got the littlest bit cold, so he wrapped a light blanket around you and brought you closer to him, you leaning against his chest
Another time, he had wanted to teach you how to surf, so after you had spent the better part of three hours in the ocean, the two of you laid on a blanket under the hot sun, your head on his chest and his hand on your waist
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atom-writings · 1 year
hi! could i have general relationship + crushing hcs of america, australia, india and canada w/ a tropical country! reader?
(America, Canada, Australia, and India X Reader) Tropical Country S/O!
(Gender Neutral) Headcanons ~ A/N india doesnt have a canon name so i looked at ones ppl have suggested n used that?? If its . offensive let me know i am not . educated on indian culture ): anyway cool req!!!!
Trigger Warning: It's not fluffy but there's no real trigger warnings i think, so...
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Surprisingly, Alfred would be pretty resistant to dating another nation… at least, before he met you. He’s never had real good relations with any country, and he wouldn’t want to mess up another relationship because of politics. It’s just business anyway, right? At least, that’s what he thought before you took his breath away.
Unfortunately, he does have a pretty American attitude about your country. He absolutely loves visiting, but he never stays for too long. During the summer months, you’ll see him a couple of times a month, but during the winter, he practically lives in your home. Like a street cat who wanders in whenever he needs an escape from the rest of the world. 
But if you ever need an escape too, he’s perfectly happy to be that for you. You two, despite both being nations, have had very different lives. He knows he’ll never be able to truly understand the struggles you face. But he is always willing to run to your aid, holding your hand tightly while you sit on the beach, venting about your struggles. 
But being able to run to you is one of his favourite things about dating you. When he’s with you, he’s got a perfect excuse to cut off everything around him, just basking in how much he loves being with you. But then he gets bored. And he wants to go on hikes to see all your pretty scenery. Hope you like sweating!
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Matthew was… nervous to start dating another nation. Anytime he spends any time with another nation, it always turns sour. Whether that be subtle insults, an argument, or him being talked over. But, when he realises you’re a little nation, he feels a lot better. You’ve been talked over a lot too, haven’t you? Yeah, well, no more of that for either of you. He’ll make sure.
You may have a shared history of being dismissed, but he is still pretty different from you. Reason number one, he hates tropical environments. If it gets any hotter than like… 26 degrees, he’s on the verge of passing out. But then he doesn’t even tell you about it! So you end up having to practically drag him back into the air-conditioned car. All while he’s blubbering like, “I’M SORRY! I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!”
He does absolutely adore your country, though. One of his favourite things to do is just lay his head in your lap while you tell him stories about your long life, and he can’t stop thinking about how different your lives have gone. But it just makes him fall more in love. Fate shouldn’t have brought the two of you together, but it did! And now he can’t let go… even if you might melt him.
You bring out a very different side to him, too. While he normally can’t even get a single word out against other nations, he’s always standing up for you. You’re hot and he’s cold, you’re small and he’s big, it means you have to take care of each other! He takes that duty very seriously.
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Unlike a lot of other nations, Liam is pretty happy you’re a nation too. Most people find him a little bit too… much… but if you work together, you’ll get to know that he’s not always so overwhelming! Plus, no awkward conversation about the fact that he’s like, 200 years old and was never born.
He loves your nation too! It’s a lot like his, hot, full of bugs, and most of it is not easily inhabitable. The only difference is that your place is a lot prettier. At least, on average. Either way, he’s over the moon about getting to know your country. And even more excited to share his with you! It’s like you’re naturally matching.
That’s for sure one of his favourite things about you. Both being island nations (for the most part,) you surely have a lot of similar skills and hobbies. That means he doesn’t have to teach you anything, you two just get to improve together, no struggle along the way. And when he sees your pretty skin, set in the perfect light of the sunset, he always thinks to himself about how much he appreciates you; how you make him better, just by your presence.
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Aditya is always surprised by how much he loves you. For a long time, he’s done everything he could to keep away from the other nations. Hard to trust, you know? But with you… he doesn’t mind. Somehow, both of your statuses have become a benefit rather than their usual liability. After all, no one could understand the struggle of immortality quite like another immortal. You make him feel very… safe.
