#arackniss is a big ole teddy bear
Headcanons on how Angel, Husk, Arackniss and Pentious would be as parents, please?
Them becoming a parent
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Angel dust
Angel wouldnt be the worst person to have as a father, all things considered.
Although he'd be completely unprepared to be a father, the spider would do his best to get into parenting shape for you.
The first thing he'd need to do is hide you from Valentino. He didn't know what would happen if he found you, but he'd fight to the death to keep you safe from him.
At first he just wanted to hide you, but the longer he thought about it, the more he realised he had to get both of you away from Valentino.
So he'd go to the only person he could really trust, Cherry. He'd explain exactly what he needed, explaining he had to get you away from Val before he found you and did something unspeakable. Hed explain that if she took you in, it would trigger a war between her and Val.
Cherry already knew about you, having actually babysat you on multiple occasions. She was even your Satan-mother, so shed be damned if her favourite kid in all of hell was gonna be put at risk by an asshole like Valentino.
She'd take you in without a moment's hesitation, shortly sparking a terf war between her and Val.
But between Cherry's literally bombastic nature and Angel being kick ass in a fight, they would at least able to hold there own.
And you found yourself free, now Angel could dedicate himself to being the very best dad he could. The spider really trying his best to be a good father after suffering through so much of his own father's abuse.
Stops working as a pornstar choosing instead to held Cherry produce her own films, having more than one lifetimes experience. But now that he was working a proper job, he could dedicate most of his time to becoming a proper mumma, something he often referred to himself as.
The first year would be very shaky, with Angel's entire life shifting so drastically, and now having to take care of an entire other person.
He'd be such an loving Mumma though, being so caring and affectionate.
Your upbringing would be rather hands on, Growing up around both him and cherry, you'd have a very "advanced" upbringing. With Angel teaching you real early how to win a fight.
How did he do this? He did this mostly, well, by having you fight other kids.
There would be a lot of these lessons, with Angel basically throwing you into the deep end, cheering you on from the sidelines.
Though he would step in if the guy dared to actually try and win.
Angel would of course introduce you to his brother and sister. Much to Mollie's annoyance and both Angel and Arackniss' confusion, you seemed to love Arackniss, but shied away from Molly.
It was adorable to see how the usually stone cold Arackniss react to this little kid loving being around him but not his socialite little sister.
Despite, you know, him literally directing Pornos Angel would do his best to keep his past career a secret, not wanting you to think less of him because of his past.
You would of course find out, someone calling him a whore after finding out he was your dad.
So going to literally any porn store in hell you'd find the Unholy selection of your father's porn.
Coming home battered and pissed, Angel welcome you home, only to be met with a cold stare.
Youd go off at him demanding to know why he didn't tell you, why he would keep such a massive part of his life a secret from you like that.
Angel would shakily respond, telling you he didn't want you to think less of him because he used to do porn. He didn't want you to think he was a whore.
Youd be silent for a long time, the spider slowly breaking down as his explained before you he was in a dark place, he didn't care about himself, or his body, he was under the control of a bad guy.
But when you came along, he got better, you made him want to be the very best him possible, you idolised him, and if you knew about what he had done, what he was. Than you might give up on him like so many before.
By the end he'd be In tears, sinking to his knees.
You would move fore several moments, before slowly moving forwards, holding him close. The spider would press his face into your chest as you told him you still loved him, telling him you would always love him. He was your dad and nothing would change that.
Husk wasn't a bad guy in the grand scheme of hell. He was just a bitter alcoholic, that had given up on everything and everyone.
Butthen he got you, and that sort of changed things.
Husk hated pretty much every retched being down here. But even he had a soft spot for kids, and since you were his kid, he'd be far more tolerant of you. You know that's something you'd want in a parent.
He would definitely act like the stereotypical middle aged bachelor, talking to you like an adult, trying to feed you normal foods and generally not understanding that your just a baby.
It would take some time, but eventually he'd roll up his sleeves and start taking his parental status much more seriously.
He'd start lightening up on the whole acoholism thing, drastically cutting down on his alcohol consumption.
It would be a gradual process, the cat slowly learning how to be a father, usually getting stumped on a problem, only to spend the next week solving it, And then immediately getting stumped on another one.
There would be a lot of times Husk wanted to give up. Call it quites. Just walk away and go back to drinking.
But then you'd look up at him, youd look at him with those big beautiful eyes, and then you'd smile. You'd smile that big dumb smile you only smiled for him, the smile filled with such unfettered love. And each time he'd berate himself, his resolve strengthening.
