#aph thailand college au
APH College AU: Thailand
Headcanons for a good boy! Intro here, tag is #college au musings
— Zoology major (inspired by aph-sweden’s post here)
— Electronic notes (he’s trying to save the environment) but he wishes he could handwrite it because he likes the feel of paper
— He has multiple handwriting styles: a neat one (default), a fancy but unreadable one, and a really bubbly “cute” handwriting that he practices on and off when he’s bored (Taiwan taught it to him)
— He’s very friendly, kind, super approachable. Also known for giving out solid advice for how to survive university to first years. Basically a dad friend.
— Mostly mature, but will nonchalantly drop a dirty joke in the middle of a rather serious conversation and act like it’s nothing
— He and Vietnam are super close. (they share an apartment and are childhood friends, as per Vietnam’s hc post).
— Buddhist. He has accidentally set off the fire alarm in the apartment burning incense more than once; Vietnam finally convinced him to dismantle the fire alarm, and now he has to hastily put it back for apartment inspections.
— Walking plant encyclopedia, spits out random facts about them a lot. Knows an unusual amount of info on which ones are edible and which cause unpleasant effects
— He likes megafauna the most; small mammals and birds are ok but. they’re Small. Big animals are more his speed: elephants, bears, crocodiles. He’s sad that North America doesn’t have many large things besides wolves, bears, moose, and deer tho.
— That being said, he likes birdwatching! He finds birds the most accessible wildlife to observe and it’s just really peaceful looking through binoculars for them.
— Loves traveling! He really wants to visit every single country in the world, both for the unique wildlife in different regions of the world, and for the different cultures and peoples in each one.
— Hates when the AC is on in lecture halls; he thrives in summer when it’s humid and warm
— Less phone addicted than most people, but he still has to consciously make an effort to unplug and stop staring at screens. Finds going outside for a walk is the best distraction
— Becomes a TA during senior year for Ecosystems and Biodiversity, a first year class. Makes friends really fast with Seychelles and meets some of the other younger underclassmen through her.
— China trusts him, so a lot of times he just “babysits” HK and Taiwan (because although they’re whole adults, China doesn’t trust them) when they want to go out. Thailand lets them do whatever they want though, so they always end up pulling a ridiculous but funny stunt at the mall or somewhere. And they always get boba tea before they need to go back on campus/to China’s apartment
— He’s a bit airheaded and sometimes forgets to finish his work, but most of the time he’s a good student. Except for the days he decides to binge watch rom coms on Netflix.
— B to A- (83 to 92) student! He’s really excellent at math, history, and science, but his English scores are... not that good. It hovers between B-s and C+s (78-82).
— Best at projects, worst at tests. He has failed a fair amount of tests, but his other assignments make up for it.
— His professors like his kindness and how he’s willing to help other students with their work. Also, he asks thoughtful questions and is just... so excited about learning they’re like “:) I like this one”.
— His taste in shows and movies is absolutely awful. After one impulsive movie night, nobody lets him pick what to watch anymore. He’s sad about it but resigns himself to the media the others pick :(
— Designated driver at parties; he doesn’t really care about drinking at parties and prefers to dance and just talk to people, but when he does drink, he holds his alcohol pretty well.
— Known as the university-wide dad friend. Approached by a wide variety of people asking for advice/help/random questions. Vietnam does not understand why he bothers, some of the things he gets asked are the most ridiculous things she’s ever heard (“do you think it’s acceptable to carry books on your head to school” “can I bring my dog to meet you”) but he’s always so sweet about answering
— Really gentlemanly; holds the door for you, asks how your day’s going, gets things you dropped, etc. SO NICE TO EVERYBODY. Gives off the general vibe of being a huggable person.
— Don’t try to mess with him; he’s very clever, although he doesn’t look it. He will find a way to get out of your scheme and avoid whatever you have planned for him. Not a fan of taking revenge though; he doesn’t wish anything bad on anybody, no matter how hard they try to hurt him.
