leedollop · 5 months
Visiting Rosie
When Lee struggles with his feelings and adjusting to what happened to Vox, Vox suggests Lee visit Rosie for some advice.
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leedollop · 5 months
Goes over some of the movie and game nights Lee and Vox have at the hotel, and how Vox and Lee's relationship moves forward.
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leedollop · 5 months
Drained Batteries
When Vox gets sick, Alastor observes how he interacts with the others.
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leedollop · 27 days
Okay, but why is listening to Hell's Greatest Dad on repeat somehow calming my anxiety? There's just something about men arguing with flair that calms me down. /lh /j
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leedollop · 27 days
Lucid Truths
Follows Lucifer when he agrees to go on an errand with Alastor, listening in and reacting to the others in the hotel along the way.
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leedollop · 2 months
Today's Lesson
Following Lucifer's perspective, Lucifer tries to get Adam to step away from the past and look forward to the future. Yet, Lucifer also must process his own pain in order to do so.
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leedollop · 8 months
Thinking about it, I think C/harlie would be hesitant about the polycule at first. She's fine with A/lastor and Lee seeing her like a daughter. She actually finds it really sweet. But having it become more official with the two dating L/ucifer after all this time definitely takes some adjusting.
But, it'd also be nice for C/harlie to have more support in that way I think.
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leedollop · 8 months
Radio Love🎧
Hi! This is my selfship blog for shipping with H/azbin H/otel and H/elluva B/oss characters, My main is @silver-heller for reference. I mostly ship with Alastor, Vox, and Lucifer here though I'll develop my S/I's relationship with the other characters overtime! I am okay staring F/Os!
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Minors. Bigots of any kind, plural unfriendly individuals (this includes people that make the alter egos or evil sides of characters into bad alters or make jokes about the "voices in their head" type shit), pro/shippers, minor x adult or incest shippers, bestiality shippers, discourse starters (this blog is discourse free!), etc. We hate Val here.
SAO (sword-art-online), R/ayman, J/ekyll and H/yde, and H/arry P/otter all make me uncomfy for personal reasons, and I will block you if your F/Os come from these sources.
S/I Info Below
Ansley (real name)
Dollop (Alastor)
My good Fellow (Alastor)
Height: 5'4
#lee🐶🔌 - Tag for my oc Ansley!
#radiolove📻 - Alastor (romantic, I headcanon him as demiromantic asexual)
#appleduck🍎 - Lucifer (romantic, bisexual biromantic)
#turnthetvon📺 - Vox (romantic, asexual biromantic)
#appleontheradio - Poly ship with Alastor, Lucifer, and Vox
#bartenderbuddy♠ - Husker (close friend)
#cherryontop🍧 - Angel Dust (queerplatonic/best friends)
#insideisarainbow🌈 - Charlie Magne (found family daughter)
#roseontop🌹 - Rosie (good friend)
#inthecards🃏 - romantic polycule with Alastor and Husker (retired)
Good with weapons
Can sense upcoming storms
Flexible and can jump high
Cold and sensitive 
Distantly polite at times
Very guarded
Chews on his headphone cord.
Keeps his pet close for comfort. Its name is Pluggy and it's a bunny with floppy ears
Adores music to keep him relaxed.
Known to dissociate. 
Hates being snuck up on.
Looking at images on the TV makes him nervous, he much prefers music and talking.
Chews on his headphone cord.
Mid 20s
Sexual/romantic orientation
Asexual biromantic polymerous
Apple pie is his comfort food
Favorite candy is lollipops
Hates cold things
Physical Notes
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Electronic dog demon
His eyes, ear, tail, and the spot on his chest glow depending on his mood.
Has several, colorful spots on his forehead that can help show more complex emotions.
Clear glowing ears and a clear tail made of plastic like material.
He has a metal, silver speaker on his back. Matches his metal nose, joints, and feet.
Pink fur with white eyes and white accents when neutral. Looks fluffy like a plush.
White is neutral, red is scared, green is anxious, apple yellow is happy, purple is sad, blue when he's flustered, black is concentrated, pink is sleepy. Multiple colors can show up at once to show complex emotions, and sometimes Lee’s eyes change to symbols like hearts, stars, or join to make a flower to further demonstrate how he is feeling.
His powers are connected to the music he plays from his back. As the song goes on, colorful dots appear on the ground and, during the bass drops, the ground shakes and moves.
He tends to wear hoodies and skirts. 
