#apologies for the lyric posting but the singing one tells lies with a pen again today (shaking fist)
lacecap · 2 years
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voted worlds most normal woman
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unabashegirl · 5 years
#1 “Kings of Leon” HS
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Author’s Note: First Harry Styles imagine! Hope you like it! Request are open!
He leans against the frame of the entrance of the living room. He was locked away in the office for a few hours, trying to write something down in his journal for the day. It was until he heard the faint sound of music playing that he decided to leave the room and investigate the source of the ruckus.
It was her. The music sounds too familiar to him as he walks down the hallway. Kings of Leon play loudly throughout the entire house. He had discovered that it was her favorite band after the first few dates. That day after lunch, they had decided to go for a walk. They ran into a small music store where Y/N bought a Kings of Leon vinyl. She then proceeded to invite Harry to her small apartment for some coffee and to listen to the record together.
Her appearance captivates him. She dances around the living room without a single care in the world. She only wears a simple t-shirt over her bikini. Her hair is down and still wet from her previous dip in the ocean. She is attempting to air-dry it. She also holds tightly to a tall glass of Pina colada and tries her best not to spill it on the hardwood floor of the house, but she is still not holding anything back. He can see the small bruise forming on the side of her thigh. Last night Y/N had turned off the lights before getting in bed and had walked into the corner of their bed. Harry had to turn the lights back on with the switch beside the bed to go tend her. 
It is only their second day in the Caribbean, but they have both already managed to burn. Jamaica will always hold a very special place in Harry’s heart. He has enjoyed showing Y/N the best places to eat and loved her reaction after they had gone snorkeling.  After being in Japan for so long, he had only desired to spend sometime under the sun and away from the real world especially with her. It also didn’t take much convincing to get Y/N on the plane. 
In one of her twirls her eyes land on Harry, who is only staring at her while enjoying the view of her careless self. 
“What are you doing?” She breathlessly asks as she stops moving while Pyro plays in the background. It was one of her favorites songs. Y/N pushes her hair away from her face, her cheeks are blushed which only entices him to approach and kiss each of them.
“Just heard the music” He honestly just wants her to go back to dancing. He relishes watching her when she isn’t looking. It is mesmerizing for him. He had even sneaked into her office once for a  few hours before lunch just to watch her work. He would just tell her that he needed to finish some lyrics for a song and pretend to write in his journal. He loves seeing how she knits her eyebrows when she reads over her emails or how she fiddles with her pen as she tries to remember what she was about to write on a post-it. 
“I am sorry if I interrupted you” She kinda feels bad and flustered. She knows how important writing time it’s for him. It wasn’t her intention to disturb him in his sacred time. It is his alone time and it helps him to put all his thoughts in one place whether they are bad or good. While Harry walks over to the small bar and pours himself a glass of whiskey, she turns down the music with her phone. When he chooses his drink, he heads back and sits on his usual seat. She just stands around. 
“No need to apologize, kitten” Y/N has the habit of apologizing for things that aren’t her actual fault especially when she is around him. She is just terrified to piss him off and for him to send her off. After all, there is nothing binding them together. They have no commitment to one another. They weren’t even formally dating per se. Even though Harry whispers that she is his every time he makes love to her. 
“Did you get to write anything tho?” She pulls on the back of her shirt, trying to cover some skin. He knows how nervous he makes her feel and he can only blame himself for it. They had met in a time when Harry was fragile due to his past relationship. It was a few weeks before his departure to Japan. He had already bought the tickets and his team had already organized everything for him. In the following weeks, they had multiple dates. She invited him to her hot yoga and spinning classes in the morning. They would usually go out for breakfast or lunch after. He grew accustomed to having her around. He asked her to accompany him to Japan three days before his departure.
“This is something you need to do on your own,” She said that day to him while she held him tightly. That was the day, Harry knew that she was so different from all the girls that he had even gone out with him. It wasn’t only because she wasn’t a model and she was just like any other person, but because she truly cared for his mental health. “You need to recover and I think this will do you good” Y/N said a few hours before his departure. He had stopped at her apartment before leaving. He wanted to tell her how much he liked her and to wait for him.
