#are you sywen? this kinda sounds like sywen
captaindamianos · 2 years
Hi there,
I hope it's ok just sending an ask out of the blue, if not just ignore me 😅
But I just saw your reblog of your latest Lamen pic (which I personally find stunning and gorgeous and omfg just look at how pretty Damen's chiton is and the way Laurent is sitting so sweetly in his lap 🤤 .. um sorry i digress ) and I was confused that you asked in the tags if you got worse. And I'm so sad that you would think that when in fact you have improved so much. Your art has always been pretty but the newer images have so much detail and I feel like you focus way more on expressing intimacy between the characters (and it totally comes across) and their expressions are always so nice in your pics 🥰 Also your Damen is one of my favorite Damens. And Laurent in that witchy spooktober pic was so beautiful (he had the prettiest eyes 😍)
Please don't doubt your abilities. I'm sure I'm not the only person in this fandom that loves your art and is genuinely happy that you share it with us ❤️
Hello!!❤️I'm always happy about messages, so of course!!! Sorry if it looked like I was in fact ignoring you, I wasn't home when it was posted (It was scheduled) and work is stressful currently. I'm putting the rest under a read more because I don't want to clogg people's dashboards.
I'm really sorry for whining on main ahaha but also, thank you so much for everything you said. 😭❤️I'm really glad that there is improvement visible to other people as well, and I'm so happy about everything else you said too. You have no idea what it means to me and my fragile ego when it comes to drawing. 😂
I have a tendency to compare myself to others, unfortunately. And while it improved it's still there. And having everything I post perform not that great in comparison to earlier months this year (or other people 🙃) made me doubt myself a lot in the past few weeks. There was always ups and downs, and there will always be going forward, that's just how it is. Some things appeal, some don't. Sometimes it's timing, etc. It's just been a constant down recently and I couldn't really figure out why, as I've made no major changes. I've questioned everything from posting schedules to motives, to execution, to everything. And that's taking the fun away a bit. I do have fun drawing, but sharing stuff online is a bit intimidating to me. I do it in hopes someone else will enjoy that idea as well, and for that small connection. It just made me a bit more reluctant to share, and more conscious of what I share and what I keep to myself. But I do want to focus more on what I enjoy drawing, and the people who do enjoy what I post and less on everything else.
Anyway, sorry for using your lovely message to complain even more. I'm really grateful that you took the time out of your day to send me this message. ❤️❤️ Thank you, lovely anon. ❤️❤️
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