#archery lana's choice
mamavalcalaw · 3 years
"You know what's good about left over cryostasis supplies?" Lana asked the new person to the homestead settlement, smiling as they walked up to the shady spot, offering one if the cold cups with fruit slush. "Slushy thinks and ice cream."
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sirloozelite · 2 years
SLE’s Star Wars Hunger Games: Season 5 - Swtor Edition: Episode 5 - A Mostly Peaceful Episode
Hello and welcome back to the Swtor Companions Hunger Games nonsense... now featuring a grudge I hold against Theron Shan for killing off one of my choices last episode... that bastard. Let’s hope he dies a horrible painful death this episode huh? On with the show. XD
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Night number 4. Everyone doing ok?
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OK... I guess Xalek ain’t doing too well. And who the hell gave Tharan a bomb?!
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Two Jedi, a Republic General and a Mandalorian sleeping in shifts? I suppose that’s a good defensive move by them.
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Well... I mean... was she ever sane?
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-_- Now I’m glad I accidentally spelt his name wrong.
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Yuun! Dude! No! 0_0
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Meanwhile, we’ve got some infections going round, Skadge cooking food, someone getting a hatchet, and Lana hiding from Skadge!
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Day dawns once more. That was an oddly peaceful night.
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Xalek is embracing his inner Obi-Wan.
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Damn Kira? Scared of Harkun of all people.
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Oof! Poor Quinn! No need for that man! Good boy T7. :)
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Welp... looks like Akaavi paid the price for her hesitation there. Damn it, she had a chance to off Kaliyo too! R.I.P Akaavi Spar.
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...Khem Val does archery now? 0_0
You know what... let’s stop it there before anything else goes wrong. I’ve got a bad feeling something big is about to go down! But before we go... stats time.
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15 KIA so far. Kira, Lana and Kaliyo seem to be racking up the kills... those murdering monsters! Why can’t they be more peaceful like Skadge, SCORPIO or Baras? Till next time.
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wizardysseus · 3 years
i was thinking about once upon a time (abc) in bed this morning so i decided to write this list
subject to change, since awhile ago i was in the middle of season 6 when they took it off netflix and i never quite got around to picking it back up. i’m gonna finish if it kills me i promise
top 5 things about once upon a time
5. anna frozen
when ouat introduced frozen characters, most fans decided the show had jumped the shark. they were not wrong. however, it was this very thing that allowed the show to be fun again! after an excruciatingly bad season 3 (we will get to that), bringing on anna and elsa literally transported directly from their own unaltered story in cheap ass versions of their unaltered movie costumes allowed the show to let loose and do... basically whatever it wanted. this became the hallmark of the show for those who stuck with it: absolutely not making sense at all, but being fun about it. post-season-three ouat becomes a totally different soap opera from season one, but by god you are never bored.*
personally, the flashback episode where anna annoys rumpelstiltskin and gets the better of him and he’s so fucking mad about it is like top 10 episodes**
4. 2x16 “the miller’s daughter”
this episode is just another personal favorite. it exemplifies what this show was really good at when it was good, and also where everything went wrong. i think cora is a great example of a good ouat villain, i think the twist on the rumpelstiltskin story is great, i think the dramatic beats really work.
...and in typical ouat fashion, cora immediately dies and two more villains we don’t care about at all are introduced. (sonequa forgive me you know i’m in love with you but tamara was nothing. it’s not your fault.) yes we get that great scene of snow aggressively doing archery practice while listening to “bad reputation” but was it worth killing off a compelling villain just as you’d dug into her story?
3. the commitment to regina’s redemption
and lana parrilla in general. i mean i’m gay and she’s hot but the worse the show got, the more acting lana gave it. and this is just speculation, but i think lana is more comfortable with drama than with camp? because regina becomes a much more interesting character as someone conflicted and on the path to redemption than as a villain. and by god, they were gonna redeem regina.
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if only she had been gay we really could have had it all.
2. rumpelstiltskin
the sweet spot with rumpelstiltskin for me was seasons one and two when he was unabashedly bastard, there was an attempt to make him sympathetic but nobody except belle actually liked him, you weren’t quite sure how much he knew, he was pulling all the strings, and he was just really fucking weird. it will surprise no one who follows this blog to hear that that is my type of wizard.
1. season one
it’s a good season. it’s a good season. there are some bad things about it, but it was extremely watchable. it was doing fairy tales with occasional disney nods in a (mostly) cohesive fashion. the lore and the magic hadn’t sprawled out of control yet. it had the strongest relationship, imo, between emma and henry, and emma and snow. as for iconic episodes, most of the greats are here, plus sebastian stan as the mad hatter and giancarlo esposito as a series regular. the crowning moment for me is the scene at the end of skin deep, when regina confronts gold in the town jail and he reveals that he remembers his real name (after beating the shit out of belle’s dad with his cane obviously). god. that is some good television.
worst 5 things about once upon a time
5. the adoption politics but everyone knows this one.
4. WASTING the talent
you had the love of my life sonequa martin-green and gave her nothing. you somehow scored oded fehr as jafar and gave him nothing. you had giancarlo esposito and regina literally forgot he existed. i will kill you
3. rumpelstiltskin.
it’s no secret that robert carlyle was acting circles around most of the cast; my opinion is that the showrunners felt that if they committed to either his redemption or his villainy, they would never find someone else with the talent to fill his shoes as bastard wizard. so they flip-flopped on him every half-season, which ruins his story longterm, slowly kills the light in robert’s eyes, and gets reallllllly old. it’s also no secret that my favorite rumpelstiltskin is bastard wizard, but they screwed over belle BIG time in the process and for that i will never forgive them.
also like. the rumpelstiltskin fairy tale is antisemitic to begin with and they did not minimize that by comparing him to a lizard and naming his storybrooke counterpart mr gold. they just. did that.
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1. captain hook
*it’s my opinion that if you are bored, you’re watching a hook-centric episode. every time i dropped the show and forgot about it for months at a time, it was because i had been in the middle of an episode about hook and just could not get through it. how do i describe all the things i don’t like about what killian hook jones did to the show? with subpoints!
1a. the episode where gold gives him back his hand and he never changes.
**this is actually the same episode i mentioned about anna and, like i said, it’s one of my favorites and not at all boring. look, i’m not pretending this list isn’t subjective as hell.
remember when hook blackmailed mr gold into magically reattaching his hand, which gold has been keeping in a jar, because hook has a date with emma and wants it to go well? but also, gold tells him that if he reattaches his hand with dark magic, it will turn him evil? and then hook spends the episode doing evil things, only for mr gold to tell him “i was just messing with you! the hand was not evil, you gave yourself permission to be evil ;)”
yeah, that’s basically hook’s mo.
