#arclight: zahkiel
zhakyria · 8 months
The Mahz Twins
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Mahz'ahki'elhn and Mahz'enki'oriah, identical twin siblings separated at the age of 5. Zahkiel was stolen away by the Star Cabal and raised as a force using assassin. Zenkio was hidden away by what remained of their family on the fringes of Chiss space. They were born with the Sight as well, and their parents feared they would be taken away. You see, the Mahz family remember the time before the Civil War, they knew about the sky-walkers, they had at one time helped to train them, long before when they were still part of House Zhoria, back when the children were allowed to be children, and grow, and be loved by their families, before superstition and fear took hold and changed it all. It was their greatest secret. They taught Zenkio as best they could, taught them how to hide what they were, but it wasn't enough to protect them from the Grysk. They were captured at the age of 16 and spent the next 10 years forced to navigate for them until they were rescued by the Coalition.
Zahkiel meanwhile had their memories buried and they were forged into a weapon for the Cabal. Their mission, to protect it from anyone who got too close to the truth. Anyone that would risk the Cabal's exposure. That is until they meets a Twi'lek Cipher Agent and old memories are dredged to the surface.
Art by the amazing @psychededoodle.
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zhakyria · 8 months
WIP Part 3
They danced around each other for what felt like an eternity. The smell of cauterized flesh, blood, and burned fabrics drifted in the air around them. At some point Zahkiel had been forced to remove his helmet. They bled from the corner of their mouth. The glow of their eyes had dimmed. Their smile from earlier was replaced with thin lips and grim determination. 
They were locked in a stalemate. Neither able to gain the upper hand. Kahl had lost his blaster, torn from his hand earlier in the fight, and his right arm hung limp after having been dislocated. Blood and sweat dripped into his eyes. They both swayed on their feet.
“You’re a fool, you know.”
The Chiss sneered. “Please, enlighten me. How am I a fool?” They didn’t stand straight, their left side was blackened from repeated blaster shots and blood oozed from the broken armor.
Kahl reset his shoulder with a sickening pop and he grunted from the pain. Stars appeared in his vision. “The same reason that makes me one. We are pawns in someone else’s game.” He said through gritted teeth. He pointed his blade at the Chiss. “The Cabal wanted to ensure the Force Wars never again consumed the galaxy. That no singular group of force users gained that much power.”
He sat down on a nearby rock. His shoulder throbbed, but it was drowning out the pain from the rest of his injuries. It gave him something else to focus on. “That’s not the case anymore, is it?”
Zahkiel narrowed his eyes. They only held half of their lightsaber; the blade sparked. Kahl wasn’t sure if that was in response to the damage or residual force lightning, but they made no move to attack. 
When the Chiss made no comment, Kahl continued. “They now fuel the war stirring between the Sith and the Dominion.” He looked up at the evening sky. The clouds were streaked with orange and pink from the setting sun. “They are fanning the flames of war, and dooming the very people they swore to protect. I wouldn’t be surprised if they had their hands in other conflicts across the galaxy.”
“Why delay the inevitable?” The Chiss asked.
Kahl let his gaze settle upon his opponent again. They stepped closer, moving with slow and deliberate movements. They led with their right foot, keeping their injured side away from him. Blood trailed behind them from several deep wounds he’d inflicted. 
He tapped the beskar blade against his leg to the beat of his heart. The assassin’s question could be in regards to his own death or to the wars threatening to tear the galaxy apart. Kahl decided it was the latter. “Have you ever loved someone?”
The abrupt change in subject caused Zahkiel to pause. A pained expression briefly crossed their face before an unamused grin once more twisted their lips. “Having feelings for me, Agent?”
Kahl chucked. “That would be your response. Who were they?”
“I presume there is a point to this line of questioning?” Zahkiel resumed their slow advance. 
He shrugged. “You asked why we try to delay the inevitable. To protect those we love. To ensure there is a future for them. There are many reasons, but one thing is certain. We are only fated to repeat the past if we do nothing to protect the future.” 
“How noble of you.”
Kahl shook his head again. “You have it wrong. There is nothing noble about what I am.” 
He transferred the blade to his right hand. In one fluid motion he stood up, snapped his hand back and then forward. The long-knife flew true, burying itself into Zahkiel’s chest. They blinked and staggered back a step. Their saber clattered to the ground.
