#arancina day
help-me-feel-alive · 9 months
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Ma che ne sanno loro di Palermo quando è il giorno di Santa Lucia.
Grazie mamma♥️
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notebook91286 · 1 year
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Arancina day 🤤
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Se i personaggi di Spiderman Across The Spiderverse fossero italiani
Miles palese sarebbe di Roma perché il suo dovere da Spiderman è salvare i romani dalle buche e dai cinghiali
Gwen è di Milãnœ e ha frequentato il corso di danza classica a La Scala, ma è una ribelle e vuole fare la rockettara
Pavitr è di Palermo e si incazza se dici arancino invece di arancina
Hobie è sardo (di Cagliari) perché quando parla nessuno capisce un cazzo di quello che dice
Miguel è veneto di Verona e ogni minuto passato all'interno della Spider Society corrisponde a una bestemmia
Peter è di Napoli. Non chiedetemi perché. Ce lo vedo e basta
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plasticpony4 · 8 months
♡ My 2023 retrospective: egl version ♡ PART 3/9
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April wasn't really that interesting or eventful as a month. I got this IW OP (Rose Emblem Sailor OP) off lace market and this cute little hat from a random Chinese brand.
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Once again, I tried dipping my toes in a different style, and this is what came out of it. I absolutely hated making this coord. It's not me at all.
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I also got my third pair of tea party shoes (replicas, as the AP ones are too small for me, and I know for sure because I used to have the sax ones)! Being able to try things before buying them from your comm members is so nice! These are times when I'm really glad to have a comm.
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In May, I met the other members of my comm for another meet. I'm not happy with how my coord came out, it was too casual, almost like it wasn't lolita at all. I think I should have gone with my first idea (right photo).
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Some photos from our meet. I loved the Catholic decoden painting!
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Arancina, our prince and beautiful flowers.
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Then, it was time for attending one of our local cons.
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I wore this sweet vampire lolita coord for the first day, and this sailor lolita coord for the second day. It was my first time having fun at a convention after so many years!
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Jsk: Angelic Pretty Blouse, wristcuffs: Bodyline Socks: Tomoyo's Atelier Shoes: Taobao Accessories: Alchemy Gothic, Infanta, off-brand
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OP: Innocent World Socks: Tomoyo's Atelier Shoes: Taobao All the other accessories are from Axes Femme and Taobao.Also it doesn't really show in the second picture but I was wearing a Card Captor Sakura hoodie by Cream Made.
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I got this Loputyn book at the convention, among other things.
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inatelescopelens · 2 years
london 10th december
On our final day—for now—in London, we awoke to find it colder than ever; I walked down quiet streets of antique shops to High Street Kensington where I drank my morning coffee from a stool at the Pret window watching people file in and out of the station. In the gardens down the road the grass was all covered in white, from frost rather than from snow, stark against the trees. I crunched my way across the thickest fields of iced-over lawn and met with Mum back at Notting Hill Gate so we could begin the day’s activities. There was so much frost about that we even saw a bird standing on the surface of a lake rather than floating on it, and every leaf of the potted plants in the Italian garden was crowned in hundreds of icy flakes. A few highly committed joggers carried along on the park paths, undeterred by the deep chill of negative degrees.
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We arrived at the Wallace Collection in Marylebone whilst it was still quite quiet and early and spent an hour or two exploring the exhibits. The house contains a somewhat obscene number of objects and artworks arranged into ordered galleries, my favourites being the ground floor rooms that display ornate historic weapons. So used to seeing them only in fantasy television shows and historical dramas, it was hard to process the reality of the medieval swords, spears and pikes. Even if created more for looks than actual utility in battle, the fact that these things once belonged to actual armoured knights was striking. Beautifully carved quartz made up the handles of daggers from the Ottoman Empire, while the bodies of impractical rifles were inlaid with ivory and jewels. My favourite piece of art in the Wallace Collection, which we always end up visiting in London, is Reynolds’ Strawberry Girl. This little alien child stares back at you from a sepia realm, hands clasped, the faintest flush warming her pale cheeks.