1b. episode where emma tells him his brother is lying to him and he learns the exact wrong lesson from this and never changes.
so emma goes to the underworld to get hook back after he dies (while being evil and doing villainous things). they find his brother down there, too, and emma senses that he has a dark secret (because he does) and is lying to them (because he is). but hook always idolized his older brother, so he won't believe her. when emma confronts the brother directly, hook interrupts to rant to her about how he knows what this is ~really all about.
actual dialogue:
HOOK: i don't need proof to know what's really going on here. emma, when are you gonna admit that this isn't really about my brother? EMMA: what else would you think it was about? HOOK: us. you think if you can prove that liam is a villain, then i’ll somehow feel like i was less of one.
who... would EVER come to that conclusion. and why is the lesson he learns at the end “perhaps i do deserve saving after all” (another direct quote), and not “NOT EVERYTHING IS ABOUT YOU, BECAUSE EMMA WAS LITERALLY RIGHT ABOUT YOUR BROTHER LYING TO EVERYONE”????
1c. the emma dark one arc, where hook never changes.
this would be the arc that leads up to the above underworld arc, and it is deeply dumb, entertaining, and hard to explain. suffice it to say, during this whole arc, killian (along with emma) has all the powers and ~~~Darkness~~~ of the dark one (formerly rumpelstiltskin). unlike emma, he is not aware of this for most of the season. the moment he finally finds out, he turns on emma and goes through with all the revenge plans he’s apparently been holding onto since season two.
it’s supposed to be sympathetic, because emma made this choice for him to be a dark one, which is clearly awful, when he didn’t want it. so i get that. but on the other hand, it is..... boring. because (a) it's nothing we haven't seen him try to do and fail at before, his motivations really aren't that complex. and more importantly, (b) he was the dark one the whole time! the only thing that changed, that made him act evil, was finding out about it. at that point, it's not the ~~~Darkness~~~ making you do evil things. it’s just you. because you’re a dick.
how is this arc resolved? well, he dies. after the underworld arc (which i very much enjoyed tbf), a sizable part of robin hood’s death episode is devoted to people telling emma to slow down and grieve for killian, since at least two arcs have revolved around her inability to let hook go when he is literally dying or dead. (it’s been said a million times but being his girlfriend really sucked the personality out of emma and i miss her.) and in the end he just... comes back anyway. no explanation given; he says it must be a reward from zeus for killing hades... while he and emma make out literally in front of the coffin of robin hood... who actually died fighting hades. killian died half a season before. while he was evil. and emma reverts to tearful girlfriend.
it’s insulting. it’s grating. and it is a Killian Hook Jones Guarantee that his episodes will involve some measure of this.
like, is it more or less the same shtick that the writers kept giving rumpelstiltskin, too? backsliding and screwing over his love interest who gets less and less say in the matter? yes. definitely. the crucial difference is that i, personally, love rumpelstiltskin, while i find hook boring and not self-aware. but clearly i have had a lot of fun complaining about him! again, this is not an objective list.
this show ran for 7 years. it got cancelled not because it deserved to, but because no one liked the soft reboot. it was on until 2018.
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healresolve · 3 years
Genealogy of the Holy Bow
The carnival is in town! Nothing like a little truancy and fried treats of your choice to spend away an entire afternoon… And giant, stuffed plushes and shiny prizes catch your eye. “Play a game?” The booth attendant holds out a rickety toy bow. How hard could it be? [Grants Bow +1] // @lockpicnic
"Patty,” she had huffed, scolding, cheeks flushed and her heart pounding from racing out of the classroom after her cousin hadn’t shown up for the entire lesson. In fact, Patty had not been the only one who failed to turn up. Lana may have thought a cold passed around the student body to explain all the absences had she not known better or heard the whispers of those planning their own truancy. Her shoulders rise and fall with a sigh, glancing at their surrounds with a noticeable interest that she fails to conceal. “We have class. You can’t play hooky just because there’s a carnival going on.”
So she says, but Lana isn’t looking at her cousin anymore. The streets are lined by stalls boasting colorful games and enticing smells that are difficult to ignore now that she sees them for herself. It aches with a nostalgia for festivals she’d attended as a child before the Empire’s reaches had extended into Isaach. She remembers how eventually carnivals stopped coming to town and how Lana and her friends had made their own fun, pretended for the sake of the little ones that they knew they’d return.
“Play a game?” A woman stationed at one of the booths Lana hadn’t realized she was staring at interrupts her thoughts. “All ages are welcome - to try, that is. The rest depends on you.”
“I’m not much good with a bow,” she confesses, staring at the round, soulful eyes of a plush horse. The irony of it of never having developed an affinity for archery has never been lost on Lana. She’d lamented it when she was younger before taking up a staff and curses it again here for what feels like the first time in ages. That stuffed animal was awfully cute, alas... “Let’s go, Patty.”
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hadesglance · 4 years
All hail the new Queen... - 30
You fought your way through the maze of the underworld to make a deal with the King…intrigued the lonely king listens…
Part One  Part Two  Part Three  Part Four  Part Five  Part Six Part Seven  Part Eight   Part Nine  Part Ten  Part Eleven Part Twelve  Part Thirteen  Part Fourteen  Part Fifteen  Part Sixteen Part Seventeen  Part Eighteen  Part Nineteen   Part Twenty  Part Twenty-One   Part Twenty-Two  Part Twenty-Three  Part Twenty-Four  Part Twenty-Five  Part Twenty-Six  Part Twenty-Seven  Part Twenty-Eight  Part Twenty-Nine
THIS WAS HARD...so hard...but here it is! Please enjoy! and i love you all for sticking with me! Not edited cause I was just too excited I pumped it out!
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You stood looking into the dark…rough…route that you were about to take. You swallowed already beginning to feel the effects of the Underworld. Your fears were creeping in on you, your insecurities suffocating, and every bit of darkness trying to blind you.
“This is madness…” Poseidon spoke shaking his head, “you can’t really be thinking of sending her in there…into Tartarus were even we will go mad if subjected to it long enough…”
“What choice do we have?” Zeus crossed his arms staring into the darkness, “She’s the only one who can…”
“She’s human!” Poseidon cried out.
“And she can hear you.” You turned around looking at both of them. You crossed your arms letting out a tense sigh, “Instead of finding all of my weaknesses…tell me about what I’m going to face.”
Zeus looked over to Apollo who was standing off to the side staring into the darkness, “Apollo…”
Apollo took a deep breath in taking a step toward the open doorway of Tartarus, “It’s a cold place…in every sense of the word…Tartarus will take everything you hate about yourself and use it to attack you.”
He looked at you with a frown, “Every fear, every doubt, every regret…it will surround you and try to break you.”
“So, I need to be fast…the longer I stay the harder it will be…” You looked back out taking in a deep breath, “Is there a map of this place?”
“A map? Why would there be a map…souls that are damned here are meant to get lost inside…” Poseidon chuckled looking at Zeus to back him up. His brother was silent as he stared at you, “…there’s a map!?”
Zeus let out a sigh offering his hand to you, “Come with me.”