It wasn’t easy for Y/N. After all, he was leaving the country to write about his ex, who he was still in love with. She took a step back after his departure and let him do his own things. If it was meant to be, it would happen without her having anything to do with it. It certainly was because the first place that Harry went to when he arrived was her apartment.
“I did” He smiles as he reached out for her hand. It had been mostly about her and their long passionates nights on the island. “Are you hiding from me?” Harry asks as he pulls her on his lap. She nervously shakes her head as she settles each of legs on either side of him. “How was the water?” He runs his fingers over her skin noticing the little specks of salt on her brand new tan skin. Harry had stayed in for their usual sunset dip. He had fallen asleep after making love to her and devouring a giant bowl of fruit with her in bed.
“Warm and kinda lonely” She pouts, wrapping her free hand around his neck then leans over and places her drink on a table. 
“We can’t have that can’t we?” Y/N smiles and shakes her head at him as she gently pulls on the curls at the back of his head. The skin of his cheekbones is slightly burned making him more irresistible. She had tried to apply sunscreen on his face, but he kept making faces. It only distracted her and she ended just laughing at him “I guess I won’t ever leave yeh again” Harry leans in and kisses her jawline gently. He can still smell the faint aroma of her carrot tanning lotion on her skin.  
She enjoys the coolness of his rings pressed against her bare lower back. She runs her hands on his chest noticing the soft material of the shirt that he has on. The living room slide doors are opened allowing the sound of the waves crashing soothe them along with the faint sound of her favorite band.
“I need to tell yeh something” he mumbles against her the salty skin of her neck. She immediately tenses up and goes cold. A million thoughts run through her head. Harry pulls away wanting to see her reaction. He takes a sip out of his drink and leans back on his seat. He still grips her hip in place wanting to keep some kind of content with her.
“What is it?” She gulps, silently playing that he wasn’t dumping her or sending her away.
“I first have to confess something. I told you I liked you before I left for Japan, do yeh remember?” Y/N nods along too scared to say something. She also feels like she was about to be sick. It might have to do something about the amount of rum that it’s running through her veins. “I was actually not sure if I did. I was hesitant. We had just met and I was leaving for a long time. I didn’t want to lose you. I lied”
“Why are you tell me all of this now?” She frowns not comprehending where he is going with this or what he is trying to tell her.
“For us to have a healthy relationship. I have to be honest with yeh from starters. We can’t build a relationship based on lies” He explains hoping she would get what he is trying to say and catch up.
“In that case, I actually didn’t lose your sweater” she confesses, “It's actually in my closet at home. It just reminds me of you” Harry laughs lightly showing her his pearly whites.
“I know babe” A few days ago he had seen it in her closet. “I think that you are absolutely beautiful inside out. I love how much you worry about little things, how you sing in the shower, how much you take care of your plants and even how your lips still taste like pineapple when I kiss them” he jokes at the end. He tries to keep it short even though there are still a million things he can mention about her.  “I guess I am trying t’ say is that you are worth having my heart broken a thousand times more if that means that I get to be around yeh” He watches as a wide smile appears across her face. She presses her lips against his. 
“Would you be my girlfriend?” She doesn’t say much but just repeatedly pecks her lips. Y/N was starting to grow impatient. She was starting to believe that their relationship would never move forward and she would remain to be just a friend who he occasionally has sex with until he found a girlfriend. 
“Is that a yes?”
“Yes, silly” she giggles then proceeds to peck the tip of his nose. “I thought you were going to send me home for a minute” Y/N admits as she presses a hand against her chest. 
“No. You’re stuck with me now”  He is so infatuated with her that it wouldn’t surprise him if he tells her he loves her before the trip ends, but that is another story. 
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heartbreakgrill · 4 years
That Smile; Luke Hemmings, Pt. 4
description: in which songwriting is over, but there’s still lyrics left to be written.