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Once we had done our rounds of the collection we went around the corner to find lunch at a place recommended to me by a text from Matt the day before. Paul Rothe and Son was a small delicatessen offering a dizzying choice of sandwich fillings and salads, served up with a very warm attitude in the classic deli style. I had their pastrami sandwich, their bestseller, containing slices of tender smoky beef, Swiss cheese, pickles and a generous scrape of yellow English mustard between fresh brown bread. It was definitely one of the best sandwiches I’ve had in my life—at least, I can’t bring to mind any other I’ve eaten that was better, I would come back to London just to secure one.
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From there we walked up to Baker Street for a glimpse of the Sherlock Holmes house inserted into the streetscape for the sake of tourists and to catch a train from Bakerloo into the centre of town. But when we arrived at Trafalgar we found the peak-hour line for the National Gallery a bit too confronting and the Portrait Gallery was closed for renovation, so we adjusted our plans. Having decided to split up for independent wandering, I went to take a look at a K-pop-themed store just off Oxford Street, where they sell albums and merchandise and accessories for K-pop fans. I bought TOMORROW X TOGETHER’s The Dream Chapter: Eternity and a small photocard folder before heading on my way. On Oxford Street I managed to come out the other side of the holiday shopping mayhem with a second-hand black and grey striped men’s Tommy Hilfiger sweater and a pair of black skate jeans, which felt like more than enough wardrobe expansion for one day. By now it was dark and I went home.
For dinner, we went around the corner from our apartment to a local pizza shop called Arancina, where we ordered a delicious eggplant and parmesan pizza takeaway. Their pizzas, which you could also get by the slice, were formed in rectangles from bases of perfectly cooked, crisped dough. We had to wait a while because with it being a Saturday night and a World Cup matchday amongst other things, the strain on the kitchen from takeout was high. But the staff were very friendly and apologetic about the wait and the restaurant was a good place to people-watch as a variety of families, workers on their way home and delivery drivers came and went. Back home we half-heartedly turned the television on to the soccer to watch England lose their final; as patriotic hearts across the country broke in two, we packed up in preparation for the next morning and went to bed.
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rupige · 4 years
For going to sleep at 6 am and waking up like 3 hours later I'm pretty much awake.
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brigatebajor · 7 years
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sciatu · 3 years
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Fidenza - L’ingresso di un piccolo paradiso del cibo che è un Outlet Alimentare, Tagliata di manza ricoperta da un abbondante strato di tartufo, Mitici Tortelli alla zucca
Fidenza - The entrance to a small food paradise that is a Food Outlet, Sliced beef covered with an abundant layer of truffles, Mythical Tortelli with pumpkin
Se esci a Fidenza, lungo l’autostrada Milano-Bologna, troverai proprio all’uscita un grande Outlet, una specie di Disneyland del Fashion piena dei negozi dei grandi stilisti. Prima di arrivarci vi sono delle vecchie fattorie trasformate in Outlet del cibo dove potrai trovare il meglio del meglio come pasta, salumi e formaggi. Il Culatello di Zibello, il prosciutto di Parma, il salame di Verzì, il Parmigiano Reggiano in tutta la diversa tempistica di maturazione dai sei ai trentasei mesi di stagionatura, una gradazione di gusto e di sapore che se non assaggi non comprendi. Ci siamo fermati con La Moglie a mangiare in uno di questi posti dove offrono pochi piatti ma buonissimi. La Moglie ha preso una tagliata con tartufo che, come vedi nella foto, non era uno o due pezzettini, ma uno strato enorme. Io, incuriosito, ho preso i tortelli di zucca. Ora devi sapere che da Venezia a Rimini e Piacenza, i tortelli di zucca sono un cibo identitario che divide. Ogni provincia gastronomica ha la sua ricetta e pretende che sia la migliore. Come noi siciliani ci dividiamo sul nome di quella palla di riso che è maschio a Catania (Arancino) e femmina a Palermo (Arancina) rivendicandone una diversa bontà e qualità, i tortelli di zucca sono argomento di una guerra centenaria tra Cremona e Mantova, ognuna delle quali ne rivendica l’invenzione e la miglior qualità. A Mantova stessa, i tortelli che mangi in città sono diversi da quelli mangiati in un ristorante collocato sulla sponda opposta del lago che circonda la città. Nella città il piatto è servito con burro fuso, salvia e abbondante Parmigiano Reggiano. Fuori città, i tortelli sono serviti con una salsa fresca di pomodoro cotta con la cipolla: differenze di gusto che ogni località difende come uniche e assolute ma entrambi buone e consolidate nella tradizione. Eppure la ricetta dei tortelli è sempre la stessa: zucca gialla e amaretti o una goccia di amaretto di Saronno, la cui quantità e intensità varia da paese a paese, ma la vera differenza è in chi li fa che in essi mette la bellezza e la storia del luogo in cui sono fatti. Comunque quelli che ho mangiato erano buonissimi.
