#apparently you can’t reblog a video onto a video post?? been on this site for twelve years and apparently I still don’t know shit
onepiecethingsilike · 5 months
Franky just doesn’t know what to ever say to any of his crew members and it always kills me
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all1e23 · 6 years
Heart & Soul [Pt. 19]
Chapter: Poison In My Blood
Pairings: Bucky x Reader
Summary:   Steve and the rest of the unit focus their efforts on finding their missing friends. 
Warnings:  None really. I guess impending doom? 
A/N:   Again Google for the Russian. If it's incorrect please let me know so I can change it. хватит дуться моей любви. Я скоро буду дома - Stop sulking my love. I'll be home soon. 
моя любовь - my love
***My fics are not to be saved or posted on any other sites without my written permission. Reblogs are my jam though! Thanks!*
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“What the hell do you mean Y/n and Bucky are in trouble?”
Steve nearly pinched his armed to check that this wasn’t some terrible he was having, he would wake any second and be back home with his mate and Bucky and Y/n would be fine. That would be too easy and Steve’s never been that lucky. He had no idea how Sharon would even know about the case? Or about Y/n for that matter. Unless Bucky shared some of that at his appointment and he can't imagine Bucky talking about Y/n to someone he didn’t have blind trust in, and that was not Sharon. 
More importantly, probably the most important thing he wanted to know, was how the hell she knew they were in trouble.
Sharon held a thumb drive towards Steve, but he made no move to grab it from her hand. The fear and anger running rapidly through him had him paralyzed, he couldn't move even if he wanted to. If Y/n was in trouble that meant Tony was in trouble and Steve was finding it difficult to stay calm from the even slightest implication that his other half was in trouble. Natasha rolled her eyes at their silent standoff and plucked it from the Omega’s hand. She moved over to Bucky’s computer where they could see whatever was on it with some semblance of privacy.
“And what exactly are we looking at Sharon?” Natasha asked, glancing over the top of Bucky’s monitor carefully watching her as she waited for the files to upload.
“It’s the video surveillance from my office. It shows Brock breaking into my office and threatening me from a hidden cam I keep in a plant on top of the bookshelf in my office. There is also a backup of all the files he stole from me. Most are about Bucky. A few on Steve and--“ She hesitated and looked over at Steve. He hasn’t spoken yet but the way his hands were clutched at his side and the tick in his jaw gave off the impression that he wasn’t holding things together all that well. 
“What Sharon?” Steve pressed. “And what Sharon?”
“And some on Tony...”
Natasha pressed a hand to Steve's chest when a snarl slipped from his lips. She ‘ always been good at appearing calm even when she wasn’t. It was a running joke within their unit. No one ever knew exactly what the Alpha thinking, well everyone but Clint. However, the burning red flecks in her eyes were giving her away. Tony may not be her Omega and yes, he often annoyed her and he was way too sarcastic, always at the absolute worst possible times, but he was still family and she protected her family with her life. 
“He did more than steal Tony’s files. He threatened his life.”
“What?!” A growl tore from Steve’s chest and his eyes snapped red.
“I just let my Omega go check on Y/n and you’re telling me Rumlow threatened his life?!” 
Sam grabbed Steve by the arms and held him back, whispering something that seemed to keep the Alpha from completely losing it. For the time being anyway.
Sharon took several steps back from the fuming Alpha. Steve wasn’t usually one snap at an Omega, particularly one that is already upset and scared but when it came to the safety of his Omega, Steve didn’t always think things through. If he feral, well, Sharon didn’t want to see how much darker he became. 
“Y – Yes." She confirmed, holding her head high despite the three Alphas glaring at her. "I didn’t know Tony would be involved at all. I’m sorry Steve… I-“
“Are you sorry Sharon?” 
Natasha walked around Bucky’s desk, her eyes were back to green but somehow, they were making the Omega tremble. 
“Or are you in on all of this too? Did you do all this so you could have Steve all to yourself? Was that the plan from the beginning and you’re just now starting to feel guilty?”
“Jesus.” Sharon breathed her body deflating at the thought. 
“No! Of course not. I would never wish that on anyone and for your information detective Romanoff, I’m not interested in being anyone’s second choice. I know you don’t like me Natasha for…” Her flicked to Steve for a minute who looked a bit uncomfortable with whatever she was about to say. 
“For reasons that aren’t important anymore, but I would never put Tony’s life at risk. I was scared! He said… Just listen to the video. You’ll see I had nothing to do with any of this until he showed up in my office and threatened me.”
Steve walked around the desk to pull up the video, all three Alphas were huddled close by the computer, but Natasha’s eyes didn’t leave Sharon’s. She wasn’t sure they could trust her just yet and she wasn’t going to let her guard down until she was absolutely sure Sharon wasn't a risk to her family.
“Get her to an interrogation room.” Steve snapped at the young Beta officer who happened to be walking by at the wrong moment. 
“She doesn’t leave till I can verify this hasn’t been tampered with.”  
There was a flash of betrayal in Sharon's eyes. She expected that from Natasha but not from Steve. She thought he knew her better than that, but apparently, she didn’t know Steve as well as she thought she did. The officer ushered her along as quickly he could, attempting to avoid more of the captain's wrath.
“Nat? What is going on in here? I was waiting for you outside and--” Clint slowly trailed off as he watched Sharon being escorted off and placed into one of the small conference rooms with an officer standing guard just outside the door. He slowly came around the front desk, pushing past the officer that tried to stop him. Once he caught his mates’ distress there was little that could keep them apart, that included some Beta beat cop. He wrapped his arm around her tiny waist and his nose immediately nuzzled into her neck.
“Tony, Bucky, and Y/n are out of reach at the moment. We think it has to do with her case.” She kissed his temple gently as her arm wrapped his shoulders. 
“I’m going to be working all night. I think dinner is on hold. Why don’t you go home моя любовь?”
“No,” Clint said flatly.
Natasha arched her brow, “No?”
“They are my friends too Tash. I can’t just go home and wait for you to tell me what's going on. I want to help in any way I can.”
“Actually,” Steve looked up from Bucky’s computer and met her icy glare. “I could use his help, Nat.”
“Excuse me? We have two Omegas missing and you want my Omega to get involved? No.”
“Wait… By out of reach you meant missing?” Clint pulled back from Natasha and narrowed his eyes.  “You thought that was best to keep that from me, любить? Just because you’re the Alpha, that doesn’t mean you can keep shit like that from me. ”
Clint.” Natasha growled softly and quickly took a deep breath to calm down. “You know that’s not what I was doing. I didn’t want you to fret over something you can’t do anything about.”
