#are you thick in the head? or just a young green baby deer? yours truly mak & jordie
ninicaise · 1 year
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exact same energy
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aqua7kh · 7 years
My Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction! (MarinettexAdrien)
 Hey guys I saw that a lot of people liked posting fanfiction and writing on here so I decided to post my own fanfiction too! This fanfiction is called Made for Each Other. This is the first chapter. Enjoy~!
The hushed whispers of the gentle winds gracefully danced throughout the forest. Spring has sprung in the peaceful little village of Faris. Flowers bloomed, birds chirped, butterflies fluttered. As the adults were tending to their daily routines, the children were out at play as they were finally able to enjoy the vibrant green grass and the beautiful Spring flowers. One of these children was a young girl named Marinette. As she slept in her quiet sanctuary one would call her room, the sweet smell of pastries entered her nostrils. She immediately woke up, smiling as the bright rays of sunlight gently greeted her face from her window.
“Happy Spring!” The young girl cheered with a chuckle. The winter was harsh especially for the farm animals and the crops in her village so she was especially happy for the season to pass. Now her parents could use the plethora of fruits that were now in season for the bakery.
“Mmmmm… Cherry pie.” With a mighty stretch and a bright smile, Marinette was off. She flew downstairs and immediately gave a big hug and kiss to the first parent she saw which was her father.
“Morning Papa!” Marinette chimed. The father could only chuckle as he returned the embrace with a mighty hug of his own.
“Good morning, dear!” Came the father. “Happy first day of Spring. Did you sleep well?” Marinette smiled at the question, going back to how she practically slept like a baby the night before. With the Spring weather, Marinette’s room was nice and warm.
“Yup! I'm going to head out and hang out with Alya and Nino so I'll see you guys later!” She turned and was about to fly out of the bakery, until she was stopped by her mother. The father nervously chuckled and rubbed the back of his head.
“Sorry Marinette,” the mother began. “We’re very busy with the store so we need you to deliver some of our orders for us.” She said with a frown.
“But mom…” Marinette exclaimed with a sigh. “The weather is so nice! I helped you guys with the deliveries last year. And I told Alya I was going to hang out at the river with her! After we’re going to watch a magic show too in the main square.” As much as the young girl loved the bakery, it often got in the way with her plans. It didn't help that she also often had to babysit the daughter of a family friend. “I had to babysit Manon all weekend.”
The father hated saying no to his beloved daughter, but his wife was right- they were far too busy to attend to the deliveries. With a soft smile, he placed his hand on Marinette’s shoulder. “I know,” he began. “But we really need your help Marinette. We just have a few deliveries for you today and as soon as you're done you can go enjoy the weather with your friends okay? We will even pack lunch for all of you.”
As soon as Marinette saw her parent’s hopeful faces, she couldn't say no. Marinette absolutely loved her parents and always enjoyed helping them in any way that she can. With a smile, the girl nodded.
“Okay… It's a good day for a walk anyway.” With that, her parents held her in a strong hold and the girl pulled away with a chuckle. “How bad can it be?”
“AGRESTE MANOR?!” Marinette practically screeched as she stood in front of a mighty forest at the edge of the village. The Agreste Manor was rumored among the youths of the village for many things. Some said it was haunted. Others said that the owner, Gabriel Agreste was an evil warlock who turned all who approached his manor into frogs. No one dared entered the forest that was his property. The only person who ever even saw the manor itself was the mayor of the village and his daughter.
“Agreste Manor? Yeah I like saw it. I’ve actually been inside it! The guy who owns it is like so an evil wizard but my daddy makes sure that he behaves! The wizard is practically terrified of us and what we can do to him and his stupid house.” The mayor’s daughter, Cholé often boasted. She would tell stories about how brave her and her father was to enter the wizard’s home, threatening to kick him out of the village if he tried anything. As a result many respected Cholé and the mayor.
Marinette shivered at the thought of even stepping foot inside the forest. Sure, Cholé was a compulsive liar and absolutely loved to over exaggerate things, but the manor was truly a forbidden place among her peers.
“...I'm going to be turned into a frog!” Marinette peeped, staring hard into what seemed to be the endless abyss of the forest that was to be her doom. Why out of all places did it have to be Agreste Manor? “Maybe I can uhh… Have Kim do it?” Marinette thought to herself, thinking of her rather fearless friend. Honestly she was sure even he wouldn't want to do it. Marinette was just going to turn around and go home  that is, until the images of her parent’s smiles flashed in her mind.
“They're really counting on me…” She uttered silently to herself. If only Marinette knew how to say no. Maybe being a frog wasn't so bad after all? But what if she is turned into frog soup?! Marinette frog soup!
