#aracana ships
fireandiceland · 1 year
I'm reading ukus cardverse fic again and I've been thinking. (A dangerous conflation, I am aware, but stay with me here.)
The bigger part of cardverse fics surrounding Queen Arthur and King Alfred are either about them being a happily married couple who has to face some kind of trouble - be it alternate selves or other kingdoms invading - or (soon to be) King of Spades Alfred chasing after Arthur as his destined Queen. Both concepts that I adore and love to read over and over again, but now I was thinking - what if Arthur is the first one to get his mark and snatch all power over the kingdom?
I've also read about the idea of Arthur being a controlling, maybe even evil Queen who only manipulates innocent, guillibe Alfred and pulls all strings in the back to secretely rule the kingdom on his own, but that isn't quite what I was think of now.
It would be interesting to explore a completely different route. An alternate cardverse, if you'd like to call it that.
Being a couple of years older than Alfred, Arthur's mark shows earlier and of course he knows what those intricate, dark lines on his skin mean, everyone does - wealth, power, and royalty. Conveniently, exactly the three things that the ruthless pirate captain Arthur Kirkland lives for. Before the new King of Spades can be found, Arthur finds his way onto the throne, leaving behind a trail of blood where threats don't get him through.
Crowned as the Queen of Spades with no one daring to question his status, Arthur keeps sailing the seas, always searching for whoever the gods, the aracana appoints as his king. But not out of love for his devinely selected spouse, but to secure his position as the lone ruler of the kingdom of Spades.
Bonus: Alfred not only ends up with his royal mark appearing during the height of the chaos Captain Arthur Kirkland has risen with his regency. No. He's also one of young man who hired on the captain's main ship the last time he went back to Spades to take care of some duties as the Queen that require his presence.
Will Arthur discover that the rather pretty young man who recently set foot to his ship is the one he's looking for to take out of his way? Will Alfred manage to keep the mark hidden from his Captain/Queen and run off before fate pulls him into arms that want him detained and not held close? Will Arthur be able to resist the temptation that was put on his ship in the form of sunkissed skin, eyes like the sea, and an almost irresistable smile?
Who knows.
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pacific-rimbaud · 2 years
Firstly, I love your work so much - everything, from the hideous dialogue in the opening scene of One and Done, to all the muggle AUs (socialist firebrand Hermione in Party Lines 😍), to vignettes like Tommy Plays Guitar and Les Pèlerins (one of my go-to first fic recs), they’ve given me so much joy. Thank you.Q: how do you come up with your premises and pairings? Especially uncommon ones like Luna/Tom, Draco’s friendship with Charlie in Field Guide, Narcissa and Percy at a summer camp?!
My first rare pair was Pansy/Neville, when I was new to fanfiction and fandom and had never heard the term "rare pair" or read any. I just thought Rights & Wrongs Pansy deserved to be unequivocally centered by a partner, and Neville would be really sweet to her. I remember having to look up what "rare pair" meant when someone expressed their surprise. In 2020-2021, I started to dig into HP rare pair writers and was hooked. At that time, I was in a rare pairs group on Facebook, and had the best time dreaming up and writing rare pairs with my close friends. I also did a number of Wheel of Doom prompts, where my friends or I would open a prompting period on Tumblr and then select pairs and prompts via picker wheel.
Luna/Tom was a Tumblr Wheel of Doom fic (ship and song prompt, which was Girls Just Wanna Have Fun), Draco + Charlie in Field Guide was a pairing from the 3rd round of the 2020 Death By Quill HP writing competition (my three surviving entries from that comp are Tommy Played Guitar, Field Guide to North American Dragons, and Major Aracana), and Percy/Narcissa came out of the joyful creative confluence of the summer camp collaboration and our hilarious, unhinged group chats.
It was all so so so fun. I miss those times.
