#fantasy shenanigans time
feistyvampire · 2 years
The last thing Edgar ever expected was to find himself so far below the surface of the city. The large hole was a place Edgar would normally tend to avoid, and yet found his curiosity now that he was down here tugging at him. But the questionable safety of waltzing in unprepared was… well, it still made him feel uneasy, even with a friend beside him.
Edgar himself drops into a crouch when something sounds out overhead, making to pull Zhilan down with him with maybe a bit more strength then intended, worry for a friend weighing heavy on him.
A dragon, so far unaware of their presence but not likely for long, scans the grounds from the sky as it flies on ahead.
Edgar curses quietly under his breath, clenching his hands into fists— “Hey,” He whispers then, “You saw that, right? A dragon?”
It’s not really out of disbelief that he asks, but just a moment of incredulousness that something like that got so close to finding them.
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“We should keep moving before it loops back around, I think.”
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K, but Fantasy High Senior Year better be about Spyre's version of the antichrist being born and then do a hard cut clip reveal ala Porter to show that the antichrist is K2's baby
Like how insane would that be? Fabian's kid, Kristen's nephew/biological child and Adaine's grandchild??? This kid would be born of the Knightmare King, to a lineage of Seacasters, the Elven Oracle and the Saint of Doubt and Magic. This kid would be destined to kill Helio, I feel it in my bones.
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crookshanks23 · 4 months
So, the time quangle did not become a thing inside of the season. But it does seem to have a been a fun set up for the live shows they just did. I hope they were recorded and we'll get to see them soon on Dropout.
What a fun season! I know I'll be rewatching this one!
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feelingtheaster99 · 8 months
This is such a small thing but could Adaine saying, “Happy Death Day!” also be part of Quadrangle shenanigans? Because we know when Zayn died and it was certainly not during the summer.
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incorrect-fnaf-quotes · 3 months
Fantasy Springtrap AU time? Yes. Yes indeed. With everything going on in the AU, this is a version where Springtrap just happens to be completely innocent.
The Missing Children... go missing. What people assume happened is just... the canon stuff. They’re all gone, spirits, etc.
Someone (Henry) took the children, yes, but what people don’t know is that... he just went and turned them all into animals, and now they’re all wandering nearby, unable to do anything.
Springtrap would witness the initial capture—but not the transformations. And when Henry realized this, he made the decision to put a kind of curse on the rabbit.
People don’t know who really did it. They don’t really know what happened to the group—and all of the blame is put on the newly cursed Springtrap... who is currently missing two out of three kids.
Henry would happen to take Michael and Evan—leaving only Elizabeth, who Springtrap wants to make sure is safe—but people assume he must have done something to the two as well—and that Elizabeth is in danger.
And now, Springtrap is trying to fix what Henry caused, deal with the curse, get his sons, and keep Elizabeth safe.
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xxstraymoonchildxx · 5 months
This Couple is Unusual
Prev./Next (WiP)
Chapter 6 This couple, beneath the mask
tw: violence, blood, and a bit of nastiness
In the dead of the night, the smell of rain lingered in the air; a layer of mist crawling over the ground and slipping through the cracks of the shabby houses of Whitechapel. 
He shivered in his modest set of clothes, thoughtfully picked to avoid drawing attention from any unfortunate soul stumbling around the alley. Ciel tried to keep himself warm by wrapping his arms around his torso while he leaned against the wall behind him. His butler was more fortunate being dressed in a black coat and white gloves. Ciel looked around the corner, blue eye fixated on a wooden door at the blind alley. It was the only entrance to the room belonging to the future victim. No one could get inside without them noticing.  
“Does this person really live in this room?” Ciel asked for the ninth time, wishing for the perpetrator to arrive before he caught a cold in this unforsaken weather.
Sebastian refrained from rolling his eyes, giving him the same answer “Yes, my Lord, she does.” The tabby cat, which silently approached him on soft paws, was far more appealing compared to the monologue of his master. The ravenette gently picked the feline up. A round face with large eyes, soft paws, the gentle swiping of its tail… His pets at home weren’t these charming, alien creatures that were domesticated by some demons. So adorable, so perfect.
