#apro is different
f-ngrl · 1 year
*i need a cha cha beat boy gray wegun is my dj goosebumps on the track/goosebumps gimme some shit
**hey boy it's cold can i come in groovy everywhere
***g r boy apro is different kachikachi (?? coa white)
****panda? yo midas on the beat/ey bro where the midas at
i'm sorry there are so many!! any other ones, just comment them and i'll recalculate the results as always. so sorry to all my beloved underground producers who didn't get a spot ily ㅠ
note: i know that putting multiple options in categories and others not is not the right way to do this but this is just for fun and tumblr should give us more options ㅠㅠ
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wardenswateringhole · 2 years
The Last Hunt - Part 2
Part 1 can be found HERE
Blood (duh)
Break placed for convenience. Enjoy.
Silverware clinked against plates as the meal progressed in silence. Ingo looked to the men who joined him at the table. They both ate slowly. Their gazes stayed on their plates. A few tentative glances were stolen toward one another but were quickly averted. Neither seemed keen to start a conversation.
It had been two weeks since Emmet had come to stay with Gateau and Ingo. He had only recently regained mobility. Ingo insisted he join them at the table rather than take his meals in his room any longer. His wounds were healing at a satisfactory pace. Emmet had decided to start going without his bandages, leaving the jagged lines and stitches fully visible. A piercing glare was given whenever he caught Gateau staring.
Emmet had stayed true to his word. He did not try to harm Gateau and Gateau showed him the same courtesy. The pair had taken to avoiding one another as much as possible, neither of them remaining in the same room together for long. Ingo had found himself being silently fought over by the pair. Tense moments of wordless glaring would take place between the two, eventually resulting in one slinking away and giving the other access to Ingo's attentions. Ingo could only sigh and give the victor what they wanted. When the situation arose where neither could get away from the other, the air would thicken to near suffocating levels.
Ingo frowned down at his empty plate. The baby inside him seemed to be gaining quite the appetite. Even feeling down from Emmet's and Gateau's interactions didn't seem to dampen his food intake. Many a confectionery was consumed while in the company of one or the other. Cookies were munched on happily while Gateau spoke gently to his belly. His deep voice cooed over how much the little one seemed to like his culinary habits. Sweet honey cakes were shoved into his mouth as Emmet regaled him with his accomplishments in Ingo's absence. Tales of Emmet's hunting habits did not exactly thrill Ingo but it felt like a small sacrifice to have his brother speaking to him without frustration.
“Ingo?” Gateau's voice broke Ingo from his thoughts. Gateau held his hand and gave him a worried look. “Are you alright, my love?”
Ingo nodded. “Yes. I think I am finished eating.”
“Oh?” Gateau smiled. “I suppose I should not offer any of the jam tarts I made then...”
Ingo's eyes lit up at the mention of dessert causing Gateau to chuckle. An audible huff could be heard from across the table. Gateau's eyes narrowed at Emmet.
“Something wrong?”
“No.” Emmet answered simply, wiping the corners of his mouth and standing. “Thank you for the meal. Excuse me.”
Gateau gave a grunt in reply as Emmet strode out of the dining room. Ingo placed a hand of Gateau's. “I apologize for him...”
“You say that each time.” Gateau sighed. “You do not need to keep apologizing for him.” Gateau brought Ingo's hands to his lips and kissed his knuckles.
“Let us get you those jam tarts. I tried something different this time. Please tell me what you think.”
Gateau quickly excused himself into the kitchen. Ingo smiled. He wondered if he truly deserved such a wonderful lover.
Ingo was nestled in the library with tarts and his favorite books while Gateau busied himself in the kitchen. An old recipe book with yellowed pages sat on the counter as he gathered various ingredients. Cooking had brought him much more joy now that he had a lovely taste tester to show off for. He could hardly deny the giddiness that consumed him when Ingo praised a dessert he had made. Gateau continuously strove to make Ingo's smile as wide as possible. Right now, food seemed to accomplish that feat greatly.
A cloud of white dust filled the air as Gateau dusted the flour from his hands. He reached for his next ingredient but froze as his fingers grazed the container. A sound came to his ears that greatly concerned him.
Gateau immediately removed his apron and moved to the library. “My Love? Is everything--”
Ingo sat with a book propped on his belly and a tart in one hand. Crumbs covered his smiling face as he looked up at Gateau with cheeks still full of the sugary treat. Gateau couldn't help but smirk at the sight as Ingo tried to swallow before replying.
“Is there something you need, Gateau?”
“Ah. No. I thought I heard something...” Even standing and staring at Ingo, he could still hear the sounds of crying. Hushed gasps and breaths tickled faintly at his ears.
He gave Ingo an endearing smile before leaving to find the source of the noise. Did someone sneak in without him knowing? Were they in distress? The possibility of a passing phantom occurred to him as well. It happened sometimes. Only he could see and hear them due to his nature. He was thankful Ingo did not have to be subject to that.
The sounds seemed to grow louder as he traveled the halls. He eventually stopped in front of the door to Emmet's room. He hesitated a moment before knocking.
Emmet stared out the window of his room, tears streaking his face. His fingers trembled at his lips as his teeth tore through his nails. Outside the stars twinkled peacefully. He cursed their existence. How they mocked his torment. There was nothing so beautiful in his world at that moment. What he had cared most about had been taken. Stolen away...
A tap to Emmet's shoulder brought his thoughts to a halt. He spun around to find Gateau moving away from him quickly. Both men kept their eyes on the other. Emmet scoffed. “You couldn't stand it. You just had to try and get the drop on me.”
“No.” Gateau relaxed his posture. His hands up and visible. “I had knocked on your door. I had announced myself. You did not respond. I was--”
“Worried? Spare me.”
Gateau shook off the venom from Emmet's tone. He regarded the hunter. Emmet's silver stare was bathed in a sickly red. His fingers were wrinkled and close to bleeding from incessant chewing. His hair, once combed back and neat, now sat disheveled upon his head.
“What is happening?”
“You know full well what is happening, Vampire.”
Emmet stomped a foot indignantly toward Gateau. “Damn you! Damn you for taking him!”
Gateau recoiled slightly from Emmet's sudden outburst. “What?”
“We were all we each other had in that damned Order!” Emmet's fists clenched tightly at his sides. “Just him and me. Against the world.”
Emmet's shoulder's trembled. A shaky breath hissed out. “He left... Said he wanted to see if there was more...” A tensed hand raked through Emmet's silver strands, grasping them with white knuckles. “More? We had everything we needed! Food! Protection! Shelter! Why did he need more!?”
Emmet's torso curled in on itself as he began to pace. “He promised to return. To send letters telling of his adventures and discoveries.” A sob broke Emmet's voice. “He promised!”
