#app:catherine hargrave
rrhcaccepted-blog · 9 years
Catherine Hargrave Application
Who are you?
What will we call you?
Tamara, but Tami also works for me.
How old are you?
21 and almost two months away from 22 yay !
Preferred Pronouns?
Do you have any triggers we should be aware of?
Sexual abuse.
Time Zone?
UTC/GMT -3 hours.
Mostly weekends, but all day long when it comes to vacations.
How did you find us?
A dear friends that just joined you as Alexander Colton !
Are you okay with RPing smut?
Why this character?
Spend a large time roleplaying sweet, polite characters that are nice to meet new people but not actually fun to explore. And Catherine? Wow, the profile blew my mind. She is a kickass girl that I’m really excited to write and already has so many ideas to develop her !
Alternate means of contact?
I have an Skype account (kurogane.hikari) and two other Tumblr accounts where I’m active and check frequently (sunlight-maiden and notcrazyinlove)
Who do you want to be?
Character you want?
Catherine ‘Kat’ Hargrave
3+ Paragraphs in Character?
Cold, wet, containing. The fields of wild, untamed grass are a cradle with the stars as her mobile. The wind singing a secret lullaby for her and only for her while it caresses her skin and make her feel safe from the noises of both her mind and momentary residence, where nights are a turmoil of shouts to the sky, laughs, music and the smoke of cigarettes like the one she is right now lighting up and taking to her lips for a long inhale.
She should be somewhere else. Maybe looking for that goddamn work that could bring some other thing to the fridge that aren’t beers and some chinese takeaway. Maybe even getting the contacts for the band she craves and wants and needs, for the scenario tha’s waiting for her, for the people that will shout her name to this moon above her letting everyone know that Catherine is in town and ready to blast everything up.
She should be doing so much. Yet she closed her eyes and focused on the field’s lullaby.
There’s going to be time tomorrow. And after tomorrow. And surprise, surprise! Also after tomorrow. But right now there’s only silence and stillnes. No time, no space. No future and no past. Only her and her cigarette and the hold of grass around her sillhouette.
2+ Character Development Questions:
Have they ever been arrested?
More times than she can count. They never are the big thing. She is no bad, only not the best at taking care of herself when night take over the city. Sometimes is the innapropiate public behaviour, sometimes are the fight in the alleys in the name of the trassgresion to her own person by people that think girls in a bar and nothing more than an open invitation to slide your hand under a skirt. Sometimes is miscalculation while trying to ‘borrow’ some food from a gas station. But it isn’t something that takes her sleep away, less now that the officers even slide some leftovers for her and stop to talk when she is behind the bars.
Are they an optimist? Or a pessimist? Why?
World outside is not good, lover boy. It takes everything you love away in the blink of an eye and turns its back when you need it the most. People are cold and they are not going to help you if you don’t have something to pay them back. But that’s something great, you know why? Because at the end of the day when youa re sitting in that throne you worked your ass of to get you can look down and laugh at a place that only wanted to take you down. But that couldn’t. And will never can.
2+ Goals?
Happiest time of her life was when she was the center of her family universe so she is trying to go back to that time by getting the spotlight all by herself and having the world at her feet. Not actually wanting to get attached to someone or somewhere so another goal is to get the power to live everywere and nowhere at the same time. See everything, live everything around this planet we call Earth.
0 notes
rrapplications-blog · 9 years
Who are you?
What will we call you?
Tamara, but Tami also works for me.
How old are you?
21 and almost two months away from 22 yay !
Preferred Pronouns?
Do you have any triggers we should be aware of?
Sexual abuse.
Time Zone?
UTC/GMT -3 hours.
Mostly weekends, but all day long when it comes to vacations.
How did you find us?
A dear friends that just joined you as Alexander Colton !
Are you okay with RPing smut?
Why this character?
Spend a large time roleplaying sweet, polite characters that are nice to meet new people but not actually fun to explore. And Catherine? Wow, the profile blew my mind. She is a kickass girl that I’m really excited to write and already has so many ideas to develop her !
Alternate means of contact?
