#aph matchups
hwsing · 1 year
open for more information. . . !
send your requests to my private messages, NOT my inbox. please include the following information:
- your: height, sexuality, aesthetic, personality, likes & dislikes, hobbies, any pets, your type/who you tend to get along with, your love languages, etc.
- your: preference on matchup (romantic/familial/platonic) and, if romantic, whether you’d like it to include nsfw details or not (in that case, make sure you include your own stuff! this is only available for 18+, of course.)
when it comes to additional information, go crazy! astrology chart, personality types (i’m most well versed in enneagram but i’m good in just about any), etc!
the more you add, the more you’ll receive. have fun :) PM with any questions!
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doki-doki-imagines · 9 months
appearance matchup for @allthegoodbobdylanlyricsaretaken
Your Hetalia matchup is...
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Heracles Karpusi (APH Greece)
Your One Piece matchup is...
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Donquijote Rosinante (Corazon)
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bonkers-4-hatter · 6 months
Anon asked: Henlo, 1 APH matchup, please~ I’m 5’3, brunette, and fragile. My body temp is higher than average, but I feel cold often, so I need cuddles. I’m shy, awkward, and I have Asperger’s syndrome. I like tol bois, and I wanna be protected. I like history and art. I like to decorate my house with fake flowers. I’m shy and sweet, but unintentionally blunt. I prefer quiet guys, someone who could comfort me. I’m bullied a lot, have been for the most of my life. I cry at the drop of the hat, so I have a morbid sense of humor, and it’s not expected outta me. I’m sweet and cute on the outside, but I hide a lot of resentment and anxiety. I tend to cry A LOT… I often wear my heart on my sleeve, and I’m very naive and gullible (again, childlike). I wish to be the mediator, and enjoy helping others. I get very bashful at compliments, and I have low self-esteem. I’m misunderstood and lonely, and tend to attract people with disorders. I guess people trust me easily. That’s all, thanks!
I match you with:
Ludwig from Hetalia
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Man will protect you with his life that’s for sure. He’s shy and awkward too so you both can be that together! He isn’t really one from PDA, but when you guys are alone, he’s all for cuddling you and making sure you’re warm. When in public, he’ll give you his jacket or mittens to make sure you’re warm enough. 
Will take you to every art and history museum for dates. He enjoys history himself so having a partner that enjoys it too makes it better. 
Doesn’t mind the fake flowers, they actually makes your guys’ place cute, but man will deep clean them every other day becuase they collect dust, but he will never ask you to get rid of them because they make you happy. 
Ludwig will comfort you whenever you cry, please don’t hide your anxieties and feelings from him, he might stumble a bit when trying to talk to you about them, but he wants you to be open and honest with him. He’ll hold you and tell you sweet words in German or make sure you have all your favorite snacks and put on your favorite movie. 
Enjoys seeing you get bashful at compliments, he thinks you’re adorable and wants to shower you in compliments, because he does adore you. Will help you build your selfesteem up again, he wants you to be confident and sure in yourself and if you can’t, he’s there to help you every step of the way.
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Hi, hope you're doing great! Could I get a matchup?
I'm a 5"9 bisexual demigirl (she/they). I have a preference for masc presenting person's, it doesn't matter what gender.
I'm INFJ, enneagram type 9. I'm the type to pick up a new skill long enough to be good at it and then I'll drop it until like two years later when I have to learn it all over again because I forgot how to do it.
I quote vines at random moments in normal conversation.
Currently, my interests are; history, gardening, music, writing (poetry and general fic), literature and other stuff I can't remember rn.
My main path is in movies tho. I want to write and make my own movies.
I like both cats and dogs but I was bitten by a dog once so I'm scared of any dog that I don't know/trust. I spent most of my life with animals, mostly because I grew up on a farm.
I have insomnia and find it very hard to sleep at night. My favorite movie is 1917. I'll listen to literally any music at least once and if I don't like it I will never listen to it again.
I'm currently obsessed with Arabic poetry. Especially the romantic ones. They always break my heart.
That's all I can think of now, sorry if it's not enough detail.
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Your match is...Portugal!