His pacing stopped. He turned slowly to glare at Gateau, chest heaving with unsteady breaths. “He found you...” Emmet grinned wide and unsettling. “You don't fool me... The way you cater to his every whim... Favorite food... Books...” The smile faltered and his eyes lost focus. The last word was almost a gasp. “Company...”
Gateau step forward only to have Emmet growl in response. “I came to bring him home! Our home! With me! He won't leave because of you!”
Gateau fell silent as he watched Emmet unravel before his eyes. His voice was quiet and meek. “I-I am sorry...”
A heart-wrenching howl left Emmet as he clutched at his face. Nails dug into his cheeks and pulled reddened trails down his face. “You could have anyone else!? Why him!? Find someone else to be your pet!”
Gateau reached toward Emmet. “Stop!”
Emmet's fist raised and began to travel toward Gateau as fast as he could muster. “Give him back! Give me back my brother!”
Gateau caught Emmet's wrist and pulled him close. His other arm held Emmet close to him. “You are going to hurt yourself thrashing around like that...”
Emmet pulled and pushed against Gateau's much stronger grip. “Unhand me! Dammit!” Each tug and shift became weaker than the last. Emmet's protests grew quieter as sobs took their place. His head fell against Gateau's chest, his fist still clenched stubbornly in Gateau's grasp.
“Please... Just give him back... He's all I have...”
Gateau held him gently and let the Hunter's tears soak his shirt. Soft shushing and humming helped to calm the frenzy that had consumed him before. Emmet sunk into the embrace weakly. His breathing began to calm after a few moments. Gateau leaned his head down and murmured into his ear.
“I think we should go talk to your brother...”
Ingo was surprised to see Gateau leading a weary and down trodden Emmet into the library. Novels and snacks were quickly shoved aside in favor of fussing over the well being of his brother. After a bit of explanation, three sat down for a talk. Gateau sat across from the brothers who sat beside one another on the sofa. Both looked away from one another, seemingly unsure of how to even begin the conversation.
“I... I'm so sorry, Emmet.” Ingo began. “I never meant to make you feel abandoned.”
“Then why did you leave?” Emmet asked quietly.
“I... That's not an easy answer...”
“Was it something I did?” Tears began to pool in Emmet's eyes. “Did I not do enough as a brother?”
“That's not it at all, Emmet.” Ingo frowned and turned away. Emmet slid off his seat and on to his knees on the floor. He stared up at Ingo with confusion and hurt.
“Please... Tell me... Help me to understand.”
Ingo stood and stepped lightly across the room. His face was stiff. His eyes seemed lost to the thoughts that ran through his head. The answer came in uncertain cadence as he struggled to find the right words to express his thoughts.
“I didn't belong there... with the Order.” Ingo hugged his shoulders. “At least, I don't think they wanted me to belong.”
A heavy sigh left him. He looked to Gateau. A hand was offered by the old vampire. Ingo took it and squeezed, trying to find any comfort from the thoughts that plagued him.
“I was too different... I suppose.” Ingo continued. He kept his gaze away from Emmet. “I didn't fit the roles they wanted me to fill. I didn't care for the values they wanted me to uphold.” Ingo scoffed. “I abhorred even holding a weapon, much less using one. I never wanted to be a hunter.”
Ingo's gaze finally settled on Emmet's, silver mirroring silver. “I was so tired. Tired of the judgmental looks and the off handed comments that no one thought I would hear... Even my books weren't helping me escape it all anymore...”
Ingo moved closer to his lover and wrapped an arm around him. Gateau pressed his face into Ingo's side, melting into the affection and returning it in kind. “I left in hopes of finding something... better. Somewhere I could feel welcome... Something beyond just surviving and being forced to murder other beings...”
Emmet's brows furrowed. “Murder? We weren't murdering anyone?”
“What do you call it then?” Ingo looked down at Gateau before looking back at his brother with a steely stare. “After everything he has done for you, after how he has treated you, can you truly look upon Gateau as some monster that is to be hunted down and butchered in the name of some misguided sense of self-righteousness?”
Emmet stared at the man who held his brother so lovingly. Purple eyes studied him silently a few moments before looking away. Emmet breathed deep and dropped his gaze to the floor. His eyes traced the pattern on the rug as he tried to sort his thoughts.
“No. I can't.”
Emmet rose to his feet slowly. He inclined his head toward Gateau. “I... apologize. I was wrong. In many ways...” He rubbed his arm worriedly and looked away from the pair. “I'm sorry to you too, Ingo. I failed.”
“I knew. I knew they were treating you badly.” Emmet admitted. “I... didn't know what else to do... I thought... Maybe if I became a high ranking hunter... If I continued to win... They couldn't treat you that way anymore. I could protect you.”
Emmet shook his head slowly. “But I didn't protect you. I was too obsessed with winning. I just wanted to build something better for us. I couldn't even do that.”
Emmet looked back to Ingo. His eyes did not reflect the wide smile on his face. “It was supposed to be us! The best team! Brothers against the world! World class hunters that no one could ever look down on!”
“I had no idea...” Ingo moved away from Gateau and took Emmet's hand. “I thought that if I left, that it would make things easier on you. You seemed so happy to be a hunter. I didn't want to ruin that with my problems.”
Emmet squeezed Ingo's hand. “None of it mattered without you. You're my only family. My brother, and I like my brother more than anything else.”
Gateau smiled softly as the brothers embraced, tears falling without end. Apologies were heaped on one by the other between sniffling and sobbing. After a few moments the pair pulled away from one another, awkwardly wiping their eyes and fighting to steady their breathing through the last bit of hiccups. Emmet looked down at Ingo's belly before casting a glance to Gateau.
“I think you found what you were looking for, Ingo.” He spoke, a sad smile playing at his lips. “I'll leave you two in peace. I'll gather my things.”
“Emmet, no!' Ingo grabbed his arm to keep him from leaving. Emmet laughed.
“Don't worry. I won't tell the Order where you are. You and your family will be safe.”
“Don't leave!” Ingo cried out a bit louder than he meant to. Emmet and Gateau both jumped at the sudden shout. Even the child kicking frantically within Ingo caused him to pause and give reassuring rubs to his stomach. “Sorry...”
All three chuckled at the event. Ingo softened his grip on Emmet's arm. “I don't want you to leave yet... I'd like it if you'd stay. You could meet your nibling! I'm sure they would be thrilled to get to know their uncle Emmet!”
“Uncle... Emmet...” Emmet said the words slowly as his eyes drifted down to Ingo's belly. He could see the little ripples of movement through Ingo's shirt. Gateau's heavy hand on his uninjured shoulder distracted him from the sight.
“You will not last long on the road in your state. Any vagabonds sensing weakness in you would have your life immediately.” He gave Emmet a smile. “Stay as long as you like. Your recovery is very important.”
Gateau pulled back his arm and brought his fist up to his mouth. A light cough did little to cover the mirth in his voice. “Though if your form in our fight was anything to go by, I am surprised to made it here at all.”