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asoulofatlantis · 11 days
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At the end of Kai, we were supposed to be roughly 90% done with Trails - Kondos words, not mine - means we can not expect much more than one or two smaller (like Crossbell-small) arcs. And yet... we still have 8 Enforcers that we have yet to see (AND the last two numbers have not even been filled yet to our knowledge...) and there are also some Anguise we have not seen yet, including whoever it has been who was invited to join Ouroboros to fill the Steel Maidens place. I am not sure if Kondo truly knows what he is doing. Calvards Arc is 3 games big (could be 4, depending on the question of Kai ens with a Cliffhänger...) and has shown us 3 new Enforcers as well as the Twins that joined as one. (Technically we knew about Lucrecia already but we never met her in person before...) so I highly doubt they will include 8 freaking new Enforcer on top of all the still missing Anguise in two small Arcs. Not to mention, just like with Walter, there are some Enforcers whos story are still not finished, likes Cedrics, which means those also have to make a return at some point to give their characters a satisfying finish for their story. Not sure if Falcoms idea to use the Tarot-Card-System for the Enforcers was really a wise idea, seeing how many Enforcers there are and how little room we usually have for them because our Main-Cast (plus the many important side-characters) is often already big enough to fill half of Ouroboros ^^'
There are some rumors by the way, that someone from the current cast of the Calvard-Arc is secretly also a member or Ourobors in some shape or form. The only people my well honed traitor sensor have at least somewhat reacted to so far have an agenda that doesn't exactly would fit in a side-job at Ouroboros but I have been wrong before, so lets wait and see. (Kasim is high on the list of Anguis by the fandom lately, it seems... he is... odd... I must say... but uh... I don't know if I would assume he is the "Ouroboros" - kind of person... then again, before CS3/CS4 I would have said the same about Cedric ^^')
Speaking of which... I guess we finally knwo who is filling the Moon-Aracana between him and Shirley. I was... actually afraid of that when saw the first picture of that girl. I can not explain it but she looks like she fits the role ^^' I would assume she is kind of quirky, energetic and slightly mischievous (I have not seen the translation for her character description yet, I've realized... I just do that quickly.) Uh... I guess she is an... uh... influencer in Zemuria? WTF?!
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Uh... uhm... I honestly do not know what to make out of her, with that Information. I was worried about Cedric being stuck between Shirley and someone like her. But now I am more worried about Shirley ^^' She is the kind of character who needs rebuking every now and then that is for sure. Well... I guess... we have to wait and see...
In the meantime... lets change the topic for a moment. The shipping discourse on my Twitter-Timeline is INSANE! "Van has to make a choice and some players won't like it" can mean A LOT of things without any doubt. The Japanese fandom, by the way, is much more divided between Agnes and Elaine than the oh-so-righteous western-fandom that has no more sense for romance. This means that while the Western fandom may think "some players won't like it" automatically means that they chose Elaine and the players' routing for Agnes will be unhappy that is very likely not automatically what it means. YES it still could but it doesn't have two. It could very well be the other way around. It could also mean that it might be players choice - there is no trophy for that tho - OR believe it or not Vans choice is not even between Agnes and Elaine per se, but rather if he wants/will be in a relationship or not. Meaning he might decide to not date ANYONE. This Devil is still inside of him and we do not know what the future holds for him under these circumstances and while we should be hopeful... we are speaking about the game that decided to give us the Aida-Plotline in the first chapter of the first game in the Calvard-Arc so it is not per se impossible that this will be the first game who actually canonically kills off their Protagonist. Van likes to sacrifice himself just as much as Rean does and there is always the possibility that we may not be able to actually stop and/or save him. With the possibility in the back of his head that he might be going to die for whatever is coming at the supposed end of the world, he might very well decide to not date anyone. THAT would be a really bad idea for the fandom because that would mean the shipping-wars will never end, because no one can scream "My ship is canon!" to end any argument ^^' I do have to say I would prefer Van making a choice. A canon-choice, no matter what his destiny will be. I get that my chances that he chooses Agnes are small, but I am very well prepared for him choosing Elaine and that will be SOMEWHAT fine with me as well... somehow. But I am stuck with Rean in Limbus and its sucks. Especially now, resurfacing with only 3 of his 12 Ladys around its driving me nuts! (Seriously, one picture with him getting a headpat from Fie and I see my ship suddenly sinking and that is NOT fun. I do not wish that kind of suffering for anymore Trails-Shippers - Lloyd fans have it just that rough too, after all... tho I guess they get spared this game) and this is why, no matter the outcome for me, I wish Van to make a choice without the player having any right to influence it. I will learn to live with it either way... and so will anyone else. So I hope you go for it, Falcom!