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You glared at the wall across from you, fist clenched in your lap, teeth grinding together. The bass bounced from wall to wall in the studio, in tune with your fast-beating heart. You resisted the urge to scream, to curse the world, to quit your job and move to western France with all ties cut to anyone you ever knew.
Especially him. His stupid face was grinning at the carpet, skinny jeaned legs crossed over one another boot clad foot bouncing in the air. His hair was ruffled, messy from running his hands through it time and again, pushed behind his ears by a pen on his left side. Those stupidly gorgeous blue eyes were trained on the floor, too, almost nervous to meet anyone’s eyes.
They wrote a song without you- well, Luke wrote it, he even composed all of the instruments. Then, while you were working with another client for a grudging week, they recorded it. Now, they were playing it for you with proud shoulders, like, “Look! We can do it without you!”
This was your last week together. After a little over six months of bonding, partying, drinking, falling, and, yes, songwriting, it was coming to an end. You had never grown so close to a set of clients before, and you were terrified at how much it was going to hurt, saying goodbye. You hadn’t spoken to Luke since the week prior to your absence. You texted in the group chat about a few ideas, spoke to Calum both on the phone and in real life, and had even gone on a double date with Michael, Crystal, and a god-awful redhead. Ashtons girlfriend had taken friendly to you after a few mores parties, so youd even seen her for lunch and shopping with Crystal a few times.
But, he just wouldn’t speak to you.
You didn’t know why. You racked your brain for reasons and answers, afraid to even ask the questions. He averted his gaze when you looked his way, shrugged off your compliments on his outfit or lyrics, hadnt even liked your latest Instagram post. You were craving for his attention, pushing up at the universe which was destroying your year.
Two heartbreaks, and it had only been six fucking months.
Calum, who was sitting next to you- of course- tapped his fingers against your wrist to get your attention. You looked away from Luke, who looked back at you. He was disappointed to see you staring at Calum, a small smile lifting the corner of your lips. You murmured something, Calum smiled, and you looked back to Luke.
He went to look away, but simply couldn’t. He was avoiding your pretty face because he wanted to get detached before he had to say goodbye entirely. He knew you guys could hang out, and you were planning to come to Ash’s next weekend, but it wouldn’t be like it had been weeks before he got your confession. Plus, he was going home to Australia for a month or two, before the album was released, tour started, so his heart could mend.
He loved you, and you loved somebody else.
“So?” Ashton spun around in the studio’s chair, cheeks pudgy with a smile, “What do you think?”
You looked away from Luke, “Oh, it was really good. Really...good. What’re you gonna call it?”
Luke felt brave energy on the tip of his tongue. “Why wont you love you,” he said, directly into your gaze.
You furrowed your brows, your head tilting involuntarily. “Wh-“
“Yeah, we think were done now. That was the last song were gonna have on the record.” Michael interrupted without even meaning to.
“So today is your last day?” Your breath hitched, eyes already bleary with goodbyes.
Calum slung an arm around your shoulder and pulled you into his side, “Yeah. It is.”
You leaned into him without even meaning to, but Luke noticed. His bravery turned to venom, dripping off his frowning lips when he stood, headed for the door, and said, “Better get to confessing, Y/N.”
You stared at his empty seat, cheeks pink with embarrassment and sadness. Calum’s eyes screwed up with confusion, “What?”
Ashton and Michael looked towards you as you bent at the waist, cradled your torso. Calum got a better hold on you, hugging you as you began to cry. Ashton joined him on the other side, sitting on the arm of the couch. He rubbed your back, pushing hair out of your face.
Michael spoke, “What does he mean by confessing?”
“God,” you wiped at your cheeks, “God, I’m sorry.”
“What?” Ashton inquired.
You sat up a little bit because your chest hurt so badly, “I lied to Luke and told him I was in love with Calum because I love Luke and I didn’t want to make things weird. It was after my boyfriend broke up with me, so I was scared, and tired and my heart hurt so bad. And now Ill never see him again because he’s going back to Australia. And he didn’t even tell me that! He told Calum! Calum told me, and I feel stupid.”