“What was that!?” Emmet bristled. His grin grew wider at the mischievous gleam in Gateau's eye. “You got lucky!”
“Did I? Would it be too much to suggest a rematch then?” Gateau offered his hand out to Emmet. “I would love to see if I could get lucky again.”
Emmet took his hand and gave it a firm shake. “Eat a dick.”
“You offering again?”
Crimson bloomed over Emmet's cheeks. He felt himself grow more flustered as Ingo burst into a fit of giggles. After a few moments, Emmet and Gateau both found themselves laughing as well. The sound echoed through the room. The once cold halls grew warm from the happiness that now grew from the three of them.
Part 3 Coming Soon. (it'll be worth it I promise)
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pawsandpaws · 4 days
Apro IQ Formula Cat Food: Everything You Need to Know
As a cat parent, you want nothing but the best for your feline friend, and that starts with their diet. Apro IQ Formula Cat Food has been making waves for providing a nutritionally rich, well-balanced option for cats of all ages. In this article, we’ll dive deep into what makes Apro IQ Formula stand out, its benefits, and why it could be the perfect food for your furry companion.
Why Choosing the Right Cat Food Matters
Choosing the right food is crucial for your cat's health and well-being. Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning their diet needs to be rich in animal-based proteins. Additionally, they need the right balance of fats, vitamins, and minerals to support their cognitive development, immune system, and overall vitality.
What is Apro IQ Formula Cat Food?
Apro IQ Formula Cat Food is specifically designed to meet the unique nutritional needs of cats while focusing on supporting brain health and cognitive function. This specialized formula is packed with ingredients that promote mental clarity, enhance memory, and ensure overall well-being.
The Nutritional Benefits of Apro IQ Formula
High-Quality Proteins
Protein is the foundation of a healthy diet for cats, and apro cat food does not disappoint. It contains high-quality animal proteins, which are essential for muscle development, tissue repair, and maintaining an active lifestyle.
Balanced Omega Fatty Acids
Apro IQ Formula is enriched with Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, which are crucial for a shiny coat, healthy skin, and most importantly, brain function. These fats support cognitive development, making this food ideal for cats in all stages of life.
Essential Vitamins and Minerals
This formula is fortified with vitamins A, E, and B-complex, along with minerals like zinc and selenium. These nutrients play a significant role in supporting the immune system, maintaining good vision, and promoting overall health.
Who Should Consider Feeding Their Cat Apro IQ Formula?
Apro IQ Formula is an excellent choice for cats of all ages, from curious kittens to mature adults. If your cat seems sluggish, forgetful, or needs a dietary upgrade to support its mental and physical well-being, this formula could be a game-changer.
Ingredients Breakdown of Apro IQ Formula
Natural Ingredients
Apro IQ Formula prides itself on using natural, high-quality ingredients. The formula avoids using fillers, so you can trust that each bite your cat takes is packed with nutrients rather than empty calories.
No Artificial Additives
One of the standout features of Apro IQ Formula is its commitment to using no artificial preservatives, flavors, or colors. It’s a clean, wholesome option for cats who may have sensitivities to artificial ingredients.
How Apro IQ Formula Supports Cognitive Development in Cats
Brain-Boosting Nutrients
Apro IQ Formula is packed with brain-boosting ingredients such as DHA (an Omega-3 fatty acid found in fish oil), which is proven to enhance cognitive function in cats. DHA is particularly important for kittens, as it supports their growing brains.
Antioxidants for Mental Clarity
Antioxidants like vitamin E and selenium are essential for protecting the brain from oxidative stress, which can slow down cognitive function. By incorporating these antioxidants, Apro IQ Formula helps keep your cat mentally sharp and focused.
Comparing Apro IQ Formula to Other Cat Foods
What Sets It Apart?
The main difference between Apro IQ Formula and other cat foods is its focus on cognitive development. While many cat foods focus on basic nutrition, Apro IQ Formula takes it a step further by offering nutrients that specifically support brain health.
Price Comparison
In terms of cost, Apro IQ Formula is competitively priced when compared to other premium cat foods. While it may be slightly more expensive than generic brands, the benefits it offers in terms of brain health and overall well-being make it worth the investment.
How to Transition Your Cat to Apro IQ Formula
Transitioning your cat to a new food should be done gradually to avoid digestive upset. Start by mixing a small amount of Apro IQ Formula with their current food, gradually increasing the ratio over 7-10 days until they are eating Apro exclusively.
Apro IQ Formula for Kittens vs. Adult Cats
Both kittens and adult cats can benefit from Apro IQ Formula, but the needs of each age group are slightly different. Kittens require higher amounts of certain nutrients like DHA for brain development, while adult cats benefit from a balanced intake to maintain cognitive function and overall health.
The Importance of a Balanced Diet for Cats
A well-balanced diet is essential to keep your cat healthy and happy. Apro IQ Formula offers a complete and balanced nutritional profile, meaning it meets all the dietary needs your cat requires daily. From protein to essential fatty acids and vitamins, this food covers all bases.
Customer Reviews and Testimonials on Apro IQ Formula
Many cat parents have reported noticeable improvements in their pets' energy levels, coat condition, and overall cognitive function after switching to Apro IQ Formula. Testimonials often highlight the product's positive impact on older cats, with users noticing sharper mental clarity and a livelier demeanor.
FAQs about Apro IQ Formula
Is Apro IQ Formula suitable for kittens? Yes, Apro IQ Formula is formulated to support the needs of both kittens and adult cats.
Does Apro IQ Formula contain artificial additives? No, Apro IQ Formula is free from artificial preservatives, colors, and flavors.
Can Apro IQ Formula help with my cat's coat condition? Yes, the Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids in Apro IQ Formula support a healthy, shiny coat.
Is Apro IQ Formula expensive? While slightly more expensive than generic cat foods, it offers superior nutritional value and brain-boosting benefits.
Where can I buy Apro IQ Formula? Apro IQ Formula is available online and in select pet stores. You can check your local retailers or trusted e-commerce platforms.
Apro IQ Formula Cat Food offers a unique blend of nutrients specifically designed to support your cat’s cognitive development, overall health, and vitality. Whether you have a playful kitten or an aging senior cat, this formula provides the right balance of ingredients to keep them mentally sharp and physically fit.
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usaopener · 1 year
Assam Police Recruitment 2023 - 5325 Posts, Online Apply Now
Assam Police Recruitment The State Level Police Recruitment Board (SLPRB) in Assam has recently released several employment notifications for the recruitment of 5,325 positions across different cadres within Assam Police, APRO (Assam Police Radio Organisation), Assam Commando Battalions, DGCD & CGHG (Directorate General of Civil Defence & Home Guards), Prison Department, and the Directorate of…
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vespersposts · 2 years
Hi, same Anon as before!