“Because I can't physically do anything to help or because you won’t let me do anything to help?"
“Could everyone just shut up for ten minutes!” Steve howled, silencing everyone surrounding him.  
“We need to get our heads out of our asses. Brock’s been two steps ahead of us this entire time. With the airport, Pietro, and the crime scene. He knows where we are going to look for before we do. If we want to find them, we need to be smart about our next move.”  
“Uh, what the hell is going on here?” 
Everyone’s head snapped up at the sound of Tony’s voice filling the station. He took a few steps towards the group huddled around Bucky’s computer but quickly stopped, wrinkling his nose at the awful smell. “Good Gods. The amount of Alpha arrogance in the air right now… Can we tone it down a bit?”
Steve barreled through everyone and rushed over cupping Tony’s face in his shaking hands, there was a look of panic, maybe terror on Steve’s face and if Tony didn’t know any better there were tears webbing in his lashes. He’s only seen that look one other time, with Stane and it made Tony’s chest ache at the sight. 
“Are you okay?” Steve asked frantically checking him over, looking for any sign of injury.
“Am I okay?” Tony repeated, confused. “What? Of course, I am okay.” Steve clearly needed the reassurance that he was, in fact, healthy and okay, so he leaned into his mate’s chest and offered his neck up to him letting Steve scent him. 
“I’m fine, Alpha. I’m okay.” He whispered in Steve’s ear.
Steve buried his nose in Tony’s neck, holding on to the Omega tighter and longer than he normally would in front of their friends and colleagues. 
“You’re never going anywhere alone again. I don’t care if it makes you hate me. I can’t go through that ever again. Not after last time,” Steve whispered against his skin and placed a kiss over his mark before finally pulling back, but he didn’t let go. His arm stayed around Tony’s waist, fingers digging into Tony's hips so tightly they were sure to leave a bruise. 
“Buck never came back from that call and then you went to check on Y/n and I--“ He didn’t need to explain the rest, Tony and everyone understood what he was saying. Tony shook his head smiling fondly up at his mate.
“I’m okay. No one was there. No need to call the national guard to come looking for me handsome. I found this tossed on the floor in Bucky’s apartment though.” He held up Y/n’s necklace and Sam was the first to grimace at the sight of the broken chain. 
 “Bucky gave it to Y/n sometime during her heat. I saw her after he gave it to her and there is no way she would take it off. Let alone leave it thrown on the floor the way I found it.” 
Steve eyed the necklace and tucked it back into his Omega’s hand.  “Hold onto that. She’s going to want that back when I bring them both home.”
“What’s the move, Cap?” Sam asked, anxiously. He wanted his partner back, and maybe a bit of guilt was finally starting to rear it’s ugly head because he shared the blame for some of this. 
“Sam and I will head to where Bucky was supposed to take that call. Nat, I want you over to Pierce’s place. Ask him about Rumlow and if they know each other. See if he happens to mention the fact that Brock seems to believe he's his father. Don’t let on to what we already know. Get him talking and take a patrol unit with you.” 
Tony detangled himself from Steve’s rough grasp and walked towards his desk, Steve watching him closely as he did. He wasn’t going to leave Tony’s side for a month when all this over. Tony couldn't complain about that too much. He did like it when Steve got all handsy.
“Nat, let me grab my-“
“No,” Steve commanded, voice firm. There was no room for argument and Tony knew it before he turned around to see the look of determination on Steve's face.
“You’re not going. End of discussion. He already threatened your life and I won’t risk your safety again.”
“I said no, Omega!" He growled. "You can be pissed at me later. Right now, you’re going to listen to your Alpha and stay put.”  
Tony nodded and dropped down in his desk chair, seemingly obedient and content to be so but Steve knew better. Tony was pissed and Steve would pay for it later, he was okay with that if it meant Tony was around to follow through on whatever punishment he deemed fit. 
“Okay. Come back to me in one piece and don’t let him hurt her…”
Steve started to reach out for Tony but stopped himself and simply nodded knowing he wasn’t going to get any type of goodbye from his mate right now. Tony was angry with him, but he really didn’t mind for once. Steve would sleep on that tiny couch in his studio as long as Tony was safe and sound a few doors down from him. That was all that mattered. He turned on his heels, barking on his way out.
“Nat! Sam! Let’s go.”
Clint tightened his arms around her waist as she began to pull away, “Alpha…” He whimpered so softly only she could hear. “I...” He hated that he wanted to beg her not to go, that he was acting like a stereotypical Omega but he didn't like the sound of any of this. It wasn’t a simple case or some average call, this was life and death for someone because Brock wasn’t going to lay down and let them win. 
“I have to go,моя любовь. I’ll be fine. You know I can’t leave you to your own devices. Go watch after Tony and no scheming.” Natasha kissed the tip of his nose but raised her brow at the look playful look on his face and combed her fingers through his hair to help calm him. 
“I mean it, you and Tony are to stay here and not get involved. I can’t stay focused if I am worried about you keeping you safe, моя любовь."
Clint nodded but he didn’t look very convinced, he tried one last time to keep her by side, sticking his lip out enough that she knew he was pouting. Natasha rolled her eyes despite her grin. 
“хватит дуться моей любви. Я скоро буду дома.” She gave him one soft kiss to his cheek before she started off towards the direction Steve had stormed off in.  
She turned back to look at Clint and he whispered weakly, “Budapest?”
A small grin graced her face, “Budapest, my love.”
The station quieted as the Alphas and half of the patrol officers on duty left following their captain. It took Clint a few minutes before his brain was able to convince his feet to move. He turned around and found Tony staring at him with an amused expression on his face making Clint's cheek pink. Tony raised his brow at his blushing friend, smirking. 
“Who knew you were so sappy Clint.”
“Shut up, Mr. Whatever-You-Say-My-Gorgeous-Alpha. What are you doing anyway?" Clint grumbled as he plopped down in his mate's chair and rolled up to Tony's desk. It only took a short glance at Tony's computer for him to realize what the Omega was up to. 
“Oooo. You’re in so much trouble. Your Alpha said no scheming and you’re scheming.”
Tony grinned at the childish sing-song tone in Clint’s voice. “You in or you gonna tattle on me?"
“Oh, no." Clint scoffed, grinning widely.  "I’m in. Besides, sometimes the punishment is well worth all the scheming. What are we looking for?”