“Are you even listening to me?” Ciel broke his butler’s reminiscence with a loud hiss and a short argument ensued, reminding Sebastian of the one earlier this day, or what he liked to call it: throwing a tantrum. 
Silence fell over them when Sebastian let go of the feline.
Ciel stared at the house across from him, unaware of two sets of eyes hiding in the shadows.
The bloodcurdling outcry of a woman cut through the night like the blade of a sword.
“How is that even possible?!” Ciel called out, sprinting around the corner towards the scream. With Sebastian right behind him, he pushed the wooden door, smashing it against the wall. 
Sebastian quickly covered his face, feeling his master trembling underneath, and moved them backward into the open. 
But it was too late. Ciel saw it all. His head felt like it was burning as all color left his face.
Shredded flesh and fabric were scattered across the room, drenched in the blood that was spreading out across the floor, crawling toward the door.
Ciel threw up.
Sebastian moved himself and Ciel backward. Amidst the sea of red, a shadow emerged. 
“This was a bit over the top, don't you agree, Jack the Ripper?” Sebastian chuckled “Or should I say…”
Its steps smacked against the floor when it entered the moonlight outside, revealing the person behind it all.
“...Grell Sutcliff.”
He stared at them with empty eyes, red splatters dotting his face, hair, and suit. 
“Oh, that wasn't me,” they said, adorning an innocent face. “I heard a scream, so I went inside and-”
"Oho? How would you have done that? We've been here the entire time, watching the only route." 
Grell said nothing, looking pitiful with strands of hair clinging onto their face when it started to rain; like an attempt to erase the evidence of their sin.
“You can stop pretending to be innocent with the state you're in. If this isn't enough, you faked your whole persona, right? I must admit, I've never met someone of your ilk.”
Grell’s mouth split into a wide, inhuman grin, baring their shark-like teeth. 
“That so? I sure hope you never met someone like me ❤”
Grell put off their costume as they spoke. 
“I am the greatest actress this world has ever had the joy to witness. So don’t stop there. Flattery must be served in large quantities❤,” Grell flipped her long cherry-red hair and winked. “Albeit you’re one to talk ‘Sebastian’” 
Sebastian chuckled, “That’s the name my master gave me - for now.”
“Oh, a faithful dog yet such a handsome stud - A man after my own heart! So, Sebby-darling, let me re-introduce myself,” Grell swooned, cheeks flushed “I’m the butler of the Burnett Household: Grell Sutcliffe, at your service ❤!”
She blew him a kiss. Sebastian cringed. 
“Now I can finally show you my true colors! Little ol’ me never expected a demon posing as a butler, so, of course, I was shocked at first, y’know?”
“I return the sentiment. Aren’t you supposed to be a neutral party between gods and humans, Grim Reaper? So why would you break the natural order of things?”
“Oh, don’t be such a sourpuss, darling. You could say I fell head over heels for a certain woman. And as they say, all is fair in love and war~”
“That woman is,” Sebastian started, but before he could reveal anything, footsteps were clattering closer until they rose from behind the shadows. 
“There is no need to hear him out,” a familiar voice said coldly “You already knew, didn’t you?”
Ciel, finally breaking out of the initial shock, moved Sebastian’s hand away from his eyes. It hurt seeing her step out. “Madam Red.”
“I was careless,” she said with a bitter smile on her red-colored lips “I never dreamt of having someone by your side who could see through Grell’s disguise.”
“Madam was on the list of suspects, naturally, but had the perfect alibi. The further we investigated, the clearer it became that no human being could be the killer. You included. But your grim reaper accomplice over there…If he can enter Mary Jane’s room without being seen, I assume he can instantly transport himself lengthy distances without trouble. Who would pay any heed to a butler disappearing from a noble’s party, even for a couple of minutes?”
Ciel explained calmly. It helped ground him to reveal his deductions.
“There were more connections that linked you to the murders - the victims being prostitutes and their wombs being missing aside: All victims went to the Royal London Hospital, your workplace, to undergo surgery. The order in which you killed the victims corresponds with the order they went under the knife. Mary Jane was the last person on your appointment list. So we lied in wait in hope of you running into us. Even if it turned out to be futile.”