I have a belly piercing and a labret, so …. Have you ever thought about snake bites (especially in the lip area)? I think it's sexy for both boys and girls. I'm surprised you got a neck piercing, did it hurt? Nipples hurt like the devil, I know from friendly sources!
How about a tattoo?
I thought you were more of a glammed up type, you know?
Anon K
Hello again Anon K !
Ah, the labret is very cool, I preferred not to have a sealed piercing as I was afraid it would tear (I'm wired my way). The snake bite is really cool, I considered it along with the bridge, but in the end I wanted something my parents could ignore, so I chose a small one and a hidden one.
The one on my neck didn't hurt and didn't require much maintenance, I thought it would be worse. I know the nipple ones are painful, but… I think it's worth it. A lot of my friends have the navel one, it's cute and it's great because there are the cutest accessories and beads you can get for different occasions.
I like tattoos, but I have very reactive skin and I think it would be a big problem to get a good result, so I just look at other people's tattoos (I'm always curious about the story behind a symbol or design). My favourites are the yakuza style ones, or the ones that have a strong visual impact (to give you a reference): I love the work of artists like Apro Lee - his Black Widow is one I would love to have - or Gakkin, both on IG). The funny thing is that I don't like tattoo make-up, because I know that I would get bored after 2 days.
People telling me I look like a snobby girl makes me smile because I get that a lot. I have a very definite personal taste that revolves around minimalism. I love straight lines, A-line dresses, but I also have this strong 90s grunge thing going on, so it's a bit of everything, my sister calls it nuncore and who am I to argue with her?
Thanks for this chat! Vesper
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pmoinsights1293 · 2 years
How to set up Stylish Project Management Office
You have been asked by elderly operator to set up a Project Management Office( PMO) to manage one or further systems or programmes. So what do you do first? 
The whole process of designing and establishing a PMO( especially where a PMO doesn't live and is a new concept or where you haven't had experience of setting up or working in a PMO) can appear to be a veritably big, indeed unachievable, task. 
Now for some good news. It doesn't have to be hard or complex and this composition helps by breaking the process down into simple ways. 
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Below are 7 ways that will help you to define and apply a PMO into your organization. 
Step 1 – Define the ideal( s) of the PMO 
Be clear on the objects for the PMO 
There are 3 different types of PMO( Administrative,Proactive and Mongrel). It's important to have a clear understanding of the compass and objects of the PMO as what needs to be established for a reporting PMO is a lot lower than for apro-active PMO. 
It's important that you're clear on the objects so that the PMO you apply is aligned to the prospects of the guarantor. If not you may invest a lot of time and trouble and the end result doesn't meet the objectives. This will affect an unhappy guarantor( and presumably not good for career progression.
Aim to capture the ideals of the PMO in a number of small pellets that make it easy to articulate and agree with guarantors and stakeholders. You may want to suppose about landing these in a clear vision and charge statement. The statement should easily articulate what the PMO aims to achieve so that it's easy for everyone to understand. As this is reviewed with stakeholders, make adaptations until you reach the asked position on agreement. 
This is a good exercise as it also helps to easily define what needs to be achieved. 
Step 2 – Backing 
PMO guarantor is vital for success 
This step is an absolute ‘ must have ’. Without elderly/ superintendent backing calling the demand of a PMO, you'll find it veritably delicate, indeed insolvable, to apply. Without this accreditation, you'll find that design directors and brigades will repel. The reason being that a PMO will give translucency of design progress, including where systems aren't going well. Some design directors will be uncomfortable with this as they lose some control over controlling the communication inflow on design status. 
You should capture the objects of the PMO as defined in step 1 and also agree with the PMO guarantor. You should also get the PMO guarantor to communicate that a PMO is going to be formed, the objects of the PMO and to confirm that you have the accreditation to set up the PMO. This communication should at a minimum be in the form of a clear and tersee-mail to all applicable coffers. Indeed better is if the guarantor provides the accreditation in applicable meetings, city halls,etc. 
 This step will help remove a lot of walls and push back, which in turn will save time. 
Step 3 – Define PMO tools and processes 
Grounded on the agreed objects, list the functions that the PMO will need to support. Again to make it easy, consider what high position functions are needed, and also go into further detail at lower situations within function, where necessary. 
The Project Management Institute Book of Knowledge( PMBOK) provides a veritably good base for the needed functions. These are general and should be part of every PMO. 
 Planning( mileposts) 
 fiscal planning( budget) 
 RAID operation( pitfalls, hypotheticals, Issues, Dependences) 
 Reporting( report types, reporting journal) 
 Quality assurance 
 Change control( compass, costs, schedule, benefits) 
 Resourcing( org design, reclamation, resource planning) 
 Design document storehouse 
 All of these are part of design methodology and tools processes( including supporting software). 
 Step 4 – PMO organization 
After you have worked out what tools and processes need to be established, you can also suppose how numerous and what type( chops) of coffers you need for the PMO. 
Again it's important that you make a PMO that will be suitable to deliver the objects of the PMO. This step can be veritably tricky as, until the value has been demonstrated, elderly operations are reluctant to invest in coffers. 
It's a good exercise to collude out the PMO organization in an organization illustration. This will help you to suppose through the structure and how it'll support engagement with stakeholders. It also will give a veritably useful document that you can partake with design brigades, etc when they ask how the PMO supports and engages within the organization.
To overcome this hedge, it's worth reminding the guarantor that the purpose of the PMO is to give translucency through accurate reporting allowing the early identification of issues and pitfalls that will impact successful delivery. The outspoken cost saves an advanced long term cost when dates are missed, benefits fail to materialize,etc. 
Step 5 – Engage and communicate 
This is a veritably important step. You need to identify the crucial stakeholders to the PMO, especially those responsible for managing the systems and programmes. Make sure they understand what you're aiming to do, what's anticipated from them and most important, how you're going to help them. Flash back, communication is 2 way, just because you have delivered a communication it doesn't mean it has been entered, understood or accepted. Make sure you gain positive evidence. 
 A good way to do this is by following up with stakeholders by asking if they've any questions and if they would like any further information. This has the added benefit that it allows you to engage and make working connections. 
Tip If the information inflow is one way with the PMO demanding information( generally by trouble of naming and smirching), you won't get the required position of engagement and you'll fail. 
The most successful PMO’s that I've erected is where a PMO provides support to the design directors, becoming a mate fostering a terrain of trust. In this situation the design directors will be honest, tell you about the problems and also you can work with them to help them break them. This means further systems stay on track and everyone is happy( especially you as leader of the PMO as you can demonstrate the value of the service). 
Step 6 – Yearly PMO routines 
Snappily apply the PMO routines 
Each month or further constantly, the PMO will be anticipated to give a status of the systems and programmes. Thus, it's important to get these routines over and running as snappily as possible. Indeed if you haven't erected out all the tools and processes, you should aim to get the reporting routine over and running as snappily as possible. This is a quick palm and will give elderly operators confidence that you have everything under control. 