I have an Skype account (kurogane.hikari) and two other Tumblr accounts where I’m active and check frequently (sunlight-maiden and notcrazyinlove)
Who do you want to be?
Character you want?
Catherine ‘Kat’ Hargrave
3+ Paragraphs in Character?
Cold, wet, containing. The fields of wild, untamed grass are a cradle with the stars as her mobile. The wind singing a secret lullaby for her and only for her while it caresses her skin and make her feel safe from the noises of both her mind and momentary residence, where nights are a turmoil of shouts to the sky, laughs, music and the smoke of cigarettes like the one she is right now lighting up and taking to her lips for a long inhale.
She should be somewhere else. Maybe looking for that goddamn work that could bring some other thing to the fridge that aren’t beers and some chinese takeaway. Maybe even getting the contacts for the band she craves and wants and needs, for the scenario tha’s waiting for her, for the people that will shout her name to this moon above her letting everyone know that Catherine is in town and ready to blast everything up.
She should be doing so much. Yet she closed her eyes and focused on the field’s lullaby.
There’s going to be time tomorrow. And after tomorrow. And surprise, surprise! Also after tomorrow. But right now there’s only silence and stillnes. No time, no space. No future and no past. Only her and her cigarette and the hold of grass around her sillhouette.
2+ Character Development Questions:
Have they ever been arrested? More times than she can count. They never are the big thing. She is no bad, only not the best at taking care of herself when night take over the city. Sometimes is the innapropiate public behaviour, sometimes are the fight in the alleys in the name of the trassgresion to her own person by people that think girls in a bar and nothing more than an open invitation to slide your hand under a skirt. Sometimes is miscalculation while trying to 'borrow’ some food from a gas station. But it isn’t something that takes her sleep away, less now that the officers even slide some leftovers for her and stop to talk when she is behind the bars.
Are they an optimist? Or a pessimist? Why? World outside is not good, lover boy. It takes everything you love away in the blink of an eye and turns its back when you need it the most. People are cold and they are not going to help you if you don’t have something to pay them back. But that’s something great, you know why? Because at the end of the day when youa re sitting in that throne you worked your ass of to get you can look down and laugh at a place that only wanted to take you down. But that couldn’t. And will never can.
2+ Goals?
Happiest time of her life was when she was the center of her family universe so she is trying to go back to that time by getting the spotlight all by herself and having the world at her feet. Not actually wanting to get attached to someone or somewhere so another goal is to get the power to live everywere and nowhere at the same time. See everything, live everything around this planet we call Earth.
Anything Else?
Not really, as I said I loved the character just like she is and I like to thank in advance the chance to apply for her. Hope you guys like my little piece of Kat !
0 notes
rrhcaccepted-blog · 9 years
Catherine Hargrave
What will we call you?
How old are you?
Preferred Pronouns?
They, Them, Their
Do you have any triggers we should be aware of?
The only one that I need to steer clear of in rp is incest, it’s a really touchy subject. Otherwise, most of the things that would normally upset me get put aside for the sake of writing.
Time Zone?
Daily, since I honestly have nothing else to do with my life right now. I’ll notify you guys if that changes.
Times you will usually be on?
All day (which most likely begins at noon for me) , and until about 10 pm or later my time.
RP Experience?
I’ve been roleplaying for, god, like 10 years? I lost track, it’s been such a long time. I can’t think of specific examples, but ye.
How did you find us?
RPG tag on tumblr, because I was just trying to find a new group as I’ve been AWOL for reasons and lost contact with the ones I was in last year.
Are you okay with RPing smut?
Yep! Especially if it’s good for the plot/character, which I have a feeling it will be a big part of her.
Why this character?
I love problematic grunge girls, and also grunge music in general. Her connection with Branden interests me and I would looooooove to explore it! Also, I would love to write from the perspective of a lead singer/wannabe lead singer because it matches up with my own aspirations and I feel like I could capture it well.
Alternate means of contact?
Removed for privacy purposes.
Who do you want to be?
Character you want?
Catherine Hargrave
Secondary Character?
Freya Dahlstrom or, if there’s a problem with F/M/NB ratio, then Rowan Phillips
3+ Paragraphs in Character?