If you go out in Fidenza, along the Milan-Bologna motorway, you will find a large Outlet right at the exit, a sort of Disneyland of Fashion full of the shops of the great designers. Before getting there there are old farms transformed into food outlets where you can find the best of the best such as pasta, meats and cheeses. Culatello di Zibello, Parma ham, Verzì salami, Parmigiano Reggiano in all the different maturation times from six to thirty-six months of maturation, a degree of taste and flavor that if you don't taste you don't understand. We stopped with La Moglie to eat in one of these places where they offer few but very good dishes. The Wife took a tagliata with truffle which, as you can see in the photo, was not one or two pieces, but a huge layer. Intrigued, I took the pumpkin tortelli. Now you must know that from Venice to Rimini and Piacenza, pumpkin tortelli are a food that divides the local identity. Each gastronomic province has its own recipe and claims it to be the best. Like us Sicilians we are divided on the name of that rice ball which is male in Catania (Arancino) and female in Palermo (Arancina) claiming a different goodness and quality, pumpkin tortelli are the subject of a centenary war between Cremona and Mantua, each of which it claims the invention and the best quality. In Mantua itself, the tortelli you eat in the city are different from those eaten in a restaurant located on the opposite shore of the lake that surrounds the city. In the city the dish is served with melted butter, sage and plenty of Parmigiano Reggiano. Outside the city, the tortelli are served with a fresh tomato sauce cooked with onion: differences in taste that each locality defends as unique and absolute but both good and consolidated in tradition. Yet the recipe for tortelli is always the same: yellow pumpkin and amaretti or a drop of amaretto di Saronno, the quantity and intensity of which varies from town to town, but the real difference is in who makes them who puts beauty and history of the place where they are made. Anyway, the ones I ate were very good.
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aidelon · 5 years
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🍋Happy Valentine's Day!🍋
This a Sicilian Rey and American Ben Solo AU💜
With an italian girlfriend you either eat or die!!!
He is eating a traditional dessert called "cannolo" and in the other hand he is holding another traditional food called "arancina" 💞
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beagoz · 4 years
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♥️🍘🎄E inizia dicembre, il mese della festa più contesa (attualmente) dai politici. È una festa che ci dovrebbe ricordare le cose importanti. Come le arancine! La fantastica @thegirlwithebarnowltattoo posa con una delle mie magliette: MARRY ARANCINA! Disponibile su Redbubble (link nella Bio) ♥️ che aspettate? 🎁 🎄 🪅 https://www.instagram.com/p/CIPsAL_FPKV/?igshid=jwifjb2bati8
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ask-aph-sicilia · 5 years
I have a very serious, important question: is it arancino, or arancina? //I'm dying, Sicilia is so cute! I absolutely adore your interpretation! Keep up the good work ☺️
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"Ahhh~ what a very debatable and new controversial argument you have there. But the obvious answer is arancina, you see because the origin is very ancient! It was created by the Arabs and they call it “arancina”  because its shape is similar to an orange." Nods smiling quite calm "I should know, I was just a picciridda when they invented it." She hums carefree smiling.
[]Awww thank you~!! (//▽//人) I'm so happy you enjoy my Sicilia you really have made my day! []
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blueforever31 · 5 years
Oggi arancina day
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favorite wild thing
Characters/Pairing: Kobayashi Rindou and Tsukasa Eishi/EiRin
Type: Canon-divergent AU, Post-series, Peerless-verse, Freestyle
Word Count: 1373
A/N: This is a follow-up from ‘mine.’ 