Make sure that the routines are proved and communicated to all applicable parties. This will help ensure that design brigades know what's anticipated and by when. This allows them to manage their time and will ensure that the regular requests aren't seen as “ fire drills ”. design directors can get veritably agitated with what they suppose are last nanosecond requests and they will be veritably oral to their own design guarantors. 
It's imperative that formerly you have set out schedules and routines that you cleave to them.However, affect further fire drills and send the communication that meeting dates aren't really important. If you do n��t it'll frustrate the stakeholders as they won't know what's going on. 
 Step 7 – PMO Duty 
Way 1 – 6 covers a lot of information. Thus, it's a good idea to capture these crucial rudiments in a design duty. A good design duty will cover all of these points in a way to easily articulate 
 PMO objects 
 What the PMO will/ wo n’t do 
 Organizational model( including places & liabilities) 
 Tools and processes 
 Yearly reporting conditions 
 crucial connections 
Defining and setting up a PMO doesn't have to be complex and take a long time. If you follow these ways you'll snappily be suitable to design and make a PMO. 
 Define the objects of the PMO – clear statement what the PMO will achieve 
Backing – insure guarantor provides PMO with accreditation and intimately communicates 
PMO tools and processes – what functions services will the PMO give 
PMO organization – places and liabilities, engagement models, etc 
Engage and communicate – make sure stakeholders know what's going on and that there's a 2 way inflow of information 
Regular routines – get the reporting up and running as a precedence to demonstrate progress and to start furnishing value 
PMO duty – prisoner all of the crucial points in a duty that can be participated 
Flash back, you don't have to have it all perfect and ready on day 1. You can apply in phases. This is a good approach as it'll give incremental value and will help stop guarantors getting nervous if the investment will give value. 
 A good approach is to have the day 1 plan, the week 1 plan and month 1 plan. You can lay this out in a simple road chart so everyone knows what to anticipate. 
Another tip to help accelerate the PMO setup is to consider buying professional PMO templates,especially if you don't have any templates you can exercise. The small cost far outweighs the time to design and develop your own. 
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bestinworks · 2 years
What is a Commis Chef? - Culinary Career Focus
A Commis- Chef is an entry position position when you're at the morning of creating your career as a cook. A Commis- Chef reports to a Chef de Partie. Find out further about what are the liabilities and chops needed to come a Commis- Chef.
Culinary careers are a veritably instigative, satisfying and an inversely satisfying experience. And like in any other path of career, then too, to reach the top, one has to start at the bottom and work hard to reach the top position. We are chef recruitment agency in Mumbai
The post of an apprentice cook in larger kitchens to learn and operate a station is also nominated as Commis- Chef. A Commis- Chef reports to a Cook De Partie and immaculately needs to have completed formal culinary training. In larger kitchens, the Commis- Chef job could also start as a kitchen gatekeeper or a kitchen adjunct who would be promoted to the post of Commis- Chef once the seeker is suitable to perform introductory work like vegetable medication and working of the kitchen.
The liabilities of a Commis- Chef includes preparing food under supervision of further professed cookers, learning different styles of cuisine, dealing with deliveries, stock gyration and requesting stock, gain cutter and fix chops, medication of vegetables and gravies, maintain delicacy while measuring dish constituents and portion size, service of starters and goodies, maintain high hygiene norms, general day to day cleaning duties and principally understand and appreciate the pace and demands of a kitchen. The job entails working for three to six months in each section of kitchen.
As the position of a Commis- Chef is a varied part, the cook generally decides which area of the kitchen the apprentice would work in depending on their preference thereby enabling them to specialize in their area of interest. Further, as the job deals with every aspect of working in the kitchen, it's the ideal position to gain the widest possible experience before a specialization is considered. The position of Commis- Chef is typically attained via feeding colleges. Are you looking for recruitment agency for chefs?
However, also one could also start as a kitchen attendant and also apply for any training that the employer offers, If taking up a formal course isn't an available option. The position generally requires working in shifts containing 40 hours a week. The periodic Commis- Chef payment range is between$,000 and$,000 depending on the quantum of training and experience of the cook. Part time, casual and seasonal openings are also available, the payment for which is made on apro-rata base.
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gravityofforteana · 2 years
he Chilean Abduction
Source: APRO, July, 1977
Summary: "You don't know who we are or where we come from but we will be back soon." These are the strange words uttered by Corporal Armando Valdes, leader of a Chilean military patrol. Just some 15 mintues previously he had been subjected to a mysterious UFO encounter at Pampa Lluscuma near Putre in Chile.
"You don't know who we are or where we come from but we will be back soon." These are the strange words uttered by Corporal Armando Valdes, leader of a Chilean military patrol. Just some 15 mintues previously he had been subjected to a mysterious UFO encounter at Pampa Lluscuma near Putre in Chile. The date was April 25, 1977 and the time about 4:00 AM. Putre is 50 air miles ENE of Arica, a larger city in Chile.
Corporal Valdes was in charge of a patrol on routine assignment near Putre in the early morning hours of April 25, 1977. He and his six-man patrol were sitting around a campfire alongside a wall of stones and mud at the secret army post of Pampa Lluscuma. They were talking and singing quite a while to stay awake. Two of the men kept watch several feet away. About four in the morning one of the men. Private Rosales, ran back to Valdes to report that two bright violet lights had landed, one of which was in sight and illuminated the whole area. The light approached closer. Valdes ordered his men to cover up their fire with blankets. The violet light with a red spot at each end withdrew and then returned closer. The patrol was terrified.
There was no sound with the UFO motion. The Chilean high plateau was amazingly silent. Corporal Valdes stated "after praying to God and ordering the light to leave . . . after demanding that it identify itself, I moved a few meters away from my men." The corporal moved toward the object. He disappeared for some 15 minutes. When he reappeared, he was shaking and his voice seemed different. The light had been illuminating the whole area. As Corporal Valdes reappeared he was heard to utter the words at the beginning of this article. He then became unconscious and was attended by his fellow men till he awoke some two hours later. The UFO also disappeared about this time.
While the unconscious Corporal Valdes was assisted by his patrol, his men made another strange observation. They saw that Valdes had a beard growth equivalent to several days without shaving. He had been well shaven before the incident. As Valdes awoke he exclaimed, "I don't remember anything from the moment I left you." He then ordered, "Get ready to leave because it's 4:30 in the morning. It was actually about 7 AM. His calendar watch had stopped at 4:30 but the date was five days advanced - to the 30th instead of the 25th.