“Well, Buck took a call out at this location and now I’m comparing Pierce’s properties to this location and we’re going to see what comes up in the area and hope that Brock is there and we are not too late. If we're lucky he will own something nearby or something in his records will give us a hint as to where they could be.”
Clint winced at the search results loaded, not terrible but not great either. “Seven properties? I guess, not so lucky?”
“Wait…” Tony frantically searched through the files on his desk, tossing folders, papers, and pads of paper onto the floor until he found his tablet and started aggressively typing away until he grinned. 
“Got him.” He whispered and jumped up from his chair pulling his phone from his pocket.
“You got your kit with you?”
“No, we can swing by and grab it. Why?” Clint jumped up and chased after the Omega.
“We’re going to meet them there. Y/n or Bucky could be hurt, and we should be there. Not sitting here locked away like some helpless Omega waiting for word from their Alphas."
“Oh, yeah. You’re in so much trouble.” Clint confirmed, grinning widely, and followed behind Tony as he dialed, what Clint assumed was Steve and boy was he was right. Everyone could hear the Alpha’s booming voice coming from the other end of the line.
“Tony? What’s going on?”
“I was looking at Pierce’s properties and-“
“Listen, you can lecture me on the importance of following orders later. I know you told me to stay out of it, but I am who I am Steve. You knew who I was when you married me. You should be thanking me really. I know where they are.”
“I swear to Gods, Tony. Can you just listen for once? You are in so much trouble – You, you what!?”
“I know where Bucky and Y/n are. Clint and I are on our way there."
The damn kids Bucky had been called to deal with took off running the second his squad car pulled up to the building, he had jumped out of the car and chased after them without thinking twice. The little shits were faster than he expected though and led him to an old warehouse that looked as if it had been closed for years. At this point, he was seriously rethinking having kids. Okay, not entirely true, a little mini Y/n wouldn't be so bad. Gods, he had it so bad he couldn't even focus on the teenagers he was chasing. Bucky eyed the warehouse and sighed as he patted his pockets down for his phone which was of course back in his car. He pulled his radio from his pocket and went to report in his location but stopped as he noticed a black shiny SUV parked off to the side of the abandoned building.
Something was off. The SUV was brand-new and the warehouse looked untouched for the last several decades. There was no way those kids drove that, if they had a car they would have been long gone when ran from him. Of course, it could be a new owner or a couple who couldn't wait till they got home. He's seen that one too many times. There were some things you can't get out of your head once you see them and that was one of them.  He slowly stepped into the warehouse and glanced around what seemed to be an empty building. 
"NYPD." He called out, his booming voice bouncing off the walls. "Just checking in. There was a call about some kids defacing property in the area..." The hair on his arms stood up as he slowly reached for his gun.
“Detective!” A voice boomed from the back corner of what looked to be someone's old office before the building was deserted. A figure slowly stepped forward and the Alpha grinned widely. 
“So good to see you again.”
Bucky frowned as he came into the light and slowly released his grip on his gun once he recognized him. “I know you. You… you were that dick outside the coffee shop. The one that was mouthing off about my Omega.”
“Wrong on two accounts Barnes. Not some random dick and she’s not your Omega.” 
He reached back into the office and pulled Y/n out by her arm. Bucky’s eyes flashed red the moment he saw the Alpha with his hands all over his mate, his Y/n. He was going to rip him apart for touching her. Bucky started to step towards them but Brock put Y/n in front of him, using her as a shield, like the pathetic excuse for an Alpha he was. Bucky stopped in his tracks when he met her eyes and Bucky knew exactly who he was.
He should have thrown the piece of shit through the window when he had a chance.
"It's not nice to play house with an Omega that's promised to someone else Detective." Brock placed a kiss to Y/n's temple and she closed her eyes in disgust. He turned his attention back to Bucky, grinning wickedly as he spoke. "I think it's time we talked about you touching what's mine."
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aqours-remade · 6 years
Thoughts on Pillowfort so far.
I’ll do more posts when the site finally stops crapping all over the bed and works but here’s my analysis so far.
I won’t lie, I discovered tumblr when I was 18 specifically for RPing, so that does to an extent make up a big aspect of my thoughts, and I want to share it with both people who intend to be regular users and roleplayers in general.
Good aspects of pillowfort:
Community system is a feature not given by tumblr or twitter, and in an era where forums are becoming more of a niche if this takes off you’ll be able to experience forum-based interaction in addition to everything else.
Community system also gives a place to users who don’t like interacting with people heavily and so publicly like twitter and tumblr a place to use the site even if their blog itself is relatively untouched.
When you delete an OP post it deletes it from everyone else’s blog too. So if something goes bad with a post or you get embarrassed, blam! Its gone everywhere. Of course, this also means we might lose some good posts now and then...
Able to make reblogs and stuff private like on twitter.
Pillowfort’s TOS protects your intellectual property as an artist.
Built-in blocklist.
You can export your blog to your new pillowfort account.
ToS regarding harassing, callouts, mob mentality and the like specifically exists to oppress kinblr for the most part is very fair and reasonable and is specifically designed to keep the site relatively drama-free and actively punishing those who create lots of problems. People who do not like the drama associated with this website or the feeling of screwing up will be relieved by that.
When it works, the actual system for styling your post basically already has absolutely everything you could already want:
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Bad aspects of pillowfort:
I’m not saying that to be sarcastic or anything I genuinely cannot recommend the site in its current state until pillowfort’s team can stabilize the servers. As it is I can only recommend it if you’re determined to snag a good canon url now. It has a small anime community (rn its mostly Marvel) and not too much of a gaming community yet so... if it does take off now’s your chance to snag one-word name urls and just kinda bide your time until its actually functioning, that’s certainly an idea. I’m very happy I was able to get the dream url there that I wasn’t able to get here... but with the site Error 500ing me so much I can’t really use it.
We‘re still not 100% what the NSFW situation actually is, as the TOS is vague and there are conflicting beliefs about what .io’s policy on NSFW actually is. If you’re coming SPECIFICALLY because of the NSFW ban that’s going to be implemented I would encourage you to wait until we have 100% confirmation. Personally I like it already enough even if tumblr were to reverse the situation I think I’d use this place. I think Pillowfort really needs to come clear about this very soon, because if they don’t and people learn that “oh we can’t host NSFW after all,” despite claiming it a lot of people are gonna want their money back or at least wait until its free to use. The general belief is that as long as you don’t post NSFW in tags that doesn’t belong (like porn in #gardening) then it should be fine... so they say. We really need pillowfort to address people’s concerns, even though I think it’ll be fine, as this is a major reason why people are considering the move. The staff of pillowfort have said on twitter that they are in the process of finding a new domain. As such, as of this moment, pillowfort does not allow for nsfw. However, it will in the future. The best thing to do is be patient until then, I think the goods outweight hte bads.