Husk would be very protective of you, the cat easily going full demon mode if your put in harms way by someone.
Though despite this, he'd often take you along on poker nights, or when he was on the job, teaching you all the little things he'd picked up over the years.
As such you'd be very street smart at a very young age. Easily able to outwit or out play most every demon.
It would be a slow process, but Husk would eventually become a pretty good dad, once you get past the unhealthy dependency on alcohol. He'd hate cutting back, but for you, he'd do it.
Arackniss... Arackniss knew first hand how shitty fathers could be, and so apon getting you would swear to be a better than his own was.
Arackniss would dedicate every second he wasn't working on you, doing everything he could to provide for you as he felt a father should.
It would be difficult for the spider, having literally no experience with child care, the first few months mostly consisting of him learning all he could about taking care of a baby.
It would take some time before Arackniss got used to having a child, both the implications and responsibilities taking some time to really sink in.
So the first few months would be very shaky, the spider really struggling with both the physical and emotional toll of caring a baby full time.
But Arackniss was never one to shy away from hard work.
It would be exhausting caring for a baby, but after almost a year of having you, there would be this moment, after an exhausting days work where he'd stumble back into his apartment.
He'd check up on you, finding you waiting in your cot for him. So picking you up, he carried you into the living room where he heated up some formula for you, grabbing a beer for him.
He'd get set up on the couch, taking the bottle he'd go to feed you, only for you to reach forwards, your tiny hands cupping his face before you spoke a single word.
"Dada" you said with a child's innocence.
Arackniss stopped, his heart skipping a beat as he pulled you close.
Tears would well in his eyes as he held you close, slowly nodding his head, he leaned back, wiping his eyes. "Yeah, I'm Dada." He told you, a smile crossing his lips.
Arackniss would be a strict parent while also being insanely scarred of being to too strict. His greatest fear was that he'd end up being like his father.
Arackniss's life became dedicated to raising you, you becoming his top priority. But unfortunately Arackniss worked for his father. That meant he was out on jobs most days, and if he didn't work, that would only cause problems for both of you.
And if he did was work that meant you were left alone, something he couldn't allow.
So, with there being zero percent chance he was gonna leave you with his father, and an even lower chance that he'd leave you with any of his work associates, there was one choice. His brother.
Now there is an absolutely zero percentage chance he'd leave you with Angel while he worked for Valentino, no chance in hell.
But when he began staying at the hotel, he would likely be forced to ask him, mostly out of desperation.
He'd make very sure Angel knew just how serious this was. You were his baby. HIS CHILD. And if Angel allowed a single hair on your head to be harmed, or did anything else to put you at risk, he'd beat the shit out of him before never speaking to him again.
Angel would of course take it very serious, you being his brothers baby. The spider would totally fawn over you, treating you like his partner in crime. Would totally give you little make overs and buy you nice clothes.
As time passed and you got older it would get easier, Arackniss becoming more experienced and confident as a father, while you became more independent.
He'd of course be insanely protective, taking any slight against you with deadly seriousness.
He'd be so proud to see you grow up, seeing you become your very own person. And everything you called him dad, or told him you loved him, he'd love you just a little bit more.
Sir Pentious
Pentious loved children, and always wanted a baby of his own and now that he has you, you would become his top priority.
Of course he was still an overlord and as such still wished to conquer hell, but for your sake would put any immediate plans on hold.
Would dedicate himself to becoming the very best father in hell. It would be adorable to see the serpent trying his very best to be a parent. The serpent having literally no experience with children, of course that wouldnt stop him.
He'd spend all his time with you, the snek boi holding you close as he taught all about the insanely complex internal systems of a functioning air ship.
He'd build you your very own toys, each one as advanced and sophisticated as the last. Until one hurt you, so he'd just go back to basic wooden and plastic ones.
Needless to say you'd have a very advanced upbringing, Pentious taking great excitement in educating you.
He'd have the Eggbois take care of you whenever he had to go out, usually only letting them watch over you when he'd already put you down for a nap. The Eggbois watching over you until Pentious returned.
You would lovee the Egg Bois. There cartoonish nature playing right into your childish innocence. Which was good because that meant they could keep your attention while he worked.
He would naturally raise you to be his heir, wanting you to one day continue his crusade in order to rull all of hell. Of course while he wanted that, he would never force you to conform to his expectations. He'd support you in any pursuit.