Calum chuckled, sharing a knowing look with Michael, “Y/N, you dont have to apologize for defending yourself. You deserve the right to.”
“Yeah, its just human nature. Plus, I’m not sure it would make things weird,” Michael pursed his lips with quirked brows.
You looked up, “What?”
“Y/N, are you still scared?” Ashton playfully pinched your arm, smiling down at you when your eyes flickered to his.
“Tired?” Calum squeezed you in his arm.
“N-no, I’m just sad,” you admitted and pushed your hair back behind your ears.
Calum helped pull you from the couch, Michael gathered your things into your bag, and Ashton handed you Luke’s abandoned hoodie. Calum spoke as it happened, “I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to freak you out or scare you, but his plane leaves in six hours. Ill send you his address-“
“I did you one better; Its in your Google maps,” Michael grinned like a child when your head popped out of Luke’s sweater, which Calum had pulled over your head.
You looked to Calum, confused, “Its raining, dont want you to be cold.”
“Get to his place, Y/N, drive safely, but drive quickly. Get there and tell him before its too late,” Ashton hugged you tightly.
Michael did, too, and, finally, Calum squeezed you in his arms. “Go, on, then.”
You hesitantly stepped towards the door, a small smile meeting your eyes, “Yeah?”
They nodded before you turned on your heel, taking off like a bat out of hell.
As you drove, it all began to make sense. The song he wrote, the way he looked you in the eyes and told you what it was called. The way he held you after you got sick, the way he looked at you when you were with Calum. The longing in his eyes when he saw you leaving the studio, at parties when you were dancing. He’d dance with a few times, but when youd get too close, he would linger away, deflated, defeated, and alone.
The way he smiled at you.
When you arrived, the rain slowed to a drizzle. Your name was still on the guards checklist, and he pointed you towards Luke’s house with ease. You quickly texted Calum you were there before turning off the car and abandoning your phone on the passenger seat. You jogged to his front door, stopped with your fisted hand against it.
Your eyes shut, rain falling from your eyelashes and hairline like tears. With three rasps on the door with your knuckles, you stepped back. The door hesitantly opened- he must have seen you in the peep hole. His eyes racked your body, almost smiling when he saw his damp hoodie clinging to your frame, before he met your eyes.
“Y/N, I’m sorr-“
“No, okay?” You stopped him with your hands and voice, “Just, no. Don’t speak, just let me get this out, okay? Luke, I am sorry for lying to you. I dont love Calum, unless you count as a friend. He is an amazing guy, but, Luke, he’s not you.”
Lukes eyes widened, their familiar blue color shining down at you.
“I have denied my feelings for so long because I am so afraid of you. You are tall, and so sweet, and insanely talented. And you look like fucking Aphrodite. You’ve been with so many pretty girls, so many talented, pretty girls who just- I dont look like them. Plus, I was scared because I was broken up with and, even though I’d lost feelings, it just hurts knowing someone doesnt want you anymore. I-I, dont know, I think I was just holding myself back because. There’s no reason, just because. I know I’m not a size 0 and I know I’m crazy loud and I get drunk sometimes and I can be kinda annoying, but, Luke, I never want you to sing Why Won’t You Love Me? and think of me. I want you to sing Valentine and Better Man and just think of me.”
Luke stepped forward, enveloped your hips in his hands. You pressed yourself against his chest before he responded, “Those size 0 girls just aren’t you, either, Y/N. They’re not loud or crazy or, yeah, even annoying. They dont make my heart leap when they sing or my fucking head spin when they laugh or look at me. You make me smile so much more than they could. Fuck fear, Y/N, just let go and give into it. There’s nothing to be worried about because I will be there to catch you, okay? I cant just think about when singing those songs, though. Y/N, you are in my head all damn day, it’s fucking grueling because I just want to hold you in my arms and kiss you all the damn time.”
“Then do it.”