— There’s about a 1% chance anyone can make him angry, but please watch out. He’s good at calming down in intense situations so he won’t do anything rash, but he’ll silently fume and hate you for a while, stop talking to you, and generally be a big ol’ thundercloud until he snaps out of it.
— He plays soccer and is on the swim team. Organizes litter clean up campaigns and invasive plant weeding projects every now and then, and he volunteers for citizen science projects a lot. IDing seagulls, watching wildlife cams for animals and unusual activity, stuff like that.
I keep saying I’ll do Taiwan next but who knows, since I’ve procrastinated her post for no reason at all... Anyways there’s only 3 more Asians left (Taiwan, Macau, and India), so I’ll see you next time!
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vilepie · 3 years
Aph lithuania for the character thing?
OTP for them: its currently estliet, of course! haha “:P
BROTP for them: i always thought he would get along really good with timo. they’re both very kind, and caring, but are also strong. very sweet, wholesome friendship.
Other ships: i can ship him with a lot of characters, including feliks, gilbert, alfred, afonso, timo, yao, francis, lovino, and thailand! i’m not really sure about anyone else, but if it were brought to my attention i’d probably consider.
What kind of fic I’d write about them: anything. anything. there are very few limits here. i tend to write angst, though fluff is getting easier to come by.
A favorite canon moment: picking a favourite is hard for him. probably when he was introducing himself, and then gil came in? i thought that was adorable.
Color that reminds me of them: olive green, light grey, and dark brown
Song that reminds me of them: to be honest, uh, a lot, but i am gonna say “soldier, poet, king” by The Oh Hellos, since it recently inspired me to write a fic on him.
A headcanon about them: there are, once again, so many, but my favourites are, one- that he is trying his hardest to make his come back, slow, and steady wins the race, and two- he is not religious. at all.
A random AU I think up on the spot for them: historical setting au, or just some normal, modern college au.
Anything else: hello, yes, i love him. on a serious note, i find that i relate to him a lot. i’ve never related to a character as much as i have him, and it makes me happy to have something meaningful like that. i also just want to add that he is strong, but tries a very long hand at politeness, and patience before anything remotely aggressive shows; strong, but shy. still, if you’re wrong to him, you’re wrong, and he has a very good moral compass.
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APH College AU: Vietnam!
AU Intro | Tag is #college au musings!
Also, a disclaimer that I don’t know how law school works (besides that it’s really cut-throat and scary and very hard). Apologies if any of this is inaccurate, please correct me!
— Vietnam’s in Law School with an undergraduate degree in sociology
— She has a lot of interest in psychology but decided not to pursue it as a profession. However, she still reads studies, academic papers, and the latest psychology news to keep track of new discoveries and theories.
— On the debate team in undergrad with Alfred; they often debated against each other during practice (their views differ a lot and most times they’re polar opposites), but at competition, when they’re arguing the same case, they’re a force to be reckoned with.
— Speaking of Alfred, they’re frenemies; whether they’re friends or sorta enemies varies based on what dumb thing Alfred’s just done. Mostly they’re at least ok with each other though, although Alfred’s done stuff that she can’t really forget or forgive him for.
— Needless to say, she’s really smart.
— She’s also really clever (and subtle) when she needs to be, but prefers to be blunt and honest with most people. The exceptions are Yao, Alfred, Kiku, and possibly Francis.
— If you get into a debate with her, she’ll cut you to pieces every time.
— She avoids talking about her love life at all times and hasn’t been in a romantic relationship yet; most people just assume she’s ace or lesbian (she’s actually asexual biromantic so they’re half right)
— She does ok under pressure, so she holds up fine during cold calls: doesn’t get flustered, brain doesn’t go blank, able to make stuff up on the spot if needed, etc. (//for those who don’t know, cold calls are getting randomly called on to analyze assigned reading)
— Becomes super unavailable during midterms and final exams; she refuses all invitations to parties and social gatherings with a short, slightly impatient “No, thanks.”