There was no hesitation as you took his outstretched hand disappearing with him into dark stacks. You watched him snap his fingers and a lantern floated down from above, “Where are we?”
“The library.” He told you catching the lantern with his hand and began walking forward, “It’s where we keep all the records…”
“Records for what?” You looked up at him seeing the blue glow cast off his face and when he didn’t answer you asked a different question, “When I asked about a map you got very serious, Zeus…what’s going on?”
“I’m going to show you something,” He turned down a row that led to a hallway. Everything felt very ominous, “I want you to know everything before you make a final decision to rescue my brother.”
“Zeus there isn’t…” He raised a hand silencing you.
“I know you love him. I know he loves you.” He smiled at you sadly, “But I have to do this to honor him. He would want you to know everything and make an informed decision.”
He moved into a small room that only held a desk and chair. It reminded you of one private study rooms in the campus library. He set the lantern down showing it scattered with papers and scrolls. He looked up to you waving for you to take a seat.
You watched him as you moved around the desk to the chair. You had never seen Zeus so serious before and it worried you, “Zeus…”
“Read this…” He pushed a piece of paper towards you.
You swallowed as he also pushed the lantern over toward you. Pick up the piece of paper you seeing what looked like gibberish. You were about to tell him you couldn’t, but the letters slowly ignited transforming in front of you becoming legible.
“The doors will open, when the moment comes that summer ends, the young one shall cause a rise of faith and an age of justice. Mortal blood will spill in the halls of Olympus, upon that night the exiled one will awaken in his cage.” You felt your hand tremble a little slowly connecting the dots more and more, “The monster will break his chains bringing pain as he steps back into this world, seeking vengeance. The old one will walk away, as the newcomer’s sacrifice marks the rise of hope, upon that day what was shrouded will be revealed…”
You looked up at him setting the paper down, “What sacrifice must I make?”
“I don’t know.” Zeus frowned shaking his head, “But it will be a big one…you’re dealing with a titan and he is nothing but hungry. Y/N it will be meant to hurt both you and Hades.”
You felt something shift inside of you when he said that last bit, “Okay…and even if I get Hades out…it doesn’t seem like we defeat Cronus…”
“Which is why if you give us time…” Zeus spoke but fell silent as you shot out of the chair.
“Time is something Hades doesn’t have!” Your voice raised, “Even now…Cronus is doing unfathomable things to Hades…to my husband…Zeus…Please…”
He stared at you for a long time before he turned slightly from you, “Hecate…”
You looked over toward the entrance seeing the goddess emerge form the dark hall. She held a scroll in her hands looking at you, “Have you made your choice then?”
You looked at Zeus then back to her, “I have…”
You watched her step forward again holding the scroll out to you, “I have held onto this map for a very long time. Hades had me seal it away after he mapped it out all those ions ago. I doubt it is accurate anymore as Tartarus lives and changes as any living thing does. But if you’re willing to bring back the King of the Underworld and know the risks…then you have only but to take it from me.”
You reached out taking if from them both, “Why must everything be so dramatic with you all?”
“Because it has to be a choice.” Zeus spoke softly as you began to unroll the scroll, “If we just gave it to you…it would be a task given, not a choice wanted. You chose to seek Hades for help, willing to give up everything for your brother. You chose to learn about him. You chose to love him.”
You understood, but to you it was so obvious what the choice was, you didn’t understand why they wasted the time. You moved the lantern to the corner of the map to hold it open. You took in a deep breath, “That…is…a mountain.”
“If you can’t do it…it’s alright. We’ll find another…” Zeus stepped toward you shaking his head.
“I didn’t say I couldn’t do it.” You looked at him edge in your voice, “Far from it…I need you to take me home.”
You had a map…you had the drive…you swallowed as you looked back into Tartarus. Take a final deep breath in you turned back to everyone, “I’ll be back…with Hades.”
“Wait…” Apollo stepped forward producing a bow from behind his back, “Take this…”
You looked it in your hands shaking your head, “I don’t know how to use one of these…I can’t…”
“It will do the work for you.” He smiled a little placing a hand on you shoulder getting you to look at him, “I was the god of archery before many of the other things I learned about…just make sure you shoot from the heart.”
“See…you go and give her a gift and ruin my entrance…” Poseidon stepped forward as you set the bow and it’s quiver against your leg, “I’d give you my trident…but I’m a bit partial to it…so instead you get this.”
“A shell necklace…” You looked at him eyes widening as he held out a string of small shells hooked together, “…thank you?”
“Don’t give me that stupid look.” He shook his head smirking a little, “ You ever wonder why you can hear the ocean inside them? This necklace was created to keep people from entering your mind.  Now it’s Tartarus, so I doubt it’ll be a hundred percent effective but…hopefully it’ll help a little bit.”
“Poseidon…” You looked at it in your hands before you smiled putting it over your head, “Thank you, I’ll make sure to return it.”
“Ugh you two are awful…” You looked up again seeing Zeus push through the both of them smirking a little, “acting like this is some detrimental plan…You’re going to be fine, right?”
“Yes, even more so with their gifts.” You tried to give him a brave smile, “I think everything is set then…”
Zeus frowned taking your hands in his, “You don’t have to do this…”
You slowly took your hands from his, “You’re right…I was meant to do this.”
You turned from him before anyone of them could say anything else. Draping the quiver across your back with the bow as you strode toward the mountain bike you traded Lana for. Throwing you leg over it you zipped up the leather jacket before glancing back over your shoulder at the three gods.
Three powerful beings resting hope on a human’s shoulder to save their brother from the deepest depths of the Underworld. You looked away before you started to cry pulling the helmet over your head strapping it on. You had to believe it was all meant to be. You were the one who made a deal with the King of the Underworld to be by his side.
Afterall you were Queen of the Underworld, right?
The engine roared with power. You stared through the gate at the climb you were about to make. By studying the map, you were sure you could make a good distance before Tartarus really began to affect you. Of course, you could only get so far with the bike, it would get narrower the closer you got to the center and you would have to walk.
You were about to push off when you heard someone yell out behind you, “Wait!”
“Percy?” You cut the engine as Persephone ran forward to the three gods. Zeus shook his head looking down at your, “Darling what are you doing here?”
“Athena…she…” Percy looked over to you breathless, “She wanted…Y/N…”
Zeus looked down at his daughter seeing what was in her arms and nodded, “I see…”
You watched him take worn out cape from her arms and walk toward you, “Zeus…”
“Do you know what this is?” He asked you, holding it in his hands.
“I can guess yes…” You frowned a little, “I don’t want to lose something like that…Aegis is a too much…”
“It’s not my gift to give you…and believe me you don’t want to be on Athena’s bad side.” Zeus took it wrapping it around your shoulders clasping it on your shoulder, “Aegis isn’t a normal shield like you mortals think…I wore it when I first met everyone when rescuing them, and I didn’t know it’s power then. It’s fitting that you use against our father again.”