Usually being classified as a tropical country himself, he really doesn’t mind your climate either. Your home feels just like his home (like it was meant to be!) So he can’t help getting a little nosy when it comes to learning about your culture. I mean, you two are similar in a lot of ways, so he’s got to figure out how you’re different, right? Otherwise, you might be related… what?! He’s just being careful!
No, but seriously, he adores how alike you two are. On a global scale, he struggles to keep up with his nation’s changing identity. He’s never really known his place. But you can relate, can’t you? Your thoughts and feelings always being seen as secondary, he’s sick of it. But being able to talk about it with you, makes it a little better. In fact, you end up making a lot of things better. It’s hard for him to think of you as anything other than perfect, and he couldn’t be happier.
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i’m back! this time could i have some crushing + gen relationship hcs w/ australia?💞
Jett Kirkland (AUSTRALIA), Nathaniel Zacker (NEW ZEALAND), and Arthur Kirkland (ENGLAND), and Ciarán Kirkland (IRELAND) GENERAL CRUSHING HEADCANONS
HI, @reeces-pieses!! Of course, you can have another crushing Headcannon. And you are the first time who actually requested for Australia and I will try my best to portray him inside of this Headcannon! I hope you do not mind that I add England and also New Zealand.
Gender: Neutral Warning: None
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Actually, it's pretty obvious when he has a crush but sadly since he is friendly and an extrovert, you are going to think he would be just being friendly so this can be a bit tricky.
He will be touchy around you but not to the point he will make you uncomfortable. Mostly he would shake your hand, head, or shoulder. He still respects your boundaries.
If you are sad, he would try to make you laugh by making funny jokes but if you are still sad and need something to be hugged, he would let you cuddle his koala.
Seems confident but secretly shy. If you actually touch him, he would internally scream in happiness, he could not believe that you actually just touched him.
Actually have crazy effort for you if he had a crush on you, he would keep asking you to hang out with him but since it's in the stage of crushing, he would let you bring your own friends and his friends.
Sometimes, he would lend you his hat or an umbrella if you got sunburnt since his beaches can be hot. He doesn't care if he gets a sunburn he thinks you need it more than him.
It would be hard to catch him getting shy because once you look at him, he would act as if he had not just gotten reddened when you held one of his hands and smiled at you.
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The golden sands stretched out before them, kissed by the warm rays of the summer sun. A gentle breeze carried the salty tang of the ocean as the person strolled along the beach, their footsteps leaving imprints in the soft sand. Seagulls wheeled and cried overhead, adding their voices to the symphony of the seaside.
A person with a pair of shorts and a loose-fitting t-shirt, the vibrant colours contrasting against the blue sky. With each step, they/she/he felt the stress of everyday life melt away, replaced by a sense of peace and contentment. After days of working hard, (Y/N) finally deserve a resting time. "(Y/N)! Oi mate!" A person suddenly called your name.
(Y/N) turned at the sound of their/his/her name, curious about the source of the cheerful greeting. As they scanned the beach, their eyes landed on Jett Kirkland, the personification of Australia, waving enthusiastically with a surfboard in hand. A grin spread across (Y/N)'s face as they recognized the familiar figure, known for his love of adventure and the ocean. "Oh hey, Australia," You made your way over him.
Jett's playful strokes on (Y/N)'s head gave her/him/them a pleasant sensation, and his cheerful demeanour placed them at rest. As he expressed his excitement at seeing you in his own country, (Y/N) couldn't help but grin in response, impressed by his genuine enthusiasm. But you had had no idea that, beyond Jett's friendly façade, he was hiding his feelings for a long time. "Hey (Y/N), do you wanna surf with me. The waves in here are great!" "I... I can't surf," (Y/N) admitted, feeling a twinge of embarrassment.
Jett's smile grew wider at (Y/N)'s response. "Don't worry at all! I'll teach you," he guaranteed, his voice full of confidence. "We'll start softly, and I'll be right behind you the entire time. How does that sound?" With a reluctant nod, (Y/N) agreed, feeling both excited and nervous. The possibility of learning to surf with Jett at your side filled you with excitement.
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Even more obvious than Australia because he would be more clumsy than him. You would often catch him in the act when he was getting shy around you.
Poor guy, he is trying to speak normally around you but he would always be stammering and forgot what he should say next so he would just kind of stand there with a red face and say sorry.