“N-No!” Marinette fought with herself, forcing her foot to take a step forward while she closed her eyes tight. “I can do it!” With that, Marinette held her breath and ran right into the forest, stumbling a few times on her way.
“Okay Marinette… Just focus… Go in, deliver the bread and get out! You're not going to turn into a frog or be eaten by a goblin wizard you'll be fine…” She chanted to herself over and over again.
Marinette had to admit, the forest wasn't that bad. It was actually rather beautiful in its own strange way. The tall strong trees stretched along the path as far as the eye could see. It's gentle leaves covered the entire forest like a rich green blanket. Still, rays of sunlight peeked through this blanket, shining it’s warm gaze on the moist moss and grass down below. Small patches of roses, tulips and other flowers graced the path Marinette walked on, dancing around to the music of the winds flying throughout the forest. It was almost something from one of the fairytales Marinette’s parents used to read to her at night. She was the Little Red Riding Hood and she was delivering the bread to her grandmother's house… The difference here is that the grandmother’s house might actually be the house of the wolf… Or at the very least, a wizard who liked turning people into frogs.
“Keep it together Marinette…” The girl uttered to herself, trying to remain focused on the actual delivery and not the fact that in a few minutes she may be turned into frog soup. As she went deeper and deeper into the forest, she still couldn't believe how beautiful it all was. Her gazing at the scenery was cut short however for up ahead the manor came into view. It was old but grand- it appeared to have become one  with the forest. Thick ivy rested on the strong mossy stone walls of the manor. The manor must have been larger than the mayor’s home itself.
Marinette felt enchanted by the manor. She took a few small steps towards the front gate and quietly stepped in. The front yard was completely devoid of a single soul. One would assume that the manor was deserted for decades. There were a few stone benches here and there along way to the front steps and even a quiet little fountain off to the side housing small fish. For the first time Marinette felt… Calm. It's as if the gentle atmosphere absorbed all of her worries and she was in tune with the world around her. The sun against her skin… The wind through her hair… The smell of the waking trees around her. She was one with the Earth.
Marinette stared hard at the front door. With a gulp and a look of determination on her face, she slowly inched herself up the front steps and gave a hardy knock on the door. Her entire body shivered. She just knocked on the door of Gabriel Agreste.
Minutes felt like hours to Marinette as she waited for the master of the manor to answer. The anticipation shook Marinette to the core. Who was Gabriel Agreste?
Marinette almost jumped when she heard a mighty bang of the door unlocking. Before Marinette could even react, a tall pale man opened the door. His dark gaze stared right into Marinette’s soul. This was Gabriel Agreste.
“H-Hi um…. Marinette is name my- my Marinette is- I'm Marinette!” She felt like a fish out of water. What's worse, Gabriel’s gray orbs wouldn't look away. With shaky hands, she held her parcel out. “D-Delivery!” She gulped and feared the worse, until suddenly Gabriel simply accepted the delivery. His gaze did not change one bit.
“Thank you.” He uttered, fishing around in his pocket to give Marinette the payment for the bread and a small tip. The girl stood there dumbfounded as she stared at the coins in her hand. She isn't a frog. She isn't going to be served as soup.
“Y-You’re not a wizard?” Marinette thought aloud. Upon realizing what she just said, Marinette inwardly freaked out. “I-I mean- there's no lizards in the forest…” What in the world was that. Marinette was about to try to save herself once again that is, until she heard a voice come right behind Gabriel.
“Father, did the bread come yet-” Inside the house, Marinette could see a young boy her age. He appeared to be very startled and surprised at seeing the visitor to his house. He was frozen- a deer caught in headlights. His hair was golden and his eyes were as green as the vibrant trees in the forest. Marinette couldn't help but blush at the sight of the boy. She didn't know Gabriel had a son.
Time was frozen as Marinette and the boy stared at each other. Blue clashed with green as their eyes made contact, not daring to look away. What was mere seconds felt like centuries to the two youths. Gabriel appeared very angry over the appearance of his son. Before Marinette could say or do anything, Gabriel quickly turned his back to Marinette.
“Good day.” Was all he uttered before promptly shutting the door right in Marinette’s face. She didn't even know how to react to such an event. Her mind was a blur. Everything felt like a dream.
Unsure of what else to do, Marinette just turned around and began to head back to the bakery. Along the way, her mind kept going back to the boy she saw standing behind Gabriel Agreste. Was he really Gabriel’s son? Why hasn't Marinette met the boy before? As all these thoughts entered her mind, a light shade of pink rose to her cheeks. That’s it! I hope you guys enjoyed it. If you want to read more the rest of the chapters are right here! https://www.fanfiction.net/u/3016452/Aqua7KH
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