“Zeus…” You could feel this warmth spread through you as you touched the hem of it, “…I’m losing my courage.”
“Then I suppose it’s time for you to go.” He leaned forward kissing your forehead, it burned and somehow you knew he was blessing you, “I really like you…so please be smart.”
He shut the visor before you respond to him. Smart…sure…you were just heading into what was basically hell…cool. He was right though; it was time to go.
You didn’t look back after you started the bike this time. Instead you swallowed trying to wet your dry throat before you revved the engine a couple times before releasing the brake. You rocketed off spinning out slightly before gaining control.
The incline approached quickly. You gave it more gas as it began to get steeper and steeper. Already you could feel cold seeping into your body. You were not meant for this place and it was letting you know. You ignored it keeping your eyes narrowed swerving around boulders and crumbling away sections.
You felt like gravity was beginning to push back at you as the incline only got more intense. You gritted your teeth pushing the bike as far as you could. A flash sparked in front of your eyes and you were falling over the edge of the cliff with the bike. You felt your stomach jump to your throat as you began to fall.
A flash again and you were back to riding. Somehow you knew it was about to happen…you pushed the bike to it’s max and soon you saw the foreseen cliff. You felt the bike catch air from the speed. It wasn’t enough though.
Grunting you pushed yourself away from the bike reaching out. You landed hard against the cliffside clutching onto it desperately. You cried out as everything muscle pulled your dead weight over the edge. You rolled away from the side breathing hard before sat up pulling off the helmet.
Cursing you stood up looking over the edge at the broken bike below. Your brow began to tingle a little bit. You let your fingers brush over the spot where Zeus had kissed you, “Thank you…”
You turned back to the rest of Tartarus as your breath floated out from your like small trail. You adjusted the special gifts on your body before you began walking forward. You had made a good distance. Not how far you wanted to get, and you wanted the bike for an escape plan…
But what good Greek myth was ever easy.
You began to climb feeling your limbs only get colder with each step. You kept repeating over and over to yourself, “Hold on Hades, I’m coming.”
A slow mantra that seemed to get you through the rest of the climb. Shaking you made it to the summit. You sat there feeling exhausted and broken. You crazy to do this…
“Stop…” You shook your head getting to your feet leaning against a boulder.
But you were crazy. You were worse then that you were stupid…who goes to a god and makes a deal with them without knowing what to offer. What an idiot…the arrangement had only brought you heartache. You could have had another year with your father had you not been by his side…
“Stop.” You gritted your teeth shaking your head as you pushed yourself forward, “That’s not true…”
Of course, it was true. You could have offered him anything. You were to eager to help your brother…too eager to please…
The inner monologue of doubt and self-worthlessness continued with each bitter cold step. You only found yourself stopping once almost breaking down, but that was when you heard the laughter. You knew its owner and a fire raged inside of you that made you run.
You ran toward it skidding around a corner pulling the bow out from behind you with an arrow thinking of the target in mind. The laughter only grew louder as you entered dark hallways only lit by blue flamed braziers.
“Oh my…is that supposed to scare me.” You heard bounce against the walls as you raised the bow up a little, “They certainly decked you out in what they could, didn’t they?”
“They care about me…something you wouldn’t understand.” You growled a little, eyes narrowing as you searched the shadows for any signs of him.
“Correction.” His voice hit the walls like falling ice, “They care about you enough…they only want Hades back…”
“That’s not true…” You turned the corner, “If that’s all they wanted why waste such powers on me?”
“So, you do recognize what you have…hm that’s good.” You felt breath on the back of your neck. You spun quickly hearing him laugh as you released the arrow, “You’re gonna have to be faster than that…Oh wait…your human, so you can’t.”
“Where is he?!” You shouted out hearing your own voice bounce off the walls.
“Oh…is that all you want? He’s over here…” You turned again seeing the flames brighten and large alter appeared. Attached to the altar was Hades, arms chained to each end. His head was hanging, his normally well-kept appearance bloody and dirty.
You ran to him dropping the bow next to you as your reached up to his face, “Hades…Hades, it’s me…it’s Y/N, please…”
“Oh, how sweet…the human truly loves him.” You froze hearing footsteps behind you. You pressed your forehead against Hades’ as Cronus spoke again, “It makes me want to vomit that my son has reduced himself to someone of your species…”
“Let him go.” You hissed turning your head toward him feeling your eyes burn with angry tears.
“Well, well! You are motivated…” He laughed as he turned from you, “I don’t think I will though. He hasn’t learned his lesson yet.”
You don’t know what came over you as your reached down for the bow. In a swift motion you drew back another arrow launching it at the Titan. Your eyes widened as he turned grabbing the arrow in the arrow. He looked down seeing the tip hand just pierced his chest over his heart.
“Hm…” He threw the arrow to the side before whisping right up to you grabbing your roughly by the throat. His eyes were dark as his whispered, “I am time itself…you think I didn’t know what you were going to do? You think I don’t know how far you’re willing to go?”
You swallowed feeling his fingers burn against your neck as a tear fell down your cheek, “What do you want?”
“There we go…” He took his other hand wiping the tear away with his thumb before sticking it into his mouth. His eyes shut as he made a satisfied noise, “Mm! There is nothing like the desperate tears of a lover…makes for the best ingredients, did you know that?”
He threw you back roughly against the floor in front of Hades before he went on, “If my son had even a smidge of the fire I just saw in you…we would never have been here. I almost had him refined into the god he should have been. Rhea coddled him too much. Made him soft…”
“He is not…” You looked at him shaking your head, “He’s what keeps the world in balance! He believed by almost every single belief system. He is who he has always meant to be!”
You looked at Hades seeing a soft glow around him, “He is everything I love…and I wouldn’t want him to be anything else. So please…”
Cronus watched you stand up and turn slowly to him clenching your first, “What…do you want?”
“…” You watched as a sick and twisted smile grew on Cronus’ face before he turned in a circle, “What do I want? That is the question isn’t…you see I want a lot, but that’s not for you to know…so…to appease me now well…”
He stopped in front of you holding out his hand to you smirking, “Let’s…make…a deal…”
You looked surprised which made the Titan laugh, “You didn’t think he was the one who created deals first, did you? Do you know how often my family wanted things changed and forgotten?”
The words hung in the air for a moment. You finally looked away from him crossing your arms, “Fine…Terms first…I take Hades home. To his family. Without any problems and you never do this to him again.”
“Oh, strong term.” He smirked bringing his hanging hand to his chin crossing the other across his chest, “I can accept all of that…if…”
You waited for it. You knew it wasn’t going to be pleasant, but you didn’t expect how cruel he could be, “…by the time you leave Tartarus you forget Hades.”
“What?” You stared at him, “Forget him?”
“Every step you take…” Cronus stepped toward you letting his hands flutter out from him, “A memory will fade away ceasing to exist…you have no recollection of him or his siblings by the time you leave…”
“Why?” You felt yourself tearing up looking back at Hades’ broken form, “Why are you so cruel?”