Even though it’ll go away in 2019 you kinda. Gotta pay to use it right now. That’s kind of a thing.
No sideblog feature nor do I believe its planned, but I do believe the pillowfort team wants a system like the twitter app to quickly switch between full blogs.
While some people might consider this a plus, being able to add onto a post with text or photos has been a staple of both tumblr and twitter since the beginning. I see this changing as a major factor of whether or not people make the big move.
MCU, Detroit Become Human, Supernatural, and apparently hockey (and maybe Overwatch?) are the only big fandoms right now. While that already appeals to a lot of people, those of us into anime and the like have relatively few blogs from what we’ve seen. While this might change as time goes on, at least for the time being, anime and video game bloggers aren’t gonna have a lot for us. On the other hand, though? This also gives you the opportunity to make your claim as a fandom content creator.
Inability to make Communities private (right now) leaves that at potential risks of being raided.
(Minor) No custom themes it looks like, but that might be fore the better in the same vain? In your blog desc you can still link to other sites so now might be a good time to get used to listography instead of relying on custom links. To an extent you can control the colors of your blog though. Some people who hate eye-strainy themes on here or autodirect themes might actually find this a plus.
(Minor/Niche) Blogs themselves are bad for RPing if you’re into that. The forums however seem to provide an adequate place for forum-based RPing. But this would also make forum administrators responsible for upholding standards like “not jumping into other people’s RPs” and basic RP etiquette we have here. And forum-based rping would make finding RP partners outside of tags like #anime rp, #indie rp, etc to find people’s promos easier, depending on which becomes more popular. Even if you can add onto posts if you can’t trim the posts like we can on here (ty x-kit) it’d result in extremely long threads that would clog the dashboard significantly. I personally HIGHLY doubt the ability to edit other people’s posts or cut out replies will ever be a thing, so chances are RPing on pillowfort are gonna be Community-oriented and not on dash. At most people will make IC posts meant to be replied to and the like and headcanon memes while keeping actually threading in Communities, which will very well rely on the Community itself to be Not Shit.
Lacks instant messaging in its current state.
Despite the fact the bad really outweighs the good... I liked what little I could do. It genuinely feels like the only “true” tumblr alternative out there, even though its in beta. I just can’t really say much until the servers stabilize. This website is still in beta, so of course it has a lot of issues to work out, and of course it doesn’t have all the features this 11+ year old website has. I’m just stating these so people who are making the move who used this as their main website are aware of that.
I’m very excited to see this website grow, though!
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chaosd1 · 7 years
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You know, when I reblogged that, it was mostly to showcase an issue that’s been present for YEARS, but keeps cropping up every now and then because most of Channel Awesome’s fans still think it’s 2010. If I had a Patreon dollar for every person who asked me something about “____ DOESN’T WORK THAT WAY!” despite that not being a thing I’ve done for over half a decade, I would probably not have to worry about paying off that damaged tire, or any future repairs to my car and/or PC. Long story short, they aren’t very good at letting things go.
I know people who want me to share my story are hoping for the same level of juicy gossip or levels of hypocrisy or betrayal that have accompanied so many of these other stories but I’m sorry to say it’s not quite that interesting, or even remotely “gotcha” in any sense of the word. If anything it’s more a reveal of how the company feels about its low-tier producers, and symptomatic of the larger issue that they clearly DON’T want anyone but the Chicago crew, or anyone that’s possibly bringing in their own audience. Remember when JonTron and PBG posted on Blistered Thumbs? I’m pretty sure they’re still kicking themselves over that one. As a bit of background, I always wanted to be on the CA site in some form, and by the time I had a show to offer up, I was already pretty close friends with a lot of the producers. In fact, it was Julien (Sad Panda) who decided to post up one of my videos in his schedule slot as a way to offer me a test spot. It was well recieved enough, but video games were almost always relegated to BT at the point, so off I went.
Despite being the more “respected” site by some audiences, all snafu’s aside, I felt that Channel Awesome treated Blistered Thumbs producers as second class citizens. Posting on there was like the Wild West. You put up whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted, and as often as you wanted, and hoped someone with a show that consisted of a three-hour long livestream split up into 15 minute increments wouldn’t end up pushing your video off the main page slider within the next few hours. It was very much for that reason I pursued some means to get myself listed on the main site by cleaning up the YEARS worth of spam and reported comments. After bringing it to the right people, I was permitted to post videos on the main site as well. It went well enough... for a while.
Once BT was shut down, a few of my friends (specifically MegaGWolf) were unceremoniously let go without an ounce of communication. (Most everyone on BT who wasn’t brought on to the CA “merger” had to find out via friends, as Michaud didn’t directly inform them.) Despite the promise of rebranding and stronger promotion, the BT audience didn’t really follow over to CA as the site didn’t really fit their desires, and the core CA audience was basically “NC, Linkara,and that’s it.” Views tanked and it was around the time I decided to move over to Youtube as the Blip waters were already pretty troubled.
At some point I started doing relatively well on Youtube, to the point CA felt like an annoying afterthought. I had to make special titlecards for CA as they had a ridiculous format I’d purposefully ignore later on just to see if they were paying attention. For example, the images were all supposed to be JPGS, though I always made them PNG, and since they were hotlinking them from my site anyway, WHY DID IT FUCKING MATTER?! It most felt like this ridiculous push for control and a power play that no one bothered to enforce anyway. Each time we scheduled we had to provide a link, a title, and a link to a special made titlecard. Did you have a special instruction or link you wanted to include when posting on CA? Good fucking luck they would ever include it, or spell half that shit correctly. Hell after a while, I figured it was pretty non-coincidental that after changing the title format from “MMO Grinder: Name of Game” to “Name of Game - ChaosD1,” views coming from CA were barely a percentile of the overall views I’d get from every other source. It wasn’t worth making them a stupid special title card and hopping onto a painfully broken scheduling site (a site that, by the way was designed for Sporting Events, and was so filled with non-updated dead links I occasionally would troll them by posting my category as “Blistered Thumbs” and “The Inebriati” both still available in the category dropdown menu. I’ll bet you they are still there to this day.