João's heart soars for your creative, poetic spirit. Your artistic character draws him in like a moth to the flame. João could hear you go on for hours and hours about your passions and he too wishes that he could write as beautifully as you do or envision worlds as vividly and easy as you seem to make it. When you told him about your particular desire of creating films this took him aback and he immediately respected your ambition to jump into such a field!
As of late, you and João especially enjoy tending to the garden, soaking in rays of the sun outside of his home. Now, he hopes that this love of gardening will continue to last in you, he thinks lightheartedly. Most fondly, João moves easily with your changes in hobbies, seasons, and likes. It's who is to adapt so well with shifting tides--moreover, he finds this, and most of all you, to be exciting. He might encourage you to stick things out a bit longer, but at heart, João is a supporter to the people he loves, so whatever it is you decide to do with your time and effort, João will most certainly be there too.
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dearestones · 2 years
Hetalia Matchup: Lithuania
Warnings: Fluff.
@somebodytouchmyspagett Request: hi local hyperfixated dork wondering who out of all the hetalia characters would be chill with a queerplatonic partnership with an aromantic asexual nonbinary autistic adult (28 yrs old). born and raised in florida, only ever been to about a half dozen other states and nowhere outside of the us of a, but deeply curious about other places. lot of copinglinks (aka kinning to cope with mental illness), i'm the host of an endogenic gateway system that generally has around a half dozen other members at any given time. too many mental/cognitive and physical diagnoses to easily list, i am in the weird position of loving food but being physically unable to easily cook and unable to eat a lot of things safely. you'll generally find me chilling online. i was unable to learn html due to ableism when i attempted college (trust me, i tried, best i could get was a high school degree), but i am deeply into geeky/nerdy things like how hex code colors work (look up the website bada55.io i LOVE IT), scripts ciphers and code systems like daukin and cistercian numerals, various internet memes like the road to el dorado guys and the spaghett bear and the is it art guy (the iron giant is god tier movie btw), homestuck, star trek (tng best in my opinion) and stargate, etc. i'd prefer someone quiet and understanding, however. anytime prussia is onscreen i've consistently had to turn down my computer volume, and i'm quite sensory defensive in other ways along with having significant social function, memory, and attention span issues.
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After reading through your description, I believe that you pair well with Lithuania!
As a Nation, Lithuania is more than well acquainted with all sorts of relationships. He’s been with many people over the years, both Nations and humans, and he knows for a fact that the most basic and integral part of a relationship is trust and mutual respect. If you make it clear from the beginning your needs and wants in regards to your relationship, he will deliver without question while also expressing his own boundaries and expectations.. As you can see, your relationship is already off to a great start!
(You shouldn’t be too surprised, he’s best friends—and at times, more—with Poland). 
Ah, you’ve never been outside of the United States? But you’re still interested in other countries? Already, Lithuania respects that you want to learn more about different cultures. If you want, he will be your tour guide if you ever visit his home country. Touring his sites, walking down the streets of his most populous cities, and perhaps appreciating his countryside are on the top of the agenda if you choose to go with him. If your relationship has deepened to the point where he trusts you with many of his secrets, he’ll even take you to national summits or international meetings. Not only will you be able to meet other Nations and explore the host Nation’s home, you can see him in his element as he tends to paperwork and reports in preparation for these important gatherings.
As for your mental health and disabilities, please inform Lithuania of your needs ahead of time. Although he’s a calm individual and can easily come up with solutions on the fly, he would rather not be blindsided by sudden problems. If you have any medications or appointments, he’ll be there to support you and remind you of your prescriptions. However, if you’re not comfortable with disclosing these issues yet, he’ll understand, but his offer stands: he will offer support if you ever need it.
You’re in luck when it comes to food! His home may not be as renowned for its cuisine like France’s or Italy’s food, but he has learned how to cook a plethora of dishes from his time spent in working other Nation’s homes. Since he has spent time at America’s house as his personal aide, he knows how to make classic American cuisine. Again, please tell him of any dietary restrictions so that he can safely create foods that will suit your palate. 