Madam Red let out a disappointed sigh “How tragic. My lovely nephew. The son of my beloved sister. I wish you hadn’t insisted on taking on that case so that we could play chess again. However…” 
She clenched her fist, determination dwelling inside her chest.
“I won’t hold back even if it’s you, Grell!” 
A roaring noise followed her call.
Within the blink of an eye, Sebastian rushed forward, blocking the chainsaw directed at his ward with his hands, pushing Grell backward. 
“What the hell is this thing?!” Ciel shouted, hiding behind his butler.
“This is the grim reaper tool to capture souls. Although I’ve never encountered something like this before, it’s said to be able to slice through everything. How troublesome, even for someone like me,” Sebastian explained, yet despite his words he felt a wave of excitement.
“A normal scythe is way too old-fashioned for someone as amazing as me. Had this beauty custom-made. I’m a bit out of shape, so how about we do some vigorous exercise together? Just the two of us ❤”
Sebastian narrowed his eyes “Stop putting it in such a revolting way.”
Grell sighed with contentment, laying a hand over her chest with flushed cheeks, “My, how stoic you are - so irresistible! Let me paint you even more beautiful just how I did with those ugly women; with the red of your blood when I tear you up inside~”
Sebastian clicked his tongue, pulling off his coat. “A grim reaper should quietly harvest the souls of the dying. A butler should follow his master like a shadow. Your vulgarity violates the aesthetic of both,” 
“You wound me,” Grell mocked “I’m still a butler of death~”
The demon draped his coat over Ciel’s head and glared at Grell when he turned back around. 
“And I’m still a Hell of a Butler.”
Ciel pulled off his eye patch, revealing a purple eye with a white sigil imprinted like a tattoo:
“In my own name and in the name of the Queen I order you: put an end to this farce.”
Sebastian’s eyes lit up against the darkness, his eyes a sparkling shade of fuchsia. Grinning with sharp teeth with which he pulled his glove off with practiced ease, he gave the only proper answer a butler should.
“Yes, my Lord.”
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The roaring of the chainsaw disturbed the pitter-patter of rain yet somehow there was no one brave enough to investigate. 
From a narrow rooftop, you watched the scene unfold with growing distress. You clung to Satan under the umbrella, observing the fake butlers playing a disturbing game of tag. Sebastian must've underestimated his opponent, barely avoiding being shredded into tiny pieces. The chainsaw cut through the brick walls like they were butter. 
How was he supposed to protect his charge from the danger right before him? The knife in Madam Red’s hand glistened in the spare light, ready to come at him any moment. 
Your fears were confirmed when the chainsaw nearly cut off the entirety of Sebastian’s left arm, having him retreat further away from the child, resuming the deathly dance.
…you should get involved.
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Manga-heavy chapter this time😊 Hope I did it justice. I'm not sure when I'll be able to write this month because my new job requires me to learn many new things (some in my free time, I wanna do good at work to keep it). Mild spoiler but I definitely plan on disrespecting Sebastian 😋 Critic is appreciated.
Oh, before I forget: If I were to write a sequel for the Campania Arc (I do have a base idea and a title), who would you rather see on Satan and MC's side? Solomon or Simeon?
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marlynnofmany · 4 months
Nothing like reading over notes from something written a couple years back.
"Oh yeah, I forgot about the dryads with the mistletoe afros! How did I forget that? Love those. They're a parasitic thing favored by the rebellious youths. Did I even include them in the story, or just think about it?"
"And when the minotaur turns human, she's probably not used to having front teeth on the top AND bottom, since cows don't. Did I say minotaur teeth were more omnivorous? Guess I'll find out."
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arainywriter · 8 months
I love this new season of fantasy high being about how it's fucking hard to do the same thing over and over again, and no matter how much you try to save the world, the world is never going to change. Bad things and bad people will keep coming, and you'll have to stop them, and also homework is due tomorrow.
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moostelid · 5 months
Tseng is in hell.
Not only is his mentor much younger than he’s supposed to be, but he somehow managed to drag his presumed dead (emphasis on dead; this man should dead) partner back with him.