Palermo was a beautifully kaleidoscopic, amazing city, steeped deeply in the eclectic history and intertwined cultures of so many different civilizations, and so very lively. The old streets bustled noisily with both locals and tourists alike going about with their agendas for the day, and the ancient food markets interspersed throughout town were filled with all sorts of culinary delights and native ingredients lining their stands, just waiting to be explored one after the other.
Needless to say, they easily spent an entire day immersed in the endless stalls that lined the narrow medieval side streets, awash in a veritable sea of people of all sorts of nationalities and ethnicities, sampling and investigating the varied, vibrant merchandise that this breathtaking, exciting food capital had to offer.
The produce that had come straight from the local farmsteads were some of the freshest Eishi had ever encountered, from deep red blood oranges to tasty Sicilian lemons and juicy cantaloupes and crunchy courgettes, to brightly colored, tart, ripe tomatoes and glossy, sweet and sour peppers, the abundant seasonal harvests so plump and ripe and lush, lavish, ample gifts of this rich, fertile land. He could not help but buy some of everything to cook and experiment with, his mind and palate working fervently to memorize and store all the different and new flavor profiles that danced merrily across his delighted and intrigued tastebuds, and it would not be an understatement to say that he was in a chef’s heaven, or at least a version as close to it as possible on this earthly plane.
With how Palermo faced the Tyrrhenian Sea, there were also no lack of seafood for sale coming straight from the nearby coastal settlements and the major fishing ports of Sciacca, rows upon rows of fishmonger’s stalls overflowing and creaking under the staggering weight of fat swordfishes, glistening squids, tender shrimps and succulent shellfishes all but cascading down the shelves of crushed ice which they had been so generously laid on display, all the freshest and best catches of the day. The smell of brine and sea salt permeated the air, intermingled with the familiar pungency of piscean blood and guts, and Rindou was perfectly happy browsing the raucous, busy stalls beside her boyfriend, just as easily as she would have been in the middle of a sweet-smelling field of blooming tulips in Amsterdam or a lavender farm in Provence.  
Her favorites most definitely had to be the street food stalls, and they made sure to visit them all, from the outdoor markets of Vucciria to Ballaro to Capo, across all the four historic quarters of Palermo. They snaked up and down the intricate mazes of little lanes and alleyways filled to the brim with of all sorts of commodities and stallholders loudly selling their wares and haggling with their customers. Some places were crammed full of all kinds of delicious cheese that could not be found anywhere else in the world, others were filled with rows and rows of cleanly carved meat carcasses hanging on hefty hooks and preserved meats like salamis and sausages, infused with all sorts of fragrant spices and herbs, sun-kissed, flavorful, and exuding the most mouthwatering aromas and scents.
They shared handmade peach gelato bought from a local gelaterie as they wandered the warm, crowded streets congested with people, marveling over huge tubs of olives and homemade relishes in specialty stalls and the colorful spreads of vegetables and fruits in others. Roasted chestnuts were also on sale in little kiosks tucked away in the corners of almost every block (so of course they ended up buying a bag as well!) and the tantalizing smell of barbequed meats drifted through the air.  
They sampled sticks of stigghiola – veal and lamb intestines washed out with water and salt then seasoned with parsley, onion and other herbs, before being wrapped around a leek and grilled directly over open flame. They had pane con le milza, a sandwich stuffed generously with the spleen of veal, along with lung and trachea, the viscera first boiled then fried in lard over low heat to bring out its strong, hearty flavor before being served with freshly baked soft bread and fragrant ricotta. Arancina reminded Rindou of the onigiri that they had back home, only that these indulgent, saffron-scented rice balls were stuffed to the brim with ragu and mozzarella, then coated with bread crumbs and deep fried to golden brown, finger licking perfection. Sfincione was Sicilian pizza; thick crust and spongy like focaccia, drenched with generous drizzles of olive oil and herbs, then topped with tomato sauce, onion and caciocavallo cheese and baked in a wood-fired oven. So. Yummy.
Rindou enjoyed travelling with Eishi. He was always game to try everything and it was so fun to explore foreign places and foods with him, especially since he got very interested and excited too over the same things she did. They stuffed themselves silly, not just with the delicious foods, but also the sights and sounds and very essence of this mesmerizing, pulsing city, and truly, there was no one she would rather experience all of these with than him.
