leedollop · 3 days
The Rise of a Blackbird AU
So, I've been rather shy about it, but, lately, I've been reworking my main Hazbin AU so I could post it again. The main issue was an ex friend of mine wrote some of the lines for Adam, along with their OC being a part of the AU. I've been going back through it and editing those parts out to make it entirely my own. Plus adding/outright changing parts so it'll better fit my original vision.
I used to talk about this AU all the time here, and expect me to go feral about it again.
Here are the chapter fics that are out for it now, in order:
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leedollop · 1 month
Share The Bed
With Vox suffering from nightmares, Lucifer suggests Vox join his, Alastor, and Lee's regular sleeping arrangement so he won't have to be alone.
Make sure to read the TWs for this one y'all, stay safe!
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leedollop · 2 months
The Fall
First part of the new AU is up, woot!
Adam wakes up in Hell and tries to become adjusted to his new situation.
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leedollop · 26 days
Hazbin Pokemon Teams
I got inspired so, Pokemon teams for the bois...
Vox (Water types)
Adam (Electric Type)
Lucifer (Fire Type)
Alastor (Grass Type)
Lee (Psychic Type)
Angel Dust (Fairy Type)
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leedollop · 2 months
Cake Layers
Vox finds himself roped into making a cake with Alastor and Lucifer for Lee's birthday.
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leedollop · 2 months
Thinking of polycule dynamics and like...
I really do think Vox, Lee, and Adam are treated as the most sensitive of the bunch. Vox and Lee especially are the ones most prone to being controlled by emotions. I think, meanwhile, Adam switches between being one of the levelheaded ones to a more emotional party animal.
Meanwhile Alastor and Lucifer are such calm souls, usually encouraging or guiding those three not to always jump the gun lol.
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leedollop · 2 months
Dramatic Entrance
After his recovery, Vox finds himself in the Hazbin Hotel, the others urging him to stay.
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leedollop · 2 months
The Neurodivergent Polycule
Thinking about this, so wanna get some thoughts out about how my bois are neurodivergent.
🦈 Vox is very bad at wearing a smile that looks genuine if he's trying to. He keeps track of his body language, subduing it and, in general, is extremely connected to his body. Bodily sensations can affect his entire mood.
🦈 Picky about the food he eats. Hates anything with too many flavor profiles or mixed textures. He likes knowing what's in his food so he isn't surprised by any unexpected flavors. He only likes mixing sweet and savory in specific circumstances, usually when fruit is involved.
🦈 His happy stim is flapping his hands at the sides of his head and stomping one or both of his feet with excitement. His special interest is sharks!
🦈 He is very confused by some social conventions, practically pertaining to when certain behaviors or topics are seen as appropriate. He is very observant and gets confused when people become upset at him for pointing things out. He can be extremely blunt to the point it makes others uncomfortable.
🦈 Vox can be easily distracted and struggles to concentrate at times, hating to sit still. He often drums or taps his claws against his leg or desk. Yet, when he focuses in on something, it's difficult to make him stop doing his task.
🦈 He struggles with volume control when he's really happy or upset.
🎸 Can not stand being bored in any compacity. If he's bored he immediately distracts himself with things like doodling, strumming on his guitar, changing the subject, or imagining funny scenarios.
🎸 He sometimes struggles to see nuance, which can make him come off as judgmental or unempathetic.
🎸 Adam bounces from topic to topic, struggling to stay concentrated on one thing.
🎸 He doesn't follow social conventions of politeness and typically says whatever is on his mind. If he doesn't want to do something, he won't.
🎸 He'd love stim toys that make satisfying noises and, in general, really likes noise. Especially the noise of people talking and music.
🎸 Adam doesn't realize he's neurodivergent because plenty of people admire his honesty and his love of all things fun. Adam thinks neurodivergent people are always lonely social outcasts. He's seen as very likable by his neurotypical peers and is treated like "one of the guys".
🦆 His special interest is ducks and he loves toys, especially rubber ducks.
🦆 Lucifer isn't great at picking up on social cues, which causes him to be extremely anxious during certain social encounters.
🦆 He fixates on creating things and can be more than a bit of a perfectionist about it.
🦆 Lucifer likes doing things a certain way, and is uncomfortable when he's unable to do things this way.
🦆 He enjoys weird food combinations that others tend to find gross.
🦆 He is burnt out from masking in the past and, though he tries to mask in the present, he usually struggles to do so fully.
🦌 He's not great when it comes to understanding personal space and often stands too close to others.
🦌 He can not pick up on flirting for the life of him and isn't good at taking a hint.
🦌 Alastor doesn't fully understand his smile can come off as menacing in some cases.
🦌 He tends to stare at others, seeing it as meaningful eye contact while others view it as creepy.
🦌 Alastor likes order and dislikes when that order is disrupted.
🦌 His special interest is anything pertaining to radio and he'll defend it until the day he dies (again).
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leedollop · 2 months
I did this test for my main F/Os, Vox, Adam, Lucifer, and Alastor. If you wanna do the test for your F/Os too, I'd love it if you'd tag me cause I'd love to see it!
Starting off with Vox...
So Vox got Shape-shifting, which damn, fits him so well and anti-hero and unconventional is exactly how I would describe him:
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Adam got Animal Whisperer. Definitely think throughout my fic he'll develop to show his more empathetic and supportive side. Also so funny shapeshifter is one of his enemies but it fits so well lol.
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Lucifer got Telepathy which...AH! The moment I saw dreamer and caring in the description I was like yes! But he is definitely burnt out too, poor guy. He and Vox also get along pretty well.
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Finally, Alastor got Telescopic Vision, which I basically predicted from the get go. He's detail oriented and very observant, which is why Vox finds him intimidating.
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leedollop · 5 months
Visiting Rosie
When Lee struggles with his feelings and adjusting to what happened to Vox, Vox suggests Lee visit Rosie for some advice.
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leedollop · 5 months
Goes over some of the movie and game nights Lee and Vox have at the hotel, and how Vox and Lee's relationship moves forward.
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leedollop · 3 months
What would some user boxes for your AU look like?
Here you go, have fun lol:
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leedollop · 4 months
Play Us a Symphony
When a popstar named Duet appears at the hotel, Vox is reminded why he never liked the sinner. Only, she might be worse than he realizes.
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leedollop · 5 months
Drained Batteries
When Vox gets sick, Alastor observes how he interacts with the others.
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leedollop · 27 days
Okay, but why is listening to Hell's Greatest Dad on repeat somehow calming my anxiety? There's just something about men arguing with flair that calms me down. /lh /j
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leedollop · 27 days
Lucid Truths
Follows Lucifer when he agrees to go on an errand with Alastor, listening in and reacting to the others in the hotel along the way.
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