Shoved into a director’s position until the matter is solved, Tseng has to deal with his boss wreaking havoc.
He had thought reigning in Rude and Reno was troublesome, but these two are just pure nightmare fuel.
It also doesn’t help that Valentine seems to have come back wrong. (Surely Veld would have mentioned if his partner had always been a shape-shifting vampire thing—right?)
Vincent is a time traveler and Veld has been de-aged by at least 20 years. It’s Hojo’s fault, and they’ve decided to make it everyone else’s problem.
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deconstructthesoup · 4 months
In the notes of the latest Depths of Hell & Back chapter I bemoaned about how I can't make references to Dead Boy Detectives in it because the story currently takes place seven months before the show releases
And this is what I got:
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Wonderful job, everyone!
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natjennie · 5 months
lou wilson for real writing a 300 word response to an essay question as the mimic desk he's writing on is attacking his character..... d&d doesn't get better than this it just doesn't.
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lovesbooksdoesntread · 4 months
been thinking about the aftermath of the school and elmville being destroyed and maybe one of two ways it'll be resolved:
one: bc of all the time quangle nonsense (affectionate) arthur aguefort is gonna show up at the very very end of the battle, see all the carnage and wreckage of his school and elmville and be like "oh nonono, can't have all this" *clap clap* and just reset the world by 24 hours, sky's not on fire, school's repaired, elmville's back to normal (and then two subthoughts about this: either the only people who remember the actual battle are the people in the gym (i.e. the ratgrinders, the bad kids, porter and jace, ankarna, etc.) OR the entire town remembers and everybody's just like "well, that's good ol' arthur aguefort and elmville for ya!")
two: they just let this terrible school full of evil teachers and insane academic policies BE destroyed and done (sort of in the vein of the end of buffy season 3) and aguefort decides to just completely rebuild over the summer
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crookshanks23 · 8 months
I know that there's going to be some timey-wimey bullshit this go 'round, but what is this Mr. Mulligan??? Why is Porter acting like it's not the start of junior year?
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scalefeathers · 2 months
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Now that I've finished the Dawntrail MSQ and now that Ktisis/Brio/Anam are up and running, Bylti's first order of business is to hug EVERYONE.
Bylti loves all the other Scions and would die for both Alphinaud and Alisaie, but her relationship with Alisaie is particularly special. Partly pride in her for how much she's grown, partly admiration for her unshakeable sense of self, partially the unique bond of the trauma that comes from being the last two Scions standing back when their loved ones were dropping like flies at the end of Stormblood. She both sees herself in Alisaie, and aspires to have something approaching the self-confidence and self-possession Alisaie already embodies despite her being so very young. If Alisaie had been older when Bylti met her, Bylti probably would have fallen in love with her. But in this life, Bylti is happy just to watch her shine.
(I also headcanon Alisaie as having had a massive crush on Bylti which peaked around the end of Stormblood and which by now she has mostly gotten over, and which Bylti has tried not to actively encourage. I also think that the truest expression of Alisaie's affection for Bylti is that she actually lets Bylti hug her like this; in public, no less. Much like the relationship my cat has with me, tbh.)
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xxstraymoonchildxx · 6 months
This Couple is Unusual
Prev. / Next
Chapter 4 This couple, danse macabre 
cw: human trafficking, violence, swearing
“What is she doing here?” Ciel slightly panicked as Sebastian forced him to face away from his fiance. “She cannot, under no circumstances see me in this…this…” 
“Oh, look at that pretty girl over there, her dress is so cute, too! Please excuse me, Miss.”
“Oh, stay-” 
The blonde girl swiftly followed the girl in her pink dress who vanished within the crowd with the man dressed in black.  
You let out a sigh, shaking your head with a smile on your tinted lips.
“Sorry for keeping you waiting,” Satan popped up next to you, handing you a drink. “Are you alright? You look confused.”
You leaned in, voice low “I think I just saw Ciel Phantomhive crossdressing.”
“You’re pulling my leg.” Satan raised an eyebrow, mirth reflecting in his eyes.
“No, the cute girl a second ago pointed at them and I recognized his butler, otherwise I would have missed it.”