That evening, back at their lodgings with all the loot that they had hauled home from their day long shopping adventure and sharing a delicious bottle of chilled wine between the two of them, Rindou was perched on the kitchen counter watching Eishi prepare dinner for them. The latter was still entirely energized and light on his feet despite a full day’s worth of nonstop activity, already eagerly playing and experimenting with the different ingredients and fresh produce that they had bought earlier on, much to her amusement.
She silently admired his air of focused concentration, that slight furrow of intensity that creased his brow, intelligent lavender gaze sharp with motivation and that burning, all consuming passion for his craft…and she could not help but conclude as always that he was the most beguiling like this; happy and doing the thing that he loved the most.
Rindou took an idle sip of her drink, relaxed and blissfully content. Life was as sweet as this wine dancing lightly on her tongue right now, surrounded by all the things she loved.
“…Hm?” He lifted his gaze distractedly from the work station to look briefly at her. She beamed at him.
“As I thought, you’re the most attractive in the kitchen.”
“That sounds really sexist…and why am I only attractive whenever you’re hungry?” he retorted with faint chagrin.
“’Coz relationships are all about setting and managing expectations,” she concluded cheerily…whatever that was supposed to mean. She must have noticed his openly nonplussed stare, for she further elaborated. “A great many, many years ago, you, Tsukasa Eishi, established this precedent when you started feeding the ‘lil hungry me. So ya see, you only got yourself to blame ‘coz you were the one who forged this bond and conditioned me to be like this!”
He was vaguely flabbergasted by her glib ability to nonchalantly flip the blame back on him; no wonder she was in the entertainment industry.
“…Pretty sure you were already like this even before I entered the picture,” he pointed out. “And why does it sound like I’ve been feeding a wild animal all this time.”
“Maybe! But you’ve successfully domesticated this wild animal so now you cannot leave me in a lurch and hungry,” she reasoned, not even bothering to refute his observation.
“Have I ever left you hungry?” he asked seriously.
She sent him a sly grin. “Literally? Or are we talking about a different kind of hunger now?”
He sent her an exasperated look.
“Don’t you start. I’m confident of my ability to sate your appetites-” he stressed subtly. “-even though you’re such a demanding wild thing.”
She grinned broadly at his response.
“Excuse you, I’m your favorite wild thing! So feed me somethin’ delicious soon, ‘kay, o’ yummy lord of the kitchen, peerless white knight of the table, supreme master of the dinner plate! If you’re a Greek god, you’d be the cute, sexy one in a white toga with sword in one hand and a plucked pheasant in the other-”
“…Stop. Stop. I’ll feed you right away so for the love of-”
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celtic-paolino · 4 years
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Arancina day, Happy St Lucy's! #arancina #13thdecembre #rice #risotto #bolognaise #ragu #stlucysday (presso Arras, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIvRA8glI_L/?igshid=tjxe0p60po7j
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allisonscola · 5 years
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We cooked up a storm inside yesterday with @gosicily_cook_eat_explore for our @experiencesicily cooking class! We made arancine (rice balls) and ricottamasu. What fun! I loved having everyone in my home and sharing a memorable, joyful day with our talented and spunky cooking empresario Annalisa Pompeo. Wow, the rice balls we made were out of this world! She knows how to make 'em! You can meet Annalisa to learn her secrets during a cooking class in Sicily! Whether you travel guided by an itinerary we custom design for you and your loved ones or you come with me and @chefninoelia for our Stirring Sicily food and wine tour, September 16-23. We'll have you laughing and savoring each mement in Sicily. More details at link in bio. #gosicily #cookinginsicily #cooksicily #foodtour #cookinglessonsicily #cookingclasssicily #foodandwinetoursicily #cookingclass #cookingtour #cookinglesson #foodtravel #arancina #arancino #arancini #experiencesicily #sicily #sicilia #siciliabedda #italy #italia #sicilyvacation #sicilians_world #ig_sicily #igerssicilia #instasicilia #gf_italy #smallgrouptours #traveltogether #authenticsicily #smallgrouptoursitaly (at Englewood, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7gaPuajhVx/?igshid=1pwiv5yrrybny
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