“We may be weapons, but I refuse to be a pawn anymore. There are threats greater than you or me, and I choose to fight. Your precious Cabal is one such threat.”
Zahkiel fell to his knees. Their eyes were hooded and dark. Kahl turned and limped away. 
“Agent.” It was barely a whisper. 
Kahl stopped and looked over his shoulder. 
“You forgot your blaster.”
Four quick consecutive blasts slammed into his back, shattering the armor where the Chiss’s attacks had weakened it. He staggered to the side and fell. His vision wavered and darkness threatened to pull him into oblivion.
Parts 1, 2
Ping List @swtorpadawan
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zhakyria · 8 months
Tried to clean up this section of the fic where Kahl and Zahkiel first meet. It has kinda been a struggle. My brain isn't all with it right now, but I wanted to get something worked on for Arclight beyond just worldbuilding.
Kahl’ryn left Megasecurity Ward 23 with few answers and many more questions than when he entered, but at least he knew the name of their enemy now, the Star Cabal, and he now had a lead on more information. The Shining Man had hidden a repository of knowledge somewhere on Voss. He only hoped the Voss would prove more amenable to his investigation than they were to the overtures of the Empire or Dominion. 
The stifling heat of the caldera burned his lungs and distorted the air outside the ward. Through the smoke and steam, a Chiss waited for them on the other side of the rocky bridge, their red eyes glowing in the dim light. They wore combat gear, not unlike that of Sith Apprentices he’d seen on Dromund Kaas. 
Kahl tapped his fingers against his blaster. Chiss were rarely seen outside of the Unknown Regions. Nearly all of them had returned to the Ascendancy nearly 500 hundred years previous, shortly after the last Great Galactic War. Even those that lived or worked at the edges of the Unknown Regions considered them to be a myth and most could go their whole life without meeting one. He’d only ever met one other, his oldest sister, who had been found wandering a backwater town by their father when she was 7.  
He and Vector walked across the bridge, stopping just before the Chiss. There were three faded scars around the Chiss’s left eye, and his near black hair was pulled back in a short tail. He carried a helmet under his right arm. 
“Killing you will be a shame. You have such pretty eyes.” 
Kahl mentally sighed. “Thanks, but dying isn’t on my schedule.”
“Then this should be fun.” The Chiss smirked. “I’d very much like to dance with you alone. How about you send your Joiner friend away. He can pick up the pieces once I’m finished with you.” 
“You shouldn’t get your hopes up; I’m not easy to kill,” Kahl replied.
“Oh, I don’t expect someone like you to be an easy kill. You destroyed SCORPIO, after all. But where are my manners? I am Mahz’ahki’elhn, though you may call me Zahkiel. I greet you on behalf of the Star Cabal.” They bowed, never breaking eye contact. Their smile didn’t reach their eyes. 
Kahl pulled out his blaster pistol and checked the power pack. “Let’s get this over with. Vector, head back to the ship and await my call.”
Vector nodded and looked over at the Chiss. “Beware of this one, Agent. Their aura is…strange.” He left Kahl with the assassin and headed back to the speeders.
Zahkiel’s smile widened. “Now with him out of the way, I would very much like to know, whose life am I ending today?” 
Kahl shrugged and fired his blaster, aiming for the assassin’s upper chest. Zahkiel lifted their left hand and motioned to the right. The blaster bolt went wide. 
“Tsk tsk, Agent, no need to be rude.” They slid their helmet on; it sealed into place with a soft hiss. “However, since you seem quite impatient to die….” They pulled out a double bladed lightsaber from where they had it sheathed at the small of their back and ignited the pale red and yellow blades, “...let's see just how well you dance.”
@swtorpadawan here is more progress.
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zhakyria · 7 months
37. Eyes or 63. Do Not Disturb - Kahl’ryn, Theron, and Zahkiel
Eyes - Kahl’ryn, Theron, Zahkiel
* I *
Dusky violet flecked with silver, impossible to read beyond a cold hardness indicative of someone used to making tough decisions. They were the first thing Zahkiel had noticed about the Twi’lek. They wanted to lose themselves within their depths, if only for a moment, but he had a job to do. The agent had gotten too close, which meant that he would need to die. Zahkiel never questioned their orders. They were a weapon, they had no room for the thoughts that threatened to climb to the surface. 
