#apparently he comes in tomorrow which 🙂
theflyingfeeling · 10 months
when I felt happy and carefree again for a while
(= a concert report of a kind from BC @ Särkänniemi 11.8.2023 🖤)
- First things first, the weather report: partly cloudy most of the time, not too warm but not too cold either (until maybe after the gig; I knew I didn't pack my super sexy gloves in vain 😌)
- The atmosphere was rather chill at the amusent park where the concert was held, so we had a chance to hang about and even go to exactly one ride lol (which was quite enough for us and we actually had a fun time and really put the amusement in amusement park tyvm, unlike the other (10-ish) people in the ride who looked like they'd rather be literally anywhere else)
- Also @wearenosaints and I were asked to give our extremely coherent and otherwise correct opinions about the Back To School event to the press like the very important people we are so yeah if you see our faces on the paper tomorrow that's us hiiiii 👋
- I was pleasantly surprised to get MUCH better spots than what I had last time BC played at Särkänniemi (=couldn't see shit from the stage being so low and all the phones and fucking CARDBOARD SIGNS blocking our view), our spots were rather excellent tbh, at least in comparison to what I was expecting
- ...aaaaaaand then the cardboard signs appeared 🙂
- So yeah if anyone was filming a video at that time (just before BC came on stage), the collective voi vittu! that can probably be heard in the background when the signs first appeared that was definitely us hiiiii 👋
- I know the five months between my previous BC show and this one is a short time in the grand scheme of things I guess but I assure you it's felt like half a lifetime at least, so it was an exciting moment to see all the guys run on stage one by one, I was so thrilled about seeing them with my bare eyeballs again that I was surprised everytime any of them showed up lol, for example I think Joonas was the last one I saw and it took a while for him to come to our side of the stage too, so I was like "oh yay Porko's here too!" as if I had forgotten he's in the band as well 😂
- We saw a LOT of Olli and 😩😩😩😩 he's such a sexy motherfucker that I'm actually mad about it. I love how he really puts his whole goddamn pussy into the show, and the way he's so flirty sjfjfjkfkfkffk for a while I thought he had, you know, someone special watching him from the side of the stage because he kept flirting and making faces towards someone on his left side the whole fucking time, but then I figured Santeri was filming there so I guess he was just flirting with the camera like the common slut he is <3
- (and this totally did not give me any fic ideas about flirty!Olli and jealous!Allu 👀)
- Speaking of Aleksi: 😩😩😩😩😩
- He's nice-looking alright although I've never really been that attracted to him, but literally the first time I saw him tonight I was like 'well damn, Aleksi looks fine as hell?' 😩😩😩😩 the hair he has now looks sooooooo good on him, the shirt he was wearing really brought out his tits made him look rather desirable in my eyes, I may have an itsy-bitsy crush on him now byeeeee 💀
- idk man being there just felt a bit like coming home? 😭 there weren't any surprises in the setlist but honestly I didn't expect there to be, it was sort of comforting actually to know exactly how it was going to go and the guys seemed happy about playing in Finland again as well (Niko: "Everyone here knows our songs!!" 😂🥰)
- They also teased us about the Nokia Arena show that's apparently happening at some point in (near?) future 👀 I mean, don’t quote me on this lol they didn't spill any actual deets but it's gotta be Nokia Arena right? I mean, what else could it be lol
- But yeah. Lately there's been so much stuff in my life that's been stressing me out and making me feel uneasy and worried and some of it even a little sad (just earlier today I had to fight back tears in the bus because I was upset about something that had happened I know I shouldn't be upset about and yet...), but during the show? None of that shit mattered. For those 60 minutes, I was so completely happy and carefree again 🖤
- Many thanks to the peeps who tolerated my bad jokes today and only made little fun of my cool and sexy gloves, you know who you are and I love you <3
- See you next week 🤝
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aleksa-sims · 2 years
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My RL gameplay (18+)
CW additction
Two days later I was in the addiction clinic and then I went to Victoria to wait for Philip. That was his last day at university, because the Easter holidays started tomorrow and after these 2 weeks, Philip goes abroad to study there. Actually, everything was fine, between Philip & me, but when I arrived at Victoria, he wasn’t there yet. So I called him. He told me, that he was with Isabella to sort this baby-thing out. I asked him why he wasn’t waiting for me?? 🤷‍♀️ We agreed to meet Isabella together! 🤨 He said he didn’t want to wait for me and this paternity test was my idea and he’s just doing what I wanted him to do. That’s true! But I didn’t have a good feeling that he was meeting Isabella alone. While I was on the phone with him, I heard Isabella giggling in the background and P. was in a pretty good mood too. I got totally jealous and felt really bad, so I hung up. I didn’t tell him this, because I was ashamed. 😞 Somehow, this whole thing seemed totally weird. Last time they were both totally pissed off and didn’t say a word, and now they were like friends?🤔 😠 Idk, maybe my imagination played tricks on me? Somehow everything became too much for me again! I kept thinking about this thing about my deceased uncle, who apparently persecuted me, and in the addiction clinic, it wasn’t really nice for me, too! I fucked it up! You know? That’s why I didn’t just get a higher dose of my pills. No, my doctor had other plans with me and gave me other pills that I have to take until next time and after that, he puts me back on my original dose & old pills.
