avaghall · 5 years
What I want from my education.
I’ve always wished for my education to be something that helps me find myself. I believe it should be a very helpful resource that takes a confused child, and helping them see what kind of life they want to persue. School should be able to pull out your interests and values, and extend on them. Most kids get out of highschool not knowing where they fit into society, and I find this alarming. This should be a period to experiment and dive deeper into ones interests. This way the problem with individuals hating their lifestyle, can change. If our school syestems can overcome this challenge in most people’s lives, I believe our society would be happier as a whole. This type of syestem would require a lot more individual focus on students. Instead of base curriculums, students can work on the subjects that interests them. I think this would also result In a happier generation of students. Much discomfort comes in school when the subject matter bores kids. All in all, schools systems need to use more individuality to assist kids in finding their perfect fit.
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What do you want out of your education?
What I would like to get out of high school? That’s a simple question with a not so simple answer. I think what I would like out of it would be not only to learn and become educated but also interact with other minds. I think I just want to milk it for all it’s worth, because quite honestly there is no time in the future where you can just go back to high school. I want to enjoy the ride, you can say. My school has many different and advanced programs like the scholars program and Ap courses. I think that not every school has those programs and so not all students have the opportunity to excel beyond their peers. It’s a very strange experience to find yourself in classes with students that are one or two grades above you and I think that is actually what I want from high school, not just the classes but the people you meet and the obstacles you face. Sometimes I look at school as a pine tree. There are different organisms from the squirrels and birds on the branches to the insects crawling on the wood. You could find so many new things if you explore it. Squirrels scurry around on branches is like students running from class to class. They try to find food and eventually explore the tree enough to know some trees like what branches are weaker and birds learn which insects you shouldn’t eat. It’s similar how a student figures out their way around school and what people not to mess with or what classes they should show effort in and not with others. That’s what I like best about high school. You can find people who have so much to say and sometimes you agree or disagree with them, but they really are intriguing. That is what I want the most out of high school. To find new people and listen to strange voices that aren’t always heard, to meet people who share similar views or people that oppose them and want to know why they don’t agree. What I want out of high school is new outlooks that make your mind fuzzy and turn your world upside down.
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marlenawright · 5 years
What Do I Want From My Education?
Hello followers! Today I’m going to be writing about my education . Originally I believed that what I wanted from my education was good grades and to graduate. I began giving this question deeper thought and realized that this time there is more meaning to my education. To start off, I mainly want freedom and knowlegde from my education. The type of freedom I want is to be able to make my own choices when it comes to what classes I want to take and what I wanted to learn. I know that many lessons that are taught at school are mandatory but at times I consider some lessons useless. I tend to enjoy science and math classes more than English and history classes. I find it easier to learn in the classes I enjoy. With that being said without education there isn’t knowledge. I consider knowledge important because, I will need what I learn for the rest of my life whether it’s for the job I want to pursue or it’s for writing a text. I also have goals for my future such as going to college and obtaining a stable job. These goals are very important to me and all begin with a great education at the foundation. Education should prepare me for the real world and teach me how to be successful with the knowlegde my teachers have given me.
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farahh234-blog · 5 years
What do I want from my education?
After reading the texts about education and understanding how education effects others, I have understood what I want from my education and what I want to do with it. It’s clear to me that my education can help me succeed but only to a certain degree. I think that my education can help me gain and retain more knowledge, but, to a certain extent. I think that I will struggle when it comes to the real world because education doesn’t really teach you about taxes and how to socialize with others. These are very important skills that people need to have in order to be able to successful in life. Although education might not be able to help someone do taxes, I still think that it can help me reach my goals. I think that my education can help me excel when it comes to the career that I’m choosing. Education can help me study the information needed to go into the career that I want to go into. Learning more information means gaining more knowledge. My education is very important to be because it can help me get into a good university and even can help me with getting a job. Lastly, education is needed to advance technologies and improve our future.
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alexhullinger · 5 years
What do I want from my education?