“Because he took everything from me! Now I’ll take everything from him!” You hissed in pain as Cronus grabbed your arm roughly. Light exploded pushing him away from you and you heard him cry out in pain.
You looked down at the cloak around you. It shimmered purple as handprints appeared all over it. Hades’ handprints. Aegis became what you needed in the heat of battle. Even hanging by a thread Hades was still protecting through is love. You swallowed before you nodded knowing exactly what had to be done.
“Deal.” You whispered seeing surprise ripple over his features, “I need Hades in the world…just as much as the world does. If forgetting him brings him back…then I’ll do it.”
“Well then…” He stepped forward holding out his hand to you, “Let us seal the deal.”
You reached out with no hesitation as you looked into his eyes taking his hand firmly, “Then it’s done.”
“So, shall it be.” The sound of chains falling behind you made you turn. Cronus gripped your hand tightly pulling you back to him, “Don’t try to find a way out of this…”
“I don’t intend to.” You pulled your hand from him turning to the slumped Hades. He wasn’t awake and you had to figure out how to get him out of here.
“Tick tock dear…you don’t want to be here forever do you?” Cronus spoke gleefully as you hoisted Hades’ arms over your shoulders.
His face brushed against yours as you took a step forward. You felt a shiver run over your skin as a fade image of him leaning over you helping you with homework just seemed to trail away into dust. You felt your lip tremble a little as you began to walk forward.
It was just as he said…memories began to fade away. The first stretch was the hardest. It seemed to take every little thing he’d do around you. The things you secretly enjoy. The way he sipped tea while reading. How you’d catch him staring at you and look away embarrassed.
The second stretch as you reached the summit was hard but it seemed more targeted. Conversations you had with him began to disappear. Moments where he made you felt safe above everything else. You collapsed feeling the tears flow freely down your face as saw the cliffside ahead of you.
You looked at Hades before pulling him into your lap. Frowning as you swallowed down a sob as you brushed his hair from his face, “I love you…”
He looked to be in rough shape, but he was breathing and deep down you prayed he could hear you, “I love you…don’t ever think that I didn’t. So much so…that’s why this hurts so much…”
You leaned down kissing him before you started to cry holding him to your chest. You hated this…you hated you did this to yourself, but the world needed him. You needed him to be in the world…You sniffed sitting up hoisting him up again as you looked at the cliffside wondering how you were going to manage this.
As you stood up balancing him against you, you felt a rumble through the ground. You looked over as a boulder fell away revealing a path. You let out a sigh shaking your head looking around at Tartarus, “If this you pitying me…thank you…”
You moved down the path slowly. It took you down to wear the remains of the dirt bike was. You frowned feeling another memory fade…Bay of Kotor…moped…
What? You looked at Hades’ face shaking your head as you kept moving. You had to keep moving. You had to get him home.
You legs screamed as you pulled him up the path to the steep incline you entered on. It was all downhill here. You shut your eyes clutching him to your chest as you felt his head slide into the crook of your neck.
You gasped as the image of being his room clutching to you as you were an anchor keeping him safe from the nightmares. You swallowed down the pain your heart felt and the pain your body reminded you of as you stood up again. You didn’t have the words anymore…
You descended carefully as you could, but with the weight of him your footing slipped out from underneath you. You pulled him to your shielding him with your body until you both stopped at the bottom. You were sure something was broken as you moved to look at him.
You let out a whimper as felt another pivotal memory slip away…the spring festival…his kiss… in front of everyone…As you looked at him you felt all the warmth you felt around him begin fade away. You pushed yourself up grabbing his arm putting it around shoulder as you looked forward.
The exit was there…it was so close and yet you didn’t know why you were doing this…you didn’t know why you hurt to badly…and you couldn’t understand why these people yelling for you were waving so frantically. Were you in a race?
No…you looked down to the man next to you. A gentle smile came to your mind and disappeared as you felt a pair of strong arms grab hold of you as you fell forward. You looked at a very attractive man in front of hold you up, “Y/N…are you okay?”
“I…I don’t…” You looked around putting your hands on his arm looking over at a woman and two other men looking over the man that had been with you, “I don’t know?”
“What did he say?” The man holding you got your attention, “What did our father say? How did you get him back?”
“Who?” You squinted at the man watching his face fall as pain crept on you, “I think…I think I need to go to the hospital…”
“I…” The man nodded frowning as he looked back to the others, “We’ll get you there…just hold on…just…rest…”
With his voice washing over you, you felt your eyes slowly begin to shut as trickles of a conversation filled your mind.
“And what would offer in return for this miracle?”
“Whatever it takes.”
“Whatever it takes?”
“Your soul?”
“That’s too easy. Your soul is already going to end up here eventually…No…I would need a real sacrifice.”
“Name it. Whatever the price is I’ll pay it.”
“I want…”
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sifanjewel · 3 years
My OCs: Zela’s family
Here are some descriptions of my beloved OC Zela’s parents, her brother and sister, and a slightly more detailed summary of Iryn!
I also have stuff written for Iryn’s siblings, as well, but they will have their own post.
I should also note that these are personality/backstory descriptions. I’m still working on the sketches for these characters so there's nothing about their physical descriptions. Yet. 
Side note: To have and idea of Zela’s sibling’s ages, she’s 23 at the start of the Resistance
Shal’un is a proud Sifan Gelfling, born and raised in Cera-Na. In his younger trine, he was a hard worker who repaired ships and learned to be a skilled fisherman at a young age. He also, like most Sifan, had many out-at-sea adventures with his Samuadren family, and if he wasn’t out on a ship or repairing one, he was constructing his own windship for the Hooyim Boat Races, which he took part in every single year. 
His adventures, however, ended with a horrific storm out at sea that caused his ship to sink. He had been the only survivor. He was rescued, but the memories of that night kept him in Cera-Na. He still gladly repairs damaged ships, but now only fishes in close range of the shore, and his Hooyim racing days are long behind him. It’s not only his traumatic memories that keep him close to land, but the family he now provides for. Though he may no longer participate in the hectic life of the Sifa, he is forever proud of his clanship and teaches that same pride to his children.
Before joining the Sifa, Lana was a young, fun-loving Stonewood girl with expertise in archery and wilderness survival skills. She lived in a smaller settlement within the Endless Forest, but visited Stone-in-the-Wood on a frequent basis and spent many-a-day and night partying at the brew fountain with her friends. She had been content with her life to remain that way, until one day her friends suggested they all take a trip North, particulalrly to the Port between Ha’rar and Cera-Na. They all wanted to get a taste of the adventerous ways of the Sifa.