Satan hummed “An effective masquerade I must say. Do you have any idea who the girl you were walking to was?”
You side-eyed him “No, but I have the feeling you do. The Earl panicked when he spotted her, tho.”
“Precisely. Elizabeth Ethel Cordelia Midford is his fiancé. She is also Madam Red’s niece. If she blew his cover, he’d be humiliated.”
Your nose wrinkled “Didn’t you tell me she is the Earl’s aunt, too?”
He nodded.
“Sweet home Alabama,” you mumbled.
Satan chuckled “Madam Red is part of this gathering as well, by the way. I’ve seen her in the lounging area enjoying herself with the other guests. The Chinese man, too. They are sticking out like a sore thumb.”
“Huh, is her butler not with her?”
Satan shook his head “I’ve seen him earlier at the entrance but we should concentrate on the Viscount.”
The two of you got on the dance floor, keeping a lookout for Viscount Druitt. Satan gently moved you to the flow of the classical music. You were glad you’d gotten enough dance experience from all the balls Lord Diavolo hosted (and all the other parties you were invited to) for not embarrassing Satan and you. 
Your blond husband had the perfect posture, guiding you with perfectly even steps. He was great with ballroom dances, rivaling Lucifer’s, Barbatos's, and Diavolo’s skills. That he looked like a fairytale prince - no, king - with the outfit Asmodeus picked for him was only a bonus for his royal demeanor. Satan gave you a soft smile only reserved for you when he noticed you staring at him with furrowed brows, and for a moment you forgot why you were even here. It was just him and you. His eyes were a unique shade of blue and green with a yellow gradient that sparkled whenever he was excited over cats and literature and when talking about you. Your heart swelled with pride.
The moment was over, however, when you locked eyes with Sebastian Michaelis dancing with his protégé among the crowd of humans. He gave you an ominous smirk.
After the meeting with Undertaker, you were informed by Satan that the butler in black was a demon, a lesser one compared to your found family of course,  but the kind that wants your soul in exchange for making a pact to eat it after its fulfillment. The child Sebastian was with must have been very desperate to make a Faustian Contract. You only knew the child was an orphan and inherited a factory for toys after his parents tragically died in a fire. 
You smiled back, discreetly flipping him off right before Satan twirled you around again to create a distance.
You watched the couple reach the dancing area's side, noticing one of your targets approaching the Earl. You look at Satan who nods, following suit. 
You decided to stand nearby, maintaining a low profile but close enough to eavesdrop, another beverage in hand to look unsuspicious.
With disgust, you observe Viscount Druitt making a move on the now-alone preteen. Kissing his hand, laying a hand on his waist, holding his chin like a lover would, and calling him “my little robin” - it took willpower to not storm over. 
“What the fuck is this demon thinking leaving the child all alone with this creep?”
Suddenly the music stopped. Everyone's eyes were on Sebastian Michaelis who set up a cupboard in the middle of the crowd, announcing a magic performance. 
“That gentleman over there, would you mind to assist me?” 
Sebastian grinned, pointing at Satan of all people. You nearly snorted out your drink. A dark aura surrounded your husband, his lips twitching in annoyance. 
The demon butler now was asking for trouble.
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╔═══════ ∘◦⛧ミ◦∘ ══════╗
        with Satan & Sebastian…
╚═══════ ∘◦ミ⛧ ◦∘ ═════╝
This third-rate demon couldn’t be serious. 
Satan kept a socially acceptable expression as he walked toward the make-shift mise-en-scène. He ignored the curious glances, trying to suppress his murderous intent. 
The Ravenette, now wearing a lacy butterfly mask to conceal his identity to a certain degree, smirked and opened the wooden wardrobe. “As you can see, this is an ordinary cupboard,” Sebastian explained “I’ll go inside and I need you to tie it up with these chains.” He handed over the metal chain to Satan who accepted it, slightly curious what exactly he had planned. 
“And then you can use these swords-” he pulled out several iron swords from out of nowhere “...to pierce this cupboard. After you do this, I shall come out alive for all to see.” Satan’s face darkened with wrathful mirth “I won’t hold back, are you sure?”
Sebastian held his gaze with a smug one of his own “I’m sure you will.” 
