#appreciate thoughts and prayers
gelato444 · 2 years
not even a joke tho it’s funny how when anything related to health happens to you or your family it just becomes a survive and figure it out later type of vibe
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mediumgayitalian · 4 months
“Your hands.”
William smiles, tiredly, glancing down at the chapped fingers crooked around the tarnished silverware.
“Yes,” he says. “I know.”
“Don’t they hurt?”
“I’m used to it.”
He smiles again, after he says it; I’m used to it, don’t worry. He eats fine, does not wince as he moves and flexes the cracking skin, but it does not take long for them to bleed; sluggishly, slowly, pearling along tectonic lines, pooling in creases and knuckle dips.
Niccolò returns to his dinner, and watches him. The tap of his foot is at odds with the clink clink clink of his knife, the scrape of his fork along his chipped front tooth. His shoulders droop but his face does not, hair still pinned back, eyes sleepy and far away. His freckles seem to twinkle under the flickering of the candlelight, making those blue eyes into something sparkling.
“You should sleep,” Niccolò says, swallowing. “You’re tired.”
William finishes the last of his plate, and smiles, again, small and pretty and tired, still, but the gentle kind.
“It is my turn with the washing.”
“Yes,” Niccolò agrees, “but you are sleepy. And your hands are chapped.”
William says nothing more, only hums, but he kisses Niccolò’s forehead as he passes, gentle, squeezing his shoulder, and sets his dishes on the counter by the sink, untouched.
“Goodnight,” he calls from the bedroom, as Niccolò’s hands are slippery from the soap, and warm.
“Goodnight,” Niccolò responds, and turns back to the sink. He can hear the bed springs creak, and William sigh, and he smiles, waiting on the snores. They do not take long. He hums along to them as he finishes, washing up the pots, too, and the oven, and the counters. Soon the kitchen is sparkling and the sun sits low on the horizon, and he dusts, too, having noticed the griminess floating among the golden rays.
At the end of it his hands are smarting. The soap clings to his skin, even as he rinses them, and he tries to avoid picking at his knuckles, rubbing the skin; reddening them further.
He tries to imagine this, day in and day out; bedpans and food trays and cutlery and surgical knives, all dirtied, all reused. Stinging lye soap and coppery bleach. Aching, chapping hands, curled to bleeding, stretched to tearing; worn through elastic.
He retreats to his study, frowning.
based on “he loved her to the point of invention” (7th slide)
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emblazons · 1 year
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"How about we call you El, short for Eleven?"
STRANGER THINGS SANS VISAGES S01E02 - The Weirdo on Maple Street
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why did i have to pay $160 to access my physics homework? why did i have to purchase not just an online textbook (for only a year) but also an entirely separate programme for which to do homework? for one hundred and sixty usamerican dollars?
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buttered-milky · 3 months
Messmer can actually turns into a snake it's his original form, and he looks soo abused and neglected maybe because of the seal?
Eeeee okay so. The summon he uses a: appears to have more blood and/or burn wounds on it. and b: otherwise has most of its scales and doesn’t have the transparency effect I thought it had like the winged serpents!! Also there’s a bunch of eyeballs all over the place but we’ll get to those later.
Burn wounds are pretty straightforward and also interesting since they imply either the serpent fucked around and found out (Messmer burned it) or the serpent fucked around and found out (burned itself like an idiot, not surprising in the slightest for snakes since they miss prey strikes all the time and are, in my humble snake owner opinion, some of the dumbest creatures you’ll ever meet. Curious yes. But also. Idiots)
The snake Messmer turns into has much deeper wounds and scarring on it than just the summon of the abyssal serpent. This snake also appears to have a blind right eye (note for any reptile keepers who care: not the temporary blindness that comes with shedding). Its body is very misshapen and there are scales trying to protrude along the spine, and in several places where there don’t appear to be any wounds the scales are just…missing. This is as expected not good for snakes! They need those scales! I am honestly not quite sure how to interpret the overlapping layers of scales in some places. Like sometimes it looks like a shedding issue but also it seems like it’s the attempts of two souls trying to occupy one body? Also missing shed transparency effect! Idk what the hell was going on in my brain or if it was just lighting but I was sooooo fucking sure of the shed buildup. I was also really tired though and don’t care. The visual read was still fun. It can be a headcanon to me <3
So on those thoughts of it being two souls trying to occupy one body. What strikes me about this design is that some of the wounds look like bite scarring you’d see from live prey fighting your snake back. Again, this is a thing entirely avoidable with good husbandry (don’t live feed unless absolutely necessary). The scales to me still imply shedding has gone very wrong at some point. You’d expect to see shedding heal and scar over these wounds, but they’re all fresh. Very symbolic. You can’t heal violence by just pretending it doesn’t exist.
