#areas you can get botox
pnkhalo · 2 months
Some of the BEST investments I have made as an adult:
Braces + good dentist + teeth whitening routine
Full body laser hair removal (I started this while I was in college and broke. So, I did monthly payments in order to afford it)
Retinol/tretinoin (they say the earlier you start the better)
Filler (with a reputable injector with a good tract record of natural results. I LOVE my injectors work)
HSA + 401K
Good car insurance + extensive and long-lasting warranty coverage
Knowledgeable and ethical hairstylist
A black female psychiatrist (Love her😭)
Things I am looking to invest in:
Lasik eye surgery! I already know what doctor I want to go to and have had a consultation. Once I get promoted/new job I will book with him! My friend went to him and she has BETTER than 20/20 vision (ie. 20/15 vision). We went to a golf tournament and she could see things I couldn’t see even with my contacts in!!!
An apartment in Phoenix - closer to Scottsdale (obvi) so I’ll live in a nice area closer to friends and my fav PHX spots.
Preventative Botox + pdo threads
Personal trainer + high end gym membership
A flight/travel pass (so I can travel more)
A black female therapist
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sunkissedchld · 30 days
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asteroid eris is named after the greek goddess of discord and strife. eris is known to be a troublemaker and is often credited with starting and sustaining the trojan war. although eris is often associated with creating problems for people, liana miate asserts that hesiod (an ancient greek poet) splits eris into two: a younger version who aligns with sowing discord for no reason and an older version who intends to bring about competition and push people to go beyond their set limits. 
in astrology, eris follows her mythological roots and represents areas of life where we can encounter disruptions, major losses, and chaos. eris can also tell of where we face injustices and where we need to learn to stand up for ourselves.
asteroid eris mainly makes itself known as it moves and creates transiting aspects, but for this post i will be focusing on how it functions in one’s birth chart. (if you do want me to analyze how it may work as it makes aspects to planets and other object - let me know).
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asteroid eris has an orbital period of about 560 years, so it moves through the signs really slowly. this asteroid has been in the sign of aries since the mid-1920s and won’t be in taurus until 2048 where it will stay until around 2146. with this in mind, i will only explain the way the signs aries and taurus will influence the way asteroid eris can function.
eris in aries could be tumultuous. there could be more of an emphasis on literal war and combat which makes sense in my opinion given the world wars were in and around the time period of this asteroid being in aries. i also see eris in aries being more likely to fight back against the chaos the asteroid can bring; if older eris wants people to learn to stand up for themselves, then aries is the perfect sign for that to occur. again, we can look back in history to see revolutions like the civil rights movement, the vietnam war protests, the breaking up of the british empire and more occur while this asteroid was in aries. of course, these things happen all throughout history, but i want to specify how often this seems to happen while in the specific period of eris in aries. asteroid eris in aries seems to function as dealing with catastrophes head-on with the idea of pushing through the tough times instead of succumbing to them. while discord may hit hard; the collective will rise back with more strength than what was had before.
eris in taurus could bring about a sort of predictable chaos. build ups to conflict may be obvious, but when it occurs it could destroy people’s comfortability and especially bring havoc to finances. conflicts could last for long periods of time, and people overall could fall into a “woe is me” attitude when it comes to figuring out how to move past catastrophes; instead of figuring out how to advocate for one’s self or the collective when facing injustices - those born under eris in taurus could try to wait things out. the idea of fighting back or advocating for oneself could take a while to be viable, but once it becomes an option i could see people putting up a hard fight.  asteroid eris in taurus could be reluctant to face conflict head on, but once decided to it will be obstinate on its course. i’m reminded of the phrase “when an unstoppable force hits an immovable object”.
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you could go through drastic physical changes. if you were to get into plastic surgery, fillers, botox, etc. it may not bode well for you; your body could react negatively to the treatments and/or you may not look as well as you wanted to. you could also struggle with your identity or feeling like you don't truly know yourself or what you want to do in life. you could go through "phases" or looking and/or dressing a certain way. you could feel as if no one understands you, or as if the way you view yourself is vastly different from how others see and understand you. people may not be able to come to a consensus about who they think you are as a person. it could take you a while to find out "who you are", and your body may change often throughout your life. those with eris in the first house probably need to come to terms with the way they look instead of trying to constantly change their appearance, and they also likely need to learn how to settle down with one way of living or learn to embrace that vastness of who they want to be instead of trying to put themselves into a box.
money and other financial successes could easily come and go out of your life. you may be the type of person who loses things more easily than the average person, and you may find it hard to retain money and possessions. during tense transits, you could have items repossessed or even stolen from you. your routines could be hard to maintain, or you could find random incidents keep you from being able to have one. it could be easy for you to break bad habits (but again, could be hard for you to maintain good ones). you could find yourself struggling to keep jobs or find that you're drawn to jobs where every day is different and unpredictable. you may need to learn how to stay on top of what it is you want and need to do (ie. writing down a schedule, having someone hold you accountable, etc.). you may need to learn how to say no to yourself when it comes to spending money and work on having a savings account you can't touch at all. it may be better for you to make large purchases with cash instead of setting up payments, so you can keep possessions long-term.
you could find yourself being ghosted often and/or you could have trouble maintaining contact with others. you could be "horrible with communication" or even technology to an extent. you could find that people misunderstand you or they think you're more harsh in your words than you intend to be. you could also have a tumultuous relationship with your siblings - maybe you've always found it hard to connect with them, or you go long periods of time without talking. your early education may have been interrupted in some way (having to move away, change schools, etc.). you could also have issues with transportation more often than others like your car breaking down randomly or always being late to events due to unreliability. learning how to advocate for yourself will be a major key to dealing with this eris placement. there's a need to learn how to "speak up" and deal with confrontation without running away and also without arguing. you may find it better to try leaving early to account for possible transportation issues. there's a need to learn to set boundaries with your siblings also in order to maintain the connection.
you could have an unstable home life. maybe you had (or you do) change living situations often, or your relationship with your family might not be the best. your childhood might’ve been fractured as a result of family issues. people, areas, or things you find comfort in may seem like they always get “ruined” at some point (ie. if you have a comfort show it gets canceled or the writing starts going downhill, a celebrity you like ends up being very problematic, etc.). you may feel as if you have no control over your emotions, or whenever you try to control your emotions you end up breaking down anyways. you may even find it hard to trust your instincts. you may also find it hard to create and maintain relationships with women - especially your mother. you may need to learn how to come to terms with the fact your childhood wasn’t as good as you wanted (or as good as it should’ve been); you might even have to realize you need to put yourself and your needs above your family due to their issues. you may need to learn to step back when it comes to parasocial relationships; figuring out it’s okay to find comfort in things or people, but not putting them on a pedestal anymore.
eris in the fifth house is also a contender for having an unstable childhood. maybe you weren’t allowed to behave like a child, or your childhood abruptly ended due to unforeseen circumstances. when engaging in creative avenues, you may encounter blocks often - in terms of imagination, originality, or physical blocks. you might even find that the art you create gets messed up in some way (ie. you delete a song or a section of a song you were making, you mix the wrong paints together, etc.). you may spontaneously lose interest in hobbies, or you’re prevented from being able to do them (ie. it rains on a day you planned to golf, you run out of yarn when you were planning to knit, etc.). with this placement, it may also seem like your romantic life is never going anywhere; this is another house that may see people ghosting them, or when you go out on dates they could be horrendous. you may need to learn how to create things out of your messes when it comes to creative endeavors; there’s a need to learn how to “roll with the punches” so to speak. you may find it best to engage in multiple hobbies instead of just one or finding a way to have someone hold you accountable for the creative work you want to create. there’s a need to allow yourself to go back to being the child you never got to be at some points.
you may be the type of person who always has health issues or some sort of injury. when you try to create good health habits you may find it hard to stay on track, and there may even be instances where you unintentionally break your habits (ie. you’re counting calories and want to stay under a certain amount but by day three you’ve forgotten you were dieting this way, you’re forced to work overtime one night and it just happens to be one of the days you’ve set aside for weight training, etc.). you may lose items easily, and when you try to help others you may have a way of making things worse (ie. you tried to help someone cook, but you burned part of the meal). you may need to advocate for and pay attention to your health and your body more than the average person. similar to other placements, having other people hold you accountable may be helpful for you to maintain habits you want to implement.  you may find it best to keep items in the same place each time you don’t have them in your hand, so you don’t lose things as often. when helping others, try to have someone check your work to be sure you’re providing aid the right way.