Education is what shapes me for my upcoming future. What I want from education is to prepare me for the future, and help me to a successful life. I want my education to make me have great knowledge in life as well. I care about my education because I care about my future. By working hard and achieving my goals, education is supposed to have me prepared for my future. Education ties in with gaining knowledge. This is because , by having a good education and strong knowledge it will help me in life. Therefore by having important knowledge, it will make me have a better perspective on things. So by, having a better perspective on things it will help me develop my own opinion on things. Also, having a better perspective, it will shape my decisions in life. Which so far I have spoken my own opinions and have made important decisions because of what my education has taught me. Which it is important to make my own decisions, and share your opinions. So in life so you don’t get pushed around. Another thing I think is important to gain from my education is having a clear perspective on things. I believe by having a clear perspective on things will help me with a lot of things in life. Plus, I want my education to make me successful, just like most people who care about their education wants to be successful. Though, I want my education to make me successful, I want guidance, and direction from education so it can prepare me for my next step in life. Reason being, is when my education isn’t their to tell me what’s the next step, it’s all up to me. (My own decision) This is why I want my education to give me clear path of what is the step. All in all, education will shape you for how much effort you put into it. Putting hard effort and caring about your education shapes a successful path. However, putting in less effort and not caring leads you into a not successful path. Education is important but it’s how you care about it. I want to have a good future and have superior knowledge so I can be successful. So when I don’t have education telling me my next step in life, I can take my next step independently in life.
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rdaro0311 · 5 years
What do I want from my education?
Seems like a straight-forward answer right?? No, not really. While most just simply want to be ready for college, for me, it’s much much more.
There are many things that I want from my education. Starting basic, I want to help others, but I also want to help myself. Of course I want to go to a good college and become an engineer. However, if I combine all of these wants together, I immediately see a connection. These are all things that I want to do, by heart. Diving even deeper, all of these require a substantial amount of effort in education. So much so that it becomes rather exhausting very quickly. I want to be able to have the freedom to do what my heart desires, and not spend countless hours dedicated to my education and a test. So, to culminate everything, what I want from my education is the urge to do what my heart wants me to do. I want school to enable me to go out there and make a difference in the world. I don’t want to only care for myself, I want to care for others too by serving them, while also ensuring that I am stable. I want to become some sort of engineer, probably civil, although that can change. I want education to make me feel free. I am more than just a test score.
Adding on to what I said, It’s also important to know that these kind of things change. Last year I wanted to run for President as my future occupation, and nothing else! Who knows what I’ll want to do next year! That only adds to the fun of this question, because you rarely make a definitive decision on what you are going to do before you do it.
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clgratsch · 5 years
What do I want from my education?
Reading about the cave really made me think about what I want from not only my education but from life. Nothing is technically making us stay go to school, then to college, then work until we retire. However, I think it’s nearly impossible to break out of the system. The system has been built based on years and years of the same process. From my education, I want to be able to go to a college of my choice. High school is basically nothing in comparison to the entire life you get to live. I think college offers so many more opportunities in terms of where you want to be in life. I want to be able to graduate with the grades and test scores I need to go to my first choice college. I don’t want to have to settle for anything. I guess you can say this means that I am okay with watching shadows and naming them. But for right now, that’s all I really want. Yes I want to get out of the cave and live my life how I want to, but I need to follow the steps in place first. This is the safe way so it’s the way I will take.
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hannahlam · 5 years
What I want out of my education.
The education system is designed in a specific way. The system says graduate high school, go to college, and finally get a job. Despite what school is supposed to help you do I find myself often wondering if most of the knowledge  I have gained is worth knowing. At this age I have an idea of what I want for my future and although that may change I am pretty sure chemistry is not involved. Yet I still show up to class everyday. I used to get really angry knowing I may never use the things they teach me in school. Now I see that school can be more than just a means to an end. I now see each class as a sort of trial and error, all those errors will lead me to true passion in life. I may not become a chemist, but the kid sitting next to me might. And if I never was in that class then I would still be confused on what I want and so would they. If I am not exposed to all these new ideas than I would’ve never found out I love architecture or photography. I want my education to open my eyes to all the crazy wonderful things there are in this world. That way when I find my passion I can make some crazy wonderful things that will inspire others to do the same. Thats what I want. I want my education to show me how to inspire. I want my eduction to provide me with the means to be able to have a joy filled life. I want my education to provide me with the freedom to be happy. After all thats why I keep showing up to class everyday.
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ayagley · 5 years
What do I want from my education
As I have gone through school the main thing drilled into my fellow students and my minds is that you have to go to education to get a job. Obviously this is true, but the question arises of what do I want from my education. I, as well as many other students, most likely want to be successful in life and make money to have fun later on in life. While money isn’t necessarily my long term goal it is an important factor on how you live your life. Personally I want to take in as much knowledge and wisdom from my teachers so that I can see multiple sides of arguments. I find it very intelligent when other people are able to go beyond their own viewpoint and put themselves in other peoples shoes to understand what they’re going through. The ability to show empathy towards others and understand their ideas is a very important, and respectful, trait to have
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colored-pencil-bin · 5 years
What Do I Want From Education?