Ideally when a snake is wounded, you do routine care to help them with sheds and make sure the wound is clean. The scales will grow back and the wound will scar, but it will take several sheds and consistent work! You cannot, as Marika tried to do, just put a bandaid on it. You also can’t just lock a snake in a cage it will hurt itself trying to get out of (ie messmer himself) and expect that to go even remotely well.
Some of this feels like visual symbolism of self-hatred. Like I said, the base serpent looks like it’s gotten in a fight. With its host. Some of it also feels like visible neglect (ie the wounds not being healed, missing scales)
I’m gonna discuss the eyeballs bc I fuck w them immensely. First of all congrats Messmer on having an Eldritch Horror in ur body. Second of all, all these eyes appear to have lids. Actual snakes don’t. They have hard eye caps instead and cannot blink. Some of the eyes seem like they might not be able to blink, but the scales around them are still more closed than you’d expect? I fuck with it. Fits with Messmer’s blindness motif which maybe I’ll make a post on eventually. But in regards to the base serpent specifically, of course violence can afford to close its eyes and be blind to who it chooses to hurt. Violence is also something that, when committed, always seems to haunt you. Its gaze will always be there.
It’s interesting that Marika replaced Messmer’s eye to seal the serpent off, and so maybe it grew more eyes? That could be why the scales around them aren’t correct—they’re trying to protrude from the body. This occurs in both the summon and the physical snake form Messmer has. Repression of identity = Eldritch horrors? Sure I’ll take that fromsoft.
Final thing on the eyes. They’re red, not green. The winged serpents have green eyes, Elden Ring’s color of endurance. Super fitting! The abyssal serpent’s eyes are all red, the color of rot and death in this game. Red to me also feels primordial given its use in lightning by the dragons, but I digress. It’s pretty obvious why a base serpent would have base powers. This thing is old as fuck.
Okay. I’m sure you all thought the post was done but one last note on snake biology! So, snakes’ tongues retract into their mouth. When a snake opens their mouth you won’t see a forked tongue just curled up, hanging out. It’s in a little pocket for safe keeping :)
Neither of the base serpent’s forms appear to have the anatomy for this, since there are eyeballs replacing this anatomy. This is problematic for Messmer in a snake form specifically since he’s blind, and real snakes compensate for shitty vision by having an incredibly strong sense of smell. Messmer’s snake form also doesn’t have the heat pits that the abyssal serpent has. Heat pits are another part of snake anatomy, usually located below the nostrils, and are what they use to “see” heat and locate prey. In pythons (like the winged serpents) you’ll see multiple heat pits all in a row above the lip as opposed to the single very deep pit behind and below the nostrils in vipers. This single pit is what the base serpent (summon) has. Neither Messmer’s base serpent form nor his winged serpents have heat pits which is…interesting. It could be a modeling error but I don’t think so given base serpent has very clear heat pits.
My point is, Messmer is somehow even more blind than you’d expect from a snake. Maybe this makes sense given Messmer carries an internal fire, which would likely fuck with infrared? Still interesting nonetheless.
In summary: The base serpent alone (summon) seems overall in better shape than its other form (transformation). I think this is pretty straightforward symbolism—as a being on its own the serpent would probably be fine. It’s just that it uses Messmer as a host and this causes issues. Fuck around and find out I guess, base serpent.
And holy shit Messmer Cannot fucking see. Good luck with the seeing eye snakes babe because snakes notoriously have shit vision !
(Also just an aside both of the base serpent forms kind of have narrower faces than you’d see on a real snake? Like they’re more eel like to me. Anyways.)
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chestnutroan · 2 years
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Watch me again!
Neanderthal backflip
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valyrfia · 20 days
butches are sooooooo fucking beautiful like damn women really took one look at masculinity and went “yeah we can do that better” and then DID!