you could find yourself entering toxic relationships often or at least relationships that often never go anywhere. you might find yourself being ghosted by people for seemingly no reason or drama arising out of relationships you have from out of nowhere. contracts you write up or engage in could fall apart easily (ie. you receive a job offer, but it’s randomly rescinded for no reason; you have everything in order to move to a new apartment, but you get rejected out of nowhere), or they could cause more headaches than they’re worth. you might find people often don’t give enough in their relationships with you - like you’re the one running the show, making all the plans to be together, spending all the money, and they’re only along for the ride, or they only focus on what they can gain from you. you may need to learn how to have respect for yourself when it comes to relationships of all kinds. learning to not set yourself on fire in order to keep someone else from being cold, demanding equality in partnerships, etc. with this placement in aries i could even see a need to step back from relationships in some way - to allow or force others to pull their weight instead of making everything happen on your own. there’s a need to learn how to advocate for yourself and your needs in partnerships and contracts.
you could feel as if you’re always going through some sort of transformation - almost as if your life itself or life circumstances are always unstable. when you try to share with others you could find your kindness is not appreciated, so you may feel reluctant to give people money or take money from others for seemingly no reason. whenever you try to create deep connections with people it could feel like things never work out or always fall through (ie. you want to have a business partner, but the person backs out at the last minute, you need someone to cosign on a loan for you, but no one is willing). also, with this placement you may feel as if people leave randomly; this could range from being ghosted, them not putting in effort to maintain a relationship with you, conversations going stale to literal death taking people away from you without warning. additionally, your long term assets may be unstable. there could be a need to learn how to let go of things and people once they’ve served their purpose in your life; some people are meant to be present for only moments or periods of time in your life as opposed to throughout the whole journey. there’s also a need to stay on top of contracts and long-term investments; you could find that lower risk investments work best for you. there’s also a need to learn how to share yourself with others and allow others to do the same with you even through times where you may have been betrayed - learning from your mistakes is important in this area.
this is another placement that could encounter issues with transportation since the ninth house deals with travel. going further though, you could often experience disruptions when going on trips or vacations (ie. forgetting your passport, wallet, or other important item; flights being canceled or delayed for no reason, having “bad” experiences when you visit other areas). this could also be an indicator of struggling in areas of higher academia; this could be in regards to the material feeling overwhelming to learn or things always going wrong during the school year (ie. experiencing life changing events that make it hard for you to attend class, having to drop classes or finding it hard to create a schedule that works, etc.). connections to religion could also be unstable; you could feel uncomfortable with the idea of religion because of issues with religious institutions. you may find that people often try to suppress your culture or way of living, or you could find it hard to connect with your culture because people push you away from it in some way. there’s a need to be proactive when it comes to the way you travel – opting to leave too early instead of even on time, checking your luggage twice and three times over, etc. you may need to advocate for yourself more when interacting with higher institutions like college or religious places, and there’s also a need to be proud of your culture and views despite people’s attempts to erase them.
when it comes to receiving recognition for your achievements you could find that you’re often looked over. your career path may be hard for you to narrow down, or you could find you’re let go from jobs without warning when everything seems to be fine from your point of view. you may jump from job to job or be promoted and demoted to certain positions for no reason. you could encounter extreme highs and lows when it comes to your reputation; it might even be possible that your reputation is not consistent amongst people, and it could be hard for you to control it. when you’re in positions of power you may find that people often undermine you or refuse to take you seriously - especially men. on that note, you may find it hard to create and maintain relationships with men (especially your father). you could find people always find a way to criticize you or tell you all the work you do is wrong no matter what you do. there’s a need to possibly embrace whatever reputation people assign to you instead of trying to control the narrative or change who you are to appease everyone. there is also a need to demand recognition and praise when you know you deserve it - possibly even walking away from job opportunities when you know you’re being lowballed. there’s a need to maintain your sense of self trusting that the truth of who you are will guide you towards those who will appreciate you.
it could be hard for you to maintain friendships and connections with the collective and other groups in general. you could find yourself being iced out or being the “odd one out” when you try to fit in. technology may fail on your frequently, or you may feel like it doesn’t like you (ie. you find it hard to connect to wifi, you always have phone or computer issues, etc.). you may feel as if (or told) that you’re not as helpful as you think you are when it comes to collective situations (ie. group projects). you could find your ideas and dreams for the future often don’t work out, or you find them hard to maintain. there’s partially a need to embrace your individuality - to come to terms with the fact that you will eventually find a group that aligns with you and won’t push you out or make you feel othered. there’s a need to keep putting yourself out there even when you feel like it never works out. there’s also a need to maintain hope – for the future, for connecting with others, and when it comes to interacting with technology.
this is another placement that would indicate feeling as if you’re always going through some sort of transformation or ending in life. you could feel as if your spiritual life is in constant chaos (ie. having times where you’re clear on what your journey is and then suddenly feeling like you have no clue what you’re doing; being able to communicate with your guides clearly and then suddenly hearing radio silence, etc.). you could feel as if you don’t “truly” or “intimately” know yourself. you could find that your subconscious activates at random times and could cause trouble when you least expect it. you could feel as if your fate changes quickly going from having great luck to none at all. when it’s time to end certain cycles in your life you may find it hard to let go, or you may feel as if things end abruptly leaving little space for you to accept these endings. there’s a need to learn to be okay with abrupt endings or the idea of never receiving closure – finding a way to maintain peace even if this doesn’t happen. there’s also a need to take fate into your own hands instead of always being passive (or learning to be passive when it’s necessary). there’s a need to be open to ambiguity as opposed to running away from it.
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torialefay · 4 months
maybe this is too niche but the most random thoughts keep popping into my head?? idk but i must share them.
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these are the types of doctors i think stray kids would be, based on different doctors' stereotypes (from the pov of a medical student):
chan: sports medicine 🏀⚽️
• description: physicians with training in areas related to treating and preventing injuries and health issues associated with sports, exercise, or strenuous physical activity
• stereotype: athlete-turned-doctor. the less extreme brother of the orthopedic specialists. get to meet a wide range of people and are well-liked. very passionate about sports and physical health. dress really nice and know their ass looks great in their tight pants. probably has memorized all the stats of their favorite teams. ACTUALLY very intelligent and not just a meat head.
minho: forensic pathologist 🩸
• description: subspecialist in pathology whose area of special competence is the examination of persons who die suddenly, unexpectedly or violently. The forensic pathologist is an expert in determining cause and manner of death.
• stereotype: honestly just leave them tf alone. they just wanna do their thing... without you there, just come find them when they've figured it out. nice but also scarred forever. a little fucked up in the head but much needed. no one understands how they're able to do their job tbh. able to conjure up the most morbid situations. kinda freaky but in a respected way. you should be concerned if they stare at you for too long.
changbin: orthopedist (aka orthopedic surgeon aka "ortho bro") 🦴
• description: medical specialist who focuses on injuries and diseases affecting your musculoskeletal system (bones, muscles, joints and soft tissues). although this type of doctor is a surgeon, they often help people get relief with nonsurgical therapies.
• stereotype: the "bro"est of the bros. always talking about their new workout routine or equipment with the other ortho bros. will out-eat you any day of the week. probably has a hot spouse. will be blasting their workout playlist for hours on end in the operating room. honestly just want to do surgeries so they can play with the tools. could fight off an entire army with the amount of protein powder they consume on the daily.
hyunjin: dermatologist 💉
• description: medical doctor who specializes in conditions that affect the skin, hair, and nails.
• stereotype: distinguished and better than you. better than everyone else. can be nice, but can also be cold depending in the person. only uses the best hair products. the specialty is very competitive, but you're 99% sure they got in with pretty privilege. owns 7 cars, but their sunday car is their favorite. sells $90 moisturizer at the check-in counter. most definitely is also certified in botox and filler and will give you a discount on your injections if you compliment them enough.
han: psychiatrist 💆🏻
• description: medical doctor who can prescribe, direct, or administer psychotherapeutic treatments or medications to treat mental, emotional, or behavioral disorders.