The fight was exhausting. They were at an impasse, a stalemate, neither able to land the killing blow, until now. Zahkiel didn’t want the agent to stop talking. His eyes were piercing, no longer cold, not even dulled by the pain he was clearly feeling. Zahkiel felt seen, this distraction meant they didn’t see the attack until it was too late to move or even bring the Force to bear. The long-knife embedded itself deep into their chest puncturing their right lung.
The Twi’lek walked over and pulled the long-knife from their chest, their eyes met and lingered. Zahkiel felt exposed, like his whole being was on display for this man. They wanted to curl up into a ball to avoid the gaze but they could not look away. He didn’t look at Zahkiel with cold eyes. He looked tired and determined, combined with a sharp simmering anger that Zahkiel knew wasn’t directed at them, but that they could not escape either. 
“We may be weapons, but I refuse to be a pawn anymore. There are threats greater than you or me, and I choose to fight.” He spoke with vehemence. It was a promise. One that Zahkiel knew this man would keep. “What will you do, Mahz’ahki’elhn? Die a pawn?” He stood and walked away. It barely registered in Zahkiel’s mind that he’d said their name correctly, with only a slight accent.
Zahkiel pulled the blaster from where it had fallen to them with the force. They felt like glass on the edge of shattering. They had a mission, an oath to keep, a galaxy spanning secret to protect. Their entire life they had followed orders. 
“Agent.” Just a whisper, it was hard to breathe.
He stopped and looked over his shoulder.
“You forgot your blaster.” Zahkiel fired once, shattering the weakened armor. The agent collapsed with the impact. It took all of Zahkiel’s remaining strength to drag themselves over to the fallen Twi’lek and roll him over. He let out a low moan of pain, eyes fluttering open. 
Zahkiel touched the agent’s face, leaving a bloody smear on his cheek. They wanted to see those eyes one more time before this nightmare ended. To lose themselves in the silver flecks scattered across violet depths. 
* II *
Theron Shan. That was this man’s name. The man he was asked to rescue. A spy. An enemy spy. Kahl said they needed this man. He had asked Zahkiel to help extract him. They opened the ventilation cover and swung down, dropping lightly on the floor next to the Dominion agent. Zahkiel took another look around, ensuring they were indeed alone. The Force was muddied, toxic, sticky even like disgusting ooze trying to drown their senses. They couldn’t rely on it here. This place was steeped in something worse than the dark side, a complete corruption that ate at the edges of their mind. It was hard to concentrate. 
They freed the agent's hands and feet from the binders holding him in place, but when he attempted to unlock the binder around Theron’s throat it didn’t budge. Force resistant. Zahkiel cursed under their breath and moved closer to the man. They needed to unlock this one without using the Force and without triggering the failsafe. Theron continued to remain still, his breathing was shallow and Zahkiel could see that his body temperature was abnormally high. He was running a fever. 
Zahkiel gently placed a cool hand against Theron’s forehead. He murmured and cracked open his eyes. Golden brown irises flecked with green and dark brown met their own red eyes. The corner of the man’s mouth twitched upward. 
“Well, this isn’t unnerving at all,” he croaked. 
Zahkiel pulled their gaze away and carefully inspected the neck binder. They knew humans found Chiss eyes unsettling, they had used it frequently to great effect, though they didn’t like the thought of this man thinking of them in that manner.
“Unnerving is what I aim for.” They flicked their eyes back to Theron’s face. He was now looking at the ceiling, but the slight smile hadn’t left his face.
Zahkiel found what they were looking for and pulled out a vibroknife. They slid the knife into the small slit and twisted the blade, cracking the internal lining and breaking the seal of the lock. They pulled the binder away from Theron’s neck and caught him when he couldn’t support his weight any longer. Theron sagged against him, mumbling an apology. 
Theron lifted his head and looked down at Zahkiel as they shuffled him to the door. He blinked rapidly and shook his head, like he was trying to shake out the disorientation he felt from the spiking fever. 
As they worked their way through the compound, Zahkiel could feel the weight of Theron’s feverish gaze. He had barely looked away, relying on Zahkiel to guide them through the darkened hallways. 
“I like them.”
Zahkiel shifted his grip on the taller man, and tossed him a quizzical look. They were almost out and hopefully Kahl would be waiting for them or it was going to be a long walk back to the ship.
“Your eyes. They are quite pretty.” His response was so quiet, Zahkiel wasn't even sure they heard him correctly. They were about to ask when Theron became dead weight in their arms and Zahkiel stumbled to his knees, barely holding onto the unconscious man.