Your determination and hard work impresses Lithuania. Although he was never put into a position where he was banned from learning something because of his physical capabilities, he was pushed down time and time again because of his status as a pagan Nation and later, because he was Russia’s unwilling lackey. He can relate to how it feels to have your options taken away because of arbitrary rules formed because of society’s standards. Your continued interest in coding and technological jargon is enough of an indicator that you are a hard worker and perhaps there is still hope that you can still achieve your dreams.
Lithuania hopes that you turn to him in times of when you need it most. Having sensory issues can be a hard burden to bear in life, so he’ll do his best to aid you in leading a lifestyle that won’t cause you undue stress. Please, if you feel like the world can be too much or if you simply want to sit in silence, know that he’ll be there to support you all the way.
At his core, Lithuania is a caretaker. Once a connection between the two of you is formed, he will do his utmost to respect your needs and he hopes that you will reciprocate as well. There may be some hurdles in this relationship since he still bears the scars (mental and physical) of his past relationships with fellow Nations and has the telltale signs of trauma, but if the both of you push forward and respect each other’s boundaries, you’ll be fine. 
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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Doing hetalia matchups!
I'm honestly REALLY BORED so why not do matchups?
This is meant for all genders, as my acc desc says x male reader, but this isn't a reader, this is me doing Hetalia! But with everyone. So feel free to tell me the corresponding info;
Height, hair color, eye color, gender, sexuality, personality, and zodiac sign (if you know your sun, moon, and ascendant)
Of course this is all optional, just please be descriptive, it'd help me out a lot to choose a partner!
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Ok! Good luck!!
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Hiya could I have some Romano marriage headcanons with his s/o, maybe having a son if you’re comfortable with that xx
I'm Romano TRASH - jvjvutddvnkbbk- ofc!!
Romano Marriage Headcanons + Having A Son
- Honey. You're married to an amazing chef. While he strongly prefers to cook Italian cuisine, he would make whatever you wanted. He genuinely loves cooking for you.
- If you wanted to cook, then he's fine with that. He'd like to lend you a hand in the kitchen, but if you don't want assistance, then he's fine with that too. Lovi is a flexible boy.
- If one or both of you are in the kitchen, Romano will lightly smack your ass. No matter what time if day it is.
- This is a personal headcanon, but I think Lovino is a better chef than Feliciano-
- There will be some arguments here and there. Lovino is a rather argumentative person, and will argue with anyone about anything. The arguments he has with you are usually over some dumb stuff. Nothing too serious.
- KING OF EMOTIONAL SUPPORT. After a shitty day of work, or just a bad day in general, it's nice to come home and walk into his arms. He will cuddle you, feed you, and will listen to you vent and rant to him. He cares about you so much. You're technically the world to this man.
- While he can be pretty brash, Romano is very sweet when it comes to his lover. He's the most caring person in this world. He's a flirty little fuck, but you love him. He is Italian- well, the embodiment of Southern Italy, y'know.
- When your son comes into this world/your home, Romano swears to himself that he will be a good father. He won't leave him like how his Grandpa Rome did.
- Speaking of Rome, Lovino wishes that Rome could see his great-grandson. In fact, he thinks that Rome would like to see the little guy. Lovino doesn't hate Rome (this is Canon).
- He's honestly the sweetest father that any kid could ask for. Yes, he has a son, and he will be hard on him in the future, but Romano still loves his boy.
- Romano will take his son to church - as long as the boy wants to. It's Canon that Roma is a catholic. If his son doesn't want to be Catholic and/or go to church, the Italian will accept that.
- Even with the kid he has, he still makes time for his lover. Lovino will drop off his son at Feliciano's house to watch over the child while he and his lover go out on some sort of date.
- Feli and the small child do a lot of chaotic things at the younger Italian's house.
- "Uncle Feli! Can we-a blow some-a Peeps in the microwave?"
- "Ve~ That-a sounds like-a fun!"
- And then, you and Romano come in to see Italy and your son. It's kind of a mess.
- "Hi, Papa!"
- "Oh, Romano! You're-a back!"
- Romano sighs, a slight chuckle coming from the Italian. He loves his son. He loves his little brother.