• stereotype: actually does give a fuck about you. you can tell them the most fucked up shit and they honestly will not be surprised in the slightest. quirky to a fault. knows how to make you feel special. very #relatable. sacrifices their own mental health for the sake of yours. cannot do math. just wants world peace. mentally diagnoses everyone they meet with a personality disorder.
felix: gynecologist 👛
• description: physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases of the female reproductive system.
• stereotype: will be kind to you and work for the promotion of women's health. never makes you feel uncomfortable and tries to make you feel more secure in an environment that can seem scary. has very expensive bags. their children are very successful, but in a humble way. emotionally intelligent. wishes they had more time to bake. an advocate. seem sweet, but if you cross them, they can drag you through the absolute mud. may or may not have a rhinestone cup collection.
seungmin: general surgeon 🔪
• description: doctor and surgeon who’s trained to diagnose and manage a broad array of medical conditions before, during, and after surgery (preoperative, operative and postoperative care), often as leaders of a team.
• stereotype: literally just trying to get you cut open, close you up, and leave. has 27 different playlists to listen to in the operating room. may or may not flirt with the other staff. got this job bc they cannot handle people telling them what to do. will humble you so quickly. other besties are also surgeons. has very niche interests. weird sense of humor that not everyone gets but they still have to laugh because they are scared of him.
innie: neurologist 🧠
• description: medical doctor who diagnoses, treats and manages disorders of the brain and nervous system.
• stereotype: a little peculiar, but very smart. takes a long time to get an appointment with them. probably thinks you are a little dumb, but tries to be nice anyways. hard to make friends. has an amplitude of medications that they are legally not supposed to have. their children are most definitely overachievers. would not trust you to bring an important dish to the potluck. has the cutest shoes. dabbles in unexpected kinks.
(descriptions gotten from various websites hehe)
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3liza · 10 months
hm okay "face yoga" you win. my little pre-jowl buccal fat pads ARE a little less prominent after several minutes of smoosjing my face around.
fat stores water so it makes sense you can change some fat-based structures on the face and body by applying pressure. I don't give a shit about aging obviously I am extremely based and old-pilled and looking forward to being a MILF, BUT, I still like to look nice for my age and I do little tricks and routines to look nicer and its always interesting to see which ones work, which ones are bullshit, and which ones sort of work but only if you put an enormous amount of time and effort into it.
for my money, here's a short list of things that actually cause visible improvements:
- taping your frown lines when you sleep
- wearing a jaw band to prevent mouth-breathing at night, secondary effect of applying compression to jaw and neck area all night which reduces water retention in the fat pads there
- red and blue spectrum LEDs. you don't need a gadget for this they're literally just LEDs like from light bulbs. the purple grow lights are the same shit. do not shine them in your eyes you will get cataracts
- vitamin c both orally and topically. this has strong research behind it
- micro needling. you can "erase" fine lines if you stab them with a sterile needle every 8 months or so when they come back from making facial expressions. no clue how long this can be maintained but wouldn't it be interesting if I was 70 years old with no forehead lines because I just kept wiping them out with controlled dermal injury. interesting experiment to do
- rosemary and peppermint oil topically for hair growth
- Botox. I got migraine Botox but they inject in the face too for this treatment. it did in fact get rid of wrinkles but I really hate not being able to use my eyebrows. don't like this one, wouldn't get it as a cosmetic treatment but it does help with migraines. women who get Botox for a few years really end up looking weird and it causes facial muscle wasting which makes you look old. treat face wrinkles with taping, needling, chemical peels and laser if you want to get rid of them, i think Botox is a bad bargain
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lightofraye · 28 days
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Hi there! You certainly didn't waste any time, jumping straight into your concerns.
With respect... I disagree. He might've had some fillers, but I believe any and all Botox might've been done for his depression (as I mentioned not too long ago). The lines around his forehead and other areas of his face would not have settled that quickly if it had been done for wrinkles.
(Someone I follow on Facebook had gotten Botox for wrinkles and it took her a good number of weeks, not a week or two, for it to settle.)
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Because as you can see... his face is pretty similar here! He's always had those kinds of cheeks and lines when he smiles!
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As for the rhinoplasty... I must disagree. I've searched high and low for any differences in his nose since Days Of Our Lives and honestly? I don't see it. Because look:
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That nose has always been asymmetrical. I don't think he's ever bothered to get it fixed. But, ah, the red lines? Let's see!
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Nope. No red lines that I can see. I would love to see where you're seeing them!
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No worries! I've kept your name off the ask as you've requested!
And you're very welcome! I love Sign Language! It comes in so handy, especially in loud places or wanting to communicate across the room! No need to shout! Just sign and be 'heard'! Plus, it allows me to really read body language. It's amazing how many people miss that.
I absolutely hope to teach my son--his father is being combative about it, but I keep trying!--and my daughter is learning as well.
I wasn't sure if you wanted me to post the last part, your "private aside", so I'll just try my best to address it without actually, uh,... sharing what you said.
RE: Danneel. Yeah... she... she tries on many masks, pretending to be something she's not. But everyone can see right through her because she's such a bad actress. She's an awful mother, unable to parent without the nannies around. She's an awful wife; can't even support her husband in his worst moments (like the Rust shooting). She's a terrible producer; cue The Winchesters lawsuit. She's a terrible actress; cue her non-existent acting career. She can't even pretend to be a decent being without folks giving her the side-eye about all the "compliments" and "jokes" she slaps around.
She's offensive as a human being, honestly.
I just wish she'd go away.
Back to your main message: I understand we may disagree. I know some would say "Yeah, Jensen's had some work", and it may be he's had a little bit, due to Hollywood being what it is.
However, he didn't have nearly to the extent that Danneel's had--her face is unrecognizable to what it was like, way back when. She's even messed up her philtrum lines (the curvature between our nose and lips) so now it's all crooked because she's had so many botched fillers.
I mean, imagine looking at this face and thinking it's all natural:
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I can almost guarantee some of that are filters from the photographer because no human skin is that smooth and untextured. Her lips? Fake and fillers. Her cheeks? Unnatural fillers. Her forehead? Botox and tons of facelifts. If she doesn't stop her eyes are going shrink in the creepy way from too many plastic surgeries. Hell, even her eyebrows are fake.
So yeah. Jensen has a long way to go before he ever reaches her extent and I hope he never does.
Thanks for the ask! (And don't worry. I may disagree, but I'm not offended! Everyone's free to disagree!)
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scientia-rex · 11 months
Hello, I appreciate your medical posts very much and having seen a post the other day where you said migraine was in your areas of special interest, I'd love to ask a related question. You talk about bodies and medicine and patient experience etc in a way that makes a lot of sense to me and I'd trust your take.
I have chronic migraine. I'm currently at 100% pain days, with varying severity. Very hard to pin down what is prodrome, the main event, and postdrome as it's all blurred into one. My migraine team want me to reduce painkiller usage (currently dihydrocodeine and paracetamol daily, and ibuprofen maybe every other day on top) due to rebound headache. I want to cut down because they're fucking expensive and I'm scared for my liver and kidneys. But I literally can't cope with life without them. I went off them for four months a few years ago and the pain was so severe and so debilitating I was the most suicidal I've been in my life. Without painkillers I can't get to the toilet unaided, rarely leave bed, even more rare to leave the house. It's hell. And that's not even considering the effects on everyone around me who has to pick up to care for me.
So what do I do? The way I see things, I need something to help the pain improve before I can use less painkillers, but the longer I go on trying to find something that works and not getting there, the more I think maybe I'm wrong in that. I know a bit about how codeine based painkillers can reduce your pain tolerance / pain baseline. I don't think it's an addiction issue because I've been at the same (over the counter) dosages for 4 years now. I just want to do all that I can to be better, but I also need to be alive to be better. I am stuck.