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zhakyria · 7 months
🖊 + Kahl’ryn and his relationship with Theron and Zahkiel. =3
Kahl’ryn and his relationship with Theron and Zahkiel. Oh man. So, in the Arclight AU, Kahl meets Zahkiel first. It’s not exactly enemies to lovers. They do start out as enemies - they beat the shit out of each other on Belsavis - but it doesn’t last long. Kahl says some things during the fight that get under Zahkiel’s skin, which causes the Chiss to abandon the Star Cabal and help Kahl instead. 
Side note: in the Arclight AU Chiss are very rare outside the Ascendancy, and the only reason that Kahl knows about them outside of stories and myths is because his sister is one. 
Fast forward a year or so and the Dread Masters escape. This nearly 2 year long operation involves not only the Sith Empire (who are still reeling from the death of the Emperor and short yet bloody war of the Dark Council) but also the Dominion. Theron Shan is a Dominion spy in this AU and one of the field operatives involved in re-capturing or eliminating the Dread Masters. He ends up working alongside Kahl and, because he isn’t far from Kahl’s side, Zahkiel. It’s kinda similar to the Shadow of Revan story but instead of Reven it’s the Dread Masters. 
By the end of it, Theron, Zahkiel, and Kahl are all very much smitten with each other and do spend that last fateful night before the big raid on the Dread Masters fortress together. They go their separate ways after only to be thrown back together during the Grismaran Blockade. Neither party is happy with the situation or how it’s being handled and they work together to save as many Mordesh as they can. Also by this time all three of them are pretty much dis-enchanted with their respective organizations. 
In the end they rescue as many as they can, and defect to the Coalition. Kahl, under mild protest, is given command of a heavy cruiser. Theron handles information and Zahkiel continues doing field work (Kahl is only a little jealous.) 
Kahl is probably as much of a workaholic as Theron. Zahkiel does not approve and makes sure they both take care of themselves and get some rest. Kahl and Theron are the only two that Zahkiel really takes commands from and listens to, and that’s because they trust them and knows they won't betray them. (Zahkiel has been alone for so long that he is definitely a little obsessive about Theron and Kahl. This is not the healthiest of relationships.) Despite being the least expressive, Kahl shows his appreciation in other ways. Bringing caf to Theron when he’s working, teasing Zahkiel in a deadpan/dry humor manner, small touches here and there, asking to spar, and not holding back (especially with Zahkiel). Theron made it his mission to make Kahl smile and Zahkiel assists whenever possible.
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zhakyria · 7 months
🖊+ Zahkiel 💜
Zahkiel - Oh what to say about this boyo? So most of Zahkiel’s development is in regards to the Arclight AU - which to remind yall, is a universe that includes not just Star Wars but also elements, people, places, etc from other Sci-Fi stories. 
Zahkiel, born Mahz’ahki’elhn, identical twin of Zenkio. They are trans-masc and non-binary. They love theater and dancing about as much as they love flirting and fighting. They are not against using seduction to get what they want. They are ruthless and at times obsessive about carrying out their missions. They only toy with their targets if that target is of interest to them. Otherwise, they just carry out the assassination without a second thought. 
They were stolen away from their family at the age of 5 by the Star Cabal. They were discovered to be force sensitive, so they were trained as an assassin and took to it readily. They had a tumultuous relationship with Hunter - a fellow Star Cabal operative. They were mostly rivals, but also lovers for a time, and briefly when they were still both young, maybe even friends. 
They meet Kahl’ryn for the first time on Belsavis, since prior to that Hunter was the one in charge of dealing with the Imperial Agent. So when Hunter failed to eliminate Kahl on Quesh, Zahkiel was called in to deal with him.
Their battle left them both near death and with much to think about. So, when Zahkiel meets Kahl again on Corellia - they join him in tracking Hunter and dealing with the Cabal once and for all. After that Zahkiel is never far from Kahl. Though they don’t end up in a relationship until after they both meet Theron during the Dread Lords operation. 
Once they all end up in the Coalition, Zahkiel continues to work as a field operative under the command of Kahl and Theron. Most consider Zahkiel the scariest of the trio and they don't try to hide what they are. He only shows his softer side with Kahl, and Theron. He respects Xhai’tan, but really only follows the orders of Kahl or Theron. However, they are also incredibly protective of Zenkio, once they are reunited. They are a weapon and they believe that they’ll never be able to be anything other than a weapon.
