#archaictold 02
feistyvampire · 2 years
The last thing Edgar ever expected was to find himself so far below the surface of the city. The large hole was a place Edgar would normally tend to avoid, and yet found his curiosity now that he was down here tugging at him. But the questionable safety of waltzing in unprepared was… well, it still made him feel uneasy, even with a friend beside him.
Edgar himself drops into a crouch when something sounds out overhead, making to pull Zhilan down with him with maybe a bit more strength then intended, worry for a friend weighing heavy on him.
A dragon, so far unaware of their presence but not likely for long, scans the grounds from the sky as it flies on ahead.
Edgar curses quietly under his breath, clenching his hands into fists— “Hey,” He whispers then, “You saw that, right? A dragon?”
It’s not really out of disbelief that he asks, but just a moment of incredulousness that something like that got so close to finding them.
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“We should keep moving before it loops back around, I think.”
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