My issue didn’t come about until a sudden rule change. A rule I didn’t really have an issue with until the market started dying down, and my constant crushing depression over winter and my wife’s illness kicked in. Basically, “Post one video a month, or you’re stricken from the site.” later on that was changed to TWO videos per month and my show was almost always a ONCE per month deal. Seemed a bit suspect and draconian. There were people who didn’t post videos for several MONTHS that were still listed on the site, but they suspiciously had pretty strong followings elsewhere. Still I figured some form of warning or amnesty would take place to some extent. So in April of 2017 it was a pretty shitty month. Most of it was spent working on Eternal Crusade which was such a miserable slog none of us felt like doing much of anything else, there were no games to Sidequest for the suddenly required 2nd video per month, and I was pretty sure I was going to get some flak for it.Keep this in mind, I was WELL AWARE of the risk I was taking by not posting a second video, despite me rather often saying my show was monthly at the most. I figured they might know this, I’d get a warning, and that’d be the end of it. However, I was able to get out Eternal Crusade at the very end of April, but didn’t get around to posting it on the schedule until May 1st. May 1st rolls around, I check the site for any feedback and comments, and notice the video isn’t posted at all.... and I can’t access the scheduler anymore. One day late of posting consistently for 5 fucking years, and I’m locked out of the site like I stole a laptop from the studio. So I hopped on Twitter. Partially to express dismay, and partially because... I noticed I didn’t really have an audience on Channel Awesome anymore. I asked this very specific question and joked with some of the replies, most of whom confirmed my suspicion. They really only watched me on my site or my YT channel.
Still in talking with the CA chat in Skype, (I’d be on that Producer’s chat more often if I didn’t basically swear off Skype after Discord included screenshare. The producers and former producers really should make a Discord channel already.) they informed me that they’d probably reverse their decision if I just contacted Greg. While I didn’t think it was likely worth the effort, I figured I would anyway. Maybe pipe dreams of being included in an anniversary special some day. I just couldn’t wait to be the guy sitting slightly out of camera range in every shot with the one exception of getting to say “What should we do now, Critic?” for my first and only line in the movie. So I contacted Greg. It went a little something like this (for the Skype uninitiated, my words in Blue, Greg’s in grey):
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So yeah, always fun to have to wait several days for a sentencing to the crime of being a day late on a post.
Of course, I cropped out the rest of the image, because the response without any contact in-between immediately afterward was this:
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Yes I was being a sarcast there. I’m a sarcast... but when I’m last told “we’ll go through everything” and that is immediately followed up by “Sorry I took so long to get back, but... get lost scrub” I’m probably going to be a bit miffed about it. Of course this is CA and you can’t talk bad about them... or post something on Twitter they presume is talking bad about them, as this was the response to my sarcastic reply:
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So yeah, Greg not quite understanding the concept of linear time (again I posted the tweet BEFORE I sent him the Skype message, not after) apparently you can’t even ask your audience where they still watch your videos most. They take it as a personal insult, like I didn’t enough appreciate those generous table scraps us low-tier producers had to fight over.
All things considered though, I knew the risk of not posting a second video in that month, and I valued my sanity over tossing out content for the sake of a suddenly imposed deadline. Could I have contacted Greg? Yeah, I suppose so, but why should I even have to? To be only a day late and have everything stricken without warning, like a robot looked over the feed and said “Well a month has passed, and there was only one so fired lel” without considering why, or even checking in on the employee in question, is the kind of corporate "numbers-only” bullshit that I swore off retail for. It’s fitting so many people in charge of Channel Awesome used to work at Circuit City is all I’m saying.
So that’s it. Nothing major, something I basically brought on myself, but still a fairly telling story of how you’d be treated as a content producer on that site.
And to all the current and remaining producers that aren’t showing up to the studio every day, or have a sizable enough audience to make a dent if you were to leave... they don’t WANT you there. They do not care about you. You are a liability. The very second they have a logical-to-them reason to cut your ass from the site, they will. Why put yourself through all that stress for a job that makes demands of you, without even paying you, promoting you, or benefiting you in any way? You know they don’t care about that site now that they are where they are with their YouTube channel. (Currently there are two producers that haven’t posted since December, that are still listed on the site. I must have been a special exception, or maybe it doesn’t matter if you don’t have a video as long as you keep telling them you don’t.) You’re white noise to them. Stay or go. As much as you think it might, it probably won’t make a difference to you... 
...but it definitely won’t make a difference to them.
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sage-nebula · 7 years
Some of you may remember that I made a post a few days ago about an e-mail I received from GameStop saying that I had $61 in trade credit waiting for me thanks to trade-ins that I did at a store in my hometown ages ago that I honestly forgot about. You may also remember how GameStop’s website insisted that my e-mail address didn’t match what they had on file, despite how little that made sense.
Well, it’s time I brought you up to speed on that ongoing saga, because there have been updates.
I didn’t have time to call GameStop during the week because I work a full time job and kept forgetting about needing to call GameStop Power-Up Rewards Support during my working hours. (They are open for a couple hours after I get off work, but honest to god, I just kept forgetting.) It’s the weekend now, though, and was at 1am last night / this morning as well, so I decided to go ahead and give it another shot. Both to get the support number and just to see if it would work, I tried entering my information on the website again last night and---voila. It worked. I don’t know why they suddely recognized my e-mail address now, but it worked, and their site said that they would send me a code with my digital card information within four hours.
Cool! I don’t know why it would take four hours, but cool.
Anyway, so the first attempt at this was actually at 9pm last night. I waited four hours, and never received an e-mail. I checked in my spam folders, and nope. Nothing. The e-mail was just not there. So I went to the site and tried again (it was 1am by this point), and then waited another four hours, and still, nothing.
So today, when I woke up, I once again checked my spam folders and the like. No e-mail. That being the case, I called GameStop Power-Up Rewards support at last, and after waiting on hold for about twenty minutes, I finally spoke with a person who was able to help me. (There were plenty of moments waiting on hold once I explained the situation as well, but whatever, no big deal, I got the help I needed.) She ended up giving me a digital card number and PIN that I could use to use my $61 in trade credit. Awesome.
Now, by this point it has come to my attention that not only is Pokémon Ultra Sun coming out on the 17th, but Sonic Forces is also coming out on the 7th---and yes, I do want to play that game, don’t judge me. $61 is not enough to afford both of these games, and I can’t afford to pay money out of pocket for games right now. Those are a luxury, and every cent I have needs to go to necessities. However . . .