Victoria went with me to her room to talk to me. She caught me crying in her bathroom. How pathetic!! 🤨 🤦‍♀️
Victoria: Why are you crying? 😧 Is it because Philip met this Isabella? He was here earlier and he didn’t want to wait.
Me: I’m so stupid, you know? 😭 He didn’t care about that Isabella and that baby! But me, I was worried about his baby, and now he’s dating her alone and having fun with her. At first they didn’t even talk to each other... I have a really shitty feeling about this Isabella.
Victoria: I understand that you’re jealous, but he loves you and he’s not gonna cheat on you with Isabella! He was just trying to get this over with.
Me: Yeah, I wouldn’t normally think that either, but he cheated on you, too! Besides, he slept with Isabella not just once, which means he must have had fun with her. 😞
Victoria: Oh sweetie, don’t beat yourself up! 😟 And Isabella is totally stupid compared to you! P. would never replace you with her!!
Me: How do you know? I’m sure he’ll get bored and then he’ll just go to her. She’s much better than me and she’s having a baby with him, damn it! 😣
Victoria: This hasn’t yet been confirmed that it’s his baby! And you’re not boring! You’re so funny and cool! 🙂
Me: I’m just bad! In everything I do! 😞 And I’m totally uptight and can’t stand myself. That’s why I have to take drugs all the time, because my fucking life is just too much for me. And Nico thought that if I slept with Philip and him, it would change me. 🤨 🤦‍♀️ A shit has changed! 😒
Victoria: Stop it, this is not true and you know. Do you still regret not going with Nico and being here with P. instead?
Me: I love P.! So much, but I think this is all going to break between us, just like with N.. 😨 I- I... would like to go abroad with him. But how? I’m a pill-popping failure! And I’m tied to this fucking addiction clinic, I need their drugs! You know? 🤷‍♀️
Victoria: Agh, fuck A.! Please don’t give up! You can do this! And if you need me, I will be there for you! You can come to me here anytime. I live almost alone now! And I think you should definitely go back to your apartment. The first days you just shouldn’t spend alone there, but after that, you will get better! And you can visit Philip anytime. It’s not far! Not even 1 hour by plane! And he will come home all the time during the holidays.
Me: Yeah, it’s ok! Still I can’t stand myself rn! 😞 And I’m just afraid that my nightmares will come true, which is why I can’t sleep alone in my apartment. 😩
Victoria: You should spend the next few days alone with Philip and talk to him about everything. Especially because you don’t trust him.
Me: I’m really getting tired of everything!...P. and his stupid ex-girlfriends! Except you, of course! And, my sister! I mean all those crazy bitches he was in bed with, like that, yoga.... psycho and now Isabella. 😩 😠
Victoria: Yup! 🤨...He really seems to have a problem staying in a relationship or... to trust? But... with you everything is perfect! You seem to be doing everything right. 🤷‍♀️
Me: Ah, hahaha! 🤣 🤦‍♀️ No! Trust me, I’m not perfect for him! I’m a DISASTER! He’s always mad at me about all this shit with my addiction and... a certain person! 🤨 But I don’t get a baby with that person or meet with him alone.😠
Victoria: Show him in the next few days what he has on you before he leaves. You need to remind him, what a hot thing you are. 😏
Me: For such things, I am just too stupid and cowardly! My fucking insecurity and my lack of self-confidence stand in my way! Instead, I’d rather cry! 😒
Victoria: Hm...But you’re lucky, A.! You look hot and don’t really have to do much, except show what you have.🤷‍♀️
Me: Yeah, sure!....Isabella can certainly do this better! 😒
Victoria: Ugh, A.!!!....💋.... ( Suddenly Victoria kissed me!)