Now... we are only having two weeks left to wait. There is still no story-Trailer out. But I assume the live stream tommor will show the In-Game pictures that we usually get. Likely playing Märchen- uh... Grim-Garten.
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kalunfinch · 5 years
Arcana ships
Volta x Vulgora: 2
•why are they always together?
•I like them as a bittersweet pairing. Cause they bicker a lot and Volta is really sensitive
•food fight date
Volta x Nadia: 3
•Volta totally has a crush on Nadia
•”She always gives me good food”-Volta
•the other courtiers practically BEG her to put her crush on Nadia to the side.
•Volta is fiercely loyal
•I feel like Volta’s old age and experience could bear a lot of wisdom
Muriel x Julian:
•Muriel only dislikes Julian because he’s loud. I feel like Julian would be able to understand this. They could make it work out. Build each other up. Definitely a slow burn.
•both great with kids imo
•Julian doctors them
•Julian tries so hard to get Muriel to like him omg.
•he also doesn’t like MC at first sooo... it could work out potentially
Nadia x Muriel:
•Regal vs homy
•showing each other the way that they live their lives and getting a better understanding of the world because of it
•drink tea together
•support Vesuvian artists together
•minds his boundaries
•build each other’s confidence
•definitely gives this touch starved boy some affection
•they would raise the most amazing heir to the throne
•she has more than enough family to replace the one that Muriel never got and her sisters are thrilled
•comfort each other
•together they can be less weighed down by their pasts
Portia x Muriel:
•Portia being fiercely supportive of Muriel
•she’d convince him that it’s okay to use his strength
•their lifestyles match the best out of anyone in the game making them affectively the most domestic couple
•Portia is so observant of Muriels feelings
•their children would be SO well rounded
•just imagine them bumping into each other several times and Portia being like “I can’t wait to see him again he seems interesting” only to forget him each time
•just Muriel as a dad
•they want a future
•stay at home dad
•probably only one kid because birth is a bitch
•would pamper Portia so much after a long day
•so fucking wholesome
•she would LOVE to see his fighting skills
•I want them to play fight it’d be so cute. Muriel let’s Portia win just cuz
Nadia x Julian:
•both very physically affectionate
•Nadia kinda treated MC as a pet and Julian is subby af soo it kinda just works
•support each other in their endeavors. Julian supports her tinkering and Nadia supports his experiments
•make Julian a blushy mess
•also, Julian is so thoughtful and gave her a Netipot to help with her congestion and they would be so great
•connected to the people more and Julian definitely knows and can make ideas to help impoverished areas
•Julian knows about the crime that goes on in the city and he could probably help work out a way so that less people get hurt without restricting the rights of the people
•always checking in on each other making sure they don’t overwork and overwhelm themselves and they both now how to wind down 😏
Asra x Julian:
•not one of my favorites but as confirmed exes this ship is a worthy mention
•very playful relationship I feel like
•much more sexual than a lot of other ships
•expand each other’s understanding of the world
•keeps Julian from overworking
•with the flashback of talking about how “Julian has it all wrong MC is my one true love” it makes me feel really weird like Asra is using him.
•kinda tainted by the fact that I don’t like Asra
•but hey. Julian IS a masochist and Asra sees no problem giving him what he wants.
•Asra probably feels guilty after a long kinky night. Julian would be wonderful at aftercare
•showing Julian a whole new world. Also, is it just me or does Julian have ADHD I know he has issues with volume control and oooo buddy so do I
•honestly, I can’t see it working with Asra’s best friend and boyfriend being unable to get along
Portia x Nadia:
•everyone is already 1000% on board with this one but I’m gonna cover it anyway
•best friends to lovers is GREAT
•they will do amazing running the kingdom together. They’re both so highly respected and aghdjbs
•Portia will make it so much easier for Nadia to remember the people
•OMG I JUST REALIZED Portia hasn’t met Nadias birb! Omg! She would LOVE to give her treats and play with her
•explore the world together
•I want them to take each other to their homelands
Muriel x Asra:
•very quiet
•best friends to lovers
•They wouldn't have kids and they’re both fine with that
•they understand each other and talk things out and they’re healthy and wholesome!