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leedollop · 2 months
ʚ♡ɞ Unholy Antagonist Kisser ʚ♡ɞ
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Hi hi! This is the Hazbin Hotel self shipping blog of @silver-heller, thanks for stopping by! I have a lot of F/Os in this series, but my main ones are Vox, Adam, Lucifer, and Alastor. I love those silly guys. Please read my DNI before following, and I can't wait to hear from you! I hope to make more self shipping Hazbin buddies and my asks are always open for gushing!
I am okay sharing F/Os unless you paint any of my F/Os as unredemptive or abusive.
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・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・DNI・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
This is an 18+ blog meaning no minors. Pro/shippers, minor x adult shippers, or incest shippers are not welcome. System unfriendly individuals, exclusionists, and bigots get out!
If you're rude about other's ships, yes, including ones that aren't self ships. I don't appreciate that kind of energy here. There are certainly ships I don't like, but my motto is just to leave it alone.
Yes, I do explore themes of sexual abuse within my fanfiction, particularly how it effects victims, but it is never glorified.
If you don't like H/azbin H/otel you're not welcome here. This is a discourse free blog. If you hate my F/Os you're entitled to your opinion but you're not welcome here either. V/oxV/al makes me extremely uncomfortable, please don't bring that here.
Keep in mind I like this show for its mature themes and explore these within my ships, fics, etc.
Religious takes on this show, quite frankly, make me very uncomfortable. I use this show to process things like the harm of purity culture, so don't bring support of such topics here.
For my own comfort, I will block you if your F/Os are from these sources: SAO (sword-art-online), R/ayman, J/ekyll and H/yde, and H/arry P/otter.
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・F/O List・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
Lee (S/I Info)
Orientation: Transman (he/him), asexual demiromantic biromantic
Personality: Quite shy and skittish, though also playful and mischievous.
Design notes: Looks like a pink plush dog with silver accents, several glowing dots for eyes that can sometimes change shape, and a speaker on his back.
Tag: #lee🐶🔌
(As drawn by @floofyboi57).
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HC orientation: Bisexual demisexual biromantic
Status: Married
Design Note: Receiving a new TV head, Vox's screen is smaller and squarer. The colors are hazier, with Vox's face leaning more towards a deeper blue, his eyes towards their pink shades, and his black frame is lighter, though still black.
Below is my editing attempt to showcase the color differences.
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Tag: #turnthetvon📺
HC orientation: Bisexual biromantic
Status: Married
Design Note: Since his time in Hell, Adam retains his goat horns, along with his now furry goat legs and hooves. He also now has adorable goat ears and a tail. His fur is the same color as his hair with a light sheen to it, and his horns and hooves are golden.
Tag: #getintoit🎸
HC orientation: Pansexual panromantic
Status: Married
Tag: appleduck🍎
HC orientation: Asexual demiromantic biromantic
Status: Boyfriend
Tag: #radiolove📻
Angel Dust
HC orientation: Homosexual demiromantic homoromantic
Status: Filtrations queerplatonic relationship
Tag: #cherryontop🍧
HC orientation: Bisexual demiromantic biromatic
Status: Queerplatonic
Tag: #velvetandswirl💕
HC orientation: Bisexual biromantic
Status: Girlfriend
Tag: #steelangel⚔
HC orientation: Bisexual biromantic
Status: Found family
Tag: #insideisarainbow🌈
HC orientation: Bisexual biromantic
Status: Mother figure
Tag: #roseontop🌹
HC orientation: Bisexual asexual biromantic
Status: Good friends
Tag: #bartenderbuddy♠
Ship Tags
#evilhugsgood🤗💚 - Vox x Adam
#inthistogether💞- Vox x Angel Dust
#appleontheradio - Lucifer x Alastor
#appleonthetv - Lucifer x Vox
#forbiddenfruits🍎🍏 - Lucifer x Adam
#radiomeetstatictv - Alastor x Vox
#shark🦈xdeer🦌xsnake🐍 - Alastor x Lucifer x Vox
#thesharpteethcollective🦷 - Alastor x Adam x Lucifer x Vox
#sinner&saintkiss - Vox x Lute
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leedollop · 5 months
Chaotic Speaker Dog & His Lovers
╭───────────────────.🎧.───────────────────╮ Profile pic picrew here.
Hi! This is my selfship blog for shipping with H/azbin H/otel characters, My main is @silver-heller for reference.
I mostly ship with Alastor, Vox, and Lucifer here though I'll develop my S/I's relationship with the other characters overtime! I am okay sharing F/Os!
I do not participate in fandom discourse and will block accordingly. If you headcanon any of my F/Os as abusers you are not welcome here!