- But, most importantly,
- He loves you.
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aphdream · 4 years
Could i get a match up please. Im a mixed 5'5 female with curly brown hair and brown eyes. Im an INFJ personality type. Im most notably a quiet extrovert (pretty shy for a while but very talkative once comfortable). I like almost all things artistic (art, theatre, music especially [all types except country]) and things like anime and manga. Im also super into philosophy, history and science and could talk about them for hours. Sorry if this was a bit long lolol. Thanks in advance :)
I ship you with: Greece!
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Heracles doesn’t show it facially but he really loves you. He loves just laying with you sometimes and discussing philosophy with you. Heracles is indeed an introverted person, so I feel that having an extroverted can balance everything out for himself. Since Heracles knows you like history, he would love to share with you some Greek history.  
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aphimagining · 5 years
Could I please have a matchup with an aph guy? I'm a complete nerd that loves nothing more than to learn and learn. I'm often distant and make friends slowly as I don't value lots of friends however when I do have friends I'm extremely loyal and helpful. Other than learning my interests are extremely varied (e.g. model planes, reading, making the most stupid robots, making small rockets, playing instruments, and more) and when talking about any of them to a mate it takes a lot to shut me up.
I match you with Estonia/Eduard Von Bock!
Eduard is a gigantic nerd, and he’d pretty much share about all the same hobbies as you. He’s not big into playing music, but he does love to mess around with robots and programming, so that will definitely catch his interest. Ed is initially attracted to your passionate nature when it comes to things that interest you. He’s exactly the same way and can appreciate that in a person. He’d probably be the first one to make a move, as he tends to be quite bold, and will find your loyalty to be something he adores. Ed is 100% the type to work to be someone, so even if you didn’t seem all that interested in him at first (due to your distant nature), that definitely wouldn’t stop him from trying to ask you out. 
-Admin K. 
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cope-to-anime · 5 years
hiii! if you aren't busy, may i have hq and aph matchups please? i'm 156cm and said to look like a bitch when i'm not smiling. i'm an infp who can be really enthusiastic and outgoing but really enjoys having some quiet alone time. i'm extremely talkative and always up to weird antics with friends. i'm very chill and passive but can't hide my irritation well. i love the humanities and arts! for hobbies, i do musical theater, write, draw, and watch old movies (like,, golden age old)! thank you!
(( hello, thanks for requesting
For Haikyuu, I’ll match you with Ittetsu Takeda !
Takeda knows that you can’t handle irritation well, so he will be there to hold your hand in your toughest times. He knows that if left pent up you might just punch someone, so he tries his best to calm you down. He likes that you go with the flow ‘cause he’s a really busy guy and sometimes he’s insecure about not spending enough time with you. He loves to talk to you but most of the time he lets you do most of the talking. He likes knowing that you’re into a bunch of stuff. These are also the things that he has little to no knowledge about. It’s a learning experience for him and more than that it’s a way to bond together. He’s an old soul and he would love to speak with you about the humanities all day if he has to. 
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For Hetalia, I’ll match you with APH America !
Dates would consist of pranking the hell out of anyone in Alfred’s house, watching golden age movies, and talking non-stop on what movie you guys should see this coming month. He’s an easygoing guy and he’d most likely won’t stop you with your shenanigans and would typically join you, really. 
It may not look like it but he’s really good with AP. It may be because he always jokes around, but he has a knack for the humanities and would not mind if it is on the table. He’s a very good writer but he gets demotivated sometimes, so he has a lot of papers laying around. Sometimes you guys can just lay on his bedroom floor and talk about your favorite stories together. 
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Ok, so, I love learning; languages and history are two big passions of mine. I like spending time with friends, but I need time alone to recharge, and I don't like large groups. I'm sensitive to loud sounds and I have anxiety/panic disorder. I'm stubborn, but also sensitive, and I worry a lot. I strive to improve myself. I like challenging myself and I adore writing, reading. I enjoy poetry and I like animals. I'm a bit socially awkward and I'm easily startled, though I love helping. Thanks!