Then he addressed the audience “There is no trap or trick to this. Please enjoy this rare performance!”
The party guests gasped, murmuring and whispering. 
“I’m going to enjoy this” Satan murmured, quickly tying the chain and fastening it tightly. 
Within the blink of an eye Satan pierced a sharp sword into the top of the cupboard, then into the left, the right, back, and front, pushing in more and more like a madman until nearly no space was left untouched. 
The viewers gasped. 
(And Sebastian felt something akin to anxiety for the first time in his life when the first sword aimed for his head. And that other demon was fast, too)
Satan flipped a strand of hair back “Let’s see if he is alright, shall we?”
When the door opened and Sebastian stepped out with a strained smile, the crowd cheered.
“A miracle!” 
“You owe me one for not exterminating you,” Satan hissed.
╔════ ∘◦⛧ミ◦∘ ════╗
╚════ ∘◦ミ⛧ ◦∘ ═══╝
“Ladies and Gentlemen, may I get your attention please?”
The crowds' murmuring died down, focusing on the stage; more precisely on the covered something next to the emcee. 
“Next we have the item everyone has anticipated. Please look at it carefully~”
With one movement the cover was swiped off, revealing a metal birdcage. 
Masqueraded nobles ranked their eyes over his bound form, happy murmurs filled the room yet he couldn’t see through the blindfold around his head.
“You may keep her in the cage. If you prefer you can play with her as much as you wish. Use her for a ceremony! If it is only parts of her you desire, it can sure be arranged.”
Ciel felt a wave of dizziness when he snapped his head towards the voice closest to him. 
/That’s Aleister Chamber’s voice/
“Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a hard-to-get item. Her eyes are bright and beautiful like the sea! And now I’ll proceed to show you!”
When the light of the candles hit his face, his temples throbbed. Ciel opened his eyes, realization setting in like he’d swallowed a heavy stone. 
“The starting bid is one thousand pounds!”
Hands shot in the air, high numbers outdoing the other. 
“Wow, you people are disgusting fucks.”
The candles flickered violently before they were violently blown off by a sudden gust of wind. 
/Who the hell is this?/
“Spirit of earth, cover the mouth of those nobles who sit before me, and silence their cries forever.”
One bidder after another sagged in their chairs, heads dropping row after row in the blink of an eye.
The only noble left standing was Viscount Druitt, unable to process what happened, and unable to move a single muscle. 
Of course, this wouldn’t do.
A fist met his cheek with a satisfying crack.
“Sweet dreams you pig!”
You turned to the birdcage, meeting Ciel Phantomhive's flabbergasted stare with an accusatory one of your own. His eyepatch was off, showing his pact mark.
“What…what are you?”
“What in the sweet hell’s where you thinking?! Do you understand what could have gotten wrong if you didn’t wake up before being sold off to some pervert!?”
Ciel whipped off the dust from his dress after he was freed from his restraints. “I would have been doing fine even without you interfering. I was just about to call for my butler before you barged in,” he scoffed, crossing his arms “You also didn’t answer my question. Are you some sort of witch?”
“Are you trying to insult me? I’m a sorcerer!”
“Same thing!”
You pinched his cheek, hard. “It’s not! Sorcerers are far superior.”
Ciel slapped your hand away with a huff, rubbing the arching side of his face. 
“How did you even get in here?” he eyed your attire critically “You’re still just some journalist from overseas.”
“Company secret,” you answered slyly, making him roll his eyes after you winked at him, pointer finger moving to seal your mouth.
Within a fraction of a second, the butler spawned next to his master.
“My, my. Looks like my service wasn’t needed after all.” Crimson flashed in his auburn eyes as he bowed slightly. “Although it wasn’t expected nor in fact needed, the Phantomhive household offers their gratitude for your act of kindness.”
His honeyed words went from one ear through the other.
“Maybe take better care of your charge then who obviously can’t even defend himself properly from pedophilic creeps.”
Sebastian shot you a stink-eye despite his smile “Rest assured, he is in the best of hands.”
Before you could answer, a gloved hand found its way to your mouth. Satan’s distinct perfume hit your nose as he pushed you against his broad chest, his other arm lazily draped across your belly. 