TL;DR - If you have any thoughts on the relationship between chronic migraine, painkiller use, preserving quality of life while finding a treatment, and increasing the chances of a treatment working, and where on earth the balance between all that lies, I'd really like to hear them.
Again, I absolutely appreciate if you can't answer this, don't want to etc. Giving advice online is notoriously tricky and all that. But a big thank you for your time in reading, and all your weight and exercise posts especially which make me feel so much better about my body. Wishing you all good things! 💖
I won't speak to your case directly, since I'm not your doctor, but here is my personal algorithm for escalating treatments for migraine (note that "abortives" in this case means something you take after a migraine starts to try to end it, while "prophylactic" means a daily treatment you take to reduce likelihood of developing a migraine):
-OTC combination of magnesium, feverfew, and butterbur, taken daily
-Triptans (insurance will usually demand patients fail at least 3 to cover a more expensive treatment)
-High-dose NSAIDs (as abortive treatment given risk of rebound headaches if used daily)
-Daily topiramate (insurance will always demand this is either failed or there's a clear contraindication)
-Daily calcium channel blockers
-Daily beta blockers (higher dose than used for anxiety or low-grade arrhythmias)
-Daily anti-epileptic medications (such as Lamictal)
-Monthly anti-CGRP monoclonal antibody injections (Aimovig or Ajovy; expensive so insurance will demand you've failed some or all of the previous meds)
-Abortive anti-CGRP orals (Nurtec or Ubrelvy)
-Abortive ergotamine, usually Migranal, a nasal spray (very expensive and must be repeated 15 minutes after initial dose regardless of whether symptoms are improving or not)
-Prophylactic Botox (I believe this is every 3 months, must be done in the office of a trained and licensed professional, usually but not always a Neurology provider)
-Sphenopalatine ganglion blocks (done by dripping lidocaine far back into the sinuses to reach the sphenopalatine ganglion, again in the office of a trained and licensed professional)
-Cephaly (transcranial magnetic stimulation at-home device), expensive so insurance hates covering it
Now, one of my newer tools, and my current personal favorite, is a greater occipital nerve block--easy and fast, low risk, and I've had about 90% success with my patients in aborting current headaches. Effects seem to last 3-4 weeks in most cases and since it's straight lidocaine (you don't have to include steroids, though you can) you can do it as often as needed. I generally do this in my office, but I did train one patient's spouse to do it at home given how frequent their headaches. The pharmacy lost their fucking mind about letting an outpatient have lidocaine. I don't know why.
I currently manage my pretty awful chronic migraines with a combination of monthly Aimovig, as-needed Excedrin (the combination of caffeine, Tylenol aka paracetamol, and aspirin is effective for many people but is a real risk for causing medication overuse headaches, the more official term for bounce-back), as-needed Ubrelvy (I can sleep after taking Ubrelvy but not Excedrin so it's a good option), and roughly monthly greater occipital nerve blocks (I teach my trainees to do it using myself as a subject). I wouldn't mind trying the Botox but it's a PITA to get in to see our only local Neurology provider and since my migraines are relatively well-controlled (probably 1-2 headache days a week right now) I don't think it's worth the effort.
I also really got a lot out of this lecture, so give it a try.
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limeade-l3sbian · 4 months
beauty is literally a hopeless loop to fall into and i feel such sorrow for all the women it’s claws have sunk deep into.
i’m losing weight lately due to lifestyle changes, recovering from binge eating, and it’s a positive, one should thing, right, that i can finally shed some of my extreme excess weight and potentially reach a healthier alternative.
so why am i suddenly getting tiktoks recommended about the ozympic face, talking about how it’s inevitable that your face ages poorly if u lose a lot of weight and that to avoid that u should seek out expensive beauty treatments, all from light therapy, fat injections, filler, botox, painful chemical peels, face lifts, skin removal, the list goes on. i’m in a fairly healthy mindset rn and i’ve never subscribed to beauty rituals that most women do, so i can escape the lure, but for women who are used to thinking of this as natural, imagine seeing all this videos and recommendations and shaming for sagging skin after u did the hard work and lost weight to better ur health? that’s so fucking sad.
at that point it’s a never ending cycle of self loathing and “improvement”. there’s never a place where ur body can just get to ((be)). because u made the “fatal mistake” of “allowing urself” to become fat and now ur body will forever carry the evidence without assistance. that’s supposed to make people wanna better themselves but all i see is soul crushing defeat whenever women turn, no matter the choices they make.
I saw a video recently where a woman said she knew that no matter how many things she did, it was always in the back of her mind that she would still age and when she was dead, it would all be useless. I think her caption was something like, "But I can't stop." The comments are similarly devastating.
Later that night, I saw a video of a young girl getting acrylics and another where a black mother was bragging about how her young daughter, we're talking 8-10, always stays presentable because she gets her silk presses constantly.
I think when someone of them say they don't know how to stop, they're not being dramatic. I think there are a lot of women who have been fed that certain beauty regimens are equivalent to maintaining your hygiene. A black woman made a video about how some other black women clowned her at an HBCU because she was meeting with her boyfriend and walked through the common area of the dorms with her natural hair messy. OTHER black women made comments saying, "I think she learned a valuable lesson that you can't just leave the house any kind of way."
If you grew up with it, it is a corruptive thing and becomes another tool of elitism that can be attained by any woman of any class. You "feel good with it" because you have successfully removed the threat of those you love and complete strangers commenting on your face for looking "tired" when you just look like a fucking human being.
Tears me up inside. Genuinely.
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farity · 1 year
In the Red of Night, part 5
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Aemond’s loft was on the top floor - of course - of the building across the street from the coffee shop.  When he opened the front door, your determination to not be impressed by his wealth went right out the window.
“Oh wow.”
The door opened to a wall of floor-to-ceiling windows, with the colors of sunset filling the expanse of glass.  There were large light fixtures hovering over the large living area, and your first impression was of a refuge, a welcoming space for someone who had most likely seen much of just about every style of living and wanted peace and quiet.
The wall across from the wall of windows was filled with books, and you smiled, shaking your head.  “Have you read of all those?”
You turned to Aemond and realized he’d been watching you.  “Yes.  Do you approve?”
You let out a breath.  “Of course I approve.  This is amazing.”
“Let me show you around.”
You followed as he took you around the place, smiled when he took your hand and grabbed the bag off your shoulder.  When you reached his bedroom, you were again surprised by how normal it seemed.  Luxurious.  Expensive.  But all in all, pretty normal.
"Are you hungry for some food?”
* * * * * 
She did not want to go out, so they went over a dozen delivery options before they decided on Thai food.  
“Can you subsist on food or do you need to drink blood?” she asked halfway through her bowl of soup.
He looked at her, amazed that such a question could sound so casual coming from her.  “Do you really not care?”
She dabbed at her mouth with a napkin.  “Of course I care, I’m just curious.  I want to know everything.”  She smiled and he felt comforted, realizing how much he had needed that.
“Yes, I can subsist on either.  I like food, and there is so much variety of it nowadays,” he nodded at his plate.  “Back home it was meat and something on the side most days.  We had great cooks but basically ate the same most of the time.  Alys was into stews, she always made stews for us.”
Aemond took a sip of his water.  “The one who turned me.  Alys Rivers.”
He saw the immediate change in her eyes.  From sweet to wary, from curious to fearful, and she went completely still.  “What is it?”
“How do you spell her name?”
Aemond tensed.  No one would ask that unless they’d seen some strange version of the original name.  “Do you know her?”
She took a deep breath while a thousand possibilities went through his head.
“A very posh woman came into the shop yesterday.  Her credit card said Alys Rivers.  A-L-Y-S.”  Her lips pressed together, as if she already knew the answer, “is that her?”
Aemond rubbed his face, the familiar dread heavy on his shoulders.  “Brunette, posh as you said, expensive everything, looks like she’s in her thirties?”
“More like forties with a lot of Botox and visits to a spa,” she smirked but her eyes were filled with fear.  
“I will not let her hurt you.”
“Would she?”
He wouldn’t lie to her.  Not when it could mean her death.  “If she knows who you are, and I don’t think her going to the shop was a coincidence,” he stared at her with sorrow in his soul, “yes, she would hurt you to get to me.”