I ship you with Germany
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K. Here are my like…official matchup request guidelines
Tell me things like your dreams, aspirations, things you can and can’t tolerate in a partner, any gender preferences, and a brief overview of your personality and hobbies 😌
I won’t be taking things like age and mental conditions into consideration
As with everything else I do-no NSFW
Hetalia characters only
Please keep in mind that I’m new to this-only positivity on this page please 😊❤️
Feel free to ask questions!!
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doki-doki-imagines · 1 year
Appearance matchup for @averagetoyakinnie
Your BnHA matchup is...
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Tamaki Amajiki!
Your Gintama matchup is...
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Your Hetalia matchup is...
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Basch Zwingli (APH Switzerland)!
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bonkers-4-hatter · 7 months
Anon asked: Hi could get a match up for hetalia please Personality:Caring,intelligentish ,Tend to be quiet Like:Reading, video games, anime and I do enjoy baking and cooking, cats, dogs, Harry Potter, porcelain dolls, stickers, Pokémon, Nintendo, All kinds of music Dislikes:spiders and other creepy crawlers
I match you with:
Italy from Hetalia
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Likes to watch you play video games and he'll root for you! He'd want you to teach him how to play certain video games so he can play with you that way he can spend more time with you.
He adores cats as well! He'll bring home random strays for you both to take care of. He'll say he couldn't leave them out there in the cold and you'll fold because he'll show you the cats face and you just can't say no to something that cute.
Gives you Pokemon plushies all the time. You had to get a net to put the amount of plushies he's given you so far.
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dearestones · 2 years
Hetalia Matchup: Belarus
Warnings: Fluff, mentions of transphobia, mentions of mental illness.
@stinkylittleanon Request: HI THERE!!! I requested a matchup for Marble Hornets months ago from you and I saw that you write for Hetalia?!?!? Can I request a hetalia matchup? I don't have a preference for gender! My name is Toby, I'm a trans dude and I've got wavy blonde hair and gray eyes! I'd say my better traits are kind, understanding, funny, listener, and patient, but my negative traits would have to be timid, oblivious, fearful, and a bit too positive. My hobbies are cosplaying, video games, and sleeping! I have an interest in creepy things but also cute! I do have autism, adhd, and depression so I guess that's important to mention! I have no idea how many words this is so I'm sorry if it's over 300! (Copy and pasted!)
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Welcome back! After reading through your description, I believe that you best pair well with Belarus!
Even though Belarus is a Nation who is not as warm or as pleasant as the rest of her colleagues, she can be soft and kind if you take the time to get to know her better. 
Her crass and blunt nature marks her as a person who generally likes to keep to herself, but even she desires companionship. When she first meets you, she becomes quite attached. As a person who is more than accustomed to being considered as an “outsider”, she feels empathetic and understanding when you tell her that you’re trans. She has no preference for gender when it comes to paramours, which means she’ll treat you just as kindly as she would any of her other lovers. That said, if she finds out that there is someone out there who has called you slurs or has threatened violence against you because of your gender, she will knock them out. 
(It’s up to you if they either end up in the hospital or six feet under the ground). 
Depending on where you’re at in your transition, she’ll be there to help you with your shots (if you want), accompany you for top surgery (if you desire), or simply make sure that you’re comfortable and safe in the clothes that you wear. 
If you act too sappy around her as thanks for her help, she’ll brush you aside because she’s a Nation and she’s too old for such weird nonsense like transphobia. And no, she’s definitely not smiling in relief that you’re all right and that she’s doing her best as your lover.
Belarus thanks you for all of your positive characteristics. She will not deny that she’s very rude and impatient at times, which can be at odds with your overall disposition of someone who is far more mild than her. However, she finds your presence soothing, almost like a balm against the unfeeling nature of the universe. She’ll beg you, sometimes, to make her laugh—although, she’ll make it seem like she doesn’t care at all. Other times, she likes it when you listen to her because you get this look in your eyes, almost as if she is the only person in the universe. You make her feel loved. 