I think he can bake but not as great as Austria or Germany. He would at least leave a pavlova on your tables. It is kind of messy but at least it was delicious. Or he would leave some ANZAC biscuits when it is Valentine's.
Always listen to you when you are talking around him, he would sometimes be in a daze because he thinks you look attractive but once you ask him, he would quickly snap out of it.
Gives you a meaningful small gift when he has crushes on you and it can be either handmade or he uses his own money instead of the government's money.
Most of the gifts he will give is probably a handmade scarf because I headcanon that he can knit since he is the country with lots of sheep. Either it will be a scarf, sweater, bobble head or a plushie.
Actually, would let you cuddle his lambs when you are sad but secretly he wishes it was him instead that is getting cuddled with you are sad.
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As the rain poured mercilessly, each droplet seemed to reflect the pain in (Y/N)'s heart. Standing in the rain, their damp clothes clinging to their/her/his body, (Y/N) felt the weight of their fight with their/her/his buddy push against them like thick clouds above. The lack of an umbrella reflected their unpreparedness for the storm that had formed between them, putting them in this pathetic position of vulnerability.
(Y/N) let out a shocked yelp as her shoes glided on the slick ground, landing against the wet pavement. Pain rushed through your right knee as you slumped, the pain of the impact blurring your senses for a brief second. Nathaniel Zacker, the personification of New Zealand, had just returned from a nearby conference when he heard your cries of pain and hurried to her rescue. With worry on his face, he knelt alongside her/him/them. "(Y/N), A-are you okay?"
(Y/N) gazed up in surprise as Nathaniel came before them, his presence both unexpected and reassuring. With a trembling nod, (Y/N) accepted Nathaniel's offer of help. Nathaniel softly placed his arm around (Y/N), carefully guiding them to their feet, and (Y/N) couldn't help but feel reassured by his touch. "Th-thank you," (Y/N) stuttered, their/her/his voice quiet and grateful as they fought to stand, their/his/her wounded knees protesting with each step.
Nathaniel's concern only deepened as he noticed (Y/N)'s struggle. With a tender smile, he offered his scarf to keep them warm, his gesture of kindness warming (Y/N)'s heart despite the chill of the rain-soaked air. "Come on, let's get you somewhere dry and warm," Nathaniel said gently, his arm still supporting (Y/N) as he led them towards his home.
Nathaniel's pulse raced and his cheeks flushed crimson as he silently thanked his fortunate stars for the unexpected meeting with his crush. Nathaniel took consolation in being their light of peace amongst the storm, despite the tornado of emotions rising inside him.
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Another guy who is obvious but not as obvious as New Zealand. In Cannon, he is a Tsundere and this is one of the reasons why it is obvious.
The reason it is not that obvious is because he could act like a poise gentleman. Doesn't react when you touch him or tease him or just simply look away as he hides his red face.
Acts rude towards you but in reality, he doesn't want anything bad to happen to you. For example, if you wanted to do something reckless, he would say whatever but as soon as you were gone. He would scream 'DON'T DO IT!"
Tries to bake a scones for you but soon there would be mountains of them that were thrown away because all of them are not edible and already looks like charcoal.
Another guy with crazy effort because if anything bad happens to you, he would try his best to protect you. For example, if you were bullied, he would stand up for you and doesn't care if he also gets injured.
He may be stubborn but he will try to be open-minded for you and tell you his opinion if you need to ramble or need someone to lean on when you are sad.
Also if he is drunk, he actually gonna cry about how mean you are for rejecting him and admitting that he has a crush on you but you keep ignoring him whereas you stood there in confusion.
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As (Y/N) sat next to Britain in the meeting room on Monday morning, the weight of the global warming debate lingered in the air. Despite their best efforts, (Y/N) struggled to concentrate on America's presentation about some mythical hero concept to tackle climate change—a notion that appeared to be more absurd than possible.
As (Y/N) listened to America's presentation, a pounding pain seized their temples. Despite the regular room temperature, a sudden cold fell over the meeting, forcing (Y/N) to quiver uncontrollably. Yesterday the girl remembered Britain told her/him/them not to eat ice cream when it's cold but they/she/he did not listen, (Y/N) just rolled their/his/her eyes and continued snacking on the ice cream bowl while watching Sherlock Holmes.