When he pulled away from you, eyes screwed shut in overwhelming joy and satisfaction, that damn smile was grazing his lips. You kissed it off of him, clutching at his shoulders before your hands moved around to the buttons on his shirt.
“Gonna invite me in?” You whispered against his lips, squealing when he lifted you in the air and pulled you inside.
TAG LIST: @oopsiedoopsie23 @pixiiiiee @kingxnichole
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dr-m-r-ma · 6 years
Jealousy / Lies
Part 18/20
Genre: drama, angst, romance Rating: PG-13 Group: Monsta X
In the previous chapter: Jooheon finds out Yoonjin will be taking an indefinite hiatus due to health concerns and decides to take drastic measures by penning a vague letter to his fans on the fancafe.
Disclaimer: This is 100% fictional and my own story. It is unrelated to the actual events and real persons of Monsta X and Starship. In regards to this particular fic, I’ve created new K-Pop groups (they don’t exist) so I don’t have to study up on other people and to avoid other complications. Parts will be written in Korean with English translations. I did not major/study in English/Korean, nor was I ever strong in English/Korean grammar, so there will be grammatical mistakes. This fanfic is written in third person and past-tense for ease of writing.
*Bzzz* *Bzzzz*
‘또 매니저형이네.’ (Translation: ‘It’s the manager again.’) Jooheon thought, before rejecting the call. He could hear the loud voices outside his studio door and the continuous texts blowing up on his phone, but he continued to do his work. Knowing the buzz he created on the fan cafe, he knew he didn’t have much time to finish the mixtape. Who knew when they would force the door open to his studio and take away his phone?
He didn’t get a wink of sleep to record when most people were sleeping, and the sun started to rise as he put the song together. Jooheon sped to finalize the song and prepared to post it on numerous sites at once -- the fancafe, Soundcloud, Twitter, even Yosi and Gujji’s Instagram.
*Bzzt* *Bzzt*
The texts were still coming, but Jooheon couldn’t be bothered to even check them. He could hear the door rattling and his manager trying to unlock it. Even though he was running on no sleep and just barely enough caffeine, somehow he had enough of an adrenaline rush to power through finalizing the mixtape. His eyes lost focus momentarily when he heard the door unlock.
“야!! 이주헌!” (Translation: “HEY!! LEE JOOHEON!”) His manager yelled, flanked by Wonho and Kihyun.
‘아이씨…’ (Translation: ‘Shit…’) Jooheon thought, as he quickly clicked through the pages, approving all the posts. He watched as the mixtape published on each site before Wonho tackled him.
Their manager stomped over and yelled, “너 지금 뭐 했어?! 전화는 왜 안 받고??” (Translation: “What did you do just now!? And why didn’t you pick up the phone??”)
Jooheon squirmed in Wonho’s tight hold, and tried to calmly explain, “미리 말 했잖아. 그리고 노래 만들었어, 노래.” (Translation: “I told you beforehand. Also a song, I made a song.”) The manager’s eyes widened as his hands shook, while Kihyun ran over to Jooheon’s computer. Seeing the websites open with the song uploaded and the explosive reaction, Kihyun muttered, “미쳤어… 얘가… 미친거야…” (Translation: “Crazy… He’s… gone crazy…”)
They watched as comments started popping up on every site Jooheon touched and soon enough, texts started buzzing from all four of their phones. Jooheon quietly sighed in relief, knowing it was too late for the company to take them down and it had spread too far already.
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“모야모야 이게” (Translation: “What what’s this”)
“가사???” (Translation: “Lyrics???”)
“누구얘기?” (Translation: “Who’s he talking about?”)
Several news reports wrote about Jooheon’s strange behavior on his fancafe and his sudden track that dropped on many different sites. Starship stayed quiet as fans questioned the meaning behind the two events. Many questioned the lyrics especially, since a couple of lines overlapped with the number one song on the charts -- Yoonjin’s <Into Pieces>. Chaos ensued when fans started digging deeper and wondered if Dispatch failed to catch a celebrity couple, but Starship continued to stay silent.