Lana gladly went along and ended up enjoying the trip, but not quite how she’d expected to. While at a pub within the Port, she caught the eye of a handsome Sifan fisherman. Shal’un and Lana spent nearly the entire night talking and continued to stay in touch long after Lana and her friends returned to the Endless Forest. Six unum of writing back and forth and two more visits to the docks later, Lana finally accepted her heart’s call to remain by the sea with her lover. The day she moved to Cera-Na Shal’un asked her to marry him and she glaldy accepted. Their union officiated her Sifan clanship and Zela was born shortly after. Since then Lana has fully accepted the Sifan ways of life and takes every aspect of their culture into appreciation, even Far-Dreaming and soothsaying, though she has neither such abilities. She misses the Endless Forest from time-to-time, but she has not once regretted her decision to live the rest of her days on the coast, surrounded by family until the day Thra calls her home.
Mar is Zela’s younger brother by seven trine. Mar shares the same clan pride as his parents, even as young as he is, though he is less interested in the fishing and ship-repairing business Shal’un urges him into and would rather spend his time dream-etching and story-telling if he’s not messing around on the docks with his friends. 
Mar appreciates his Sifan and Stonewood heritage, but if he had a choice to join the Dousan, he would. He’s always intrigued by the Dousan whenever they come into Port to trade with the Sifa. He’s always been captivated by their looks and what little he knows about their culture, even with the supposed “death-worshipping” aspect of it. He hopes to one day visit the Crystal Desert when he’s older and learn more about them. He even half-jokingly mentioned getting Dousan-style tattoos, much to the horror of his parents.
Tida is Zela’s younger sister by ten trine, making her the youngest of the three siblings. She is very much her own Gelfling, but looks up to her sister, and is often inspired by her in spite of Zela’s inability to speak. She has some of the same interests, such as making charms, drawing, and going on rock-climbing adventures along the shores. Tida especially loves making jewelery and designing her own Sifan clothing, and dreams to someday be the Maudra’s personal designer and tailor. She also loves styling hair, even when it may not always turn out quite how she imagined it.
Tida takes to the fishing business within Cera-Na a little better than her brother, but doesn’t have much more interest in it, and would more often rather have fun with her firends as any childling should. Even so, she loves helping her family however she can, and enjoys life on the docks as much as the next Sifa.
Iryn is Zela’s beloved husband, a Drenchen who turned Sifan even before they were married. Prior to meeting Zela during a chance encounter in Stone-in-the-Wood, Iryn lived his life happily among his fellow Drenchen within Great Smerth. He was a renound hunter and accomplished warrior, well-equipped with a spear and bola at all times. In contrast to his rotund Drenchen appearance in height and muscle, Iryn is soft at heart, gentle and charming with his words even when surrounded by those of his clan who know hard-talk best. When he and Zela met, their connection was almost instant, and he had never felt a greater love for one Gelfling before, regardless of what clan she heeded from.
Iryn ranked high among the many Drenchen who took up hunting, even becoming a leader in one of the clan’s strongest hunting parties and at the peak of his trine within the group found himself in a position that granted him the ability to speak to the Maudra on a frequent basis. This was a position he had practically been trained for, as his parents were also leaders of their respective groups - most notably his father, and his father before him and so on. Iryn’s choice to join the Sifa enraged those within his hunting party, however none were more furious than his sister Navina and brother Bovahl, who expected him to carry on their parents’ legacy when they couldn’t. It broke his heart, but Iryn was forced to sever his ties with the Drenchen due to his siblings’ rejection. He never regretted his choice, however, as he of course found family among the Sifa not only through his future wife, but among those he would grow to call his friends. The Sifan practice of Era-Ianem favored him; whenever he found himself missing Sog and his estranged siblings, he would remind himself that though his sails were woven by Drenchen fabric, it was the Sifan wind that filled them.
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myrxellabaratheon · 4 years
two memes in one (because as you all know, i’m lazy af)
8 people I’d like to get to know better tagged by @amethyst-noir
1. Birthday: March 21th 
2. Zodiac Sign: Aries
3. Height: 1,60 mt. I’m really tiny (or everyone around me is a giraffe, your choice)
4. The last song I listened to: Get Free, Lana del Rey. Apple Music chose for me because I’m always in shuffle (even if I hate Spotify because you ca’t deactivate the shuffle)
5. Hobbies: reading, writing, cosplaying, drawing, going to the gym, travel, photography, visit new places, visit museums/art expositions, surfing, horse riding, archery. 
6. Favourite Colour: pastel yellow if I have to be specific, but every shade of yellow is a fave for me. 
7. Last Movie I Watched: re-watched the Current War
8. Favourite Book: This is hard, but I’ll go with the forever favourite which is a classic TM: The Picture of Dorian Grey
9. Dream job: Actress is the kinda-impossible-but-always-dream-job one, while the more consistent is owner of an art gallery or art historian. 
10. Meaning behind my url: my girl Myrcella Baratheon aka the character that has so much potential and please GRRM do not throw her away as they did in the show! (but the canonical one was already taken so, yeah, magic x to the rescue)
pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. don’t cheat. tag 10 (or however many) people tagged by @janiedean
1. lost
2. criminal minds
3. westworld
4. mindhunter
5. game of thrones
who is your favorite character in 2?
Spencer Reid, hands down! 
who is your least favorite character in 1?
ewwww, I don’t know, possibly Ben 
what is your favorite episode of 4?
oh my... the one when they interview the guy who doesn’t fucking shut up because he’s freaking hilarious! 
what is your favorite season of 5?
the first one probably. 
who is your favorite couple in 3?
canonically there are like, two couples? three with Will x Logan which is totally canon (at least in s1) and you can’t tell me otherwise. Anyways, between the super canon ones, I’d say Maeve x Hector
who is your favorite couple in 2?
Garvez, like, c’mon! 
what is your favorite episode of 1?
I haven’t see this series in ages so I don’t remember which season and episode this is, but the one when the Others capture Sawyer and Kate and they are this close to have sex in the bear cages! 
what is your favorite episode of 5?
uhm... a part of me wants to say one episode, but it’s from one of the last seasons and I hated them so much, so Ill go with the other one so, 3x10 because is very Lannister-ish! 
what is your favorite season of 2?
I think it was the 13th, the one in which Spencer has been arrested while he was in Mexico. 
how long have you watched 1?
I started it when they first aired on Rai 2, which was around 2005 if I well remember. 
how did you become interested in 3?
I don’t know, oof, I saw some post somewhere with the trailer and I was interested, that my Aunt saw it on Sky and she was thrilled about it as well, so we watched the first season together. 
who is your favorite actor in 4?
This is one of the few series that I don’t watch because there’s an actor I like in it, but I have to admit that all of them are extremely good. My favourite one, maybe also because I adore her character, is Anna Torv. 
which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
Oh my fucking god! You can’t make me choose between Lost and Criminal Minds between them all! That’s chaotic evil! If I have to choose with a gun pointed to my head, I’d say Criminal Minds, but just... it’s painful to me to make this choice. (I’m not even counting got in this one oof)
which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3
Lost because it’s six seasons against 2 (plus the 3rd one which started yesterday)
if you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
I was this close to change the order of westworld and criminal minds so that the crossover would have been holden and bill teaching everyone how to make a profile and spencer being like “you are like our granpas” 
also westworld and mindhunter would be great! like.. just image Will being forced to explain is psychotic behaviour to BIll and Holden, that’d be super hilarious! 
pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple?