She said nothing and Aemond cursed Alys, cursed himself.
“I am sorry.”
“What does that mean, Aemond?  I need to know.”  He saw how her fingers shook when she put down her glass of water.  “I have people I’m responsible for, my entire life is in that shop, I can’t disappear.”
“I can staff it with people who can defend themselves, give your employees a few weeks paid vacations-”
She ran a hand through her hair.  “Aemond, you can’t just throw money at things and expect them to be fixed.”
He smiled at her.  “You’d be surprised at how well it works.”  He stood and walked around the table. He realized he was far more afraid of her deciding he wasn’t worth it and leaving than he was of Alys, which might be incredibly stupid of him but at least Alys was a known quantity.  This brand new thing was so fragile, so tender, and he wasn’t completely sure he was indeed worth it to her.  “I really am sorry.  I never meant for you to be involved in this.”  
She touched his face, her smile soft, and he knew he had to offer, he had to give her an out even if it tore him apart.
“I can leave,” he began, “I can be gone by tomorrow, and Alys will follow my trail and never bother you as long as I am away from you.  You can have your life and your shop and not fear-”
She pressed her mouth to his, wrapped her arms around him, her tongue tracing his lower lip, and he opened for her, let her sweep in and taste him and then he was hauling her up in his arms, carrying her to his bedroom because whatever it was she was promising, he would take, however long she chose to be by his side.
“I don’t want you to go” she murmured between kisses.
“Then I won’t.”
When he placed her on the bed, she rose up onto her knees and pulled him down onto his back, straddling him while she pulled his shirt off.  He let his arms fall to his sides, letting her do as she willed.  
When she kissed his neck, he shivered, and she pressed her teeth against his skin.  “What does it feel like?”
He opened his eyes, “biting someone is power.  Cruelty if you hate them, possession if you love them, and when the blood flows, it’s the heat of them becoming part of you.”
“Show me.”
* * * * * 
You regretted the words the moment they came out of your mouth.  He might think it was all too much bother to deal with Alys and you and your worries about the shop.  Was he thinking he was just trading one needy woman for another?
“I’m sorry,” you said, “I shouldn’t ask-”
He lunged towards you, flipping you so it was you on your back now.  “I feel far too much for you.  I do not remember the last time I was this enthralled with someone,” he ran his hand under your shirt, “if you are offering willingly, then I will drink your blood, but know what that means to me.”
You watched him as his fingers cupped your breast and you sighed.
“Sex can be casual.  Drinking someone’s blood can also be casual, a different kind of exchange.  Since Alys used me and turned me, I have never done both with the same person.”
“Will it hurt?”
He smiled at your endless curiosity.  “I will not let it.”
You nodded, then, your mind made up.  You could understand what he meant, this was such an intimate act, but when he began kissing you, you stopped thinking and simply felt.  
It was so ironic that you felt safest in Aemond’s arms, when so much danger seemed to surround him, but as he pulled your shirt up over your head you closed your eyes, your trust in him complete.
There was a moment when you felt his lips brushing against your wrist that you felt a momentary panic, the human instinct to protect yourself strong even as you said you wanted this, but Aemond moved on, up the silky soft skin of your arm and over to kiss your neck and you arched back, fighting that instinct.  
He was pulling off the rest of your clothes, and you kicked off your pants and underwear, reaching down to undo his jeans with trembling hands.  He continued sucking and teasing your neck while you tried to distract yourself.  You wanted to know, you wanted to share this with him.  You were also kind of terrified.
“If you don’t want me to-”
“I do,” you said quickly, before he could change his mind, and he kissed you, gently and slowly while he kneed your legs apart, his hands tender on your face.  
When he began pushing inside you, you pulled your knees back, wanting him to have you completely, wanting him as deep as possible within you.  
“Tell me,” he whispered in your ear, “do you fear me?” 
He pulled back and then slammed back inside you, and you gasped, “no.” You wrapped your arms around him, your eyes on his.  “I don’t fear you, Aemond.”
He snapped his hips again, one hand fisting in your hair to keep you facing him.  “You terrify me,” he said, lips curved in a gentle smile, and then he sank his teeth into your neck.  
It did not hurt, as he’d promised, but instead it was a new awareness of him inside you, and as he drank, you felt yourself floating, the bed beneath you dissolving and there was only you and Aemond, his hands on you, the warmth of him against your skin.
* * * * * 
He wouldn’t take too much.
He would show her what it was like, he would be quick in drinking from her and give her so much pleasure she would know he meant it when he said there would be no pain.  For he meant this to be only the first of many.
When she came the first time, she cried out, her body straining with both pleasure and the new sensations coursing through her, and he held her, his lips now a comfort as he kissed her cheek, her temple, and then moved down to kiss the valley between her breasts.
As she tried to get her breathing back to normal, he kissed past her belly, her hip, and settled between her thighs.  He would have every taste of her, savor every moan and whimper and pleasure her until she knew nothing but him.
She reached down to grab his hand, to anchor herself, he knew, to hold on to something.  The taste of blood and the taste of her mixed on his tongue as her cries filled his head.  He made her come again, twice, three more times, until she was sobbing and he moved back up to taste her tears, too.
“You are mine,” he whispered as he filled her again, as she reached up to touch him, her fingers brushing against his chest.  “Mine.”
He rocked his hips, seeking his own release, and grabbed her hand to kiss her fingertips.  His last coherent thought before he came was that he would let nothing and no one hurt her.
* * * * * 
You awoke to find Aemond wrapped around you, his face against the back of your neck, arms around you, one long leg over both of yours.
In case you hadn’t realized it yet, the man was possessive.
You turned in his arms and nestled your head under his chin, and he stirred.  “Are you okay?” he murmured into your hair, his voice still gravelly with sleep.
“Mm-hmm.”  You wrapped your own arms around him and closed your eyes.  You didn’t feel any pain where he’d bit you, and at one point when you’d gone to the bathroom you’d looked at your neck, and other than two indentations, there was no sign of what he’d done.  Of what you’d asked him to do.  There was no discoloration, no tearing.  He hadn’t taken a lot of blood, and you felt no different.  
“I love waking up with you in my arms,” he added, “we should make a habit out of this.”
After you showered and dressed, you were looking out of the windows to your coffee shop.  There was a steady stream of customers, and you’d called in to make sure Bailey and Katie were.
“Don’t bother us, we’re very busy,” Katie had said and hung up on you, and you thought maybe she didn’t quite understand the dynamic of an employee-boss relationship.  Bailey had texted you later, letting you know all was well and to take as many days as you needed.
“I need to know everything-”
“I am well aware,” Aemond replied, raising an eyebrow.
You sighed, smiling.  “about how to deal with Alys.”
He nodded, and pulled you down to sit on the sofa with him.  “I know there are things that can be done to protect yourself from her.  From any of us, really.”  He looked at your hand in his, so much smaller.  “As long as you are human, you’re starting off at a disadvantage.”
He turned your hand over, kissing the center of your palm.  “I need you to think about this.  Because I’m in love with you, and if it means you start turning, then we start now, before-”
“You don’t gain everything the moment you are turned, which is why older vampires are far more powerful-”
“No,” you looked at him, feeling your heart pounding in your ears.  “what you said before that.”
Aemond thought back and then looked back up at you.  “That I love you.”
“Yeah, that.”
He smiled gently.  “I do.  I have for a while.  You don’t have to say it back, you don’t need to feel obligated to anything.”  He waited while you took in his words and when you went into his arms, he simply held you.  “You are precious to me, so incredibly precious.”
“Aemond, I was in lust with you from the moment I first saw you,” you said quietly, pulling back.  “Then I thought you were so kind and funny, and then I wondered why the hell wasn’t there someone with you.”  You laughed, “I couldn’t imagine someone like you not having someone, you know?”
He caressed your cheek, but said nothing.
“And then I realized I wanted to be that someone, but then the whole mess with that guy happened and I found out what you were, and I thought, well now there is really no way this is happening.”