With a sigh of frustation, Kat glared at her ex through kohl-rimmed eyes. Sure, she’d screwed him over, but he’d returned the favor already plenty enough. He didn’t have to keep interrupting her during her increasingly vital vocal practice. The last thing she wanted was to get stuck in a band as a guitarist. I mean, maybe it wasn’t the last thing. But it wasn’t what gripped her heart with a passionate hand. That would be singing, letting everyone know how she really felt like she could never do with spoken words. Singing let her belt out the truth without repercussions. Her crystal gaze settled on him as she set her guitar down impatiently.
“Make it quick, alright? Some people have more important shit to do than be pestered by you. Actually, almost everybody does. Even people whose only goal in life is to collect scabs. Or maybe not, since you are actually a scab.” Now she smirked, relieved to be able to tease him. Maybe she did need a break, after all, and maybe he was just the person she needed to see. Not that she’d admit it. No, she’d totally die first. He was already full enough of himself, he really didn’t need the praise of somebody so substantial. He’d gotten plenty when they were together, and while they were still (sort of?) friends, she didn’t feel the need to be nicer to him than absolutely necessary.
Some people told her to be careful, that he could make or break her, but they’d shared too much to become total enemies through simple heckling. At least, that’s how she saw it. And when Kat trusted somebody, that was that until they fucked it up. And in his case, sometimes even after. When he remained silent, she figured he was either just here to bug her, or maybe even here for support. Perhaps just to listen; she was, after all, pretty damn talented. She once again began to strum and hum along, before opening her mouth and letting the words of her latest penning spill out from her painted lips. Her voice was somehow both clear and gruff, powerful and free.  
2+ Character Development Questions:
It starts to rain… they’ve had a romantic outdoor date planned… what do they do?
Considering that either electronics or an acoustic guitar would probably be involved in someway, she’d be forced to go inside. Not that you’ll find her complaining; she hasn’t really been fond of rain ever since the accident that took her family from her.
What is your character afraid of? What keeps him or her up at night?
Vehicles. She still uses them when she absolutely has to, but she’s never been excited to drive around like she was when she received her license. The thing that really keeps her up, though, is the guilt of being the one who killed her family, and the recurring nightmare that vividly replays the event of that warm but rainy night.
2+ Goals?
1. To become a respected musician, a legendary frontwoman of her very own grunge band. She wants to be known for years to come as somebody truly original, she wants to be looked up to (to an extent; she doesn’t feel like she deserves to be a role model as a person, but as a singer, she does want to be idolized to an extent. Not for the fame it brings, but merely because she wants her talent recognized fully.)
2. Her secret goal, which embarrasses her to no end, is to lock down Branden. It’s not primary, obviously, and she doesn’t acknowledge it or even actively pursue it, but a small part of her is still very attached to him. An even smaller part of that part thinks he could be her end game.
0 notes
rrapplications-blog · 9 years
What will we call you?
How old are you?
Preferred Pronouns?
They, Them, Their
Do you have any triggers we should be aware of?
The only one that I need to steer clear of in rp is incest, it’s a really touchy subject. Otherwise, most of the things that would normally upset me get put aside for the sake of writing. 
Time Zone?
Daily, since I honestly have nothing else to do with my life right now. I’ll notify you guys if that changes. 
Times you will usually be on?
All day (which most likely begins at noon for me) , and until about 10 pm or later my time. 
RP Experience?
I’ve been roleplaying for, god, like 10 years? I lost track, it’s been such a long time. I can’t think of specific examples, but ye. 
How did you find us?
RPG tag on tumblr, because I was just trying to find a new group as I’ve been AWOL for reasons and lost contact with the ones I was in last year. 
Are you okay with RPing smut?
Yep! Especially if it’s good for the plot/character, which I have a feeling it will be a big part of her.
Why this character?
I love problematic grunge girls, and also grunge music in general. Her connection with Branden interests me and I would looooooove to explore it! Also, I would love to write from the perspective of a lead singer/wannabe lead singer because it matches up with my own aspirations and I feel like I could capture it well. 