Boone and Charlie, don’t ask me why, it just crossed my mind! 
overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
the first seasons of got are way better than westworld, but, again, they messed up when they stopped sticking to the books, so I have to say westworld. 
which has better theme music, 2 or 4?
Both are nice, but Criminal MInds is iconic! 
tagging (do the one you prefer if you want to): @joanna-lannister @myrcella @vi-is-strange @drstrangefangirl8900 @visionarygalaxy @notjustamumj @motherofkittens94 @joannalannister @katebishopofearth @music-is-the-voice-of-the-soul 
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wolfoncaffeine · 5 years
After Ostagar, Raan and Alistair try to process all that’s happened. ao3
After Ostagar, after leaving Flemeth’s hut behind, barely half a hundred words passed between the three of them for a few days. They set up camp, ate, arranged watches, tore down camp, trekked, and set up camp again in near silence. Morrigan kept to herself, pitching her tent within sight but nearly out of earshot, and leading them through the wilderness a dozen paces ahead. Alistair was usually near, though that seemed to be more coincidence than choice; his shoulders were perpetually slumped, gaze distant. Whatever thoughts occupied them they didn’t share. For her own part, Raan tried to avoid thinking of anything beyond guessing at how far off Lothering was. Morrigan had lead them well away from the Imperial Highway to avoid any darkspawn. Raan couldn’t complain. Even if their going was slow, it’d still be faster than the horde’s. Safer, too.
Of course trying not to think about it led to thinking about it. We’re all that’s left.
She and Alistair’d watched the battle from the tower. They’d been too high up to pick out individuals, but just high enough to see the lines dissolve into chaos. Loghain’s forces didn’t appear. She remembered nausea, a horrible lump that rolled up her throat, as she stared down. Minutes later, she fumbled an arrow from her quiver, nocked it to her bow, and watched the barricaded door shake.
The darkspawn broke the door down in moments. Her arrows caught the first one in the throat and the second in its howling mouth, before quarrels punched through her and she fell.
She woke up on narrow cot and learned from Morrigan what had happened.
We’re all that’s left.
Trying to ignore how her stomach dropped, she kept walking.
Her thoughts also wandered, inevitably, to her clan. I left them a month ago, she realized, counting back that night. With luck, by now Marethari would’ve led Sabrae to the coast and secured passage across the sea. Had Rhea and Isa’s baby been born safely? Was Pol’s archery improving? Had Merrill found any ruins along their path? Did Marethari intend to lead them into the Planasene Forest or up to the Minanter basin? Lana was there, on the Amaranthine coast with her new clan.
Sitting with her back to their dying campfire, she slid an arrowhead along the whetstone. Even if I survive the Blight, it’ll years before I get any news. She paused, halfway through the motion. If I survive. Alistair and I are the only Wardens this side of the Frostbacks, and if the Orlesian ones don’t come…. She kept sharpening. Whatever. We have those treaties. That’ll be en—
Her grip faltered, and the arrowhead sliced along her thumb. She hissed, dropping the tiny blade and squeezing her thumb in her fist. Stupid, stupid. Tamlen will —
She froze, snared in the thought, staring at the blood seeping around her fingers. Tamlen would tease me for days.
Heavy steps thumped and Nulen appeared, bumping her shoulder with a soft whine.
She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, then scratched the mabari’s ears. Where’d you go?
“You okay?”
She stiffened and looked at her shoulder at Alistair, blinking dully at her. “Fine. Just cut my thumb.” She peered at it, then rooted in her bag for a roll of gauze. Not too deep. “Your watch isn’t for another couple hours, ya know.”
Nulen huffed at Alistair as the shem approached, then curled up against her thigh.
“I know. I couldn’t sleep, figured I could take over for you.”
She glanced at him as he sat down next to her, with Nulen between them. Dark half-moons marked the skin under his vacant gaze. If not for the taint, I don’t think he’d notice a darkspawn if it smacked him, she thought, wrapping her thumb. “I’ve gotta finish prepping these.”
Staring into the darkness, he grunted.
She shrugged, tucked the gauze away, and picked up her arrowhead.
Their corner of the wilderness dropped into quiet, pricked only by the scrape of steel on stone and Nulen’s rumbling snores. Moonlight slipped into the grove, shifting from golden to silvery to snowy. Raan sharpened every spent arrowhead, some forty total, until its edges shone.
Wood snapped.
Not pausing in her work, she tilted one ear toward the sound to hear a four-footed gait. She turned her head enough to glimpse a pair of gleaming eyes, low to the ground, before the creature slipped away.
She glanced at Alistair. He hadn’t moved, hadn’t even noticed.
He hadn’t seemed to notice much of anything for days, or made any efforts beyond walking and eating, and his jokes had vanished like ripe berries from a bush. Of course they did, she thought with a wince. The Wardens are gone, and his mentor with them.
She sharpened the last few arrowheads, then wrapped them all in a fold of leather and stuffed everything into her bag. “Alistair?” she said, peering around his shoulder.
“What?” His voice was flat.
“Do you wanna talk?”
“About what?”
“Um, about Duncan.”
His shoulders slumped even further. “You…you don’t have to do that. I know you barely knew him.”
“No, but he was kind to me. Even when I wasn’t…kind in return.” She’d cursed him vehemently when he insisted that Tamlen was beyond help, then barely spoke to him for days. And we can’t have you this distracted.
He dragged a hand over his face, muffling his voice. “I should have handled it better. Duncan warned me right from the beginning that this could happen. Any of us could die in battle. I shouldn’t have lost it,” he said, words quickening, “not when so much is riding on us, not with the Blight and —” He stopped, fists clenching, and twisted to face her. “And everything. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. You don’t need to apologize.”
He relaxed a little. “I’d like to have a proper funeral for him. Maybe once all this is done, if we’re still alive. I don’t think he had any family to speak of.”
Something crossed his face, some emotion she didn’t catch. “I suppose he did. It probably sounds stupid, but part of me wishes I was with him,” he said, looking both guilty and embarrassed. “In the battle. I feel like I abandoned him.”
She slid her gaze away, remembering that ruin empty but for rotting corpses and a shattered mirror. “I…no, it’s not stupid.”
“Of course I’d be dead then, wouldn’t I? It’s not like that would make him happier,” he mumbled.
She nodded, somehow mortified and relieved all at once.
He blew out a breath. “He said he came from Highever. Maybe I’ll go up there sometime, see about putting something up in his honour. I don’t know,” he said, shrugging.
“Maybe I could go with you, when you go.” she said, as much out of a genuine desire as wanting to shift the conversation.
“I’d like that. So would he, I think. We won’t be able to scatter his ashes but…. The Dalish don’t practice cremation, do you? How do you honour your dead?”