You know, I think most people would probably agree that education is something that generally helps people grow and find their place in society. It’s passing generations and generations of knowledge down to build a bright future for those being educated. All over the place, you would hear things about education and how it prepares you for the “real world,” right? You spend the longest years of your life preparing for the real world, but why? From my perspective, I can see what the real world is and why other people would want others to be a benefit to it, but why should I want to be a part of it? Why is the future something I should be interested in? I don’t really care about the tools necessary to succeed in the future. You can have the tools necessary to build, say for example, a couch. All of the things you need to build that couch is in front of you. Do you want to build it? If you have no reason to, I doubt you would. Now, change the scenario. What if you were to build a couch, but you’d save a puppy for every couch you put together? Now (hopefully) you’d find the best possible way to make as many couches as you can. This is the same for me and education. I’m not looking for tools to be successful- those are right in front of me. What I want from education is strong enough motivation to be educated.
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connorr326 · 5 years
What I Want From My Education
Although I am very thankful to receive an education, I feel that there are  problems with the American education system. Instead of learning about how to write a resume, do my taxes, and manage my money to be able to retire, I am sitting in class learning about the development of civilizations in China and how to find the asymptotes of a function. Why do I need to know this, and how is this going to help at all in the real world? I feel that a lot of my education now will not benefit me in the future, and I won’t be prepared for the real world.
Schools also focus on grades and test scores way too much as well on top of a lot of useless curriculum. I am in my junior year in high school, the year where we take standardized tests for college. The score we get on our test are supposed to demonstrate our learning abilities, and show colleges that we would be a good student in their programs. In reality, it is how well you can memorize the information from the hours of studying you do to get into the college that will put you into debt for the next 30 years. 
What I want from my education is to learn skills to prepare me a career and the real world. As a high school student who has most of my education behind me, I feel I haven’t learned enough to be successful in my adult life. I definitely have learned many useful things, especially in government and economics classes, and in the CTE classes I hope that will help in a successful career, but overall I feel like I have learned very little information that has any value after I get my diploma. There are still many things I want to learn before I become an adult and enter the real world, such as how to write a good resume and stand out during a job interview, and how to know which rate I should get on a mortgage for a house, but I am doubtful I will ever get that out of my education.
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samilovesshawarma · 5 years
What I want from my education.
Stability is the most important thing to get out of an education because in order to live life to the fullest you can’t have money be a burden. Also one of my core values is family. In the future, I really want to make my dad proud and buy him a house and one of the fastest and best ways to do that is getting through college so you have the knowledge needed to get a well paying job.
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emilyyuchasz · 5 years
What i want from my education
What I want from my education is to learn the most I can about the things I care about. I do not truly care about math and care very little for science. Instead I want to become more social and get better at art or improve my writing. I think in some aspect my education gives me what I want. The only down side is that my value is based on numbers rather than my actual skills. Not only that but I learn too much about things I care too little for. Unfortunately this is the way thing are. All I can do is make the best out of the opportunities I am given to learn about the things that I enjoy. The things I want to base a future off of.
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charlottecash-blog · 5 years
What Do You Want From Your Education?
I wish for a lot from my education. What I decide to do now will certainly hold impact on my future. I wish to go through through my years as a student with no regrets or a feeling of missed opportunity. I want to pursue a career that i will enjoy, possibly in the medical field. In order to do this I will need to go through years to come of schooling. I want to gain knowledge and better myself through challenges. I wish to feel successful and accomplished. I hope for a well paying job to ensure my future as an adult. I wish for an important role in a career path where I can use my knowledge and experience to help others in need. I believe education is very significant and is essential for a prosperous future. Education is a blessing and can easily be taken for granted. I ultimately hope I can mature with my knowledge and take this into a purpose for greater good.
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nyaja123 · 5 years
What Do I Want From My Education ?
From my education I want success. Not just success in terms of completing school and getting a job, I want success of defying the odds. I want my education to help people see that not all African Americans fall into a stereotype. I want my education to show that I am more than just another number on a chart or paper.
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rollsroice16-blog · 5 years
What I want out of my education
Education should be meaningful. It should set you up for college and real life. Classes shouldn’t be standardized throughout the whole country. School should help students develop important life skills and help them decide what they want to do in life. The education system believes that all students should learn the same content. They keep us in a cave and then expose us to reality and expect us to succeed. The school system teaches kids like everyone wants to be a doctor; not everyone wants to be a doctor and some classes just aren’t useful in certain fields. I want my education to provide something useful to my future.
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