Alternate means of contact?
Who do you want to be?
Character you want?
Catherine Hargrave
Secondary Character?
Freya Dahlstrom or, if there’s a problem with F/M/NB ratio, then Rowan Phillips
3+ Paragraphs in Character?
With a sigh of frustation, Kat glared at her ex through kohl-rimmed eyes. Sure, she’d screwed him over, but he’d returned the favor already plenty enough. He didn’t have to keep interrupting her during her increasingly vital vocal practice. The last thing she wanted was to get stuck in a band as a guitarist. I mean, maybe it wasn’t the last thing. But it wasn’t what gripped her heart with a passionate hand. That would be singing, letting everyone know how she really felt like she could never do with spoken words. Singing let her belt out the truth without repercussions. Her crystal gaze settled on him as she set her guitar down impatiently. 
“Make it quick, alright? Some people have more important shit to do than be pestered by you. Actually, almost everybody does. Even people whose only goal in life is to collect scabs. Or maybe not, since you are actually a scab.” Now she smirked, relieved to be able to tease him. Maybe she did need a break, after all, and maybe he was just the person she needed to see. Not that she’d admit it. No, she’d totally die first. He was already full enough of himself, he really didn’t need the praise of somebody so substantial. He’d gotten plenty when they were together, and while they were still (sort of?) friends, she didn’t feel the need to be nicer to him than absolutely necessary. 
Some people told her to be careful, that he could make or break her, but they’d shared too much to become total enemies through simple heckling. At least, that’s how she saw it. And when Kat trusted somebody, that was that until they fucked it up. And in his case, sometimes even after. When he remained silent, she figured he was either just here to bug her, or maybe even here for support. Perhaps just to listen; she was, after all, pretty damn talented. She once again began to strum and hum along, before opening her mouth and letting the words of her latest penning spill out from her painted lips. Her voice was somehow both clear and gruff, powerful and free.  
2+ Character Development Questions:
It starts to rain… they’ve had a romantic outdoor date planned… what do they do?
Considering that either electronics or an acoustic guitar would probably be involved in someway, she’d be forced to go inside. Not that you’ll find her complaining; she hasn’t really been fond of rain ever since the accident that took her family from her. 
What is your character afraid of? What keeps him or her up at night?
Vehicles. She still uses them when she absolutely has to, but she’s never been excited to drive around like she was when she received her license. The thing that really keeps her up, though, is the guilt of being the one who killed her family, and the recurring nightmare that vividly replays the event of that warm but rainy night. 
2+ Goals?
1. To become a respected musician, a legendary frontwoman of her very own grunge band. She wants to be known for years to come as somebody truly original, she wants to be looked up to (to an extent; she doesn’t feel like she deserves to be a role model as a person, but as a singer, she does want to be idolized to an extent. Not for the fame it brings, but merely because she wants her talent recognized fully.) 
2. Her secret goal, which embarrasses her to no end, is to lock down Branden. It’s not primary, obviously, and she doesn’t acknowledge it or even actively pursue it, but a small part of her is still very attached to him. An even smaller part of that part thinks he could be her end game.
Anything Else?
found my muchness (i hope i typed that right but you get the point?) also, my writing probably won’t be as on point as I wish it were, but English is my second language, and I’m just feeling pretty braindead today. I hope that I can find a place in your group, even if it can’t be as Kat (which, don’t get me wrong, I would LOVE!) 
0 notes
rrhcaccepted-blog · 9 years
Catherine Hargrave
What will we call you?
Tabbie, that’s my name, please don’t wear it out because I tried hard to make it cool, better than the regular spelling - Tabby.
How old are you?
Preferred Pronouns?
Do you have any triggers we should be aware of?
I just need you to tag self harm, anything with self inflicted pain or loathing (burning*, cutting, you know the deal) and bulimia, as long as both are tagged (as such “ cutting tw”) I can even read it, I just need to know it’s there.
Time Zone?
