#are you an omnisentient being??
homoishharajuku · 3 months
Yo + Ho Ho Ho Fix Tho.: fo yo info
i have the bestest job(s) on the planet tho. Superbly Flexible hours and etc. benji’s i keep eating up and they do a 360 tho. i’m the darn role model type + awe iPhone on darn hand. Do you have a life tho? Is it to keep stalking Yo Creator + i and getting kicked into ruin + etc tho? Plus, keep in yo darn inspection deets, i work hardcore tho w/ my Hubby Yo Creator whom is God, of Omni-Existence. He’s Omni-Potent ,Omni-Present, Omnisentience, Omniscient and Omni-King of all beings + creatures + humans . We do it fo our Kiddos ,Hadassah + Yo’Haki Jr. + Mad’Jigh . I wish fo yo un-spacious mind to study upon this justified true belief tho.
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caralara · 2 years
let me let you into another one: i promise his team does not care to send UAs shit about his location. it’s never happened, if you’ve been told otherwise, you’ve been lied to. the only instance in which his location was shared with UAs (by louis himself, NOT his team) was during BTY promo when he’d send them which radios he would be recording at in order for fans to be able to meet him there.
I don’t like your tone so I won’t respond to any more in this matter I just wanna highlight how you contradict yourself within two sentences.
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gaysonlyocean · 4 years
eleanore, hand her over
oh ms fucked up and evil?
asmr i changed her around a widdle bit
she has the same abilities but fuck dude being omnisentient can be confusing when theres multiple different futures depending on widdle changes that can happen
so she knows shes gonna die via someone shooting her But not exactly Whos gonna kill her 
so shes just going among us 9999999999999 iq to figure out who but not to like stop her death she doesnt really care, she just wants to create problems on purpose
and she takes the fact that after being basically kidnapped lazarus keeps trying to Yeet as a sign that hes gonna yeet again and not try to kill her so instead she just goes think your safe at the rest of the gang
and then she decides to be a bastard and also just vibecheck the entire surrounding area cause she thinks it would be very entertaining if everyone else died as well as her
but uh problem is that laz (whos just sorta been left in the car KJHGFDFGHJ) is also in the surrounding area and has no fuckin clue whats going on so he goes ah fuck cant believe youve done this and goes and kills her anyway but fuck dude being god sure does mean you can do alot of damage so even though she do be kinda dead though the entire like city???? (i dont have a proper setting yet) do be about to crumble into dust in a giant sinkhole 
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