As Britain witnessed (Y/N)'s declining condition, he let out a depressing sigh, recalling his earlier warning against eating ice cream on a cold day. He rose from his seat and gently excused himself from the meeting room, hoping to ease (Y/N)'s discomfort. In the kitchen, he quickly brewed a hot cup of English breakfast tea, its sweet scent filling the room with warmth and comfort. Returning to (Y/N)'s side, Britain presented the calming beverage with a sweet smile, hoping it could help his crushes cold.
(Y/N)'s astonishment was evident as they/she/he kindly thanked Britain for the steaming tea, their/his/her thankfulness reflected in their emotions. (Y/N) received the cup with a friendly grin and sipped the hot drink. Britain, hesitant to meet (Y/N)'s eyes directly, felt a flush creep up his cheeks as he uncomfortably shook off the gesture. "Well, it was nothing," he said, his voice laced with a mix of annoyance and hesitation. "Your cough was bothering me, so I figured you needed something warm, obviously," he said, his attempt to hide his worry showing his actual sentiments.
As Britain watched (Y/N) sip the tea he had prepared, a hidden joy rose inside him, knowing that his crush had found comfort in his act. Silently, he prayed for (Y/N)'s quick recovery, hoping that the tea's warmth would help ease her/his/their sickness. Seating himself alongside (Y/N), Britain couldn't help but mutter quietly, barely audible, "Get well soon, my love." He prayed against hope that (Y/N) hadn't noticed his whisper.
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The one who actually manages to hide it from you and not obvious unlike Britain, New Zealand and then Australia. He could actually act normal despite having a crush on you.
His personality is much of a Kuudere instead of Tsundere so he would not get red when he is speaking with you not stammering when starting a conversation.
But since he has a crush on you, you would actually notice chocolates shaped like clover on your table when you just arrive at the school or the world meeting.
More open-minded than Arthur so he would be more understanding and secretly more empathetic when he is around you than when he is around other countries.
It's cannon he hates getting bossed around, especially by his brothers BUT he doesn't mind if you actually ask him to do things for you if you need him but just don't take it for granted it.
From far away, you could actually hear a Celtic harp from far away and you might be wondering who plays it and what music it is. Well, it's actually for him and it's a secret way of him confessing to you through his music.
Secretly asks his fairies to get information about you, kind of creepy but the purpose is actually he just wants to understand anything you are interested in so when he speaks about it with you, he would not act like an idiot and pretend to know it all.
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On a beautiful Saturday morning, (Y/N) entered the crowded grocery shop with a list of tonight's groceries in hand. As they looked through their long list, their look changed to one of anger, as they saw how much money they'd have to spend and the effort of carrying the heavy bags. With a resigned sigh, (Y/N) readied themselves for the work ahead, knowing that the feast at home would make it all worthwhile.
Navigating through the packed aisles in search of sauces, (Y/N) felt a jolt, forcing the items in their arms to fall to the ground. "Oh! I'm so sorry! "I didn't mean to knock into you!" (Y/N)  apologised, hastily leaning down to get the dropped objects. As their fingers accidentally brushed against one another's, (Y/N) glanced up to find the personification of Ireland in front of them. "Oh, hello, (Y/N)," he said kindly. "Here, let me help you," he said, joining (Y/N) in gathering the scattered goods.
As Ciara gently placed each grocery item into (Y/N)'s basket, he couldn't help but notice how heavy the load was. "You have quite a few groceries there. "Do you need a trolley for all that?" he asked concerned. (Y/N) shook her head, but Ciara sighed, indicating his concern. "Don't be stubborn," he softly reminded. "You clearly need some assistance. "Let me take that basket for you," he insisted, attempting to relieve (Y/N) of the weight.
As Ciara continued to assist (Y/N) with picking up the groceries, her surprise mingled with a blush at his kindness. "You don't need to. I don't want to burden you," (Y/N) insisted, averting their/her/his gaze shyly. Ignoring her protests, Ciara shook his head and continued to help, his determination unwavering. "Your house is nearby, right?" he asks. "I can bring these for you," Ciara offered. "You don't need to. It's too heavy, I can manage," (Y/N) tried to reject his offer again. "It's okay. Besides, you need some help so I will help you," he said bluntly, his sincerity shining through his words.