Me: 😶 😦......VICTORIA!!!?? 🤷‍♀️
Victoria: Oops! 🤭 😬....  Okay? You don’t think this was funny?
Me: Ugh, V.! 🤦‍♀️ I have nothing against you or.....that kiss! But I don’t want to keep rejecting you! We’re friends!! I know you’re just kidding, but I can’t do this if I don’t know, P. thinks this is okay with us kissing each other.
Victoria: Sooo....you liked it? 🤨 😏
Me: I’m not.... aroused or or anything! 🤨  But, you have really soft lips!.... And, it felt completely different than when I kissed a man!
Victoria: You also have soft lips! And your face, too!... I just wanted to cheer you up! 🙂
Me: I know! But is everything okay btw us, now? 😕
Victoria: Sure sweetie!....Honestly! And besides, you like men! 🤷‍♀️ But I know you’re cool about this, and I just wanted to show you, how stunning you are! 
Me: Who knows? If I ever get fed up with men, then I know, who I’ll ask first! 😉 😄 But aren’t you dating someone? I thought you had a girlfriend?
Victoria: Um....yeah, but...it’s a man! 😕 😬
Me: OH! 😲 ...Cool! 🤷‍♀️  He must look pretty damn good, if you’re dating a man.😉 😏
Victoria: Yeah, actually... I wanted a girlfriend, but...he’s so cute.😬 🥰 🤷‍♀️  But P. even knows him! If you want, we can meet.
Me: Yeah, this’d be really nice!
Let’s see if I’ll be better in the next few days and what’s going on with this Isabella! Oh, and I’ll see Melanie! 🤢
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Let’s check!
“Mad Scientist!”
This is another one of the many new contributions to my archives, courtesy of my boyfriend and his awesome VHS.  As I said in last week’s Throwback Thursday and Flashback Friday (featuring commercials from the same tape), the new contributions added not only commercials from 1987 to my mix (something I don’t have much of), but also kid-friendly/toy commercials (something I don’t have at all).  Those commericals were the true rock stars of my 1980s childhood, and while I love seeing what was going on in the adult world of the 1980s, sometimes it is really nice to see what I was able to relate to.
When I was working on putting the commercials into sets, my boyfriend was getting a kick out of the commercials, and asking me what I was planning on working on next.  I’m not one to say what I’m working on until I “tease” my upcoming post – and even then, I try not to give too much away!.  but since he was sitting right there, and was so excited about what I was working on (oh, and it is his tape I’m getting all this from!)
So this week’s contribution is made possible because of James and his awesome video, so thank you James!  Hope you like this week’s Throwback Thursday! 🙂
Combing through all of the fun toy and food commercials of 1987 has been fun, and I’m not finished yet, but there were a few ads that kept coming up that I remember the product itself, but not necessarily the ad.
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In 1987, Mattel had a line of toys called Mad Scientist, which were a messy-but-cool experimentation into the likes of mad science.  And since the toy was obivously so popular, it even had its own attempt at a TV show in 1988.
The show (which I can’t find much information on) was apparently a 30-minute film (possibly a pilot episode?), and featured the Mad Scientist of the commercials (Dr. Sy N. Tist) and a young boy named Brian who helps with the various experiments. I’m not sure if this was meant to go to series, or if it was just an attempt at a movie, but it was released direct-to-video in September 1988 by Family Home Entertainment, and it is on You Tube if you’re really interested.  I may check it out myself.
As for the toys, there were several sets of “experiments” – the Monster Lab, the Dissect-An-Alien Lab, and smaller sets, like the Sammy Sneeze Monster Kit (see this fun post on Dinosaur Dracula!).
And in today’s  Throwback to the archives, we’ll take a look at two of the “Too Gross!” and “Too Yucky!” experiments – the Monster Lab and the Dissect-An-Alien Lab!
So go on, and click play for al the “Too Yucky!” happenings in the Mad Scientist’s lab!
Maybe my sensibilities and tastes have changed since 1987, but 30 years later, I would love to experiment with these toys.  There is nothing quite like the grossness of slime and creating something that you’ll inevitably have to destroy, because the toy says so!
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And yes, so much slime and grossness!
And there you have it, another trip into the archives and a visit to the lab of the Mad Scientist, all in one stop.
Come back again tomorrow, for more fun in the archives, which definitely won’t be…
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In the meantime, stay out of the lab!
What’s Happening in the Lab of #ThrowbackThursday? Let's check! "Mad Scientist!"
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