#are you really telling me neurotypical children are out here playing fireman one minute and ballerina the next
maculategiraffe · 2 years
my sister, who works in child development so I assume she knows, was telling me that the baby's preschool teacher was saying a bunch of things to her that (my sister said to me) "are basically code for 'we think your child might be autistic.'"
and I was like well I mean steve is definitely on the autism spectrum and I probably am and you've been saying you probably are and we secretly think that might also be what's up with our mom, so it wouldn't be surprising if the baby is too, and it certainly wouldn't be a problem. but out of curiosity what does the baby do that seems autistic to them? because I thought the early signs in toddlers were like... problems with joint attention, and ignoring other people. and he's always extremely engaged with me when we hang out
and my sister said "they say he doesn't talk, and he doesn't respond when they call his name, and he spins around in place..."
and I was like huh. well he certainly talks to ME. and responds when I call his name. and when he feels like spinning I simply sing the turn around game song and he loves it and follows all the directions. have they considered that they might just be boring
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