Way back when Sonic Mania released, I traded in my Wii U and Wii U games in order to afford it. Well, that, and I had no use for my Wii U anymore since Splatoon 2 came out on Switch, so I figured I might as well. Anyway, that trade-in earned me more money than I needed for Sonic Mania, but I had to download Sonic Mania off the eShop since no stores in the area had it. For this reason, I put all the trade-in money on an eShop card, and then loaded that eShop money into my Switch’s eShop account (which is apparently not shared between the Switch and 3DS despite both using Nintendo Network, and yes, I’ve checked). After purchasing Sonic Mania, I still had $30 left over in my Switch’s eShop account (yes, I’ve checked). This means that I technically have $90 to spend on games right now, albeit $30 of which is locked into the Switch’s eShop at present.
With that in mind . . .
Although I prefer to have physical copies of games because I like to see the game cases lined up on my shelf (and to that end I need to get a couple cases for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Sonic Mania), desperate times call for desperate measures. The plan I concocted was as such: Using GameStop’s website, I would purchase one $10 eShop card, and then put the remaining $50 on another eShop card. The $10 eShop card would be added to my Switch funds so that I would have the $40 to purchase Sonic Forces (since it’s $39.99---might have a little more to pay due to taxes and such, but a couple cents never hurt anyone). The $50 eShop card would then go to the 3DS to buy Ultra Sun (probably I should have just saved the $50 to buy the game physically, but whatever, I don’t care if I have to download it onto the 3DS, it’s not like I’ll use the 3DS after this, and besides, I can use the remaining funds for PokéBank, or merge them with the Switch later---or alternatively, maybe I can even return the $50, anything is possible). I completed these purchases, and GameStop’s website said they would e-mail me the download codes.
I’m sure you see where I’m going with this.
So far, I have received an order confirmation for the cards. However, I have not received the download codes. They’re not in my spam folder, either. I have a strong feeling that GameStop is bamboozling me again, which means guess who is going to get to have another fun time on the phone with GameStop support?
Honestly, GameStop, you practically have a monopoly on the video game retail industry. There’s really no excuse for this. Please just send people e-mails when they need them and stop trying to cheat them out of money, thanks.
Anyway, wish me luck. Hopefully this saga will be resolved peacefully.
(please don’t reblog this, thanks)
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Apparently, Dumb, and Funny: Ppl: uses the word pedophile incorrectly as an umbrells term Me: hey here is actually an unbrella term It'a minor attracted person Ppl: EW PEDOPHILES ARE TRYING TO HIDE THE FACz THEYRE PEDO scuM BY Ppl: EW E GROSS DISGUSTING UGHGROSSEMEWDISGROSSTING .. 2 Anonymous asked You're Disgusting Mmmmmmmmmm 1 note .. Can you believe the ones calling this site "tumblr a daly basis, but ti ones sending the suicide bait? #doro speaks Anonymous asked You're against the death penalty no matter what? So i guess possibly putting more Nope No death penalty. Not one person on this earth deserves to die. Nothing else is 100 % in destroying choice except taking someone's life. It is the ultimate form of violence ve in the value of human life is static and non-negotiable. I'm not gonna gamble on s notes Anonymous asked can't believe you're trying to defend your pedophilia by making it seem like a sexuality. I really hope you're getting therapy and the help that you need, its important to acknowledge your attraction but don't accept it and think its okay holy fuck It's not a sexuality, but it's a paraphilia of mine, so it's a PART of my sexuaity. A small part at that I'm really tired of people using the word sexuality wrong A person's sexuality incorporates all of a homoflexible actualy) isn't my sexuality either it's my sexual orentation They're both iust narts of it. just answered the therapy thing recently: httplidorothemap.tumblr.com/post148480595214 Also, in the face of something that you can't get rid of, would you rather accept it and move on with your life or reject it and sufer? And if their heart is in the right place (as in they're non offending), rejecting it hurts more people than accepting it does. 2 ... osberend dorothemap sicknastypedotakedown STOP down with pedos down with people misusing the dwe meme completely unironically against a group that is ACTUALLY THREATENED WITH GENOCIDE HOLY SHIT I can honestly say, I've never been angry enough with someone that I ilegally download a tv drama clip off YouTube or ilegally download the whole episode online, open a video editor, cut down the clip. and spend however long pasting my icon and that person's icon onto the characters faces all out of spite And I can't say that makes e sad. What a petty existence Worth a good laugh tho. edoro speaks #dumb shit ... But the thing is, dwc was "funny" because it was cis people trying to be oppressed when they really really aren't witha dumb story, I said they're misusing it because there are iterally vigilantes that kil pedophiles. This isn't funny or ironic because it isn't some dumb fictional tumblr story, it is a real living nightmare for outed pedophiles. The stuation is backwards. It's less like DWH and more like the assholes that went and made 'down with trans" and said 'now how does it feel? completely missing And yes, people have the right to hate their oppressors. I'm sorry I'm showing my one, but yeah, every right to. Problem is, MAPS are the ones being oppressed (ooo000 he said it), so pulling a dwc on us is completely uncaled for because we arent oppressing them. Who even is w hand on this them anyway? Non maps? You mean, majonity of people? Im too tired to keep going on this Im just gonna say now, you're not gonna budge me on dwc. I love I want the antis to go away I really do. I'm getting realy tired of "you really think X is okay? "Yes becau "WELL ITS NOTI YOURE SICK DISGUSTING DIE ALREADYI Like, I thought we were diferences in how they see things, but you provided 0 ningor logic, you just shouted at me. At least the others actually gave me a sound argument as to why I should t pavement, but they're just yelling And then immediately reblogging them yelling at me like they made a good point..or a point at all beside "hey look at how moral I am yeling at this person we all assume is immoral wdoro speaks ve got receipts for DAAAAAYS of people doing this exactly Bsuicide tw neo-lo I'm laffing omg Omfa whyyyyyyyy did you spend so much time on this dumb shit? It has like 0 relevancel? Lol and fI change my icon itll be even more Dororo caps a masserpiece Boh and since apparently I have to clear this up??1 have 0 cp on my computer. none. caly A continuation of that last post.
0 notes
cursivesugg · 7 years
Sing || Conor Maynard
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Requests are currently [ OPEN ]
Masterlist can be found [ HERE ]
Word Count: 1k+ 
Summary: After never hearing you sing before, the boys are shocked when the opportunity finally presents himself.
Dedicated too: Moana. That movie is life, that movie is life.