---------------------------------------------✿✿✿✿✿ ---------------------------------------------
Yoonjin rolled awake in the dark, patting her bed for her phone. ‘?? 어디갔지?’ (Translation: ‘Where did it go?’) She patted around on her bed, her nightstand and the floor for her phone, but it was nowhere to be found. The room was dark, but without her phone, she had no way of telling what time it was. She looked around, trying to squint to see if JinA or SeulA were in bed, but she didn’t sense  anyone else in the room.
“... 아니, 그냥 조용히 있어.” (Translation: “... No, just stay quiet.”)
‘윤...이오빠?’ (Translation: ‘Yoon…[-oppa]?’) Yoonjin sat up, wide awake, and tried to listen to the conversation outside. She gripped her blanket tightly when she heard SeulA’s voice responding.
“야, 그래도 이건 너무 심하잖아. 언제까지 윤진이한테 숨길거야? 전화기는 언제까지 네가 들고 있을건데.” (Translation: “Hey, but this is too much. Until when are you going to hide it from Yoonjin? How long more are you going to hold onto her phone?”) SeulA sighed in exasperation.
Yoon snapped, “네가 할 말은 아닌거 같은데. 지금 윤진이 위한척 하지말라고.” (Translation: “I don’t think that’s for you to say. I’m telling you to stop acting like you’re doing this for Yoonjin.”) Yoonjin leaned closer to the wall, trying to understand what they were talking about. Yoon continued, “아… 생각할수록 더 짜증나네… 야, 그만 말 걸어. 이건 내가 해결할 거니까 넌 빠져.” (Translation: “Ah… I’m getting pissed the more I think about it… hey, stop talking to me. I’ll handle this so don’t get nosy.”)
Yoonjin heard footsteps shuffling away, but a sudden clatter alerted her back to bed, pretending to be asleep.
“야!!! 강슬아!!” (Translation: “Hey!!! Kang SeulA!!”) Yoon yelled, as SeulA ran into Yoonjin’s room and locked the door shut.
From under the covers, Yoonjin wondered what SeulA did for Yoon to flare up like that. Before she could think about it more, SeulA flicked the light switch on and pulled the covers off of Yoonjin.
With wide eyes, Yoonjin looked up in shock. They hadn’t talked without the other members present since the end of the year festival, which was more than a couple of months. Yoonjin sat up quietly, but stared at SeulA blankly. They could hear Yoon yelling outside the door and knocking harshly, to which SeulA yelled back, “문 부수면 너 죽는다!” (Translation: “If you break the door, you’re dead!”)
Yoonjin frowned, confused by the sudden yelling fest, as Yoon started to yell profanities at SeulA and SeulA just screamed gibberish back. Finally, Yoon pounded the door once more and said, “하…. 그래. 10분 줄게. 그 후에는 문 부수고 들어간다.” (Translation: “*sigh*... fine. I’ll give you 10 minutes. After that I’m breaking the door open.”) With that, the two girls heard Yoon walk away. Yoonjin looked toward the door and sighed in relief, momentarily scared from the aggressive banter between the two.
“윤진아.” (Translation: “Yoonjin.”)
Yoonjin’s eyes trailed back to SeulA, who climbed onto the foot of Yoonjin’s bed and kneeled formally. Yoonjin’s eyes widened with horror and she gasped, yanking SeulA out of the position. She yelped, “언니! 왜그래 진짜?!” (Translation: “Unnie! What’s wrong with you?!”)
Nevertheless, SeulA calmly pushed off Yoonjin’s hand and went back into the same position. With her head hanging, she quietly said, “윤진아… 내가 잘 못 했어. 진짜… 너무 미안해.” (Translation: “Yoonjin… I was wrong. I’m… really sorry.”)
Hearing the older girl’s words, Yoonjin felt her heart twinge and her eyes glazed over slightly. She didn’t want to think about it, but hearing the apology made her think of that person and she suddenly felt queasy again. She managed to squeak, “ㅇ-아니야, ㅇ-언니 잘못 아니야… 내가… 멍청해서...” (Translation: “N-no, i-it’s not your fault… it’s because… I was dumb.”)