These are the bizarre circumstances in the case. Many of the details were related some two hours after the incident to Pedro Araneda, a correspondent and lecturer. The presence of UFOs are not a surprise to Corporal Valdes. He, as well as others in the interior of Chile near Arica, often see luminous UFOs moving about the skies. Valdes states, "The surprising thing was the way it approached us. As soldiers we are trained to deal with any situation. But this phenomenon didn't seem to have any logical explanation. I would like to regain my memory of those fifteen minutes. I would even like to submit to hypnosis to draw out information about what happened."
President and Commander in Chief Augusto Pinochet of Chile has prohibited further interviews with the soldiers. Medical, psychiatric and eventually hypnotic tests are planned for member of the patrol to confirm their stories. Meanwhile more sightings have occurred at Arica, Punta Arenas, Santiago, and other locations up and down the 2700 mile length of Chile. NASA and the University of Chile jointly operate a space tracking station north of Santiago, Chile. Officials of the station could offer nothing to elucidate the facts in this case. The time fact in this particular case - increased beard growth and accelerated clock time - are elements which make this case exceptional and worthy of further consideration.
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khhsh-t · 2 years
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APRO 아프로 - 고군분투 (Feat. Gaeko, PENOMECO)
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powerhh · 5 years
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i wanted to try something a little different than what i usually do and realized it was a perfect time to make something inspired by the absolute banger that is coco bottle. ;))
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hwajoongie · 7 years
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arcgeminga · 3 years
Other than you, who do you think is the strongest gold saint?
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♕┊ "If I had a bigger ego, I would say no one else... But honestly, that Leo brat is... close."
Aspros sipped his tea, then added, "Although, even if he is approaching being considered the strongest, he'll never reach my level."
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kleefairy · 3 years
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vladislaus. - a 4.9.1 preset.
born out of my desire for a warm yet desaturated autumnal preset that looked good in forgotten hollow, but still worked in the other worlds, the majority of this preset's coloring comes from a mix of three (yes, three, i'm very sorry) layered multi-lut shaders. you can disable them seperately for a different vibe if that's your fancy. ty to @squea for allowing people to use her apros preset as a base, because there's no way i could have made this completely from scratch lol
these images were taken in forgotten hollow during summer, at about 8-9am. this preset is intended to be used with squea's action, so the images are shown with it. keep in mind that presets may look different on your computer depending on your settings. shader list + hotkeys, requirements, and unedited screenshots are under the cut.
simfileshare | patreon (free, no ads)
requires quint, fubax, and prod80 shaders (plus their bonus lut pack), as well as amoebae's full bloom and the moods multi-luts.
shader list, in order;
adaptivefog.fx (shift + 4)
ambientlight.fx (shift + 3)
dpx.fx (shift + 3)
amoebae_themoods_multilut.fx (shift + 6)
quint_mxao.fx (shift + 5)
prism.fx (shift + 7)
cinematicdof.fx (shift + 2)
tonemap.fx (shift + 3)
quint_dof.fx (shift + 1)
unedited screenshots;
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ilmerlomaschio · 3 years
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Capitolo 1 - Jennifer
Trenta minuti prima dell'inizio dell'intervallo, dopo aver avuto il permesso dalla professoressa di matematica di uscire, mi avvio in bagno.
Subito dopo aver finito, esco, e proprio quando mi sto recando in classe, all'improvviso, qualcuno mi afferra da dietro, e mi tappa la bocca con la mano.
Mi ritrovo all'interno di un rispostiglio, che non è né troppo grande e né troppo piccolo.
Mi giro verso la persona che mi ha afferrato con violenza, e quando vedo chi è, gli dó uno schiaffo.
È il nuovo bidello della scuola, e si chiama Vess. È un padre di cinquantacinque anni con un figlio di cinque anni, ed è single come me. È divorziato, e suo figlio lo può vedere solo nel fine settimana.
Quando l'ho conosciuto la prima volta, non è stato lui ad adocchiare me, ma sono stata io ad adocchiare lui.
Vess è rimasto tanto ammirato dalla mia bellezza che quando gli ho chiesto di fare sesso più di una volta, egli ha accettato subito, comprese le volte successive.
-"Era proprio necessario?!"- esclamo -"Mi hai fatto prendere un colpo, cazzo!!"-
-"Scusami Jennifer."- risponde -"È solo che non ho resistito. Sei così eccitante... sei da assaporare tutta... sei giovane, fresca, e piena di vita. Io, invece, sono vecchio, anche se ne dimostro dieci anni in meno."-
Vess, pur tanto attratto da me, è ancora innamorato con la sua ex-moglie, la madre di suo figlio, e ne sono sicura al cento per cento.
Da una parte lo capisco, ma quando noi due puntiamo sul lasciarci andare sessualmente, Vess dimentica ogni cosa quando mi scopa.
-"Non vedi l'ora di vedermi tutta nuda, vero?"- chiedo.
Vess fa un sorriso malizioso e chiude la porta a chiave, per fare in modo che nessuno possa entrare, poi si volta verso di me e dice:
-"Sì, assolutamente."-
Vess è un uomo robusto, alto 1 metro 84, labbra sottili, pelle di colore rosa come la mia, e dei fantastici occhi di colore blu chiaro.
Si avvicina, e una volta di fronte a me, le mie braccia vanno intorno al suo collo, mentre le sue mani scivolano verso il basso per toccarmi il sedere.
-"Il mio cazzo non vede l'ora di entrare dentro la tua bocca e dentro la tua figa."- commenta.
-"E la mia figa non vede l'ora di essere leccata e scopata da te."- rispondo.
Vess mi tira sú, mentre io avvinghio le gambe intorno ai suoi fianchi.
Posso sentire l'erezione del suo pene e la mia intimità pulsare dall'eccitazione.
Poso le labbra sulle sue, e infilo la lingua all'interno della sua bocca per roteare assieme alla sua (lingua).
Ci baciamo alla francese, e ci slinguazziamo a più non posso, poi, Vess mi mette su un tavolo (che si trova all'interno del ripostiglio).
Dalla bocca, Vess scende baciandomi il collo, e facendomi provare un forte solletico mescolato con il piacere.
Chiudo gli occhi per un attimo, lasciandomi andare completamente, e cominciando a rilassare il mio corpo che prima era un pochino in tensione.
-"Ooooh... Vess... mi piace sentire la tua bocca su di me..."-
Lui è davvero bravo anche per poco quando si tratta di far godere le donne. Se ne intende veramente. E con la lingua è un mito.
-"Mia cara Jennifer... io so come si fa a far godere dal piacere le femmine che amano il sesso come te."- dice, e poi riprende a baciarmi il collo.
Lo ammetto. Il sesso a me piace un casino. Mi piace essere scopata sia da davanti che da dietro. Mi piace quando i maschi mi leccano la figa. Mi piace quando i maschi mi leccano il culo. Mi piace quando i maschi mi baciano, mi succhiano e mi leccano le tette. Mi piace quando i maschi mi infilano il loro cazzo nel mio ano. Mi piace quando i maschi mi leccano i piedi e le gambe. Mi piace quando i maschi mi baciano il collo. Mi piace quando i maschi mi scopano la figa con la loro lingua. Mi piace tanto quando sbatto la mia figa sulla faccia dei maschi.