DNI if...You are a minor or pro/shipper. This includes shipping with literal animals (not furry characters). If you are a bigot, an exclusionist, or not plural friendly. If you hate H/azbin H/otel. Vox/Val makes me very uncomfy, don't bring it here. Val shippers are not welcome!
Keep in mind I like H/azbin H/otel because it's a mature show with mature themes, and some of those themes may appear here (all properly tagged). I also enjoy it's criticism of religion and find it healing to explore my religious trauma through the show. Therefore, religious takes on the show frankly make me uncomfy, especially ones that glorify Heaven too much. Don't bring that here please.
I have grown quite protective of V/ox and A/dam, so I may be wary of interacting with other shippers or fans of them. I won't stop you from following me though.
I will block you if your F/Os are from these sources: SAO (sword-art-online), R/ayman, J/ekyll and H/yde, and H/arry P/otter. (These make me uncomfortable for one reason or another. Please respect that even if you don't understand).
Note: If you or someone you know that might see my posts isn't comfortable with sharing any of my F/Os, please just block me.
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S/I Info Below
Name: Lee
Ansley (real name)
Dollop (Alastor)
My good Fellow (Alastor)
Height: 5'4 Age: Mid 20s (23) Pronouns: He/him Sexual/romantic orientation: Asexual biromantic polymerous Scent: Apples
Can be quite sharp and sardonic when he wants to be. But, usually, he is quite skittish and soft spoken. He tends to dissociate and can be quite sensitive. He adores music, as it helps calm him down, and listens to it or something audible more often than not.
Pink plush dog speaker demon (based on idog speaker) that wears hoodies and skirts.
His powers are connected to the music he plays from his back. As the song goes on, colorful dots appear on the ground and, during the bass drops, the ground shakes and moves. He is also good at sensing upcoming storms, literally or figuratively.
#lee🐶🔌 - Tag for my oc Ansley!
#radiolove📻 - Alastor (romantic, I headcanon him as demiromantic asexual)
#appleduck🍎 - Lucifer (romantic, bisexual biromantic)
#turnthetvon📺 - Vox (romantic, demisexual bisexual biromantic)
#getintoit🎸 - Adam (platonic)
#evilhugsgood🤗💚 - Vox & Adam platonic friendship
#inthistogether💞 - Vox x Angel
#appleontheradio - Poly ship with Alastor, Lucifer, and Vox
#steelangel⚔ - Lute (romantic, Bisexual biromantic)
#bartenderbuddy♠ - Husker (close friend)
#cherryontop🍧 - Angel Dust (queerplatonic/best friends)
#insideisarainbow🌈 - Charlie Magne (found family daughter)
#roseontop🌹 - Rosie (good friend)
Main AU
Lee was originally found by Angel Dust on the streets, absolutely panicked when he first entered Hell and looking for a safe place to stay. Angel Dust brought Lee to the hotel, Husk and Charlie helping to calm him down. The three have been protective of him ever since. Alastor formed a connection to Lee through being nosy, and one of the few, outside of Angel Dust, who visited Lee in his room. Unlike others, Lee finds Alastor more charming than intimidating. They bond over their love of music and verbal passions. Alastor is very accepting of Lee being plural. Slowly, Alastor coaxes Lee out of his room more and more often. On one of these occasions, Lucifer was visiting to keep an eye on the hotel and help out Charlie. Lee quickly formed a bond with the lovable and just as accepting dork, developing a crush Alastor is reluctant to accept. However, with Lee gently forming the bridge between the two, they glow closer and closer. Eventually, Lucifer cuts to the chase, asking about Lee's feelings. Lee admits to liking them both and, eventually, the three come to an arrangement. An arrangement Lucifer and Alastor are quite happy with, despite struggling to let it slip how much they enjoy the other's company. As for Vox, Lee accidentally bumped into him on the street after seeing him on TV. This made Lee feel extremely shy and panic, Vox panicking about being uncertain how to comfort Lee. Vox eventually offers to take Lee out for coffee and Lee eventually agrees. Lee is quite shocked to find a connection with Vox, relating to his need for validation, the fact he's more sensitive than he lets on, and his dry attitude. The two are on the same wavelength to the point they can finish each other's sentences, causing them to become fast friends.
TW: Physical abuse mention
After Val nearly breaks Vox's screen beyond repair, Vox finally leaves the Vees and flees to the hotel at Lee's recommendation. There, Vox meets the others, and becomes even closer to Lee and the polycule.
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