“But you are that someone.  You are the someone.”  He bit down on his lip, and looked at you nervously.  “I was fascinated, at first.  I kept waiting for you to decide it was too much work to open the cafe, and you didn’t, and then I walked in and you were so good at it.”  He laughed.  “And then you gave me sweets and I was ready to kneel at your feet, but I wanted more.  I wanted you.  And the more we talked, the more I wanted you, but I thought this was a burden I would not place on anyone.”
“And then ‘the whole mess with that guy happened’“ he smiled, quoting your words.  “I whether you wanted me back or not, I decided I would watch over you.”
You caressed his face, “I’ve slept with two other people in my lifetime.  The first because I was curious,” you explained, giving him a look when he laughed and nodded, “and the second because I thought I was in love.”  He took your hand from his cheek and kissed it again.  “And I wasn’t, and he was nice enough but I decided to not make that mistake again.  And I haven’t.”
He watched you, not moving, his eyes wide. 
“I love you, too.  And I don’t care what you’ve had to do to survive or how you’ve dealt with people before.  And if she comes for you or for me, we’ll deal with her.”
* * * * * 
Aemond thought that if it came down to killing Alys, he would do it, and then, as she finally stopped existing, he would say a posthumous thank you to her, for it was being turned that had allowed him to be around and meet the woman he now held in his arms.  
He explained a lot of what he knew, which granted, wasn’t everything because it wasn’t like there were a lot of others he could ask.  Many times he was the oldest one around, as was the case now, and he was the one who would get the questions.
He would not let Alys take this from him, too.
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* * * * *
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ear-motif · 1 year
alana feels a pebble in her shoe. She takes out the pebble. under that pebble is a single piece of dog kibble. smelling the now-freed kibble, a dog wanders up. there is a scroll of parchment tied to its collar.
alana feeds the dog the kibble. the collar is unmarked. an owned dog with no name? a stray with a decoration? well, arent we all. she unrolls the scroll. it has been penetrated with a quill that scored it with cursive in computer-font perfection
“hiiiii alana its me will dictating to hannibal cause my hands are broken. Don’t worry about it.
Anyways do you know any good sex therapists in the greater Baltimore area? We’re not coming back but we might kidnap one lol. Hannibal keeps getting bored in the bedroom and there are only so many ways a guy can eat pussy know what I’m sayin? Or a girl. Eat pussy I mean. You get it. Wait shit Han don’t write that I shouldn’t assume what she does in the bedroom. Hannibal shut up you know nothing about gay people
Ok so he has this fantasy of giving me a lethal injection and then saving me right before I die. And my argument is that that’s not sex. Like wtf. But anyways dude I cant with him he doesn’t even wanna kiss anymore unless my mouth is bleeding like wtf man
He won’t see a sex therapist of course I just need someone to rant to who wont scream and you refuse to reply to my letters, asshole. Ok ttyl byeee”
Alana crumples up the parchment, but in doing so, sees more words on the back. They were barely legible, even worse than when Will had to write with his toes (he got injected with botox while trying to stab an esthetician). Unfortunately, Alana could still make it out;
“Dude forget the sex therapist I told Hannibal he could inject me with whatever as long as I get to do something similar. And bro I’m gonna make an electric chair for him im so excited. So we dont need any more recommendations also sorry for the pussy comment ok bye for real”
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hanskinlavina · 3 months
Safe and effective wrinkle reduction: Bijutox
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Botox is a cosmetic procedure that uses a neurotoxin called botulinum toxin to temporarily reduce or eliminate wrinkles. It is primarily used to reduce expression lines such as the forehead, frown lines, and crow's feet, and works by temporarily paralyzing muscles to prevent wrinkles from forming. Today's product is a botulinum toxin called Bijutox.
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Benefits of BIJUTOX
✦ 01. Remarkable satisfaction with the procedure
With just a simple procedure, overall improvements in wrinkles, skin tone, skin texture, and facial shape can be seen. The effects can be felt immediately after the procedure or within 1-2 weeks.
✦ 02. Immediate return to daily activities
The procedure takes about 10 minutes, and you can return to your daily activities almost immediately, as there is minimal bruising or swelling 10-30 minutes after the procedure.
✦ 03. Safe and excellent effect
The effect can be felt immediately after the procedure or within 1-2 weeks. The procedure is very safe, and side effects are extremely rare.
✦ 04. Reduced pain! Easier correction
For those sensitive to pain, applying numbing cream before the procedure can significantly reduce discomfort. Additionally, if there are any areas of dissatisfaction, they can be easily corrected with a touch-up procedure.
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Regular Botox VS Bijutox, How are they different?
Unlike regular Botox, Bijutox can be injected into different skin layers.
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Recommended Combination
✦ 01. CELLOVERO (Water Glow) & BIJUTOX
Improvement of Skin texture & Tone
Hyadration & Moisturizing effect
Enhancement of skin elasticity
Anti-aging, Whitening
Wrinkle improvement elasticity enhancement
Pore Reduction
Improvement of skin tone
Lifting effect
Wrinkle Reduction and Pore Contraction, with a surge in moisture!
How does it work?
The skin before the procedure
The dermis layer within the Injection procedure
After the procedure
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✦ 02. CELLOVERO (Water Glow) , REJUVERO (PDRN), Bijunel Black (PN) & BIJUTOX
Skin booster
Creating healthy skin at the cellular level and promoting collagen production
Skin botox (Bijutox)
Regulates the functions of sebum, sweat glands, and muscles to lift the face!
Improves wrinkles and pores and provides a lifting effect.
When combined in two aspects, the anti-aging effects are further enhanced!
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✦ 03. CELLOVERO (Water Glow) & REJUVERO (PDRN) & BIJUTOX (Skin Botox)
Strong Effects with Anti-aging Injection Experience it now!
This injection, composed of hyaluronic acid, creates a powerful moisture barrier on the skin, enhancing elasticity and creating a bright and radiant complexion. It hydrates dry and dull skin, while also rejuvenating it to be moist and elastic, addressing wrinkles and lack of elasticity.
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✦ 04. REJUVERO (PDRN) & BIJUTOX (Skin Botox)
Skin Reproduction
Skin Elasticity
Skin Pore Care
Skin Texture
Acne Scars
PDRN is a DNA fragment extracted and processed from salmon sperm DNA that has 98% similarity to human DNA
Anti-aging solution for skin better skin radiance, and youthful skin texture plus improved skin rigidity and elasticity
Skin Tone
Skin Pore Care
Skin Texture
Face Lines
Bijutox for a more refreshed look
Anti-aging solution for skin better skin radiance, and youthful skin texture plus improved skin rigidity and elasticity
Do you have more questions about Bijutox or want to buy it? Contact us Han's kin 🤩
We look forward to introducing you to more derma products in the future :)
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hey, just wanted to ask are you okay?
Not at all, but thank you for asking! I probably won't be writing in the foreseeable future, if at all. Lots of health stuff under the cut. Thank you to everyone who keeps liking my stories. I see you, and I appreciate you.
So I got a feeding tube in January, and I had to rehome my cats because of it. That's been a little rough on me. But then I got migraines every single day for the past seven months or so, and I'm finally scheduled to get Botox for them. I've also been formally diagnosed with autonomic neuropathy, which is basically an umbrella term for widespread nerve dysfunction in the areas of my body that do things that you do without thinking, like digesting and temperature regulation and not fainting when you stand up. My pseudotumour is also getting worse again, so they're probably gonna wanna run some life-threatening (for me, because I have EDS) tests on me again to determine how bad it's gotten so they can treat it and stop it from making me go blind. I've decided to go back to therapy because of all of this health stuff being incredibly overwhelming, and I'm just trying to make the best of it and survive, one day at a time.
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asprngdeductionist · 9 months
Guide to body language part 1
 I've already mentioned, that I got all the information and knowledge from the book 'The dictionary of body language'. I've been implementing the knowledge, not just into my deductions, but my personal life too. Today I'm going to list to you the most important things to look for on each and every body part. Now, I can't really do that in 1 sitting and mash it into 1 entry. I will do it in the form of a series on both here and tumblr. I'm going to be cutting the body into thirds and try to make a trilogy. We'll see. But now I'll start with the head.
The hair
As I stated in my previous body language blogpost here. There are mainly pacifiers that we're looking for. Though read the entry to really get what we're talking about here. 