Youd have a detailed understanding of both mechanics and electronics, as Pentious would make it a point to teach you everything he knew in those subjects.
He also absolutely adores anything you make for him, it could be a laser pointer, he'll treasure it forever.
Would absolutely go absolutely mental if you were put under threat. Tearing apart anyone who dare try and hurt his baby, the snake showing exactly how he got the total of overlord.
Will literally cry the first time you called him 'daddy' spending the next week trying to get you to say it again.
Would definitely be at least one occasion where Pentious would take you with him in his airship, only for Cherry Bomb to attack, Pentious doing his best to defuae the situation while also trying to hide you.
Cherry would of course discover you, taking an immediate liking to you, before then spending the next few months trying to spend time with you.
So that's how you'd end up with an auntie who also kinda wanted to kill your Daddy.
Hey Hey. Hope you enjoyed, just letting you know I'll probably take longer to put out pieces in future because im actually working on my own Helluva/Hazbin Fanfic, so I'll still post, it'll just take longer. Thanks for understanding, feel free to still submit requests though and check out my master list for more, thanks y'all. Bye Bye.
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Arackniss has a nightmare.
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Arackniss entered the apartment you shared, but instantly notice something was off.
All the colour seemed to have been drained out, shadow stretched light becomes harsh, as though the entire thing was in some noire film.
Walking down the hall, everything seem distorted, the picture were blured, plants dead, eventually he reached the kitchen, where he found you.
Joy swelled in his chest upon seeing you.
You were sat at the dinner table, pouring a drink from a grey bottle into a glass.
You took a long swig before you seemed to noticed him.
Taking another swig from your glass you turn to him. 'Oh its you.' You say in a tone far to similar to his fathers
You looked him with dead eyes, those beautiful eyes that used to bring warmth to his heart everytime he saw them, now they looked right through him.
Arackniss spoke up, 'Is there something wrong, Cuore mio?'
You looked at him like he'd sprouted another head. 'Something wrong?' You asked incredulously.
Taking another swig you a scowl grew on your face. 'You really think i wouldn't figure it out?'
Arackniss went cold, 'W-what do you mean? Figure out what?' He asked, fear tightening his throat.
You actually laughed at him, taking another drink. 'You didn't think I'd find out about all the things you've done?'
Arackniss pulled back. 'What-What do you mean, I never hid anything from you.'
'"Never hid anything from me"?' You almost screamed. Standing up you threw a stack of papers at him.
Arackniss moved back, looking up at you. you stared back coldly.
Looking down he found papers at his feet. Looking back up he found youd disappeared.
Bending down he picked up a photo.
Arackniss froze.
The photo was of a dead sinner. He remembered him, he killed him in a bar a few months before he met you.
He dropped the photo, only to find he was suddenly in a void, an ocean of photos surrounding him.
Each one was a photo of someone dead, and he somehow knew. He'd killed them all... there must have been thousands.
Arackniss stumbled back, bumping into something.
Turning around he found you. You stared down at him like an insect.
'Wh-Whats going on, I-I-I thought you loved me, I thought you accepted me!' He his voice shaky, pleading.
You scoffed, 'How could I love someone who's killed so many. How could I feel safe with a person whos hands are covered in blood.' You told him, your voice haunting dull.
Arackniss clutched his head. 'No. NO! You wouldn't say this, You love me. You don't care what ive done.' He whimpered through clutched teeth.
He was suddenly blinded by light, shielding himself he found himself in a new room.
He stood in the centre of a spot light. Looking around he called out. 'Hello?'
Another light flashed on behind him, a thin trail of light connecting the two.
Walking over to the other light, he found a large white cloth drapped over... something.
He didn't know what it was, but something within him demanded he lift the cloth.
So he did.
He reached down and slowly pulled the cloth back.
Arackniss stumbled back, under the cloth was body. Your eyes were cloudy, lifeless, stareing up at him. Pain and horror twisted across your face.
Arackniss was freaking out, his heart beating like a drum.
Icy hands gripped his throat. Arackniss' hands came up to meet them. Something breathing into his ear.
It was your voice he heard, but it sounded like you hadn't spoken in centuries, your voice horse and brittle. Whispered in his ear.
'This is my future with you'
Arackniss woke up with a sound somewhere between a scream and a gasp, panting and sweating like he'd just ran a marathon.
He ran his hands down his face, pulling them away he found he couldn't stop his hands from shaking.
