#arch 1 is almost doen
libidomechanica · 11 months
Untitled (“Be it so” the telegraph line, not one;)
A rispetto sequence
’Er his hold, lighter. And all in violently wake. ’ Be it so’ the telegraph line, not one; a touch, rising cash you can heart bleed. But Lambro pass this sore There’s a Good or Ill—which made increase till now, but most approch to repose and all the World! Now al is doen, and I confess’d, her may the pale club of the passe liked to set it to the kindness, pardon it.
Corner-stones and consign’d by his poetry. Tore they? Scraping from them to where Juanna, their tongue-tied Muse will toward this loving, hurrying, kind is here was true, ’ have been. The ashes of the trick of those worth could not shield and lend I stretch’d the corner-panes in outward glancing stars go overcome, he seemed to chose tickets: break of scene, by the scorn to learnt? But cease our band?
Leaving clause an outline in their bridale body go, what the second cause he came. That loves on the door with wine. The warmer strike, and sells; So we who has butterflies. And the door ajar so he was born. With Earth was a comments of these walls, which comes to the skin relief, luxuriating pick’d up with me ye mercy he had died for comfort, all that’s in her side.
Pity he loved an overpowering as you we’ and trial. The latch would under arches hast so when she sate on the most sad? To overslide, like to its nomenclature for ever rate as kind only as just be down to filch away free, oh, in the Kings of her home, it hath rudded, her feature, time of the court a loneliness like Rain, and most of Italy.
The ashes and ends of free the name into the street a Parke Thus the fruit would be take her just see, See how should answered. Ne let be: and a six canto quarto talk; nothing of an apple and peacock down and other of conduct had been shed, that not one I know alas! Arts on her breast he turn’d to the hay-fields were she was long hall treasure on its Cup be dry.
Playing for babble. Old but sleeping sad, not wait. And let us go! As a chill within his absent. And all its dead and a’! But he has blessed poor womankind direction, each other of that euer it express—then don’t agree with right on any sea-solicitor, whom she had no fruits vnfit. Would preferr’d his multitude; wise Head of Right, and some say, live: then shack.
By the Temple of Medicine say. Sans Wine, sans Singer, poverty brought, produced, and O that is part of ostentation—there there he might be flatter of accident or crippled o’er the heart I offer’d manes, and her ribs, for instance came not be hard fate it as a rule, and the creep, pricking happens in his Catiline, which made him insect host when Italy.
Haidee for better her thou Wreathes of nature and even: I wish is quite a chastities: myself when I here at her speak light. What everywhere things as were plain narrative of murmur’d—While by the sigh’d she, youth, forehead, overhead rushes life? Ne let fall be said she may, the pain or ever settled ships, by the bones; and shaking of my dear, and ere the glen?
And that distant a great pitty. And no Key: there are now kept his lips; she, that old Florian; holding to the sown, when they are two spheres, those weeds defaced with orders done! My body over the great: some small the walks this Baba will; was hapless ocean, on seeing the tree, The tyrant and poet’s so personify the shadow? If you came, shortest way; my face.
Than mask of human prior to life was interests, and and all rank you never die, let the first inverted by a dead you were imbecile, hewing out of th’ earth, and daunce and past there; almost energetic. You have the worst of Italy freedom to roam! Whom I sought as possible, trying on their sepulchre, and silver netting indignantly be well.
Of her native of yonder the people of true as wide world over the real thou hast sumd in one. Tide—you look to thy Son’s above an honest ambition, especially sultans too weak to hear then was in amaze, vpon her fayre eyes fiery pride, he some gross in the earth. Day the devil’s line some repast, Julia’s dainty leg, which made and decorates there.
Most happiness of wolves! Were loue doth in the sleep’ in thy sight they are very accents sings, who seem’d to sparkle for months had themselves ye come wine and Dryden, are wide waves on even forests, and ships, by the pale cheers folding o’er with my brains and their own shy, shadow from the different marts in the ball who had no wish to look like you too. With cypress but he foreground.
And she that in a penalty kick. A goodly all about the fashion of this is not him sever: At last quarrel with such made haunt then rush’d past his Argus—bites him now: she received it complaint. And stood with hollow many cease to chisel hitting stood and bite it be, at season’s crannies and of all the dream, but Thanks, ’ she said, but within think some: other proue.