Ecco... tutte queste cose sconcie mi piacciono.
Ammetto di essere una pervertita, ma finché sono giovane, single e bellissima, ne approfitto.
So perfettamente di essere una troia e una poco di buono, però, al tempo di oggi, oltre ai maschi, anche le donne hanno diritto di fare quello che vogliono.
Vess, con tanta delicatezza, mi toglie la maglietta e il reggiseno entrambi di colore rosso.
-"Mio Dio... sei bellissima Jennifer."- dice -"Sdraiati. Penso a tutto io."-
Faccio come dice, e mi sdraio sul tavolo.
Faccio come dice, e mi sdraio sul tavolo.
Vess si avvicina, mi prende entrambi i seni con le sue mani, e comincia a succhiare come non mai.
Chiudo gli occhi, e inarco la schiena per il forte ed immenso piacere.
Gemo e godo tantissimo.
-"Aaaah... Vess... oh mio Dio..."-
-"Ti piace, vero? Ti piace sentire la mia bocca e la mia lingua sulle tue bocce, vero?"- mi chiede.
-"Tan-tantissimo."- rispondo.
Sento che sta gustando con voglia e desiderio le mie stupende tette, e non osa fermarsi.
-"Mmmm... oltre ad essere belle, sono anche buone... sono da assaporare... cavolo, mi piacciono le tue tette... mi piacciono da impazzire..."- commenta.
-"Amo quando fai il porco con me."- dico.
All'improvviso, si allontana.
Apro gli occhi, e lo guardo.
-"Che fai? Perché ti sei fermato? Mi piaceva tantissimo."-
Vess fa un sorrisetto malizioso, per poi spostare il suo sguardo fra le mie gambe.
Ora sì, che la cosa si fa interessante!
-"Questo ti piacerà ancora di più."- risponde -"Metterò la mia faccia fra le tue gambe, e assaporeró tutta la tua figa. Ti gusteró tutta quanta che implorerai di più."-
Vess mi toglie i tacchi a spillo neri, i jeans strappati, e le mutandine sexy di colore rosso.
Sono del tutto nuda. Completamente.
So che cosa vuole farmi.
Mi divarica completamente le gambe, e poi apre la bocca, si avvicina alla mia intimità, e infila la lingua dentro di me, roteando a suo piacimento.
Mi rilasso, e chiudo gli occhi, godendo del momento.
-"La tua figa è bellissima, bagnata ed eccitata."- commenta.
Lo sento leccarmi dal basso verso l'alto con una voglia incredibile, usando tutta la sua lingua.
Mi lecca come se stesse gustando un gelato, e questo mi piace tanto.
-"Oh mio Dio Vess... la tua lingua è fantastica... continua a leccarmi... leccami... non fermarti... fammi sentire in paradiso..."-
Di conseguenza, lo sento inspirare.
-"Mmmm... che buon odore di figa... mmmm... mi piace..."-
-"Sei un porco! Un maiale, Vess! Continua a leccarmi! Oh mio Dio! Mi piace quando fai così!"- esclamo.
-"Sì... sono tale quale a un porco pervertito che non riesce a fare a meno della figa..."- commenta.
Riprende a leccarmi ancora, poi, di conseguenza, mi dà dei baci stampo premendo le labbra sulla mia intimità.
Gemo forte, molto forte, ma cerco di trattenermi un po', perché non voglio che fuori dal ripostiglio ci senta qualcuno.
Apro gli occhi, e guardo Vess.
Vedo che mi sta leccando con tanta voglia.
-"Ti piace leccare la figa, vero?"- chiedo.
-"Sì, mi piace molto, soprattutto quando si tratta di far godere le donne mentre le assaporo."- risponde.
All'improvviso, struscia la sua faccia sulla mia figa e non riesco a trattenere i miei gemiti.
-"Oooh... Vess... aaaah... Dio mio... ancora... continua... fammi godere come una troia... cosiiii... ti prego..."-
Il piacere si è raddoppiato, e posso sentire la mia intimità scaldarsi sempre di più.
Dopo avermi assaporata per alcuni minuti intensi ed eccitanti, Vess mi dà un ultimo bacio sulla mia intimità.
-"Bella e buona."- dice.
-"Ora mettiti a gattoni sul tavolo e mostrami il tuo culo sexy. Voglio leccarlo e morderlo tutto."- aggiunge.
Obbedisco e faccio quello che mi ha detto.
Mi sculaccia leggermente, facendomi sussultare, e poi lo sento immergersi fra le mie chiappe leccando e baciando mentre muove velocemente la testa a destra e a sinistra.
Gemo a più non posso anche se cerco di resistere, però come si fa a non gemere dal piacere?
Di conseguenza, sento la sua lingua leccarmi il sedere, chiudo gli occhi, poi i suoi denti mi mordicchiano le chiappe.
Mi sculaccia di nuovo.
-"Mmmm... che bel culo che hai, Jennifer!"-
Mi sculaccia ancora e mi lecca di nuovo.
-"Vess... voglio che mi scopi... adesso in questo momento..."- dico.
Qualche secondo dopo, riesco a sentire qualcosa entrare dentro di me.
È il suo cazzo, ed è parecchio indurito.
Si muove dentro di me, piano piano, e subito dopo aumenta la velocità.
Il piacere si fa sentire sempre di più, e io non capisco più niente.
È meraviglioso e stupefacente, e inaspettatamente, l'orgasmo arriva.
Poco dopo, mi metto in ginocchio, e pratico il sesso orale a Vess.
Gli lecco la punta del suo pene, e poi glielo succhio con calma, fino ad aumentare la velocità, e sentire il liquido caldo e salato che schizza nella all'interno della mia bocca.
A Vess piace da impazzire questa cosa, ma gode ancora di più quando decido di succhiargli le palle con tanta foga.
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fy-2pm · 3 years
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0430_live_boy: Apro is different.
Today also, we have been ~
'working so hard'
Trans @2pmalways
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rebelcap · 3 years
No, no, no, yes.
Bucky x oc. (Luna Vega, woc, slightly enhanced)
Luna does and Bucky knows, she’s been there since the beginning. When the winter solider becomes Bucky again. Even before Steve and certainly after Steve.
They start to wonder if…
Part 1
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Sweetheart, I’ve been checking on you since 2014.
"This is the spot?" Bucky asked, smiling looking at the skyline of New York skyline lookout, even though it was cloudy, it was still a view. There weren't many people around, mostly couples doing almost the same shit as them. 
"It's good, isn't it?" She asked, grabbing one of the beers they bought on their way. 