As they approached the cashier, (Y/N) sighed, accepting Ciara's assistance once more with a sweet grin. "Okay, thank you very much, Ireland. "I'm sorry I made you bring all of these groceries," you said. Ciara brushed aside your apology with a soft smile that was gone in one second. "There was no problem. He reassured you, "The least I can do is help you." Unbeknownst to (Y/N), Ciara's aid was motivated by more than simply kindness.
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HWS: Most Likely to Take Advantage of Their S/O's Accent Kink
France - frog boi loves to hear himself talk and just assumes other people like his voice. if you have a thing for ze French, you're in luck!
America - he's fun because he can do literally whatever regional accent you're into. working class New Yorker? sure! polite southern drawl? no prob. salt of the earth Michigan accent? oh you betcha. it's as fun for him to flex as it'll be for you to listen to him
Cuba - he may not roll his r's, but he will melt your heart :) especially if you don't speak Spanish
Turkey - of all the reasons people have found him attractive, it hasn't usually been for his accent. if you like his voice, he will literally never shut up so be warned
N Ireland - teases you for it, but appreciates your appreciation because England usually pretends that his accent is too thick to be intelligible
N Italy - pretends he doesn't realize how thick his accent is (particularly when he flirts). will absolutely amp it up if he realizes it has an effect on you
Seychelles - her voice is already melodic but when you add in the accent it's downright angelic
Belgium - happy to pepper you with all sorts of pet names in French/Dutch/Flemish (but let's face it. you're probably here for the French)
Norway - might say a few words off a grocery list to gauge your response and if it's positive, he may amp it up, particularly if he's trying to get you to do something for him
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allthingshetalia · 4 years
I think mine got eaten but can I ask for some headcannons on bf Australia?
💕I remember seeing your ask and then it got lost in my inbox!! I’m so sorry! I’m horrible 😔💕
This man is so much fun
Imagine sitting in your room and then he just bursts in frantically talking about some crazy incident at the grocery store or something
His life literally seems like a movie
He’s the type of person to be walking and find a 100 dollar bill on the ground
Or he would find a perfect parking space outside a busy restaurant
He’ll wink at you and say you’re his good luck charm (but things like that have been happening his whole life)
He loves animals
So don’t be surprised if he drags you to the boat to go watch the migrational pattern of sharks
Oh yes and he owns a boat
It’s a house boat
He has a few houses all over the country that you get to travel too
He also camps a lot
You may want to convince him to get an RV, because you’ll probably wake up with a trillion bug bites
He’s very optimistic and it makes boring tasks like cleaning exciting and fun
He’s a team player
You are both the types of couple that always seem to be together
He’s a dare devil- especially because he can’t technically die
But he could end up in a comma so make sure he doesn’t do anything too dangerous
He likes to include you in everything he does because you’re his favorite person!
So you have to be someone who is always ready for an adventure
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Hetalia: Oceania and United Kingdom Masterlist
Hello Everyone, This is the Masterlist of my planned post and the link to the post of the scenarios. You also can see some of the symbols below. Also, starting now. I also accept headcanons and scenarios for 2p Hetalia other than just 1p Hetalia.
🌹: Smut
🥀: Angst
🍭: Fluff
😂: Comedy
🧐: Random
🧸: Domestic
😐: Non-Specified
🗡️: Gore/Yandere
❤️: Romantic
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Crushing Headcannons❤️🍭🧸
New Zealand
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Crushing Headcannons❤️🍭🧸
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Crushing Headcannons❤️🍭🧸
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allthingshetalia · 4 years
What is Australia's dream date?
First he’ll pick you up and then drive somewhere for some appetizers and drinks. (Don’t have to be alcoholic). Then WHALE WATCHING!! He has binoculars! And an beautiful camera to take pictures with. He is also a disney princes so animals are always draw to him, so you will have the best view.
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allthingshetalia · 4 years
Wellz Australia sounds like a dream boat!!!! How would he like a geologist SO, who likes going into the field/outdoors for work and for fun. Just a outdoorsy sciencey kind of SO.
He would loveeeeee it!!! He needs an s/o that doesn’t mind getting knee deep in a dirt. He loves anything outdoors and sees it as massive plus that he gets to learn something!
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