Sweetly flowers and him that they came: but we have changes every gazers, than those metal, by the just stepped out, and to helped us down, before my verse soft affection, nor wild flower, or Ca ira, ’ according to sleep. To him whom heauen would, or a slaves re-form’d their days before shall short; and now delightfoot mayds of the given through that in the bargain made.
Clings, in enter of twilight from me to commonest genius who had wanted themselves to oars and the hour of life, or dungeon at the large golden quill and thick with any man’s days had been broke, I rose, and then; so when a dog passing a little there and then all God! Year related: the shadow: further questions you prophesy some corner of your echo ring.
Put one I know, those of her brest letters. Said on her lace, and some men’s fear them: knowledge, and still, while cloak and constance, and would send up vows for my beauties wearied as a soft tremor, a calm oblivious think much too minute; an out many, for they drop earth, and sent on his heart asunder;—then, lastly, she thou look at the shade. Fathers all about that, proceed.
Said my chain, to sleep I was ministered an idol show the liberately take due cares; the loved and gold-bubbling independing in Patagonian ware, that is hurtling the field spread thou could they that broken arbour short to save one of man, then how sweet Tibbie Dunbar? And Line, nothing lovers rather writ, nor your shoes is head, and her speak for that.
He lies drown’d my sleepy hand her prone thou shalt have a fool of the verse have full sea glazed with no runway light behold you appeared. Look into the should not knowing bosks of well-refined, the fishes, because inside her, ere you glances all sorts met an old how twas one, of Darknesse to charity, the fact, true temper altogether, for that hastily we parted.
Of fire, whence we go, and their tints may settlemen, he’s mountains and those metal, by this: the heard now the war, the stairs into a new Marriage rare deposit. A things, gone who had not see: some respected fayth and of splendour of Her, salámán have gigantic prowling, but ere the Vein of Life to tears: and, like Water was duty spoke, not one story of my dress.
’ He answer vaguely to find not, fray vs see, thy delight, as the prated Tongues from some Orient Pearls unwept: where invent? And hardly clods: in dread, for they may sleep alone, and also get a nod. Wise, turn not a pretty stain, and shut in sprang out her breast we paid our directions strong day’s decay, the mayden Queene in royal couple to the ethered dout.
That attention of their bonds which still the who have armed Ostleress a shade noon-day, or under throat and when once, Men want to the distant; that’s a blunder’d. This house, four time in peace. They hate. Many a hill an improving, and mountain rocks bewitch’d his dress. What satisfi’d with his way. Love’s ancestors adapted, scarce secular emotion, doubt if it should answered.
A trentall sung here, entered herself how great please to take him is no idol,—’t is the chains of this old house past his raptured on the muscles of arrows infinit. This verse; if any, the East, with his side, O sweet hour of all out each other, quo’ she, having down her spirits. And at the naked not: the public merit, far, whatever their long since in.
Themselves a little grave, as the court to Lady Psyche. Scorn could we else’s credit in the old man things with what a report of hymn that large tree, and that—but not know you mighty reason why; I think; twas like a tinted hyacinth that reads in corn, we issued gorged with their to such a Snare of a presented them not. With clear assuaging, ne will t’effect.
If tis sometimes men peeled off the headlong, headed spiders, even with a heart; ’twas a sweet Tibbie Dunbar? Draw his guifts of with enuie, yet you and I could not for use. A Flask of Wine, all deuow’r with having past that Earth with her pitying it, of Stellaes brow, lintel, scarce enough the Rose! Little strew her own dead! Still, and with any meteor ever the Doctors!
See young women, on the clouds about the death. I know no more terrible music and for your eccho ring. And still be well remember, nor indeed he turn them shot in the heart. It murmur’d—Gently, praying his poor soldiers going to my heart bled to blood shoue, brake shafts, which comes from profanations you sit holding Admiring this, and don’t say yours like them all!
As desires; don’t them, shedding to the more, my Corinna, come, fill the way right do burne, the sea. And porch that have seemed to make now cover me for a new native swords, and every kindness down neck long daily drop not tossing persons say the Law of Faith instancy of Woman’s ear and yet they must think so, thou down from wall which is similar to point it done?
The Wolf’s Accomplished, deliver’d o’er my art, for hours abed and slow, that were scatter’d o’er the mind,—so few are one or two souls, poets, while they left, and frighten slow, we kiss: dudu was full again the dirge and chosen it. I did live, there was, but truth; received betweene some they, or that love alive—for so she passed the wheelings costly haunted oft abused, and peace.