Your boyfriend was an amazing singer; that was a give. He’d sold out concerts, climbed the UK charts within hours of releasing a song and won several awards. You’d always been so fucking proud of him, for achieving his dream and staying humble whilst doing so. His fans were loyal, and the few you’d met were lovely. He was living the dream, and the new friends he’d made on the way through were now insanely important to him.
No longer did people only get to hear him sing, now they got too see him be the stomach achingly funny person he was. From his alter ego characters to the stupid things he did whenever the opportunity presented itself.
When his brother first moved from Brighton to London, he immediately insisted that they rent an apartment together; and even ended up with a tree size human living with them too. Thankfully, your apartment was nearby and so you spent the majority of your free time at their place. You weren’t a youtuber, nor were you a singer, but you did run a highly successful blog and guest star in quite a few of the boys’ videos. Other than the occasional hater, everyone seemed to quite like you - mostly due to the fact that whenever you were around, Conor was alot louder and more outspoken. Not that he wasn’t before, you just seemed to bring a larger percentage of that side out of him.
You and Jack got along like a house on fire. You could turn virtually any subject into a listen worthy conversation and often conducted research for his videos and your blog together. When Conor left to go on tour for two months, you spent that time either with Jack and Josh or at home, binge writing to keep your mind occupied. When he returned, you hugged him and woods let go, later on telling him that you were never letting him leave you for more than two weeks again.
After a long day of filming followed by a quiet stroll around Hyde Park, you and the boys were snuggled under your duvets on the sofa and were eating ice cream straight from the pot as Moana played on the TV. You’d never actually seen the movie, but you’d listened to the soundtrack on repeat for days and by now the fact that you’d never actually watched the movie was ridiculous.
So far it was amazing, and your eyes were attached to the TV screen - when you were like this, the boys knew never to bring you out of your trance, the last time they’d done that all hell had broken loose. All because Jack wanted to know if you had any more ice cream.
When the familiar tune of the song you adored began to play, you leant forward in anticipation and sang along subconsciously, having already had multiple jamming sessions to this song hen you were in the shower. It didn’t even occur to you at the time that you’d never actually sung infront of any of them before - but that was the last thing on your mind as the song ended and the movie progressed.
With an hour, the movie was over and you were stunned, leaning against your boyfriend with your eyes wide and your breathing shallow. “Holy fuck, that was beautiful.”
“Yeah, the movie was fine, but you?” Josh exclaims, looking over at you with wide eyes. “Since when can you sing?”
Your heart speeds up and you frown, laughing in confusion and looking between all of the boys who were staring at you with their eyebrows raised. “What the hell are you weirdos talking about?”
“Somehow you knew the entire bloody soundtrack!” Jack says, disbelief written across his face as he looks over at his brother and shakes his head slightly. “Did you know she could sing?”
Conor scoffs and looks down at your red cheeks with an annoyed frown. “No. And now I think about it, I’ve literally never heard you sing until then.”
You wince slightly and look down at your hands. “Sorry. But honestly, I’m not very good. I’m a shower singer and that’s it.”
Conor scoffs and wraps his arms around you, pulling you into him tightly and rolling his eyes at your statement. “Oh please, you hit those high notes like a fucking professional.” He exhales in shock and rests his head on her arm with a loud sigh. “Babe, we could have a number one single by now, you understand that, right?”
Rolling your eyes, you push him away and climb out of the duvet and onto your feet, collecting up the empty pots and metal spoons that’d been placed onto the coffee table at some point throughout the movie. You walk into the kitchen and can’t help but giggle to yourself at the mere thought of being ‘good’ at singing. That was Conor’s job, you only excelled in writing and that was that.
Though when you logged onto snapchat later that day and watched Jack’s story, your heart dropped. He’d managed to record you singing along to the movie, along with the shocked faces of your boyfriend and Josh, all you wanted to do was cry in embarrassment. Thousands of people had probably seen you singing already, and you had absolutely no idea.
You dared to log onto your twitter account a few minutes later, and came across a tweet from your boyfriend which simply read 'apparently my girlfriend is a better singer, cook, writer and artist than me. go figure.’
You can’t help but smile and like it, before checking your mentions and pursing your lips when you noticed that quite a few of your friends had reblogged the video (that Jack had conveniently posted on literally every social media site), and had expressed their shock. Your large following had also stumbled across the video, and the hashtag #(Y/N)cansing was trending number seven worldwide.
You cheeks flush and you like a few more tweets and even reply to a few before placing your phone down and walking into the kitchen, wrapping your arms around your boyfriends waist and pressing your lips to his back silently. “Have you started writing our number one hit yet?” Her tone was laced with amusement, and he turns around and looks down at her with an eye roll, brushing their lips together and smirking against them.
 “So, these lips can do more than one breathtaking thing, huh?”
“You’re such a man whore.”
“Don’t try to deny loving it.”
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udaas93 · 8 years
Please stop with the abuse
Stop this harassment, intolerance, and insults please.
Stop this vile groupthink mentality and bullying/slander over something harmless that goes on in EVERY single fandom. This type of ‘banning’ and bullying over rps in the Shadowhunters fandom would NOT be accepted within other fandoms. RPS is popular and has their free space on tumblr in every single fandom where a person can comment on chemistry, etc with every other pairing. The SH fandom wouldn’t want people to tweet so much about Shumdario or etc but people are abused and attacked so much on tumblr with actual violence/threats with people continuing to make up drama. Shumdario shipping should have had a safe zone on tumblr so people will feel less inclined to express themselves about it on twitter or instagram so the cast won’t see it. Grow up.
Notice the double standard where most Domberto shippers can make their fan blogs, post fan fiction on the Domberto tag, and have their fun on tumblr to an extent where this is not allowed for Shumdario. Obviously, people feel a certain threat to Matthew/Harry and it is so upsetting to witness this hypocrisy from this fandom. Even had somebody tell me that Matt wonders why Domberto is such a thing in this fandom but Shumdario isn’t. Celebs know what comes with the territory and have certain expectations. None of this garbage/harassment against rps would be tolerated in most other fandoms. Most of other fandoms don’t have this kind of hyper-policing when it comes to ships of any kind. Tumblr is supposed to be the safe space for that. The anti’s are making it worse. Nobody can make a single post about Matthew/Harry’s dynamic without adding ugly insults towards Shumdario shipping or bizarre warnings/threats.  Matthew and Harry care about one another just like Dom/Alberto and many cast mates do. Dom and Alberto have both had amused reactions to the Domberto shipping. They are not homophobic or insecure about their sexuality/relationships. They would not let something basic like people shipping them ruin their friendship.  Stop imposing your closedmindedness onto them and then harassing Shumdarios over it. Why are you so scared? These anti’s are making a lot of exaggerations/projections over persecution of other shippers in other fandoms.
