#appreciate you a lot and I’ll get back to y’all very soon 🥰
imabillyami · 10 months
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sokkigarden · 1 year
I really loved the epilogue/dream sequence and it’s really similar to the series finale of Scrubs which was also a Bill Lawrence show. The Scrubs finale is at least in my opinion one of the best endings possible because it gives a solid ending to the actual series while showing the fans what could be. It’s really special and Bill actually said that what happened in JD’s montage did actual happen despite it appearing like a fantasy. I know Bill stepped back to have to other writers take more control but this feels like a very Bill move. I really liked it and I think this def had some real world occurrences since we don’t know if Rebecca told Ted about Dutchman. I get why some people didn’t like it but I loved it. And not knowing if Keeley ended up with Roy or Jamie is really nice because it doesn’t center her around the boys- she’s the independent woman 🥰. But it also allows the fans to take away whatever they want.
overall the finale was good in my opinion. there’s just little things that i’m like bro why did y’all do that🤨
my main complaint def results from being in an echo chamber on tumblr but for such a rom-com coded show, no relationships got together except for beard and jane and sorta rebecca and the dutchman(?) which were both like controversial w the fandom. im just curious about WHY they made the decisions they did.
im chill w the open ending for roykeeleyjamie but i was sad to see them fighting over her in such an out of character way. i was gonna be fine w it if they showed up to keeley’s house and she was like “guess what there’s a secret third option” LOL but the open ending is fine bc ik polyamory isn’t something we see a lot in tv.
i think i just have a problem w epilogues 😭 i think back to new girl and parks and rec where they did those silly time jumps and im like sometimes it’s better to leave on a high note than show us too much of “what comes next” so i do appreciate that the epilogue was kinda ambiguous. you can take from it what you will.
i’ll prob watch it again soon tbh. i’m processing so many emotions rn😭 i’m so sad it’s over😭
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