#ardyn: you didn't say anything about the lion
sparklecryptid · 2 years
More random thoughts that made me laugh - a Lovecraft-inspired thought about how a Lazarus might respond to a question about Luche’s whereabouts. “In her Uncle’s home on Angelgard Rita’s daughter lies dreaming.”
Auto-correct, the bane of everyones existence!
have a thing.
Cor is good at getting information. He knows he is good at getting information. Cor is one of the best at sniffing out leads and then rending the leads and the trail of traitorous garbage it leads to to ashes. There is no trail he can't follow and no one he can't threaten.
Or at least he thought that was the case, until Luche Lazarus blew up half a battlefield, ripped fate apart in a carnage of magic and blood, and proceeded to vanish off the face of Eos.
Cor can't find her. Her comrades can't find her. Titus fucking Drautos probably knows where she is but is refusing to tell him or Regis where the erstwhile princess is. Drautos had pulled out some bullshit about honoring a 'life debt' when threatened with treason and Regis and Cor had back down because the two of them know what that means.
It's the same thing that binds Cor to Regis after all, punishing Drautos for not tattling on his princess seems to be in bad taste.
So Cor goes to the next available source of information.
He goes to Clan Lazarus. The fact that they're seers means they must have some sort of information on their wayward daughter.
It turns out they do.
It also turns out they do not want to share that information with Cor or the King.
"She's with her uncle," one says, repeating the words others have spoken to Cor in the past three days, "She's safe."
"I need to know where she is," Cor grinds out.
"She's safe," the Lazarus repeats, "That's all that matters isn't it?"
Cor finally gets an audeince with the Clan Elder. She's an old woman, the white in her hair overtaking the strands of black that that still show.
Terra is also warm - not in body temperature - in the same way Regis is warm. Like she looks at you and knows that you're a threat but will treat you kindly anyway.
Cor is uncomfortable.
"Where is Luche Lazarus?" He asks Terra.
"Tita's daughter rests in her uncle's home on Angelgard," Terra says and Cor's blood runs cold.
Angelgard is unpleasant. The smell of salt in the air and the warmth of the sun that Luche can finally feel on her skin doesn't detract from that. Angelgard is too full of memories, of the echoes of Ardyn screaming and begging for it to be pleasant.
Still Luche is here for a reason. No one will think to look for her here, and although walking into her uncle's home - a small two bedroom cabin that is furnished far too expensively for Luche's taste - had gotten Luche almost sliced open by a scythe she can't say that she minds having Ardyn be a hovering presence as he scowls at her and drags her away from the parts of the island that hold his worst memories.
Luche doesn't mind it.
That doesn't mean she's expecting it when a furious Tredd blasts open the door and is treated to the exact same treatment Luche received when she arrived.
Cor has a blade to her uncle's neck and Luche considers stabbing him for the affront.
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