“아니!” (Translation: “No!”) SeulA scooched over and clasped her hands around Yoonjin’s. She said, “나도 알아, 내가 나빴다는거… 그땐… 주헌이가 진심이였다는게 믿기지가 안았어. 그냥… 널 흔들수 있다면 주헌이가 포기하고 나안테 돌아올줄 알았어…” (Translation: “I know too, that I was bad [to you]... at that time… I couldn’t believe that he was serious. Just… I thought if I shook you up, he would give up and come back to me…”)
At the mention of Jooheon, Yoonjin let her hands stay in SeulA’s grasp, but the older girl’s words were simply flowing in through one ear and out the other. She stared blankly at SeulA without a change in her expression, to which SeulA looked sad about.
Quietly, SeulA took out Yoonjin’s phone and pulled up a YouTube video. She handed the phone back to Yoonjin and asked, “윤이가 왜 네 핸드폰 가지고 있었는지 모르지? 이거 때문이야. 누가 다운받아서 가사랑 같이 올렸더라.” (Translation: “Aren’t you curious as to why Yoon took your phone? It’s because of this. Someone downloaded [the track] and uploaded it with the lyrics.”)
Her eyes scanned the screen and Yoonjin couldn’t catch her breath when she saw the title: “JOOHONEY MYSTERY MIXTAPE”. SeulA gauged Yoonjin’s expression before correcting herself.
“아니다. 마음속 깊히… 알고 있었던것 같아. 12월이었나? 우리 연습실에서 두번째로 연습한날에 창문으로 주헌이 눈 보니까… 그때부터 ‘내가 졌다’라는 생각 했어. 그 눈빛이… 내가 본 눈빛중에서 제일 사랑스러웠고 진짜 진심인것 같았어. 그걸… 부인하고 싶었고 주헌이 마음이 변할수 있다는게 너무 싫었어.” (Translation: “Actually, no. Deep down… I think I knew. Was it December? When you guys met at our practice room for the second time, I saw Jooheon’s eyes through the windows… and I knew from then that I lost. Those eyes… of all the looks I’ve seen, they seemed like they were the most loving and most sincere. I… wanted to deny that and I hated the fact that Jooheon’s heart could change.”) SeulA’s lip quivered and Yoonjin quietly listened to SeulA’s voice shake at the last sentence.
Yoonjin wasn’t sure what to say, if there was anything she could say at the moment. A part of her wanted to hold down the fort and reject SeulA’s words, but the other part was craving for any news about Jooheon. It was as if her body was breaking down but her heart didn’t care. She stayed silent, still staring at the YouTube video paused at the beginning.
*똑똑* *Knock knock*
“나와, 10분 다 됐어.” (Translation: “Get out, 10 minutes is up.”) Yoon spoke in a low voice through the door.
As SeulA sniffled and slid off the bed, she stopped to look straight into Yoonjin’s eyes. She sincerely apologized again, “윤진아… 진심으로… 언니가 미안해. 너한테도 상처주고 주헌이한테도 상처줘서… 정말 미안해. 화해하고 둘이 행복했으면 좋겠어… 그렇게 해서 넌 노래도 다시 하고, 윤이는 나한테 화 그만 내고, 우리 다섯명이서 같이 활동할수있고... 응?” (Translation: “Yoonjin… I’m genuinely… sorry. I’m really sorry… for hurting you and Jooheon. I hope you guys can make up and be happy… then you can sing again, Yoon will stop being angry at me, and we can promote as five again… yeah?”)
Yoonjin pursed her lips and quietly hugged SeulA. She couldn’t confidently reassure SeulA that she would be okay or that she would reconcile with Jooheon, but she hugged the older girl to accept her apology.
“고마워 언니….” (Translation: “Thank you, Unnie….”) Yoonjin mumbled.
*** TBC ***
A/n: I’m almost doneeee!!! weeeee!!
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