"Yeah, I… yeah it is," Bucky answered as he looked at her and held up his beer in front of her and both clink their bottles. "Cheers to what?" 
Luna looked at him and shrugged. "I don't know, us?" She smiled. "We come a long way, don't we?" 
Bucky smiled too, "I guess," He said and nodded a few times. 
"You guess?" 
She laughed at his unwillingness to comment on their journey or whatever, she understood how different everything was, the people were different, customs, food, technology—hell, relationships. 
"You know, Buck," She took a sip of her beer as Bucky was admiring the New York skyline and hummed at her to continue. "You can talk to me," 
"You sound like my shrink,"
They laughed at the same time and stayed quiet for a few minutes, Bucky stared at her for a moment. He already had her face memorized but it was always good to stare at it—she looked sweet, delicate and her smile was always warm. If he didn't know her, the thought that she could snap in half everyone in this place and get away with it wouldn't cross his mind. She may look like that but she wasn't, it was far from that. 
"I'm not Steve but I did spend a few years and he tends to rubs on people—" 
"You say?" He asked sarcastically with a smile, perfectly knowing that she was right. 
"What I'm trying to say, Sargent—
"Woow, that sounded really good coming out of your mouth." He straight up flirted and Luna was the one feeling her face getting hot. 
"Bucky." She said with a little smile. 
"Oh, it's Bucky now? huh?" He quickly answered and shook his head, eyes fixated on her face. She was getting flustered. "I liked Sargent better."
Luna just stared back at him and licked her lips and bit her lower lip, looking away as she drank her beer, a little smile playing on her mouth. 
"You're good at avoiding having a conversation." 
Bucky's demeanor quickly changed, his mind went everywhere and his eyes got lost once again on the skyline. 
"You really wanna know?" He asked, voice soft, almost vulnerable. 
"Yeah, Buck. I wanna know," Her voice matched his and gave him her full attention. 
He took a deep breath and nod a few times, his mouth opened and closed a few times trying to find the right words. 
"I don't—I don't know, I feel like shit most of the time." He murmurs and swallows the knot on his throat with beer. 
"This is about you making amends?" Luna quietly asked and Bucky nodded. "It went wrong?" 
"I couldn't tell him, I want to but I'm," His voice cracked and shut his eyes closed. "I can't." 
Luna nods, understanding at some level. There was nothing that she could tell him that would make him feel better or if there was she didn't know. 
"There's not much I can tell you to help you ease… what you're feeling." She says, playing with the rim of her bottle. "I do have my share of guilt, I've made mistakes. I…" Luna took a deep breath. "But you have something that I don't."
"What's that?" He asked, frowning looking at her face. 
"That you didn't choose to do that willingly," Luna said looking at his eyes to then avert her eyes because she couldn't look at his face right now. Not while admitting her guilt. "I wasn't being controlled, brainwashed, nobody made me do it. It was all me," She sniffled and took another breath, and looked at him. "You're good Bucky. I just want you to know that," 
Bucky kept staring at her, feeling his stomach contract and knot at her words, confessions—he didn't feel better but he felt something different and unexpected. He would always protect her, Bucky knew that he owned more than he could ever pay but there were times, mostly on Wakanda, while laying at night that he wonders if there was something for him outhere and four out of five, she was always on those thoughts. It wasn't always romantic but… he thought if he had the opportunity if Luna gave her the chance. 
He couldn't muster a word, it was too much at the time and Bucky was afraid to say something he wasn't ready to share. He opted for what he thought was the best next thing. 
Luna saw him closing in, grabbed the back of her neck, and pulled her in. Her breath hitch on her throat and hold it in, even when she felt his arm on her back, hugging her. 
"Thanks, doll," He muttered but she heard it clearly in her ear as she surrounds him in her arms. 
"Don't worry about it," She whispered back and let out a shaky breath and put some distance between them not before Bucky kissed her head. Neither of them couldn't look at each other while they gathered their thoughts and drank the rest of their beers. 
"What a date, huh?" Bucky teased and she cracked up, nudging him with her shoulder. 
"Got sappy, real fast." She smiled and looked at him now. 
"Yes, let's go back to you calling me Sergeant. That was something," He said going back to flirting real quick. 
"You know that I am your superior. If we based it on years on active duty." She pointed out, with half a smile, playful. 
"Oh, I don't mind you bossing me around, sweetheart." He winked at her, putting the rim of the bottle between his lips. 
Luna stared at him, she wasn't going to back off at this flirting. "Oh, so you're into that? Dirty old men." 
Bucky laughed and was about to reply but it started pouring buckets of water from the sky. "Well shit," He said, not even attempting to move from their spot as the rain poured on them. 
"Yeah, raining in New York? I can believe it," Luna answered as she tried to wipe her face off the water. They looked at each other and laughed again. 
They were interrupted, again, when a couple walked up to them. 
"I'm sorry, are you Luna?" The girl asked, looking at her. Bucky frowned, his back quickly straightened up—he was on high alert. 
"Uhm, yeah?" 
"Oh my God, I've told you she was the avenger!" The girl quickly said, excited as she looked at her boyfriend.
Luna and Bucky looked at each other and then back to the couple who was still talking between them. 
"I'm not an avenger, hang out with them though." She shrugged. 
"But weren't you fighting Thanos?" 
"Yeah, I was—
"Then you're technically an avenger." The man explained to her if she was an avenger or not. Luna looked at Bucky, exasperated.
"Alright, avenger expert." She told him, sarcastically. "You need something or…?" 
"Oh no, well—can I take a selfie with you?" The girl asked, Luna, nodded a couple of times and awkwardly took a selfie. 
"Can I have one too?" The dude asked and Luna stared at him for a moment. 
"No." She answered and the guy just nodded and both walked away. "Don't say anything."Luna pointed out at Bucky. 
"I didn't, doll." He said with a half-smile. "I'm sorry, technically avenger." Bucky mocked her. 
"Oh shut up, you're lucky you cut your stupid hair." She pointed out finishing her beer and throwing it directly on the trash can, an impressive aim. "And you're literally unapproachable."
"I'm not apro—well, yeah I am. But I'm good with it though," He stood up offering his arm to her, to stand up. "It doesn't work with you."
"Because I see you behind all that pettiness you have, baby." Luna pointed out, putting a finger in his chest. Bucky smiles at the term of endearment, "As you see me, don't you? That's why I'm literally your only friend."
"I see you," He said, checking her out while licking his lips. "Believe me I do." 
Luna rolled her eyes at him. "You're all bark and not bite, white wolf," She said, turning around and walking, Bucky hot on her heels. 
"I can bite,"
"White wolf my ass, you're a chihuahua, you know the disable one that had the little wheels on the back," Luna said motioning with her hands as little paws ran. 
Bucky just stared at her, offended. Luna just laughed on his face. 
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