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zhakyria · 8 months
WIP part 2
“Tsk tsk, Agent, no need to be rude.” They slid their helmet on; it sealed into place with a soft hiss. “However, since you seem quite impatient to die….” They pulled out a double bladed lightsaber from where they had it sheathed at the small of their back and ignited the pale red and yellow blades, “...I am more than willing to oblige you in that desire.”
Zahkiel spun his saber blocking the next two shots that Kahl aimed at him. Khal rolled out of the way of the Chiss’s first full attack. He came up in a crouch and pulled out the beskar long-knife he carried. He barely managed to bring the blade up in time to block the incoming downward attack. As sparks showered off their locked blades, Kahl fired point blank into Zahkiel’s midsection. He was rewarded with a grunt as they backed off. 
Kahl continued to fire, but his shots went wide or were deflected. 
“A beskar blade? You are full of surprises, Agent.” Zahkiel waved his hand, like he was pulling a cloak around him, and disappeared. 
Kahl touched a button on his cybernetics. The background sounds of wind and the rumbling caldera faded away. The quiet tumble of gravel had him spinning, sparks erupted where his blade blocked the lightsaber. He twisted away and smashed the butt of his blaster into the side of Zahkiel’s helmet. Zahkiel flicked his saber around, catching Kahl across the thigh. The smell of burning flesh awoke a familiar panic in his chest. He swallowed it down.
They danced around each other for what felt like an eternity. Blood soaked through the holes in their armor; the smell of cauterized flesh and burned fabrics drifted in the air around them. At some point Zahkiel had been forced to remove his helmet. He bled from the corner of his mouth. The irises and pupils of his eyes obscured by the intensity of their glow. His smile from earlier was replaced with thin lips and grim determination. They were locked in a stalemate. Neither able to gain the upper hand. Kahl had lost his blaster, torn from his hand earlier in the fight, and his right arm hung limp after having been dislocated. Blood and sweat dripped into his eyes. They both swayed on their feet.
Part 1
Ping List @swtorpadawan
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zhakyria · 8 months
“Oh, I don’t expect a man like you to be an easy kill. You destroyed SCORPIO, after all. But where are my manners? I am Mahz’ahki’elhn, though you may call me Zahkiel. I greet you on behalf of the Star Cabal.” They bowed deeply, never breaking eye contact. Their smile held malice.
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zhakyria · 8 months
“Killing you will be a shame. You have such pretty eyes.” 
“Thanks, but dying isn’t on my schedule.”
“Then this should be fun. I’d very much like to dance with you alone. How about you send your Joiner friend away. He can pick up the pieces once I’m finished with you.”
Been trying to figure out the first meeting between Zahkiel and Kahl. It's definitely going interestingly. Kahl is sighing internally at this interruption.
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zhakyria · 9 months
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A handful of my characters require a redesign for the Arclight AU I am working on and that includes Zahkiel though in this AU they didn't become a Jedi and they continue to use their Chiss name, Zhoria'ri'kelivos (Arikel). They were captured by the Grysk and forced to serve as a navigator for them for quite a few years.
Arikel doesn't have their tattoos in this AU. They have been scarred with identification marks on their chest and my idea of a Grysk emblem on their back. The alien writing spells out Void Woken - my idea of what force sensitives/navigators might be referred to by the Grysk. The other side is the year and age that Arikel was captured.
Arikel's personality is also evolving. They don't trust others and definitely do not trust other Chiss given the family history. Though they are eventually convinced to assist Eli with his navigator training program (inspired by Project Compass by DistantStorm). They might retain their flirty nature - once the shell they've built by being with the Grysk for so long is broken.
In my AU House Zhoria developed the earliest techniques of training the Chiss sky-walkers and mapped some of the earliest star charts of Chiss space. However, the powers that the sky-walkers had made other houses nervous or superstitious and there was civil war. House Zhoria and their allies lost the war. They were exiled. Over the centuries they managed to retain most of their teachings but they also had to remain on the move so they didn't draw attention to themselves and the force sensitives they protected. Their house split with one branch leaving Ascendancy space entirely and Arikel's branch remaining behind. This is why navigators lose their abilities at a young age. The methods once used to help them retain and expand upon their powers were destroyed and forgotten after the civil war.
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