Shumdarios are low key and do not break the 4th wall. Stop projecting your phobia, insecurities, and ugly immaturity on to the cast and other fans please. Shumdario should have been a source of enjoyment for this fandom but instead we have this vile stigma and endless bullying over it. Let people enjoy and perceive their dynamic the way they want to. Having the safe space on tumblr would actually decrease the amount of twitter/instagram posts about it. This is playing out the opposite way that it is supposed to. If the concern is breaking the 4th wall, then let Shumdario make their posts in peace on the Shumdario tag on tumblr so it won’t extend to other social media so it can be low key/less visible to the cast. Shipping is an inherent feeling, you can’t stop people from shipping or loving something.
People generally don’t act like it is ‘wrong’ or ‘crazy’ or ‘disgusting’ to ship two celebrities together for practically everything else. Like I said, rps goes on in every fandom. It is male/male pairings that tend to get this vile reaction only and I see this mainly only applied to Shumdario. This immaturity, intolerance, and misguided hyper-policing in this fandom sickens me.
I can’t tell you how many people secretly tell me in private that they agree with me but are afraid to reblog my posts about it because they are scared of big blogs attacking them or the SH fandom shunning them. I can’t tell you how many people tell me in private, that they low-key ship Shumdario but are hiding it due to bullying/the stigma from this fandom. People are even afraid of simply making gif-sets of moments between Harry and Matthew because inevitably people add their hateful remarks about Shumdario. This is so terrible. Not to mention, you are giving the impression to Matthew/Harry that anything homoerotic ( whether it  be fantasy or reality) would not be tolerated for them. We used to get more interaction with them and Harry actually thinks people are against Shumdario or something. The anti’s are making it worse with this policing, abuse, and constant posts from big blogs where they LIE about drama that they ( the antis) actually started.
Shumdario shipping ( even if it is casual to the most minor degree gets the most nastiest reaction whether it be on tumblr or even youtube fan videos). The people in their twenties and thirties who have had experiences in so many fandoms are confounded by this selective sick stupidity from the SH fandom. I wish people would stop their vendetta against Shumdario and Malec as well.
All of this ugliness is triggering and awful. If you only knew…..
Then it is starting to extend to Malec as well where fans are so paranoid/immature that they demand that fans not ask Matthew or Harry questions about Malec in those facebook, twitter chats, and livestreams. They ignore the fact that Harry and especially Matthew love talking about Malec. 
Good grief, stop referring to rps as “ fandom grossness” especially since Shumdario shipping barely exists due to this bullying/slanderous movement in the first place. People are respectful and it is very low key yet people are still paranoid, immature to make hate posts. Stop inserting your paranoia/bizarre insecurities regarding Shumdario onto Shumdario shippers or onto Harry or Matt. 
Harry and Matt can’t interact without people fabricating drama and imposing their intolerant views. When they interact, people harass others with their anti-Shumdario shipping stance by creating a negative hysteria. If they don’t interact, people harass and blame the Shumdario shippers by making up drama. Real friends would not let shipping of any kind bother them or affect their dynamic.  It is beyond insanity at this point. Apparently, Harry and Matt hanging out on New Years Eve is grounds for people to start up the abuse, ignorance, and threats regarding Shumdario shipping again.
I posted various disclaimers about Shumdario shipping. Most people do NOT break the 4th wall and stay in their lane but the anti’s are refusing to respect boundaries. This is literally the only fandom where I have witnessed this ignorant mentality dominate where people keep enabling this bullying. Instead of being happy about Shumdario bonding and hanging out, people are using this as a platform to start up the same ugliness again and again. ENOUGH!!!
Stop persecuting people and stop it with these kind of posts. Tumblr was supposed to be safe space for any kind of shipping especially RPS. Keeping it on tumblr and letting people have that safe space decreases the overlap of it into twitter or other sites so the cast won’t see it. Yet the bullying and restrictive attitude/hostility is so high on tumblr, we get the opposite happening. It is the anti’s who keep inciting negativity and ugliness. 
There is a double standard regarding Shumdario and rps in any other fandom. Double standard between Shumdario versus Domberto or Sherdario, the people who ship Kat with Dom, Alberto,and Emeraude, and etc. It is because people are so threatened regarding Harry and Matthew. 
I posted many posts on the Shumdario tag regarding this. Many people have been attacked, abused, and slandered unfairly over this. Stop making Shumdario a constant source of negativity for the cast and for other fans. Stop the bullying and vile generalizations. Stop this bizarre panic about Shumdario and shipping. 
For the record, Harry and Matthew did their promo separately at NYCC 2016 because they paired off the downworlders separately ( Harry, Isaiah, and Alberto), while the Shadowhunters ( Emeraude, Dom, Matt, and Kat) were off doing separate interviews. Matt and Harry will do separate interviews from time to time especially if they do want to keep intrigue and suspense regarding Malec by not wanting to give too much away. They are not obligated to flaunt their bromance constantly in order to appease the people who have this bizarre paranoia with them. Either way, Shumdario shippers get attacked regardless of how much they interact. Either way, I see the antis’ keep projecting claims of homophobia or discomfort onto Harry regardless of him not showing any. Celebs know that people ship them with other celebrities including their friends and co-workers. Heck, I have seen celebrities be shipped with people they have not met or colleagues they are clearly are not even close to at all. What people ship has no direct bearing on their real life behavior. A person secure in their sexuality and real life relationship would not be flipping out on fans over shipping for pete’s sake. Grow up. 
Stop making this is about harassing Shumdario shippers. Fans ship Domberto, Sherdario, and etc with pleasure and I have seen rps scattered across social media for all of the castmembers yet it is only Shumdario that gets this extremist reaction from people projecting their paranoias. It is also an ignorant projection and narrative to claim that rps was responsible for two cast mates not interacting as much as you want outside of work. Harry and Matthew are doing a con in Barcelona this Spring, just the two of them. Harry and Matthew have had nothing but flattered or amused reactions when they hear about Shumdario. They are not immature like some people in this fandom and selectively trying to erase or be abusive towards rps is not acceptable.
Stop projecting this immaturity, intolerance, and insecurities onto the cast and harassing other fans over it. In the majority of other fandoms, people get to have their safe space. Tumblr is supposed to be the secure spot for it in order to prevent people from breaking the 4th wall on social media. 
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