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seiya-starsniper · 7 days
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ageless-aislynn · 2 days
Hey, friends, just a quick note. I had to call 911 for my dad a few nights ago and he's been in the hospital ever since. He had a triple bypass many years ago but has done really well since then. However, he recently started having some issues with a racing, irregular heartbeat and his blood pressure shooting sky high and they've determined that he has atrial fibrillation aka afib. They're trying him on some new medications to hopefully be able to treat it that way.
It's worrisome because he has a list of medicine allergies about as long as my arm, most of them heart related. Also, they're upping the blood thinner he's on and, well, he's 80 years old and severe bleeding will now be even more of a risk. But since afib can cause a stroke, among other things, that's the best defense against it.
Anyway, prayers, good thoughts, well wishes etc. all very welcome now. I'm scared for him but I'm trying to be strong. Love you all, will check in again whenever I can.
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Tuesday, September 10th. 9:19pm
I am in control of my reality
I am more than my physical flesh
I can do that which I set my mind to
My reality has expanded beyond measure
I am fully in control of my journey
I am protected and resilient
I navigate my surroundings with confidence and clarity
I am able to withstand the physical sensations that I will be met with
I am aware of the intentions of those I will encounter
I am able to find safety easily when I deem it necessary
I have full control over the intensity of the sensations I will feel
I can adjust the intensity of sensations as necessary
I may return to my base reality at any time if it is ever deemed necessary
I am able to understand and manipulate puzzles with ease
Tuesday, September 10th. 9:32pm
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audreythevaliant · 2 months
Please please don’t listen to your mind when it plunges you into the depths of despair. It’s lying to you, I promise. Please pray, read some scripture, sing some comfort songs, eat food and drink water, then eat popcorn and drink tea. Take a walk outside in your bare feet and then take a long warm shower. This too shall pass.
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princemick · 1 month
ty sm for the love send our way, he should be totally fine, he's 68 and we have a history of heart problems in the family, both me and my mom have been worried for a while but hes stubborn so it was kind expected to happen eventually.
even then it was a stressful and exhausting day, all the love is appreciated tysm for it it means a lot <333
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redhead-reporter · 7 months
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guys ... i don't think this movie is gonna be very good LOL
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Hello praying people, I'm not doing well and would really appreciate your prayers right now <3
#long very boring and unnecessarily detailed tag monologue incoming‚ feel free to skip:#this is going to sound like a silly thing to be hitting rock bottom over#but i’m fairly certain i have a semi-rare skin condition known as sensitive skin syndrome#which is basically where skin gets progressively more sensitive#until it won’t tolerate the topical application of anything at all without getting irritated#usually it happens to people on the skin of their face and i have it there but i also specifically have it on my lips#(which apparently is extremely not normal; i found a dermatologist’s case study from like 2019 of one woman who had it on her lips#and according to this case study there were no other cases of people having it on their lips#in all the dermatological literature he had read)#i can’t follow the protocol which all the journal articles i’ve been able to find say is helpful for the rest of the face which is basicall#leave the area the heck alone for at least a year#because if i don’t apply anything to my lips for more than two or three days they will get so dry they crack and bleed#so it’s looking like one way or another i may be having to deal with dry burning irritated lips for the rest of my life#and i’m not dealing with the thought of that very well#i’ve already suffered so much anguish from extreme sensitivity on the rest of my face#and not being able to take proper care of the skin there#and this is just too much for me#i know God is allowing this for a reason but it’s filling me with so much frustration and panic and despair that i don’t know how to go on#but i must and i will#this isn’t a serious or a life-threatening condition but it’s looking like a pretty hopeless one and it’s hurting me badly#and i would appreciate prayers that it would just be healed or that i would know what to do#i think i will try going to my dermatologist but somehow i doubt she's even heard of sensitive skin syndrome#on a COMPLETELY unrelated note i'm just about to get my period and also for two days i've ''eaten'' nothing but vegetable smoothies#and those in pretty small amounts because they're disgusting#(do a detox my hormonal health doctor said)#(it'll be fun she said)#ok if you read this far you're so brave braver than any u.s. marine etc.#thanks for reading ily <3
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dynamitekansai · 9 months
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The academic debate for the ages continues.
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lem0nademouth · 4 months
hi hello friends i got my wisdom teeth out today and i historically have a very rough time recovering from surgery (the procedure itself went great tho!) so if you feel so inclined i would lovingly and humbly accept blessings/prayers for an easy and speedy recovery i am very nervous about the next few days ok thats all thank you for existing
(hebrew name is leah esther bat chanabella chaya)
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