I am usually on daily, it kind of depends on when I work - how busy the dash is and how many replies I have. I am more often on in the evening until the wee hours in the morning, during the day I usually get distracted, I’m not going to lie to you there and end up either scrolling the dash or tags, but I’ll always get on pretty nightly (or bi-nightly, because sometimes I have twelve hour shifts) to get my replies done and plot and whatever else. I feel it’s really important to actually be truthful in the activity section, so admins know what to expect. Overall, I’m pretty active, I just have days.
RP Experience?
Tumblr RP: 4 - 5 years, I can’t remember, honestly.
In general: 7 + years
How did you find us?
Are you okay with RPing smut?
Oh course, it’s one of my favourite things (no shame), only if it’s appropriate though. I wouldn’t be just randomly doing smut threads.
Why this character?
Her story was very quick to intrigue me, her bio was an automatic draw because of the clear layers and transformations that she has already gone through from past, present and future (mostly what I have planned for her, but also what is written in her bio). She is destroyed and rebuilt, but can be broken again I feel — because of the life she came from, she is fragile in a hard shell and refuses to be seen as anything else. Her dark rimmed eyes hide secrets and pain that no one could ever really think about. She’s well crafted, well moulded and I want to work with her desperately.
Who do you want to be?
Character you want?
Catherine ‘Kat’ Hargrave
Secondary Character?
I think if I don’t get her, I’d like to just write another application or see what happens from there, I can’t think of anyone else I would want really.
3+ Paragraphs in Character?
*mentions of: Underage drug use (acid trip{bad}), death, cutting, blood & gore*
This is younger Catherine, during her harder years — the years that will forever leave a dent in her. She’s about 17 here.
The wind pulled at her hair slowly, eyes closed she could see shapes that weren’t there – playing behind her eyelids. Her snow high wore off almost an hour ago, she had to go stronger, she had to bring something to life – she couldn’t bring what her heart yearned for back to life – so she could bring her senses.
Air, that’s what she though she needed – but it was a strip of paper under her tongue  that really brought life to the situation; often it’s said that you shouldn’t use while melancholy danced through your senses… she couldn’t do it, she had to see the colours, the vibrancy – there was so much black, this was the only way.
The fall wind chilled her, in ways that she never thought could — it was different, today it had been a year. A year and the pain filled her chest, fingers pressing against the scars that marred her delicate skin.
“You have such an infectious laugh,”
her mothers face followed her, the passenger seat that later was left ragged in her car, the very same car that would haunt her. She wasn’t cheerful though they day it was said — she had been, now she was angry, scornful even — like showing happiness, she was horrible. The colours didn’t come, she stood behind the concert hall — no one knew where she had left too, her friends were too busy, letting music creep inside their soul. It was her alone, with images that followed - the colours didn’t come, and the creeping darkness engulfed her.
“Aren’t you just beautiful, is there wheel right for you? Enough grip?”
His voice; it was deeper, with a tone under it that didn’t match her father, a man of so many words and so many questions— everything about him should be imprinted in her memory but now that she saw him, the glass in his forehead was a picture that scrawled a thousand words into her memory.
Long blonde locks were entwined in her fingers now, tears staining her checks as she screamed at them to go away — told them that she couldn’t have this, not today…
“Why are you going so fast? Slow the fuck down Catherine!”
Gargled in what she would never understand, these were the only memories that she could remember of them — but her brother, she felt the worst for him — he didn’t get a life, he didn’t get to move on and here she was — waisting away hers away, with demons of a past that would drown her if they had the chance. She could see their faces, mangled, dancing around her in a a scene that was written from a book, holding hands — they taunted her.
Catherine’s voice was raw against her throat, she didn’t know how she got home that night and what had happened in between the drive there and back — the raked lines on her legs from previous admissions of hatred were more torn, as well as her stockings. Who ever brought her home, was a saint.
2+ Character Development Questions:
What are your character’s bad habits?
Kat get’s nervous easily, it may not show and she may hide it under some sort of ruse — that’s why this particular bad habit comes in handy. She bites her lips, drags her teeth across them and pulls up unmoisturized skin. They are often left in pretty rough shape, which she believes adds to her looks (at least, that’s one of the lies she tells.)