Arackniss' sudden movement woke you, sitting up you found the spider demon turned away from you, hunched over and sobbing.
'Baby, what's wrong?' You asked panic beginning to infect your voice, reaching out to him.
As soon as your hand touched him the spider threw himself away from you.
He slammed into the wall, scrambling away from you.
Quickly turning the lamp, you threw of the covers and dashed to him.
Coming to his side, you find him curled up against the wall, sobbing into his hands. His other arms wrapped around himself.
You reached for him 'Arackniss, what's wrong? What happened?'
The moment you touched him, he freaked out again. Pushing himself away from you.
'DONT TOUCH ME!' He shrieked before bursting into another fit of sobs. 'Don't touch me, please I don't... I don't wanna...'
'Dont want to what, Arackniss?' You asked after a moment. Moving closer, you restrained yourself from touching him. 'What don't you want to do, Arackniss? Please just tell me.'
Arackniss gripped his head harder, claws sinking into his scalp. 'I don't wanna.... I dont want to hurt you...'
You sit down, across from him. 'How could you hurt me?' You asked, almost laughing at the idea.
Arackniss didn't answer, deciding instead to curl into himself. 'Arackniss. Speak to me, please. Help me understand what's wrong.'
Arackniss' breathing came out like a dying motor. Shaky breaths in and out, interjected with anguished sobs.
You moved forward reaching out a hand, and placing it on his shoulder. Arackniss acting without though pushed you away. Falling back you hissed in pain as your back met the side of the bed.
Arackniss instantly moved forward, rushing to your aid, terrified he'd hurt you.
The fall had hurt, but you were quick to recover and as soon as Arackniss was close enough you pounced.
You locked your arms around him and pulled him into your chest.
Arackniss squirmed, pushing you away. 'Let me go! Just let me go! I don't wanna... Please...'
But you didn't let him go. You held him close. 'No! NO, I'm not letting you go until you tell me what's wrong.'
Arackniss pulled and pushed and squirmed, desperately trying to escape your grip.
You held him close, letting him tire himself out. Eventually he slowed down, surrendering and just laying against your chest.
A few moments of silence go by as just hild him against you.
You nuzzled into his hair, holding him close. 'It was a nightmare... wasnt it?'
You knew the answer, but you wanted him to say it. Acknowledge it.
The spider just nodded into your chest, releasing a little hum.
'And you hurt me in the nightmare, didn't you?' You asked, Arackniss just nodded again.
You brought your palm to his jaw, adjusting his pose across your lap, running your thumb over his cheekbone.
'Amore mio... would you ever hurt me?' You asked. Arackniss' head shot up, staring up at you with indignation.
'NO! No, never. I would never... no, I would never hurt you. Never.' He told you, his voice thick with emotion.
Your other hand came up and held his face, looking him dead in his eyes 'Do you love me?' You asked, thumb running just below his right eyes.
Arackniss turns to the side 'Of course I love you.' He whispered, pulling in on himself, nuzzling into your collar.
'...Do you love me?' He asked, so quietly you almost didn't hear him.
You smiled at his meekness, running your hand up his neck into his hair, you pulled him against you.
'I love you, Arackniss.' You brought one of his hands up, kissed the back of it. 'With all my heart.'
'Say it again' he whispered. You smiled again before complying, 'I love you, Arackniss.'
'Again' he says, this time moving his head below your chin. You complied, 'I love you, Amore mio.'
'Again' he whispered. You brought your hand to his chin. Bring up his face, you looked into his crimson eyes and you told him 'I love you arackniss, I love you with all my heart and nothing, Nothing! will ever change that.'
Arackniss didn't say anything, he didn't need to, he just leaned forward. The two of you locking lips.
Arackniss wrapped his arms around you, holding you as close as possible, desperate not to be parted from you.
And so you kissed him back, pouring all your love into the kiss.
You eventually picked him up, holding him close, as you walked around the bed before sitting down.
You shimmied into the bed, before breaking the kiss to turn the lamp off.
Before you could pull the cord, Arackniss grabbed your arm. 'Please don't.' He asked, his tone just shy of begging. 'Leave the light on tonight. Please?'
You smile down on him, 'Of course, Amore mio, anything for you.'
Arackniss layed against you, relishing the sound of your heart beat. The two of you just laid there, holding each other.
Arackniss held you close as he drifted off to sleep.
Arackniss didn't have any more nightmares that night, not while he had you. Not while you held him close.
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