In return, because of your timid and oblivious nature, Belarus will play a more proactive role as your protector. If you’re caught up in a situation that doesn’t make you comfortable or you need her strength in times of great need, she will definitely fly to your rescue. Prepare for your enemies to be obliterated into dust: Belarus does not play around and her glare is enough to eat through sheet metal. 
Furthermore, if you’re self-conscious of your timidity, don’t worry about it, Belarus will gladly help you achieve a sense of confidence. She’ll put you through the ringer by exposing you to uncomfortable scenarios that will gradually increase in severity (with your permission, of course), until you become more confident. Coddling you could be an easier alternative and it makes Belarus happy to know that she could protect you since she’s such a small Nation in the grand scheme of things, but it’s far more satisfying to guide you into becoming a better version of yourself. 
As for your positive nature, who told you that too much positivity was a bad thing? As a veteran of too many wars and a witness to too much bloodshed, Belarus believes that the best way to live through centuries is to carry within oneself a sense of hope. If that means being too positive, then Belarus is more than willing to accept it. While at first glance you might think that Belarus might be irritated at your positivity, it’s quite the opposite. It’s the people who prefer to delve into the bleak side of things, she tells you whenever you doubt yourself, and reject all hope that generates hopelessness. And hopelessness in all its forms has never helped anybody. 
Can Belarus cosplay with you? She got these weird cat ear headphones from Poland as a gag gift last year, so… Please? She’s a cute Nation, but it’s rare that she goes out of her way to dress up and be cuter than normal. Please do a couples cosplay with her, you’ll render her speechless and her usual scowl on her face will be replaced with such an adorable expression of awe. 
You also like creepy things? As a fan of the occult, Belarus will definitely take a stab at reading your palm or even digging up her favorite set of tarot cards just for you. She’s had decades of experience with tarot readings, so be careful if her interpretations start coming true!
If you have any medications or appointments to help you with your mental health, Belarus will definitely be the one to remind you. She’ll put your pills into a weekly pill organizer, remind you when to refill your prescriptions, and even accompany you to appointments just to make sure that you make it to and from home safely. Again, you’ll think she might be annoyed that she’s taking so much time out of her schedule to make sure that you’re okay, but she’ll tell you that it’s far more troublesome for you to neglect your mental health. She loves you for you and that includes all the little and major things that make you up. Don’t doubt her loyalty to you. 
All in all, as long as you’re patient and willing to break through Belarus’ tough exterior, you’ll gain a loving partner in Belarus. She is loyal beyond all understanding, but she is willing to call you out if the occasion ever arises. Furthermore, you help soften her edges and provide much happiness and love in her life. All in all, if the both of you work things through, your relationship will deepen and become more and more meaningful in time. 
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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Hi! Could I get a Hetalia matchup, please? I'm 5'6, have brown hair and brown eyes, I'm a biromantic ace, I'm genderfluid but mostly go by she/her, and I'm a Libra Sun, Scorpio Moon, Aquarius Ascendant! I'm pretty shy when I first met people, and don't really speak unless spoken to at first, but once I warm up to someone I love chatting and hanging out! I generally try to be nice to people and help folks out whenever I can, but I don't let people push me or my loved ones around if I can help it. I'm usually pretty low-energy and easy-going, but I love goofing around and having fun and getting really excited about my interests! I'm a zoology major, I love animals and nature and going on walks through the woods, I love video games (especially indie games), making art, playing D&D, horror movies, and singing! Thank you! <3
Hmm... How about... Romania!
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I believe Romania would be a wondrous match for you my dear! Okay so hear me out; I believe the fact you seem to enjoy horror movies and vampires were popular in the movie genre I think he too would bond over horror movies with you! I think since he's a nerdy person for magic and stuff, he would def enjoy some D&D too! And you know Romania is into Roman culture, he enjoys geeking out so perhaps Roman arrrt?? He's romantic too, so FOREST DATES!
To me Romania would have an interest in you, the fact that he's into magic and vampires, I believe he's into mystery, so I think he might find your shyness mysterious as well! He's friendly, so I'm sure you'd warm up to him, and indeed goof off with him and Bulgaria! He is def one to enjoy hanging out probably a lot of cheesy compliments here and there too! He he!
I hope you enjoyed! <3
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