Listening to music far too loudly: she has been kicked out of multiple apartment complexes, friends houses, hotels and even the dirtiest motels for disturbing the peace in the middle of the night, but to her, it chases away the night terrors.
Are they a better leader or follower? Why?
Kat is a leader, she hates to be perceived as a follower. Even with Brandon, now that she looks back on it. She wants to think of herself as a silver tongued snake, that was able to get her way, the way she had always been even in the beginning of her life. She’s like this because she’s never been a leader in her life, she’s always had her parents, and her aunt that tried to boss her around. She cannot be a follower because it’s not the box that she’s meant to be in.
2+ Goals?
1. Kat is going to find her band, even if it means she has to hold a thousand auditions — if it means she’s going to couch hop. She’s going to do it, because that’s what matters to her. This is how she’s going to control her life, which is what she need — utter control, she’s given up so much in her past years, all through her teenage rebellion, she followed crowds. So now, she’s going to make her own crowd.
2. For her to become a good friend of someone, for someone to mean something to her more than anything. Not a meaningless fling, not a friend that she is mooching off. I don’t mean just someone to love, but someone that means the world to her.
3. This is more of a long term goal, I want her to slowly become whole again. She still sleeps around, she still dabbles heavily in drugs, I think this will come together more when she gets her other two goals (to put together a band.) She is going to fall, she is going to sleep with the wrong people and there will be a huge share of altercations, toxic lungs, fall downs, and restarting, but I think in the end that is kind of my main goal for her. Is to piece together the girl that is now broken and hope for the best. It will be messy, and probably go horribly, multiple time, but it will be a fun ride for myself and my muse.
0 notes
rrapplications-blog · 9 years
What will we call you?
Tabbie, that’s my name, please don’t wear it out because I tried hard to make it cool, better than the regular spelling - Tabby.
How old are you?
Preferred Pronouns?
Do you have any triggers we should be aware of?
I just need you to tag self harm, anything with self inflicted pain or loathing (burning*, cutting, you know the deal) and bulimia, as long as both are tagged (as such “ cutting tw”) I can even read it, I just need to know it’s there. 
Time Zone?
I am usually on daily, it kind of depends on when I work - how busy the dash is and how many replies I have. I am more often on in the evening until the wee hours in the morning, during the day I usually get distracted, I’m not going to lie to you there and end up either scrolling the dash or tags, but I’ll always get on pretty nightly (or bi-nightly, because sometimes I have twelve hour shifts) to get my replies done and plot and whatever else. I feel it’s really important to actually be truthful in the activity section, so admins know what to expect. Overall, I’m pretty active, I just have days. 
RP Experience?
Tumblr RP: 4 - 5 years, I can’t remember, honestly. 
In general: 7 + years
How did you find us?
Are you okay with RPing smut?
Oh course, it’s one of my favourite things (no shame), only if it’s appropriate though. I wouldn’t be just randomly doing smut threads. 
Why this character?
Her story was very quick to intrigue me, her bio was an automatic draw because of the clear layers and transformations that she has already gone through from past, present and future (mostly what I have planned for her, but also what is written in her bio). She is destroyed and rebuilt, but can be broken again I feel — because of the life she came from, she is fragile in a hard shell and refuses to be seen as anything else. Her dark rimmed eyes hide secrets and pain that no one could ever really think about. She’s well crafted, well moulded and I want to work with her desperately. 
Who do you want to be?
Character you want?
Catherine ‘Kat’ Hargrave
Secondary Character?
I think if I don’t get her, I’d like to just write another application or see what happens from there, I can’t think of anyone else I would want really. 
3+ Paragraphs in Character?
*mentions of: Underage drug use (acid trip{bad}), death, cutting, blood & gore*
This is younger Catherine, during her harder years — the years that will forever leave a dent in her. She’s about 17 here. 
The wind pulled at her hair slowly, eyes closed she could see shapes that weren’t there – playing behind her eyelids. Her snow high wore off almost an hour ago, she had to go stronger, she had to bring something to life – she couldn’t bring what her heart yearned for back to life – so she could bring her senses. 