The hair doesn't really have any nerve ending, but can still be quite helpful. Have you ever noticed that when students are writing a test they often toy with or brush through their hair. This is, Ladies and gentlemen, a pacifier. It can also be a restricting action. So what this action does, is: Letting more oxygen and air in to let the head breathe. Toying with the hair is also a pacifier. Touching the hair can also indicate flirting in the dating world.
The forehead & eyebrows
The forehead has a lesser amount of nerve-endings, but communication and non-verbal communication side can be very expressive. Like the raising of eyebrows and crunching your "foreskin" (I'm deeply sorry about the immature joke) revealing the expression of surprise . Crunching your eyebrows together and crunching the skin on the middle means doubt or worry. The lines that you often see on the foreheads of older people can be used when determining a person's age and/or usage of botox. 
Remember when you were crunching together the skin on your forehead on the biology thest when you couldn't remember that the mytochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. Yes that is pretty universal. That is a pacifier to help with stress and people also use it to remember stuff in anxious situations.
The Lips
The lips are a very sentimaental area. We kiss with it, we eat with it etc. Naturally people tuch it to pacify themselves. This means, that when you see someone touching their lips under stress they do it to pacify themselves. Another very important thing to look out for, is lip compressions. When soeone does this, they do it to either relieve stress or to restrict themselves, likely of anger. 
Usually, we don't see a certain indicator for deception, but gooper's delight is a very good exception. It is a little (could be assimetric) smile when talking. This accours because the person is happy because they think they've succesfully decieved you. This is a tell tale sign of deception in children and most adults.
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cmamedicinefl · 1 year
Pout Perfection: Your Guide to Botox Lip Injections in Jacksonville, FL
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When it comes to enhancing our natural beauty, there are countless options available today. From skincare routines to makeup tricks, there's always something new to try. But for those looking for a more lasting and dramatic change, Botox lip injections in Jacksonville, FL, have become increasingly popular. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore everything you need to know about Botox lip injections in Jacksonville, FL, and why they are the go-to choice for achieving pout perfection.
What Are Botox Lip Injections?
Botox lip injections, also known as lip fillers or lip augmentation, involve the use of Botox or dermal fillers to enhance the size, shape, and overall appearance of the lips. These injections can create fuller, plumper lips while reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth. In Jacksonville, FL, Botox lip injections are performed by skilled and licensed professionals who are well-versed in the art of aesthetic enhancement.
Why Choose Botox Lip Injections in Jacksonville, FL?
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Jacksonville, FL, has emerged as a hub for cosmetic procedures, and Botox lip injections are no exception. Here's why choosing Jacksonville for your lip enhancement needs is a wise decision:
1. Expertise and Professionalism
Jacksonville boasts a thriving cosmetic industry, with many experienced practitioners specializing in Botox lip injections. These professionals understand the unique needs and preferences of their clients, ensuring a safe and satisfactory experience.
2. State-of-the-Art Facilities
The city is home to state-of-the-art clinics and medical facilities equipped with the latest technology. This ensures that you receive top-notch care in a comfortable and sterile environment.
3. Tailored Treatments
Providers in Jacksonville, FL, prioritize individualized treatment plans. They take the time to understand your specific goals and customize the injection process to achieve your desired look.
4. Natural-Looking Results
One of the key benefits of Botox lip injections is that they can provide subtle and natural-looking results. In Jacksonville, FL, practitioners are known for their ability to enhance lips while maintaining a harmonious and balanced appearance.
The Botox Lip Injection Process
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Understanding the process of getting Botox lip injections is crucial for making an informed decision. Here's what you can expect:
1. Consultation
Your journey to pout perfection begins with a consultation with a licensed practitioner in Jacksonville, FL. During this initial meeting, you will discuss your goals, concerns, and expectations. The practitioner will assess your lip structure and recommend the appropriate treatment plan.
2. Pre-Treatment Preparation
Before the procedure, your practitioner will provide you with pre-treatment instructions. These may include avoiding blood-thinning medications, alcohol, and certain supplements to minimize the risk of bruising or swelling.
3. The Injection Process
On the day of your Botox lip injection, your practitioner will cleanse the treatment area and may apply a topical anesthetic to minimize discomfort. Depending on your treatment plan, Botox or dermal fillers will be injected strategically into your lips to achieve the desired volume and shape.
4. Post-Treatment Care
After the procedure, your practitioner will provide you with post-treatment instructions to ensure a smooth recovery. You may experience mild swelling and bruising, but these typically subside within a few days. It's essential to follow all post-treatment guidelines for the best results.
Benefits of Botox Lip Injections
Botox lip injections offer numerous benefits, which is why they have gained immense popularity in Jacksonville, FL, and beyond. Here are some of the advantages:
1. Immediate Results
Unlike some other cosmetic procedures, the results of Botox lip injections are visible almost immediately after the treatment. This means you can enjoy your enhanced pout right away.
2. Minimal Downtime
Botox lip injections require little to no downtime. You can typically return to your daily activities shortly after the procedure. This convenience is a significant draw for those with busy schedules.
3. Customizable
The treatment is highly customizable, allowing you to achieve your desired level of lip enhancement. Whether you want a subtle change or a more dramatic transformation, Botox lip injections can be tailored to your preferences.
4. Long-Lasting Results
While not permanent, the results of Botox lip injections can last for several months. This longevity makes it a cost-effective option for maintaining your ideal lip shape and volume.
Choosing the Right Practitioner
Selecting the right practitioner is crucial for a successful Botox lip injection experience. Here are some tips for finding the perfect provider in Jacksonville, FL:
1. Credentials and Experience
Ensure that your chosen practitioner is licensed, certified, and experienced in performing Botox lip injections. Review their before-and-after photos to assess their skill level.
2. Patient Reviews
Read reviews and testimonials from previous patients to gauge the satisfaction and results achieved by others who have undergone the procedure with the same practitioner.
3. Consultation
Schedule a consultation with your chosen practitioner to discuss your goals and assess their communication skills and approach to your treatment plan.
4. Facility and Safety
Visit the facility where the procedure will take place to ensure it meets safety and hygiene standards. Your well-being should always be a top priority.
Botox lip injections in Jacksonville, FL, offer a safe and effective way to achieve pout perfection. With experienced practitioners, state-of-the-art facilities, and a focus on personalized treatments, Jacksonville has become a premier destination for lip enhancement. If you're considering enhancing your lips, consult with a qualified practitioner in Jacksonville to discover how Botox lip injections can help you achieve the perfect pout you've always desired. Don't wait; your journey to pout perfection begins here in Jacksonville, FL.
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goongiveusnothing · 1 year
I’m the only one who thinks that he’s just sunburn in that balding area and that’s why it’s so red? 😭😭😭 I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s getting some treatment tho lol
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it's just he's been red in that area before at the gym, and just that area. then here it really does look swollen. it's practically bulging out of him like a goldfish head. you can see the triangles around his receding hairline in particular are affected.
knowing what we do about the little wiglet he wore to the masters plus all the other stuff he was doing beforehand, like deliberately changing his hairstyle so it fell in front of his face, getting his hair dyed darker to hide the grey hairs, constantly sharing photos with that area covered, getting botox. just seems like it makes sense that he's working on something there and is afraid his age is catching up with him.
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sayeedaqsa · 1 year
Top 7 Liposuction Centers In India
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Liposuction is a modern fat removal process that was invented by Arpad and Giorgio Fischer in the year 1975. Liposuction is the most common cosmetic surgery in the world that can remove Visceral fat surrounding the internal organs creating life-shortening diseases such as diabetes, strokes, and heart attack. Liposuction is performed through various natural processes and laser technology as per the accumulation of fat in the human body.
India is considered the best destination for ‘lipo’ surgery due to its diversified medical experts, availability of doctors, and availability of technology as the country offers affordable and quality liposuction in the treatment of lymphedema.
Not many people in the world can travel to western countries for treatment. India offers the best doctors and plastic surgery technology for Body reconstruction, beautification, shaping, and fat removal process from the body for people who are undergoing heart treatment or otherwise.