— Takes digital notes, will send you stuff that you missed if you’re a friend. Her spelling is impeccable and her notes are good quality stuff: really detailed, organized in logical sections, main points bolded, etc.
— She has a reputation as a Big Brain so she gets a lot of requests to tutor people or send them her homework and stuff. Most of the time she says no; she knows some people who ask are just lackies and not putting in effort; she can see some of them are genuinely struggling but she doesn’t have time or energy to help them (also she doesn’t really feel like tutoring strangers...). She feels guilty about it sometimes but her friends talk her out of it.
— Most of her professors know her as someone who pays attention, does well, and has a lot of interesting takes on the material (she likes playing devil’s advocate). They like her; she doesn’t cause trouble, and although she’s not very funny, she often stays after class to continue talking about a different perspective of the topic they were discussing in class. They like her engagement with the material
— Likes most of her teachers, but if she thinks they’re boring or give too much redundant, monotonous homework, she won’t hesitate to moan about them.
— Best subject is history, and she doesn’t have a worst subject because she’s kinda a God Tier at everything (she didn’t like science though, but took a few semesters in her first year at undergrad just because)
— Straight As (90-100). In law school that changed to the B to A range (83-96) but she’s accepted it with resignation
— Does literally everything on her laptop, but her handwriting is very messy. She doesn’t care; she doesn’t feel like putting in the effort to make it neat and Pretty™ like Taiwan’s
— She’s friends with Romano and Belarus (they’re both on the law school path) and they like to go to coffee shops on a weekly basis to study and complain about the professors they don’t like.
— Taiwan takes her clothes shopping a lot; she thinks it’s a waste of time but her wardrobe increases by a few sweaters and jeans every time they go.
— She and Belarus met at one of America’s parties, and they have a friendship based on black coffee and acidic wit. A lot of people think they’re a couple, and they don’t really do anything to subvert that rumor either. They think it’s funny :)
— She and Thailand are childhood friends and they’re still super close. They share an apartment (they’re not dating though) but sometimes go to China’s place to hang out with his siblings
— Regularly writes opinion articles and submits them to the college newspaper under the pseudonym “Coffee and Taxes”; they’re often calls to action or her scathing opinion on the most recent Dumb Political Decision, but she mostly writes about college stuff and things she’s noticed taking root around campus
— Always cooks her own food in her and Thailand’s apartment (neither of them feel like buying from restaurants or eating the rather bad school food); they argue over who has to go buy groceries every week (but like, in a friendly way)
— Dresses super modestly; she rarely shows her arms or anything above her knees, and practically lives in sweaters, leggings or jeans, and wool socks.
— To that end, it helps that she has a really high heat tolerance; often times she’ll still be wearing a long sleeved t-shirt while everybody else is sweating profusely
— Unintentional dark academia aesthetic. She doesn’t go out of her way to buy stuff that fits the aesthetic, but it just happens to fit her style (idk if that makes sense but yeah)
— She sings (or hums, or whistles) quietly in the shower sometimes, usually sings traditional folk tunes and short, plaintive songs that have deep meanings about life. They’re usually in Vietnamese or don’t have any lyrics
— She doesn’t talk much around people, but when she chooses to open her mouth, you better be listening because whatever she says makes an Impact.
— Adding to the above, she’s mostly quiet, even around her friends. She’s just more content to listen rather than say things.
— When she gets angry, she either bottles it up, becomes super bitter, and chooses to avoid you for a week until you ask, or she just tells you bluntly right away, however she’ll still hold a grudge for a pretty long time.
— Small friend group but everyone knows her name somehow
— Good at reading the atmosphere; very often, she can detects subtle messages and double meanings. Good for gossip, but she doesn’t do that kind of thing.
Next is Taiwan (probably)! Thanks for reading!
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