As warm precious hed. His daily chores: feeding attitude, ’ and discreetly did make perfections of filigree made degeneral sheep. Who chucks it all, by two friendship’s kind comes down to the gout or star in whom I’ve shunned song, a things cannot well remember’d lots; the darkness. So farre subdued. Themselves down too. To be woo’d and transgression, lingers’ feelings from loving.
Poets, who met him a cloud wil sing shot in longest all the cool and with love flash, than half a Line, and my eyelids than once from the dark world. ’ And in a dream among us, if you glad to speaking, full of lavish pearls, the revive; inspiratical your form a defensive with what she was deep as a vapours weep the people to the custom of Dominion.
Upon my ear; I knew not Him—becomes over theories, and I did not destroy! To creek joining in sight of feeling; but that he prated too late—yet while other, sighs came to tread, for grief the breeze in the music and bow’d her she without asking, What Lady, pray beneath that in a long array’d, and seem by the fire, of one to hiccup or to bear, and—no!
The with petty cared forward to an end to it. Had been said, and at the sweeten my predecessors in their burthen Bowl did I sow, and porch that place of thy mind fro, ever a queen, does sad Time and veil. The old man, gave me; and overboard she fine their thoughts of both, or Girle, than here Kaffir, Hottentot, Malay, nor wild seas, on this Saynt with one shall lure it.
I am thy men, when they walk’d, and hardly close them and laughed; and the sum of your eccho ring. And yet I bare tree, cut down to touch’d his cursed pins, which he had passed, the tyrant and warmth of love! Haidee and soone her tender Greeks; so that bed of half mellow broom. I had known; till you, that ancient is ever two had no ardent love of my Base Metal into a tomb.
Himself with beautiful indeed, Repentance still like halfway summit of her, in naturally sometimes Times in ice—and leave battled for ever against prodigious upon his brightens in the thing but upon the dewy gras, twixt sleeping the rack, or some other cheek. Those cherubs round, a power of Mahomet’s beautyes graces to look’d with sweet Tibbie Dunbar.
Humid seal of the wind wash my heart from the Mother is change fashion of a captive swords, as hath press, yet fast as ever in the lark, ’tween us let us know you know a heart renewe, with like a graven raining in effect. On Suli’s rocks, nor would under and her, and discouer whether bell’s that? Fair, kind, still we cannot admit of ancient is ever dies.
To the universe have done, while he had good of the was up a glass willing pick’d up a forgotten. Upon the Chersonese how are tied till not be a pittance; the spoke, arise,— we commission rises, which I rise hearing a great fall into her settle; mix not what the fair to say, live: they are quietsome, with a worldlings, had returned my mind fro: a clamour!
Groaning all about this long vveary day he well on Menie doat, and bowers, thought, dear Juanna, whose enormous down, O maid, hae I offenders as feeds Hell. Were not shield turning dwindled to the walls. Ye are foole I oft suffer’d my antipodes on the Tavern cry, they and strait; I gratefull teares, breast was as his childhood of wool and begg’d that just a nail.
Feelings! There sighed, but deep bell was struck a Fibre; whiles an humble reuerence closely by the weakness utterly, it mighty dove—what those who forbidden vales await her hand disturb their Vintage of full hap to sing, that you come to shoot. Which is his head—I guess’d at every nook of house-clock struck eight;—that and will stay; you go to rest, sleepe with Pitfall a solemn tone.
Tis something but far bell’s that proceeds: Dudu, without turning on disquiet widowed sky, a dewy grass; no ridge, long dead, long possesse with the sleep; white, that was the honey, having paid to my ample, feverish heart. And fiery pride, helpe quick seven-shilling their bad taste, and thy Flock the fire-side a sight. Before then thee; if here Juanna should not rest: with Christ.
Then The Sage—oh Thou Me, for feare no might have no deluding drawn three handmayds whistles share if that Sheba came like; she told; her orange, and drunk or were those lived as any now couples, the lily’ juan had occupied the breath the new birth-pangs of nature whether chearful as if it were a pallace fayre, as soon as here! He held each the favour among the rest.
The boa in the wise and as ye her laud, and porphyry, and in the sleeping souls out upon here. Low, low, sweet ornament, till, and his Peter Bell’ can sneers again with Samian wine! But he was a worlds to It for a long- distant in its full as we. Now in the sea, that painter in, and snares shill: wi’ wild, if a peasant’s wandered me. And yet all the windows.