Her thoughts stuttered. “We…we bury them and plant trees over the graves.”
He smiled and the genuine warmth stung. “That sounds quite beautiful, life springing from death.”
She couldn’t keep her expression from crumpling.
Alistair blinked, his own shifting to alarm. “What’s wrong? Did I — oh. Have you…had someone close to you die? Not that I’m trying to pry, I just….”
She drew her knees to her chest, provoking a sigh from Nulen. “No. Well, yes, my parents, but I was newborn. I don’t remember them.” She frowned at her feet. She’d never intended to even mention Tamlen, but maybe, maybe the pain would ease a little. Ashalle always claimed it would. But he’s alive.
The words slipped out anyway. “But, just before Duncan arrived at our camp, a friend disappeared. We were exploring a ruin and found a weird artifact, a mirror. Tamlen touched it and released something. It’s how I got tainted. I fainted and, when I woke up, I was outside and Tamlen…wasn’t.
She inhaled shakily. “We searched for him but no one found any trace, in the ruins or anywhere within miles of camp. Duncan didn’t believe he could’ve survived, without treatment. But if Tamlen was as ill as I was, how could he’ve been conscious at all, much less disappear? But everyone else, except maybe our friends, thought him dead, too, and our Keeper insisted on a funeral. Even without a — they’ll have planted a tree for him.”
She rubbed her eyes. No fucking tears. He’s alive. He is. I’ll find him. “Sorry for unloading,” she muttered and twisted away, under the pretence of reorganizing her bag.
“Hey, no, wait. I did ask. And you listened to me, so, uh, the least I can do is listen to you. Do you want to look for him? For Tamlen?”
She forced a scoff. “Of course, but gathering an army is gonna take precedence.”
“This army-gathering is going to take us all over Fereldan. We can keep a lookout, at least. Right?”
“Right.” She shifted a few more things, then turned back and folded her legs beneath her. Nulen, perhaps taking her shifting for encouragement, rolled onto his back. 
“Too sweet for a wardog,” she said, rubbing his belly.
“That’s just what mabari are like.” Alistair presented a hand to Nulen, who sniffed then licked it. “Did you decide on a name for him, yet?”
“Yeah. Nulen.”
“Nulen? Is that Elven?”
“And? Does it mean something?” 
She huffed. “Essentially ‘fated friend.’ He survived Ostagar, somehow, and found me. Seemed appropriate.”
“Hm, I would’ve gone with ‘Barkspawn,’ but it’s sweet.”
She couldn’t keep the incredulity from her voice. “Barkspawn?”
“Well, it’s true! He spawns very terrifying barks, doesn’t he? Don’t you?” he cooed at Nulen, who barked in a particularly un-terrifying way. 
Better a weak joke than none. She tugged gently on one of the mabari’s paws. “Don’t encourage him, Nu.”
“Oh, tired of Blight puns?” He grinned and a little light seemed to return to his eyes. “Taint your fancy?
She stood, groaning. “Think of better ones. Taint nothing to joke about.”
“I thought that was — hey!”
She snorted his expression, caught somewhere between mock-offended and truly amused, and clucked her tongue at Nulen. “G’night, Alistair. Don’t let the darkspawn bite.”
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🦄 for all descendants ocs you haven't already done :D
Oh my god that’s so many!!!
Maria Frollo: briefly Ruby Jay!
Queenie: I never had a backup for her tbh, so many suggestions were made but no one works other than Darya (which drives me crazy because I’d really like to switch to an actress)
Helena: much like Queenie, I really couldn’t find any other option that worked - or even any other option with blue hair
Elise: Elise was a choice between Lili Reinhart and Jenny Boyd!
Finley Rider: This was actually a suggestion by my darling @perfectlystiles!  I really had no idea where to start!  But if I absolutely had to change it, I’d go with Jenny Boyd!
Isabelle: Isabelle was always going to be Danielle but if I really had to use someone else then I would probably go with Halston Sage!
Violet Kingsleigh: Violet was a long and difficult decision between Meg Donnelly, Sabrina Carpenter, Lily James, and Sophie Turner
Harley: Her very first fc was Madison McLaughlin but it just wasn’t working, then I considered both Zoey Deutch and India Eisley but India just worked a lot better and Zoey is perfect for Rosabelle!
Francie: Francie was actually made for a “send me a faceclaim” ask game so she really was designed for Amandla, but otherwise... honestly I’m not sure?
Lani: I always knew that I was going to use Madelaine but Holland Roden was my second choice!
Trina: Trina was always going to be Lana Condor because she and Anna have played sisters in To All The Boys, so honestly I have no idea who a second choice would be
Rosabelle: Rosabelle was absolutely entirely designed to be Zoey Deutch
Titania: Titania was honestly partially the result of me still wanting to use Emily after recasting Avalon, and partially the result of this one music video that Emily was in, but I think that my backup would be 
Noelle: I was pretty sure about Kiernan but my other thoughts were Meg Donelly and Sabrina Carpenter!
Myra: Myra was mostly a decision between Elle Fanning and Josefine Frida Petterson
Lyssa, Charity, Faith, Cheryl, Gloria, Hannah, Casseopia: for all of these ones, I made a list of faceclaims that I wanted to use for Descendants and sent them to a couple of friends!  I used some of those opinions and others I just stared at for a long time before deciding, but they were pretty much all between their faceclaims
Blair: I struggled with getting past “ooh archery” with wanting to use Madelaine Petsch (not even because of the red hair, since Blair is adopted, but because of the archery and because of a nickname for Arianne Martin being Merida), and then I was looking at Anna Popplewell too but Adelaide Kane just fit better!
Sonya: Sonya was 100% the result of months of wanting to use Grace Phipps for a Descendants oc, but I think that my second choice would be Ciara Bravo
Anissa: my second choice for Anissa was Bailee Madison!
Layla: Honestly Layla was always going to be Naomi because of how many times I’ve seen the first 30 minutes of the new Aladdin
Isadora: Isadora was a choice between Olivia Holt, Willa Fitzgerald, and Haley Lu Richardson!
Hayden: okay so now I don’t have a faceclaim for her, but my original fc for Hayden about a year and a bit ago was actually Emma Dumont!
and bonus, the other FCs that I intend to use eventually include Jenny Boyd, Danielle Rose Russel, Holland Roden (actually technically I’ve figured out everything but a name for that idea), and Sophie Turner!
Send me 🦄 and an OC and I’ll tell you my second choice of fc
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mamavalcalaw · 3 years
"His name is Buck, and he and the girls are moose." Lana said from her spot near the camp fire and the cooking grate, the cast iron pan heating up with water inside. She glanced up at the other that was sitting near the warmth, then up to the massive moose as he walked past the camp, head held high as he eyed the apple tree above them.
Most of the apples had been shaken loose already before her guest arrived. Lana had a large amout as much for cooking with as for keeping for the trip.
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