•they would babysit Nadia and Portia’s kids
•self care TREAT YO SELF
•yassss spoil Inana Asra!!!!
•bruh Inana and Faust are galpals
•they spoil their pets together
Portia x Asra:
•honestly, I would feel so betrayed if they were together
•I wanted Portia T~T
•how dare y’all be so cute and wholesome
•it starts as mutual respect and evolves
•Portia learns how to use magic
•Mazelinka teaches Portia stuff too
•Mazelinka would be so proud and would love her new kid/son in law
•Portia would LOVE the adventure into magical realms with Asra
•Asra is best cat-dad
•Portia and Faust snuggling
•I love them together
Asra x Nadia:
•I don’t get it
•but! I’m all about those *rare pairs*
•Asra would LOVE all the outfits feeling so secure in the neutral clothing
•loves to make grand entrances to spook the guards
•now the government has royalty on its side
•Asra would trust Nadia to tell them if there was ever anything wrong
•spa day! Would LOVE to pamper each other
•they respect each other so much and I absolutely adore their banter
Lucio x Julian:
•doesn’t work with the canon
•Julian just ain’t into Lucio darling
•But~ I love entertaining these ship ideas.
•Nadia is going to keep the throne so if Lucio got his body back another way Julian could show him life from his perspective
•they face their mistakes together and learn that they don’t have to hate themselves to atone for them
•Build each other up!
•the two least magical idiots in love how... magical!
•tripping over each other because they both wanna be the knight in shining armor
Volta x Muriel:
•smol and large
•both believe themselves to be monstrous
•embrace the gluttony
•affectionate couple
•both shy
•Volta clings on and they grow affectionate towards one another
Nadia x Valerius:
•apologizes and confesses feelings for Nadia
•wine and tea
•he improves as a person
•bond over their terrible shared ex
•they learn together to let their guard down even in front of those they lead
•you don’t always have to be regal and refined
Nahara x Julian:
•honestly I just want Nahara to become a Devorak
•fight and sail together
Nahara x Portia:
•y’all know that thing
•warriors through and through
•travel everywhere
•honestly not the types to settle down
Julian x Natiqa:
•I just like their banter
•they’d get into so much trouble together
Nazali x Julian:
•they really respect each other
•maybe bad ship with the age gap butI think it’d be wholesome
•I guess I like Julian and royalty ships 🤷‍♂️
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princefleabitten · 5 years
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I love my evil Goat Husbando😂🐐
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bonkersoverblorbos · 2 years
swag promo post time <3
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❣️ hi!! im remi :] im a 17 year old trans gay self shipper who is madly in love with julian devorak from the aracana <3
❣️ im a queer trans gay dude so most of my stuffs gonna be mlm ndhdkd
❣️ i rlly only have one romantic f/o rn and its julian <3 my ilya <3333 but i also have a familial f/o (its his sister portia dkhdjd my sister now hah)
❣️ i love seeing other ppls ships and s/i’s!!!!! gush to me abt ur f/os yall r adorable together <333
❣️ i have a carrd with a dni and byf!! plz check it out
❣️ i follow and interact from my main @thecatboyfriend !!
❣️ u should follow me bc im swag and gay and ill fill ur dash with loveposts abt julian <3
my intro post
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gaymingbinosaur · 5 years
One problem with Lucio. I tend to ship arcana characters with ocs and I have two very diffrent characters I ship him with. Nichole with the opposite attracts.  He could help boost her very poor confidence and she can encourage him to be less selfish.  Or just throw him at Maodossa and make the villian x villian couple of my dream.  He would be dating someone with the power level of an aracana and it would be so bad for everyone but them.  They would probably take over the world and then cuddle or bang.
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