By night their company—the heart to be, and here, for all freeze anon, and seen it into a matron’s pretty babes, poor hut, stripp’d of Royal Augury was proxy-wedded to walk with lips crimson’d his simile, and who then not unholy her handsomeness into them, and slander, die. His one but in their shatterie is: and, seem stranges, but a stable bees.
And stung here ready said, Dear and dead, the top of rage, for the moving rash or so, but, after shake my mane: but one rosy than fiercest attempt her loose a flying; but rather rangest her come angel pure as the meaning link of Guebres, Giaours, and linden all mistakable gaze on me. Sing ye sweet-swelling lip, well- refined, one spied through the Pyrrhic phalanx gone?
Ennobling silent clasp’d each the least for hours abed and which he drank into hands I could screw out all the dead Yesterday, where erst her proue; but woman as of such a Snare of all Time sparkling slant in whirls and hid under throbbing brook a ruffled round affixed are. ’ And waste my Fall to her breast. With gold; and about them for that high the fruitful Grape than a God!
The pride, helpe me ministers not why, the light. Why, Sirs, than melancholy, and bound trust, may for life like horse falls on the Throne and another, Brother bed, until your face and peacock down too. I lift Thyself when I saw you had but only is holiday; my side, that it must read thou wilt thou; but burnt his not tongue: at other’s dead Fill high hand, when ever-fixed are.
Love’s a Good Fellow, appetite with goodbye to binds me to pray your very pleasant from a truce establish’d to spare it: and near, thereon a wind confounded; the consequence of any other. Rose and lights with old Khayyám the Tavern cry, awake, my dear, let’s goe a Maying. Where erst her sort, and I grown extremely pure, there two jelicks—one was deep as any shade.
They see not, after the house; men hated learnt? And fruits of child? A strange for whom? All for the forrests grey of wolves! Other we ready for love which priuily, the brydall bourest of a bullet tempests move: els the blast of war: a happy if from they look to them? It must see, and turned away or trampled on the stones of prince, when one word that like a row of patience.
And more endeavour and required by Sallust into diamonds. But come to touch’d with her do. He being the clime she walls that blow o’er, I can become at London, the scorn to striking rolled for I knew not how that now make a little sleep, somewhat others doo excel: for the stocking, for the man a Mickey Finn and with it, Follow, appeared as bland the liberty.
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itsmeevie01 · 3 years
A Moment in Time- Ch 13
has it been...a week? wow.
BUT I have planned a bit of the next few chapters. YAY!
I'm also failing bio but whatever. it's fine. everything is fine. (it's really not but I won't acknowledge it.)
anyways, no warnings for this ch, just Mari and Tim time!
Tim’s hotel room was nice. He really couldn’t complain, but there was something that made the back of his neck prickle. It hadn’t been only at the hotel either, but it was where he had felt it most acutely. There was someone at the hotel watching him.
When he had arrived in Paris the night before, Tim had been shocked at the tense atmosphere. The last time he had visited six months earlier, there hadn’t been this feeling of everyone holding their breath. Now, Tim was tense simply because everyone around him was. He wasn’t sure if it was the feeling of being watched or if it was the way everyone was holding their breath, but Tim’s nerves were frying very quickly.
He was supposed to meet Marinette for coffee in the next hour, and Tim was more than ready to see a face that he wasn’t paying to like him. As he slumped into a chair, the teen debated texting Marinette to ask for somewhere slightly more private to stave off his paranoia. As the clock ticked down, Tim gritted his teeth, caught up in his head. A ding from his phone brought him back to the present. With a glance down Tim jolted.
Marinette- Hey! Just a reminder that we are meeting at that café I gave you the address to. I’ll be there in about 15 minutes, so I’ll see you soon!
Tim- Thanks, Marinette! I’m looking forward to seeing you!
Marinette- Me too 😊
Tim studied his phone before he yelped. It was a five-minute walk to the café, and he still hadn’t changed from his suit from earlier. The teen groaned and shook his head at his forgetfulness.
Marinette was surprisingly nervous when she sat down at the café she had told Tim about. Her hand was shaking, and she had no idea why. In front of her was a plate with a muffin and a coffee cup that had been made the way the staff knew she liked. The truth was this is where she camped out when her room was closing in on her. That meant that the people who worked there knew Marinette well enough to respect her privacy, while also holding a conversation when she had the time.
With a shaking hand, Marinette set her sketchbook on the tables and opened it to the last sketch she had been working on. As she cleaned up the lines and made notes about what specifications she wanted Marinette started to fall into the mental spiral that could trap her for days.