Air, that’s what she though she needed – but it was a strip of paper under her tongue  that really brought life to the situation; often it’s said that you shouldn’t use while melancholy danced through your senses… she couldn’t do it, she had to see the colours, the vibrancy – there was so much black, this was the only way. 
The fall wind chilled her, in ways that she never thought could — it was different, today it had been a year. A year and the pain filled her chest, fingers pressing against the scars that marred her delicate skin. 
“You have such an infectious laugh,” 
her mothers face followed her, the passenger seat that later was left ragged in her car, the very same car that would haunt her. She wasn’t cheerful though they day it was said — she had been, now she was angry, scornful even — like showing happiness, she was horrible. The colours didn’t come, she stood behind the concert hall — no one knew where she had left too, her friends were too busy, letting music creep inside their soul. It was her alone, with images that followed - the colours didn’t come, and the creeping darkness engulfed her. 
“Aren’t you just beautiful, is there wheel right for you? Enough grip?” 
His voice; it was deeper, with a tone under it that didn’t match her father, a man of so many words and so many questions— everything about him should be imprinted in her memory but now that she saw him, the glass in his forehead was a picture that scrawled a thousand words into her memory. 
Long blonde locks were entwined in her fingers now, tears staining her checks as she screamed at them to go away — told them that she couldn’t have this, not today… 
“Why are you going so fast? Slow the fuck down Catherine!”
 Gargled in what she would never understand, these were the only memories that she could remember of them — but her brother, she felt the worst for him — he didn’t get a life, he didn’t get to move on and here she was — waisting away hers away, with demons of a past that would drown her if they had the chance. She could see their faces, mangled, dancing around her in a a scene that was written from a book, holding hands — they taunted her. 
Catherine’s voice was raw against her throat, she didn’t know how she got home that night and what had happened in between the drive there and back — the raked lines on her legs from previous admissions of hatred were more torn, as well as her stockings. Who ever brought her home, was a saint. 
2+ Character Development Questions:
What are your character’s bad habits?
 Kat get’s nervous easily, it may not show and she may hide it under some sort of ruse — that’s why this particular bad habit comes in handy. She bites her lips, drags her teeth across them and pulls up unmoisturized skin. They are often left in pretty rough shape, which she believes adds to her looks (at least, that’s one of the lies she tells.) 
Listening to music far too loudly: she has been kicked out of multiple apartment complexes, friends houses, hotels and even the dirtiest motels for disturbing the peace in the middle of the night, but to her, it chases away the night terrors. 
Are they a better leader or follower? Why?
Kat is a leader, she hates to be perceived as a follower. Even with Brandon, now that she looks back on it. She wants to think of herself as a silver tongued snake, that was able to get her way, the way she had always been even in the beginning of her life. She’s like this because she’s never been a leader in her life, she’s always had her parents, and her aunt that tried to boss her around. She cannot be a follower because it’s not the box that she’s meant to be in. 
2+ Goals?
 1. Kat is going to find her band, even if it means she has to hold a thousand auditions — if it means she’s going to couch hop. She’s going to do it, because that’s what matters to her. This is how she’s going to control her life, which is what she need — utter control, she’s given up so much in her past years, all through her teenage rebellion, she followed crowds. So now, she’s going to make her own crowd. 
2. For her to become a good friend of someone, for someone to mean something to her more than anything. Not a meaningless fling, not a friend that she is mooching off. I don’t mean just someone to love, but someone that means the world to her. 
3. This is more of a long term goal, I want her to slowly become whole again. She still sleeps around, she still dabbles heavily in drugs, I think this will come together more when she gets her other two goals (to put together a band.) She is going to fall, she is going to sleep with the wrong people and there will be a huge share of altercations, toxic lungs, fall downs, and restarting, but I think in the end that is kind of my main goal for her. Is to piece together the girl that is now broken and hope for the best. It will be messy, and probably go horribly, multiple time, but it will be a fun ride for myself and my muse. 
Anything Else?
There isn’t really much to add here, unfortunately I don’t have enough time to make any graphics or moodboards that I would usually do for this area. I hope you can get a good feel for how I am intending to play her through the application and I hope you enjoy even if I am not accepted, thanks.
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