Techniques that are commonly used for liposuction are now advanced. Various techniques are being used to investigate and remove fats from the body to prevent disease and can be for plastic surgery.
The Fat is removed through a hollow tube Canulla and the aspirator uses a negative force fat suction process from a concerned area
Suction Assisted Liposuction or Suction assisted Lipectomy is often prescribed for overweight scenarios
Micro Cannula technique is for the diameter-based fat removal from your body
Lymph Sparing Liposuction or WAL requires cosmetic shaping knowledge spectrum
Tumescent Local Anesthesia is for lymph-sharing liposuction surgery to treat lipoedema
Water Jet Assisted Liposuction or WAL is used to apply a jet force to remove certain kinds of fat and is useful for lipoedema patients.
FLA or Fibro Lympho Lipo Aspiration follows a goal to complete the treatment for Advanced Lymphedema, remove pain symptoms, halt disease progression and improve quality of life.
UAL or Ultrasound-assisted Liposuction may be used for tissue damage due to ultraviolet, to remove difficult fat, to treat Gynecomastia or for more
Cryoliposis or Fat Freezing is registered under the brand Cool Sculpting non-surgical process that removes dead fat cells
Aftercare Sutures offers anti-wounds path solutions with a fluid.
Vaser Liposuction, Lipoplasty, or Liposculpture
The 4D sculpting is a miracle for plastic surgery requirements. You can shape your body and get rid of your fats at the same time. Indian medical system, Comfortable Hospitals, and Leisure clinics offer you all one destination with a 100 percent success rate.
Also, Read - Non-surgical Liposuction Cost in India - Procedure, Benefits
Liposuction In India
Liposuction in India is Cost-effective. India has wide options for treatment plans for various diseases through the process. India is one of the world’s biggest destinations for a medical tour due to its caregiving doctors. Lipo infrastructure and hospital space to stay safe management.
Uses of Liposuction
Liposuction helps cancer patients
Liposuction reduces the threats of heart attack, stroke, and diabetes
Liposuction help cosmetic, toxic fat removal, face beautification, and body reshaping causes
Liposuction removes unrequired fats and unusual fats from the body
Liposuction brings fitness to your life
Top 7 Liposuction Centers in India
1. Asian Centre for Aesthetic Surgery and Medicine, Faridabad
You can rely on the hospital as it offers an aesthetics surgical excellence facility. The place is a neat, clean ambiance with 425-bed, hospital. The center has a list of highly specialized skin specialists. The hospital has liposuction specialist doctors who have tremendous skills and equipment to enable you to get rid of unnecessary fats and complications. The hospital offers facelifts, Botox, facial implants, and Rhinoplasty
Address: Baikal Flyover Road, Sector – 21 A Faridabad – 121001, Haryana, India
Phone - +91 129 4253000
2. Asian Hospital, Kurla Mumbai
The Asian hospital provides new advantages and new precisions through robotic surgery mechanisms. The hospital offers the best doctors in the town with 250 beds on disposal. It is the best place to seek liposuction advice as it specializes in heart diseases. A new study shows that liposuction reduces the risk of heart disease. The hospital offers aesthetic and reconstructive surgery in a natural process. Uses liposuction therapies, abdominoplasty, maxilla facial cranioplasty, microsurgery, and more
Address: G Block BKC, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400051
Phone: 022 6698 6666
3. Columbia India Hospitals, Bangalore
Columbia India hospitals offer you the best choices when it comes to multispecialty and liposuction surgery in the country. It has 11 branches all across the country. The Columbia group of hospitals serves all purposes of multispecialty treatment. Liposuction surgery involves chin implants, laser skin surfacing, cry lipolysis, and more. The doctors are cooperative as the group also provides you with travel assistance or provide appropriate stay arrangements.
Address: Kirloskar Business Park, Bellary Rd, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560024
Phone: 080666 00666
4. Dr. Parag Telang Clinic, Mumbai
Dr. Parag Telang is considered the best cosmetic surgeon for his easy hands and caregiving attitude. He specializes in facial, non-facial cosmetic surgeries, tummy tuck surgery, rhinoplasty surgery breast, and other treatments. He is a Vaser liposuction technology expert.
He offers tummy tuck for weight reduction, anti-aging vampire facelift, max lift, chin surgery, and more.
Address: 401-402, Vastu Precinct, Opp Mercedes showroom, Sundervan, Lokhandwala Road, Andheri West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400053
Phone: 075067 10258
5. Kokilaben Hospital, Mumbai
Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital and Medical Research Institute is the best as it directly relates to the businessman in the country. It is the best multispecialty hospital in the town. It consists of 750 beds as you need an appointment in advance. Suction lipectomy is a specialty liposuction therapy, mammoplasty, labiaplasty, buttock lift, and more offered by the hospital.
Address: Kokilaben Hospital, Lokhandwala Complex Rd, Mudran Press Colony, Andheri West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400053
Phone: 022 3069 6969
6. Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai
The Tata branded hospital is considered the best Cancer and Heart disease research centre of the country. The hospital has a department of plastic surgery. It focusses in plastic, reconstructive and microvascular services.
Address: Dr Ernest Borges Rd, Parel East, Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400012
Phone: 022 2417 7000
7. Dr. Arindam Sarkar Clinic, Kolkata
Dr. Arindam Sarkar is the best cosmetic surgeon in the place. The location of the clinic gives you a space to stay and get treated through liposuction therapy or surgery.
The clinic offers abdominoplasty, anti-aging surgeries through laser treatment through chemical peels, fillers, Botox injection and more.
Address: Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Centre, 37B, Lansdowne Terrace, Chattopadhyay Road, Manoharpukur, Kalighat, Kolkata, West Bengal 700026
Phone: 098311 87557
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tidytexans · 2 years
Cleaning for Clarity
Howdy guys! 
I’m so excited to start this blog with you all! I have so many things in store to share with you! I’d like to first properly introduce myself. Which, in my hopes, will help you get to know me on another level & see why I do the things I do.
I wasn’t always a housekeeper. Ten years ago I was a master nail technician. I won awards and was featured in magazines for my art multiple times. I even taught others in the field as well. At the height of my career I unfortunately had a four wheeling accident that led me to develop cervical dystonia. 
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Cervical Dystonia is a rare, incurable muscle and neurological disorder that causes tremors, muscle spasms and the incapacity to move in certain ways. This unfortunately led to the end of my career as a nail technician. Fortunately though, with the treatments of Botox I have improved in certain areas. Although I can no longer do small detailed work like before, this has led to me becoming mentally stronger. 
In my early twenties, before becoming a nail technician, I worked cleaning houses around the area that I was living in. What was initially done for extra cash, was about to resurface again in my life, but this time I saw it with a new clarity. A different set of eyes you could say. Because I was about to experience it first hand.
I remember when I originally started doing “extreme cleans”, I would wonder to myself how anyone could live that way. I know that sounds horrible to say but I was young and didn’t see things for what they were. I couldn’t grasp it thoroughly because I looked at it more as a way to earn extra income. I didn’t see the people, I didn’t hear the stories. I was in and out and often hired by someone who didn’t share the details. However, after I was diagnosed with Cervical Dystonia, I found myself being extremely broken mentally. I started to decline in taking care of myself and almost completely gave up on my life. The last thing I thought about was cleaning. I was just thinking about how to not give up.
And then it just clicked. As much as this was tragic for me, it also humbled me. I thought about all those people that I had helped before. I was in their shoes now. And I stopped and looked around, and I was there, too. That is when I realized that I wanted to not just help people but I wanted to really make a difference. Being properly trained in chemicals, sanitation and disinfection, paired with my knowledge of self management from my nail tech career, I made the decision to start a new path. One of self healing while healing others. I no longer just empathize, I sympathize. 
When I started Tidy Texans in 2015, I knew I just didn’t want to be a “housekeeper”. I wanted to be someone that made a difference in people's lives. And while cleaning homes, I’m also cleansing not only their mental health but my own.
In my next series of posts, I’ll be discussing one of our pro bono cases and how Tidy Texans will be introducing a new roll out on an old policy. We’re thrilled for this and I’m even more thrilled to share it with you. So please stay tuned.
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