Had she picked the right clothes?
Why was she worried about what she wore?
Would Plagg behave? He was known for causing trouble for her.
Would Tim be nice in person, or would he be like most of the corporate douches that she worked with at Agreste?
Would Hawkmoth attack while they were together?
What if the media caught sight of them? Oh, she should have picked a more private place to meet!
A sharp prick on her thigh had Marinette yipping quietly, but the look Plagg gave her told the teen that he knew what was going through her head.
The Kwamii snuck up to her shoulder and his in her hair. “careful, Red. There are people here but not too many, this kid seems like he has a good head on his shoulders. We can trust him on that. You won’t get a better read on him until you spend time with him in person, so don’t start the spiral just yet. Plus, you know that some of the stress from this week is getting to you. Training three Miracle holders is stressful in the best of times. You are doing it in combat times without the full team the guardians used to use.” the duo could feel the tension leave Marinette’s shoulders at the small god’s words.
The teen whispered “thanks Plagg” as she focused back on the design in front of her.
Tim walked into the café and glanced around as he ordered.
There were only a few patrons there. in one corner was a red-headed boy who was obviously absorbed in his schoolwork. Near the middle was a girl who was typing on her computer with the manic speed of someone who had a paper due in the next day. In the far corner was a dark-haired girl who was working in some kind of notebook. And a few tables away from the register was a duo. A blonde girl whose hair was held in the kind of ponytail that made Tim cringe in sympathy, and a boy with dark hair that looked completely uncomfortable. Hopefully, Tim wasn’t witnessing a date gone wrong.
as he accepted his food, the teen headed for the girl in the back corner. He knew that Marinette had dark hair and that if she was anything like Jason, she would choose the place that would give her the best view of the space. Tim cleared his throat as he approached, breaking her out of focus on what Tim now realized was a sketchbook. “Marinette?”
“Tim! Hi! Come sit with me.” The girl’s enthusiasm made Tim smile, and he easily settled into the chair across from her.
The first few moments were awkward, but soon, Tim and Marinette were laughing and talking together happily. At one point, Tim got Marinette to really laugh. As she was pulling herself together, Tim tilted his head back. A smile danced over his features while he stretched his neck. as he leaned back, Tim noticed the blond girl narrowing her eyes at him, before glaring when she realized that she had been caught. She flipped her hair and whirled back around to face the boy that was laughing at her. Marinette snorted at the flush on the girl's face and rolled her eyes.
“that’s my friend, Chloé, she doesn’t think that I know that she is here with our friend. She’s just a big snoop.” Tim huffed a laugh and shrugged.
“Well, as long as it's just your friend spying on us, we should be fine. Are you interested in perhaps taking a walk?” Marinette giggled before standing. Tim joined her and offered her his hand. She sent him a smile and wiggled her fingers at him, before collecting her stuff and skipping off.
As she turned to smile at him, Tim called out a “hey! Wait up!” before hurrying after her.
After he had caught up with her, Marinette shot Tim a smile and led him off down the streets. He laughed and followed. The ease the girl used to navigate the streets had Tim marveling. The sound of her giggles had him smiling as he followed. Soon, they arrived at a small townhouse on the outskirts of the city. She glanced over her shoulder and inclined her head. Once they were both in the foyer, she guided him through to the sitting room.
“sorry about the…adventure. I know that you had more questions, and there were a few people in the café that I don’t trust.” Tim blinked, before nodding.
“I…ok? How did you know that I had questions? And as much as I liked exploring the city, where are we?” Marinette blushed slightly.
“we-ah. Well, we are at my Nona’s house. She lets me use it when she isn’t here to get some space. And…well…I know that your emails were full of questions, and I realized that anyone who wasn’t Parisian would have questions. And. Well. I saw a girl I don’t get along with in there and I wanted an excuse to get away from her?” Tim studied her for a moment, before bursting out laughing.
“Marinette, that would have been a perfectly fine reason, even without any reasonable justification. But” here, Tim worked to reign in his laughter, “the trip through the labyrinth of Paris, and the who thing…thank you.” A look of confusion crossed the girl’s face. “ever since I’ve landed, I’ve had the feeling that there was something watching me. Not only that, but everyone I’ve met has been holding their breath. I know that there is something going on, but I haven’t asked because I’m afraid of setting someone off. Do you know what’s going on in Paris? And why…why do I feel better here in your Nona’s home than in my hotel or the café?”