“Since the party is over and the Yard is arriving any minute, I’d say we also take our leave. I’m not too thrilled explaining this to the commonality.”
“Anyhow, the case of Jack the Ripper is closed now,” Ciel said “You may write about the murders but there are things that obviously shouldn’t reach the ears of the public. As assigned by Her Majesty, I shall oversee any reports regarding this topic.”
You wondered if you could contest the Avatar of Wrath if you would spend any minute with this audacious child. 
Speaking of the personification of sin, Satan let out a chuckle “We might do that real soon, well, if this is the end of the murders, that is…”
Sebastian and Ciel couldn’t hide their surprise.
Seizing this moment you took the hand from your mouth, pulling out your D.D.D from under your corset.
A flash of light went off and you two vanished into thin air. “See ya~”
“Tell me that strange device wasn’t a camera,”
“I’m afraid it was, my Lady.”
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It was frustrating that you weren’t allowed to temper with the past. 
The very same night your contact from Scotland Yard called you to the new crime scene. Annie Shepherman was murdered while you were busy with Lord Chamber’s underground auction. 
Her body was severely battered, much worse than the last victims of Jack The Ripper. She was transported and brought to Undertaker for the autopsy which was a technical formality at that point. Satan took pictures of the crime scene for undercover reasons before you called it a day and went back to your hotel.
In the morning you decided to finally go shopping for the brothers and your friends. It was successful this mid-morning. You got:
A fancy pocket watch for Diavolo.
A crested tea storage box for Barbatos additionally to the tealeaves he wanted.
A couple of rare magical ingredients for Solomon.
A classical music gramophone record for Lucifer.
An antique hairbrush and mirror set for Asmodeus.
An original copy of the Hokusai manga for Leviathan.*
A vintage money box for Mammon (aside from several trinkets he’ll resell).
A mechanical music box that played a soothing lullaby for Belphegor.
A large amount of confectionary for Beelzebub (you were glad to have unlimited storage space inside your bag after nearly buying up the Funtom Corporation’s and Harrod’s whole stock of candy).
A hand-crafted royal blue dairy with a fun trick lock for Simeon.
And a receipt book about authentic Victorian desserts for Luke.
Mephistopheles’s hand-carved riding crop was still a work in process, so you had to come back tomorrow. You also haven’t found something for Thirteen and Raphael but you were thinking of buying an embroidered sewing box kit for the angel and one of those fancy umbrellas for the shinigami.   
You also didn’t know what to buy for Satan. Knowing him he has already picked up something super thoughtful for you and you want to show him your appreciation, too, so it can’t be just some book or vinyl. 
As you went your merry way, you found yourself at the doorsteps of The Undertaker shop. Was the silver-haired mortician done with poor Annie? 
Before you knew it, your feet carried you inside.
The jingle of a small bell above the door announced your arrival, but there was no one in the stuffy, dark front room.
“Mister Undertaker?” No reaction. Was he in the pathology downstairs?
You carefully trod forward, half expecting him to emerge from one of these coffins to give you a heart attack. Mammon would take to his heel by now if he was here but you weren’t a scaredy cat. “Undertaker!” you tried again. Nothing.
You opened the coffin he hid inside the last time but it was empty. 
He sure wouldn’t mind if you looked around for a bit, wouldn’t he? 
There was a large cupboard on the far left where a man like Undertaker would fit in. You turned the knob. It didn’t budge at first but after rattling on the door a few times it swung open.
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Bonus: Somewhere the brothers felt a chill running down their spines as their "MC-is-doing-sth.-reckless"-tingle was activated
*credits go to PerpetuallyAwake / @anunholyabomination, tysm!
Guess who is crawling back...It's me! This was supposed to be even longer but, I kinda wanna be an ass and end with a cliffhanger instead of dragging it into 4000k+ words, so I'll move the following scene to the next chapter (that I will hopefully post in April) [Btw, who can find the gaming references I couldn't help but put in?]
Feel free to give me constructive feedback :)
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greenchlorine · 1 year
So, is anyone going to write a Joshua/Dion arranged marriage AU or am I going to have to do it?
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