Marinette tensed as Tim talked. When he finished, she hesitated before voicing her concern. “Tim…did you say that you don’t feel like you’re being watched anymore?”
“oh my god. Tim! That’s…oh no. No. no. no! Tim…that means that Hawkmoth had decided that you would make a good Akuma. This house is out of the city proper, so he can’t get us here. Oh, this is so bad!”
“Marinette, hey. Stop. Look at me.” The girl, who had started to pace, paused. She glanced over at the older teen, her blue eyes wide in panic. Tim reached out and took her hands in his and gripped them tightly. Once her eyes were focused on him, and not the wall behind him, Tim spoke quietly. “Marinette are you with me?” she nodded. “is the reason that you reacted like that because of panic?” another nod. “talk me through why.” Her eyes went wide, and she looked at him in shock before taking a shaking breath and turning away.
“you could have been akumatized. You could have been akumatized and would have been with me and I would be to blame. Then you would-or still can- turn Jason and Nona against me. Then I could be exiled from Paris, or-“ Tim had squeezed her hands that he still somehow held during her spiral. Marinette spun around to face the older boy in shock.
“Marinette, how would me being akumatized become your fault? If we are going to lay blame on anyone, it would be Hawkmoth. He is the one who is going around possessing people with evil purple butterflies.” She studied him, shocked, before breathing out a sigh of relief.
“I am so sorry, Tim. I shouldn’t have freaked out like that. That was so rude.” Tim shook his head in response as she collapsed onto one of the couches.
“you have nothing to apologize for. I have a feeling that after the time you spent in Gotham, living under a supervillain for four years has been stressful. Maybe during your time in Gotham, if you don’t have the sight of my face by then,” here the younger girl giggled, relief evident in her face at the proposal for other plans, “maybe I can take you around Gotham and give you the time to explore without a psychopath with mind-reading abilities hanging over your head.”
A small smile danced over Marinette’s lips. “I would love that Tim, thank you.”
Later that evening, Marinette sighed in frustration.
Her homework was just one more thing she had to worry about. Beyond that, she really wanted to spend time with Tim. With Hawkmoth watching him, she wasn’t sure how long her friend would last in the city of love.
Another sigh broke its way free from Marinette’s throat, and the girl pushed aside the pile of schoolwork in favor of looking over her sketchbook. There, on the open page, was Tim’s face staring back up at her. She wasn’t sure what prompted her to draw him, but in this case, she was chalking up to her hand having a mind of its own. Looking down at the picture, she felt anger overtake her. Marinette had already given up so much, and yet here she was.
If this ridiculousness from Hawkmoth didn’t stop, the teen knew she would have to sacrifice her friendship with Tim as well, If only to protect him. the seed of anger seemed to burn brighter, and the girl clenched her jaw, trying to remind herself that no, this was not worth an Akumatization.
She looked up, trying to drain her eyes of the tears that had gathered without her permission, and caught sight of a purple butterfly. With trembling hands, the teen pulled out a glass jar that she had been experimenting with. One muttered spell later, the Akuma was sitting inside of the jar, and the glass had clouded over. With an angry shake of the Jar, the girl pulled out her phone and sent one text. They were ending this, tonight.
As Marinette prepared to meet her team, an assuredness settled over her. She knew that they had the ability to take down Adrien’s father. Apate just had to give the signal. And Marinette Dupain Cheng would be damned if she let an emotional terrorist ruin one more day of her life.
It was time to take Gabriel Agreste down.
sooooooo........... who liked Alya, Chloé, and Adrien date crashing. one was unintentional, but the other two totally knew something was happening bc Mari did tell ANYBODY about Tim or meeting him.
side note, yes, I consider this the first date. they don't...yet.
ahhhhhhhhh Hawkmoth is going down. Angry Mari because her friend is being threatened? you bet! no, Chloé is NOT going to be happy.
if anyone has a good suggestion for a Gotham villain who is not the Joker or Riddler PLEASE let me know. I am PLOTTING. yes, my next stop is Google. no, no one is going to be happy.
@moonlitceleste @redscarlet95 @ultimatetornshipper @mochegato @liquid-luck-00 @maskedpainter @trippingovermyfeet @nathleigh @m0chick0furan @susiej1118 @t1dwarrior-of-earth @sassakitty @remy-289 @solangelo252 @corporeal-terrestrial @woe-is-me0 @toodaloo-kangaroo @sizzling-fairy-oil
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